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TOPIC | Writer's Rescue: Lore Galore!
[center][img][/img] @Decaffeinated [b]Word Count: 470[/b] Took me a bit to think of which plan I liked for her, but I honestly love this one scry in her bio (and my gosh they're all Baldwin Brewables XD). I had fun writing for her, and I may just flesh out more of her story later, but the little bit I have here seems to fit her well enough. I took the lightning bug look her capsule gave her and kinda spun off of that for the whole "Light in the Darkness" theme. I'd like to call her Elysia. [img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img] I cannot believe what I see sometimes. I’ve been all around the lands of the gods, from the barren lands of Earthshaker to the lush growth of the Gladekeeper. I’ve seen Emperors rise from the earth, and dragons fall beneath the waves. I’ve seen healers lose their faith in their gods, to warriors balking before their foes as their gods turn their sight from them. I have even seen the gods themselves, the Mothers and Fathers of our world, bickering and squabbling as they send their followers to fight their battles for them. None, however, compare to the darkness I saw in him. He was a Gaoler from ages past, returned to Sornieth through some miracle, or perhaps some curse, bestowed upon a few drakes from that age for defeating an Emperor. I remember flying over the clan when they found the Gaolers, and coincidentally a necromancer who joined their ranks. Curious, I followed them to my homeland of disease and rot. I watched them thaw out the lucky Gaolers, cooing at the little hatchling that stumbled about, larger than an average Tundra. I watched the second hatchling race to his side later, her fur fluffed out like a little stormcloud. I watched the older Valkyrie head off to protect the young ones, her fur stained with the blood of old. Then I saw him. He had a blue, slender frame, his long mane straight and rippling. His claws were long, and his fangs were sharp. I could even see the strength beneath his sleek fur, rippling with every step. It was his eyes, however, that revealed just how dangerous he was. I saw nothing but darkness in those eyes, the same darkness that churns behind the stars the Arcanist loves to gaze upon. I knew then and there that I couldn’t trust this Gaoler, and I couldn’t understand why the old clan leader was so determined to help him. Perhaps he’s her patient. Perhaps she actually has a heart after all. Either way, she seems blind to his manipulative ways, and other dragons are quickly finding themselves shrouded by his dark ambitions. He cares only for himself, and avoids the other Gaolers. I believe I can understand why. I believe he is truly Loki, the Gaoler who brought the Emperor down upon the Tribes in the first place. I know that, whatever he may be planning, he must be stopped. Last time he was free, he made an Emperor all on his own. Whatever he may do now, it won’t be good. There is already an Emperor ravaging the Lightweaver’s domain, and the other deities are dealing with frightening maladies of their own. I don’t think Sornieth can survive what Loki has planned. Oh by the Eleven, let me light the way for those shrouded in Loki’s darkness. [img][/img] [size=5][b]Dragons Mentioned[/b][/size] [img][/img] [url=] [img][/img][/url] Aliya the Valkyrie/Protector [img][/img] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Lushbane the Healer [img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url] Loki the Patient/Dark One [img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url] Amara/Víðarr the Young One [img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url] Axelia/Freya the Hatchling/Valkyrie to Be [img][/img] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Nergis the Necromancer [img][/img][/center]

Word Count: 470

Took me a bit to think of which plan I liked for her, but I honestly love this one scry in her bio (and my gosh they're all Baldwin Brewables XD). I had fun writing for her, and I may just flesh out more of her story later, but the little bit I have here seems to fit her well enough. I took the lightning bug look her capsule gave her and kinda spun off of that for the whole "Light in the Darkness" theme. I'd like to call her Elysia.

I cannot believe what I see sometimes. I’ve been all around the lands of the gods, from the barren lands of Earthshaker to the lush growth of the Gladekeeper. I’ve seen Emperors rise from the earth, and dragons fall beneath the waves. I’ve seen healers lose their faith in their gods, to warriors balking before their foes as their gods turn their sight from them. I have even seen the gods themselves, the Mothers and Fathers of our world, bickering and squabbling as they send their followers to fight their battles for them. None, however, compare to the darkness I saw in him.

He was a Gaoler from ages past, returned to Sornieth through some miracle, or perhaps some curse, bestowed upon a few drakes from that age for defeating an Emperor. I remember flying over the clan when they found the Gaolers, and coincidentally a necromancer who joined their ranks. Curious, I followed them to my homeland of disease and rot. I watched them thaw out the lucky Gaolers, cooing at the little hatchling that stumbled about, larger than an average Tundra. I watched the second hatchling race to his side later, her fur fluffed out like a little stormcloud. I watched the older Valkyrie head off to protect the young ones, her fur stained with the blood of old. Then I saw him.

He had a blue, slender frame, his long mane straight and rippling. His claws were long, and his fangs were sharp. I could even see the strength beneath his sleek fur, rippling with every step. It was his eyes, however, that revealed just how dangerous he was. I saw nothing but darkness in those eyes, the same darkness that churns behind the stars the Arcanist loves to gaze upon.

I knew then and there that I couldn’t trust this Gaoler, and I couldn’t understand why the old clan leader was so determined to help him. Perhaps he’s her patient. Perhaps she actually has a heart after all. Either way, she seems blind to his manipulative ways, and other dragons are quickly finding themselves shrouded by his dark ambitions. He cares only for himself, and avoids the other Gaolers. I believe I can understand why.

I believe he is truly Loki, the Gaoler who brought the Emperor down upon the Tribes in the first place.

I know that, whatever he may be planning, he must be stopped. Last time he was free, he made an Emperor all on his own. Whatever he may do now, it won’t be good. There is already an Emperor ravaging the Lightweaver’s domain, and the other deities are dealing with frightening maladies of their own. I don’t think Sornieth can survive what Loki has planned.

Oh by the Eleven, let me light the way for those shrouded in Loki’s darkness.


Dragons Mentioned



Aliya the Valkyrie/Protector



Lushbane the Healer


Loki the Patient/Dark One


Amara/Víðarr the Young One


Axelia/Freya the Hatchling/Valkyrie to Be



Nergis the Necromancer

FXwV0CB.pngFObX7rS.pngSaronai's Free Star Lighting Raffle. Over 3kg in prizes. Ends February 1st. Click to learn more!

Former First Column Spacer ^^^^^^^^^
@mermaidlorelei If still available, could I please get this dragon held? [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
If still available, could I please get this dragon held?

Avatar: Wick
x78oEKd.png f9a32de21f619685c021adafe3a356066a54ad09.png
Check out my adopts at
Infernal Beasts,
my lore-based
or my skin shop,
@mermaidlorelei can I claim this pearlcatcher? [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@mermaidlorelei can I claim this pearlcatcher?

@Decaffeinated Please hold her for me! [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Please hold her for me!

@MaybeHuman No need to apologize! We love seeing people passionnate about their dragons [emoji=familiar heart] @TheHollow You have a very different formatting style. Your concept is interesting [s]and if I'm honest, I would've loved to read more of it xD[/s] I'll be sending him in a moment. @ClockworkEclipse Golly it's always so nice to read about your clan! [emoji=familiar heart] Great work as always! @Cynderfire Held!
@MaybeHuman No need to apologize! We love seeing people passionnate about their dragons

@TheHollow You have a very different formatting style. Your concept is interesting and if I'm honest, I would've loved to read more of it xD I'll be sending him in a moment.

@ClockworkEclipse Golly it's always so nice to read about your clan! Great work as always!

@Cynderfire Held!
@Cookiecutey777 Your hold has expired.
@Cookiecutey777 Your hold has expired.
Hello everyone! There is a new quick lotto going on! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] A gorgeous starcon boy donated by ofkismetandkalon ^-^ [size=1]I'm very sorry it took so long to get to him x.x[/size] [size=1]@Xayxayx @Crimsonpixie @IcyCrystal @KasstheKitten @RoaringSpector @SprinklesTheCat @DarkNovu @Lacy @NoodleNox @Graceclem @CleverDual @Aquatic @dirtyclaws @LadyChipmunk @Continlula @LemonsSharks @TheShanar @Nightdraco @dancingcrane @Dragonspire @Wolflover267 @xspideray @PricklyGoose @Scyshe @MisterArtist @lilystar6 @Surreptitious @Archiy @Slugoon @Seoul @Quiller @Sincerity11 @Aerylei @LightningclanLC @CowboyMouth @Thornshade @vegastellaris @SirWonton @LemmeRest @rei711 @oribi @meowmeow2023 @Ikterrin @Solvei @Alitema @BigBossGiovanni @Ebby172 @SassyTRex @AquaSharkBoy @WickedBunnie @Disillusionist @BoxNSocks @Rari0516 @SapphireAppy @NeekoNeekoNii @SirWonton @ShadowPiper @JPNerd @Kpribbit @shrapnelsong @ClayLovesCarrots @Cyabella @Okolu @FireBrimstone @OriginalIAm @teardropcrystal @DeluxeVegan @Enkil @MegaraFrostalon @SmokyQuartz2 @CobaltSkies @yeehawbuckaroo @septarianflare @StarsweptVoid @OrcDovahkiin @Zalva @Okiama @InheritanceLight @MasterEggy @DragonSpiralArt @Petall @quietgal @UpbeatIguana @Banevear @Animonster @Spiderfrog15 @Kdragon @ofkismetandkalon @dejanuation @InfernalShepherd @Ghastjio @nebulaesailor @FlyingTemeraire @Silverstream2 @LadyExperiment @magpietellme @HolyShipper @Whuffie @AnonEclipse @LunaTenebrisFlos @Calamazu @GlitchedFox @mukuroikusabas @Niernen @Eliriel @onemessyperson @pinkkittens @CheriSeed @Darquesse @PureTorture @IcarusInks @Dartrix @Moonchild42 @Bronzewing @heavylobster @monochromia @Espoir @LadyParagon @Alastriona1 @Tritail @Shakalaka @Moonpearl @dragonfairy1034 @smeen @Juri01 @Riyoku @ShadowWyvern15 @ERRexie @Epor10 @SpiresOfSpirits @DevonAkabane @poolOFtears @Airplanefoxx @Catrisa @Opifex @Saraceaser @Kaitorubel @ClockworkEclipse @MorRioghan @MaybeHuman @KittyHamilton @GreenTeaPython @Allegria @Wolfoxx @nabal @LadyOfTheSkies @arywyvern [/size]
Hello everyone! There is a new quick lotto going on!


A gorgeous starcon boy donated by ofkismetandkalon ^-^

I'm very sorry it took so long to get to him x.x

@Xayxayx @Crimsonpixie @IcyCrystal @KasstheKitten @RoaringSpector
@SprinklesTheCat @DarkNovu @Lacy @NoodleNox @Graceclem @CleverDual
@Aquatic @dirtyclaws @LadyChipmunk @Continlula @LemonsSharks
@TheShanar @Nightdraco @dancingcrane @Dragonspire @Wolflover267
@xspideray @PricklyGoose @Scyshe @MisterArtist @lilystar6
@Surreptitious @Archiy @Slugoon @Seoul @Quiller @Sincerity11
@Aerylei @LightningclanLC @CowboyMouth @Thornshade @vegastellaris
@SirWonton @LemmeRest @rei711 @oribi @meowmeow2023 @Ikterrin
@Solvei @Alitema @BigBossGiovanni @Ebby172 @SassyTRex
@AquaSharkBoy @WickedBunnie @Disillusionist @BoxNSocks @Rari0516
@SapphireAppy @NeekoNeekoNii @SirWonton @ShadowPiper @JPNerd
@Kpribbit @shrapnelsong @ClayLovesCarrots @Cyabella @Okolu
@FireBrimstone @OriginalIAm @teardropcrystal @DeluxeVegan @Enkil
@MegaraFrostalon @SmokyQuartz2 @CobaltSkies @yeehawbuckaroo
@septarianflare @StarsweptVoid @OrcDovahkiin @Zalva @Okiama
@InheritanceLight @MasterEggy @DragonSpiralArt @Petall @quietgal
@UpbeatIguana @Banevear @Animonster @Spiderfrog15 @Kdragon
@ofkismetandkalon @dejanuation @InfernalShepherd @Ghastjio
@nebulaesailor @FlyingTemeraire @Silverstream2 @LadyExperiment
@magpietellme @HolyShipper @Whuffie @AnonEclipse @LunaTenebrisFlos
@Calamazu @GlitchedFox @mukuroikusabas @Niernen @Eliriel
@onemessyperson @pinkkittens @CheriSeed @Darquesse @PureTorture
@IcarusInks @Dartrix @Moonchild42 @Bronzewing @heavylobster
@monochromia @Espoir @LadyParagon @Alastriona1 @Tritail @Shakalaka
@Moonpearl @dragonfairy1034 @smeen @Juri01 @Riyoku @ShadowWyvern15
@ERRexie @Epor10 @SpiresOfSpirits @DevonAkabane @poolOFtears
@Airplanefoxx @Catrisa @Opifex @Saraceaser @Kaitorubel
@ClockworkEclipse @MorRioghan @MaybeHuman @KittyHamilton
@GreenTeaPython @Allegria @Wolfoxx @nabal @LadyOfTheSkies @arywyvern

add me to the lotto, please!

add me to the lotto, please!

Enter me in the quick lotto. :)

Enter me in the quick lotto. :)
I’d like to be added to the quick lotto!
I’d like to be added to the quick lotto!