
Raffles & Giveaways

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TOPIC | Writer's Rescue: Lore Galore!
@Decaffeinated Okay, I hope I did the prompt justice. This might be the fastest I wrote out any lore. [center][emoji=pink star][b]Priscilla[/b][emoji=pink star][/center] In a room filled with various clothing and fabrics, a female Spiral was stitching seams onto a vest, while at the same time pinning two pieces of fabric together with her other claw. One of her hind claws clutched a pin cushion filled with pins, she'd periodically pull a pin out and stick it into the fabrics. Priscilla never had to worry about being bored, her job as a tailor always kept her busy, she'd be more likely to tie herself in a knot from working than boredom. The Spiral's outfits were always in high demand, so she never had a shortage of things to do. She was just finishing up the vest she was working on, when a female Skydancer barged into the room, "Miss Priscilla! It's an emergency!", cried the Skydancer. "I don't care if it's an emergency, Andash, knock before entering!", commanded Priscilla. "I'm sorry, Miss Priscilla, I forgot!", said the Skydancer, Andash, since she'd moved into The Clan of Hanging Waters, Andash has been happy to help everyone out in between her working on her artwork, and her part time job at the coffee shop, "But MistyRose, the Garden Caretaker, wants a grand dress to wear for the Big poetry event at the gardens, and you know how hard to please she can be..". "The poetry event? That's in a week! Doesn't she know how rude it is to request a dress near last minute like that?!", Priscilla sighed and placed all of the items she had in her claws down, "No matter, I've worked under worst conditions before.. Andash, could you hand me those silks over there, please?", asked the Spiral. "Yes, Miss Priscilla!", replied Andash, grabbing five silk fabrics off of a nearby self, then brought them over to Priscilla. "Lets see.. She's a Nature Dragon, so this green silk should bring out her eyes..", said Priscilla. Yes, Priscilla was always very busy! Now, if only some of the Dragons around here would be more polite.. [center][outfit=720918][/center]
@Decaffeinated Okay, I hope I did the prompt justice. This might be the fastest I wrote out any lore.


In a room filled with various clothing and fabrics, a female Spiral was stitching seams onto a vest, while at the same time pinning two pieces of fabric together with her other claw. One of her hind claws clutched a pin cushion filled with pins, she'd periodically pull a pin out and stick it into the fabrics.

Priscilla never had to worry about being bored, her job as a tailor always kept her busy, she'd be more likely to tie herself in a knot from working than boredom. The Spiral's outfits were always in high demand, so she never had a shortage of things to do.

She was just finishing up the vest she was working on, when a female Skydancer barged into the room, "Miss Priscilla! It's an emergency!", cried the Skydancer.

"I don't care if it's an emergency, Andash, knock before entering!", commanded Priscilla.

"I'm sorry, Miss Priscilla, I forgot!", said the Skydancer, Andash, since she'd moved into The Clan of Hanging Waters, Andash has been happy to help everyone out in between her working on her artwork, and her part time job at the coffee shop, "But MistyRose, the Garden Caretaker, wants a grand dress to wear for the Big poetry event at the gardens, and you know how hard to please she can be..".

"The poetry event? That's in a week! Doesn't she know how rude it is to request a dress near last minute like that?!", Priscilla sighed and placed all of the items she had in her claws down, "No matter, I've worked under worst conditions before.. Andash, could you hand me those silks over there, please?", asked the Spiral.

"Yes, Miss Priscilla!", replied Andash, grabbing five silk fabrics off of a nearby self, then brought them over to Priscilla.

"Lets see.. She's a Nature Dragon, so this green silk should bring out her eyes..", said Priscilla.

Yes, Priscilla was always very busy! Now, if only some of the Dragons around here would be more polite..

I am so sorry, but I can't place proper claim on the dragon that I want in the prompt section until this weekend. Is there anything I can do? I love her so much!
I am so sorry, but I can't place proper claim on the dragon that I want in the prompt section until this weekend. Is there anything I can do? I love her so much!
@Crycket Amazing piece! I'll send your girl home in a moment!

@Cynderfire It depends on why you can't place a proper claim? If it's a question of time to write I'm affraid there's nothing that can be done but I think I remember having seen you couldn't copy-paste bbcode on your device, in which case having a friend place a "friend hold" and quoting their post should work or so I would think but I'm not sure what kind of device you have.
@Crycket Amazing piece! I'll send your girl home in a moment!

@Cynderfire It depends on why you can't place a proper claim? If it's a question of time to write I'm affraid there's nothing that can be done but I think I remember having seen you couldn't copy-paste bbcode on your device, in which case having a friend place a "friend hold" and quoting their post should work or so I would think but I'm not sure what kind of device you have.
@Decaffeinated [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Could you put him on hold for me? c:


Could you put him on hold for me? c:
Confusing Parchment Scrap [Milo | He/Him]

> Weekly Raffles

> Egg Hatching

> Dragon Sales

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> About Me

> Buying Grinding

> Commissions

> Art Dump

> Fandragons
@MaybeHuman Held!
@MaybeHuman Held!
@Decaffeinated So I got a bit carried away and wrote 1,325 words, sorry ^^' The part written in italics is a flashback, also I'd like to rename him Qumos c: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] --------- The young Coatl sat on a large rock, gently playing on his harp. A few dragons had gathered around, some curious about this brightly colored kid, while some already knew him and were happily watching his jeweled claws brush over the strings. When he began singing he saw a few dragons widening their eyes or smiling brighter, his soft voice filling the air. The kitten sleeping contently next to the singing dragon. The song told of fear and worry, but at the same time of happiness and love. The orange Coatl poured his heart into every word he sung. After he played the last note on his harp, he quickly turned and flew off without another word. His tabby cat, Rusty, barely held on to his tail as he sped off, leaving the dragons that had been listening behind, some confused as to why he had left so suddenly, the ones who already knew of him just continued on their way, not thinking much about it anymore. Qumos landed next to a dead tree on the border between earth and plague territory for a rest. Rusty shook himself and walked in front of the orange Coatl. The small cat twitched his ears a few times, which caused the dragon to chuckle. "Sorry, I'll give you a warning next time!" he said smiling. The cat sits down and straightened out his ruffled fur. Qumos gathered some moss and other soft materials to make a small nest for the night. The two orange creatures fall asleep, the cat cuddled up between the soft, brown feathers and the red scarf of his dragon friend. Qumos awoke with a start and looked around in panic. When he recognized the old tree and his make-shift nest he squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head to escape the lingering feeling of fear and sorrow, caused by his nightmares. The young dragon had been plagued by nightmares ever since he had to flee and leave everything he had behind. [i] "Look out!" a dark orange Coatl called out towards her young son. The tiny colorful hatchling turned to his mother in fear. Their clan had been attacked by an Emperor and before anyone could yell a warning the whole camp was on fire and the small wooden huts were collapsing around them. "Qumos!" he heard his mother yell once more, but before he could search for her Qumos felt a sharp pain on the back of his head and the world went black. The next thing he knew was waking up in the ruins of his now destroyed home. He was devastated and completely alone in the world. [/i] He looked down at the small kitten still sleeping on his scarf and was happy to have him with him. He wasn't alone and didn't have to worry anymore. With that in mind, he fell asleep once more. The next time he woke up Qumos felt refreshed and stretched before waking Rusty as well. He put his scarf back around his neck and turned to walk towards the Wyrmwound, his next destination. He had wanted to visit the cauldron of diseases for a while and finally gathered the courage to cross the Abiding Boneyard. The two had walked the whole day and were tired and hungry when they spotted a small camp of dragons who were probably crossing the Boneyard as well. Normally Qumos would avoid other dragons, but he didn't really have a choice. So he made his way towards the dimly lit camp. There were only two other dragons, a young female Skydancer and an elderly Tundra male. Qumos took a deep breath and entered the low light of the campfire the two had between them. "Hello, I'm Qumos! Could you spare a bit of food and a place to sfay the night for my cat and me?" he asked after clearing his throat. The young Skydancer gasped and yelled something, but it was too fast for the Coatl to make out. He turned to the Tundra with a helpless look on his face. "Let the poor dragon breathe, Luna... Of course you can stay! Come, I'll give you two some food." the old Tundra spoke slowly before taking out two small bags, probably filled with food rations. Qumos thanked him and made himself a small nest between the Tundra's tent and a large stone. He lit up a small fire behind the rock so he had light for a while. He took out his harp and started playing a quiet song and, after a while, he began singing about loss and letting go. After finishing the song he turned to see the Skydancer staring at him in awe and the Tundra clapping with a small smile on his face. He stepped closer to Qumos, into the light of his small fire. "We will head to sleep now, if you leave before we wake up I'll wish you good luck on your travels, my friend." the Tundra said, in the same slow and friendly way he had spoken before. "Thank you, good luck to you as well! Maybe we'll meet again some day." Qumos told him and the two dragons left to go into their tends. Qumos lay awake for an hour, failing to fall asleep. He felt as if he was beong watched, so he sat back up and looked around. He woke up Rusty and asked if he could hear anything, but the cat just sleepily shook his head and turned to sleep again. The young Coatl sighed and turned towards the shadows beyond his nest. The small fire was still going, dimmer now but it was still enough to illuminate a few meters into the wasteland. He tried to focus his eyes and get them to see more in the darkness in front of him. The Coatl almost screamed when he saw two red eyes staring back at him from the darkness. A white Pearlcatcher quickly stepped into the light of his fire and said something, but in his panic Qumos could not make out what she was saying. He calmed down a bit when the Pearlcatcher put up her paws as a sign of peace. He looked her up and down. She was fairly young, older than him, but still young. Her white scales had patches missing where the flesh and muscles were exposed and her wings were only strips of white leather. She looked terrifying. He saw her mouth move, but with the mask on her face he wasn't able to see what exactly she was saying to him, so he just tilted his head. "Could... Could you repeat that with your mask off? It's hard to understand you with it on..." he told her. He saw her eyes widen a bit in realization and she then did something he did not expect. She lifted her paws and gestured for him. 'My name is Lilith, I've heard about you... Your name is Qumos and you're a musician without a home. I would like to offer you a place in my clan, I think you would fit in with us perfectly!' she signed to him. "You know sign language?" he asked, disregarding her questions for now. She nodded and lifted her paws again. 'My best friend, Selene, is mute, so I learned sign language... Most of my clan knows it!' she explained and asked him to join her clan once more. Qumos thought for a second, but quickly decided to simply go with her and at least see what this clan had to offer. So he woke up Rusty and put on his scarf. "So, where is this clan of yours?" he asked as he turned to Lilith. 'It's on the edge of the Wyrmwound.' she signed, before turning to lead him away from the small camp. Qumos followed her smiling and excited to see the Wyrmwound and meet a new clan at the same time. --------- Qumos' Outfit: [outfit=721187] Dragons mentioned: A random female Skydancer A random male Tundra Lilith: [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

So I got a bit carried away and wrote 1,325 words, sorry ^^'

The part written in italics is a flashback, also I'd like to rename him Qumos c:


The young Coatl sat on a large rock, gently playing on his harp. A few dragons had gathered around, some curious about this brightly colored kid, while some already knew him and were happily watching his jeweled claws brush over the strings. When he began singing he saw a few dragons widening their eyes or smiling brighter, his soft voice filling the air. The kitten sleeping contently next to the singing dragon.

The song told of fear and worry, but at the same time of happiness and love. The orange Coatl poured his heart into every word he sung. After he played the last note on his harp, he quickly turned and flew off without another word. His tabby cat, Rusty, barely held on to his tail as he sped off, leaving the dragons that had been listening behind, some confused as to why he had left so suddenly, the ones who already knew of him just continued on their way, not thinking much about it anymore.

Qumos landed next to a dead tree on the border between earth and plague territory for a rest. Rusty shook himself and walked in front of the orange Coatl. The small cat twitched his ears a few times, which caused the dragon to chuckle. "Sorry, I'll give you a warning next time!" he said smiling. The cat sits down and straightened out his ruffled fur. Qumos gathered some moss and other soft materials to make a small nest for the night. The two orange creatures fall asleep, the cat cuddled up between the soft, brown feathers and the red scarf of his dragon friend.

Qumos awoke with a start and looked around in panic. When he recognized the old tree and his make-shift nest he squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head to escape the lingering feeling of fear and sorrow, caused by his nightmares. The young dragon had been plagued by nightmares ever since he had to flee and leave everything he had behind.

"Look out!" a dark orange Coatl called out towards her young son. The tiny colorful hatchling turned to his mother in fear. Their clan had been attacked by an Emperor and before anyone could yell a warning the whole camp was on fire and the small wooden huts were collapsing around them. "Qumos!" he heard his mother yell once more, but before he could search for her Qumos felt a sharp pain on the back of his head and the world went black.

The next thing he knew was waking up in the ruins of his now destroyed home. He was devastated and completely alone in the world.

He looked down at the small kitten still sleeping on his scarf and was happy to have him with him. He wasn't alone and didn't have to worry anymore. With that in mind, he fell asleep once more.

The next time he woke up Qumos felt refreshed and stretched before waking Rusty as well. He put his scarf back around his neck and turned to walk towards the Wyrmwound, his next destination. He had wanted to visit the cauldron of diseases for a while and finally gathered the courage to cross the Abiding Boneyard.

The two had walked the whole day and were tired and hungry when they spotted a small camp of dragons who were probably crossing the Boneyard as well. Normally Qumos would avoid other dragons, but he didn't really have a choice. So he made his way towards the dimly lit camp. There were only two other dragons, a young female Skydancer and an elderly Tundra male. Qumos took a deep breath and entered the low light of the campfire the two had between them.

"Hello, I'm Qumos! Could you spare a bit of food and a place to sfay the night for my cat and me?" he asked after clearing his throat. The young Skydancer gasped and yelled something, but it was too fast for the Coatl to make out. He turned to the Tundra with a helpless look on his face. "Let the poor dragon breathe, Luna... Of course you can stay! Come, I'll give you two some food." the old Tundra spoke slowly before taking out two small bags, probably filled with food rations. Qumos thanked him and made himself a small nest between the Tundra's tent and a large stone.

He lit up a small fire behind the rock so he had light for a while. He took out his harp and started playing a quiet song and, after a while, he began singing about loss and letting go. After finishing the song he turned to see the Skydancer staring at him in awe and the Tundra clapping with a small smile on his face. He stepped closer to Qumos, into the light of his small fire. "We will head to sleep now, if you leave before we wake up I'll wish you good luck on your travels, my friend." the Tundra said, in the same slow and friendly way he had spoken before. "Thank you, good luck to you as well! Maybe we'll meet again some day." Qumos told him and the two dragons left to go into their tends.

Qumos lay awake for an hour, failing to fall asleep. He felt as if he was beong watched, so he sat back up and looked around. He woke up Rusty and asked if he could hear anything, but the cat just sleepily shook his head and turned to sleep again. The young Coatl sighed and turned towards the shadows beyond his nest. The small fire was still going, dimmer now but it was still enough to illuminate a few meters into the wasteland.

He tried to focus his eyes and get them to see more in the darkness in front of him. The Coatl almost screamed when he saw two red eyes staring back at him from the darkness. A white Pearlcatcher quickly stepped into the light of his fire and said something, but in his panic Qumos could not make out what she was saying. He calmed down a bit when the Pearlcatcher put up her paws as a sign of peace.

He looked her up and down. She was fairly young, older than him, but still young. Her white scales had patches missing where the flesh and muscles were exposed and her wings were only strips of white leather. She looked terrifying. He saw her mouth move, but with the mask on her face he wasn't able to see what exactly she was saying to him, so he just tilted his head. "Could... Could you repeat that with your mask off? It's hard to understand you with it on..." he told her. He saw her eyes widen a bit in realization and she then did something he did not expect.

She lifted her paws and gestured for him. 'My name is Lilith, I've heard about you... Your name is Qumos and you're a musician without a home. I would like to offer you a place in my clan, I think you would fit in with us perfectly!' she signed to him. "You know sign language?" he asked, disregarding her questions for now. She nodded and lifted her paws again. 'My best friend, Selene, is mute, so I learned sign language... Most of my clan knows it!' she explained and asked him to join her clan once more.

Qumos thought for a second, but quickly decided to simply go with her and at least see what this clan had to offer. So he woke up Rusty and put on his scarf. "So, where is this clan of yours?" he asked as he turned to Lilith.

'It's on the edge of the Wyrmwound.' she signed, before turning to lead him away from the small camp. Qumos followed her smiling and excited to see the Wyrmwound and meet a new clan at the same time.

Qumos' Outfit:

Dragons mentioned:
A random female Skydancer
A random male Tundra

Confusing Parchment Scrap [Milo | He/Him]

> Weekly Raffles

> Egg Hatching

> Dragon Sales

> Wishlist

> About Me

> Buying Grinding

> Commissions

> Art Dump

> Fandragons
@Decaffeinated [url=] [img][/img] [/url] please, gods, I need him in my life he's so perfect!! ____________________ The sun shone harshly on his scales, gold reflecting off of them, blinding all who dared look upon him. They knew. They should have known. Why did they fight? They had to know it was hopeless. His golden scales are stained with blood. "Why do you fight? Do you not see your fate?" he asks, but they do not listen. They never listen. Another strike with their useless little knives. Swords, they call them. Useless. He wields his gigantic spear with ease, lightning shooting out of its end. He is agile, more than his size would lead on to believe. They cannot fight him. They know. But this lies in their nature, perhaps. To fight for survival, to feel the need to fight. But they are weak. They have always been weak. And he was a Dragon Slayer. No one defies the Dragon Slayer. - He breathes heavily. He stands in a pool of blood. The blood of his kin. He had no choice. He was a Dragon Slayer. This was his duty. This was his fate. He had to protect the High Family. Such is his duty. And so he wanders, leaving his only friend behind. He has to search for a king. A Nameless King. The one who allied with the dragons. Such is his duty. He does not have a choice. He will meet the King. He will meet the Archdragon. He will realize; He has a choice. He has always had a choice. He just hadn't known.


please, gods, I need him in my life he's so perfect!!

The sun shone harshly on his scales, gold reflecting off of them, blinding all who dared look upon him.
They knew. They should have known.
Why did they fight? They had to know it was hopeless.
His golden scales are stained with blood.
"Why do you fight? Do you not see your fate?" he asks, but they do not listen.
They never listen.
Another strike with their useless little knives.
Swords, they call them.
He wields his gigantic spear with ease, lightning shooting out of its end.
He is agile, more than his size would lead on to believe.
They cannot fight him.
They know.
But this lies in their nature, perhaps.
To fight for survival, to feel the need to fight.
But they are weak.
They have always been weak.
And he was a Dragon Slayer.
No one defies the Dragon Slayer.
He breathes heavily.
He stands in a pool of blood.
The blood of his kin.
He had no choice.
He was a Dragon Slayer.
This was his duty.
This was his fate.
He had to protect the High Family.
Such is his duty.
And so he wanders, leaving his only friend behind.
He has to search for a king.
A Nameless King.
The one who allied with the dragons.
Such is his duty. He does not have a choice.
He will meet the King. He will meet the Archdragon. He will realize; He has a choice.
He has always had a choice.
He just hadn't known.
@onemessyperson As always, a supremely interesting piece!
@onemessyperson As always, a supremely interesting piece!
@guppie Your hold has been removed.

@SpiresOfSpirits Reminder about your hold. :3
@guppie Your hold has been removed.

@SpiresOfSpirits Reminder about your hold. :3
@mermaidlorelei My first try at this! Named her Azalea, and Breeze is one of the dragons in my lair. [url=][img][/img][/url] ----- Azalea always loved stargazing. She lived in the Sunbeam Ruins, where light almost always shimmered in the air. Every day was sunny and bright, and evenings were slower to come than in other territories. She might be weird for preferring the darkness better. She liked the short nights, staring up at the tiny pinpricks of light glittering down from the heavens. The silver glow of the moon, the whisper of fireflies in the night. She did like light, but in reserve. Others embraced it, but to her it was more like a distant friend. One that she cared about but… not that much. "Hello," Azalea looked up, and the magenta eyes of a Pearlcatcher caught her gaze, "Oh… hello." The larger dragoness settled down on the grass, and Agate noticed she held a potted plant, trailing thin tendrils and leaves outside the clay flower pot. She smiled as she glanced up at the stars, "Mind if I join you?" Even in her slightly startled state, the Skydancer remembered her manners, "Yes, of course." They fell into silence, watching the sky above them. Azalea focused on a single twinkling speck, watching the light rise in fall in intensity when the Pearlcatcher spoke again. "Lovely, isn't it?" Her voice was purely blissful, a smile painted across the words. She loved the night too— Azalea could sense it, even without the orb on her forehead. "Yeah," she whispered, and tore her gaze from the sky for a moment, to glance at the plant, "Why did you bring that out?" The Pearlcatcher looked down, as if she hadn't realized she'd been holding something. "Oh. That. Well, I suppose it's because I like having my little friend with me." As if on cue, two small glowing eyes appeared between the leaves, staring up at Azalea, "What is that?" She asked, catching her voice before it could shape the words into a rude tone. Her response was a smile, and orange claws patting down on the leaves, "I have no idea." Her voice was fond, as if she wasn't worried that the bush creature could be some sort of tiny carnivorous lion. "Then why—" "I like having a friend." There was a bit of sorrow in her voice right then, with the finality that suggested this conversation should be over by now. They fell into silence again, as Azalea pieced together what the other dragon had meant. "Well then… I could be your friend?" The Pearlcatcher looked down, and she gave a small smile, "It sounds…" She paused, her expression unsure. "It's okay, I know what you mean." She leaned against the larger dragon, and to her surprise, the Pearlcatcher accepted it, wrapping her wing around Azalea. "Oh, and, what's your name?" "Breeze," She said, staring up at the stars. "It's Breeze." "Oh," Azalea said, then felt she had uttered those two letters one too many times. "I'm Azalea." Then silence fell between them, and this time it was comfortable, as both stared upwards into the night. Stargazing.

My first try at this! Named her Azalea, and Breeze is one of the dragons in my lair.
Azalea always loved stargazing.

She lived in the Sunbeam Ruins, where light almost always shimmered in the air. Every day was sunny and bright, and evenings were slower to come than in other territories.

She might be weird for preferring the darkness better. She liked the short nights, staring up at the tiny pinpricks of light glittering down from the heavens. The silver glow of the moon, the whisper of fireflies in the night.

She did like light, but in reserve. Others embraced it, but to her it was more like a distant friend. One that she cared about but… not that much.


Azalea looked up, and the magenta eyes of a Pearlcatcher caught her gaze, "Oh… hello."

The larger dragoness settled down on the grass, and Agate noticed she held a potted plant, trailing thin tendrils and leaves outside the clay flower pot. She smiled as she glanced up at the stars, "Mind if I join you?"

Even in her slightly startled state, the Skydancer remembered her manners, "Yes, of course."

They fell into silence, watching the sky above them. Azalea focused on a single twinkling speck, watching the light rise in fall in intensity when the Pearlcatcher spoke again. "Lovely, isn't it?"

Her voice was purely blissful, a smile painted across the words. She loved the night too— Azalea could sense it, even without the orb on her forehead.

"Yeah," she whispered, and tore her gaze from the sky for a moment, to glance at the plant, "Why did you bring that out?"

The Pearlcatcher looked down, as if she hadn't realized she'd been holding something. "Oh. That. Well, I suppose it's because I like having my little friend with me."

As if on cue, two small glowing eyes appeared between the leaves, staring up at Azalea, "What is that?" She asked, catching her voice before it could shape the words into a rude tone.

Her response was a smile, and orange claws patting down on the leaves, "I have no idea." Her voice was fond, as if she wasn't worried that the bush creature could be some sort of tiny carnivorous lion.

"Then why—"

"I like having a friend." There was a bit of sorrow in her voice right then, with the finality that suggested this conversation should be over by now.

They fell into silence again, as Azalea pieced together what the other dragon had meant. "Well then… I could be your friend?"

The Pearlcatcher looked down, and she gave a small smile, "It sounds…" She paused, her expression unsure.

"It's okay, I know what you mean." She leaned against the larger dragon, and to her surprise, the Pearlcatcher accepted it, wrapping her wing around Azalea. "Oh, and, what's your name?"

"Breeze," She said, staring up at the stars. "It's Breeze."

"Oh," Azalea said, then felt she had uttered those two letters one too many times. "I'm Azalea."

Then silence fell between them, and this time it was comfortable, as both stared upwards into the night.
