So I was just thinking during the maintenance time, there are quite a few distinct playstyles on FR. And... quite a few breeds. So let's see if we can't link a playstyle to a dragon breed, I thought.
This is what I came up with in a quick sesh, but feel free to rectify or add to this list :D
Going to incorprate some of your suggestions as soon as I have the time!
Also apparently, spoiler alert everyone's a spiral hehe
Mirror: fodder breeder and exalter. Has like ~20 permas that get all the love and coin made from the fodder ventures, while the rest of the lair fluctuates in size dramatically due to waves of mass exaltation and acquisition/breeding. Loves to participate in chaotic meme forum posts.
Spiral: chaotic. Their lair is always In Progress (TM). They have goals that they want to achieve, they Just. Never. Get. There. Has probably given all their dragons lore in their heads but writing it down seems like to much work. Most dragons only wear a couple of apparel pieces. Very prone to impulse buy.
Nocturne: like the mirror but slightly more 'sophisticated'. Rather than doing any fodder breeding themselves, they are prone to snipe fodder and make a quick buck while their permas are very well dressed and a lot of them have fancy skins too. Has very strong feelings about people who are anti-exalt; this kind of bothers them because that is just their preferred playstyle. Probably has 'this is an exalting lair' plastered all over their bio
Pearlcatcher: a e s t h e t i c. While other playstyles also concern having well-crafted dragon dressups, to the Pearlcatcher, appearance is everything. I am talking well thought-out tabs and even within those tabs, the dragons are ordered by color or 'vibe'. To these players, the arrival of hibden was a godsent because now they could hide all their 'ugly' unfinished dragons and hatchlings. Often shows their dragons in Dragon Share and always asks to 'ignore my hibden please'
Imperials: in it to win it. And by win it, an Imperial would normally understand collecting all the familiars, or getting their lil talons on that specific KS item they obsess over. These are typically players who have been around for a long time (maybe long enough to have a G1 Imp) and have kind of 'been there, done that' with most elements of the game. The only way for them to still set a challenge is to try and obtain the rarest of items. Will often trade for off-site currency.\
Ridgeback: are there still players who max out their fairground daily, anyway? Yes there are, and they're the Ridgebacks! These guys know how to w o r k, and the idea of working for your money is not a letdown for them, but rather exciting! They tend to be more casual players normally, but whenever there is an event or elemental festival coming, the Ridgies rear their pointy snoot. They are the players who often gather the most fest currency, and less than 100 noc eggs during NotN? UNTIHINKABLE.
Tundra: they are usually players who joined not too long ago or are very casual players. FR is a place they like to return to when their schedule allows it or when they manage to remember the site exists ;) They have either a lot or few dragons, but there is usually no real discernable theme among them, they just get whatever dragon they like at that point when they login after a hiatus. They are usually very attached to their progens because they are the only consistent thing throughout their FR journey.
Wildclaw: did you know Gordon Ramsay is a dragon?! Well, maybe I just made that up, but if he was a dragon... He'd definitely be a Wildclaw. These players are INTENSE in everything they do, especially their coliseum habits. Active in EACH part of the game, they are not only all over the coli but also the forum and discords. They are the kind of player to type all caps replies to forum topics, and also, do pinkerlockes. They are merciless when it comes to exalting dragons that have fallen out of favor, but would DIE a virtual death to protect their beloved permas. Have probably at some hoardsold an egg and made a forum topic about it just to trigger people
Gaoler: "nothing comes in, nothing goes out" is a saying you abide by... Halfway. Plenty of things enter your lair but; none shall leave. EVER. You are a Hoarder(tm), and especially when it comes to dragons, once you get your crooked talons on them, you'll never find a valid reason to let them go. Hoardselling? But what if you accidentally throw away an item that might come in handy later?! Probably collects/takes in unwanted old dragons as well. Not terribly active on the forums, mostly on 'serious' topics such as 'Old Dragon Collectors' etc.
The amazingly funny and creative @reotheleo made us some achievements that you can use to proudly display your diagnosis! Make sure to tell them thanks for putting in the effort
This is what I came up with in a quick sesh, but feel free to rectify or add to this list :D
Going to incorprate some of your suggestions as soon as I have the time!
Also apparently, spoiler alert everyone's a spiral hehe
Mirror: fodder breeder and exalter. Has like ~20 permas that get all the love and coin made from the fodder ventures, while the rest of the lair fluctuates in size dramatically due to waves of mass exaltation and acquisition/breeding. Loves to participate in chaotic meme forum posts.
Spiral: chaotic. Their lair is always In Progress (TM). They have goals that they want to achieve, they Just. Never. Get. There. Has probably given all their dragons lore in their heads but writing it down seems like to much work. Most dragons only wear a couple of apparel pieces. Very prone to impulse buy.
Nocturne: like the mirror but slightly more 'sophisticated'. Rather than doing any fodder breeding themselves, they are prone to snipe fodder and make a quick buck while their permas are very well dressed and a lot of them have fancy skins too. Has very strong feelings about people who are anti-exalt; this kind of bothers them because that is just their preferred playstyle. Probably has 'this is an exalting lair' plastered all over their bio
Pearlcatcher: a e s t h e t i c. While other playstyles also concern having well-crafted dragon dressups, to the Pearlcatcher, appearance is everything. I am talking well thought-out tabs and even within those tabs, the dragons are ordered by color or 'vibe'. To these players, the arrival of hibden was a godsent because now they could hide all their 'ugly' unfinished dragons and hatchlings. Often shows their dragons in Dragon Share and always asks to 'ignore my hibden please'
Imperials: in it to win it. And by win it, an Imperial would normally understand collecting all the familiars, or getting their lil talons on that specific KS item they obsess over. These are typically players who have been around for a long time (maybe long enough to have a G1 Imp) and have kind of 'been there, done that' with most elements of the game. The only way for them to still set a challenge is to try and obtain the rarest of items. Will often trade for off-site currency.\
Ridgeback: are there still players who max out their fairground daily, anyway? Yes there are, and they're the Ridgebacks! These guys know how to w o r k, and the idea of working for your money is not a letdown for them, but rather exciting! They tend to be more casual players normally, but whenever there is an event or elemental festival coming, the Ridgies rear their pointy snoot. They are the players who often gather the most fest currency, and less than 100 noc eggs during NotN? UNTIHINKABLE.
Tundra: they are usually players who joined not too long ago or are very casual players. FR is a place they like to return to when their schedule allows it or when they manage to remember the site exists ;) They have either a lot or few dragons, but there is usually no real discernable theme among them, they just get whatever dragon they like at that point when they login after a hiatus. They are usually very attached to their progens because they are the only consistent thing throughout their FR journey.
Wildclaw: did you know Gordon Ramsay is a dragon?! Well, maybe I just made that up, but if he was a dragon... He'd definitely be a Wildclaw. These players are INTENSE in everything they do, especially their coliseum habits. Active in EACH part of the game, they are not only all over the coli but also the forum and discords. They are the kind of player to type all caps replies to forum topics, and also, do pinkerlockes. They are merciless when it comes to exalting dragons that have fallen out of favor, but would DIE a virtual death to protect their beloved permas. Have probably at some hoardsold an egg and made a forum topic about it just to trigger people
Gaoler: "nothing comes in, nothing goes out" is a saying you abide by... Halfway. Plenty of things enter your lair but; none shall leave. EVER. You are a Hoarder(tm), and especially when it comes to dragons, once you get your crooked talons on them, you'll never find a valid reason to let them go. Hoardselling? But what if you accidentally throw away an item that might come in handy later?! Probably collects/takes in unwanted old dragons as well. Not terribly active on the forums, mostly on 'serious' topics such as 'Old Dragon Collectors' etc.
The amazingly funny and creative @reotheleo made us some achievements that you can use to proudly display your diagnosis! Make sure to tell them thanks for putting in the effort







