[nextcol][size=5][font=times new roman][b] W E L C O M E T O K I L L E R S I N T H E C L A N.[/b][/size]
[size=4][font=times new roman]Every day, a dragon is left dead for their Clanmates to find. Every day, each dragon in the Clan lives in the fear that they will be the next. Except the killer.
Deciding to end it once and for all, the Clan came together in a council and held a vote. The dragon with the most votes was exiled. The rest lapsed into uneasy peace for the night.
Had they found the right dragon?
[size=4][font=times new roman]You must be wondering, what exactly is this about? Killers in the Clan is a [b]mafia roleplay game[/b], which is, as its name implies, mafia and roleplay combined together! You will have to post a roleplay post each ingame day.
So, do you like roleplaying and having some thrills? Do you like digging for clues and making intelligent guesses, or lying to hide your identity? Is playing detective or deception your way to go? Are you able to come online at least once every three days? If yes, then you would enjoy this game! If not, then this game may not be the best one for you.
If you want to join, take a read of the rules and details below. Once you're ready, post in the Discussion thread (linked below) that you'd like to join a waitlist!
[size=4][font=times new roman]This game is loosely based on noodle cat’s game Murderers in ThunderClan on Chicken Smoothie, Town of Salem and Werewolf. This adaptation of the original game(s) is by me. Making a new version of this game is not allowed.
[size=4][font=times new roman][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2558325/1]discussion thread[/url] || [url=https://discord.gg/XQpNSZ4]discord server[/url][/columns]
[size=4][font=times new roman][color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][u]Master[/u][color=transparent]xxxxxxx[/color][u]Secondary Masters[/u][/font][/size][center][user=starwindrider][user=Relics][user=IsleTheDracon][/center]
W E L C O M E T O K I L L E R S I N T H E C L A N.
Every day, a dragon is left dead for their Clanmates to find. Every day, each dragon in the Clan lives in the fear that they will be the next. Except the killer.
Deciding to end it once and for all, the Clan came together in a council and held a vote. The dragon with the most votes was exiled. The rest lapsed into uneasy peace for the night.
Had they found the right dragon?
You must be wondering, what exactly is this about? Killers in the Clan is a mafia roleplay game, which is, as its name implies, mafia and roleplay combined together! You will have to post a roleplay post each ingame day.
So, do you like roleplaying and having some thrills? Do you like digging for clues and making intelligent guesses, or lying to hide your identity? Is playing detective or deception your way to go? Are you able to come online at least once every three days? If yes, then you would enjoy this game! If not, then this game may not be the best one for you.
If you want to join, take a read of the rules and details below. Once you're ready, post in the Discussion thread (linked below) that you'd like to join a waitlist!
This game is loosely based on noodle cat’s game Murderers in ThunderClan on Chicken Smoothie, Town of Salem and Werewolf. This adaptation of the original game(s) is by me. Making a new version of this game is not allowed.
discussion thread || discord server
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxMasterxxxxxxxSecondary Masters
[font=times new roman][size=4]This may be the boring part, but please read the rules!
[b]G E N E R A L[/b]
→ Be respectful to everyone in the game. This applies everywhere else as well.
→ Stalking the game is fine, but all rules apply!
[u]→ You need to be on the waitlist to post a sign-up form.[/u]
→ Use proper English, punctuation and grammar.
→ Do not mini-mod. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
→ The Masters and Secondary Masters' words are law.
→ If you break a rule, you will be given a behavioural strike. Three strikes and you will be banned.
→ It’s your responsibility to let a Master know if you change your username while you’re on the waitlist or in an ongoing game. If you miss any pings due to username change, your spot may be passed onto the next player (if you are on the waitlist) or you may be given inactivity strikes (if you are in an active game).
[b]P O S T I N G[/b]
→ No spamming, chit-chatting or posting about irrelevant topics in the Main or Discussion threads.
→ No posting more than one post in a row, applies to both Main and Discussion threads. Exceptions to this rule include: when a player needs to change their vote; or when there is important information or posts (made by Masters and Secondary Masters) that need to be on an individual post.
→ You can post roleplays a maximum of three times before you have to vote. Day 0 is exempt from this rule.
→ Any individual not in the current game may not share theories or discuss with current players under any circumstances.
→ Players who have been eliminated (by kill, exile or dropping out) are not allowed to talk about the ongoing game outside of the game's spectator channels. Spectators are not allowed to post comments of any kind in the discussion platforms of the game they are spectating.
→ A minimum word count of 10 is required for any roleplay, be it the thread or Discord channel. If you are at a loss of what to say, you can use: “X thought for a while and decided to vote Y.”
[b]G A M E P L A Y[/b]
→ Only one dragon per person per game.
→ Any dragon can be assigned any role, the roles are chosen via RNG.
→ Do not request for a specific in-game role or request not to have one, to maintain fairness.
→ Do not, at any point in the game, give out your role.
→ Do not, at any point in the game, claim to have a role or imply that you have a role.
→ Do not, in any way, demand, blackmail or force a player to vote for another specific player, or use their role in a specific way. This includes but is not limited to telling other players to vote for you, or guards to protect you.
→ Do not powerplay in your roleplay.
→ Editing signup forms after the end of Day Zero is not allowed. This includes familiars and dragon outfits.
→ Public RNG voting is not allowed.
→ Kills will not clear any dragon/prove any dragon’s innocence, apart from the target.
This may be the boring part, but please read the rules!
→ Be respectful to everyone in the game. This applies everywhere else as well.
→ Stalking the game is fine, but all rules apply!
→ You need to be on the waitlist to post a sign-up form.
→ Use proper English, punctuation and grammar.
→ Do not mini-mod. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
→ The Masters and Secondary Masters' words are law.
→ If you break a rule, you will be given a behavioural strike. Three strikes and you will be banned.
→ It’s your responsibility to let a Master know if you change your username while you’re on the waitlist or in an ongoing game. If you miss any pings due to username change, your spot may be passed onto the next player (if you are on the waitlist) or you may be given inactivity strikes (if you are in an active game).
→ No spamming, chit-chatting or posting about irrelevant topics in the Main or Discussion threads.
→ No posting more than one post in a row, applies to both Main and Discussion threads. Exceptions to this rule include: when a player needs to change their vote; or when there is important information or posts (made by Masters and Secondary Masters) that need to be on an individual post.
→ You can post roleplays a maximum of three times before you have to vote. Day 0 is exempt from this rule.
→ Any individual not in the current game may not share theories or discuss with current players under any circumstances.
→ Players who have been eliminated (by kill, exile or dropping out) are not allowed to talk about the ongoing game outside of the game's spectator channels. Spectators are not allowed to post comments of any kind in the discussion platforms of the game they are spectating.
→ A minimum word count of 10 is required for any roleplay, be it the thread or Discord channel. If you are at a loss of what to say, you can use: “X thought for a while and decided to vote Y.”
→ Only one dragon per person per game.
→ Any dragon can be assigned any role, the roles are chosen via RNG.
→ Do not request for a specific in-game role or request not to have one, to maintain fairness.
→ Do not, at any point in the game, give out your role.
→ Do not, at any point in the game, claim to have a role or imply that you have a role.
→ Do not, in any way, demand, blackmail or force a player to vote for another specific player, or use their role in a specific way. This includes but is not limited to telling other players to vote for you, or guards to protect you.
→ Do not powerplay in your roleplay.
→ Editing signup forms after the end of Day Zero is not allowed. This includes familiars and dragon outfits.
→ Public RNG voting is not allowed.
→ Kills will not clear any dragon/prove any dragon’s innocence, apart from the target.
[font=times new roman][size=4]There are many roles in this game, divided into two factions. You can read more about them, their functions and mechanics here.
[center][size=5][emoji=sword size=1] [font=times new roman][b][u]Killer Faction[/u][/b][/font][/size][/center]
[emoji=skull size=1] [font=times new roman][size=4][b]K I L L E R[/b][/size]
[b]The Killer will attack and attempt to kill a Clan member each Nighttime. There is only one Killer in the game. This role is part of the Killer Faction.[/b]
The Killer will have to PM the name of the dragon they want to kill, to the host each Nighttime. They must also include the method of killing.
If the Killer takes more than 72 hours to respond, they will be disqualified and a new Killer will be chosen.
[emoji=full moon size=1] [font=times new roman][size=4][b]V E N G E F U L[/b][/size]
[b]The Vengeful can return and attack a Clan member in the Nighttime of their first exile. There is one Vengeful in each game. This role is part of the Killer Faction.[/b]
If the Vengeful is killed, nothing happens and they will be shown as a Civilian. If the Vengeful is exiled, however, their role is not revealed and they will be shown as a Civilian. That night, they will have revenge on any member in the Clan, and that night will have two Kills.
However, their Kill can be blocked by a Guard. If that happens the Vengeful’s attempted Kill will not be posted. If they attack the Killer or Minion, nothing happens and the night will still have only one Kill.
The Killer knows who the Vengeful is, but the Vengeful does not know who the Killer is. The Killer will be told who the Vengeful is killing so they will not pick the same person.
[emoji=right wing size=1] [font=times new roman][size=4][b]M I N I O N[/b][/size]
[b]The Minion will try to help the Killer avoid exile while also blending in with the Civilians. There is one Minion in each game. This role is part of the Killer Faction.[/b]
The job of the Minion is to help the Killer Faction win by swaying the Clan Faction in discussions and keeping the Killer from being exiled. They have no special power beyond their allegiance to the Killer.
If the Minion is killed or exiled, nothing happens and they will be shown as a Civilian.
The Minion knows who both the Killer and Vengeful are, but only the Killer knows who the Minion is.
Killer and Minion cannot PM or contact each other outside of game for any game-related discussion.
[center][size=5][emoji=shield size=1] [font=times new roman][b][u]Clan Faction[/u][/b][/font][/size][/center]
[emoji=coliseum team size=1] [font=times new roman][size=4][b]G U A R D S[/b][/size]
[b]The Guards will choose to guard a Clan member each Nighttime. There are two Guards in the game. This role is part of the Clan Faction.[/b]
The Guards will have to PM the name of the dragon they want to protect, to the host each Nighttime.
Each Guard can only protect one dragon each Nighttime, but they can choose to protect different dragons throughout the course of a game. They can also protect themselves, but only a maximum of three times in each game.
In the event that both Guards’ identities are revealed, they will not be allowed to guard each other. They are also not allowed to communicate with each other. Do note that no player is allowed to reveal their role in the game, and this rule refers to occasions when Guards' roles are revealed through game mechanics such as exiles.
If a Guard takes more than 48 hours to respond, they will be disqualified and a new Guard will be chosen.
[emoji=familiar heart size=1] [font=times new roman][size=4][b]I N S E P A R A B L E[/b][/size]
[b]The Inseparable cannot be separated in the course of a game. There is one pair, which means, two Inseparable in the game. This role is part of the Clan Faction.[/b]
The Inseparable may be mates, siblings or best friends. When one dragon of the pair is eliminated out of the game, the other will also be eliminated. Each dragon in the pair will know who the other Inseparable is, and will be allowed to talk to one other via PMs.
[emoji=glasses size=1] [font=times new roman][size=4][b]W I T N E S S[/b][/size]
[b]The Witness “witnesses” each kill or attempted kill. There is one Witness in the game. This role is part of the Clan Faction.[/b]
The Witness will be given a clue about the Kill or Killer each Nighttime. How they interpret the clue and how they tell the other players about it is their choice.
[emoji=crystal ball size=1] [font=times new roman][size=4][b]S E E R[/b][/size]
[b]The Seer can “see” dragons each Nighttime to learn their role type. There is one Seer in each game. This role is part of the Clan Faction.[/b]
The Seer can See a maximum of three dragons per game. They can also choose not to exercise their power at all. After death or exile, the Seer can tell the remaining players who they Saw and the results, no matter the number of players Seen.
The Seer will receive a different result depending on the role of the player they check:
[*][font=times new roman]Your target isn't working alone: Minion, Inseparable[/font]
[*][font=times new roman]Your target seems very alert: Guards, Killer[/font]
[*][font=times new roman]Your target seems eager to help: Witness, Magist, Vengeful[/font]
[*][font=times new roman]Your target appears to be good: Civilian[/font]
[emoji=wizard hat size=1] [font=times new roman][size=4][b]M A G I S T[/b][/size]
[b]The Magist has the power to bring back an eliminated player once each game. There is one Magist in each game. This role is part of the Clan Faction.[/b]
The Magist can decide to bring back an eliminated player, whether they were killed or exiled, once per game. Bringing back one member of the Inseparable will also bring back the other member. However, the Magist cannot bring themselves back. They can also choose not to exercise their power at all.
Persuading, blackmailing, or in any way forcing the Magist to revive or bring you back is not allowed.
[emoji=new friend size=1] [font=times new roman][size=4][b]C I V I L I A N S[/b][/size]
[b]The Civilians do not hold a special role, but they can partake in discussions and votings. This role is part of the Clan Faction.[/b] Most of the players will be Civilians.
There are many roles in this game, divided into two factions. You can read more about them, their functions and mechanics here.
Killer Faction
The Killer will attack and attempt to kill a Clan member each Nighttime. There is only one Killer in the game. This role is part of the Killer Faction.
The Killer will have to PM the name of the dragon they want to kill, to the host each Nighttime. They must also include the method of killing.
If the Killer takes more than 72 hours to respond, they will be disqualified and a new Killer will be chosen.
The Vengeful can return and attack a Clan member in the Nighttime of their first exile. There is one Vengeful in each game. This role is part of the Killer Faction.
If the Vengeful is killed, nothing happens and they will be shown as a Civilian. If the Vengeful is exiled, however, their role is not revealed and they will be shown as a Civilian. That night, they will have revenge on any member in the Clan, and that night will have two Kills.
However, their Kill can be blocked by a Guard. If that happens the Vengeful’s attempted Kill will not be posted. If they attack the Killer or Minion, nothing happens and the night will still have only one Kill.
The Killer knows who the Vengeful is, but the Vengeful does not know who the Killer is. The Killer will be told who the Vengeful is killing so they will not pick the same person.
The Minion will try to help the Killer avoid exile while also blending in with the Civilians. There is one Minion in each game. This role is part of the Killer Faction.
The job of the Minion is to help the Killer Faction win by swaying the Clan Faction in discussions and keeping the Killer from being exiled. They have no special power beyond their allegiance to the Killer.
If the Minion is killed or exiled, nothing happens and they will be shown as a Civilian.
The Minion knows who both the Killer and Vengeful are, but only the Killer knows who the Minion is.
Killer and Minion cannot PM or contact each other outside of game for any game-related discussion.
Clan Faction
The Guards will choose to guard a Clan member each Nighttime. There are two Guards in the game. This role is part of the Clan Faction.
The Guards will have to PM the name of the dragon they want to protect, to the host each Nighttime.
Each Guard can only protect one dragon each Nighttime, but they can choose to protect different dragons throughout the course of a game. They can also protect themselves, but only a maximum of three times in each game.
In the event that both Guards’ identities are revealed, they will not be allowed to guard each other. They are also not allowed to communicate with each other. Do note that no player is allowed to reveal their role in the game, and this rule refers to occasions when Guards' roles are revealed through game mechanics such as exiles.
If a Guard takes more than 48 hours to respond, they will be disqualified and a new Guard will be chosen.
The Inseparable cannot be separated in the course of a game. There is one pair, which means, two Inseparable in the game. This role is part of the Clan Faction.
The Inseparable may be mates, siblings or best friends. When one dragon of the pair is eliminated out of the game, the other will also be eliminated. Each dragon in the pair will know who the other Inseparable is, and will be allowed to talk to one other via PMs.
The Witness “witnesses” each kill or attempted kill. There is one Witness in the game. This role is part of the Clan Faction.
The Witness will be given a clue about the Kill or Killer each Nighttime. How they interpret the clue and how they tell the other players about it is their choice.
The Seer can “see” dragons each Nighttime to learn their role type. There is one Seer in each game. This role is part of the Clan Faction.
The Seer can See a maximum of three dragons per game. They can also choose not to exercise their power at all. After death or exile, the Seer can tell the remaining players who they Saw and the results, no matter the number of players Seen.
The Seer will receive a different result depending on the role of the player they check:
- Your target isn't working alone: Minion, Inseparable
- Your target seems very alert: Guards, Killer
- Your target seems eager to help: Witness, Magist, Vengeful
- Your target appears to be good: Civilian
The Magist has the power to bring back an eliminated player once each game. There is one Magist in each game. This role is part of the Clan Faction.
The Magist can decide to bring back an eliminated player, whether they were killed or exiled, once per game. Bringing back one member of the Inseparable will also bring back the other member. However, the Magist cannot bring themselves back. They can also choose not to exercise their power at all.
Persuading, blackmailing, or in any way forcing the Magist to revive or bring you back is not allowed.
The Civilians do not hold a special role, but they can partake in discussions and votings. This role is part of the Clan Faction. Most of the players will be Civilians.
[font=times new roman][size=4]Okay, I know what roles there are! But how do you play this game exactly? Well, here’s a description.[/size]
[font=times new roman][size=4][b]D A Y Z E R O[/b]
All roles are sent out. All players can roleplay if they wish. The Guards and Killer PM the game master. The Magist and Seer as well, if applicable.[/size]
[font=times new roman][size=4][b]N I G H T T I M E[/b]
The game master will post a paragraph describing the Kill. A clue will be sent to the Witness. This can take from 5-7 days.[/size]
[font=times new roman][size=4][b]V O T I N G[/b]
The Clan will roleplay, discuss and vote to see which dragon is exiled. This will last from 5-7 days, depending on the Clan's preferences. [/size]
[font=times new roman][size=4][b]E X I L E[/b]
The dragon with the most votes is exiled. If they are the Killer, the Clan Faction wins. If not, the game repeats. This continues until either the Killer is exiled, or until there is no way for the Clan Faction to out-vote the Killer Faction. If the latter happens, then the Killer Faction wins.[/size]
[font=times new roman][size=4]Now you’ve seen everything! [b]Wanna join?[/b] Please read the next post regarding the waitlist!
If you want any updates from KitC, be it game mechanics or community updates, subscribe to our pinglist here!
Okay, I know what roles there are! But how do you play this game exactly? Well, here’s a description.
All roles are sent out. All players can roleplay if they wish. The Guards and Killer PM the game master. The Magist and Seer as well, if applicable.
The game master will post a paragraph describing the Kill. A clue will be sent to the Witness. This can take from 5-7 days.
The Clan will roleplay, discuss and vote to see which dragon is exiled. This will last from 5-7 days, depending on the Clan's preferences.
The dragon with the most votes is exiled. If they are the Killer, the Clan Faction wins. If not, the game repeats. This continues until either the Killer is exiled, or until there is no way for the Clan Faction to out-vote the Killer Faction. If the latter happens, then the Killer Faction wins.
Now you’ve seen everything! Wanna join? Please read the next post regarding the waitlist!
If you want any updates from KitC, be it game mechanics or community updates, subscribe to our pinglist here!
[font=times new roman][size=4][b]Note: Please ping @/IsleTheDracon for wait list requests in the [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2558325/1]discussion thread[/url].
If you see that this is not updated, do not worry! The Secondary Masters are keeping track and I will update this at my earliest convenience. If you have any queries, please ping/PM a member of staff![/b]
Players on the waitlist will be sorted into groups of 15, as each game will have maximum 15 players.
At the end of each game, the next game's game master will ping the players allocated to the next game, and give them 48 hours to submit their forms. If they do not submit their form within 48 hours, the spot will be given to the next player on the list and
they will be given a strike.
After the round is over, you can request to be on the waitlist again!
[b]Last Updated: September 7, 2024[/b]
[font=times new roman][size=4][u]Game 41 List [Estimated start date: November] [/u][/size]
1. @pandakitty1
2. @Verdajandr
3. @AmethystGrove
4. @TFBacon
[emoji=shield size=1] - Clan Faction victory
[emoji=sword size=1] - Killer Faction victory
[emoji=block size=1] - Tie/Inconclusive
[emoji=question mark size=1] - Ongoing[/quote]
[font=times new roman][u]Main Games[/u][/font]
[ [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/1#post_35821312]1[/url] ] - [emoji=shield size=1]
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[ [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/61#post_37530567]5[/url] ] - [emoji=shield size=1]
[color=transparent]whyrulooking[/color][nextcol][ [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/70#post_38178179]6[/url] ] - [emoji=shield size=1]
[ [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/74#post_38298650]7[/url] ] - [emoji=shield size=1]
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[ [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/87#post_39180698]9[/url] ] - [emoji=shield size=1]
[ [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/91#post_39795592]10[/url] ] - [emoji=shield size=1]
[color=transparent]whyrulooking[/color][nextcol][ [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/105#post_40470214]11[/url] ] - [emoji=shield size=1]
[ [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/110#post_40872169]12[/url] ] - [emoji=sword size=1]
[ [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/125#post_42016574]13[/url] ] - [emoji=shield size=1]
[ [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/133#post_42415763]14[/url] ] - [emoji=shield size=1]
[ [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/141#post_42983913]15[/url] ] - [emoji=block size=1]
[color=transparent]whyrulooking[/color][nextcol][ [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/149#post_43852467]16[/url] ] - [emoji=shield size=1]
[ [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/161#post_44282566]17[/url] ] - [emoji=shield size=1]
[ [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/166#post_44511256]18[/url] ] - [emoji=shield size=1]
[ [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/177#post_44948636]19[/url] ] - [emoji=shield size=1]
[ [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/191#post_45679371]20[/url] ] - [emoji=shield size=1]
[color=transparent]whyrulooking[/color][nextcol][ [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/201#post_46469191]21[/url] ] - [emoji=shield size=1]
[ [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/210#post_47364842]22[/url] ] - [emoji=shield size=1]
[ [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/224#post_48342561]23[/url] ] - [emoji=shield size=1]
[ [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/227#post_48740519]24[/url] ] - [emoji=shield size=1]
[ [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/242#post_49221121]25[/url] ] - [emoji=shield size=1]
[color=transparent]whyrulooking[/color][nextcol][ [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/251#post_49718202]26[/url] ] - [emoji=shield size=1]
[ [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/267#post_50219890]27[/url] ] - [emoji=shield size=1]
[ [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/273#post_50946542]28[/url] ] - [emoji=shield size=1]
[ [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/285#post_51737937]29[/url] ] - [emoji=shield size=1]
[ [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/299#post_53060307]30[/url] ] - [emoji=shield size=1]
[color=transparent]whyrulooking[/color][nextcol][ [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/312#post_53582016]31[/url] ] - [emoji=shield size=1]
[ [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/321#post_53883047]32[/url] ] - [emoji=sword size=1]
[ [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/338#post_54722527]33[/url] ] - [emoji=sword size=1]
[ [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/362#post_55153619]34[/url] ] - [emoji=shield size=1]
[ [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/384#post_55738241]35[/url] ] - [emoji=shield size=1]
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[ [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/453#post_56990459]39[/url] ] - [emoji=shield size=1]
[ [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/464#post_57431817]40[/url] ] - [emoji=question mark size=1][/columns]
[font=times new roman][u]Quarter Quells[/u][/font]
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[color=transparent]whyrulooking[/color][nextcol][ 6 ] - [emoji=shield size=1]
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[font=times new roman][u]Anniversary Games[/u][/font]
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[color=transparent]whyrulooking[/color][nextcol][ 6 ] - [emoji=question mark size=1][/columns]
Username: ShinyDecidueye
Dragon Name: Dawn Jr
Gender: Female
Breed: Skydancer
Rank: leader lol
Short Description:
You did ask for short, so she's a reckless but smart Skydancer
Also, you put dog?
Username: ShinyDecidueye
Dragon Name: Dawn Jr
Gender: Female
Breed: Skydancer
Rank: leader lol
Short Description:

You did ask for short, so she's a reckless but smart Skydancer
Also, you put dog?
Accepted! Also, my bad, I copied this from another game I made on FR ^^""
A rank is like leader, deputy, healer.... anything works!
Accepted! Also, my bad, I copied this from another game I made on FR ^^""
A rank is like leader, deputy, healer.... anything works!
Username: Littlepotato711
Dragon Name: Sunsong
Gender: Female
Breed: Imperial
Rank: Healer
Short Description: Quiet and keeps to herself, does not like to socialise with those around her
Username: Littlepotato711
Dragon Name: Sunsong
Gender: Female
Breed: Imperial
Rank: Healer
Short Description: Quiet and keeps to herself, does not like to socialise with those around her

Dawn Jr | Female | Skydancer | ShinyDecidueye |[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/1#post_35820688]Link[/url]
[b]2nd in Command:[/b]
Kottara | Male | Spiral | Varjoaika | [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/2#post_35826539]Link[/url]
Sunsong | Female | Imperial | Littlepotato711 | [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/1#post_35820895]Link [/url]
Azilth | Female | Skydancer | Darkesty |[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/2#post_35824350] Link[/url]
Reef | Female | Nocturne | Sparkbreeze |[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/3#post_35842538] Link[/url]
Andromeda | Female | Fae | nautilidaes |[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/3#post_35949668] Link[/url]
Singularity | Female | Coatl | Peachyminn |[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/3#post_35951881] Link[/url]
[b]Beast Tamer:[/b]
Tamarin | Female | Bogsneak | Greyh0und |[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/2#post_35839621] Link[/url]
Radiance | Male | Skydancer | CutePikachu163 | [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/1#post_35821654]Link[/url]
Twist | Male | Spiral | SmolSnek | [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/2#post_35823617]Link[/url]
Bireus | Male | Skydancer | Abyssdrake | [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/2#post_35824160]Link[/url]
Swarm | Male | Pearlcatcher | Emerald01526 | [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/3#post_35949269]Link[/url]
Marty | Male | Spiral | ShiftingFox |[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2548744/3#post_35956790] Link[/url]
Dawn Jr | Female | Skydancer | ShinyDecidueye |
2nd in Command:
Kottara | Male | Spiral | Varjoaika |
Sunsong | Female | Imperial | Littlepotato711 |
Azilth | Female | Skydancer | Darkesty |
Reef | Female | Nocturne | Sparkbreeze |
Andromeda | Female | Fae | nautilidaes |
Singularity | Female | Coatl | Peachyminn |
Beast Tamer:
Tamarin | Female | Bogsneak | Greyh0und |
Radiance | Male | Skydancer | CutePikachu163 |
Twist | Male | Spiral | SmolSnek |
Bireus | Male | Skydancer | Abyssdrake |
Swarm | Male | Pearlcatcher | Emerald01526 |
Marty | Male | Spiral | ShiftingFox |
Username: CutePikachu163
Dragon Name: Radiance
Gender: Male
Breed: Skydancer
Rank: Warrior
Short Description: Cruel, selfish, arrogant, narrowminded, egotistical, but a strong warrior and a formidable foe
(Full ver. in his bio)
Username: CutePikachu163
Dragon Name: Radiance
Gender: Male
Breed: Skydancer
Rank: Warrior
Short Description: Cruel, selfish, arrogant, narrowminded, egotistical, but a strong warrior and a formidable foe
(Full ver. in his bio)