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TOPIC | Dragon Bio Resources: Comprehensive
Dragon Bio Resources

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Hello, fellow Flight Rising users! I, like many of you, delight in making my dragons' bios pretty - so I have been a heavy user of the past incarnations of this thread, those run by @Alexandor and @katbutts.

This thread is designed to provide you with any and all of the raw material you need to make your own bios, and since I have no intention of leaving Flight Rising, my ambition is to make this thread as comprehensive as possible!

What this thread is not is a primary resource for pre-made bio templates. If you are looking for pre-made templates, check out the Other Resources post.

All of the links lead to either on-site locations, or off-site locations (tumblr, imgur, etc.). I do not take credit for any of these graphics (unless stated otherwise), so if you are the owner of any of these graphics and do not want them to be found here, let me know, and I'll remove them!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Free-to-use does not mean free for commercial (profit) use. For example, using them in a shop or hatchery. Free-to-use means free for personal use. Unless the artist specifically okays their graphics for profit, don't use them for such. Please, be mindful of this; if someone would like credit for the use of their graphics, credit them.

Have a concern? Need some help? Found a broken link? Want to add something? Please ping me!


Post 1:

Post 2: Images Provided by Flight Rising

Post 3: Flags, Sidebars, and Banners
3.1 Flight Aesthetics
3.2 Coliseum-related
3.3 Miscellaneous

Post 4: Dividers

Post 5: Buttons, Icons, Graphics, and Badges

Post 6: Pixels
6.1 Flight Aesthetics
6.2 Other/General Use

Post 7: Queer Corner

Post 8: Custom Resources

Post 9: Helpful Hints

Post 10: Other Resources
10.1 Formatting
10.2 Colors
10.3 Items
10.4 Lore Help
10.5 Others' Resources
10.6 Bio Templates
Dragon Bio Resources

Want to ping yourself? Note that you may lose the thread as a result. Read pings are cleared after 30 days. Bookmarking is a safer option.

Want to know when new resources are added to the thread? Subscribe to the pinglist!

Hello, fellow Flight Rising users! I, like many of you, delight in making my dragons' bios pretty - so I have been a heavy user of the past incarnations of this thread, those run by @Alexandor and @katbutts.

This thread is designed to provide you with any and all of the raw material you need to make your own bios, and since I have no intention of leaving Flight Rising, my ambition is to make this thread as comprehensive as possible!

What this thread is not is a primary resource for pre-made bio templates. If you are looking for pre-made templates, check out the Other Resources post.

All of the links lead to either on-site locations, or off-site locations (tumblr, imgur, etc.). I do not take credit for any of these graphics (unless stated otherwise), so if you are the owner of any of these graphics and do not want them to be found here, let me know, and I'll remove them!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Free-to-use does not mean free for commercial (profit) use. For example, using them in a shop or hatchery. Free-to-use means free for personal use. Unless the artist specifically okays their graphics for profit, don't use them for such. Please, be mindful of this; if someone would like credit for the use of their graphics, credit them.

Have a concern? Need some help? Found a broken link? Want to add something? Please ping me!


Post 1:

Post 2: Images Provided by Flight Rising

Post 3: Flags, Sidebars, and Banners
3.1 Flight Aesthetics
3.2 Coliseum-related
3.3 Miscellaneous

Post 4: Dividers

Post 5: Buttons, Icons, Graphics, and Badges

Post 6: Pixels
6.1 Flight Aesthetics
6.2 Other/General Use

Post 7: Queer Corner

Post 8: Custom Resources

Post 9: Helpful Hints

Post 10: Other Resources
10.1 Formatting
10.2 Colors
10.3 Items
10.4 Lore Help
10.5 Others' Resources
10.6 Bio Templates

Bio Resources
Pixel art of a bonsai planter. Within the white tray are a few piles of sand. Atop the central pile of sand is a collection of red shells of various shapes. To its left is a large piece of weathered driftwood. To its right is a single column of stones, stacked like a cairn, and a dead redwood tree with two tops.*Pixel art of a widemouthed jar filled with sand. On the sand are four shells of different shapes. Tied around the jar’s mouth is a piece of twine with a sand dollar hanging from it.A medium-sized pixel book representing Vianne. It is a Mulberry book with a symmetric swirled design on its spine in Purple. At the top and bottom of the book’s spine are accents in Purple and Charcoal.A slim pixel book representing Zelophehad. On its spine is a column of geometric shapes in Black, Purple, and Stone.A slim pixel book representing Helen. The abstract angular shapes in Brown, Chocolate, and Blood on its spine evoke a cathedral.A slim pixel book representing Taalay. Large gold sparkles stand out against a Pink background. Vertical Blackberry lines frame the sparkles on the top and bottom of the book’s spine.A slim pixel book representing Reinier. On its spine is a wizard’s broom with Silver-colored bristles and a gnarled Phthalo handle on a background of Nightshade.A slim pixel book representing Judicael. On its spine is a column of geometric Gold flowers with Crimson centers on a background of desaturated Nightshade.A medium-sized pixel book representing Rhonwen. On its spine is a sword point-down in Black and White, wreathed in a spiral of and crowned with Red flames. The sword stands out on a field of White and a background of Platinum.A medium-sized pixel book representing Drake. Below a Stone plate of squiggly writing in Turquoise is a sun-and-ray design in Turquoise. Below that, running up both sides of the book’s spine, is a symmetrical series of angular triangles in Stone edged with Turquoise.A medium-sized pixel book representing Q. It is a Tomato book with interlocked spirals in Storm and Gold on its spine.A slim pixel book representing Keahi. It is an Orange book with artful slashes of Fire and Maroon on its spine.A medium-sized pixel book representing Aysu. On its spine is a fish floating below bubbles and above abstract writing that looks like seaweed on an Azure background. The bubbles are Teal and Caribbean. The fish is Caribbean with Teal stripes.A slim pixel book representing Cupid. On its spine, Purple petals drift between three Carmine roses on a background of Lavender.A slim pixel book representing Konani. On its spine, Caribbean petals drift between three Lavender roses on a background of Fern.A pixel book representing Haruna. The spine’s centerpiece features a spoon, fork, and knife in Carmine against a Seafoam background. Above the spine’s centerpiece are two sheaves of wheat in Seafoam against a White background. Below the spine’s centerpiece are vegetables in Carmine and Seafoam against a White background.A slim pixel book representing Mavuto. It is an Ice book with artful slashes of Purple and White on its spine.
[center][b][size=7]I[/size][size=6]mages[/size] [size=7]P[/size][size=6]rovided by[/size] [i][size=7]F[/size][size=6]light[/size] [size=7]R[/size][size=6]ising[/size][/i][/b] [b][url=]Image Assets - Comprehensive[/url][/b] [size=2](Compiled by Starrlight)[/size] [b][url=]Coliseum Enemies (Animated)[/url][/b] [size=2](Compiled by Myndris)[/size] [b][url=]Battle Images[/url][/b] [size=2](Compiled by Phoenix447)[/size] [b][url=]Icons[/url][/b] [b]Arcane Subregions[/b] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [b]Earth Subregions[/b] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [b]Fire Subregions[/b] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [b]Ice Subregions[/b] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [b]Light Subregions[/b] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [b]Lightning Subregions[/b] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [b]Nature Subregions[/b] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [b]Plague Subregions[/b] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [b]Shadow Subregions[/b] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [b]Water Subregions[/b] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [b]Wind Subregions[/b] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [b]Gaoler Orders[/b] [img][/img]
Images Provided by Flight Rising

Image Assets - Comprehensive
(Compiled by Starrlight)

Coliseum Enemies (Animated)
(Compiled by Myndris)

Battle Images
(Compiled by Phoenix447)


Arcane Subregions

Earth Subregions

Fire Subregions

Ice Subregions

Light Subregions

Lightning Subregions

Nature Subregions

Plague Subregions

Shadow Subregions

Water Subregions

Wind Subregions

Gaoler Orders

Bio Resources
Pixel art of a bonsai planter. Within the white tray are a few piles of sand. Atop the central pile of sand is a collection of red shells of various shapes. To its left is a large piece of weathered driftwood. To its right is a single column of stones, stacked like a cairn, and a dead redwood tree with two tops.*Pixel art of a widemouthed jar filled with sand. On the sand are four shells of different shapes. Tied around the jar’s mouth is a piece of twine with a sand dollar hanging from it.A medium-sized pixel book representing Vianne. It is a Mulberry book with a symmetric swirled design on its spine in Purple. At the top and bottom of the book’s spine are accents in Purple and Charcoal.A slim pixel book representing Zelophehad. On its spine is a column of geometric shapes in Black, Purple, and Stone.A slim pixel book representing Helen. The abstract angular shapes in Brown, Chocolate, and Blood on its spine evoke a cathedral.A slim pixel book representing Taalay. Large gold sparkles stand out against a Pink background. Vertical Blackberry lines frame the sparkles on the top and bottom of the book’s spine.A slim pixel book representing Reinier. On its spine is a wizard’s broom with Silver-colored bristles and a gnarled Phthalo handle on a background of Nightshade.A slim pixel book representing Judicael. On its spine is a column of geometric Gold flowers with Crimson centers on a background of desaturated Nightshade.A medium-sized pixel book representing Rhonwen. On its spine is a sword point-down in Black and White, wreathed in a spiral of and crowned with Red flames. The sword stands out on a field of White and a background of Platinum.A medium-sized pixel book representing Drake. Below a Stone plate of squiggly writing in Turquoise is a sun-and-ray design in Turquoise. Below that, running up both sides of the book’s spine, is a symmetrical series of angular triangles in Stone edged with Turquoise.A medium-sized pixel book representing Q. It is a Tomato book with interlocked spirals in Storm and Gold on its spine.A slim pixel book representing Keahi. It is an Orange book with artful slashes of Fire and Maroon on its spine.A medium-sized pixel book representing Aysu. On its spine is a fish floating below bubbles and above abstract writing that looks like seaweed on an Azure background. The bubbles are Teal and Caribbean. The fish is Caribbean with Teal stripes.A slim pixel book representing Cupid. On its spine, Purple petals drift between three Carmine roses on a background of Lavender.A slim pixel book representing Konani. On its spine, Caribbean petals drift between three Lavender roses on a background of Fern.A pixel book representing Haruna. The spine’s centerpiece features a spoon, fork, and knife in Carmine against a Seafoam background. Above the spine’s centerpiece are two sheaves of wheat in Seafoam against a White background. Below the spine’s centerpiece are vegetables in Carmine and Seafoam against a White background.A slim pixel book representing Mavuto. It is an Ice book with artful slashes of Purple and White on its spine.
Flags, Sidebars, and Banners

Flight Aesthetics

Flight Flags and Icons
+ Custom Icons

by osiem

Animated Flight Flags
by Ryeon030

Hanging Flight Scarves
by justjasper

Flight Scarves
by Emyliine

Flight Banners Hung Between Trees
by chespin

Flight Flags on Customizable Sticks
by Snowkitty16

Dual-Flight Banners
by Bearhugs

Constellation Sidebars
by ariicelis

Coliseum and Flight Region Sidebars
by counterklock

Exalt Pillars and Scenes: Sidebars and Banners
by Microwavedcoffee

Flight Background Sidebars
by skyarising

Sparkly Flight Sidebars
by Shikoire

Western Zodiac Icons
+ Sparkly Flight Lantern Sidebars


Vertical Point of Interest Sidebars
by Winter0sun

Vertical Flight Scenery Sidebars
by numb

Flight Subregion Banners
by BatCrooks

Festive Favors Banners
compiled by iokru

Festival Familiar Banners/Signatures
by Lichtdrache

Flight Banners with Song Lyrics
by Kaegro

Flight Candle Banners
by HestiaRising

Flight Scroll Banners
by TheMythril

Flight Pride Banners - GIFs
by FractalRage

Flight Pride Userbars
by Khrysteen

Flight Pride Signature Bars
by AvariceXIV

Flight Pride and Holiday Signature Bars
by ForestFriend

Flight Pride and Pokemon Signature Bars
by FusionFlare

Flight Pride Signature Bars
by Gusteon

Stained Glass Window Flight Banners
by SuzumeSan

Undertale (Underflight) and Deltarune (Deltaflight) Banners
by Notepad

Wax Seals, Flight and Exalt Pillar Banners
by Krastei

Flight-Themed Feathers (Including Beastclans & Shade)
by TinyGryphon


Simple Dividers
by cynicalCrows

Animated Sidebars
by Nirwana

by hisako

Sidebars - Short and Tall
by TinyGryphon

Crystal Pools Sidebars
by dorsia

Banners and Sidebars
by Microwavedcoffee

Vertical Banners
by Ink

Item-width Coli Banners and Sidebars
by Vertigris

Item-width Banners 2
by Ezevic, a continuation of Vertigris's thread

Banners - night
by Valyrie

Banners - small, horizontal
by Masumi

Banners - top section
by Daenaryen

(motion sickness warning) Banner GIFs
by Havic

Banners - various
by Ammoth

Banners - various
by Stormlord

Banners - vintage photography filters
by Kinaku

Oval and Rectangle Sidebars
+Miscellaneous Art

by AkaneChaan

Purple Forbidden Portal Recolor
by bioluminosity


Breeding and Lore Information Banners
by lostgubbins

Color Splash: Vertical and Horizontal Banners
by CelesticLeo

Deity Sidebars and Banners
by Harbinger

Never-ending Pillar
by TeenyTinyDragon

Night Sky Graphics
by WanderingTurtle

Starry Sidebars and Dividers
by JourneyThePanda

Simple Mountain Banners
by CelesticLeo

Real-life Scenery Bars
by TheSquishyKing

Shade-tainted Banners
by Crowe

Trading Post Sidebar
by Hearthless1
Flags, Sidebars, and Banners

Flight Aesthetics

Flight Flags and Icons
+ Custom Icons

by osiem

Animated Flight Flags
by Ryeon030

Hanging Flight Scarves
by justjasper

Flight Scarves
by Emyliine

Flight Banners Hung Between Trees
by chespin

Flight Flags on Customizable Sticks
by Snowkitty16

Dual-Flight Banners
by Bearhugs

Constellation Sidebars
by ariicelis

Coliseum and Flight Region Sidebars
by counterklock

Exalt Pillars and Scenes: Sidebars and Banners
by Microwavedcoffee

Flight Background Sidebars
by skyarising

Sparkly Flight Sidebars
by Shikoire

Western Zodiac Icons
+ Sparkly Flight Lantern Sidebars


Vertical Point of Interest Sidebars
by Winter0sun

Vertical Flight Scenery Sidebars
by numb

Flight Subregion Banners
by BatCrooks

Festive Favors Banners
compiled by iokru

Festival Familiar Banners/Signatures
by Lichtdrache

Flight Banners with Song Lyrics
by Kaegro

Flight Candle Banners
by HestiaRising

Flight Scroll Banners
by TheMythril

Flight Pride Banners - GIFs
by FractalRage

Flight Pride Userbars
by Khrysteen

Flight Pride Signature Bars
by AvariceXIV

Flight Pride and Holiday Signature Bars
by ForestFriend

Flight Pride and Pokemon Signature Bars
by FusionFlare

Flight Pride Signature Bars
by Gusteon

Stained Glass Window Flight Banners
by SuzumeSan

Undertale (Underflight) and Deltarune (Deltaflight) Banners
by Notepad

Wax Seals, Flight and Exalt Pillar Banners
by Krastei

Flight-Themed Feathers (Including Beastclans & Shade)
by TinyGryphon


Simple Dividers
by cynicalCrows

Animated Sidebars
by Nirwana

by hisako

Sidebars - Short and Tall
by TinyGryphon

Crystal Pools Sidebars
by dorsia

Banners and Sidebars
by Microwavedcoffee

Vertical Banners
by Ink

Item-width Coli Banners and Sidebars
by Vertigris

Item-width Banners 2
by Ezevic, a continuation of Vertigris's thread

Banners - night
by Valyrie

Banners - small, horizontal
by Masumi

Banners - top section
by Daenaryen

(motion sickness warning) Banner GIFs
by Havic

Banners - various
by Ammoth

Banners - various
by Stormlord

Banners - vintage photography filters
by Kinaku

Oval and Rectangle Sidebars
+Miscellaneous Art

by AkaneChaan

Purple Forbidden Portal Recolor
by bioluminosity


Breeding and Lore Information Banners
by lostgubbins

Color Splash: Vertical and Horizontal Banners
by CelesticLeo

Deity Sidebars and Banners
by Harbinger

Never-ending Pillar
by TeenyTinyDragon

Night Sky Graphics
by WanderingTurtle

Starry Sidebars and Dividers
by JourneyThePanda

Simple Mountain Banners
by CelesticLeo

Real-life Scenery Bars
by TheSquishyKing

Shade-tainted Banners
by Crowe

Trading Post Sidebar
by Hearthless1

Bio Resources
Pixel art of a bonsai planter. Within the white tray are a few piles of sand. Atop the central pile of sand is a collection of red shells of various shapes. To its left is a large piece of weathered driftwood. To its right is a single column of stones, stacked like a cairn, and a dead redwood tree with two tops.*Pixel art of a widemouthed jar filled with sand. On the sand are four shells of different shapes. Tied around the jar’s mouth is a piece of twine with a sand dollar hanging from it.A medium-sized pixel book representing Vianne. It is a Mulberry book with a symmetric swirled design on its spine in Purple. At the top and bottom of the book’s spine are accents in Purple and Charcoal.A slim pixel book representing Zelophehad. On its spine is a column of geometric shapes in Black, Purple, and Stone.A slim pixel book representing Helen. The abstract angular shapes in Brown, Chocolate, and Blood on its spine evoke a cathedral.A slim pixel book representing Taalay. Large gold sparkles stand out against a Pink background. Vertical Blackberry lines frame the sparkles on the top and bottom of the book’s spine.A slim pixel book representing Reinier. On its spine is a wizard’s broom with Silver-colored bristles and a gnarled Phthalo handle on a background of Nightshade.A slim pixel book representing Judicael. On its spine is a column of geometric Gold flowers with Crimson centers on a background of desaturated Nightshade.A medium-sized pixel book representing Rhonwen. On its spine is a sword point-down in Black and White, wreathed in a spiral of and crowned with Red flames. The sword stands out on a field of White and a background of Platinum.A medium-sized pixel book representing Drake. Below a Stone plate of squiggly writing in Turquoise is a sun-and-ray design in Turquoise. Below that, running up both sides of the book’s spine, is a symmetrical series of angular triangles in Stone edged with Turquoise.A medium-sized pixel book representing Q. It is a Tomato book with interlocked spirals in Storm and Gold on its spine.A slim pixel book representing Keahi. It is an Orange book with artful slashes of Fire and Maroon on its spine.A medium-sized pixel book representing Aysu. On its spine is a fish floating below bubbles and above abstract writing that looks like seaweed on an Azure background. The bubbles are Teal and Caribbean. The fish is Caribbean with Teal stripes.A slim pixel book representing Cupid. On its spine, Purple petals drift between three Carmine roses on a background of Lavender.A slim pixel book representing Konani. On its spine, Caribbean petals drift between three Lavender roses on a background of Fern.A pixel book representing Haruna. The spine’s centerpiece features a spoon, fork, and knife in Carmine against a Seafoam background. Above the spine’s centerpiece are two sheaves of wheat in Seafoam against a White background. Below the spine’s centerpiece are vegetables in Carmine and Seafoam against a White background.A slim pixel book representing Mavuto. It is an Ice book with artful slashes of Purple and White on its spine.

Adjustable Dividers
by WolfprintsSC

Bamboo Divider
by Matrices

Bokeh Dividers
by KyleSarea

Sparkly Dividers
by KyleSarea

Tiny Ring Dividers
by KyleSarea

Celtic Knot, Fruits and Fun Dividers
+ Other Assets

by HollowedRabbit

Celtic Maze Flight Dividers
by Moons

Dragonscale Dividers
by TinyGryphon

Emoji Dividers
by sgkat

640x85 Bio Dividers
by Akaineko

Flight Dividers with Shields and with Flourishes
+ Other Assets

by Starkindler

Fancy Flight Dividers with Gradients
by MsBarrows

Flight-colored Dividers with Diamonds
by MsBarrows

Flight-colored Dividers with Scrollwork
by MsBarrows

Flight-colored Dividers with Swirls
by MsBarrows

Flight Lantern Dividers
by Frithsamur

Flight Nest-Inspired Dividers
by Valkael

Small Flight Element Dividers
by tawnycatz

Flight Rose Headers
by DogiCrimson

Gold, Silver, and Dark Iron Dividers
by Banyan

Horizontal Flight Dividers - bio-width
by Ammoth

Horizontal Flight Dividers - short
by Dohmalore

Horizontal Flight Dividers - short
by Eloritia

Horizontal Flight Dividers - short and thin
by Lexreon

Horizontal Flight Dividers with Large Pixels
by Magdaneela

Orb-and-Line Flight Dividers
by CelesticLeo

Cross-Flight Dividers
by DuskAwakening

Knotwork Flight Dividers
by Arcturis

Post Vistas (part 1)
by Mibella (Voratte)

Post Vistas (part 2)
by M42

Post Vistas (part 3)
by Totsugeki

Post Vistas (part 4)
by Ragnarok42

Scrying Workshop Flight Dividers
by Poisonedpaper

Tiny Flight Dividers
+ Music Theme Graphics, Recolors

by Diamondsuits

Vista Dividers
by Sesshin

Vertical Flight Dividers
originally by Alexandor, remade by UserOfShadows

Adjustable Dividers
by WolfprintsSC

Bamboo Divider
by Matrices

Bokeh Dividers
by KyleSarea

Sparkly Dividers
by KyleSarea

Tiny Ring Dividers
by KyleSarea

Celtic Knot, Fruits and Fun Dividers
+ Other Assets

by HollowedRabbit

Celtic Maze Flight Dividers
by Moons

Dragonscale Dividers
by TinyGryphon

Emoji Dividers
by sgkat

640x85 Bio Dividers
by Akaineko

Flight Dividers with Shields and with Flourishes
+ Other Assets

by Starkindler

Fancy Flight Dividers with Gradients
by MsBarrows

Flight-colored Dividers with Diamonds
by MsBarrows

Flight-colored Dividers with Scrollwork
by MsBarrows

Flight-colored Dividers with Swirls
by MsBarrows

Flight Lantern Dividers
by Frithsamur

Flight Nest-Inspired Dividers
by Valkael

Small Flight Element Dividers
by tawnycatz

Flight Rose Headers
by DogiCrimson

Gold, Silver, and Dark Iron Dividers
by Banyan

Horizontal Flight Dividers - bio-width
by Ammoth

Horizontal Flight Dividers - short
by Dohmalore

Horizontal Flight Dividers - short
by Eloritia

Horizontal Flight Dividers - short and thin
by Lexreon

Horizontal Flight Dividers with Large Pixels
by Magdaneela

Orb-and-Line Flight Dividers
by CelesticLeo

Cross-Flight Dividers
by DuskAwakening

Knotwork Flight Dividers
by Arcturis

Post Vistas (part 1)
by Mibella (Voratte)

Post Vistas (part 2)
by M42

Post Vistas (part 3)
by Totsugeki

Post Vistas (part 4)
by Ragnarok42

Scrying Workshop Flight Dividers
by Poisonedpaper

Tiny Flight Dividers
+ Music Theme Graphics, Recolors

by Diamondsuits

Vista Dividers
by Sesshin

Vertical Flight Dividers
originally by Alexandor, remade by UserOfShadows

Bio Resources
Pixel art of a bonsai planter. Within the white tray are a few piles of sand. Atop the central pile of sand is a collection of red shells of various shapes. To its left is a large piece of weathered driftwood. To its right is a single column of stones, stacked like a cairn, and a dead redwood tree with two tops.*Pixel art of a widemouthed jar filled with sand. On the sand are four shells of different shapes. Tied around the jar’s mouth is a piece of twine with a sand dollar hanging from it.A medium-sized pixel book representing Vianne. It is a Mulberry book with a symmetric swirled design on its spine in Purple. At the top and bottom of the book’s spine are accents in Purple and Charcoal.A slim pixel book representing Zelophehad. On its spine is a column of geometric shapes in Black, Purple, and Stone.A slim pixel book representing Helen. The abstract angular shapes in Brown, Chocolate, and Blood on its spine evoke a cathedral.A slim pixel book representing Taalay. Large gold sparkles stand out against a Pink background. Vertical Blackberry lines frame the sparkles on the top and bottom of the book’s spine.A slim pixel book representing Reinier. On its spine is a wizard’s broom with Silver-colored bristles and a gnarled Phthalo handle on a background of Nightshade.A slim pixel book representing Judicael. On its spine is a column of geometric Gold flowers with Crimson centers on a background of desaturated Nightshade.A medium-sized pixel book representing Rhonwen. On its spine is a sword point-down in Black and White, wreathed in a spiral of and crowned with Red flames. The sword stands out on a field of White and a background of Platinum.A medium-sized pixel book representing Drake. Below a Stone plate of squiggly writing in Turquoise is a sun-and-ray design in Turquoise. Below that, running up both sides of the book’s spine, is a symmetrical series of angular triangles in Stone edged with Turquoise.A medium-sized pixel book representing Q. It is a Tomato book with interlocked spirals in Storm and Gold on its spine.A slim pixel book representing Keahi. It is an Orange book with artful slashes of Fire and Maroon on its spine.A medium-sized pixel book representing Aysu. On its spine is a fish floating below bubbles and above abstract writing that looks like seaweed on an Azure background. The bubbles are Teal and Caribbean. The fish is Caribbean with Teal stripes.A slim pixel book representing Cupid. On its spine, Purple petals drift between three Carmine roses on a background of Lavender.A slim pixel book representing Konani. On its spine, Caribbean petals drift between three Lavender roses on a background of Fern.A pixel book representing Haruna. The spine’s centerpiece features a spoon, fork, and knife in Carmine against a Seafoam background. Above the spine’s centerpiece are two sheaves of wheat in Seafoam against a White background. Below the spine’s centerpiece are vegetables in Carmine and Seafoam against a White background.A slim pixel book representing Mavuto. It is an Ice book with artful slashes of Purple and White on its spine.
Buttons, Icons, Graphics, and Badges

Origin Buttons
by VolatileMatter

Informational Buttons
by Ipecac

Informational Buttons (80x15)
by plight

Progenitor Buttons
by sgkat

First and Second Generation Buttons
by wesleydog

Generation, ID, and Level Buttons
by nm8426

Breeding Project Lair Buttons
by sgkat

Basic and Proud Buttons
by Akrona

Lore Mates/Not Lore Mates Buttons
by Eventyde

Not for Sale Badges
by Skydancers

Not a Lore Dragon Button
by KitKatPurrpurr

Exalting Lair Buttons - Matching Old User Flags
by Valyrie

Exalting Lair Buttons - Matching New User Flags
by Valyrie

Non-exalting Lair Buttons
by LunarShadow

Animated Exalting Lair Buttons
by synnful

"I Have an EXALTED Destiny" Stamps
by Sunsward

Dominance Rock Giant Flight Emblems
by BatCrooks

Beastclan Flag and Runestone
by Luciellia

Deity Seals of Approval
by Tzinoka

Deity Silhouettes
by MidNightTiger

Deity Stamps
by Soujun

Axolotl Deities
by Omalleycat

Cat Deities
by ShenziSwan

Chibi Deities
by Dovalore

Mirror Deity Signatures
by corprus

terrible mspaint deities/ancients
by TheEnderDraco

Illuminated Manuscript Deities
by lesbianpangoro

Dragon Emblems in Flight Colors
by Drytil

Recolored Dragon Breeds from Vistas
by Catfeather

Vista (Flight) Buttons
by Limanya

Large Circle Icons
by Juliet42

Fake Couriers
by Celeana

Flight Birds
by minjyui

Flight Crystals
by Phoenix447

Flight Gems
by TeenyTinyDragon

Flight Pride Foxes
by sleeplessfaun

Festival Familiar Signatures
by Lichtdrache

Gaoler Order Emojis
by plight

Coliseum Alignment Icons
by Georgieanna

DnD Alignment Icons, Secondary Flight Icons, and Focus Roles
by Gibby

DnD Alignment Icons
by Chee

Vista Icons
by Serpenta and Natron

Flight Seals in Wax
by sanrixian

Geometric Flight Signs
by CelesticLeo

Dual Element Emblems
by Akaineko

Flight Splice Emblems
by Athexreh

Flight-Themed Emojis
by Rayomz

Flight Symbols
by Thorbjorn

Fake Achievements: Pride and Hoarder
by Mysticaly

Dragon Books
by Northwyrm

Handprint Icons
by Jerepasaurus

Olympic-class Ocean Liner Item Icons
by SeaDuchess

Minecraft Pickaxes
by Jerepasaurus

Fake FR Items
by corvidus

Myers-Briggs Personality and Western, Eastern Zodiac Buttons
by PhoenixPhlight

Neurodiversity Flight Pride Badges
by braigwen

by baubleBee

Feline Familiars
by Dovalore

Animated Recolored Coli Enemies
by Oranitha

Sprite Fanart
by sketchersocks

Coliseum Mashups and Recolored Items
by Ecci
Buttons, Icons, Graphics, and Badges

Origin Buttons
by VolatileMatter

Informational Buttons
by Ipecac

Informational Buttons (80x15)
by plight

Progenitor Buttons
by sgkat

First and Second Generation Buttons
by wesleydog

Generation, ID, and Level Buttons
by nm8426

Breeding Project Lair Buttons
by sgkat

Basic and Proud Buttons
by Akrona

Lore Mates/Not Lore Mates Buttons
by Eventyde

Not for Sale Badges
by Skydancers

Not a Lore Dragon Button
by KitKatPurrpurr

Exalting Lair Buttons - Matching Old User Flags
by Valyrie

Exalting Lair Buttons - Matching New User Flags
by Valyrie

Non-exalting Lair Buttons
by LunarShadow

Animated Exalting Lair Buttons
by synnful

"I Have an EXALTED Destiny" Stamps
by Sunsward

Dominance Rock Giant Flight Emblems
by BatCrooks

Beastclan Flag and Runestone
by Luciellia

Deity Seals of Approval
by Tzinoka

Deity Silhouettes
by MidNightTiger

Deity Stamps
by Soujun

Axolotl Deities
by Omalleycat

Cat Deities
by ShenziSwan

Chibi Deities
by Dovalore

Mirror Deity Signatures
by corprus

terrible mspaint deities/ancients
by TheEnderDraco

Illuminated Manuscript Deities
by lesbianpangoro

Dragon Emblems in Flight Colors
by Drytil

Recolored Dragon Breeds from Vistas
by Catfeather

Vista (Flight) Buttons
by Limanya

Large Circle Icons
by Juliet42

Fake Couriers
by Celeana

Flight Birds
by minjyui

Flight Crystals
by Phoenix447

Flight Gems
by TeenyTinyDragon

Flight Pride Foxes
by sleeplessfaun

Festival Familiar Signatures
by Lichtdrache

Gaoler Order Emojis
by plight

Coliseum Alignment Icons
by Georgieanna

DnD Alignment Icons, Secondary Flight Icons, and Focus Roles
by Gibby

DnD Alignment Icons
by Chee

Vista Icons
by Serpenta and Natron

Flight Seals in Wax
by sanrixian

Geometric Flight Signs
by CelesticLeo

Dual Element Emblems
by Akaineko

Flight Splice Emblems
by Athexreh

Flight-Themed Emojis
by Rayomz

Flight Symbols
by Thorbjorn

Fake Achievements: Pride and Hoarder
by Mysticaly

Dragon Books
by Northwyrm

Handprint Icons
by Jerepasaurus

Olympic-class Ocean Liner Item Icons
by SeaDuchess

Minecraft Pickaxes
by Jerepasaurus

Fake FR Items
by corvidus

Myers-Briggs Personality and Western, Eastern Zodiac Buttons
by PhoenixPhlight

Neurodiversity Flight Pride Badges
by braigwen

by baubleBee

Feline Familiars
by Dovalore

Animated Recolored Coli Enemies
by Oranitha

Sprite Fanart
by sketchersocks

Coliseum Mashups and Recolored Items
by Ecci

Bio Resources
Pixel art of a bonsai planter. Within the white tray are a few piles of sand. Atop the central pile of sand is a collection of red shells of various shapes. To its left is a large piece of weathered driftwood. To its right is a single column of stones, stacked like a cairn, and a dead redwood tree with two tops.*Pixel art of a widemouthed jar filled with sand. On the sand are four shells of different shapes. Tied around the jar’s mouth is a piece of twine with a sand dollar hanging from it.A medium-sized pixel book representing Vianne. It is a Mulberry book with a symmetric swirled design on its spine in Purple. At the top and bottom of the book’s spine are accents in Purple and Charcoal.A slim pixel book representing Zelophehad. On its spine is a column of geometric shapes in Black, Purple, and Stone.A slim pixel book representing Helen. The abstract angular shapes in Brown, Chocolate, and Blood on its spine evoke a cathedral.A slim pixel book representing Taalay. Large gold sparkles stand out against a Pink background. Vertical Blackberry lines frame the sparkles on the top and bottom of the book’s spine.A slim pixel book representing Reinier. On its spine is a wizard’s broom with Silver-colored bristles and a gnarled Phthalo handle on a background of Nightshade.A slim pixel book representing Judicael. On its spine is a column of geometric Gold flowers with Crimson centers on a background of desaturated Nightshade.A medium-sized pixel book representing Rhonwen. On its spine is a sword point-down in Black and White, wreathed in a spiral of and crowned with Red flames. The sword stands out on a field of White and a background of Platinum.A medium-sized pixel book representing Drake. Below a Stone plate of squiggly writing in Turquoise is a sun-and-ray design in Turquoise. Below that, running up both sides of the book’s spine, is a symmetrical series of angular triangles in Stone edged with Turquoise.A medium-sized pixel book representing Q. It is a Tomato book with interlocked spirals in Storm and Gold on its spine.A slim pixel book representing Keahi. It is an Orange book with artful slashes of Fire and Maroon on its spine.A medium-sized pixel book representing Aysu. On its spine is a fish floating below bubbles and above abstract writing that looks like seaweed on an Azure background. The bubbles are Teal and Caribbean. The fish is Caribbean with Teal stripes.A slim pixel book representing Cupid. On its spine, Purple petals drift between three Carmine roses on a background of Lavender.A slim pixel book representing Konani. On its spine, Caribbean petals drift between three Lavender roses on a background of Fern.A pixel book representing Haruna. The spine’s centerpiece features a spoon, fork, and knife in Carmine against a Seafoam background. Above the spine’s centerpiece are two sheaves of wheat in Seafoam against a White background. Below the spine’s centerpiece are vegetables in Carmine and Seafoam against a White background.A slim pixel book representing Mavuto. It is an Ice book with artful slashes of Purple and White on its spine.

Flight Aesthetics

Animated Bubbles
by KyleSarea

Animated Crystals
by Budge

Animated Dom Flags
by juunebugs

Animated Flags
by Wakor

Animated Nests
by Wakor

Animated Wing Banners
by KrystallSerpent

by SquidMage

Animated Sprites
by Puns

Animated Sprites and Nymphs
by Rayomz

Deity Banners
by UserOfShadows

by deaththekid

Dominance Flags,

by Mort

Dragon Wing Silhouettes
by DuckieBun

by Skylark

Flight and Items
by DogiCrimson

Holiday Pixels
by Starrats

Pixel Pile - Food, Charms, etc.
by dreamingcity

by Pyromaniacal

by rndzvs

Tiny Flight Eggs
by strawberryorange

Tiny Flight Eggs with Hover
by strawberryorange

Tiny Flight Symbols (33x32)
by Mask

Tiny Flight Pixels (17x17)
by Alacrity

Tiny Tiny Flight Pixels (11x9)
by Baelfin

Flight Waystones
by SushiDragon101

Win98 Graphics
by thatwhatthing

Other/General Use

Animated and Still Vista Pixels
by juunebugs

Bio Graphics
by hologramblue

Bouncy Familiars
by serpentarius

Dragons and Familiars
by PixelSpiral

Familiars (alphabetical order)
by ProbablyLying

by Refure

Flight Rising Items
by Ashenhartkrie

Bows - Variant 1
by KyleSarea

Bows - Variant 2
by KyleSarea

by KyleSarea

Lucky Cats
by ColoradoBlues

Sims Gems
by KyleSarea

by KyleSarea

Wind Chimes
by Chee

Vista-Matching Pixels
by Cheeseburger

Sprite Pantry: Countries,
Genders & Orientations, etc.

by featheredSerpent

Batteries, Flowers, Bubbles, and Grass
by TeenyTinyDragon

Variety - Animals and Familiars, Games, Flight Emblems and Pride, etc.
by lamiaceae

Variety - Insects, Reptiles, etc.; Mushrooms, etc.
by Kaessis

Variety - Science, Food, Halloween, Nature, etc.
by Longlivemydragon

Flight Aesthetics

Animated Bubbles
by KyleSarea

Animated Crystals
by Budge

Animated Dom Flags
by juunebugs

Animated Flags
by Wakor

Animated Nests
by Wakor

Animated Wing Banners
by KrystallSerpent

by SquidMage

Animated Sprites
by Puns

Animated Sprites and Nymphs
by Rayomz

Deity Banners
by UserOfShadows

by deaththekid

Dominance Flags,

by Mort

Dragon Wing Silhouettes
by DuckieBun

by Skylark

Flight and Items
by DogiCrimson

Holiday Pixels
by Starrats

Pixel Pile - Food, Charms, etc.
by dreamingcity

by Pyromaniacal

by rndzvs

Tiny Flight Eggs
by strawberryorange

Tiny Flight Eggs with Hover
by strawberryorange

Tiny Flight Symbols (33x32)
by Mask

Tiny Flight Pixels (17x17)
by Alacrity

Tiny Tiny Flight Pixels (11x9)
by Baelfin

Flight Waystones
by SushiDragon101

Win98 Graphics
by thatwhatthing

Other/General Use

Animated and Still Vista Pixels
by juunebugs

Bio Graphics
by hologramblue

Bouncy Familiars
by serpentarius

Dragons and Familiars
by PixelSpiral

Familiars (alphabetical order)
by ProbablyLying

by Refure

Flight Rising Items
by Ashenhartkrie

Bows - Variant 1
by KyleSarea

Bows - Variant 2
by KyleSarea

by KyleSarea

Lucky Cats
by ColoradoBlues

Sims Gems
by KyleSarea

by KyleSarea

Wind Chimes
by Chee

Vista-Matching Pixels
by Cheeseburger

Sprite Pantry: Countries,
Genders & Orientations, etc.

by featheredSerpent

Batteries, Flowers, Bubbles, and Grass
by TeenyTinyDragon

Variety - Animals and Familiars, Games, Flight Emblems and Pride, etc.
by lamiaceae

Variety - Insects, Reptiles, etc.; Mushrooms, etc.
by Kaessis

Variety - Science, Food, Halloween, Nature, etc.
by Longlivemydragon

Bio Resources
Pixel art of a bonsai planter. Within the white tray are a few piles of sand. Atop the central pile of sand is a collection of red shells of various shapes. To its left is a large piece of weathered driftwood. To its right is a single column of stones, stacked like a cairn, and a dead redwood tree with two tops.*Pixel art of a widemouthed jar filled with sand. On the sand are four shells of different shapes. Tied around the jar’s mouth is a piece of twine with a sand dollar hanging from it.A medium-sized pixel book representing Vianne. It is a Mulberry book with a symmetric swirled design on its spine in Purple. At the top and bottom of the book’s spine are accents in Purple and Charcoal.A slim pixel book representing Zelophehad. On its spine is a column of geometric shapes in Black, Purple, and Stone.A slim pixel book representing Helen. The abstract angular shapes in Brown, Chocolate, and Blood on its spine evoke a cathedral.A slim pixel book representing Taalay. Large gold sparkles stand out against a Pink background. Vertical Blackberry lines frame the sparkles on the top and bottom of the book’s spine.A slim pixel book representing Reinier. On its spine is a wizard’s broom with Silver-colored bristles and a gnarled Phthalo handle on a background of Nightshade.A slim pixel book representing Judicael. On its spine is a column of geometric Gold flowers with Crimson centers on a background of desaturated Nightshade.A medium-sized pixel book representing Rhonwen. On its spine is a sword point-down in Black and White, wreathed in a spiral of and crowned with Red flames. The sword stands out on a field of White and a background of Platinum.A medium-sized pixel book representing Drake. Below a Stone plate of squiggly writing in Turquoise is a sun-and-ray design in Turquoise. Below that, running up both sides of the book’s spine, is a symmetrical series of angular triangles in Stone edged with Turquoise.A medium-sized pixel book representing Q. It is a Tomato book with interlocked spirals in Storm and Gold on its spine.A slim pixel book representing Keahi. It is an Orange book with artful slashes of Fire and Maroon on its spine.A medium-sized pixel book representing Aysu. On its spine is a fish floating below bubbles and above abstract writing that looks like seaweed on an Azure background. The bubbles are Teal and Caribbean. The fish is Caribbean with Teal stripes.A slim pixel book representing Cupid. On its spine, Purple petals drift between three Carmine roses on a background of Lavender.A slim pixel book representing Konani. On its spine, Caribbean petals drift between three Lavender roses on a background of Fern.A pixel book representing Haruna. The spine’s centerpiece features a spoon, fork, and knife in Carmine against a Seafoam background. Above the spine’s centerpiece are two sheaves of wheat in Seafoam against a White background. Below the spine’s centerpiece are vegetables in Carmine and Seafoam against a White background.A slim pixel book representing Mavuto. It is an Ice book with artful slashes of Purple and White on its spine.
Queer Corner

Comprehensive Pride Flag Icons
by SyntaxForest

Pride Achievements with Education
by Kawaiijohn

Compilation: Tiles, Tiny Flags, Worms on a String, Round Buttons, Emojis
by gemhue

Gender Pronoun Preferences Buttons
by myheartyoung

Gender Pronoun Preferences Pups
by Rainuu

Identity Buttons
by fluffmoth

Pride Bars
by KalicoKat

tiny pride cats
by eighttball

Tiny Pride Flags (31x20)
by IrritatorRaji

Tiny Pride Flags (25x14)
by terrified

very tiny pride flags
by 88mph

Sparkly and Non-sparkly Pride Flags
by lunareverie

Tiny Pixel Pride Flags and Hearts
by BloodyAngel12

Tiny Pixel Pride Hearts
by ItPhantom

LGBT+ Tile Buttons (30x30)
by Juliet42

MOGAI / LGBT+ Dragon Profile Badges
by EclipseDragon

Pride Banners
by ninety9wyverns

Pixel Pride Banners
+ Flight

by axelotl

Pixel Pride Aethers
by Twiggle

Pixel Pride Books
by Poisonedpaper

Pride Cats and Kittens
by Rainuu

Pride Dinos
by Zyzzylva

Pride Frogs
by BurittoKimasan

Pride Lovebirbs
by Birdmusic

Pixel Pride Furbies
+ Flight

by Rainhex35

Pride Pearlcatcher Plushies
by Owltrees

Pixel Pride Pearls
by HunterGatherer

Pixel Pride Pearlcatchers
by XxSwiftwaterxX

Pixel Pride Planets
by Sesshin

Pride Possums
by jordanosphere

Pride Qilin
by raiGN

Pixel Pride Potions
by Bloosaur

Pride Turtles
by GustForFun

Pixel Pride Wolves
by Haddork

Pride Wooloos
by hyrulle

Pride Flag Icons + Rainbow Puppers
by Alicefireflies

Pride Pixels - lots of shapes
by Boneless

Pride Pixels - lots of shapes
by jr413, a continuation of Boneless's thread

Pride Pixels - lots of shapes - <3, :)
by Cervine

Flight Pride Colors Overlying LGBTQIA+ Pride Flags
by Cervine

Pride Flag Icons
by slimeshrew

LGBT+ Icons
by mildlyanxiousdoe

Circular Pride Assets
by naranciag

Pride Paint Splatters
by straypunk

Pride Flag Icons - Flight Rising material style
by 5inthemorning

Pride Flag Icons - items
by virtualpet

Pride Flag Icons: Saturated and Pastel - Jewish - Black Lives Matter
by 8v3c

Pride Flag Icons
by Straif

Pride Hearts
by AwesomeWaffle

Pride Milkshakes
by HeadlessKing

Pride Ribbons
by RobotNix

Flight-themed Pride Flags
by Decres

Shiny Flight+LGBTQIA+ Pride Badges
by Cicide

Shiny Pride Buttons
by kanoosh

Tiny Pride Buttons, Rainbowlotls
by Bisexuwhale

Waving Pixel Pride Flags
by bloodylesbian
Queer Corner

Comprehensive Pride Flag Icons
by SyntaxForest

Pride Achievements with Education
by Kawaiijohn

Compilation: Tiles, Tiny Flags, Worms on a String, Round Buttons, Emojis
by gemhue

Gender Pronoun Preferences Buttons
by myheartyoung

Gender Pronoun Preferences Pups
by Rainuu

Identity Buttons
by fluffmoth

Pride Bars
by KalicoKat

tiny pride cats
by eighttball

Tiny Pride Flags (31x20)
by IrritatorRaji

Tiny Pride Flags (25x14)
by terrified

very tiny pride flags
by 88mph

Sparkly and Non-sparkly Pride Flags
by lunareverie

Tiny Pixel Pride Flags and Hearts
by BloodyAngel12

Tiny Pixel Pride Hearts
by ItPhantom

LGBT+ Tile Buttons (30x30)
by Juliet42

MOGAI / LGBT+ Dragon Profile Badges
by EclipseDragon

Pride Banners
by ninety9wyverns

Pixel Pride Banners
+ Flight

by axelotl

Pixel Pride Aethers
by Twiggle

Pixel Pride Books
by Poisonedpaper

Pride Cats and Kittens
by Rainuu

Pride Dinos
by Zyzzylva

Pride Frogs
by BurittoKimasan

Pride Lovebirbs
by Birdmusic

Pixel Pride Furbies
+ Flight

by Rainhex35

Pride Pearlcatcher Plushies
by Owltrees

Pixel Pride Pearls
by HunterGatherer

Pixel Pride Pearlcatchers
by XxSwiftwaterxX

Pixel Pride Planets
by Sesshin

Pride Possums
by jordanosphere

Pride Qilin
by raiGN

Pixel Pride Potions
by Bloosaur

Pride Turtles
by GustForFun

Pixel Pride Wolves
by Haddork

Pride Wooloos
by hyrulle

Pride Flag Icons + Rainbow Puppers
by Alicefireflies

Pride Pixels - lots of shapes
by Boneless

Pride Pixels - lots of shapes
by jr413, a continuation of Boneless's thread

Pride Pixels - lots of shapes - <3, :)
by Cervine

Flight Pride Colors Overlying LGBTQIA+ Pride Flags
by Cervine

Pride Flag Icons
by slimeshrew

LGBT+ Icons
by mildlyanxiousdoe

Circular Pride Assets
by naranciag

Pride Paint Splatters
by straypunk

Pride Flag Icons - Flight Rising material style
by 5inthemorning

Pride Flag Icons - items
by virtualpet

Pride Flag Icons: Saturated and Pastel - Jewish - Black Lives Matter
by 8v3c

Pride Flag Icons
by Straif

Pride Hearts
by AwesomeWaffle

Pride Milkshakes
by HeadlessKing

Pride Ribbons
by RobotNix

Flight-themed Pride Flags
by Decres

Shiny Flight+LGBTQIA+ Pride Badges
by Cicide

Shiny Pride Buttons
by kanoosh

Tiny Pride Buttons, Rainbowlotls
by Bisexuwhale

Waving Pixel Pride Flags
by bloodylesbian

Bio Resources
Pixel art of a bonsai planter. Within the white tray are a few piles of sand. Atop the central pile of sand is a collection of red shells of various shapes. To its left is a large piece of weathered driftwood. To its right is a single column of stones, stacked like a cairn, and a dead redwood tree with two tops.*Pixel art of a widemouthed jar filled with sand. On the sand are four shells of different shapes. Tied around the jar’s mouth is a piece of twine with a sand dollar hanging from it.A medium-sized pixel book representing Vianne. It is a Mulberry book with a symmetric swirled design on its spine in Purple. At the top and bottom of the book’s spine are accents in Purple and Charcoal.A slim pixel book representing Zelophehad. On its spine is a column of geometric shapes in Black, Purple, and Stone.A slim pixel book representing Helen. The abstract angular shapes in Brown, Chocolate, and Blood on its spine evoke a cathedral.A slim pixel book representing Taalay. Large gold sparkles stand out against a Pink background. Vertical Blackberry lines frame the sparkles on the top and bottom of the book’s spine.A slim pixel book representing Reinier. On its spine is a wizard’s broom with Silver-colored bristles and a gnarled Phthalo handle on a background of Nightshade.A slim pixel book representing Judicael. On its spine is a column of geometric Gold flowers with Crimson centers on a background of desaturated Nightshade.A medium-sized pixel book representing Rhonwen. On its spine is a sword point-down in Black and White, wreathed in a spiral of and crowned with Red flames. The sword stands out on a field of White and a background of Platinum.A medium-sized pixel book representing Drake. Below a Stone plate of squiggly writing in Turquoise is a sun-and-ray design in Turquoise. Below that, running up both sides of the book’s spine, is a symmetrical series of angular triangles in Stone edged with Turquoise.A medium-sized pixel book representing Q. It is a Tomato book with interlocked spirals in Storm and Gold on its spine.A slim pixel book representing Keahi. It is an Orange book with artful slashes of Fire and Maroon on its spine.A medium-sized pixel book representing Aysu. On its spine is a fish floating below bubbles and above abstract writing that looks like seaweed on an Azure background. The bubbles are Teal and Caribbean. The fish is Caribbean with Teal stripes.A slim pixel book representing Cupid. On its spine, Purple petals drift between three Carmine roses on a background of Lavender.A slim pixel book representing Konani. On its spine, Caribbean petals drift between three Lavender roses on a background of Fern.A pixel book representing Haruna. The spine’s centerpiece features a spoon, fork, and knife in Carmine against a Seafoam background. Above the spine’s centerpiece are two sheaves of wheat in Seafoam against a White background. Below the spine’s centerpiece are vegetables in Carmine and Seafoam against a White background.A slim pixel book representing Mavuto. It is an Ice book with artful slashes of Purple and White on its spine.
Custom Resources

Unofficial FR Coloring Book
organized by HollowedRabbit

Breeding Stats Card
by Straif

Personality Circles
by Kamme

Runes Font
by Arkeyr79

An Endless Garden
by Oranitha

Fake Achievement Generator
by Oranitha

Make Your Own Achievement (psd)
by Hailey

Flight Rising Logo Frames
by Septarian

Flight Icon Frames - Flags
by kenaeshia

Flight Icon Frames - Symbols
by smallswingshoes

Vista Icon Frames
+ Coliseum Dividers

by LucidCoyote

Art Frames
by Coalescency

Harvest Apparel Portrait Frames
by ToxicOvergrowth

Blank User Flags
by Jinoga

Flag Icon
by Straif

Banner Templates
by Shikoire

Runestone Template
by SourPlacebo

Runestones and Flags Templates
by Voidtech
Custom Resources

Unofficial FR Coloring Book
organized by HollowedRabbit

Breeding Stats Card
by Straif

Personality Circles
by Kamme

Runes Font
by Arkeyr79

An Endless Garden
by Oranitha

Fake Achievement Generator
by Oranitha

Make Your Own Achievement (psd)
by Hailey

Flight Rising Logo Frames
by Septarian

Flight Icon Frames - Flags
by kenaeshia

Flight Icon Frames - Symbols
by smallswingshoes

Vista Icon Frames
+ Coliseum Dividers

by LucidCoyote

Art Frames
by Coalescency

Harvest Apparel Portrait Frames
by ToxicOvergrowth

Blank User Flags
by Jinoga

Flag Icon
by Straif

Banner Templates
by Shikoire

Runestone Template
by SourPlacebo

Runestones and Flags Templates
by Voidtech

Bio Resources
Pixel art of a bonsai planter. Within the white tray are a few piles of sand. Atop the central pile of sand is a collection of red shells of various shapes. To its left is a large piece of weathered driftwood. To its right is a single column of stones, stacked like a cairn, and a dead redwood tree with two tops.*Pixel art of a widemouthed jar filled with sand. On the sand are four shells of different shapes. Tied around the jar’s mouth is a piece of twine with a sand dollar hanging from it.A medium-sized pixel book representing Vianne. It is a Mulberry book with a symmetric swirled design on its spine in Purple. At the top and bottom of the book’s spine are accents in Purple and Charcoal.A slim pixel book representing Zelophehad. On its spine is a column of geometric shapes in Black, Purple, and Stone.A slim pixel book representing Helen. The abstract angular shapes in Brown, Chocolate, and Blood on its spine evoke a cathedral.A slim pixel book representing Taalay. Large gold sparkles stand out against a Pink background. Vertical Blackberry lines frame the sparkles on the top and bottom of the book’s spine.A slim pixel book representing Reinier. On its spine is a wizard’s broom with Silver-colored bristles and a gnarled Phthalo handle on a background of Nightshade.A slim pixel book representing Judicael. On its spine is a column of geometric Gold flowers with Crimson centers on a background of desaturated Nightshade.A medium-sized pixel book representing Rhonwen. On its spine is a sword point-down in Black and White, wreathed in a spiral of and crowned with Red flames. The sword stands out on a field of White and a background of Platinum.A medium-sized pixel book representing Drake. Below a Stone plate of squiggly writing in Turquoise is a sun-and-ray design in Turquoise. Below that, running up both sides of the book’s spine, is a symmetrical series of angular triangles in Stone edged with Turquoise.A medium-sized pixel book representing Q. It is a Tomato book with interlocked spirals in Storm and Gold on its spine.A slim pixel book representing Keahi. It is an Orange book with artful slashes of Fire and Maroon on its spine.A medium-sized pixel book representing Aysu. On its spine is a fish floating below bubbles and above abstract writing that looks like seaweed on an Azure background. The bubbles are Teal and Caribbean. The fish is Caribbean with Teal stripes.A slim pixel book representing Cupid. On its spine, Purple petals drift between three Carmine roses on a background of Lavender.A slim pixel book representing Konani. On its spine, Caribbean petals drift between three Lavender roses on a background of Fern.A pixel book representing Haruna. The spine’s centerpiece features a spoon, fork, and knife in Carmine against a Seafoam background. Above the spine’s centerpiece are two sheaves of wheat in Seafoam against a White background. Below the spine’s centerpiece are vegetables in Carmine and Seafoam against a White background.A slim pixel book representing Mavuto. It is an Ice book with artful slashes of Purple and White on its spine.
[center][b][size=7]H[/size][size=6]elpful[/size] [size=7]H[/size][size=6]ints[/size][/b][/center] [b]How to Link to Individual Dragons[/b] [i]This method works with any dragon's page, not just dragons that you own![/i] [LIST=1] [*]Go to your chosen dragon's page [*]From the url, remove everything between [i].php?[/i] and [i]dragon[/i] [*]From the url, remove [i]&did[/i] from after [i]dragon[/i] [*]Copy the resulting url; it should look something like this: [/LIST] [code][/code] [b]How to Post Dragon Avatars[/b] [LIST=1] [*]Copy the BBCode from your chosen dragon's page [*]Change the [i]350[/i] (found after rendern) to "portraits" - don't forget the [i]s[/i]! [*]Replace the [i]_350[/i] from the end of the code with "p" [*]Copy the resulting url and place it between img tags; it should look something like this:[/LIST] [code][img][/img][/code] [center][img][/img][/center] You can link your dragon's avatar to its lair page by taking its url (as detailed above) and placing it around its image. It should look something like this: [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [b]How to Post Dragons' Coliseum Bars[/b] [LIST=1] [*]Copy the BBCode from your chosen dragon's page [*]Change the [i]350[/i] (found after rendern) to "coliseum/portraits" - don't forget the [i]s[/i]! [*]Remove the [i]_350[/i] from the end of the code [*]Copy the resulting url and place it between img tags; it should look something like this:[/LIST] [code][url=] [img][/img][/url][/code] [center][url=] [img][/img][/url][/center] [b]How to Post Full-Size Dragons at Avatar Size[/b] [LIST=1] [*]Copy the BBCode from your chosen dragon's page [*]Change the [i]350[/i] (found after rendern) to "avatars" - don't forget the [i]s[/i]! [*]Remove the [i]_350[/i] from the end of the code [*]Copy the resulting url and place it between img tags; it should look something like this:[/LIST] [code][url=] [img][/img][/url][/code] [center][url=] [img][/img][/url][/center] [center][b]Alternatively, you could use this [url=]nifty generator[/url] made by Ayeva, or [url=]this one[/url], made by Starrlight.
Helpful Hints

How to Link to Individual Dragons
This method works with any dragon's page, not just dragons that you own!
  1. Go to your chosen dragon's page
  2. From the url, remove everything between .php? and dragon
  3. From the url, remove &did from after dragon
  4. Copy the resulting url; it should look something like this:

How to Post Dragon Avatars
  1. Copy the BBCode from your chosen dragon's page
  2. Change the 350 (found after rendern) to "portraits" - don't forget the s!
  3. Replace the _350 from the end of the code with "p"
  4. Copy the resulting url and place it between img tags; it should look something like this:

You can link your dragon's avatar to its lair page by taking its url (as detailed above) and placing it around its image. It should look something like this:

How to Post Dragons' Coliseum Bars
  1. Copy the BBCode from your chosen dragon's page
  2. Change the 350 (found after rendern) to "coliseum/portraits" - don't forget the s!
  3. Remove the _350 from the end of the code
  4. Copy the resulting url and place it between img tags; it should look something like this:
[url=] [img][/img][/url]

How to Post Full-Size Dragons at Avatar Size
  1. Copy the BBCode from your chosen dragon's page
  2. Change the 350 (found after rendern) to "avatars" - don't forget the s!
  3. Remove the _350 from the end of the code
  4. Copy the resulting url and place it between img tags; it should look something like this:
[url=] [img][/img][/url]

Alternatively, you could use this nifty generator made by Ayeva, or this one, made by Starrlight.

Bio Resources
Pixel art of a bonsai planter. Within the white tray are a few piles of sand. Atop the central pile of sand is a collection of red shells of various shapes. To its left is a large piece of weathered driftwood. To its right is a single column of stones, stacked like a cairn, and a dead redwood tree with two tops.*Pixel art of a widemouthed jar filled with sand. On the sand are four shells of different shapes. Tied around the jar’s mouth is a piece of twine with a sand dollar hanging from it.A medium-sized pixel book representing Vianne. It is a Mulberry book with a symmetric swirled design on its spine in Purple. At the top and bottom of the book’s spine are accents in Purple and Charcoal.A slim pixel book representing Zelophehad. On its spine is a column of geometric shapes in Black, Purple, and Stone.A slim pixel book representing Helen. The abstract angular shapes in Brown, Chocolate, and Blood on its spine evoke a cathedral.A slim pixel book representing Taalay. Large gold sparkles stand out against a Pink background. Vertical Blackberry lines frame the sparkles on the top and bottom of the book’s spine.A slim pixel book representing Reinier. On its spine is a wizard’s broom with Silver-colored bristles and a gnarled Phthalo handle on a background of Nightshade.A slim pixel book representing Judicael. On its spine is a column of geometric Gold flowers with Crimson centers on a background of desaturated Nightshade.A medium-sized pixel book representing Rhonwen. On its spine is a sword point-down in Black and White, wreathed in a spiral of and crowned with Red flames. The sword stands out on a field of White and a background of Platinum.A medium-sized pixel book representing Drake. Below a Stone plate of squiggly writing in Turquoise is a sun-and-ray design in Turquoise. Below that, running up both sides of the book’s spine, is a symmetrical series of angular triangles in Stone edged with Turquoise.A medium-sized pixel book representing Q. It is a Tomato book with interlocked spirals in Storm and Gold on its spine.A slim pixel book representing Keahi. It is an Orange book with artful slashes of Fire and Maroon on its spine.A medium-sized pixel book representing Aysu. On its spine is a fish floating below bubbles and above abstract writing that looks like seaweed on an Azure background. The bubbles are Teal and Caribbean. The fish is Caribbean with Teal stripes.A slim pixel book representing Cupid. On its spine, Purple petals drift between three Carmine roses on a background of Lavender.A slim pixel book representing Konani. On its spine, Caribbean petals drift between three Lavender roses on a background of Fern.A pixel book representing Haruna. The spine’s centerpiece features a spoon, fork, and knife in Carmine against a Seafoam background. Above the spine’s centerpiece are two sheaves of wheat in Seafoam against a White background. Below the spine’s centerpiece are vegetables in Carmine and Seafoam against a White background.A slim pixel book representing Mavuto. It is an Ice book with artful slashes of Purple and White on its spine.
Other Resources

BBCode Guide

BBCode Fonts

Webdings Guide


Colors with Hexcodes

Flight Rising Colors by Hexcode
Ultimate Color Guide | Vertical Color Stack
Color Palettes | Downloadable Color Swatches

BBCode Colors by Color Name

Text Color Fader and Gradient Maker

Transparent Text PNG Generator

Everything by Color
maintained by Adaris


Gathering Reference Guide
maintained by Gaia

Fake Items Mastersheet

FRecolors blog - item recolors
(Eyestrain warning - some of these recolors are very bright!)

Fantasy Adopts
by Twyrine

Pokemon Storage Box Icons
by Lemonie

Lore Help

Map of the World
by Llanai

Colored FR Map
by Casteller

Bio Generator
by Worship

Guide to Building a Lore Clan
by Demesne

638 Personality Traits

75 Lore Questions

Clan Roles List with Descriptions

List of Dragon Jobs

Dragon Titles/Classes

Class/Profession Generator

Job/Occupation Generator

Trait Generator

Trait Generator - Tailored to Flight Rising

Interests Generator

First Name Meanings

Surname Meanings

Fantasy Name Generators

Name Generators

Dragon Sizes Comparison Tool

Others' Resources

Fanart Chibis
by Lestyn

alphias's Free-to-Use Bio Assets

Archaic's Bio Codes and Assets

biskitten's Bios and Resources

BonesToPick's Variety of Assets

cheesypickles62's Assets

Dachshund59's Bio Stuff

Delamire's Bio Hoard

Disillusionist's Bio Resources

FarashaSilver's Apparel Assets

FluffySnake's Bio Resources

HeadlessKing's Free Resources Dump

Hikumi’s Pixel Items and Graphics

imginate's Bio Assets and Codes

Kaixin's Bio Resources

Looshiana’s Bio Resources

Mackenzi's Bio Assets

Maevepanda's Bio Resources

masqueOFmacabre's Bio Assets

Paladingineer's Bio Resouce Megadump

rainbowometal's Assets

RaiStarDragon's Graphics

Shadzerios' Bio Resources

Shyads' Pixel and Pride Graphics

Sivoli's Recolored Graphics (Opaline Graphics)

sockmonkeygerald's Bio Graphics

SpearTheDemon's Bio Resources

StarlightDragon7's Assets and Other Stuff

Storrie's Bio Resources

TigerFestival's Bios and Graphics

Tuath's Bio Resources

yascherritsa's Bio Resources

Bio Resources and More + Item Assets
from Hazeledpoppy's tumblr

Flight Rising Bio Codes and Resources


Dragon Bio Templates
Resource maintained by Hawlucha

Auto Formatting Bios with Google Spreadsheets
Guide by Poisonedpaper; additional assets here

Lair Tab Templates
by TinyGryphon
Other Resources

BBCode Guide

BBCode Fonts

Webdings Guide


Colors with Hexcodes

Flight Rising Colors by Hexcode
Ultimate Color Guide | Vertical Color Stack
Color Palettes | Downloadable Color Swatches

BBCode Colors by Color Name

Text Color Fader and Gradient Maker

Transparent Text PNG Generator

Everything by Color
maintained by Adaris


Gathering Reference Guide
maintained by Gaia

Fake Items Mastersheet

FRecolors blog - item recolors
(Eyestrain warning - some of these recolors are very bright!)

Fantasy Adopts
by Twyrine

Pokemon Storage Box Icons
by Lemonie

Lore Help

Map of the World
by Llanai

Colored FR Map
by Casteller

Bio Generator
by Worship

Guide to Building a Lore Clan
by Demesne

638 Personality Traits

75 Lore Questions

Clan Roles List with Descriptions

List of Dragon Jobs

Dragon Titles/Classes

Class/Profession Generator

Job/Occupation Generator

Trait Generator

Trait Generator - Tailored to Flight Rising

Interests Generator

First Name Meanings

Surname Meanings

Fantasy Name Generators

Name Generators

Dragon Sizes Comparison Tool

Others' Resources

Fanart Chibis
by Lestyn

alphias's Free-to-Use Bio Assets

Archaic's Bio Codes and Assets

biskitten's Bios and Resources

BonesToPick's Variety of Assets

cheesypickles62's Assets

Dachshund59's Bio Stuff

Delamire's Bio Hoard

Disillusionist's Bio Resources

FarashaSilver's Apparel Assets

FluffySnake's Bio Resources

HeadlessKing's Free Resources Dump

Hikumi’s Pixel Items and Graphics

imginate's Bio Assets and Codes

Kaixin's Bio Resources

Looshiana’s Bio Resources

Mackenzi's Bio Assets

Maevepanda's Bio Resources

masqueOFmacabre's Bio Assets

Paladingineer's Bio Resouce Megadump

rainbowometal's Assets

RaiStarDragon's Graphics

Shadzerios' Bio Resources

Shyads' Pixel and Pride Graphics

Sivoli's Recolored Graphics (Opaline Graphics)

sockmonkeygerald's Bio Graphics

SpearTheDemon's Bio Resources

StarlightDragon7's Assets and Other Stuff

Storrie's Bio Resources

TigerFestival's Bios and Graphics

Tuath's Bio Resources

yascherritsa's Bio Resources

Bio Resources and More + Item Assets
from Hazeledpoppy's tumblr

Flight Rising Bio Codes and Resources


Dragon Bio Templates
Resource maintained by Hawlucha

Auto Formatting Bios with Google Spreadsheets
Guide by Poisonedpaper; additional assets here

Lair Tab Templates
by TinyGryphon

Bio Resources
Pixel art of a bonsai planter. Within the white tray are a few piles of sand. Atop the central pile of sand is a collection of red shells of various shapes. To its left is a large piece of weathered driftwood. To its right is a single column of stones, stacked like a cairn, and a dead redwood tree with two tops.*Pixel art of a widemouthed jar filled with sand. On the sand are four shells of different shapes. Tied around the jar’s mouth is a piece of twine with a sand dollar hanging from it.A medium-sized pixel book representing Vianne. It is a Mulberry book with a symmetric swirled design on its spine in Purple. At the top and bottom of the book’s spine are accents in Purple and Charcoal.A slim pixel book representing Zelophehad. On its spine is a column of geometric shapes in Black, Purple, and Stone.A slim pixel book representing Helen. The abstract angular shapes in Brown, Chocolate, and Blood on its spine evoke a cathedral.A slim pixel book representing Taalay. Large gold sparkles stand out against a Pink background. Vertical Blackberry lines frame the sparkles on the top and bottom of the book’s spine.A slim pixel book representing Reinier. On its spine is a wizard’s broom with Silver-colored bristles and a gnarled Phthalo handle on a background of Nightshade.A slim pixel book representing Judicael. On its spine is a column of geometric Gold flowers with Crimson centers on a background of desaturated Nightshade.A medium-sized pixel book representing Rhonwen. On its spine is a sword point-down in Black and White, wreathed in a spiral of and crowned with Red flames. The sword stands out on a field of White and a background of Platinum.A medium-sized pixel book representing Drake. Below a Stone plate of squiggly writing in Turquoise is a sun-and-ray design in Turquoise. Below that, running up both sides of the book’s spine, is a symmetrical series of angular triangles in Stone edged with Turquoise.A medium-sized pixel book representing Q. It is a Tomato book with interlocked spirals in Storm and Gold on its spine.A slim pixel book representing Keahi. It is an Orange book with artful slashes of Fire and Maroon on its spine.A medium-sized pixel book representing Aysu. On its spine is a fish floating below bubbles and above abstract writing that looks like seaweed on an Azure background. The bubbles are Teal and Caribbean. The fish is Caribbean with Teal stripes.A slim pixel book representing Cupid. On its spine, Purple petals drift between three Carmine roses on a background of Lavender.A slim pixel book representing Konani. On its spine, Caribbean petals drift between three Lavender roses on a background of Fern.A pixel book representing Haruna. The spine’s centerpiece features a spoon, fork, and knife in Carmine against a Seafoam background. Above the spine’s centerpiece are two sheaves of wheat in Seafoam against a White background. Below the spine’s centerpiece are vegetables in Carmine and Seafoam against a White background.A slim pixel book representing Mavuto. It is an Ice book with artful slashes of Purple and White on its spine.