Cross-Country Skiing

Elruden had spent his whole life preparing for this moment. Since he was a child he knew he wanted to compete in Cross-country skiing. He still couldn't believe that he had actually made the cut, and that he was really here! He hastily got all dressed up, strolled up to the line holding his handmade skis, and waited.
"...Where is everyone?" He looked up to a clock, only to realise he was 6 hours early.
"Ah. I see." Well, at least he's not late for once!
Figure Skating

Mireille is the image of grace. If you look the word up in a dictionary, there'll be a photo of her there. (though admittedly she'd be the one that put it there!)
She looked around at all the other competitors.
Ha! she thought to herself,
none of them stand a chance against me, I'll win this for sure. Of course, everyone else there was thinking the same thing. But Mireille knew she was the best, this was meant to be an easy win!
With only a few minutes to go until the competition started, she was really feeling confident now!
Ski Jumping

Aed is nowhere near graceful, but boy is he competitive. So when he saw his clanmates preparing for...Something, he just had to do it too. He went around to each of them, asking what they were doing.
Every one of them answered the same way; "Preparing for the winter games!"
Luckily that was all the information he needed. Upon researching these "winter games", he found out that a clan can only have one dragon (or team, depending on the sport) competing in each event. Aed recognised the four sports his other clan mates were entering in as cross-country skiing, figure skating, speed skating, and curling. He looked at the other sports on offer, and decided he would enter in Ski Jumping.
Time to practice.
Because of how competitive he is, Aed didn't want anyone to see him fail. So he travelled far away to the Southern Icefields just to find a secluded area where he could practice. He was terrible to begin with, absolutely despicable. But he refused to lose at anything, so he practiced and practiced until he gradually got better. Just in time, too!
Speed Skating

Shasta is feisty. She's a little firecracker (pun not intended). She goes fast, and she goes hard. So naturally, when she saw winter games sign up forms, she decided that she just had to compete in Speed Skating.
Fast forward to the competition day, and she is standing eagerly at the starting line. The announcer screams "GO!" and they all go.
Shasta wasn't prepared for everyone else to be fast as well, but that's okay, because it just fired her up even more. She leaned forward even more, and her short-legged, streamlined body allowed her to speed straight past everyone else.
"Yeeessss!" she screamed, looking behind her, just to see everyone else hot on her tail.
Aww snap. Gotta go even faster!
There was a lot of noise in the stadium, both from the crowd and the stone itself. But luckily, Meissa, Nirya, Gavis and Berry work perfectly as a team, directing and helping each other clearly.
Nirya, being the smallest, takes on the job of starting the journey of the stone. She hovers above, holding onto the stone just tight enough for it to follow her, and flies ahead, letting go at the perfect moment. Berry and Meissa take over as soon as she lets go, working in perfect symphony to get it to go exactly how they want.
For the final stretch, Gavis takes over as she is the most precise at aiming.
(I have next to no idea how this sport works but ???)