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Tjally's Clan

Aspiring G1 collector
Ancient Lair
of the
Abiding Boneyard icon

Clan Info


Ahh, the scent of rotting fish drifting on the plague-ridden air... You can't mistake it. You're in Visrot territory now.

Clan History

The Visrot clan originally lived near a lake that supplied them with a steady source of fish, but this lake has long since dried up. The clan refuses to move, and its dragons have to fly further and further each day to catch the necessary amount of fish to keep everyone fed.
It is not uncommon for the lair to pile high with fish that is days (if not weeks) old, in an attempt to stockpile supplies. Several creative strains of disease have originated from the rotting stores.

With the lakes drying out, fishing became difficult, and the clan's Ridgebacks started leaving in high numbers. Slowly the clan's focus shifted from incubating new diseases for the plaguebringer, to the study of orphan dragons and their natural element.

About me

Hi! I like dragons, and I like G1s! I especially love to collect and 'refurbish' G1's that have been bred and used throughout their lifetime. My goal is to eventually adopt out all of my non-G1 dragons, and breed fodder using my refurbished dragons!

Underneath this blurb you can find a list of all the UMAs I own, as well as what I paid for them. They might not be for sale, and I will not sell them for their printing price, but you may always ask!

I want to eventually have a tab for each breed ( if FR even allows for that many tabs) Or to have tabs for all the different colours of G1's that I've collected and completed!

UMA receipts

If you want to buy one of these UMA's, I will not part with them for printing price unless otherwise stated!

Plague hounds M bought for 500g sold for 600g
Void Hounds bought for 500g
Rotten bones 900g
We have it all (???)G - assume 900
Daybreak Siren 2000g
Eek-Icarus-Sun 650g
Shadow of the sun - 500g
Rainbow Rock Candy - 750g
SeaShell Bog - 450g
Accent: Sparkles Coa F -350g
Merfolk UT skin- 750g
Lmn-Hiss in rose - 75 Strange chests (valued at 16g per chest at the time of purchase)
Sour Love & Loss - 500g
Accent: Radium Queen - 400g
Demon of the depths - 850g
Evenfall- 900g
I see through you - 550g
follow the wind -850g
Wonderscape - 850g
Mercefairy M - 600g sold again for 600g
Jelliecatcher - 400g
DDD-gu -650g (out of print)
WTT Overload Beta -550g
Paint splatter imp male - 400kt
Sunrise tropics - 1500g
Sunset Astros aether m - 500g
Light bug - 500 g
With the band -500g
lab safety -500g
heraldofsunshine - 650g
Astral setsun aether f - 500g
To the metal - 500g
Tailgate - 500g
Paeonia -1200g (limited)
summer nights -1000g
moisturised, thriving - 850 g
shivoo trance - 350g
rave reverie - 350 g
jester and a clown -1000g
slime tutorials - 500g
coral queen - 600g
coral king - 600g
rainbow frills -400g
NEON DEVIL. SAND F -500g sold for 600g
Barkbound Sequoia - 500g
Eidothea - 1000g
Space mumps - 550g
activation - 350g
augmented heartraver - 650 g worth of food points (32 meat stacks +11 insect stacks)
The Horror (wind) -800g
Classic rose - 1000g
Eyeburner revolution - 750 g
the horror (fire) - 800g
eyes on the inside - 900g
Eye see you - 400g
Opal veins - Undertide F - 350g
immortalised angel -850g
spring sage - 550g
foundry loyalties - 250kt + 250g
lmn frizzy petals denim - 660g
Rainboa f - 500g
rainboa m - 500g
Skin: bisection method -850g
Voidsplash 500g
Voidspill 500g
Thomas real - 500g
fruity banana shake! -850g
sunset grains 850g
puppy -850 g
smelted glimmer - 800g
stained glass imperial -850 g
tree.jpg 800g
brazen movements 500g
prismatic steampunk tundra h 650g
the littlest clown 400g
copper steamkid -650g
constantan steamkid -650g
All That Glitters Is Greed -1200g
paint gremlin 500g
Accent: Warmwater Friends CH -450g
Thriller rag 800g
left in ruin - 850g
kakusei - 850g
222!24 - 675g
Chromatic crack - 700g cancelled the order due to having to pre pay
deep secrets - 850g
mermaid shimmer -950g
tear it down - 500g
raze the roof -500g
hefring - 550g
lagoondrake -600g
white tea - 850g
stellar rifts - 500g
solar rifts- 500g
viridian rifts - 500g
somnia - 550g
sylvia - 550g
Vision of tomorrow -850g
persistence of memory - 500g
we see it so - 550g
Strange Skies - 850g

fuchsia/stained - pretty combo! No G1 of it on the site yet


Shopping list for the Pink Obelisk G1's

- Obelisk Breed change 2x
- Modern Jaguar
- Modern Capsule 2x
- Modern Morph
- Modern Flaunt
- Modern Marbled
-aaa. holy carp #39142 UMA (last seen in ah at 1500g/kt
-Accent: Opal Splash F (550g, bought for starfallings who was low on gems. nfs )
- Abberration Accent: dust, into nothing (for muctoplasm)

Choose accent for Mossayes mate:
- Accent: Enlightened Green (obelisk f)
- Accent: Orange flowerpatch (obelisk f)
- Accent: Mossy Obelisk

Gifting tree wishlist

- 2 to 3 stacks of food (for melting!)
- 20kt worth of cheap appael (for melting!)
- Red goo or purple sludge
- 15-20kt worth of familiars (for melting!)

- Familiars I don't already own, worth 35kt
- 35g
- A breeding pair of two common dragon breeds (Genes/colours don't matter)
- 5-6 adult dragons ( will be used as fodder )

- Any XXY, XYX, or YXX G1 dragon
- Unhatched egg
- Stained gene
- Soap gene
- Iridescent gene
- Wildclaw breed change
- Nocturne breed change
- Bogsneak egg or breed change

Wishlist for the weird mirror G1 girl
- Accent: Obsidian Amendments #28485
- Accent: Shedding Season #20166
- Accent: Poisonous 29817

I won a giveaway on the OO sevrer by Tay#0867 who goes by Kaichoukai on FR. The raffle was held in Januari 2023, and the prize was never given :'C

Recent Comments

v0idgunk's avatar
February 26, 2025 02:40:15
lmao thanks the walls ooze green slime in my head
v0idgunk's avatar
February 26, 2025 02:24:59
encrinite made the front page! love the skin/gene plan
LadyBee's avatar
January 30, 2025 07:29:07
Azusa was featured on the front page!
bookmanofbook's avatar
January 05, 2025 19:24:13
Fiodd was front!!
StarDog's avatar
December 09, 2024 16:42:43
Daffodil is absolutely lovely! Happened upon her while g1 searching :)
kessamyth's avatar
August 22, 2024 13:35:39
Ajala was on the front page!
Carvanha's avatar
July 21, 2024 12:49:19
Kaldurahm was on the Random Dragon!
PocketPotato's avatar
July 09, 2024 16:36:00
thank you :)!
Kobli's avatar
July 09, 2024 15:25:51
Thanks for the nice words! You have so many pretty dragons to get inspiration from!
idlewildly's avatar
July 09, 2024 08:44:46
Thank you very much! Masunai is also lovely!
Narlord's avatar
December 17, 2023 09:57:28
Shield was on the front page!
Untrust's avatar
October 01, 2023 19:28:07
Sahne was on the front page!
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Recent Activity

Mar 10
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Banescale Male, 2 Banescale Female
Mar 09
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Fathom Female, 1 Fathom Male
Mar 08
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Fathom Male, 2 Fathom Female

Recent Achievements

Jan 17
Aaaaand... Scene (250)
Jan 12
Grounded for Life
Jan 03
Bug Borrowing Baron (20000)
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