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@BlankRSlate1217 [quote name="BlankRSlate1217" date="2022-01-05 16:25:48" ] [url=][img][/img][/url] I'm curious to know, how do you feel about your immortality? Are fine with living for thousands of years, and do you dislike it for some reason? [/quote] Edgehog looks at you and smiles, his pitch black eyes two pits of void save for those two, tiny white pupils. "Hmmm, now that's an easy question to answer, for me at least. I love being immortal. No matter happens to me, falling from 10,000 feet, getting stabbed, having a building fall on me, facing a God in a duel, breaking every bone in my body -all of which have happened before-, I can always get back up to hurt this world more. Some might not like staying young and strong forever while those they care about whither like a dying flower, however, I've only ever had one friend, and he's immortal too," For just a moment, a strange expression flickers on Edgehog's face, almost pain, almost sadness, but it is quickly swallowed back up by his cool demeanor, "However, I do sometimes wish, that for his sake, he wasn't. I don't mind lasting on and on, until the world itself dies, but I'd be cruel to wish the same thing onto him; It's my fault he became immortal in the first place, after all. Oh well, I suppose nothing can be done about it. I've tried, albeit only once or twice, to remove our curses. Let's just say it didn't end well." And with that, he spreads his wings and flies away, fading from view before long, however, this encounter will probably remain embedded in memory for years to come.
BlankRSlate1217 wrote on 2022-01-05 16:25:48:

I'm curious to know, how do you feel about your immortality? Are fine with living for thousands of years, and do you dislike it for some reason?

Edgehog looks at you and smiles, his pitch black eyes two pits of void save for those two, tiny white pupils. "Hmmm, now that's an easy question to answer, for me at least. I love being immortal. No matter happens to me, falling from 10,000 feet, getting stabbed, having a building fall on me, facing a God in a duel, breaking every bone in my body -all of which have happened before-, I can always get back up to hurt this world more. Some might not like staying young and strong forever while those they care about whither like a dying flower, however, I've only ever had one friend, and he's immortal too," For just a moment, a strange expression flickers on Edgehog's face, almost pain, almost sadness, but it is quickly swallowed back up by his cool demeanor, "However, I do sometimes wish, that for his sake, he wasn't. I don't mind lasting on and on, until the world itself dies, but I'd be cruel to wish the same thing onto him; It's my fault he became immortal in the first place, after all. Oh well, I suppose nothing can be done about it. I've tried, albeit only once or twice, to remove our curses. Let's just say it didn't end well." And with that, he spreads his wings and flies away, fading from view before long, however, this encounter will probably remain embedded in memory for years to come.
he/she | fr +3
avatar dragon | about me
[quote name="CaIamity" date="2022-01-05 14:32:31" ] todithytzance01 [url=][img][/img][/url] "Excuse me sir, but how do you feel about being a guardian's charge. I know how it feels myself, as my best friend, but also worst enemy has taken me up as his. Did you try to leave the guardian behind or did you just go with it? It was annoying for me at first, was it also for you?" -Asked by [url=] Edgehog [/url] [/quote] the Pearlcatcher looks around a bit, before sighing and leaning in close. "I actually like being around him, it makes me feel very safe and very much at home. although he hasnt changed a bit since he got changed into a Nocturne, just more sneaky about how he protects me, and also a LOT more caring, as if him getting less physically strong made him feel like he needs to try more." he goes back to not a whisper as he says " I also think its kinda cute that Im the one he centers himself around"
CaIamity wrote on 2022-01-05 14:32:31:


"Excuse me sir, but how do you feel about being a guardian's charge. I know how it feels myself, as my best friend, but also worst enemy has taken me up as his. Did you try to leave the guardian behind or did you just go with it? It was annoying for me at first, was it also for you?"

-Asked by Edgehog

the Pearlcatcher looks around a bit, before sighing and leaning in close. "I actually like being around him, it makes me feel very safe and very much at home. although he hasnt changed a bit since he got changed into a Nocturne, just more sneaky about how he protects me, and also a LOT more caring, as if him getting less physically strong made him feel like he needs to try more." he goes back to not a whisper as he says " I also think its kinda cute that Im the one he centers himself around"


@BlankRSlate1217 so, Virus, what's your lore within the cult? are you a healer, or something different? [url=][img][/img][/url] np: do not ask Staphylococcus, Pax or Lewandowsky. thank you. everyone else is far game!
so, Virus, what's your lore within the cult? are you a healer, or something different?
np: do not ask Staphylococcus, Pax or Lewandowsky. thank you. everyone else is far game!
>friendly/open to chat! I love pings and messages
>About me
@Strangeflesh [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [columns] [img][/img][nextcol]Why is fear a good thing? I ask out of curiosity, not because I differ in views. [/columns] ----- Next person: Anyone with a blurb of lore is up for the asking!
74296992p.png Why is fear a good thing? I ask out of curiosity, not because I differ in views.

Next person: Anyone with a blurb of lore is up for the asking!
Please ping me if you are replying to me. This can be done by adding an @ to my name in the quote’s code.

I *was* going to have an art shop, but my tablet broke. Yay.
@Aetherskyes [Center][I][url=]A mirror[/url] approaches Wisp, eager to meet one of her own kind. Mirrors are surprisingly uncommon in the Forgotten Kingdom, so meeting another is an almost new experience for Subarashi. It's probably because of this why she is so excited to meet another dragon, no matter who they are.[/i] [url=][img][/img][/url] "Hello, Wisp! If you don't mind me asking, but have you ever had feelings of deja vu before? Like, has anything ever happened to you that feels strangely familiar, but can't remember where it could've happened before?" [I]She sits patiently, awaiting an answer from her fellow Mirror.[/i] ----- Next person: Would love it if you kept to dragons with lore (just about everyone in our lair (with a few exceptions) has lore, some dragons in our hib den have lore (might have to dig around a bit, though there are a couple on the second page definitely), and a few dragons in our fandragons page (4th page of Purgatory tab in our hib den) can also be asked questions! Namely Virus, LordX, Fleetway, and Angel in our fandergs)!
A mirror approaches Wisp, eager to meet one of her own kind. Mirrors are surprisingly uncommon in the Forgotten Kingdom, so meeting another is an almost new experience for Subarashi. It's probably because of this why she is so excited to meet another dragon, no matter who they are.
"Hello, Wisp! If you don't mind me asking, but have you ever had feelings of deja vu before? Like, has anything ever happened to you that feels strangely familiar, but can't remember where it could've happened before?"

She sits patiently, awaiting an answer from her fellow Mirror.
Next person: Would love it if you kept to dragons with lore (just about everyone in our lair (with a few exceptions) has lore, some dragons in our hib den have lore (might have to dig around a bit, though there are a couple on the second page definitely), and a few dragons in our fandragons page (4th page of Purgatory tab in our hib den) can also be asked questions! Namely Virus, LordX, Fleetway, and Angel in our fandergs)!
ldIARQG.gif oRkijoy.png
[quote name="SakraKaine" date="2022-01-06 07:20:54" ] @Aetherskyes [Center][I][url=]A mirror[/url] approaches Wisp, eager to meet one of her own kind. Mirrors are surprisingly uncommon in the Forgotten Kingdom, so meeting another is an almost new experience for Subarashi. It's probably because of this why she is so excited to meet another dragon, no matter who they are.[/i] [url=][img][/img][/url] "Hello, Wisp! If you don't mind me asking, but have you ever had feelings of deja vu before? Like, has anything ever happened to you that feels strangely familiar, but can't remember where it could've happened before?" [I]She sits patiently, awaiting an answer from her fellow Mirror.[/i] ----- Next person: Would love it if you kept to dragons with lore (just about everyone in our lair (with a few exceptions) has lore, some dragons in our hib den have lore (might have to dig around a bit, though there are a couple on the second page definitely), and a few dragons in our fandragons page (4th page of Purgatory tab in our hib den) can also be asked questions! Namely Virus, LordX, Fleetway, and Angel in our fandergs)! [/quote] @SakraKaine Oh Wisp stares at the curious Mirror. “Deja Vu? I suppose a few times. Whenever it snows, and I see the sparkles of light reflect off of it. I don’t know what it reminds me of but it certainly is a strangle feeling.. Perhaps it reminds me of my own shiny, white scales.” He proceeds to position himself to where the light glints off of his scales, and the light shines through his wings. Then, closing off all future questions with a smug smile.
SakraKaine wrote on 2022-01-06 07:20:54:
A mirror approaches Wisp, eager to meet one of her own kind. Mirrors are surprisingly uncommon in the Forgotten Kingdom, so meeting another is an almost new experience for Subarashi. It's probably because of this why she is so excited to meet another dragon, no matter who they are.
"Hello, Wisp! If you don't mind me asking, but have you ever had feelings of deja vu before? Like, has anything ever happened to you that feels strangely familiar, but can't remember where it could've happened before?"

She sits patiently, awaiting an answer from her fellow Mirror.
Next person: Would love it if you kept to dragons with lore (just about everyone in our lair (with a few exceptions) has lore, some dragons in our hib den have lore (might have to dig around a bit, though there are a couple on the second page definitely), and a few dragons in our fandragons page (4th page of Purgatory tab in our hib den) can also be asked questions! Namely Virus, LordX, Fleetway, and Angel in our fandergs)!
Wisp stares at the curious Mirror. “Deja Vu? I suppose a few times. Whenever it snows, and I see the sparkles of light reflect off of it. I don’t know what it reminds me of but it certainly is a strangle feeling.. Perhaps it reminds me of my own shiny, white scales.” He proceeds to position himself to where the light glints off of his scales, and the light shines through his wings. Then, closing off all future questions with a smug smile.
Please ping me if you are replying to me. This can be done by adding an @ to my name in the quote’s code.

I *was* going to have an art shop, but my tablet broke. Yay.
@SakraKaine [url=][img][/img][/url] Hello there, PurpleMist! What is one thing that makes you absolutely certain you are destined for greatness and deserving of the Queen's crown, and what do you plan to do with all that monarchical power after getting it?
Hello there, PurpleMist! What is one thing that makes you absolutely certain you are destined for greatness and deserving of the Queen's crown, and what do you plan to do with all that monarchical power after getting it?
"Alas, love cannot be cured by herbs!"
Quite possibly just a moth with internet access.
autumn_sphinx.png lamp.gif
@Drembasket (sorry!) [url=][img][/img][/url] whats your role in your clan, Spade? just asking from a bogsneak of lightning flight to another of the same
@Drembasket (sorry!)


whats your role in your clan, Spade? just asking from a bogsneak of lightning flight to another of the same


@todithytzance01 [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] A polite looking mirror approaches Marith with a [url=]guardian[/url] walking behind him looking over his charge. [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][quote="Alfa"]Hello, Marith. If I have understood right, you are sort of a leader to the clan or at the very least someone highly respected by its residents. How did you gain your position?[/quote][/columns] Next: ask anyone from either Lair or HibDen, except for: [LIST] [*]Akakabuto or Monsoon [size=1](just don't)[/size] [*]Virga [size=1](can't reply at all even if found)[/size] [*]Retsbiert [size=1](They have been sealed away for a reason)[/size] [*]Nemo [size=1](in coma)[/size] [/LIST]

A polite looking mirror approaches Marith with a guardian walking behind him looking over his charge.
Alfa wrote:
Hello, Marith. If I have understood right, you are sort of a leader to the clan or at the very least someone highly respected by its residents. How did you gain your position?

Next: ask anyone from either Lair or HibDen, except for:
  • Akakabuto or Monsoon (just don't)
  • Virga (can't reply at all even if found)
  • Retsbiert (They have been sealed away for a reason)
  • Nemo (in coma)
A blue arcane spiral dragon lying on her side. On her tail she is holding a small flag of Finland and on her hands she is holding a pale wooden sign with text "Pardon me, my English is awful" written on it.
[quote name="Finlandia" date="2022-01-08 10:16:16" ] todithytzance01 [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] A polite looking mirror approaches Marith with a [url=]guardian[/url] walking behind him looking over his charge. [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][quote="Alfa"]Hello, Marith. If I have understood right, you are sort of a leader to the clan or at the very least someone highly respected by its residents. How did you gain your position?[/quote][/columns] Next: ask anyone from either Lair or HibDen, except for: [LIST] [*]Akakabuto or Monsoon [size=1](just don't)[/size] [*]Virga [size=1](can't reply at all even if found)[/size] [*]Retsbiert [size=1](They have been sealed away for a reason)[/size] [*]Nemo [size=1](in coma)[/size] [/LIST] [/quote] The Tundra just gives a polite smile before asking their mate, a Guardian, to get the tea set. "Ever since I was a hatchling, I have always wanted to create my own clan. Me, with my mate Tzannovic here, made our clan from the ground up, on the Zephyr steppes where I hatched. when I had done that, more came by, looking for a home, and a place to rest. ever since then, I had found my calling and place in this world as the clan-proclaimed 'big momma' of the clan. I tried to get my own kids into the business, and its gone somewhat successful. Last month, I had 2 grandkids that I adore. Would you like some tea?"
Finlandia wrote on 2022-01-08 10:16:16:

A polite looking mirror approaches Marith with a guardian walking behind him looking over his charge.
Alfa wrote:
Hello, Marith. If I have understood right, you are sort of a leader to the clan or at the very least someone highly respected by its residents. How did you gain your position?

Next: ask anyone from either Lair or HibDen, except for:
  • Akakabuto or Monsoon (just don't)
  • Virga (can't reply at all even if found)
  • Retsbiert (They have been sealed away for a reason)
  • Nemo (in coma)

The Tundra just gives a polite smile before asking their mate, a Guardian, to get the tea set. "Ever since I was a hatchling, I have always wanted to create my own clan. Me, with my mate Tzannovic here, made our clan from the ground up, on the Zephyr steppes where I hatched. when I had done that, more came by, looking for a home, and a place to rest. ever since then, I had found my calling and place in this world as the clan-proclaimed 'big momma' of the clan. I tried to get my own kids into the business, and its gone somewhat successful. Last month, I had 2 grandkids that I adore. Would you like some tea?"

