wispi's accents

Hawwah » Clan | Lair | Nesting Grounds

Hawwah's Clan
Clan Info

English is not my first language. Understand please!^^
Recent Comments

Player ID
Date Joined
Apr 8, 2015
Apr 8, 2015
Recent Forum Posts
Jan 04
Hawwah's Friends

ldj5745 (#47614)
Flam-Mama! I love you!
Flam-Mama! I love you!

JoStone (#46918)

LiSeiha (#47031)

eronim (#139051)

qew23 (#63564)
@'ω'@ [Korean, FR time +16]
@'ω'@ [Korean, FR time +16]

Zenoid (#44179)

Neuruppu (#67040)

astralite (#120137)

saha91 (#142664)
|GMT+9| Korean user
|GMT+9| Korean user

zlfkfk5rl (#137754)
Recent Activity
Sep 29
Became friends with Pictorch
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Jul 04
Earned: Level 10 Foraging
Reach a level of 10 in the Foraging skill.
Reach a level of 10 in the Foraging skill.
Jan 10
Earned: Level 30 Insect Catching
Reach a level of 30 in the Insect Catching skill.
Reach a level of 30 in the Insect Catching skill.
Recent Achievements
This user is currently active.
This user is currently idle.
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Please keep in mind that for player privacy reasons, we will not personally respond to you for this report, but it will be sent to us for review.
그 후로도 많은 아이들을 그렸져! 카페분들 아이들도 제 용용이들도 UU
심심하시면 인포 구경하러오세요오!