
Forum Games

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TOPIC | !The Rifter Games!
[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [size=4]The Rifter Games are meant for [url=]The Temporal Rifter's Generation Project[/url]. In order to participate in these games you must have at least one Registered Temporal Rifter to participate. If the link isn't active the section is either under maintenance or hasn't been created yet.

The Rifter Games are meant for The Temporal Rifter's Generation Project. In order to participate in these games you must have at least one Registered Temporal Rifter to participate.

If the link isn't active the section is either under maintenance or hasn't been created yet.
[img][/img] [center][size=7][b][i][color=00CED1]Non-Lethal Rifter Games[/color][/i][/b][/size] Please click on the title of a game to be taken to it's respective Forum [size=4][b][/b][img][/img][/center] [size=4]These Rifter Games are primarily non-lethal to their participants and don't contain canon concepts for Rifter exaltion. In order to view Temporal Rifter Lore or to adopt a Rifter of your own please visit the [url=]Main Forum[/url] [url=][color=00CED1][b]The Rifter League[/color]:[/b][/url] Essentially the Hunger Games but Rifter themed. Winners of this game may gain the ability to level up to level 10 in my lair completely free of charge. Winners of this game will also receive a winner's button. [url=][color=00CED1][b]Rifterments[/color]:[/b][/url] Similar to I Know That Reference but instead of choosing fandragons you choose and compliment Rifters. [url=][color=00CED1][b]Creating Allison[/color]:[/b][/url] Dressing up thread where individuals may create various forms of Stand Ins for Allison. These Stand Ins may have a chance of being created and breeding Rifters for the Temporal Rifter Generation Project. [url=][color=00CED1][b]Dress a Rifter/Fandragon[/color]:[/b][/url] Essentially a dress up game where you can dress up Rifters and Fandragons based off of themes. [url=][color=00CED1][b]Shame a Rifter[/color]:[/b][/url] Shame any Temporal Rifter for any reason. Any reason at all.
Non-Lethal Rifter Games
Please click on the title of a game to be taken to it's respective Forum
These Rifter Games are primarily non-lethal to their participants and don't contain canon concepts for Rifter exaltion. In order to view Temporal Rifter Lore or to adopt a Rifter of your own please visit the Main Forum

The Rifter League: Essentially the Hunger Games but Rifter themed. Winners of this game may gain the ability to level up to level 10 in my lair completely free of charge. Winners of this game will also receive a winner's button.

Rifterments: Similar to I Know That Reference but instead of choosing fandragons you choose and compliment Rifters.

Creating Allison: Dressing up thread where individuals may create various forms of Stand Ins for Allison. These Stand Ins may have a chance of being created and breeding Rifters for the Temporal Rifter Generation Project.

Dress a Rifter/Fandragon: Essentially a dress up game where you can dress up Rifters and Fandragons based off of themes.

Shame a Rifter: Shame any Temporal Rifter for any reason. Any reason at all.
[img][/img] [center][size=7][b][i][color=00CED1]Lethal Rifter Games[/color][/i][/b][/size] Please click on the title of a game to be taken to it's respective Forum [size=4][b][/b][img][/img][/center] [size=4]These Rifter Games are primarily lethal and contain canon concepts for Rifter exaltion. In order to view Temporal Rifter Lore or to adopt a Rifter of your own please visit the [url=]Main Forum[/url] [i]As a side note:[/i] While losers are generally exalted in these games the owner of Rifter participants can still keep their losers if they get attached. [url=][color=00CED1][b]The Gauntlet[/color]:[/b][/url] Essentially the Hunger Games. Winner's get a survivor's button and the chance to level up to Lvl. 15 in my lair free of charge. [color=00CED1][b]The President's Invasion[/color]:[/b] (Not yet created but essentially like the game called Mafia)
Lethal Rifter Games
Please click on the title of a game to be taken to it's respective Forum

These Rifter Games are primarily lethal and contain canon concepts for Rifter exaltion. In order to view Temporal Rifter Lore or to adopt a Rifter of your own please visit the Main Forum

As a side note: While losers are generally exalted in these games the owner of Rifter participants can still keep their losers if they get attached.

The Gauntlet: Essentially the Hunger Games. Winner's get a survivor's button and the chance to level up to Lvl. 15 in my lair free of charge.

The President's Invasion: (Not yet created but essentially like the game called Mafia)
[center][b][size=5]Roleplays[/size][/b][/center] [size=4]These Rifter Games are based on roleplaying and may require an understanding of other Rifters to participate. In order to view Temporal Rifter Lore or to adopt a Rifter of your own please visit the [url=]Main Forum[/url] [b][i]The Games[/i][/b] [url=]Riftality[/url] Choose Your Own Adventures [b][i]The Roleplays[/i][/b] [url=] (Roleplaying thread meant for asking various members of the Rifter Verse questions. Also serves as a Compendium for anything and everything related to the canonical world of the Temporal Rifters.)[img][/img][/url] [url=]Roleplay With Kali[/url]
These Rifter Games are based on roleplaying and may require an understanding of other Rifters to participate. In order to view Temporal Rifter Lore or to adopt a Rifter of your own please visit the Main Forum

The Games

Choose Your Own Adventures

The Roleplays

(Roleplaying thread meant for asking various members of the Rifter Verse questions. Also serves as a Compendium for anything and everything related to the canonical world of the Temporal Rifters.)cS4zSRV.png

Roleplay With Kali
Old Forums
Old games which have been removed or revived. This is more or less a gallery for old games and previous conversations, saved for the sake of sentimental memory.

The Rifter Games (Themed off The Hunger Games)
Rifterments (Like I Know That Reference but you compliment Rifters)
Rifter Shaming
The Organized Experiments (Themed off lethal Rifter Games)
Old Forums
Old games which have been removed or revived. This is more or less a gallery for old games and previous conversations, saved for the sake of sentimental memory.

The Rifter Games (Themed off The Hunger Games)
Rifterments (Like I Know That Reference but you compliment Rifters)
Rifter Shaming
The Organized Experiments (Themed off lethal Rifter Games)
The Following Games Are Under Construction

Role Plays
Choose Your Own Adventures

The Organization (Themed off the game called Mafia)
The Rifter Games (Themed off The Hunger Games)
The Organized Experiments (Themed off The Hunger Games)
Rifterments (Themed off of best dragon threads)

Rifter Shaming
Temporal Artists
Rifter Lore
Dress a Rifter

Please feel free to suggest any further ideas for games that can be manipulated to fit The Rifter Games.
The Following Games Are Under Construction

Role Plays
Choose Your Own Adventures

The Organization (Themed off the game called Mafia)
The Rifter Games (Themed off The Hunger Games)
The Organized Experiments (Themed off The Hunger Games)
Rifterments (Themed off of best dragon threads)

Rifter Shaming
Temporal Artists
Rifter Lore
Dress a Rifter

Please feel free to suggest any further ideas for games that can be manipulated to fit The Rifter Games.