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TOPIC | What would you do with 1M?
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Boring, but sensible. I’d do that too, I’d get a comfortable house that suits my needs and just live comfortably without spending too much. Uh… mostly. I’d have to spend load of it on some expensive large collectors figurines I dream of owning (mostly spyro ones)
Boring, but sensible. I’d do that too, I’d get a comfortable house that suits my needs and just live comfortably without spending too much. Uh… mostly. I’d have to spend load of it on some expensive large collectors figurines I dream of owning (mostly spyro ones)
buy some land, build a ranch and a nice house, get a couple of cows and a horse or two. live out the rest of my life in peace and solitude
buy some land, build a ranch and a nice house, get a couple of cows and a horse or two. live out the rest of my life in peace and solitude
id be scared to spend it, in case I really need it some time

might just use it to pay medical bills tbh
id be scared to spend it, in case I really need it some time

might just use it to pay medical bills tbh
buy a house, pay so my partner can move in with me, then buy things that my friends and i need. save the rest of it.
buy a house, pay so my partner can move in with me, then buy things that my friends and i need. save the rest of it.
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I’d buy a home up in the mountains here!!
Pay off my University loan and then put some money aside. I’d also donate a fair bit to a charity-
I’d buy a home up in the mountains here!!
Pay off my University loan and then put some money aside. I’d also donate a fair bit to a charity-
Donate a fair amount to charity, travel the world, and get books. Lots of books.
Donate a fair amount to charity, travel the world, and get books. Lots of books.

Please read the bios/broadcast messages of my dragons before referring to them! Many of them have genders other than what they were assigned by the game :)
Oh man.... I'd definitely buy a comfy house and a few acres of land, give my snakes the best enclosures possible, let myself take a breather before I start seriously investing into becoming a freelance artist and probably then just... save the rest for misc. hobbies and expenses. Probably help out a couple of friends as well.
Oh man.... I'd definitely buy a comfy house and a few acres of land, give my snakes the best enclosures possible, let myself take a breather before I start seriously investing into becoming a freelance artist and probably then just... save the rest for misc. hobbies and expenses. Probably help out a couple of friends as well.
Nocta | she/they | +10 FR time
"Even in the darkest of times, there is always hope."
be paralyzed with the anxiety of somehow losing it or not spending it wisely or it being stolen.

fr tho i'd get a financial advisor and invest most of it hoping to turn it into more money.

i'd tell my mom to quit her job so she can retire and then i'd take her on a nice vacation.

other than that i'm not sure. i dont know what i want. like a lot of things sound good to have but everything has drawbacks and youre saying yes to the negatives when you accept something into your life.

maybe i'd move to amsterdam and party every night. maybe i'd move somewhere rural and beautiful and buy a horse. maybe id just stay where i am.
be paralyzed with the anxiety of somehow losing it or not spending it wisely or it being stolen.

fr tho i'd get a financial advisor and invest most of it hoping to turn it into more money.

i'd tell my mom to quit her job so she can retire and then i'd take her on a nice vacation.

other than that i'm not sure. i dont know what i want. like a lot of things sound good to have but everything has drawbacks and youre saying yes to the negatives when you accept something into your life.

maybe i'd move to amsterdam and party every night. maybe i'd move somewhere rural and beautiful and buy a horse. maybe id just stay where i am.
i would panic honestly i have no idea??? maybe move maybe not, probably invest or save and buy random stuff all the time.. OH AND I'D TRANSITION i forgot i cld do that ngl. ope
i would panic honestly i have no idea??? maybe move maybe not, probably invest or save and buy random stuff all the time.. OH AND I'D TRANSITION i forgot i cld do that ngl. ope
i love trans people forever
ping me
Go to graduate school, save/invest the rest
Go to graduate school, save/invest the rest
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