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29.46 m
20.44 m
8334.14 kg
Eye Type
Level 25 Imperial
Max Level

- Bile
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- Allison
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- Unnamed
- Unnamed
- Unnamed
- Unnamed
- Hinagiku
- Unnamed
- Sivir
- Unnamed
- Basim
- Buem
- Lylia
- Squeak
- Teruo
- Chrysocolla
- Unnamed
- Unnamed
- Unnamed
- Unnamed
- Unnamed
- Unnamed
![]() ALLISON " I do what I do because it's right, and above all else it gives others a fighting chance. If I were to run away, good people all around me would die, but if I stand and fight then some of them may live. Maybe not many, maybe not for long, maybe there's no point in fighting this at all, but it's the best I can do. So I'm going to do this, and I'll stand here doing it until it kills me... These people are terrified, sick and dying, but maybe we can help... even if it's just a little, why shouldn't we? "
Time Tot - Time Lord - Rifter/Warden
Team Insurgence
The Kingdom's Creator
Leader of Team Insurgence Princess of The Kingdom Theme Song:
Will not trade or sell. ![]()
IKTR: 0 IDKTR: 0 IKTOR: 0 IKMATR: 0 Steal a Fandragon: 0 |
![]() ABOUT Allison, also known as The Rifter, is a renegade who escaped a violent and inhumane organization in her early years. Constantly living on the run and being forced to fight for her loved ones has hardened her into a compassionate yet terrifying force which will stop at nothing to protect her family, friends, and the innocent people around her. At first, her past led to extreme aggression and violent tendencies, but as time progressed, she mellowed out into a wise and caring individual. Despite this, if someone were to wrong a person she cares for, they should pick a god and pray or would be better off digging their own grave.
Bio Code by PlaqueDoc

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QUICK LOOK Allison is a Rifter Witch hybrid with control over the powers of space time. She's a renegade from a corrupt and relentless organization which pursues her for her abilities and is fighting for a world in which her and the people she cares for can be free from The Organization's hands. Time Tot- Time Tots are young Time Lords which haven't yet harnessed their time traveling powers. They have extended lives, can regenerate and spend excessive amounts of time either playing interdimensional games, reading stories, participating in sports or studying school subjects, including advanced ones. Time Lord- Time Lords are an ancient extraterrestrial species named for their command of time travel technology and their non-linear perception of time. Their powers include time travel, the ability to manipulate time and space, 13 lives, regeneration, telepathy, the ability to heal others, transferring their lives to somebody else and clairvoyance. Rifter- Rifters are the most powerful form of Time Lord one can encounter. They've practiced all their lives, normally through several regenerations and for varying reasons, to master their time traveling capabilities. They can go to any point of any time anywhere, even to the creation of the very universe if they so desire. They've mastered manipulating the flow of time, to the point where they can stop previously unchangeable events from happening and save those who previously could not be saved. They're able to world hop, often own a pocket dimension or world(s) of their own and can take life forms from one reality and place them into another without causing temporal time paradoxes to occur. They're also found to be leaders or rulers of some kind, given their ability to manipulate things until their desired outcome arises. Plus, they can often break the rules of time itself, occasionally leaving time wounds similar to Skyrim's dragon break where time becomes non linear and multiple endings to the same event can happen all at once. Time Lords are able to heal these breaks as they so desire, or use them for other purposes. Warden- Those who have outlived too many loved ones. Years of hard training and the loss have shaped them into an immovable force and make them invaluable ally's. |
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![]() RECRUITMENT Born as a hybrid between a Rifter and a Witch Allison was always destined for greatness. She has always been destined to influence the universe around her and has always been known for her powers in space time. Unfortunately, her powers garnered the interest of a mysterious and powerful force known as The Organization. This Organization consists off a culmination of lands, castles, kingdoms and more which are so reclusive and reticent that many don't know of each other's existence. All these lands and kingdoms which are owned by The Organization are collectively ruled over by The President who is a self proclaimed supreme being seeking immortality and absolute control over the multi verse. The President is an Illithid disguised as a well kept, elderly man who his people consider to be immortal, despite the contrary reigning true. Upon discovering Allison The Organization kidnapped her, raised her and trained her in ruthless combat. They manipulated her loyalties in the hopes of conquering the multiverse... they used her in hopes of becoming a God. One day, Allison learned of the true ways of life, the lies of The Organization, the manipulation which she had gone through... and she used her powers as a Time Lord with the training of an Eldritch Knight to escape. These powers were necessary for The Organization to infiltrate new worlds, new dimensions and new realities in order to obtain many sacred artifacts such as Pieces of Eden which could control not only people, but the very world. Her body, unable to be cloned and her abilities, unable to be learned by any other than those of her bloodline were highly sought after, and still are, by The Organization. They persistently hunt her for the abilities she naturally wields and ultimately prefer to recapture her but will destroy her if they're unable to obtain this goal. After escaping with her team of four (one member being herself) Allison and her allies wandered for months on end. Occasionally completing an odd job, sometimes serving as mercenaries and always fighting for what they believed in. These fights often led to the freeing of people, the vanquishing of tyrants and the spoils of war which increased their fame and made them easier to locate for The Organization who pursued them. The Organization fought many battles against the group, sometimes kidnapping a member and forcing them to escape from their clutches with the help of their team. Allison, being the assigned leader of their group due to her phenomenal judgement skills and roll as mediator, knew they couldn't go on like this forever. They needed a base, a home of operations, somewhere where they could rest their heads without fear. Thus their journey to create The Kingdom was born. |
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Creating The Kingdom wasn't an easy task, how could one expect it to be? The team of four couldn't settle down anywhere with The Organization utilizing their forces to conquer realms both near and far. Their enemies were everywhere, they were always being hunted, always on the run. Allison's team, affectionately nicknamed Team Insurgence after their many wars and revolutions, traveled for years in order to collect the appropriate amount of resources and allies to build their new home. They collected plenty of supplies in this endeavor with the knowledge that they may never truly settle down. Unbeknownst to most of them, however, was Allison's gaze on The Dark Zone as a potential base of operations. The Dark Zone was largely known as one of the most dangerous places in the universe which was 1.800,000,000,000 light years in size. That's 10,581,525,974,247 miles and 244.0,625 yards! Why, some may ask, is such a large vacuum in space so dangerous and so well feared? Because of the mystery of it, because of the sheer lack of life which consists in this void which pushes all life and matter away from it. The Dark Zone, for all it's size, consists of 20% less matter, or 20,000 less galaxies than would be expected in it. For the sake of perspective, that's a thousand trillion stars which are missing within this empty vacuum. Some theorized, that like most galaxy's The Dark Zone had stars before which orbited around a supermassive black hole at the core of it's galaxy, and that the absence of matter was caused by the black hole consuming the galaxies within. Due to this nobody, not even The Organization, dared to trespass on The Dark Zone's spatial dimensions. The place was an ideal time capsule due to the simplistic particles that now remained within it, flitting about the empty expanse which continued to push against the fabric of the universe, but the risk of encountering whatever had consumed the presumed galaxies from before made studying it too great a risk. This made The Dark Zone a perfect place to start their base, and with magic already prevalent in their multiverse Allison knew there had to be a way to settle this dangerous and foreign location. Over time, Fearful questioned why they needed to collect things like... a moon from a far off and distantly abandoned planet in order to create a base as well as the very planet itself. But her questions were slowly answered as they made their way to help with a war between the Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greece. Befriending several Gods and Goddesses and helping to wage war against their enemies, Team Insurgence was able to garner the trust and allegiance of a great deal of members from the Greek Pantheon. This trust was then utilized to help The Insurgence in bringing life to the planet and the moon which they stole from far away. With the guidance of Allison, Greek Gods and Goddesses helped to bring many ecosystems and beautiful landscapes to the new world. This world was dubbed New Earth by Allison until they could come up with a better name for the planet and, with her powers to manipulate space itself, Allison reversed the push and pull of The Dark Zone to make it a safe and durable location to hide the new planet. Team Insurgence thanked their new friends in the Gods and Goddesses, even going as far as to make varying temples of worship in a particular section of New Earth. These temples were placed among stunning landscapes with varying ruins for decoration and covered large expanses of the world. After New Earth was made, Team Insurgence worked together to explore the void of The Dark Zone and didn't find much of anything at all. Due to this, they turned their attention back to the planet and began to build The Kingdom. This Kingdom started as a single building resembling a guild flanked by enormous red wood tree houses that served as a base of operations and as their homes. Allison, their leader, Angel, their second in command, Fearful, their strategist and Shotgun, their weapons master, all lived together in a single yet giant treehouse with various rooms. The guild served as their base of operations, and for awhile they were content with living this way. Far off from all other life in the multiverse, far away from potential foes and far away from The Organization's influence. This contentment only lasted so long, however, as after a few months of living on New Earth the team began to develop a case of cabin fever. They attempted to combat this through constructing obstacle courses, training arenas, parkour courses and other forms of entertainment. Fearful even set up an elaborate system of technology so they could play in simulated environments and enjoy video games in such deep immersement that the Oculus Quest seemed like a toddler's toy. This was long before the development of The Rifter Games and before several children of The Rifter line had been born, but those came in time as well. Allison and Angel even sought solace in each other in their own attempt to fill the void of loneliness which both were beginning to experience, despite the company each had in the other. Ethelia their first born daughter, and Ike, their first born son were born as a result. Despite their best efforts Team Insurgence couldn't deny their crippling loneliness and isolation from the rest of the multi verse. Even the introverted Fearful missed the company of people and Allison was beginning to miss fighting for the freedom of those around her. The Team worried about the influence of The Organization, if they would think to look for them in their new base and even fretted about what The Organization was doing to others in their search for them. Allison reached a point where she couldn't stand idle anymore, and called a meeting to announce what Team Insurgence would do. "We're going to save others, we're going to fix the multiverse and we're going to stop The Organization from maintaining it's hold and control on these worlds. It's time for the atrocities of our existence to come to an end." The team began collecting new allies from different worlds, they occasionally split up to explore new galaxies and they garnered the attention of multiple allies who agreed to keep the location of New Earth a secret. There was no racism amongst them, no discrimination and no oppression. In the confines of New Earth everyone was considered equal and free, those who thought otherwise were swiftly punished and even thrown out. These efforts of Team Insurgence caused their modest home and base of operations to expand into a large village, in order to house their new friends in this safe haven they had formed. Eventually, the village became a city and in time, that city an empire. Team Insurgence's base grew larger, as did their tree houses, until a castle was built up from it. The Kingdom, a safe haven to all, but despite this Allison knew that the singular planet could not house every life form in existence and that the Dark Zone would undoubtedly start coming to life. As more stars appeared from the creation of their night sky and the planets which they dragged to them in an attempt to create more land, homes and settlements for their various life forms and friends. Allison knew that the attention and curiosity of The Organization would be sparked and that they would wish to explore what they once feared in order to discover why The Dark Zone was coming to life. Team Insurgence couldn't hide forever, and with multiple worlds being connected to theirs's through Allison's... library of portals, it was only a matter of time before they were discovered once again. In time, Allison knew that their Kingdom would need to prepare for another war against The Organization.
Leader of Team Insurgence Allison has always been the leader of her people since before the founding of her Kingdom on New Earth and even before New Earth's creation. During her time in The Organization she was teamed up with Angel, Shotgun and Fearful. Their team member's personalities meshed together perfectly and each naturally assumed their own roles within their team. Leadership was a toss between Angel or Allison, neither of which cared much who was in control, but Fearful and Shotgun nominated Allison as their leader due to her leadership capabilities, moral compass and ability to dispel arguments among them while retaining empathy towards both sides of a dispute. Angel was happy to remain a second in command and whenever Allison is away his word becomes law. Law amongst Team Insurgence and among The Kingdom as well. Princess of The Kingdom Allison is both the founder and the ruler of The Kingdom which she created with the help of her friends from scratch in the empty vacuum of space known as the Dark Zone. The Dark Zone has always been a place mortals fear to tread and continues to be so despite the recent lights appearing in it's empty expanse. These lights are caused by the vast universe Allison has created as well as the many stars and singular moon which Allison has placed to bring the Dark Zone to life. After crafting the basics of what her powers allowed in order to bring the Dark Zone into a state of normalcy for the creation of New Earth, Allison sought out the help of powerful friends and allies in order to bring the place to life. After their assistance the new world, dubbed New Earth until a proper name could be assigned by its creator, came to life in a perfect paradise of nature with many different ecosystems and habitat zones. Even though the new planet had plenty of building potential present on it's surface the kingdom Allison created started off as little more than a set of tree houses in which her team chose to dwell and a guild which they used as a base. Overtime, as Team Insurgence began rescuing people and creatures from the world's around them, The Kingdom grew and expanded from the single guild and set of tree houses, to a village, to an entire kingdom which expanded the length of numerous worlds and connected to other safe locations claimed by The Insurgence during their journeys. These safe locations, often placed within other worlds, were connected to The Kingdom via portals and will remain undescribed until further notice for the protection of all. Considering how Allison created New Earth and even the entire kingdom within it many call her a goddess, but at the end of the day she's still just a princess who happened to have the right connections for creating herself a wonderful and serene home. Whenever she's absent from her Kingdom things are still guaranteed to be running smoothly due to her own friends as well as her people's will. Several roles have also been assigned and if worse comes to worse Angel, Shotgun and Fearful will always be around to keep The Kingdom and its people in line. ![]() |
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Bio Template by @Husky.
![]() STR 13 +1 ╚═════╝ |
![]() DEX 18 +4 ╚═════╝ |
![]() CON 14 +2 ╚═════╝ |
![]() INT 18 +4 ╚═════╝ |
![]() WIS 20 +5 ╚═════╝ |
![]() CHA 12 +1 ╚═════╝ |
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Temporal Rifter Fandragon

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Generation Zero Temporal Rifter Welcome to the Temporal Rifters. Here you will find many different dragons all spanning down from Allison. Her story is a sad one at least in the beginning and the fight has only just begun! If you wish to register your Dragon as a Temporal Rifter do not hesitate to portal on over ^^ There is a requirement of at least 50 words of Lore to register your rifter with the project. |
Interested in The Temporal Rifters? Check out the following Forums.

Unnamed Spirit Wolves of the Temporal Rifters
"Trust the wisdom of your soul...It knows the way"
"Trust the wisdom of your soul...It knows the way"

The following wolves are spirit guides who have been protecting Allison since she was 10 years old. They originally protected her mother and appear to be passed from family member to family member. The white wolf is calm and calculative, often choosing to guide Allison in logical affairs while the black wolf is bold and aggressive, often choosing to guide Allison in violent affairs. Naturally speaking neither wolf can speak but they do communicate through non verbal means such as circling Allison when she's in danger or using body language to help guide her in troubling times. As suggested by their species name these wolves are spirit guides and cannot be seen by anyone other than Allison and those of her bloodline. Even Angel is unable to detect them when they guide Allison's decisions.
Pwyll of the Temporal Rifters
"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart
and sings it back to you when you have forgotten how it goes."
"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart
and sings it back to you when you have forgotten how it goes."

This horse was gifted to Allison by her official trainer in The Organization a few days after his disappearance. Pwyll was discovered near a village overrun with Organization members in disguise with a letter from her teacher, Jasper, glued to his stomach. This letter warned The Insurgence that the village wasn't what it seemed and that coming there was a mistake. Soon after, Jasper's letter explained that they may never see him again and asked for the team to take care of his loyal steed. Allison was specified for this task, since Pwyll was well behaved around her, and as a result the horse was entrusted to her and remains a loyal mount to this day. Pwyll is often uncooperative and mischievous with anyone who tries to ride him other than Allison, but is otherwise a sweet tempered horse. If he doesn't like you, you'll know.
Kilala of the Temporal Rifters
"Key key, key lalalala
Key key, key bang bang bang"
"Key key, key lalalala
Key key, key bang bang bang"

Kilala (Pronounced Key-la-la) was a gift to Allison from Yuri during her travels in the Fire Emblem Three Houses Universe. Kilala's purpose was to keep Allison calm and was Yuri's attempt to de-stress the female as The Ashen Wolves held her captive for her own safety. The Organization was closing in on Allison during this time, and since she had been separated from the rest of her team during her travels to this new world, she was worried about what would occur if The Organization found her or discovered the abilities of Crest. There was also a potential war brewing between the Ashen Wolves and the Blue Lions since Dimitri, who was in a relationship with Allison, believed she had been kidnapped and was being held against her will. In the end Kilala served as a wonderful Companion which Yuri was allergic too and accompanied Allison back to The Kingdom after her travels. Kilala's personality is skittish, aggressive and adventurous and she has been nicknamed Demon Kitty due to her habit of running away and hiding from anyone and everyone who isn't Allison. She'll give a warning hiss but if persistent Kilala's pursuer's are bound to find themselves with a few scratches and a pierced hand. Strangely enough, Kilala is incredibly sweet, cuddly and friendly with Allison who calls the cat her baby girl, sweetheart and little angel. Kilala refuses to scratch or bite Allison and a deep trust is shown to be present between the two since Allison is the only one Kilala will come out of hiding for. Anyone else will take a minimum of three months for the cat to warm up too but she has taken a liking to Angel as well, and will occasionally curl up in his lap to rest.

Allison's Rifter Outfit

Allison's Skyrim Attire

Allison's Assassin Outfit

Allison's Ordon Outfit

QueenNala wrote on 2019-09-18 09:54:38:
I love the way your vista matches your dragon avatar! Reminds me of a shrine 

beepbeepboi wrote on 2019-10-04 01:51:30:
I like your avatar dragon :)
JustNotOverIt wrote on 2020-05-02 14:23:42:
your fast.
ninja fast\\\\\\\\
ninja fast\\\\\\\\
asstrollogy wrote on 2020-09-09 19:27:32:
I love your avatar dragon and your vista!!
Children's Bio Code
[color=#48327e][b]First Generation Temporal Rifter[/b]
[url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=51396647]Allison[/url] -> Me[/center]
[color=#48327e][font=century][size=5]W[/size]elcome to the Temporal Rifters. Here you will find many different dragons all spanning down from [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=51396647]Allison[/url]. Her story is a sad one at least in the beginning and the fight has only just begun! If you wish to register your Dragon as a [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drt/2840151#post_42744443]Temporal Rifter [/url]do not hesitate to portal on over ^^ There is a requirement of at least 50 words of Lore to register your rifter with the project.
[center][size=7][size=4][font=copperplate][color=#48327e]N A M E[/size][/size]
[size=5][font=copperplate][color=#48327e]R O L E[/font][nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/6uxGKwI.png[/img][/columns]
[font=copperplate][color=#48327e][size=7]QUICK LOOK[/size]
[font=copperplate][color=#48327e][size=5]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Pretium nibh ipsum consequat nisl vel pretium. Faucibus vitae aliquet nec ullamcorper sit.
[font=copperplate][color=#48327e][size=5]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut accumsan orci quis felis consequat, vel vulputate neque vestibulum. Aliquam in aliquam diam. Sed at eros tellus. Quisque nec velit ornare, gravida purus eget, blandit est. Nam nec massa sit amet libero rutrum rutrum ac vel turpis. Aenean id varius tellus, eu volutpat purus. Cras et bibendum magna. Nulla facilisi. Nullam molestie tortor in ligula bibendum, id gravida quam accumsan. Vestibulum condimentum arcu pharetra, interdum velit at, elementum justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed luctus efficitur lorem in vulputate. Proin elementum tincidunt diam, et suscipit dui posuere ac.
Children's Adoption Post
[b]Name[/b] - Unnamed
[b]Generation Number[/b] -
[b]Rifter Parent[/b] - [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=51396647]Allison[/url]
[b]Status[/b] - Open
[b]Requirements[/b] - 50 words of lore and a sub class or 20g/kt.
[b]Birthplace[/b] -
[b]Circumstances[/b] -
[b]Prompt Idea[/b] -
Current Pairs Rental Nesting
Name of Pair Enmu
Sent to SirenDancer
Player I.D. #669055
Sent on 07/23/2024

Name of Pair
Sent to
Player I.D. #
Sent on
Sent to
Player I.D. #
Sent on
Extra Relationship Notes
Married to Manjiro Sano (04/19/2023)
Married to Kazutora Hanemiya (04/20/2023)
Click or tap a food type to individually feed this dragon only. The other dragons in your lair will not have their energy replenished.
Insect stocks are currently depleted.
Feed this dragon Meat.
Seafood stocks are currently depleted.
Feed this dragon Plants.
Exalting Allison to the service of the Tidelord will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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- Names must be longer than 2 characters.
- Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
- Names can only contain letters.
- Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
- Names can only contain letters.