[official] 100kT Give & Get ~ NEW 10/14

Crescentstar711's Clan
Trying to swim in the ocean of life
Clan Info
Crossing the Sea of a Thousand Currents is a journey long and treacherous. Few dragons not of the Wind Flight have ever managed to do so in a single flight. Luckily for other dragons, various islands and atolls dot the Sea, especially around the Fishspine Reef. Further north, however, by the Leviathan Trench, is where it becomes perilous. Chilling winds blow from the west and an endless fog creeps from the north. It is common knowledge that what lies above the waves of the Trench is almost as dangerous as what is below the waves in this area that you find yourself. The winds are cold indeed and the fog blankets you so thickly that you can barely see your arm in front of your face. You fly low to avoid the far harsher winds that howl above, swerving out of the way of the occasional spire of rock that pierces the rough sea from the trench below. You try not to think of how deep that trench really is. As you fly, you notice the fog beginning to d i s s i p a t e. A dark shape is revealed, looming in the distance.
![]() Clan Emblem by nemodave any pronouns | demisexual | +3 hrs ahead Wishlist is with Galore! Clan goals/tasks Lair Theme Lair Stats Map of Island - The Tidelord's Tear by Kamirah Trompette's Ship - The Voyager Art by Zekrio ![]() |
You’ve no choice but to head towards it, the winds blowing in that direction. You notice that what you fly towards is an island of sorts. The winds eerily cease as you land softly on a small sandbar. Sheer rocky cliffs tower above you, dwarfing even the largest of dragons with their size. You spot an entrance to what appears to be a cavern nestled in along the cliffside not far off.
The cavern is strangely lit when you enter, and already it splits off in three different directions. You go through the middle one, noticing the size of the tunnels. A full-grown imperial could easily fit through. You hear a gentle whispering throughout the cavern and you attempt to follow its source. At last, you see a bright light ahead. Passing through the arched exit, the whispering stops. You emerge outside and what you see surprises you. Gone is the fog, quiet is the wind. The sun shines brightly above, illuminating the entire area. The ground is lush and green, plants growing everywhere, even climbing the cliff walls. You recognize a lot of them as those that grow in the Windswept Plateau. In the center of it all, a clear pool of water sits, not a single ripple disturbing its perfectly smooth surface.
Finally, you see her.
A stunning white and blue guardian stands before you, strange rune-like patterns lining her wings. Various dark silks adorn her form, held fast by silver adornments and her face is obscured by a large, white wolf pelt. She looks directly at you with deep, piercing blue eyes that seem to see right through you. In a serene, steady voice she speaks to you.
“Greetings, traveler. I have foreseen your arrival.”
(Big thanks to musicalmaladies)
The cavern is strangely lit when you enter, and already it splits off in three different directions. You go through the middle one, noticing the size of the tunnels. A full-grown imperial could easily fit through. You hear a gentle whispering throughout the cavern and you attempt to follow its source. At last, you see a bright light ahead. Passing through the arched exit, the whispering stops. You emerge outside and what you see surprises you. Gone is the fog, quiet is the wind. The sun shines brightly above, illuminating the entire area. The ground is lush and green, plants growing everywhere, even climbing the cliff walls. You recognize a lot of them as those that grow in the Windswept Plateau. In the center of it all, a clear pool of water sits, not a single ripple disturbing its perfectly smooth surface.
Finally, you see her.
A stunning white and blue guardian stands before you, strange rune-like patterns lining her wings. Various dark silks adorn her form, held fast by silver adornments and her face is obscured by a large, white wolf pelt. She looks directly at you with deep, piercing blue eyes that seem to see right through you. In a serene, steady voice she speaks to you.
“Greetings, traveler. I have foreseen your arrival.”
(Big thanks to musicalmaladies)

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Recent Comments

All of the dragons in your lair are so beautiful! Gave Cassandra a well-deserved like.

Kyogre was on the front page! what a cute fandragon

Just wanted to say I love your Okami fandragons! Still can't believe we're getting a sequel after all these years :)

I have to tell you how good your Yang fandragon is !! Also Neil took me down memory lane... never thought i'd come accross a To the moon fandragon in my life, it was such a good surprise !

Your profile is so beautiful and well-done! I really admire your creativity and dedication <3

Requiem was on the front page. Great outfit

Thanks, not to worry!

Your dragons are beautiful!

Nice fest entry(s)! 

Oh that would be much appreciated but I am super slow with getting currency these days so I don't want to make you hold her in vain. Can I PM you?

Super tempting ^^ if I make some sales I will definitely come back for her

Calypso (#39023610) is so beautiful!
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