
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | FLIGHT RISING...? [Lineage] Sales!!
[img][/img] [center][size=6][color=#7EC8E3][b]FLIGHT RISING... ?[/b][/size] [size=2]A Lineage Project[/center] [img][/img] [center][url=]Rules [/url]| [url=]Lore [/url]| [url=]Registry [/url]| [url=]Sales [/url]| [url=]Pinglist [/url]| [url=]Affiliates [/url]| [url=]Badges[/url][/center] [img][/img] [center][i]If I told you that we were in a [b]simulation[/b]... and I was living proof of such a claim, would you believe me?[/i] Welcome to Flight Rising.[/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] You see a strange Pearlcatcher before you, with a band of even stranger children. They introduce themselves, all with strikingly add names. What in the world does "Clan Profile" even mean? "Messages"? Must be a courier, you suppose. This dragon, "Clan", however, does not take you lightly as you chuckle at the odd names. With a serious face, he tells you that you are ignorant, and truth is lost to you. As you go back to your lair to have a bite out of your clan's food storage, you raise your snout slightly to see his face. Staring at you. Yet, he dissipates the moment you are done. Who... [i]are [/i]you... ?[/columns] [size=2][i]Everytime you eat, everytime you move, everytime you go off to the training fields... he is there. Silent, and watching.[/i][/size] [img][/img] [center][size=4][b]What is all of this?[/b][/size][/center] As you take a closer look into it all, you see familiarities. Through the 4th wall, there are dragon's pulling the strings, staring at you, the player. You take a gander at the site's sidebar- they are flashing with the faces of these pearlcatcher's, hauntingly so, be not so quick to judge them, though. [center][size=2]They only wish to help you. Keep a close eye on NestingGrounds though... you've had plenty a [b]wegg [/b]before you can even think to trust [i]him[/i].[/size][/center] [center][size=4][b]How exactly do they help us?[/b][/size][/center] Pay attention to their names. Clan and his children are each responsible for a function within the site. You are giving a friendly boop to the associated dragon to do a task for you as you click on a tab within the sidebar. You may even catch a glimpse of them- if you look closely, anyway. Clan's lineage and his grandchildren will be what help fuels their power to help the dragons of sornieth, and it all starts with you. [size=2]Has a tab on the sidebar disappeared or been misplaced? My apologies, Clan must have been moving his precious children around in his lair. Please wait a minute or two for this problem to resolve! If it persists, please contact Clan and he will help you. Consider sending a courier, as well, if you are shy.[/size] [center][size=4][b]How are my dragons affected?[/b][/size][/center] Your dragons are only affected if you adopt a hatchling and introduce it to your lair. You may be feeling a twinge of additional luck, or a looming malicious presence. So long as you don't tell your dragons the truth... they should be fine. Whatever you do, do not talk to your dragons. Do not walk through the wall. [b]Do not let them see you. [/b] [size=2]The babies you adopt will get along well with your dragons! They do well in families and with children. Please be careful and educate them on what to say and what not to say to the rest of the clan however, you could break your dragons minds. Mind breaking may result in random exaltations, beware.[/size]
A Lineage Project


If I told you that we were in a simulation... and I was living proof of such a claim, would you believe me?

Welcome to Flight Rising.

70000707_350.png You see a strange Pearlcatcher before you, with a band of even stranger children. They introduce themselves, all with strikingly add names. What in the world does "Clan Profile" even mean? "Messages"? Must be a courier, you suppose. This dragon, "Clan", however, does not take you lightly as you chuckle at the odd names. With a serious face, he tells you that you are ignorant, and truth is lost to you. As you go back to your lair to have a bite out of your clan's food storage, you raise your snout slightly to see his face. Staring at you. Yet, he dissipates the moment you are done. Who... are you... ?

Everytime you eat, everytime you move, everytime you go off to the training fields... he is there. Silent, and watching.


What is all of this?

As you take a closer look into it all, you see familiarities. Through the 4th wall, there are dragon's pulling the strings, staring at you, the player. You take a gander at the site's sidebar- they are flashing with the faces of these pearlcatcher's, hauntingly so, be not so quick to judge them, though.
They only wish to help you. Keep a close eye on NestingGrounds though... you've had plenty a wegg before you can even think to trust him.

How exactly do they help us?

Pay attention to their names. Clan and his children are each responsible for a function within the site. You are giving a friendly boop to the associated dragon to do a task for you as you click on a tab within the sidebar. You may even catch a glimpse of them- if you look closely, anyway. Clan's lineage and his grandchildren will be what help fuels their power to help the dragons of sornieth, and it all starts with you.

Has a tab on the sidebar disappeared or been misplaced? My apologies, Clan must have been moving his precious children around in his lair. Please wait a minute or two for this problem to resolve! If it persists, please contact Clan and he will help you. Consider sending a courier, as well, if you are shy.

How are my dragons affected?

Your dragons are only affected if you adopt a hatchling and introduce it to your lair. You may be feeling a twinge of additional luck, or a looming malicious presence. So long as you don't tell your dragons the truth... they should be fine. Whatever you do, do not talk to your dragons. Do not walk through the wall. Do not let them see you.

The babies you adopt will get along well with your dragons! They do well in families and with children. Please be careful and educate them on what to say and what not to say to the rest of the clan however, you could break your dragons minds. Mind breaking may result in random exaltations, beware.
[img][/img] [center][size=6][color=#7EC8E3][b]Rules and FAQ[/b][/size][/center] [img][/img] [center][url=]Rules [/url]| [url=]Lore [/url]| [url=]Registry [/url]| [url=]Sales [/url]| [url=]Pinglist [/url]| [url=]Affiliates [/url]| [url=]Badges[/url][/center] [size=1]Disclaimer: This is a joke lineage, and it should come to no surprise that these dragons don't [b]actually [/b]do anything, or replace the devs. This is meant to be an [b]ARG-inspired[/b] lineage. Play along with it, have fun.[/size] [LIST=1] [*] I [b]cannot sell[/b] hatchlings from Clan. As you can tell from his offspring list, it's supposed to be organized in a certain way. Distributing direct hatchlings of Clan means the person can exalt/rename them, and I don't want that! [*] Hatchlings born from Clan's children (his grandchildren so to speak) will be available to adopt. Some will be free, some will cost money, depending on overal appearance and quality of the hatchlings. This lineage is meant to be diverse, so hatchlings will look different from one another! [*] Once you obtain a hatchling, it is suggested you breed it first before exalting/reselling. You can sell any hatchlings you breed for whatever amount you want. Gifting to newer players is always a big plus, though. [*] Please post here to register any hatchlings you hatched on your own! [*] Please request me to breed a dragon who you want hatchlings from, I will not be breeding older children of Clan unless explicitly asked to, as hatchlings from later on down the line will be more in demand. [*] Please do not say something along the lines of "this doesn't actually happen" or "this is fake", it ruins the fun. [*] Please do not claim that the hatchling you adopted has any real power on the site. Your dragons will suffer. [*] If you don't want 4th wall breaking in your lore, that's fine! The hatchling you adopt can simple do it's task in a lore friendly way that fits within your lair. Fundamentally however, their origins remain the same and cannot be changed. [*] It is suggested hatchlings have a name related to their task. A child of NestingGrounds, for example, would be named something like "Caretaker", "Babysitter", "Momma/Papa", etc. There is room for defectors, under certain circumstances though, and can be named differently then. [*] If you want to be on a pinglist, please post a request here. [*] Please don't buy hatchlings at low prices with the sole intention to exalt/make a profit. I will refrain from selling to you in the future and raise prices of future hatchlings if it becomes a concurrent problem. Obviously I can't tell you "don't exalt ever", it's about people coming here to find fodder. (This also applies to flipping) [/LIST] [img][/img] [center][size=6][b]FAQ[/b][/size][/center] [b]Q:[/b] [b]Can I sell this g3+ hatchling? Should I give it to you so you can post it in your sales?[/b] [i]A:[/i] Sell any dragons you have from the lineage, as long as you're not buying one from me to immediately sell at a higher price (this is called flipping) do what you like. Do not give me your dragons that you hatched yourself, those are yours to sell. [u]IF you feel it won't sell, and you don't want it exalted after some time, you can give it back to me and I will hold onto it/give it away.[/u] -------------- [b]Q:[/b] [b]If I earn badges with a dragon I adopted and decided to give it away/sell it, do I still get to keep the badges? Do I need to show proof?[/b] [i]A:[/i] Yes, you can use these badges however you want after you earned them. They're F2U pieces of art. Do not feel obligated to show proof...Clan will know whether you truly contributed or not and cast judgement as such. -------- [b]Q: Can we mix together lineages?[/b] [i]A:[/i] It's your dragon, feel free to breed it with whoever you want. In fact, i've used dragons from other lineages as mates for mine. --------- [b]Q: Can we interbreed dragons/mix lines within the lineage?[/b] [i]A: [/i]Yes, interbreeding is fine. The subsequent hatchlings will have to count as both generations though. If you breed a G2 and a G7, the hatchling will simultaneously be G3 and G8. If you mix two or more lines, such as mixing a dragon from Hoard and Auctionhouse, the dragon will count as either one, or both, depending on what the dragon wants to do! If they would rather make sales rather than hoard junk, thats what they can focus on. Just be sure to write down their relations regardless!
Rules and FAQ

Disclaimer: This is a joke lineage, and it should come to no surprise that these dragons don't actually do anything, or replace the devs. This is meant to be an ARG-inspired lineage. Play along with it, have fun.
  1. I cannot sell hatchlings from Clan. As you can tell from his offspring list, it's supposed to be organized in a certain way. Distributing direct hatchlings of Clan means the person can exalt/rename them, and I don't want that!
  2. Hatchlings born from Clan's children (his grandchildren so to speak) will be available to adopt. Some will be free, some will cost money, depending on overal appearance and quality of the hatchlings. This lineage is meant to be diverse, so hatchlings will look different from one another!
  3. Once you obtain a hatchling, it is suggested you breed it first before exalting/reselling. You can sell any hatchlings you breed for whatever amount you want. Gifting to newer players is always a big plus, though.
  4. Please post here to register any hatchlings you hatched on your own!
  5. Please request me to breed a dragon who you want hatchlings from, I will not be breeding older children of Clan unless explicitly asked to, as hatchlings from later on down the line will be more in demand.
  6. Please do not say something along the lines of "this doesn't actually happen" or "this is fake", it ruins the fun.
  7. Please do not claim that the hatchling you adopted has any real power on the site. Your dragons will suffer.
  8. If you don't want 4th wall breaking in your lore, that's fine! The hatchling you adopt can simple do it's task in a lore friendly way that fits within your lair. Fundamentally however, their origins remain the same and cannot be changed.
  9. It is suggested hatchlings have a name related to their task. A child of NestingGrounds, for example, would be named something like "Caretaker", "Babysitter", "Momma/Papa", etc. There is room for defectors, under certain circumstances though, and can be named differently then.
  10. If you want to be on a pinglist, please post a request here.
  11. Please don't buy hatchlings at low prices with the sole intention to exalt/make a profit. I will refrain from selling to you in the future and raise prices of future hatchlings if it becomes a concurrent problem. Obviously I can't tell you "don't exalt ever", it's about people coming here to find fodder. (This also applies to flipping)



Q: Can I sell this g3+ hatchling? Should I give it to you so you can post it in your sales?

A: Sell any dragons you have from the lineage, as long as you're not buying one from me to immediately sell at a higher price (this is called flipping) do what you like. Do not give me your dragons that you hatched yourself, those are yours to sell.

IF you feel it won't sell, and you don't want it exalted after some time, you can give it back to me and I will hold onto it/give it away.

Q: If I earn badges with a dragon I adopted and decided to give it away/sell it, do I still get to keep the badges? Do I need to show proof?

A: Yes, you can use these badges however you want after you earned them. They're F2U pieces of art. Do not feel obligated to show proof...Clan will know whether you truly contributed or not and cast judgement as such.

Q: Can we mix together lineages?

A: It's your dragon, feel free to breed it with whoever you want. In fact, i've used dragons from other lineages as mates for mine.

Q: Can we interbreed dragons/mix lines within the lineage?

A: Yes, interbreeding is fine. The subsequent hatchlings will have to count as both generations though. If you breed a G2 and a G7, the hatchling will simultaneously be G3 and G8.

If you mix two or more lines, such as mixing a dragon from Hoard and Auctionhouse, the dragon will count as either one, or both, depending on what the dragon wants to do! If they would rather make sales rather than hoard junk, thats what they can focus on. Just be sure to write down their relations regardless!
[img][/img] [center][size=6][color=#7EC8E3][b]LORE[/b][/size][/center] [img][/img] [center][url=]Rules [/url]| [url=]Lore [/url]| [url=]Registry [/url]| [url=]Sales [/url]| [url=]Pinglist [/url]| [url=]Affiliates [/url]| [url=]Badges[/url][/center] Dragons must not know of their true purpose. The names of Clan's descendants are quite silly, and unassuming, as it should stay that way for the better. If an outsider were to find out, they will become exalted out of panic. They will rush to their deity for comfort, and decide to escape the confines of their clan. When Clan is sighted, it is initially a shock as they know not of who he is or why he is there, but he only arrives briefly, watching over certain dragons before disappearing shortly after. When a mated couple incubates a nest, they may feel a strange presence from Nesting Grounds. When they go out to forage, they may catch notice of Gather Items. These mysterious dragons are not here to hurt you, they only wish to help you. But with such a strict number of dragons within Clan's group of offspring, things can go amiss. It has been noted that more children with the power of the associated parent may influence how well things run within that specific function. Children of Coliseum for example would be extraordinary fighters, defending their clan valiantly from invaders. Children of Crossroads would be good with organizing trades and sales, while children of Auction House can help with pricing various items. As a hatchling is introduced into a new home clan, it immediately begins to go to work. Their path from then on is up to how they grow up within their new environment. It is recommended they are seated next to the more kindly and patient dragons... who knows what will happen if they are influenced the in another way... [b]Note[/b]: If your dragon, one born into the lineage, is knowing of their true nature, they are eligible to become a valiant depending on their genes! Consider tagging them as a valiant if you decide they will function better this way. Have fun! [url=][b]Want to learn more?[/b][/url] [img][/img] [center][size=4][color=#7EC8E3][b]LOREPOSTS[/b][/size] [size=2]In chronological order![/size][/center] [center][url=][b]Lorepost 1[/b][/url][/center]

Dragons must not know of their true purpose. The names of Clan's descendants are quite silly, and unassuming, as it should stay that way for the better. If an outsider were to find out, they will become exalted out of panic. They will rush to their deity for comfort, and decide to escape the confines of their clan.

When Clan is sighted, it is initially a shock as they know not of who he is or why he is there, but he only arrives briefly, watching over certain dragons before disappearing shortly after. When a mated couple incubates a nest, they may feel a strange presence from Nesting Grounds. When they go out to forage, they may catch notice of Gather Items.

These mysterious dragons are not here to hurt you, they only wish to help you. But with such a strict number of dragons within Clan's group of offspring, things can go amiss. It has been noted that more children with the power of the associated parent may influence how well things run within that specific function. Children of Coliseum for example would be extraordinary fighters, defending their clan valiantly from invaders. Children of Crossroads would be good with organizing trades and sales, while children of Auction House can help with pricing various items.

As a hatchling is introduced into a new home clan, it immediately begins to go to work. Their path from then on is up to how they grow up within their new environment. It is recommended they are seated next to the more kindly and patient dragons... who knows what will happen if they are influenced the in another way...

Note: If your dragon, one born into the lineage, is knowing of their true nature, they are eligible to become a valiant depending on their genes! Consider tagging them as a valiant if you decide they will function better this way. Have fun!

Want to learn more?


In chronological order!

[img][/img] [center][size=6][color=#7EC8E3][b]Lineage Tracker[/b][/size][/center] [img][/img] [center][url=]Rules [/url]| [url=]Lore [/url]| [url=]Registry [/url]| [url=]Sales [/url]| [url=]Pinglist [/url]| [url=]Affiliates [/url]| [url=]Badges[/url][/center] [center][b]LINEAGE TRACKER - WIP[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/center]
Lineage Tracker



[img][/img] [center][size=6][color=#7EC8E3][b]SALES[/b][/size][/center] [img][/img] [center][url=]Rules [/url]| [url=]Lore [/url]| [url=]Registry [/url]| [url=]Sales [/url]| [url=]Pinglist [/url]| [url=]Affiliates [/url]| [url=]Badges[/url][/center] [center][size=4][emoji=gem size=1]1:1100 g/t ratio![emoji=treasure size=1][/size][/center] [center][size=4][b]SALES BY OTHER USERS[/b][/size] Storygeek - [u][b]Merch/messages/nestinggrounds/play[/b] descendants available[/u] CreatorsDilemma - Hoard descendants available --------- [size=4][b]DRAGONPOG HATCHING CENTRE[/b][/size] Please pm me or ping me here to request a hatchling from any line![/center]

1:1100 g/t ratio!

Storygeek - Merch/messages/nestinggrounds/play descendants available

CreatorsDilemma - Hoard descendants available

Please pm me or ping me here to request a hatchling from any line!

[img][/img] [center][size=6][color=#7EC8E3][b]PINGLISTS[/b][/size][/center] [img][/img] [center][url=]Rules [/url]| [url=]Lore [/url]| [url=]Registry [/url]| [url=]Sales [/url]| [url=]Pinglist [/url]| [url=]Affiliates [/url]| [url=]Badges[/url][/center] Built-in pinglists are here! Subscribe to the updates pinglist solely for updates on the lineage! [center][pinglist=6203][/center] Subscribe to the sales pinglist for updates on adoptable lineage dragons! [center][pinglist=6206][/center] [s][i]Please ask here to get on a pinglist! Copy the pinglist here for your sales. Do not copy a pinglist from [b]ANYWHERE ELSE[/b].[/i][/s] [size=2][b]PINGLIST[/b] for everything: animalism, Waffler, Grune, NightGaze, Skaf, Bxy26, sobrietyforus, moonwhiskers, Strangeflesh, Csevet, Soukyu, Ditzy, AzaRein, Bluesette, StarlightDragon7, Grendaline, ModusMortis, Glimmers, Elda, quillinthestars, AetosofValla, Neonsunrise22, late711 [b]PINGLIST[/b] for adoptable hatchlings: Mercedees, Oakensleaf, AnacronicCobra, pandakitty1, RaisingCain, Amalgemotion, VolatileMatter, Specter14 [/size]

Built-in pinglists are here!
Subscribe to the updates pinglist solely for updates on the lineage!
Subscribe to the sales pinglist for updates on adoptable lineage dragons!
Please ask here to get on a pinglist!
Copy the pinglist here for your sales. Do not copy a pinglist from ANYWHERE ELSE.

PINGLIST for everything: animalism, Waffler, Grune, NightGaze, Skaf, Bxy26, sobrietyforus, moonwhiskers, Strangeflesh, Csevet, Soukyu, Ditzy, AzaRein, Bluesette, StarlightDragon7, Grendaline, ModusMortis, Glimmers, Elda, quillinthestars, AetosofValla, Neonsunrise22, late711

PINGLIST for adoptable hatchlings: Mercedees, Oakensleaf, AnacronicCobra, pandakitty1, RaisingCain, Amalgemotion, VolatileMatter, Specter14

[img][/img] [center][size=6][color=#7EC8E3][b]AFFILIATES[/b][/size][/center] [img][/img] [center][url=]Rules [/url]| [url=]Lore [/url]| [url=]Registry [/url]| [url=]Sales [/url]| [url=]Pinglist [/url]| [url=]Affiliates [/url]| [url=]Badges[/url][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url]

[img][/img] [center][size=6][color=#7EC8E3][b]BADGES[/b][/size][/center] [img][/img] [center][url=]Rules [/url]| [url=]Lore [/url]| [url=]Registry [/url]| [url=]Sales [/url]| [url=]Pinglist [/url]| [url=]Affiliates [/url]| [url=]Badges[/url][/center] [columns][center][b]Adopt one hatchling![/b][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [nextcol] [color=transparent]____________________[/color] [nextcol] [center][b]Level a dragon to 10![/b] [img][/img] [/center] [/columns] [center][b]Write lore for a dragon![/b] [img][/img][/center] ----------- [center][b]Upcoming badges/achievements:[/b] [u]Intermediate[/u] Level a dragon to 5. Buy a dragon for more than 16kt/g. Breed a dragon. Dress up a dragon. [u]Hard[/u] Level a dragon to 10. Gain a familiar from a coliseum drop while a dragon from the coliseum line is in your party. [u]Expert[/u] Level a dragon to 25. Hatch a natural primal. [u]Deity[/u] Gain an egg from scavenging while a descendant from GatherItems is in your lair/hibden. [Proof Required] Hatch a dragon that inherited a gem gene over a treasure gene from parents. For example, your hatchling inherits pharaoh from parents who had tiger and pharaoh. [Proof Required] [/center]

Adopt one hatchling!
Level a dragon to 10!


Write lore for a dragon!


Upcoming badges/achievements:


Level a dragon to 5.

Buy a dragon for more than 16kt/g.

Breed a dragon.

Dress up a dragon.


Level a dragon to 10.

Gain a familiar from a coliseum drop while a dragon from the coliseum line is in your party.


Level a dragon to 25.

Hatch a natural primal.


Gain an egg from scavenging while a descendant from GatherItems is in your lair/hibden. [Proof Required]

Hatch a dragon that inherited a gem gene over a treasure gene from parents. For example, your hatchling inherits pharaoh from parents who had tiger and pharaoh. [Proof Required]
Ooooo can I grab Caretaker for treasure? :3
Ooooo can I grab Caretaker for treasure? :3
zuKl4tj.png S E C T O N I A zuKl4tj.png
o or secti // she/they - FR +3 - wishlist
“In one of the stars I shall be living.
In one of them I shall be laughing.
And so it will be as if all the stars
were laughing, when you look
at the sky at night.”
May I grab organizer? Treasure please
May I grab organizer? Treasure please