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anhbon921's Clan

Well hello there good lookin' ♥
Ancient Lair
near the
Beacon of the Radiant Eye icon

Clan Info


Accents waiting to receive:
Abyssal Phantom paid


skyferia Titan
white_rose930 Froggy
franticrat dragonwing


Gather guide: http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/gde/1091175
New Lace Swipp:

Calla me - http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/skin/982833/142

Gen1 sales center: http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1016744/1355

Vocab thread! :D


Pay Froggy back 285,200

Ping list for Egg hatch:
FancyNames :)

Link for sniping shop - http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=mb&board=ibaz&id=1317126&page=1

Thread for gem sales: http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/ibaz/1527606

Dom watch thread:

#LightFlight IRC [Flight Chat!]:


gathering -

Wish List:

(Familiars :D)
- any familiars that I don't have c:

- Lightrunes
- Lightburst Flora :3
- Gilded Metalworker
- Roots
- Any pastel, gold, user made accents. :D
- Any 2013/2014 festival accents/skins

These are just wishful desires XD
- Boneyard tatters
- Druidic Armband
- Whirlwind Armband

Recent Comments

trippybaby's avatar
July 05, 2021 22:52:21
Sapphira was on the front page! :)
UserOfShadows' avatar
July 05, 2021 22:51:55
Sapphira was on the front page, that skin is absolutely gorgeous on her!
Holes' avatar
April 11, 2018 00:56:14
Virida was on the front page, very lovely!
Xairathan's avatar
February 21, 2017 21:21:40
-rubs my G1 hatching luck on you-
Inkwell's avatar
February 09, 2017 18:12:00
Hi! Chime was on the front page and I just wanted to say how lovely he is! What a good use of an accent and minimal apparel. Your other dragons are all really beautiful too. Congrats on your lair friendo
Craneoflores' avatar
February 09, 2017 18:11:41
Chime was on the front page, very pretty skin!
fenshae's avatar
January 25, 2017 18:49:03
:D :D :D Thank you for remembering me, tbh!
fenshae's avatar
January 25, 2017 18:21:59
Oh hey, thank you! I'm so, so excited!
Fie's avatar
December 14, 2016 11:17:37
Ramanth's avatar
December 09, 2016 17:23:07
You're welcome and I just noticed Ramoth! I love Pern! ^_^
Valarjar's avatar
December 04, 2016 06:38:33
Sebastian was on the front page!!
Ramanth's avatar
December 04, 2016 06:36:13
Sebastian was on the front page! He and your lair are lovely! ^_^
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Date Joined
Nov 17, 2014

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anhbon921's Friends

rachelkay914's avatar
rachelkay914 (#110299)
maybeff's avatar
maybeff (#95084)
grandpoppy's avatar
grandpoppy (#95058)

cmon.. it's grandpoppy.. u HAVE 2 lov her....
themessengers1's avatar
themessengers1 (#116627)
DuskDream's avatar
DuskDream (#94971)

Dusk/Rai :: she/they
chachagirl919's avatar
chachagirl919 (#76465)
LadyDarjeeling's avatar
LadyDarjeeling (#68866)

If I were a dragon I would hoard tea tins.
Arintol's avatar
Arintol (#54878)

My dragons are starving, but I'm here...sometimes :')
HonestMagpie's avatar
HonestMagpie (#80310)

It takes talent to terrify under the guise of Light.
Wrenten's avatar
Wrenten (#91109)

here I stand with my dragon clan

Recent Activity

Aug 13
Became friends with Eragonaragorn
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
May 28
Became friends with ThatGodCat
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Mar 11
Became friends with Frecklez
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.

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