What's your favorite familiar?
Natron's Clan
violent carrots
Clan Info
- pls no random friend requests without at least some sort of communication! - open to chatting - if a dragon has a scry and an outfit, they are very likely not for sale - in case you are interested in one of my dragons, let me know and I'll make sure to contact you first if I end up selling them |
- ping 209877 if selling Amentit - ping 404375 if selling Akhekh - ping 231587 if selling Hensektit - ping 466589 if selling Herit Remen - ping 53305 if selling Sebek Her - ping 35464 if selling Aa Pehti Petpet Khaskhet - ping 343786 if selling Aat Aru - ping 148251 if selling Sepa - message 438853 if selling Neb Ankh |
Recent Comments
I saw that the ID read "41309" (not just The Number, but also the year Homesuck started) and that the colors were a pretty good fit, and... I couldn't resist xD
I just saw it got 21 likes somehow LOL
Hi Natron! I just wanted to say.. as a Nature lair, I find your lair to be incredibly inspiring. Your dragons are always so beautifully dressed and gened. Keep up the amazing work!
Renenutet was on the front page!!! Love her accent and chimkens
The phenomenal Muit was on the front page!! How stunning <3
your lair is BEAUTIFUL, i'm blown away!
Thank you so much! 8D she's got enough eyes to see ALL the stars she gets, even if they're only in your thoughts due to technical constraints. 1 star = 1 new eye growing somewhere on her body to wink appreciatively at you.
Saw the new pot apparel and immediately thought of you lol xD
thank you! that particular redraw meme is a source of endless joy
THANK YOU!!! <3 you just reminded me to change the link in my signature to her lol
Tepit can I have some straw...
eee, thank you!! i love your plan for yours too :D
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