

Make Flight Rising better by sharing your ideas!
TOPIC | Change a Nest's Element
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[quote=Surreal]However, I would support (if it can be coded) a option "Nest swap option" being added to the crossroads. Basically it would allow, for example, Earth and Fire player to swap (for the duration of growth of one clutch) one of their nests. Earth player's dragons would breed and lay eggs in the swapped Fire nest (and Earth paler would still have to be the one who would have to go and incubate them) while the revers would be done in their nest.[/quote] ^ That sounds a lot safer than sending off a precious stud dragon but still encouraging players interacting with one another and keeping the chance to do this open to everybody C:
Surreal wrote:
However, I would support (if it can be coded) a option "Nest swap option" being added to the crossroads.
Basically it would allow, for example, Earth and Fire player to swap (for the duration of growth of one clutch) one of their nests.
Earth player's dragons would breed and lay eggs in the swapped Fire nest (and Earth paler would still have to be the one who would have to go and incubate them) while the revers would be done in their nest.
^ That sounds a lot safer than sending off a precious stud dragon but still encouraging players interacting with one another and keeping the chance to do this open to everybody C:
I support this sooooooooooooooo much. I think SOMETHING absolutely needs to be done about this issue, knowing my dragons will always have pink eyes is really putting me off breeding for myself, and I really love pink!! I feel awful for people who joined flights whose colours they aren't so fond of. This seems like the perfect solution that doesn't involve changing Flights or hiding the dragon's element with contacts.

I couldn't care less about the lore so idk if the people saying it doesn't really make sense are right or not but I don't see how it makes less sense than having dragons of other elements living in your clan?? Even if it doesn't really make sense I don't think it would be too hard to find an explanation that would work and I think it would definitely be worth it.

As far as price and availability go I don't think it should be too hard to get and I think it should be guaranteed to work and be a permanent change to the nest (that could be overwritten by using another item on the same nest.) It should be more expensive than just buying a cheap dragon (so people aren't changing their nests every time they want a dragon of a specific flight instead of buying one from another user) but I also think it should be an reasonably achievable goal for anyone (including newer players) who wants the option to breed dragons with different eyes.

I don't want to change my flight (the eye colours I like most are Shadow and Ice and no thank you to those flights lol) but I would definitely like the option to breed dragons with different eyes. Before I read this I actually thought that a baby's flight was dependent on the flights of it's parents, not the nest used, and I'm really disappointed to find that isn't the case!! That could be another potential solution, if changing the nests element isn't something the site wants to be possible, but I think this idea is better.
I support this sooooooooooooooo much. I think SOMETHING absolutely needs to be done about this issue, knowing my dragons will always have pink eyes is really putting me off breeding for myself, and I really love pink!! I feel awful for people who joined flights whose colours they aren't so fond of. This seems like the perfect solution that doesn't involve changing Flights or hiding the dragon's element with contacts.

I couldn't care less about the lore so idk if the people saying it doesn't really make sense are right or not but I don't see how it makes less sense than having dragons of other elements living in your clan?? Even if it doesn't really make sense I don't think it would be too hard to find an explanation that would work and I think it would definitely be worth it.

As far as price and availability go I don't think it should be too hard to get and I think it should be guaranteed to work and be a permanent change to the nest (that could be overwritten by using another item on the same nest.) It should be more expensive than just buying a cheap dragon (so people aren't changing their nests every time they want a dragon of a specific flight instead of buying one from another user) but I also think it should be an reasonably achievable goal for anyone (including newer players) who wants the option to breed dragons with different eyes.

I don't want to change my flight (the eye colours I like most are Shadow and Ice and no thank you to those flights lol) but I would definitely like the option to breed dragons with different eyes. Before I read this I actually thought that a baby's flight was dependent on the flights of it's parents, not the nest used, and I'm really disappointed to find that isn't the case!! That could be another potential solution, if changing the nests element isn't something the site wants to be possible, but I think this idea is better.
As an addendum, it might be useful in the future to advise new members that in addition to being stuck with whatever element they choose, their hatchlings' eye colours will always represent their nest element. That was something I wasn't aware of when I picked my Clan (not that it would have majorly swayed me), but it would have been nice to know. Unless I completely overlooked something?

I do think it's a tad sad that I'll only keep hatching orange-eyed dragons (save for when I find one of those insanely rare unhatched eggs somewhere), even if it makes sense lore-wise. And as it was mentioned in other threads, for now the community may be small enough for everyone to trust one another with breeding at each other's nest, but eventually that might no longer apply.

I am not entirely sure whether to support this or not. I'm too much in character to consider having, for example, an ice nest in my fiery lava pits, but out of character I think it's awesome.
As an addendum, it might be useful in the future to advise new members that in addition to being stuck with whatever element they choose, their hatchlings' eye colours will always represent their nest element. That was something I wasn't aware of when I picked my Clan (not that it would have majorly swayed me), but it would have been nice to know. Unless I completely overlooked something?

I do think it's a tad sad that I'll only keep hatching orange-eyed dragons (save for when I find one of those insanely rare unhatched eggs somewhere), even if it makes sense lore-wise. And as it was mentioned in other threads, for now the community may be small enough for everyone to trust one another with breeding at each other's nest, but eventually that might no longer apply.

I am not entirely sure whether to support this or not. I'm too much in character to consider having, for example, an ice nest in my fiery lava pits, but out of character I think it's awesome.
I find myself in favor with @Surreal's idea. The whole point of a social site like this is to be social. With a mechanic that encourages communication between flights, I think it would just strengthen FR's sense of community.

If the only way to change a nest's orientation was through an item(a super rare/pricy one at that), my concern would be that the players that control the flow of currency in the game would just be buying and selling them to each other. Which...that's fine for them because it'd be a nice profit. However, for players who don't have the means or funds, it takes that opportunity away from them.

As an additive, I do think it's important to inform players of the different perks, benefits and cons involved in their flight, including the eye color deal. I personally don't plan on changing flights, eye color or not. But I'm sure other players would take that into consideration before joining a flight.
I find myself in favor with @Surreal's idea. The whole point of a social site like this is to be social. With a mechanic that encourages communication between flights, I think it would just strengthen FR's sense of community.

If the only way to change a nest's orientation was through an item(a super rare/pricy one at that), my concern would be that the players that control the flow of currency in the game would just be buying and selling them to each other. Which...that's fine for them because it'd be a nice profit. However, for players who don't have the means or funds, it takes that opportunity away from them.

As an additive, I do think it's important to inform players of the different perks, benefits and cons involved in their flight, including the eye color deal. I personally don't plan on changing flights, eye color or not. But I'm sure other players would take that into consideration before joining a flight.
15581.png Elsewhere
She |

FR + 2
i just want to build you up, build you up till you're good as new and maybe one day
i will get around to fixing myself too

Adopts | FA | Lorwolf | RP Hub

Not in support for reasons previously mentioned. However I would be in support of a thorough explanation of what choosing your flight entails for new users rather than essentially having to find out themselves and being upset since they are limited to the one account
Not in support for reasons previously mentioned. However I would be in support of a thorough explanation of what choosing your flight entails for new users rather than essentially having to find out themselves and being upset since they are limited to the one account
Big evil logical meanieface
This feels like a tricky issue. On one hand, I love the idea of flight solidary and being stuck to one flight. It's picking a faction, and I'm cool with that. On the other - not enough explanation is given to state the impact of a Flight on the dragons. I initially picked Wind because I liked the description of the Flight. Had I realized that *every single hatchling* I would produce hence would have green eyes and could only use Wind spells I would have never gone for the option. I hate green and I'd change my flight in a heartbeat if allowed.

The problem is then compounded by the fact you get *one* account with no option of change. From a business perspective, this is going to lose people. This entire game is, to an extent, all about aesthetics, and this is a crucial aspect. Some people will just get frustrated and then not play again. A further problem I can see is that if people *do* want to stay but despise their flight and don't trust other players, is that they're going to simply create a second (or more!) account to get the eye colour they want. That also goes against the spirit of the game.

Essentially let me sum up the problems as I see it:
  • Eye colours won't change because of the vision for the game
  • However, not enough information is given on the impact of a flight selection
  • In a game based on aesthetics getting this right is crucial. A player could be lost because of disliking something that can't be changed.
  • Making it 'easy' to obtain different eye colors will cheapen the effect of the Flights
  • But if the option to change isn't given, what's to stop players cheapening it anyway by just making more accounts?

So, solution? I'm definitely a fan of the 'option to change *once*'. This solves the problems in that a) you retain the Flight solidarity by severely limiting the times you can change and b) players who didn't understand how this works will have a second chance, which generates good will towards the game and the incentive to stay.

This could also be done a once-off, short term grant to existing players, in the same update that changes the 'Pick Your Flight' page to state exactly what the impact of choosing a flight is. Result - Flight solidarity preserved, new players understand exactly what they're in for, old players are given the boon of being allowed to adjust once for earlier mistakes.
This feels like a tricky issue. On one hand, I love the idea of flight solidary and being stuck to one flight. It's picking a faction, and I'm cool with that. On the other - not enough explanation is given to state the impact of a Flight on the dragons. I initially picked Wind because I liked the description of the Flight. Had I realized that *every single hatchling* I would produce hence would have green eyes and could only use Wind spells I would have never gone for the option. I hate green and I'd change my flight in a heartbeat if allowed.

The problem is then compounded by the fact you get *one* account with no option of change. From a business perspective, this is going to lose people. This entire game is, to an extent, all about aesthetics, and this is a crucial aspect. Some people will just get frustrated and then not play again. A further problem I can see is that if people *do* want to stay but despise their flight and don't trust other players, is that they're going to simply create a second (or more!) account to get the eye colour they want. That also goes against the spirit of the game.

Essentially let me sum up the problems as I see it:
  • Eye colours won't change because of the vision for the game
  • However, not enough information is given on the impact of a flight selection
  • In a game based on aesthetics getting this right is crucial. A player could be lost because of disliking something that can't be changed.
  • Making it 'easy' to obtain different eye colors will cheapen the effect of the Flights
  • But if the option to change isn't given, what's to stop players cheapening it anyway by just making more accounts?

So, solution? I'm definitely a fan of the 'option to change *once*'. This solves the problems in that a) you retain the Flight solidarity by severely limiting the times you can change and b) players who didn't understand how this works will have a second chance, which generates good will towards the game and the incentive to stay.

This could also be done a once-off, short term grant to existing players, in the same update that changes the 'Pick Your Flight' page to state exactly what the impact of choosing a flight is. Result - Flight solidarity preserved, new players understand exactly what they're in for, old players are given the boon of being allowed to adjust once for earlier mistakes.
2015_10_13_raj4.png Help Me Find Faether!
GMT (+8 FR)
To be honest, I don't support this for reasons already stated. =/
It kinda would destroy the whole element idea. And even if you can't breed your favourite eye color - I actually know this feeling, because arcane eyes are definitely not my favorites! ;) - you can still have dragons of each element in your lair. I feel like the possibility of buying and trading for other elements is already enough to ensure you get a dragon with certain eyes =)
But that's just me of course.
To be honest, I don't support this for reasons already stated. =/
It kinda would destroy the whole element idea. And even if you can't breed your favourite eye color - I actually know this feeling, because arcane eyes are definitely not my favorites! ;) - you can still have dragons of each element in your lair. I feel like the possibility of buying and trading for other elements is already enough to ensure you get a dragon with certain eyes =)
But that's just me of course.
ShDdjsG.gif ---
H I D D E N • S A N C T U M
"I circle around God, around the ancient tower,
and I have circled for thousands of years ..."
I'd support something like this, though I am inclined to have it always be one-use-only.

As a bonus, it will cut down on dragon-lending, which we're not supposed to be doing.
I'd support something like this, though I am inclined to have it always be one-use-only.

As a bonus, it will cut down on dragon-lending, which we're not supposed to be doing.


everything happens so much


I'm a fire person and I like my Flight, but had I known that every baby I'd ever hatch would have orange eyes, I would've picked Wind or Light instead. If Flight changing ends up getting scrapped, being able to change a nest's element would be a great alternative. 'u'

I'm a fire person and I like my Flight, but had I known that every baby I'd ever hatch would have orange eyes, I would've picked Wind or Light instead. If Flight changing ends up getting scrapped, being able to change a nest's element would be a great alternative. 'u'
PB-logo-transparent1.png gem.png Ashes | F
gem.png +4h FR time
gem.png Feel free to ping me!
This seems like a very money-sinky, band-aid solution to the problem players are having, and would allow a single player to breed dragons of several elements at once (which I believe isn't the intention? Not sure).

While it might be fun as an additional option, I don't at all find it a suitable replacement solution to the not-happy-with-flight and not-happy-with-eye-color problems. I'd much prefer a full flight change, or a permanent change to ALL nests to a chosen element (like moving the lair to a different location, lore-wise) for those.
This seems like a very money-sinky, band-aid solution to the problem players are having, and would allow a single player to breed dragons of several elements at once (which I believe isn't the intention? Not sure).

While it might be fun as an additional option, I don't at all find it a suitable replacement solution to the not-happy-with-flight and not-happy-with-eye-color problems. I'd much prefer a full flight change, or a permanent change to ALL nests to a chosen element (like moving the lair to a different location, lore-wise) for those.
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