
Level 1 Guardian
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Energy: 50
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Male Guardian
Male Guardian
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Personal Style


Burnished Gold Gauntlets
Studious Healer's Reference
Winter Cape
Black and White Flair Scarf





12.7 m
16.65 m
11256.6 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 18, 2023
(2 years)


Guardian icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Guardian
EXP: 0 / 245


Scroll Case Long Form Poetry ................................................................................................
Former traveler from 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread,
Looks like this little gem has found his permanent home and he loves to live here forever. He is done with his traveling.


I would love it if you added the symbol of your element to the list below!
Battered Scroll Case Historical Text

Owners I've Had

Dragon's current luggage to keep track of!

Burnished Gold Gauntlets Studious Healer's Reference Winter Cape Black and White Flair Scarf

Document any adventures the dragon had on his way!

Scary Storybook Dried Flowers ................................................................................................
Out of three siblings, two decided to leave the lair and travel the world. Moonstone and Opal journeyed out together but at some point, they decided to split up. This way, they could see more and then share their findings with each other and with their sister - Constance, back in the nest.

Moonstone's next stop was the Arcane flight where he spent some time collecting fallen meteorites. The clan leaders were all too happy to share facts about space with him and they even gave him some meteorites to keep. Moonstone happily took a few meteorites to give to his siblings, but kept the prettiest one for himself.
~ Festivoog

Next, Moonstone found himself in a Nature lair known as The Meadow, a somewhat paradoxical place where half the clan was absorbed with serious leisure and relaxation, laying about in fields of flowers, and the other half was rigorously studying at the prestigious university. Although not deeply invested in either activity, Moonstone enjoyed the abundant and fresh fruits of the land, as well as some thought provoking lectures on how to make a perfect chicken stock.

Moonstone flew south to the Hewn City. On the way, the glare of the sun and haze made a safe flight difficult. While the love hotel established there had turned to rubble by the time he arrived, Moonstone kept its spirit alive with a fellow traveler, a Fae hen named Huloo.
~ Purrloinedlove

Moonstone found himself in the small settlement of Haven-Under-Stars while wandering the Wastelands of the plague realm. The villagers welcomed him with open arms, though they knew he would soon be off to travel again. Nima took special interest in Moonstone, and taught him the intricacies of astronomy and how to map the stars. She hoped this would aid him in his future adventures. When the nomad Edelweiss came around to Haven-Under-Stars, Moonstone and him got along quite well, and the two had a clutch of hatchlings before Edelweiss left the village again.

Moonstone took a trek across the scarred wasteland, and he enjoyed his stay at the Corrosionius Inn, even though the grossness of the dragons there made him uneasy, but he knew he couldn't be too judgmental. As he was leaving, he came across a golden statue of a pearlcatcher. He reached out to touch it, but when he did, his hand turned to solid gold.
He screamed as it feel from his body, and ran away limping.

He ran and ran and ran until he finallt reached another MESSED UP PLACE. It was green and horrible and still really gross in here but he didnt even care because he had NO HAND!??!?!? And he BONKED right into a freaky lady.



"Gold?!!" said Gildenstein suddenly very interested "you didn't say anything about gold. Tell me more."


"Oh, do be quiet, it's just a flesh wound. Listen. I am the greatest doctor, genius, alchemist, visionary, et cetera et cetera, this world has ever seen. I will, with my expertise, fashion you a new hand if you tell me where the old one is."


"Alright deal. Come to my laboratory." She pronounced it lah-BORE-a-tory.

When moonstone got to Da Lab, his eyes were blinded by the sheer amount of shiny gold that assaulted their retinas. Seemingly every surface was covered in the stuff, the walls, the floors, the mug that said "#1 WORLD'S BEST ALCHEMIST", everything. it was almost enough to distract him from his freshly-severed hand stump, for a second.

"Standby," said dr gildenstein. "I've done this before but it takes a lot of concentration. I can't have you blathering like an idiot while I work my genius." As she said this, suddenly moonstone could not tear his eyes away from her solid gold and very mechanical looking hands.

"You're a scientist," breathed Moonstone levelly, trying to not think about the fact that his own arm ended at the wrist right now, "do you know anything about-"

"Alchemist," corrected Gildenstein sharply. "Science is for loonies."

"Alchemist," conceded Moonstone. "Do you know anything about-"

"SHUT UP!!!" hissed Gildenstein. "IT'S WORKING!!!!" the alchemist broke into peals of crazed laughter as a blinding light (more blinding than usual) filled the laBORatory and assaulted moonstones senses.

Moonstone woke up.

He groaned. what kind of horrible dream was....


it all came flooding back as he looked at them. No longer a wrist stump, he now flexed the fingers of an articulated golden hand not unlike that of his dubious benefactor. two of them, actually.

"It's about time you woke up," grumbled gildenstein from the golden coffee machine across the room. "Your snoring is atrocious."

"Why do i have two golden hands," said moonstone shakily. "Where is my other hand."

"Oh!! Consider that a gift from me to you. Your old flesh hand was impossibly ugly, so I improved it for you. Can't walk around with mismatched hands, now, can we?"

"Oh my god," said Moonstone.

"Now about that old hand, of yours....or, rather, the old-er one. Ahaha! Ahem. You wouldn't happen to know-"

"That's what I'm asking YOU!!" exploded moonstone, now exhausted from all the crap he just went through. "I don't know anything about anything that just happened to me!!! I literally just touched a random statue and suddenly my hand fell off!!!! If you're such a SUPER GENIUS can't you tell me anything about that?!?"

Gildenstein recoiled at the implication that she was not a super genius. "So you don't know where it is, then? That was part of the deal, you know."


"OOOOHHH you NINNY!!!! Leave it to a CARBON dragon to lose a whole chunk of gold!!!" Gildenstein paced frantically a bit and then whipped back around to face moonstone. "Well, you're no help to ME, are you?!! GET OUT!!!! Getoutgetoutgetout!!!"

Moonstones head was still whirling by the time he was unceremoniously kicked out of dr. Gildenstein's La Bor A Tory. He had just lost and gained and lost and gained a hand in less than a day. Moonstone buried his head in his gold, cold hands. He didnt care about adventuring or visiting or discovering anymore. He just wanted to go home.

Wanting to at least get away from the area, Moonstone tread through the desert of the Abiding Boneyard, hoping to grasp some form of recognisable area to go home. After a while, he found a small shack on the edge of the scorching desert, where a lone dragon was hunched over a makeshift desk, looking to be scribbling furiously. At first, Moonstone was hesitant on showing up, but his thirst and curiosity got the better of him. The desert was no place for him, and certainly not for his aching hands.

The obelisk dragon looked up after a few minutes of him writing, then gave him a soft smile. He stood up, taking his glasses off and walked him to the entrance of a cave with hanging fairy lights and a scent of... nutmeg? Strange. Either way, the dragon nodded to him and headed back to his shack with another word.

The dragons around him gathered water and snacks, and even though it was quite a humble abode indeed, everyone seemed... happy. It made Moonstone smile to see such a warm and inviting place that made the best of their location, especially after such a negative experience in the last clan he visited.

Although some part of him wanted to stay, he knew that he had to find a way to return his hands to normal. Of course, no dragon here had the materials to be able to study and examine him properly, so he could not stay. However, he promised them that once he found a cure, he would return and properly thank them for how they treated him.

~ SoftFrogger

Moonstone next found himself with a clan nestled deep in the Starwood Strand. He had heard plenty about the clan's great research into varying forms of magic, and was hopeful that someone here might finally be able to help him.

He first visited their healer, Marrow, but she specialised in the more traditional healing of wounds, and so he was redirected to Jona, a lovely Tundra who was researching the interactions between magic and earth, and as such she would know more about his metallic problem. She tried her best to help him, conducting various tests on his hands to see if there was a way to reverse what had been done, or at least restore some sort of organic nature to his limbs.

During this time, the two dragons actually grew somewhat close, and ended up having an egg together.
However, they knew that this was too good to last, for as much as Moonstone would've loved to stay, he was constantly disturbed by the numb feeling of his metallic talons, and Jona just didn't have the knowledge to reverse such advanced alchemy. Soon after his son hatched, they dejectedly bid one another farewell, and Moonstone left with a book full of research that when combined with the knowledge of other dragons, would hopefully lead to a cure being found.

~ Lilacfeathers(left on the 10th August, 2023)

It had been a while since Moonstone had seen the Tangled Wood last. Longer than he could remember, really. All the stuff that's happened between leaving his home and now had definitely kept him preoccupied. He stared nervously around the inn. The Forgotten Kingdom. It sounded almost ominous, but those who told him about the place assured him that it was safe and that they welcomed all. Well, all except the Veilspun and Aberrations since there was apparently a war happening between them.

He had heard of the Forgotten Kingdom from other dragons who he met on his travels. They told him they had many cursed dragons there and they may be able to help him with his golden talons. So he took their word for it and headed in the direction of the kingdom. Apparently, since he wouldn't be a permanent resident, he was to stay in the inn at all times unless given permission to leave or it was daylight out. It made sense, really, the more he thought about it. They didn't want him sneaking off more than likely, probably fearing he was actually with the Veiled Forest.

After arriving, his first stop was to meet with the king and queen themselves, Obsidian and GoldenClaw. He explained his predicament to them, telling them he came seeking help. Obsidian frowned a little, before shrugging.

"I'm unsure if we can help with your curse or not," she spoke softly. "But you are welcome to ask around. Maybe somebody knows what kind of magic was used on your talons."

Moonstone could only nod before leaving. His first stop was asking Scald, a half-demon cursed with mortality that could only be cured after he had a thousand hatchlings. However, the half-demon unfortunately did not recognize the magic used, nor knew how to help. Scald redirected him to an Imperial named Banish, though also warned him of the curse that affected said Imperial.

When Moonstone arrived in Banish's chamber within the Glitched Palace, he was hit with a wave of uneasiness as the Imperial hissed a little. He quickly explained why he was there, telling Banish about his cursed golden talons and holding them out. Banish examined him for a moment, before shaking his head.

"I'm afraid I can't help you," Banish muttered, voice deep. "Blood magic can't cure whatever this curse is you suffer from, at least not without great sacrifice. Someone who knows transmutation or some other transformative magic might help you better. Unfortunately, from what I've seen, the Forgotten Kingdom has no one who knows anything like that."

Moonstone nods, looking down, before realizing something. "Wait, blood magic?" He asks, looking back up and tilting his head. "Isn't that forbid-"

"Get out." Banish quickly turned and walked away, leaving Moonstone surprised and wondering if Banish was talking to himself or to Moonstone. Either way, he wasn't too keen on figuring out what a dragon who knows blood magic would do if he didn't listen, so he quickly left the Glitched Palace, nodding at Bluescreen as he passed.

He went back into the kingdom to see if anybody there knew of someone with knowledge on transmutation or something like that. Unfortunately, nobody had any knowledge on the subject, let alone knew anybody inside or outside of the kingdom who could help him. During his information gathering, though, he met a wonderful Imperial named Solvaring, who gave him a place to stay outside of the inn.

After spending a bit of time together, Moonstone and Solvaring had 3 eggs: a guardian daughter, a guardian son, and an imperial son. Although Moonstone knew he couldn't stay, he stayed back as long as he could to dote over his children, one of which he named June after Solvaring gave him the honor of naming their Imperial son. However, his time with them was short-lived, as he had to leave soon. He had to find a cure for his curse. Once his last day of stay within the Forgotten Kingdom arrived, he gave thanks to the kingdom for doing their best to help him as well as for being so welcoming to him. He gave a final goodbye to Solvaring and their nestlings, and she gifted him a scarf and cape to help him through the colder nights. Donning the gifts with a thank you, he turned with a final wave goodbye to the kingdom and Solvaring and his nestlings. Carefully tucking the book of research into his new cape in a spot Solvaring had made specially for it, Moonstone continued on his journey to cure this curse once more.

Moonstone found himself in a forest kingdom and it was nice. He wonder if he will stay here forever. He keeps on getting bad things while he is traveling and he hope to find a better place to live in. Suddenly, he meet the clan's leader and she was beauitful. He fell in love with her and he hopes to marry her one day. He decided to stay here forever.

Tales of Terror Selenite

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