Who are the monster hunters of your lair? And—more importantly—how fashionable are they when on the hunt? Share
up to three (3) dragons from your lair who best fit this week's theme of stylish monster hunting dragons!
When you post your dragons be sure to tell us a little bit about them, even if it's just their name!
Being on the first page of a new Theme Week thread does not guarantee a spotlight. Please refrain from posting "claim" or "hold" styled replies.
Who are the monster hunters of your lair? And—more importantly—how fashionable are they when on the hunt? Share
up to three (3) dragons from your lair who best fit this week's theme of stylish monster hunting dragons!
When you post your dragons be sure to tell us a little bit about them, even if it's just their name!
Being on the first page of a new Theme Week thread does not guarantee a spotlight. Please refrain from posting "claim" or "hold" styled replies.
edit: first two weeks in a row, I guess it helps to have no life beyond FR [emoji=sunglasses size=1]
I'll add that Castiel is a high-level monster hunter
and to round out the three, Snow (general coli hunter) and Wish (Ghost hunter)
edit: first two weeks in a row, I guess it helps to have no life beyond FR
I'll add that Castiel is a high-level monster hunter
and to round out the three, Snow (general coli hunter) and Wish (Ghost hunter)
big and burly... a monster hunter!
big and burly... a monster hunter!
[center][color=teal] [b]Riverat[/b]
Riverat is a dangerous goofball who loves, LOVES, to flirt with anything that moves!
(Seriously, I've seen him flirt with the wind ;D.)
He loves to laugh, and takes nothing seriously.
Dragons are at first weary of him because he looks dangerous. But then they think he's all smoke. He's not. True he's slow to anger. But once there? Look out. However he's quickly over that anger as well.
And ready to laugh again.
He's the type of warrior who's laughing in the middle of battle.
He's always grinning in mischef.
Lytra, is an upper class, elegant gentledragon, who is soft spoken and smart.
He keeps Riverat out of trouble, for the most part.
And is often not seen as a threat. That is a mistake, he is much more ruthless than Riverat. And not at all forgiving.
He rarely smiles.
This is what Lytra's first owner wrote about him...
"The air surrounding Lytra is temperate and smells flowery. Lytra is very quiet and soft-spoken. He glides and wanders freely in the spring, then retreats into sullen silence as the next seasons take hold. Despite Lytra's visual associations, he is vicious."
But because he's always with Riverat he gets blamed for the mischef he can't nip in the bud along with Riverat.
A charming sweetheart who's dark side only shows on the battlefield.
Poisoned as a hatchling the healers cast a spell that allows the poison to drain off in a vapor that hurts no one.

Riverat is a dangerous goofball who loves, LOVES, to flirt with anything that moves!
(Seriously, I've seen him flirt with the wind ;D.)
He loves to laugh, and takes nothing seriously.
Dragons are at first weary of him because he looks dangerous. But then they think he's all smoke. He's not. True he's slow to anger. But once there? Look out. However he's quickly over that anger as well.
And ready to laugh again.
He's the type of warrior who's laughing in the middle of battle.
He's always grinning in mischef.

Lytra, is an upper class, elegant gentledragon, who is soft spoken and smart.
He keeps Riverat out of trouble, for the most part.
And is often not seen as a threat. That is a mistake, he is much more ruthless than Riverat. And not at all forgiving.
He rarely smiles.
This is what Lytra's first owner wrote about him...
"The air surrounding Lytra is temperate and smells flowery. Lytra is very quiet and soft-spoken. He glides and wanders freely in the spring, then retreats into sullen silence as the next seasons take hold. Despite Lytra's visual associations, he is vicious."
But because he's always with Riverat he gets blamed for the mischef he can't nip in the bud along with Riverat.

A charming sweetheart who's dark side only shows on the battlefield.
Poisoned as a hatchling the healers cast a spell that allows the poison to drain off in a vapor that hurts no one.
Time for my boy to shine!
Dima is also kind of one since the detective job went to hell.
This gal was one in her past life...
Time for my boy to shine!
Dima is also kind of one since the detective job went to hell.
This gal was one in her past life...
can you believe this baby was named like this?
had to grab him for it
may or may not be involved with a certain love beast atrocity currently next slot to him in lair
when certain someones revoke the deads' right to slumber, one is called to clean up
can you believe this baby was named like this?
had to grab him for it
may or may not be involved with a certain love beast atrocity currently next slot to him in lair
when certain someones revoke the deads' right to slumber, one is called to clean up
heres Hati
heres Hati
[b]angel![/b] I bought her when starmap was a shiny new gene, and she's my favorite little trouble maker. she's particularly interested in ghosts, though very few in my clan actually believe there's spirits. most of them think it's just a rouse since she will pull pranks and blame it on a ghost. she's 100% serious about the ghosts though. she's also level 25 and part of my coli team!
[b]SineNomine![/b] he was one of my very first dragons when I started playing 6 (7 next month!!) years ago. he's very mysterious and not much is known about his life before he became part of my clan. talks very pompously, to the point where it reads as a fake accent. he became part of the coli team under angel's training, though no one is sure if it was the right idea to make a dragon as suspicious as him more dangerous... at least he is fighting monsters and not other dragons?
[b]attis![/b] a grumpy old man who's surprisingly still capable to fight. he's the leader of my coli team. he sees himself as angel's father, though he won't admit it. he absolutely hates SineNomine, but not as much as he hates monsters, so he's allowed SineNomine on his team. he doesn't do much besides patrols, and when he's not out on the hunt, he's in the coliseum.
angel! I bought her when starmap was a shiny new gene, and she's my favorite little trouble maker. she's particularly interested in ghosts, though very few in my clan actually believe there's spirits. most of them think it's just a rouse since she will pull pranks and blame it on a ghost. she's 100% serious about the ghosts though. she's also level 25 and part of my coli team!
SineNomine! he was one of my very first dragons when I started playing 6 (7 next month!!) years ago. he's very mysterious and not much is known about his life before he became part of my clan. talks very pompously, to the point where it reads as a fake accent. he became part of the coli team under angel's training, though no one is sure if it was the right idea to make a dragon as suspicious as him more dangerous... at least he is fighting monsters and not other dragons?
attis! a grumpy old man who's surprisingly still capable to fight. he's the leader of my coli team. he sees himself as angel's father, though he won't admit it. he absolutely hates SineNomine, but not as much as he hates monsters, so he's allowed SineNomine on his team. he doesn't do much besides patrols, and when he's not out on the hunt, he's in the coliseum.
worm | potatho not potato! | social anxiety/nd pls be patient
12Why don’t pirates take a bath before they walk the plank?12
They just wash up on shore.
art trades always welcome!
Here are mine!
Wutan hunts cryptids, mostly to study them.
And Minnamurra and Nyota work together to hunt down monsters that are being dangerous.
i have one, Ogundimu
i have one, Ogundimu