that's DOCTOR Gildenstein to YOU!
Golden Porpoise

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7.13 m
7.51 m
874.52 kg
Eye Type
Level 9 Coatl
EXP: 297 / 21526


"All that glitters is gold"
—Gregory Dean Camp
GREETINGS, lowly worms! I am known as Dr. Gloria Gildenstein, master alchemist and sole expert of the philosopher's stone. Unlike you simple idiots and your base metals, I am only interested in GOLD, and I dedicate my exceptional talents towards converting all inferior substances to this flawless element. My own gleaming golden scales are a testament to my genius - I am, as they say, a "self-made woman"! Unfortunately, I have yet to "aurify" anything else. BUT THIS WILL CHANGE! Soon, all the world will be beautiful, glittering GOLD!
To-day, I went to the grocery store to obtain some snacks. It was a beautiful temperature outside, but the sky was frustratingly blue. In one of the aisles, I came across something astounding: GOLDEN SYRUP. I purchased it straightaway. Alas, when I brought it to my lair, its chemical composition was nothing but POLYSACCHARIDES?!! I was disgusted by this gross mislabelling. Is there no justice for scientific geniuses?
Dear scientific journal, I have just become acquainted with THE most WRRRETCHED individual I have ever had the displeasure to come across. He goes by Sylvester Sterling, and he insists on the title "Sir", but I do not believe he has ever been knighted. Can you IMAGINE using a title you're not even properly qualified for?! The DISGRACE!
What's more, this sniveling snake cares nothing of gold, instead singing the praises of SILVER......can you scarcely believe it??! SILVER!! The POOR man's GOLD....the INFERIOR substance....the DIRT. I loathe silver perhaps more than any other element, because at least the other inferior elements do not pretend to be better than they are. Everyone knows, for example, that oxygen is a worthless substance. But SILVER...! Silver is truly the fool's gold, moreso than even pyrite itself, for every fool considers it worth taking a glance at. And a FOOL this Sterling is...!
Do you know what this idiot claims his profession to be, dear scientific journal? I will tell you. This numbskull fancies himself an ARCHAEOLOGIST. But really, all he ever does is pilfer silverware from abandoned caves. YEUUCH!!! As if that isn't disgusting enough, he uses a musty wet rat to do it for him. A "mustelid," he called it. He was so smug about it, too, why I could just...! "clearly you are unfamiliar with matters of taxonomy." Clearly YOU are unfamiliar with matters OLFACTORY!!! What a stinking, idiotic excuse for a professional!!! If I never see him again I shall be thankful for it!
I took a stroll across the shore to-day, and I came across the strangest phenomenon. A porpoise, made entirely of gold, protruded its head out of the water and looked at me. And I looked at it...I had been familiar with such golden creatures prior, of course, but I had never expected to see one in person. A porpoise is an intelligent creature, you know, perhaps the most intelligent of all mammals in the world. Perhaps it sensed my own superior intelligence, as I did its.
What a charming animal!
Oooh, you would not BELIEVE the absolutely VEXATIOUS things I have endured today!! A carbon-based idiot blundered his way into me like a bull in a china shop, absolutely RAVING about his stupid LOST HAND. As if he had never lost a hand before. Pah! Nonetheless, out of the goodness of my golden heart, I graciously offered to make him a new hand if only he told me where his old one was, which just so happened to have been transformed into perfect glittering gold by a mysterious statue the night before. Not only did I IMPROVE his disgusting flesh hand by replacing it with a gorgeous golden one, I even made him an extra golden hand, free of charge!!! But did the ungrateful brat keep his end of the deal?? Of COURSE not!!! He didn't even appreciate my generous gifts. And worst of all, he INSULTED me in my OWN LABORATORY!!! The absolute AUDACITY!!! I retch simply thinking about the worm. Oooh, I hope he trips on a STICK!!!!
Nonetheless......I remain......intrigued by the proposition of a statue that can turn flesh into gold. While, if I may be candid - and I may, for this is my secret scientific journal, after all- I must admit that I feel a teensy weensy tiny bit threatened by the idea of another entity that can perform the Great Work - but not TOO threatened, mind you...!! - I do believe such an entity may assist me in my ultimate goal to turn ALL earthly materials into gold. Although that blithering idiot from earlier failed to be of any help in locating it, I wonder if I could find it myself....
Oh WOE!!!!!!! Oh WRETCHED DAY!!!!!!! I finally found that blasted statue, and it was all a SHAM!!!!! A FRAUD!!!!! A CHEAT!!!!
Not only was the stupid hunk of metal nothing but rotten PYRITE, but it turned ME into pyrite as well!!!! How DISGUSTING!!!! How VILE!!!! It will take me DAYS to restore my original beauty again!!! Perhaps even weeks!!! Oh, how dreadful!!! Nobody can look upon me in this LOATHSOME STATE!!!
Well, after almost a full month of harrowing struggle and sleepless nights...I have finally decided to get out of bed. Yes, the gruesome and tragic events of last month have rendered me BEDRIDDEN from shame and disgrace...I could not show my face anywhere, and I could not bear to risk looking at myself in a mirror. To say nothing of that HORRID Sterling, why, if he saw me in this state I would simply die of humiliation...! But the great Doctor Gildenstein cannot be stopped for long. It may take me weeks, even years to restore my former good looks, but a great alchemist never wavers, never stumbles in her ceaseless pursuit of scientific progress. Soon, the whole world will once again see the handsome golden face of its most luminary genius! At long last, I begin my endeavors to replace this disgusting pyrite with GOLD!
I have finished changing myself back into gold. It did not take that long.
Once again, my luminary genius aids another gold-less soul! I met another flesh dragon to-day, although this individual seemed quite vexed by her ungilded situation, a rarity among the carbon-based. I can't say I blame her, but how refreshing it was to meet someone with good taste! Of course, I was eager to help her straightaway. Alas, my luck proved too good to be true; the curse that plagued my patient proved far too powerful for even the Philosopher's Stone, and sadly her new golden glory was only skin-deep. Still, she seemed quite pleased with her results, although I am quite humiliated by my failure to fully aurify her. I shall have to conduct further research to prepare my alchemical instruments for situations such as these!
Dear scientific journal, the most perplexing thing has happened to-day! I seem to have acquired an apprentice, an eager young gentleman by the name of Schlemiel. An unfortunate name, to be sure, but he was so impressed by my alchemical accomplishments, he must have had a good head on his shoulders. It's about time someone appreciated my genius! I am not usually one to reveal my secrets, but he was quite desperate to learn from the one and only master of alchemy, and I could not refuse such a request. If not for me, he'd have to learn from an amateur...perish the thought! And, as an aside, it will be quite convenient to have an extra set of claws to help around the laboratory.
THE IMBECILE!! The WRETCH!! That blasted Schlemiel has done the impossible and transmogrified GOLD into LEAD!!! If that were not ghastly enough, he has in the process RUINED my golden "#1 WORLD'S BEST ALCHEMIST" mug!! How DREADFUL!! I made that mug myself, you know. But now, I can never drink from it again!!
I suppose it's better off that I continue my research alone. Clearly, no student can live up to my vast intellect...although, I will miss those coffee runs.
Dear scientific journal something TERRIBLE HAPPENED TODAY!!! I had been doing my weekly grocery shopping, which I never miss, when I came across a most curious individual. A dragon made entirely of bronze, perhaps thrice my size, perusing the produce aisle across from me. Apparently this character, Brontion was their name, had transformed themself entirely into bronze, much like myself. Now, while I believe bronze to be a thoroughly worthless and disgusting substance, I was nonetheless intrigued by this strange happenstance. I attempted to strike polite conversation, outlining my plans for world domination, but no sooner had I begun than Brontion exclaimed their plans for world DESTRUCTION!! I was simply flabbergasted. While I do think this world to be quite lacking in many respects, I cannot transmogrify the world into gold if there is no world to transmogrify! I must make haste in my genius plans should I hope to succeed against the barbaric forces of this Brontion. But that shall be no tall task for me! For I am Doctor Gildenstein, the most powerful alchemist in the WORLD!!!
Moonstone's Bio wrote on 2023-04-14:
[Moonstone] ran and ran and ran until he finallt reached another MESSED UP PLACE. It was green and horrible and still really gross in here but he didnt even care because he had NO HAND!??!?!? And he BONKED right into a freaky lady.
"Gold?!!" said Gildenstein suddenly very interested "you didn't say anything about gold. Tell me more."
"Oh, do be quiet, it's just a flesh wound. Listen. I am the greatest doctor, genius, alchemist, visionary, et cetera et cetera, this world has ever seen. I will, with my expertise, fashion you a new hand if you tell me where the old one is."
"Alright deal. Come to my laboratory." She pronounced it lah-BORE-a-tory.
When moonstone got to Da Lab, his eyes were blinded by the sheer amount of shiny gold that assaulted their retinas. Seemingly every surface was covered in the stuff, the walls, the floors, the mug that said "#1 WORLD'S BEST ALCHEMIST", everything. it was almost enough to distract him from his freshly-severed hand stump, for a second.
"Standby," said dr gildenstein. "I've done this before but it takes a lot of concentration. I can't have you blathering like an idiot while I work my genius." As she said this, suddenly moonstone could not tear his eyes away from her solid gold and very mechanical looking hands.
"You're a scientist," breathed Moonstone levelly, trying to not think about the fact that his own arm ended at the wrist right now, "do you know anything about-"
"Alchemist," corrected Gildenstein sharply. "Science is for loonies."
"Alchemist," conceded Moonstone. "Do you know anything about-"
"SHUT UP!!!" hissed Gildenstein. "IT'S WORKING!!!!" the alchemist broke into peals of crazed laughter as a blinding light (more blinding than usual) filled the laBORatory and assaulted moonstones senses.
Moonstone woke up.
He groaned. what kind of horrible dream was....
it all came flooding back as he looked at them. No longer a wrist stump, he now flexed the fingers of an articulated golden hand not unlike that of his dubious benefactor. two of them, actually.
"It's about time you woke up," grumbled gildenstein from the golden coffee machine across the room. "Your snoring is atrocious."
"Why do i have two golden hands," said moonstone shakily. "Where is my other hand."
"Oh!! Consider that a gift from me to you. Your old flesh hand was impossibly ugly, so I improved it for you. Can't walk around with mismatched hands, now, can we?"
"Oh my god," said Moonstone.
"Now about that old hand, of yours....or, rather, the old-er one. Ahaha! Ahem. You wouldn't happen to know-"
"That's what I'm asking YOU!!" exploded moonstone, now exhausted from all the crap he just went through. "I don't know anything about anything that just happened to me!!! I literally just touched a random statue and suddenly my hand fell off!!!! If you're such a SUPER GENIUS can't you tell me anything about that?!?"
Gildenstein recoiled at the implication that she was not a super genius. "So you don't know where it is, then? That was part of the deal, you know."
"OOOOHHH you NINNY!!!! Leave it to a CARBON dragon to lose a whole chunk of gold!!!" Gildenstein paced frantically a bit and then whipped back around to face moonstone. "Well, you're no help to ME, are you?!! GET OUT!!!! Getoutgetoutgetout!!!"
Moonstones head was still whirling by the time he was unceremoniously kicked out of dr. Gildenstein's La Bor A Tory. He had just lost and gained and lost and gained a hand in less than a day. Moonstone buried his head in his gold, cold hands. He didnt care about adventuring or visiting or discovering anymore. He just wanted to go home.
"Gold?!!" said Gildenstein suddenly very interested "you didn't say anything about gold. Tell me more."
"Oh, do be quiet, it's just a flesh wound. Listen. I am the greatest doctor, genius, alchemist, visionary, et cetera et cetera, this world has ever seen. I will, with my expertise, fashion you a new hand if you tell me where the old one is."
"Alright deal. Come to my laboratory." She pronounced it lah-BORE-a-tory.
When moonstone got to Da Lab, his eyes were blinded by the sheer amount of shiny gold that assaulted their retinas. Seemingly every surface was covered in the stuff, the walls, the floors, the mug that said "#1 WORLD'S BEST ALCHEMIST", everything. it was almost enough to distract him from his freshly-severed hand stump, for a second.
"Standby," said dr gildenstein. "I've done this before but it takes a lot of concentration. I can't have you blathering like an idiot while I work my genius." As she said this, suddenly moonstone could not tear his eyes away from her solid gold and very mechanical looking hands.
"You're a scientist," breathed Moonstone levelly, trying to not think about the fact that his own arm ended at the wrist right now, "do you know anything about-"
"Alchemist," corrected Gildenstein sharply. "Science is for loonies."
"Alchemist," conceded Moonstone. "Do you know anything about-"
"SHUT UP!!!" hissed Gildenstein. "IT'S WORKING!!!!" the alchemist broke into peals of crazed laughter as a blinding light (more blinding than usual) filled the laBORatory and assaulted moonstones senses.
Moonstone woke up.
He groaned. what kind of horrible dream was....
it all came flooding back as he looked at them. No longer a wrist stump, he now flexed the fingers of an articulated golden hand not unlike that of his dubious benefactor. two of them, actually.
"It's about time you woke up," grumbled gildenstein from the golden coffee machine across the room. "Your snoring is atrocious."
"Why do i have two golden hands," said moonstone shakily. "Where is my other hand."
"Oh!! Consider that a gift from me to you. Your old flesh hand was impossibly ugly, so I improved it for you. Can't walk around with mismatched hands, now, can we?"
"Oh my god," said Moonstone.
"Now about that old hand, of yours....or, rather, the old-er one. Ahaha! Ahem. You wouldn't happen to know-"
"That's what I'm asking YOU!!" exploded moonstone, now exhausted from all the crap he just went through. "I don't know anything about anything that just happened to me!!! I literally just touched a random statue and suddenly my hand fell off!!!! If you're such a SUPER GENIUS can't you tell me anything about that?!?"
Gildenstein recoiled at the implication that she was not a super genius. "So you don't know where it is, then? That was part of the deal, you know."
"OOOOHHH you NINNY!!!! Leave it to a CARBON dragon to lose a whole chunk of gold!!!" Gildenstein paced frantically a bit and then whipped back around to face moonstone. "Well, you're no help to ME, are you?!! GET OUT!!!! Getoutgetoutgetout!!!"
Moonstones head was still whirling by the time he was unceremoniously kicked out of dr. Gildenstein's La Bor A Tory. He had just lost and gained and lost and gained a hand in less than a day. Moonstone buried his head in his gold, cold hands. He didnt care about adventuring or visiting or discovering anymore. He just wanted to go home.
Goldstone's Bio wrote on 2023-04-16:
Goldstone lazily opened one eye a sliver as she watched a figure come trampling over the horizon. The statue had long since become accustomed to her stationary existence, and she wasn't too torn up about it anyways; she had never been a fan of hard work. Nevertheless, situations like this made her wish she could at least move out of the way. As the wild figure approached closer, Goldstone's eyes focused more clearly on a clanking, panting flurry of lab coat and goggles and...is that gold...?!
"AT LAST!!!!!!" hissed the screaming maniac breathlessly wheezing into her face. "I'VE FOUND IT!!!!! THIS STATUE SHALL AID ME IN SCULPTING MY GILDED UTOPIA!!!!!"
That was a lot of crazy to take in. But what piqued her interest was the fact that this looney bin seemed to be specifically looking for Goldstone.
"This statue has a name, you know."
The creature did a double-take at Goldstone's reply. "You're...?! I, uh...are you a statue...?"
"Maybe, maybe not. But I might be who you're lookin' for," the statue said slyly. "Goldstone's the name, gold stones are my game. And you are...?"
She posed dramatically. "I am Doctor Gildenstein, master of alchemy and sole performer of the Great Work!!! All bow before my unparalleled genius...but you, Goldstone, will be my accessory in GREATNESS!!!"
"Goldstone, Gildenstein...heh. Seems we've got some things in common, friend." Goldstone knew that their names are where their similarities ended, though. While she herself was only made of pyrite, she recognized in Gildenstein a body of pure authentic gold. It was flabbergasting, really, but Goldstone wasn't one to ask questions. There was business to be done.
"Oh, we have much in common," grinned Gildenstein nefariously, "for I have heard rumors that you are able to turn anything to gold. As you know, I myself have mastered this power. My own glorious golden scales are proof of that! Although I am the best in the business, I graciously extend an offer to combine our powers for the greater gold. Hahah! With my vast intellect and your developing abilities, we could turn the WHOLE WORLD into GOLD!!! And, who knows, perhaps I could teach you a thing or two."
"Charmed," said Goldstone dryly. But despite this weirdo's unregulated ego, a plan brewed within Goldstone's shrewd metal brain. If what Gildenstein said was true, this could bring Goldstone a fortune. As long as she kept her con up, she was as good as...well, not gold, but something close enough.
"Well, what do you say?" said Gildenstein giddily. "Will you help me cleanse this world of the base metals that plague its golden ideal?"
"It's a deal, partner," smirked Goldstone. But to her horror, the idiot before her went in for the handshake. "WAIT!!!" Goldstone exclaimed. But it was too late.
The effect was immediate. Gildenstein, being already made of metal, was not immobilized the way a flesh dragon would be. But the feeling of something wrong, something impure, crawled over her hand like a thick film. Gildenstein's face contorted into pure horror and disgust. This wasn't gold at all, this was--
"PUH-PYRITE!!!!!!!" Dr. Gildenstein sputtered, shaking her hand vigorously as if she had just removed it from a pile of manure. "DISGUSTING!!!" Gildenstein leapt into the air and began to gracelessly hop and scramble back from whence she came, yelling insults and minced oaths all the way.
Well, so much for a solid business opportunity. No matter. There were plenty more fish in the sea...who cares if she lost one little goldfish?
"AT LAST!!!!!!" hissed the screaming maniac breathlessly wheezing into her face. "I'VE FOUND IT!!!!! THIS STATUE SHALL AID ME IN SCULPTING MY GILDED UTOPIA!!!!!"
That was a lot of crazy to take in. But what piqued her interest was the fact that this looney bin seemed to be specifically looking for Goldstone.
"This statue has a name, you know."
The creature did a double-take at Goldstone's reply. "You're...?! I, uh...are you a statue...?"
"Maybe, maybe not. But I might be who you're lookin' for," the statue said slyly. "Goldstone's the name, gold stones are my game. And you are...?"
She posed dramatically. "I am Doctor Gildenstein, master of alchemy and sole performer of the Great Work!!! All bow before my unparalleled genius...but you, Goldstone, will be my accessory in GREATNESS!!!"
"Goldstone, Gildenstein...heh. Seems we've got some things in common, friend." Goldstone knew that their names are where their similarities ended, though. While she herself was only made of pyrite, she recognized in Gildenstein a body of pure authentic gold. It was flabbergasting, really, but Goldstone wasn't one to ask questions. There was business to be done.
"Oh, we have much in common," grinned Gildenstein nefariously, "for I have heard rumors that you are able to turn anything to gold. As you know, I myself have mastered this power. My own glorious golden scales are proof of that! Although I am the best in the business, I graciously extend an offer to combine our powers for the greater gold. Hahah! With my vast intellect and your developing abilities, we could turn the WHOLE WORLD into GOLD!!! And, who knows, perhaps I could teach you a thing or two."
"Charmed," said Goldstone dryly. But despite this weirdo's unregulated ego, a plan brewed within Goldstone's shrewd metal brain. If what Gildenstein said was true, this could bring Goldstone a fortune. As long as she kept her con up, she was as good as...well, not gold, but something close enough.
"Well, what do you say?" said Gildenstein giddily. "Will you help me cleanse this world of the base metals that plague its golden ideal?"
"It's a deal, partner," smirked Goldstone. But to her horror, the idiot before her went in for the handshake. "WAIT!!!" Goldstone exclaimed. But it was too late.
The effect was immediate. Gildenstein, being already made of metal, was not immobilized the way a flesh dragon would be. But the feeling of something wrong, something impure, crawled over her hand like a thick film. Gildenstein's face contorted into pure horror and disgust. This wasn't gold at all, this was--
"PUH-PYRITE!!!!!!!" Dr. Gildenstein sputtered, shaking her hand vigorously as if she had just removed it from a pile of manure. "DISGUSTING!!!" Gildenstein leapt into the air and began to gracelessly hop and scramble back from whence she came, yelling insults and minced oaths all the way.
Well, so much for a solid business opportunity. No matter. There were plenty more fish in the sea...who cares if she lost one little goldfish?
Curculio's Bio wrote on 2023-05-24:
Curculio's traumatic dry-heaving experiences still left her feeling completely shot. She barely had the energy to haul herself out the door but she tried to drum up the resolve to leave the plaguelands for good, it was a horrible reminder of her drippy flesh curse and she just wanted to be anywwhre but here. Unfortunately once she actually began her trek she didnt get very far. After pushing herself to her limits she began to drip and drip until she finally had no choice but to collapse on the plagueland floor, defeated.
"Hello there, flesh lump," she heard hazily over the sound of her ears churning, "are you sapient?"
"What??" She managed to gurgle. Who would say something like that??! When she looked up to see the answer to her question she almost had to close her eyes again. The reflection of sunlight off this rude individual felt blinding, and as her eyes focused Curculio realized that it was reflecting off of pure gold.
"Ah, so you are," concluded the creature. "You never can tell around these parts. Not everyone is, you know."
Curculio struggled to get up. "You don't need to insult me. I already know I'm disgusting."
"Oh, no more disgusting than any other carbon-based nitwit," dismissed the stranger, "all the same, the lot of you. I wish I didn't have the misfortune of living in a carbon-based land, but, such is the luck of Dr. Gildenstein."
"Doctor?" Curculio managed to choke out. "You said you're a doctor?!"
"The very best," preened Gildenstein, perking up at the opportunity to talk about herself. "I am the greatest alchemist in the world, a master at my element, and that element is GOLD! I can transform any inferior substance into the stuff, including yours truly! I actually renewed my glorious golden scales just a few weeks ago, do you like it?" She posed a little and rapped the metal on her arm for effect. Curculio was not as impressed as the gold doctor hoped she'd be.
"Alchemy," she said, "so like magic?"
Gildenstein scoffed derisively. "Shows what you know. Alchemy is far-"
"Can you remove curses?"
Gildenstein frowned. She didn't like the constant diversions. "Depends on what the curse is."
Curculio looked at her incredulously, gesturing wordlessly to her body.
"You don't want to be made of organic molecules...?"
"I don't want to be dripping with rotting meat," Curculio said exasperatedly. "Is that within your area of expertise?"
"Everything is within my area of expertise," said Gildenstein quickly. "And I agree that your flesh situation is quite problematic. We'll have to do something about it. Luckily for you, I have just the solution."
Curculio allowed herself to be led back to Dr. Gildenstein's laboratory (she pronounced it "la-BOHR-a-tory"). This wasn't the first time she'd been led to the lair of a dubious medical professional with no manners, but she desperate for any progress on her curse and, at the very least, a place to stay. It's not like she could get any worse.
"You know, you're not the first meatling to desperately seek my genius remedies," said Gildenstein nonchalantly as she casually swung some levers and giant switches.
"You don't say," Curculio said from the giant machine she was strapped into, although she wasn't fully secured what with her more liquid parts oozing through the cracks. She looked idly around the room. It was entirely covered in gold from ceiling to floor; the only thing that broke the monochromatic sea of shiny yellow besides herself was the firetruck-red stone that crowned the contraption she was currently hooked up to. "Were you able to help them?"
"Of course I helped them," scoffed Gildenstein. "In fact, every last one of them walked away in a better state than they had been in before they needed me. There have been a few ungrateful buffoons, to be sure, but they were simply too foolish to realize how I had improved them."
"I see," mused Curculio. "And they all came out in one piece?"
"And they all-?!" Gildenstein sputtered incredulously. "Of COURSE they came out alive!! What kind of alchemist do you think I am??! Are you insinuating that I am a QUACK?!!"
"No," said Curculio coolly, after some consideration. "Not at all."
"I should hope not," huffed Gildenstein. "Now, do be quiet. This part requires concentration."
Curculio obeyed, listening intently to the sound of metal parts slamming and clanking behind her. Dr. Gildenstein had also launched into a bout of maniacal cackling, but she tried to ignore that part. The only sound more disconcerting was when she heard the laughing stop.
"What's wrong...?" she said nervously over her shoulder.
"Ahem, nothing a genius can't fix," said Gildenstein unconvincingly. "Only a minor setback!"
Curculio said nothing, hoping she hadn't tempted fate by trusting this lady. She had thought her situation couldn't get worse, but there was a lot that could go wrong right now. And was that SMOKE..?!
"LOOK OUT!!!" shouted Gildenstein over the sounds of the machine, and a flash of blinding light of filled the room. When Curculio opened her eyes, she checked herself expecting to see a pile of charred goop, but instead looked down to see a remarkably solid surface of...metal...
She wasn't sure what she had been expecting.
Gildenstein came out from behind the machine, rubbing her chin in thought. "Ahh, just as I feared," she said dejectedly, "your curse is remarkably strong. As brilliant as I am, I was only able to aurify the outer layer of skin. The rest, I'm afraid, is still just meat and bones."
"This is...actually not terrible," she observed. She had never felt so...clean before. Her insides still felt sick, but it was all contained within her golden shell. No more dripping, no more skin sloughing off...and she finally looked normal. "Wow. I...thank you, Doctor Gildenstein."
"Oh, don't thank me, you're still just a flesh dragon on the inside. What a disgrace!" she fussed. "But at least you are golden on the outside. Do be careful, though," warned Gildenstein, "for I am not sure how that perfect golden shell is going to interact with the putrefaction behind it. I can assure you that I have never failed so spectacularly before, and so I have no frame of reference for a creature like yourself."
"Well, it's good enough for me," said Curculio firmly. "Thank you again, but I must be off."
And with that, Curculio set off to her next destination with renewed confidence. It felt wonderful not having to worry about literally keeping herself together as she flew, as all her loose rotting bits were safe and secure inside her shell. And no one would be the wiser! She had been looked upon with disgust and pity her whole life, so she was eager to finally, maybe, be treated like a normal dragon. Or even, she thought with cautious optimism, a beautiful one...her heart reeled at the thought. Maybe that Gildenstein had a point. Gold was pretty nice after all!
"Hello there, flesh lump," she heard hazily over the sound of her ears churning, "are you sapient?"
"What??" She managed to gurgle. Who would say something like that??! When she looked up to see the answer to her question she almost had to close her eyes again. The reflection of sunlight off this rude individual felt blinding, and as her eyes focused Curculio realized that it was reflecting off of pure gold.
"Ah, so you are," concluded the creature. "You never can tell around these parts. Not everyone is, you know."
Curculio struggled to get up. "You don't need to insult me. I already know I'm disgusting."
"Oh, no more disgusting than any other carbon-based nitwit," dismissed the stranger, "all the same, the lot of you. I wish I didn't have the misfortune of living in a carbon-based land, but, such is the luck of Dr. Gildenstein."
"Doctor?" Curculio managed to choke out. "You said you're a doctor?!"
"The very best," preened Gildenstein, perking up at the opportunity to talk about herself. "I am the greatest alchemist in the world, a master at my element, and that element is GOLD! I can transform any inferior substance into the stuff, including yours truly! I actually renewed my glorious golden scales just a few weeks ago, do you like it?" She posed a little and rapped the metal on her arm for effect. Curculio was not as impressed as the gold doctor hoped she'd be.
"Alchemy," she said, "so like magic?"
Gildenstein scoffed derisively. "Shows what you know. Alchemy is far-"
"Can you remove curses?"
Gildenstein frowned. She didn't like the constant diversions. "Depends on what the curse is."
Curculio looked at her incredulously, gesturing wordlessly to her body.
"You don't want to be made of organic molecules...?"
"I don't want to be dripping with rotting meat," Curculio said exasperatedly. "Is that within your area of expertise?"
"Everything is within my area of expertise," said Gildenstein quickly. "And I agree that your flesh situation is quite problematic. We'll have to do something about it. Luckily for you, I have just the solution."
Curculio allowed herself to be led back to Dr. Gildenstein's laboratory (she pronounced it "la-BOHR-a-tory"). This wasn't the first time she'd been led to the lair of a dubious medical professional with no manners, but she desperate for any progress on her curse and, at the very least, a place to stay. It's not like she could get any worse.
"You know, you're not the first meatling to desperately seek my genius remedies," said Gildenstein nonchalantly as she casually swung some levers and giant switches.
"You don't say," Curculio said from the giant machine she was strapped into, although she wasn't fully secured what with her more liquid parts oozing through the cracks. She looked idly around the room. It was entirely covered in gold from ceiling to floor; the only thing that broke the monochromatic sea of shiny yellow besides herself was the firetruck-red stone that crowned the contraption she was currently hooked up to. "Were you able to help them?"
"Of course I helped them," scoffed Gildenstein. "In fact, every last one of them walked away in a better state than they had been in before they needed me. There have been a few ungrateful buffoons, to be sure, but they were simply too foolish to realize how I had improved them."
"I see," mused Curculio. "And they all came out in one piece?"
"And they all-?!" Gildenstein sputtered incredulously. "Of COURSE they came out alive!! What kind of alchemist do you think I am??! Are you insinuating that I am a QUACK?!!"
"No," said Curculio coolly, after some consideration. "Not at all."
"I should hope not," huffed Gildenstein. "Now, do be quiet. This part requires concentration."
Curculio obeyed, listening intently to the sound of metal parts slamming and clanking behind her. Dr. Gildenstein had also launched into a bout of maniacal cackling, but she tried to ignore that part. The only sound more disconcerting was when she heard the laughing stop.
"What's wrong...?" she said nervously over her shoulder.
"Ahem, nothing a genius can't fix," said Gildenstein unconvincingly. "Only a minor setback!"
Curculio said nothing, hoping she hadn't tempted fate by trusting this lady. She had thought her situation couldn't get worse, but there was a lot that could go wrong right now. And was that SMOKE..?!
"LOOK OUT!!!" shouted Gildenstein over the sounds of the machine, and a flash of blinding light of filled the room. When Curculio opened her eyes, she checked herself expecting to see a pile of charred goop, but instead looked down to see a remarkably solid surface of...metal...
She wasn't sure what she had been expecting.
Gildenstein came out from behind the machine, rubbing her chin in thought. "Ahh, just as I feared," she said dejectedly, "your curse is remarkably strong. As brilliant as I am, I was only able to aurify the outer layer of skin. The rest, I'm afraid, is still just meat and bones."
"This is...actually not terrible," she observed. She had never felt so...clean before. Her insides still felt sick, but it was all contained within her golden shell. No more dripping, no more skin sloughing off...and she finally looked normal. "Wow. I...thank you, Doctor Gildenstein."
"Oh, don't thank me, you're still just a flesh dragon on the inside. What a disgrace!" she fussed. "But at least you are golden on the outside. Do be careful, though," warned Gildenstein, "for I am not sure how that perfect golden shell is going to interact with the putrefaction behind it. I can assure you that I have never failed so spectacularly before, and so I have no frame of reference for a creature like yourself."
"Well, it's good enough for me," said Curculio firmly. "Thank you again, but I must be off."
And with that, Curculio set off to her next destination with renewed confidence. It felt wonderful not having to worry about literally keeping herself together as she flew, as all her loose rotting bits were safe and secure inside her shell. And no one would be the wiser! She had been looked upon with disgust and pity her whole life, so she was eager to finally, maybe, be treated like a normal dragon. Or even, she thought with cautious optimism, a beautiful one...her heart reeled at the thought. Maybe that Gildenstein had a point. Gold was pretty nice after all!
Brontion's Bio wrote on 2023-08-15:
Deep within the bowels of my forge, the flames of war lapped at my unfeeling metal arms as I crafted the destroyer of nations. To tirelessly forge the machinations of war and death can really work up an appetite, so I went to my fridge to get a snack. Unfortunately, I forgot to get the groceries this week. So I set aside my unforgiving crucible to go to the store.
I saw someone strange across the produce aisle. She was a woman my age, I think, but she was also made entirely out of metal.
I started picking up some peaches, because they were on sale and I really like peaches but I don't usually get them. It was silent and kind of awkward until the woman spoke.
"How curious it is," she tested, "to see another metal dragon out and about. I must ask, though, why bronze, of all things?"
"Bronze is the foundation on which power is built. I have built myself through this power, and in shedding my mortal flesh I have become invincible. I am Brontion, harbinger of war and forger of cataclysms. And uh, I use they/them pronouns."
"Well, Brontion. Although I must disagree with your choice in garb, I'd say you are quite well-met. I am Doctor Gildenstein, master alchemist and gilded luminary, sole performer of the Magnum Opus of alchemy. You may have heard of me."
"I have not."
"Oh," she frowned. "Well. We are very much alike, you and I. While you have forged yourself in bronze, I have transmuted myself into the superior metal, gold. With my vast expertise in alchemical transmutation, I intend to transform the whole WORLD into GLITTERING GOLD!!!" She began to laugh, and I felt a little self-conscious, but mostly annoyed. "I don't suppose you possess such lofty ideals for the world?"
"Not really," I said. "I was just going to blow it up."
She sputtered in shock and disbelief. "WHAT?!" I did not respond. I just wanted to get my peaches.
"Well, Brontion, let it be known that I, Doctor Gloria Gildenstein, will stop at NOTHING to create a purely golden world! And if that means I must cross you in the throes of battle, so be it!"
"Okay," I said.
The peaches were really good.
I saw someone strange across the produce aisle. She was a woman my age, I think, but she was also made entirely out of metal.
I started picking up some peaches, because they were on sale and I really like peaches but I don't usually get them. It was silent and kind of awkward until the woman spoke.
"How curious it is," she tested, "to see another metal dragon out and about. I must ask, though, why bronze, of all things?"
"Bronze is the foundation on which power is built. I have built myself through this power, and in shedding my mortal flesh I have become invincible. I am Brontion, harbinger of war and forger of cataclysms. And uh, I use they/them pronouns."
"Well, Brontion. Although I must disagree with your choice in garb, I'd say you are quite well-met. I am Doctor Gildenstein, master alchemist and gilded luminary, sole performer of the Magnum Opus of alchemy. You may have heard of me."
"I have not."
"Oh," she frowned. "Well. We are very much alike, you and I. While you have forged yourself in bronze, I have transmuted myself into the superior metal, gold. With my vast expertise in alchemical transmutation, I intend to transform the whole WORLD into GLITTERING GOLD!!!" She began to laugh, and I felt a little self-conscious, but mostly annoyed. "I don't suppose you possess such lofty ideals for the world?"
"Not really," I said. "I was just going to blow it up."
She sputtered in shock and disbelief. "WHAT?!" I did not respond. I just wanted to get my peaches.
"Well, Brontion, let it be known that I, Doctor Gloria Gildenstein, will stop at NOTHING to create a purely golden world! And if that means I must cross you in the throes of battle, so be it!"
"Okay," I said.
The peaches were really good.
Click or tap a food type to individually feed this dragon only. The other dragons in your lair will not have their energy replenished.
This dragon doesn't eat Insects.
This dragon doesn't eat Meat.
Feed this dragon Seafood.
This dragon doesn't eat Plants.
Exalting Gildenstein to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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- Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
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- Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
- Names can only contain letters.