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TOPIC | [temp closed] The Library: Pixel Books
[quote name="Jayisalone" date="2022-08-31 12:15:32" ] AuraDragon Books people order are all personal commissions, you cannot use any of the assets posted without ordering for yourself. The only free to use assets we have are the Pride books found on the first page of this forum. You can order regular trinkets and accessories without having an order slot with one of the artists, but for books you will need to sign up on the ping list and catch an artist when they open orders [/quote] Gotcha, thank you :D
Jayisalone wrote on 2022-08-31 12:15:32:
AuraDragon Books people order are all personal commissions, you cannot use any of the assets posted without ordering for yourself. The only free to use assets we have are the Pride books found on the first page of this forum.

You can order regular trinkets and accessories without having an order slot with one of the artists, but for books you will need to sign up on the ping list and catch an artist when they open orders

Gotcha, thank you :D
Always trading CS and FR for Eldemore!!!

Chicken Smoothie Account
Eldemore Account
Been a busy couple of days, but thank you so much for the gorgeous books!
Been a busy couple of days, but thank you so much for the gorgeous books!
l29.pngs21.pngo664-d02-Cirrostratus.pngo664-d03-Cirrostratus.pngo664-d04-Cirrostratus.pngo664-d01-R-Cirrostratus.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - iA6Dl9p.png
@Jayisalone right you are, I must've been reading through things too fast!

@Anduins A belated thank you for my bookshelf, life has just been destroying me right now! Would it be possible to make the Light emblem book a darker brown to match the other dark browns on the bookcase? Thanks!
@Jayisalone right you are, I must've been reading through things too fast!

@Anduins A belated thank you for my bookshelf, life has just been destroying me right now! Would it be possible to make the Light emblem book a darker brown to match the other dark browns on the bookcase? Thanks!
Writing enthusiast
@Jayisalone I am so late orz but these are perfect, thank you so much! c:
@Jayisalone I am so late orz but these are perfect, thank you so much! c:
cQ5tebw.gif xx G1 Hoarders
Skin shop
[center][img][/img][/center] [br]I have some slots open! Please read the rules below before claiming one, thank you![br] [LIST][*]5 slots open [*]One slot per person! [*]Each slot is [b]5 books/custom bookends[/b], max (and however many trinkets/regular bookends) [*]I will post "Slots Closed" once they are filled since you guys have been far too quick lately for me to hope to keep up with on the spreadsheet (if you managed to squeeze in a post after the last person but before my closed post, I'll let you keep the slot) [*][b]Have your order FILLED OUT within 2 hours[/b], please! I will send out reminder pings. [b]Please just edit your claim post with your order![/b] [*]I'll send out a price confirmation ping, but feel free to send out payment before that if you're certain on the cost! No need to wait if you don't have to. [*]Have payment sent out within [b]three hours[/b], please! That's one hour after the end of the order period! The sooner they're all paid up, the sooner I can get to work! I will ping a reminder an hour before the payment deadline, no worries if you forget.[/LIST] [center][size=2][url=]Information about ordering and pricing[/url] | [url=]Automagical order maker will help you place your order[/url] | [url=]Check if there are still slots[/url][/size][/center] [quote=Basic Slots][size=0][size=0][size=0][size=0]@0pals @2gold777 @3ctoplasm @4O4 @5inthemorning @AbysmalGrace @AbyssalKing @Accismus @AccursedTower @AceofCards @Acetheticly @Ackie @Acuarela @Adomania @aearinn @Aearonlinn @Aegia @Aehdncl @Aerii @aevios @AHamilton @Ahriman @Aidan @Aileth @Ailir @Ainsell @alaneyes @Albtraum22 @AlcatrazSystem @alexmonstrous @AlexRobins @Alisdaire @Alkeiri @Alliecats @Alohomora @AloVra @Alphanix @AlphaRen @Alphonce @Alskasaur @altdd1112 @AlterMoon @aly922 @Amanda @amapup @Amarete @Amariel @Amayai @Ambulocetus @AmeEgaree @Ameriasparrow @AmethystSeaWing @Amezrou @Amorah @AmTim @Anda @Andraya @Angelamelinda @angemagica @AngryMothNoises @angsthound @Anjoulas @AnnatheHank @anteater @Anukite @anxiousghost @Apothecaria @applejargon @ApprenticeWriter @Apricus @aprilraven @Aquacoral @Araej @ArcticEira @Arinyl @arkadyve @Arkeyr79 @ArowanaPrincess @Arrakis @Artgeekallday @Artillerychick @artisticRock @Artorias @asarigolo @Aserein @Asgeirr @AspenCrow @Asterodea @asterope @asterope @Astraellea @AtticSaltStorms @Audeity @Auhtumn @Auralyx @Aurax @Aurumeye @AutumnTree @Avene @Avifors @Axiomatix @Azemn @Azure45Twilight @AzzerthePirate @B1B1 @Bash @BatCrooks @Battleworn @baubleBee @Bayhound @beaniesprout @Beezadrella @BeingOfSalt @Bekuno @BellatheITgirl @Benuyka @Bequerel @Bes333 @BezimiennyRaptor @bfkitsune @BigNosedKate @BirbDude @BishieKaichou @Blacknovelist @Blackstar1981 @blazebrem @bloodbag @BloodyAngel12 @Blucbcrry @bluenebula02 @BokuHiro6 @bonivich @Booker @Booleano @BorealisBrodcast @BottledLightning @boxparts @Braixen @BraveHearted @briar @BrightBreeze @BrookInTheMeadow @Brushtail @Brynecol @bubbaberriboo @BubbleBirb @bulletbras @bumblebree14 @bunlux @BunnySox @Butterfliez @Bxy26 @Byatzine @c33213 @Cadaver @cakespeare @Calidragon @Calliborn @Candyhighgaming @capramoon @Cards @Carissa @Carnimirie @CarrotKat @CartelSaide @Casiope @Casteller @catmashiin @CelestialBlue @Cerys @ChangelingNeun @Chantric @chaosotter @Charias @Chelonaut @CherishUrSelf @chezameed @Chill827 @ChilliBear @Chlorr @Chocobanyana @Chryselle @chujellies @cinderrain @Ciroth9002 @Cirrostratus @ClearBright @ClestialSerpent @CleverDual @ClockworkEclipse @clockworkEntity @ClockworkOctopus @cloudwilk @Clya @CoffeeCorvid @coffeeghost @CoffinPrince @coldcult @ColoradoBlues @ColorBlindBrat @condemn @Continlula @Convexity @CookiesAndCream @CorneliaR @CornixElecti @CorvusXIV @Countercurse @counterfeat @cowl @creosote @Crescentstar711 @Crim @CrimsonDragon @Crowlich @Crownings @crowvidae @Crysi102 @CrystalBlossom @Crystallizes @Cuivienen @cvthedral @Cynil @Cyrce @Cyrya @cywscross @dagmarmot @daineger @Dalilah @Dalison @dandyfrau @DangerNoodles @DanitheET @DaretoDream12423 @Darkdragonfiend @DarknessReborn @Darkrait @Darlnim @Dasdana @DaughterofLight @DauntlessNomad @dav1d @decays @DecemberStar @DeepflowManah @deerfawn @Deessel @defenestration @Delkerono @DemonsofTheNight @DepressoDad @Deramadus @deroached @DerpWolf @Descending @Desmondtiny @deulirium @deviantdoge @Dianounais @differentjasper @disquiet @dividedAnimus @divitineo @DNightDreamer @DogDoggerson @Dollars @DoppelBia @Doxiunoia @Draconia34 @Dracowhisp @DrAdelino @Drag0n5 @dragon2109 @DragonClawz @DragonDawn @Dragondreamer @dragongem23 @Dragonpuff @DragonsMom @DraigTeg @DrakeDynasty @drakota77749 @Draxi @Driamatic @Druzy @Dubhuir @Dynami @Easel247 @EclipseMirror @Eclipsys @Eeeviee @eerietreats @EeveeDream @EevyernDracaneon @eieru @Eiira @Eiyora @Elaendorlien @elduwen @EleanoraOfTheSky @Electric @eleventeen @Elisse @Elmoth @Elysadie @Elysianibata @ElysionLycaon @Ember @EmmaBird @enchantedpencil @Endro @Enekokoro @EnglishRose @Epulina @epzel @equusina @Erisx @Erratic @Etahrey @evapples @EverAutumn @Evet @evosoul @ExistentialSnake @Exlann @FaalVerotiik @Faasnu @Fabro @faebeats @FaeRogue @FailCat13 @Failuresaurus @fairyn @Faoiltiama @Faoladdh @farawayfireflies @fate2726 @Fatespinner @Faunus @FeatherAsh @felistopaz @Fellefan @fenshae @Fimbrethil @FinalFlight @firebirdSuite @FireflyRhapsody @fireicedragon10 @Firtarian @fistfulofdragons @FjaraLunar @Fletcher @fling @FlufferLover @FluffyFace @FluffyTundras @FlyingSharksFly @FlyingTemeraire @foliage @follow @Fortuna @foxghosts @Frailty @freaquin @Freefire @FreeWinged @Frillshark @FroggyForever @FSkiwi10 @Fubuking @Fulminare @fynch @GalacticWonder @Galactina @galaxanova @Galaxywolf269 @Galehaut @Gallant @galvelociraptor @GameMaker @Gayscreeching @Gazarath @gempietra @Gendotypic @GentleOceanWind @GhostChateau @GhostlyJasper @ghostlyplants @GhoulishGlimmer @gibberish @Gilan @gira @Glacecakes @GlitchEnder @Glory @Glykon @Golden @GoldtheSilkwing @Gomorrh @GoodKoji @Gormanghaste @gravehound @Gravitate @GreenSylph @Gretthol @Greyscales @Grilllbz @Grimbo @Griminal @GrinningFox @GuardianLioness @Gubs @GuidanceOfficer @Gurrero @Gwendolyn @Gwenfoxe @Gwilanna @Handdrawnviolist @Hanelli @Harbinger @harpyja @hashrapmodus413 @HauntedMagpie @haxure @heartcrusher1 @HedwigHufflepuff @Helianthe @Hellian @Hellkite @HermitQueen @heuksom @Hexephre @Hillheard @himboatheart @HinodeTsurugi @Hirunda @Hoku @HollowedRabbit @HollyBerry @Hollyshark @holykris2 @Holysnacks @Honalae @HopeFae @HoquesPoques @horseyluva @HouseOfNight @Houtori @howlingwolfling @Hraesvelgrr @hufflepuffsansa @HurricaneWinds @Hydrixz404 @IAmUniverse @ibook @IchiBean @Idha @IgnisFlamel @ilexopaca @ILUVDRAGONS @ImBerryNerdy @Impception @Impception @IndigoPi @Industry @INeverMiss @InHeritent @inhumanelm @inkwardlychaotic @Inoue @Insight89x @Intrusion @irony @irregular @Isnoah @isobel @Isti @Ithika @itsrainningtacos @ixris @Jaena @jastoz @JayKatt @Jaymie @Jaz @Jazzyleia @jelllitan @jellophish @JiminxYoongi @JinxMoonstone @Jobie @JoParzival @jr413 @Julis @juneyballooney @Juniipersass @JusticeTurtle @justjasper @Jynnxx @Kaboomafoo @Kael @Kaelryn @Kahzu @Kaimon @KaioticDrake @KairinRose @Kaisen @KaitoWang @kalaiscope @Kaliqo @Karingan @KariThorne @kas62000 @katiebug1995 @Katsuji @KatzPetz @Kavryn @KaylenAldanae @KeikoKat @keithkogane @Kelpoyo @Kemeira @kennythedoomer @Kerriganne @KesSurana @Kettlespider @kijauni @KiliaKit @Killjoy2170 @KingFool @Kipiekie @Kipuka @Kitoshiko @KittenFromHell @Kitterbee @KittiofDOOM @Kitty4801 @KittyandCat @Kiwith @KiyukiDragon @Klawzor @klee @knifecentipede @Knightess @Knightsly @Kodex @kommoy @Konekova @Kookaburra @KselenaVonta @kunacottontail @Kuzuha @kwozmotis @Kylari @Kymris @l0ser @LabyrinthianLost @ladylilitu @LadyMiles @LadyMiles @ladyrenee @LadyShadow @laivence @lanseax @LapisDragon17718 @larlar843 @LaSilva007 @late711 @Lealeath @Leenanishere @LehLora @lela @LemonSqueexy @leoscreams @Lethia @Lexxeck @Lilabounce @lilastar @Lilliannon @LilyBound @Limelight @Lirillith @Lissantly @literalstardust @Lithiarch @LittleRogue @littletoes101 @LizzardRainbowz @Locus @Lodzhal @Looshiana @Loras @LordBlumiere @Lorichunter @Losiana @LostSketchbook @LotusCandy @LovelyDeeps @Loyalties @LucePrunus @luckgandor @luminousnoble @LumosElm @Luna3002 @LunaMoonShadow @LunarParadox @lunarpunch @lunarScale @LunaSkeffington @Lundlaeva @LurkingShadows @Luteia @luxxe @Lyn @lynxrush @LynxSideris @Lyrastrae @lyricalmyxteries @Lyvalaea @Maegelcarwen @Maevepanda @MageofHearts @magicalmarmaid @MagicCatX333 @mahoosive @MahuruRaji @makani @Makiling @Maliha @maliketh @mamamouse @Marilith @MarinaQuakenbush @marquislafayeet @MathematicalMind @Maybellmay @Mazurkas @MegaAbsols @MegaraFrostalon @Meii @MelanieScribbles @Melanore @melchiorgabor @memoirs @menghuancat @Meonox @Meqathi @MerlinMausi @merrymine @mewhaku @Meyoline @Mianiacal @MiddayMoon01 @MidnightFlygon @MightyVildaTilda @miirshroom @Mindrop @MiniPandaBuns @miniquiny999 @MinnowFox @mintea00 @Miralso @MisfitsLanding @missaliceblue @MissFortune17 @MissGanja @Missixo @Mistywolf77 @mithrel @mizzdestiny @MLPMDog @mochii @mochimajuru @MohaveaCl @Monstrbubble @monteagle @montivagant @mony @mooncakefestival @MoonCatcher333 @MoonChyld @Moonreefe @Moons @Morax @MorganK @Morningdove @mossyaki @mothmoss @mothmoth @moyaofthemist @Mozzi @mspixieriot @Mudtalon7 @Mudy @mukuroikusabas @Mushies @MusicandMagic @mweep @mxcrabs @Myrrien @mystiki @Mythie @mzvalkyrie @Nalabyte @Namira @nanakiharumi @Nanobot87 @Narinaya @NatureLovell @Naudir @naumachial @nbdy @Neerafiki @Nefelibata @Neffi @NegCol @Nei @Nejibana @Neltharygos @Nemalu @nemodave @Nemora @neohcs @Neoma @NeonSharpies @NeophyteRedglare @Nephalem @Nepkitty @Nesu @NetShy @Nettleleaf @nevele @Nevros @Nevvermore @Niathria @nightclouds @Nightshades @nightwolf95 @Nihilis @nikkolah @Niklia @Nimbasa @Nix4 @NlCKname @Noctiferous @nogsix @Noipale @NomasaurusRex @NonBinaryCanary @Nonsense @Norimn @Nourish @Novrre @Novrre @Nrogara @nychthemeron @Nyght @Nyx81 @oberion @OblitusBellum @obliviousdjinn @october @odakotarose @Odile @Oncamimus @onemessyperson @Ookamiotoko @oOKookieOo @OpalPlaguestone @ophician @Orangapeels @orangeDeciple @Orenda @ormarr @Osthra @Ototo @Outbreak @Overcoat @overture @owe @owe @owlfeathers @Oxyhemoglobin @Paganism @Pai @paintminion @Pandonkey @pantali @PantheraScience @Papayatar @Parda @Paresseux @PastelPasty @peaterpatter @Pennifeather @Pensacola @Pepper6 @Perrydotto @pghbekka @PheonixPonder @Phisans @phoenixash @PhoenixMiko @Phooka @Phyris @PieOfDeath @PinesaAwait @pinto @PiperMarigold @Pisces2012 @PixelCat75332 @Plante @PlaqueDoc @Plushstiel @PolarisFox @pooses @PostalBromeliad @postelectric @Pretzii @Princesco @Princessfirefly @Psi @Psychosis @psychoticromance @pterosaur @puucari @pythonesque @quatervois @QueenAlais @QueenAlchemy @QueenSabriel @QueenSugar @Quetzy @Quickpaint @quotesnmiracles @Rafikii @RagingSea @RainWatcher @Rairudiseu @Rangiku @RanLi @RavenDragons @Ravka @Razzmatazz1 @reapyr @RebelRai @Redsparrow @ReginaPhalange @Reignhart @Reithya @remnio @RemoteCitadel @ReneDV98 @Renepolumorfous @Renkai @Reotheleo @retrace @reunion @RexD999 @Rezv @RingsofSaturn @Rinibun @RinnyRoo @RiptailShredfang @Risaia @RisenWolf @roastedbees @roboticspace @RobotMagic @robsypi @Rochambeau @rockcorgo @Rocketshipkuro @Roheryn @Rohi @romeus @roseangel2 @Rosewing @RottenSoul @Rottikins @rottsonrosen @Rowanhart @rubeusbeaky @rubeusbeaky @RubyOfFire @rubyredtan @Rugissement @Rulanir @Rydeng @Rythen @Sabati @Sadrain @Saere @Saerel @Sailoroid @Sais @Salazia @SaltyGhost @SammiMatthews @SamuelMaybird @Sanctuary8 @Sappheiras @sapphiole @Saraceaser @Saraku @Saronai @SarynTheHuntress @Sasha @Scaleon1 @scar66 @Scatterspark @Schefflera @Script @ScripturamRuby @Scyshe @SDSPAGE @SeaCrest @SeaDuchess @seen @Selah @Self @Sensitivepigeon @Seraph822 @sgkat @Shadowdawn199 @ShadowRising @ShadowsCall @ShadowWheeker @Shaeogorath @ShakarianTrash @ShatteringIce @shawolexotic @SheerCold @Shegrasi @Sheona @shikoire @ShimaM @ShinyWoobat @shoujo @Sickened @SilverFlower95 @SilverGearz @SilverImagines @SilverLanayru @Silvernight01 @SilverWinter @SilvestrisDream @Sincerity11 @Sinestre @sinha27 @Sinjin @Sinornis @Sinsational @Siobhan @Sirenideus @SirenSage @SkellieTheRedd @Sketsifi @Skua @skyarising @Skycloud @SkyDancer10 @Skyeset @skyquest @skystreamchan @sleepingdragon80 @Slovakia @Smirk92 @SmokingDodongo @SmrTim @Snipe @SnoringHyena @SnowMewDraws @Snowstar1711 @SocialBookWOrm @sockmonkeygerald @softsylveon @Somnorium @Sophia @Sophos @Soulykins @SouthernPansy @Soviett @SparkyLurkdragon @SpearTheDemon @SPinosaurid @Spookykitty @Spottedleaf125 @SpringDoe @spy @Squished @SSakuras @SSSalutis @Stannum @starbornkid @StarButterfly @StarfallRanch @Starisia @Starlight18 @StarlightDragon7 @StarlitFire @Starrlight @Starry413 @StarryLune @starrynightren @starshining @Starsilver @Steffon @Stellatrix13 @Stellori @Stolen @StoneChild @StoneHusky @StormChaos @Stormdragon @stormydanish @stormyhearted @Storrie @Suathiel @Subdued @SubzeroAlbatross @SummitTheWorld @supremejade @Svelte @SweetieSweets @sweetpealovey @Sweettoothart @SwiftedSphinx @SwiftSeagull @SylphOfHeart @symphonyine @syzygydragon @Tacocado4801 @taipantigress @Talismarr @Talonocharria @tamka @Tangaroa @Tannos @Tarble @Taszzer @Tauress @Tawniey @Taytenn @teahunter @Techmox @TeenyTK @tellyisdreaming @Temperama @TempestSea @Tempestuous @terahBEE @Teratology @Tessalia @thatwhatthing @TheAmazingRey @TheAwesoMew @TheDwarfQueen @TheEmperorsPrey @theflamebreath @thefriendlyvand @TheGodOfStories @TheGoldDragon @TheMageLemon245 @TheMeowster @ThePhantomRose @ThePlasticTree @thePurple @thesheeponfire @TheThrane @thetinyshiloh @TheVastEmptiness @ThisShiningNight @ThornOfStorm130 @Thrawn @TigerOwl @tilkka @Tilli @TinselWolf @Tinyparrot @TinyThings @Tipsykittycat @Tiriea @tmq @ToxicCosmos @treesponge @TrenchKnife @Trenzalore @Tria91 @Trilonyte @Trinkenki @TroubleinSevens @TsarinaTorment @Tsukistar @Tsunami102 @Tuath @Tubermelon @Tues @tunatuna @Twistedstripe @TwoBigFools @TypeFull @Tywyllwch @unwashedwonder @Unyko @urbancountry26 @Uyi @VaeVictis @vainqueurs @ValarDohaeris @Valelael @Valneryn @Valyrie @Vancara @Vanq @varenyky @Vauvenal @Velifer @Velkhana @Velsim @Vengrahdiin @VenusFae @Venusian @venusrose @VESTAIS @Vestasam568 @vevesii @ViaCurro @viciousdisease @ViciousPrincess @violalore @VioletAstrid @Viscere @Vitas @Vixeon @Vixyish @VodkaGhosts @VoidDragon76 @voro @Vwoop @Vyraal @Wardove @WarriorsEcho @Wastelander @WayRox @Waywardhunter05 @weeredsquirrel @weirdseer @weirdworries @Weremane @Whymsical @Wildclaw101 @WilliamAfton @WingedNumbat @WingedStorms @wingedvoid @Wingstealer @Wirenth @Wizardry @WolfandCrow @Wolfs @WolfSong @WolfyKnutz @wonderlandround2 @woodlands @Wraith296 @wulfilalice @WynterDragen @Wyshca @Xaishi @Xemriss @XENDRAENYX @Xenomorph @xianvar @Xiria @xlcd2020 @Xolrit @Xotik @Yaevinn @yukitsukihana @yukublack @yumehisakawa @Yusaku @Zashara @zecal @Zedling @ZenithNadir @Zillua @ziselmaki @Zizikiel @Zonorheso @Zorua345 @zzzhorses @Ashenwild @almosteverything @Marmite @[/size][/size][/size][/size][/quote]

I have some slots open! Please read the rules below before claiming one, thank you!

  • 5 slots open
  • One slot per person!
  • Each slot is 5 books/custom bookends, max (and however many trinkets/regular bookends)
  • I will post "Slots Closed" once they are filled since you guys have been far too quick lately for me to hope to keep up with on the spreadsheet (if you managed to squeeze in a post after the last person but before my closed post, I'll let you keep the slot)
  • Have your order FILLED OUT within 2 hours, please! I will send out reminder pings. Please just edit your claim post with your order!
  • I'll send out a price confirmation ping, but feel free to send out payment before that if you're certain on the cost! No need to wait if you don't have to.
  • Have payment sent out within three hours, please! That's one hour after the end of the order period! The sooner they're all paid up, the sooner I can get to work! I will ping a reminder an hour before the payment deadline, no worries if you forget.
Basic Slots wrote:
@0pals @2gold777 @3ctoplasm @4O4 @5inthemorning @AbysmalGrace @AbyssalKing @Accismus @AccursedTower @AceofCards @Acetheticly @Ackie @Acuarela @Adomania @aearinn @Aearonlinn @Aegia @Aehdncl @Aerii @aevios @AHamilton @Ahriman @Aidan @Aileth @Ailir @Ainsell @alaneyes @Albtraum22 @AlcatrazSystem @alexmonstrous @AlexRobins @Alisdaire @Alkeiri @Alliecats @Alohomora @AloVra @Alphanix @AlphaRen @Alphonce @Alskasaur @altdd1112 @AlterMoon @aly922 @Amanda @amapup @Amarete @Amariel @Amayai @Ambulocetus @AmeEgaree @Ameriasparrow @AmethystSeaWing @Amezrou @Amorah @AmTim @Anda @Andraya @Angelamelinda @angemagica @AngryMothNoises @angsthound @Anjoulas @AnnatheHank @anteater @Anukite @anxiousghost @Apothecaria @applejargon @ApprenticeWriter @Apricus @aprilraven @Aquacoral @Araej @ArcticEira @Arinyl @arkadyve @Arkeyr79 @ArowanaPrincess @Arrakis @Artgeekallday @Artillerychick @artisticRock @Artorias @asarigolo @Aserein @Asgeirr @AspenCrow @Asterodea @asterope @asterope @Astraellea @AtticSaltStorms @Audeity @Auhtumn @Auralyx @Aurax @Aurumeye @AutumnTree @Avene @Avifors @Axiomatix @Azemn @Azure45Twilight @AzzerthePirate @B1B1 @Bash @BatCrooks @Battleworn @baubleBee @Bayhound @beaniesprout @Beezadrella @BeingOfSalt @Bekuno @BellatheITgirl @Benuyka @Bequerel @Bes333 @BezimiennyRaptor @bfkitsune @BigNosedKate @BirbDude @BishieKaichou @Blacknovelist @Blackstar1981 @blazebrem @bloodbag @BloodyAngel12 @Blucbcrry @bluenebula02 @BokuHiro6 @bonivich @Booker @Booleano @BorealisBrodcast @BottledLightning @boxparts @Braixen @BraveHearted @briar @BrightBreeze @BrookInTheMeadow @Brushtail @Brynecol @bubbaberriboo @BubbleBirb @bulletbras @bumblebree14 @bunlux @BunnySox @Butterfliez @Bxy26 @Byatzine @c33213 @Cadaver @cakespeare @Calidragon @Calliborn @Candyhighgaming @capramoon @Cards @Carissa @Carnimirie @CarrotKat @CartelSaide @Casiope @Casteller @catmashiin @CelestialBlue @Cerys @ChangelingNeun @Chantric @chaosotter @Charias @Chelonaut @CherishUrSelf @chezameed @Chill827 @ChilliBear @Chlorr @Chocobanyana @Chryselle @chujellies @cinderrain @Ciroth9002 @Cirrostratus @ClearBright @ClestialSerpent @CleverDual @ClockworkEclipse @clockworkEntity @ClockworkOctopus @cloudwilk @Clya @CoffeeCorvid @coffeeghost @CoffinPrince @coldcult @ColoradoBlues @ColorBlindBrat @condemn @Continlula @Convexity @CookiesAndCream @CorneliaR @CornixElecti @CorvusXIV @Countercurse @counterfeat @cowl @creosote @Crescentstar711 @Crim @CrimsonDragon @Crowlich @Crownings @crowvidae @Crysi102 @CrystalBlossom @Crystallizes @Cuivienen @cvthedral @Cynil @Cyrce @Cyrya @cywscross @dagmarmot @daineger @Dalilah @Dalison @dandyfrau @DangerNoodles @DanitheET @DaretoDream12423 @Darkdragonfiend @DarknessReborn @Darkrait @Darlnim @Dasdana @DaughterofLight @DauntlessNomad @dav1d @decays @DecemberStar @DeepflowManah @deerfawn @Deessel @defenestration @Delkerono @DemonsofTheNight @DepressoDad @Deramadus @deroached @DerpWolf @Descending @Desmondtiny @deulirium @deviantdoge @Dianounais @differentjasper @disquiet @dividedAnimus @divitineo @DNightDreamer @DogDoggerson @Dollars @DoppelBia @Doxiunoia @Draconia34 @Dracowhisp @DrAdelino @Drag0n5 @dragon2109 @DragonClawz @DragonDawn @Dragondreamer @dragongem23 @Dragonpuff @DragonsMom @DraigTeg @DrakeDynasty @drakota77749 @Draxi @Driamatic @Druzy @Dubhuir @Dynami @Easel247 @EclipseMirror @Eclipsys @Eeeviee @eerietreats @EeveeDream @EevyernDracaneon @eieru @Eiira @Eiyora @Elaendorlien @elduwen @EleanoraOfTheSky @Electric @eleventeen @Elisse @Elmoth @Elysadie @Elysianibata @ElysionLycaon @Ember @EmmaBird @enchantedpencil @Endro @Enekokoro @EnglishRose @Epulina @epzel @equusina @Erisx @Erratic @Etahrey @evapples @EverAutumn @Evet @evosoul @ExistentialSnake @Exlann @FaalVerotiik @Faasnu @Fabro @faebeats @FaeRogue @FailCat13 @Failuresaurus @fairyn @Faoiltiama @Faoladdh @farawayfireflies @fate2726 @Fatespinner @Faunus @FeatherAsh @felistopaz @Fellefan @fenshae @Fimbrethil @FinalFlight @firebirdSuite @FireflyRhapsody @fireicedragon10 @Firtarian @fistfulofdragons @FjaraLunar @Fletcher @fling @FlufferLover @FluffyFace @FluffyTundras @FlyingSharksFly @FlyingTemeraire @foliage @follow @Fortuna @foxghosts @Frailty @freaquin @Freefire @FreeWinged @Frillshark @FroggyForever @FSkiwi10 @Fubuking @Fulminare @fynch @GalacticWonder @Galactina @galaxanova @Galaxywolf269 @Galehaut @Gallant @galvelociraptor @GameMaker @Gayscreeching @Gazarath @gempietra @Gendotypic @GentleOceanWind @GhostChateau @GhostlyJasper @ghostlyplants @GhoulishGlimmer @gibberish @Gilan @gira @Glacecakes @GlitchEnder @Glory @Glykon @Golden @GoldtheSilkwing @Gomorrh @GoodKoji @Gormanghaste @gravehound @Gravitate @GreenSylph @Gretthol @Greyscales @Grilllbz @Grimbo @Griminal @GrinningFox @GuardianLioness @Gubs @GuidanceOfficer @Gurrero @Gwendolyn @Gwenfoxe @Gwilanna @Handdrawnviolist @Hanelli @Harbinger @harpyja @hashrapmodus413 @HauntedMagpie @haxure @heartcrusher1 @HedwigHufflepuff @Helianthe @Hellian @Hellkite @HermitQueen @heuksom @Hexephre @Hillheard @himboatheart @HinodeTsurugi @Hirunda @Hoku @HollowedRabbit @HollyBerry @Hollyshark @holykris2 @Holysnacks @Honalae @HopeFae @HoquesPoques @horseyluva @HouseOfNight @Houtori @howlingwolfling @Hraesvelgrr @hufflepuffsansa @HurricaneWinds @Hydrixz404 @IAmUniverse @ibook @IchiBean @Idha @IgnisFlamel @ilexopaca @ILUVDRAGONS @ImBerryNerdy @Impception @Impception @IndigoPi @Industry @INeverMiss @InHeritent @inhumanelm @inkwardlychaotic @Inoue @Insight89x @Intrusion @irony @irregular @Isnoah @isobel @Isti @Ithika @itsrainningtacos @ixris @Jaena @jastoz @JayKatt @Jaymie @Jaz @Jazzyleia @jelllitan @jellophish @JiminxYoongi @JinxMoonstone @Jobie @JoParzival @jr413 @Julis @juneyballooney @Juniipersass @JusticeTurtle @justjasper @Jynnxx @Kaboomafoo @Kael @Kaelryn @Kahzu @Kaimon @KaioticDrake @KairinRose @Kaisen @KaitoWang @kalaiscope @Kaliqo @Karingan @KariThorne @kas62000 @katiebug1995 @Katsuji @KatzPetz @Kavryn @KaylenAldanae @KeikoKat @keithkogane @Kelpoyo @Kemeira @kennythedoomer @Kerriganne @KesSurana @Kettlespider @kijauni @KiliaKit @Killjoy2170 @KingFool @Kipiekie @Kipuka @Kitoshiko @KittenFromHell @Kitterbee @KittiofDOOM @Kitty4801 @KittyandCat @Kiwith @KiyukiDragon @Klawzor @klee @knifecentipede @Knightess @Knightsly @Kodex @kommoy @Konekova @Kookaburra @KselenaVonta @kunacottontail @Kuzuha @kwozmotis @Kylari @Kymris @l0ser @LabyrinthianLost @ladylilitu @LadyMiles @LadyMiles @ladyrenee @LadyShadow @laivence @lanseax @LapisDragon17718 @larlar843 @LaSilva007 @late711 @Lealeath @Leenanishere @LehLora @lela @LemonSqueexy @leoscreams @Lethia @Lexxeck @Lilabounce @lilastar @Lilliannon @LilyBound @Limelight @Lirillith @Lissantly @literalstardust @Lithiarch @LittleRogue @littletoes101 @LizzardRainbowz @Locus @Lodzhal @Looshiana @Loras @LordBlumiere @Lorichunter @Losiana @LostSketchbook @LotusCandy @LovelyDeeps @Loyalties @LucePrunus @luckgandor @luminousnoble @LumosElm @Luna3002 @LunaMoonShadow @LunarParadox @lunarpunch @lunarScale @LunaSkeffington @Lundlaeva @LurkingShadows @Luteia @luxxe @Lyn @lynxrush @LynxSideris @Lyrastrae @lyricalmyxteries @Lyvalaea @Maegelcarwen @Maevepanda @MageofHearts @magicalmarmaid @MagicCatX333 @mahoosive @MahuruRaji @makani @Makiling @Maliha @maliketh @mamamouse @Marilith @MarinaQuakenbush @marquislafayeet @MathematicalMind @Maybellmay @Mazurkas @MegaAbsols @MegaraFrostalon @Meii @MelanieScribbles @Melanore @melchiorgabor @memoirs @menghuancat @Meonox @Meqathi @MerlinMausi @merrymine @mewhaku @Meyoline @Mianiacal @MiddayMoon01 @MidnightFlygon @MightyVildaTilda @miirshroom @Mindrop @MiniPandaBuns @miniquiny999 @MinnowFox @mintea00 @Miralso @MisfitsLanding @missaliceblue @MissFortune17 @MissGanja @Missixo @Mistywolf77 @mithrel @mizzdestiny @MLPMDog @mochii @mochimajuru @MohaveaCl @Monstrbubble @monteagle @montivagant @mony @mooncakefestival @MoonCatcher333 @MoonChyld @Moonreefe @Moons @Morax @MorganK @Morningdove @mossyaki @mothmoss @mothmoth @moyaofthemist @Mozzi @mspixieriot @Mudtalon7 @Mudy @mukuroikusabas @Mushies @MusicandMagic @mweep @mxcrabs @Myrrien @mystiki @Mythie @mzvalkyrie @Nalabyte @Namira @nanakiharumi @Nanobot87 @Narinaya @NatureLovell @Naudir @naumachial @nbdy @Neerafiki @Nefelibata @Neffi @NegCol @Nei @Nejibana @Neltharygos @Nemalu @nemodave @Nemora @neohcs @Neoma @NeonSharpies @NeophyteRedglare @Nephalem @Nepkitty @Nesu @NetShy @Nettleleaf @nevele @Nevros @Nevvermore @Niathria @nightclouds @Nightshades @nightwolf95 @Nihilis @nikkolah @Niklia @Nimbasa @Nix4 @NlCKname @Noctiferous @nogsix @Noipale @NomasaurusRex @NonBinaryCanary @Nonsense @Norimn @Nourish @Novrre @Novrre @Nrogara @nychthemeron @Nyght @Nyx81 @oberion @OblitusBellum @obliviousdjinn @october @odakotarose @Odile @Oncamimus @onemessyperson @Ookamiotoko @oOKookieOo @OpalPlaguestone @ophician @Orangapeels @orangeDeciple @Orenda @ormarr @Osthra @Ototo @Outbreak @Overcoat @overture @owe @owe @owlfeathers @Oxyhemoglobin @Paganism @Pai @paintminion @Pandonkey @pantali @PantheraScience @Papayatar @Parda @Paresseux @PastelPasty @peaterpatter @Pennifeather @Pensacola @Pepper6 @Perrydotto @pghbekka @PheonixPonder @Phisans @phoenixash @PhoenixMiko @Phooka @Phyris @PieOfDeath @PinesaAwait @pinto @PiperMarigold @Pisces2012 @PixelCat75332 @Plante @PlaqueDoc @Plushstiel @PolarisFox @pooses @PostalBromeliad @postelectric @Pretzii @Princesco @Princessfirefly @Psi @Psychosis @psychoticromance @pterosaur @puucari @pythonesque @quatervois @QueenAlais @QueenAlchemy @QueenSabriel @QueenSugar @Quetzy @Quickpaint @quotesnmiracles @Rafikii @RagingSea @RainWatcher @Rairudiseu @Rangiku @RanLi @RavenDragons @Ravka @Razzmatazz1 @reapyr @RebelRai @Redsparrow @ReginaPhalange @Reignhart @Reithya @remnio @RemoteCitadel @ReneDV98 @Renepolumorfous @Renkai @Reotheleo @retrace @reunion @RexD999 @Rezv @RingsofSaturn @Rinibun @RinnyRoo @RiptailShredfang @Risaia @RisenWolf @roastedbees @roboticspace @RobotMagic @robsypi @Rochambeau @rockcorgo @Rocketshipkuro @Roheryn @Rohi @romeus @roseangel2 @Rosewing @RottenSoul @Rottikins @rottsonrosen @Rowanhart @rubeusbeaky @rubeusbeaky @RubyOfFire @rubyredtan @Rugissement @Rulanir @Rydeng @Rythen @Sabati @Sadrain @Saere @Saerel @Sailoroid @Sais @Salazia @SaltyGhost @SammiMatthews @SamuelMaybird @Sanctuary8 @Sappheiras @sapphiole @Saraceaser @Saraku @Saronai @SarynTheHuntress @Sasha @Scaleon1 @scar66 @Scatterspark @Schefflera @Script @ScripturamRuby @Scyshe @SDSPAGE @SeaCrest @SeaDuchess @seen @Selah @Self @Sensitivepigeon @Seraph822 @sgkat @Shadowdawn199 @ShadowRising @ShadowsCall @ShadowWheeker @Shaeogorath @ShakarianTrash @ShatteringIce @shawolexotic @SheerCold @Shegrasi @Sheona @shikoire @ShimaM @ShinyWoobat @shoujo @Sickened @SilverFlower95 @SilverGearz @SilverImagines @SilverLanayru @Silvernight01 @SilverWinter @SilvestrisDream @Sincerity11 @Sinestre @sinha27 @Sinjin @Sinornis @Sinsational @Siobhan @Sirenideus @SirenSage @SkellieTheRedd @Sketsifi @Skua @skyarising @Skycloud @SkyDancer10 @Skyeset @skyquest @skystreamchan @sleepingdragon80 @Slovakia @Smirk92 @SmokingDodongo @SmrTim @Snipe @SnoringHyena @SnowMewDraws @Snowstar1711 @SocialBookWOrm @sockmonkeygerald @softsylveon @Somnorium @Sophia @Sophos @Soulykins @SouthernPansy @Soviett @SparkyLurkdragon @SpearTheDemon @SPinosaurid @Spookykitty @Spottedleaf125 @SpringDoe @spy @Squished @SSakuras @SSSalutis @Stannum @starbornkid @StarButterfly @StarfallRanch @Starisia @Starlight18 @StarlightDragon7 @StarlitFire @Starrlight @Starry413 @StarryLune @starrynightren @starshining @Starsilver @Steffon @Stellatrix13 @Stellori @Stolen @StoneChild @StoneHusky @StormChaos @Stormdragon @stormydanish @stormyhearted @Storrie @Suathiel @Subdued @SubzeroAlbatross @SummitTheWorld @supremejade @Svelte @SweetieSweets @sweetpealovey @Sweettoothart @SwiftedSphinx @SwiftSeagull @SylphOfHeart @symphonyine @syzygydragon @Tacocado4801 @taipantigress @Talismarr @Talonocharria @tamka @Tangaroa @Tannos @Tarble @Taszzer @Tauress @Tawniey @Taytenn @teahunter @Techmox @TeenyTK @tellyisdreaming @Temperama @TempestSea @Tempestuous @terahBEE @Teratology @Tessalia @thatwhatthing @TheAmazingRey @TheAwesoMew @TheDwarfQueen @TheEmperorsPrey @theflamebreath @thefriendlyvand @TheGodOfStories @TheGoldDragon @TheMageLemon245 @TheMeowster @ThePhantomRose @ThePlasticTree @thePurple @thesheeponfire @TheThrane @thetinyshiloh @TheVastEmptiness @ThisShiningNight @ThornOfStorm130 @Thrawn @TigerOwl @tilkka @Tilli @TinselWolf @Tinyparrot @TinyThings @Tipsykittycat @Tiriea @tmq @ToxicCosmos @treesponge @TrenchKnife @Trenzalore @Tria91 @Trilonyte @Trinkenki @TroubleinSevens @TsarinaTorment @Tsukistar @Tsunami102 @Tuath @Tubermelon @Tues @tunatuna @Twistedstripe @TwoBigFools @TypeFull @Tywyllwch @unwashedwonder @Unyko @urbancountry26 @Uyi @VaeVictis @vainqueurs @ValarDohaeris @Valelael @Valneryn @Valyrie @Vancara @Vanq @varenyky @Vauvenal @Velifer @Velkhana @Velsim @Vengrahdiin @VenusFae @Venusian @venusrose @VESTAIS @Vestasam568 @vevesii @ViaCurro @viciousdisease @ViciousPrincess @violalore @VioletAstrid @Viscere @Vitas @Vixeon @Vixyish @VodkaGhosts @VoidDragon76 @voro @Vwoop @Vyraal @Wardove @WarriorsEcho @Wastelander @WayRox @Waywardhunter05 @weeredsquirrel @weirdseer @weirdworries @Weremane @Whymsical @Wildclaw101 @WilliamAfton @WingedNumbat @WingedStorms @wingedvoid @Wingstealer @Wirenth @Wizardry @WolfandCrow @Wolfs @WolfSong @WolfyKnutz @wonderlandround2 @woodlands @Wraith296 @wulfilalice @WynterDragen @Wyshca @Xaishi @Xemriss @XENDRAENYX @Xenomorph @xianvar @Xiria @xlcd2020 @Xolrit @Xotik @Yaevinn @yukitsukihana @yukublack @yumehisakawa @Yusaku @Zashara @zecal @Zedling @ZenithNadir @Zillua @ziselmaki @Zizikiel @Zonorheso @Zorua345 @zzzhorses @Ashenwild @almosteverything @Marmite @
@Jayisalone For 5 books :> Should be 50kt. Sending over right now! In general, if you could try to include the most prominent colors from accents/apparel as best as you are able, that would be great. Thank you! [url=][img][/img][/url] Book: L4 (could you use the color from the skull in the accent for the skull in the book? :>) ------- [url=][img][/img][/url] Book: M27 -------- [url=][img][/img][/url] Book: S21 --------- [url=][img][/img][/url] Book: M17 ---------- [url=][img][/img][/url] Book: M21
@Jayisalone For 5 books :> Should be 50kt. Sending over right now! In general, if you could try to include the most prominent colors from accents/apparel as best as you are able, that would be great. Thank you!

Book: L4 (could you use the color from the skull in the accent for the skull in the book? :>)

Book: M27

Book: S21

Book: M17

Book: M21
@Jayisalone *waves* I'd like to get the following books based off of this dragon, please! L21, M8, M4, S8, L32 [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] I'd also like to snag B4L2, B4R2, and Sh9M. Thank you very much!


I'd like to get the following books based off of this dragon, please!

L21, M8, M4, S8, L32

I'd also like to snag B4L2, B4R2, and Sh9M. Thank you very much!
@Jayisalone I'd like to get the following books modeled after this dragon S8, M40, M15, L11, M44 [url=][img][/img][/url] I'd also like to order the following trinkets: T18, T23, and T24 As well as B7L1 and SH4L Assuming I've done everything correctly, I believe my total comes out to 60kt

I'd like to get the following books modeled after this dragon
S8, M40, M15, L11, M44

I'd also like to order the following trinkets:
T18, T23, and T24

As well as B7L1 and SH4L

Assuming I've done everything correctly, I believe my total comes out to 60kt
@Jayisalone - Can I get this guy? And if possible, could the bright blue/lightning color not be used? [center]L26 M5 S19 L16 M8 [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
@Jayisalone - Can I get this guy? And if possible, could the bright blue/lightning color not be used?
L26 M5 S19 L16 M8
l29.pngs21.pngo664-d02-Cirrostratus.pngo664-d03-Cirrostratus.pngo664-d04-Cirrostratus.pngo664-d01-R-Cirrostratus.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - iA6Dl9p.png
[center][b]s1, s12, s15, s18, s21[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] Could you make most of the books brown, and then possibly color pick from her skinccent or some tones from this book for S1? [img][/img] Thanks! I'd also like to order a shelf [SH1] in medium ^^[/center]
s1, s12, s15, s18, s21

Could you make most of the books brown, and then possibly color pick from her skinccent or some tones from this book for S1?


I'd also like to order a shelf [SH1] in medium ^^

Formerly Novrre!

Accent Shop
F2U Codes