
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [MJ23] Mistral Meals - Closed
Daily Activity Friday [quote]Much debated and highly divisive, Harpies take their cooking VERY seriously, and each one seems to have a different idea on the best way to prepare the meat they consume, assuming they even bother to cook it at all! So what style of cooking does your dragon vote for? If your dragon is a veggie or an insect eater don’t worry, you can still get a snack prepared by the volunteer chefs,, but you won’t get a voting token with the meal. This “research” is ~very~ scientific and they can’t have outside variables![/quote] [url=][img][/img][/url]Wyatt insists that drinking is far superior to eating, and looks around the booth for a place to vote for "liquefied" or "drinkable." He ends up finding a harpy with a blender, and they get to discussing what meats she is putting in her smoothie. [url=][img][/img][/url]Twizz has a hard time deciding. She just likes everything, it's all so cool and different, and there's so many things she hasn't even tried yet! She looks around the room, clutching her token, paralyzed with indecision, until a brightly colored Nocturne convinces her to put it in "grilled." After the stress of that is over, she can relax and try all the delicious smelling foods without worry. [url=][img][/img][/url]Kada is still hanging around the cooking competition area, looking to scope out the competition. He's curious what everyone else will make and, more importantly, desperately hoping that his opponent's food is really stunning. Every time he smells something that seems like it's burning, he can't help but investigate. Maybe Wyatt and Twizz need to get him out to the other festival booths.
Daily Activity Friday
Much debated and highly divisive, Harpies take their cooking VERY seriously, and each one seems to have a different idea on the best way to prepare the meat they consume, assuming they even bother to cook it at all!

So what style of cooking does your dragon vote for? If your dragon is a veggie or an insect eater don’t worry, you can still get a snack prepared by the volunteer chefs,, but you won’t get a voting token with the meal. This “research” is ~very~ scientific and they can’t have outside variables!

60350297.pngWyatt insists that drinking is far superior to eating, and looks around the booth for a place to vote for "liquefied" or "drinkable." He ends up finding a harpy with a blender, and they get to discussing what meats she is putting in her smoothie.

78135643.pngTwizz has a hard time deciding. She just likes everything, it's all so cool and different, and there's so many things she hasn't even tried yet! She looks around the room, clutching her token, paralyzed with indecision, until a brightly colored Nocturne convinces her to put it in "grilled." After the stress of that is over, she can relax and try all the delicious smelling foods without worry.

57668896.pngKada is still hanging around the cooking competition area, looking to scope out the competition. He's curious what everyone else will make and, more importantly, desperately hoping that his opponent's food is really stunning. Every time he smells something that seems like it's burning, he can't help but investigate. Maybe Wyatt and Twizz need to get him out to the other festival booths.
UiEAFzH.png She/her

+2 FR Time

Cryptid Collection

I'm sorry I keep missing the days lol, I'm pretty busy irl rn :(

I think Leslie might be into carving fruits, Krese doesn't care for them unless they're carved in the shape of his face lol
Both of them would definitely hug Mochi though :D
Daily Activity: Day 6

"Well, this one's all you, Kres." Leslie said, stepping away from the meat-cooking area. She wasn't the biggest fan of meat, both because it was hard to digest and because, well, you had to kill an animal to get it.

"I'll go and check out the other booths, maybe get some souvenirs for the kids. I'll see you guys later." she said, leaving the boyfriends alone. They probably would want some alone time anyway, and Leslie knew that Viper at the very least would be upset with her if she went to the Windswept Plateau and came back without some cool looking maps.

"Well, which one do you want to try first?" Krese asked Reishi. He didn't really have a preference other than having the meat cooked - raw meat required a lot of chewing and he simply wasn't a big fan of putting that much effort into something as simple as eating.

The duo visited the stalls one by one, being impressed by both the taste of the meat and the performance that the chefs put on while cooking them. Krese couldn't help but feel a little jealous that Reishi was paying that much attention to the chefs, but he supposed it was their time to perform now - and Reishi still cared for him when he was not behind a stove, so who was winning, really?

With bellies full and votes cast, they spent the rest of the day walking around without a care in the world, wherever the wind takes them some might say. They talked about anything and everything, and Krese thought that even though they lost in the first round in the competition, it was so worth it that they came to see Reishi.

I'm sorry I keep missing the days lol, I'm pretty busy irl rn :(

I think Leslie might be into carving fruits, Krese doesn't care for them unless they're carved in the shape of his face lol
Both of them would definitely hug Mochi though :D
Daily Activity: Day 6

"Well, this one's all you, Kres." Leslie said, stepping away from the meat-cooking area. She wasn't the biggest fan of meat, both because it was hard to digest and because, well, you had to kill an animal to get it.

"I'll go and check out the other booths, maybe get some souvenirs for the kids. I'll see you guys later." she said, leaving the boyfriends alone. They probably would want some alone time anyway, and Leslie knew that Viper at the very least would be upset with her if she went to the Windswept Plateau and came back without some cool looking maps.

"Well, which one do you want to try first?" Krese asked Reishi. He didn't really have a preference other than having the meat cooked - raw meat required a lot of chewing and he simply wasn't a big fan of putting that much effort into something as simple as eating.

The duo visited the stalls one by one, being impressed by both the taste of the meat and the performance that the chefs put on while cooking them. Krese couldn't help but feel a little jealous that Reishi was paying that much attention to the chefs, but he supposed it was their time to perform now - and Reishi still cared for him when he was not behind a stove, so who was winning, really?

With bellies full and votes cast, they spent the rest of the day walking around without a care in the world, wherever the wind takes them some might say. They talked about anything and everything, and Krese thought that even though they lost in the first round in the competition, it was so worth it that they came to see Reishi.
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[i][img][/img] "Oh this is [b]perfect[/b], Pix! Our specialty!" Pez trilled, circling the ingredients a few times in excitement before coming to a rest. Despite it's general dark nature, the Carnival of Woe, like most carnivals, had it's flashy places and food was definitely the highlight. Pix and Pez sourced bright, colorful or outlandish ingredients all the time both for the carnival goers and for the troupe itself! They were certainly no stranger to this. [img][/img]"Then let's really show off! Carnival fair at it's finest! Roasted [u]croaker leg[/u] on a stick! Fried [u]nogglebane[/u] bites with sweet and spicy sauce! Oooo and fried Carnival Fish with tartar sauce!" Pix laid his attention on the cotton candy, "Hmm...normally we'd serve this straight but..." [img][/img] "Every good carnival trip needs sweets! Let me see...I think I saw some carnaval tulips when I went to the pantry the other day! We can take the petals, reduce the cotton candy to a sugar again and cover them! Then we let them cool and they'll be petal bites! The extra petals in the cotton candy from the coneflower's will make a beautiful pop of excitement! I'll get start on that and the sauces if you want to get started on roasting and frying?" She picked up the cotton candy and a pot to begin the reduction. Pix nodded. [img][/img] "On it, boss." He winked at her and she snorted, shaking her head and rolling her eyes but smiling all the same. Pix began with the frying, knowing he could work on roasting the croaker leg in between. This was his favorite part: Oil popping, smoke rising. He almost felt at home! He could practically imagine this was their own kitchen at home, pretend the people milling about were carnival goers just waiting to get their claws on he and Pez's delectable goods. It gave him a surge of confidence. They had this in the bag! [center]When all was said and done, the pair presented the items in a very traditional carnival way: Simple paper boats for the fried items with little cups of sauce tucked into the corner, the roasted croaker leg on a stick with a colorful striped napkin wrapped around the stick, and a colorful paper bag full of petal bites. It didn't get much better than this, the two thought. Only time would tell if the judges agreed! [/center][/i]
84147458p.png "Oh this is perfect, Pix! Our specialty!" Pez trilled, circling the ingredients a few times in excitement before coming to a rest. Despite it's general dark nature, the Carnival of Woe, like most carnivals, had it's flashy places and food was definitely the highlight. Pix and Pez sourced bright, colorful or outlandish ingredients all the time both for the carnival goers and for the troupe itself! They were certainly no stranger to this.

83988675p.png"Then let's really show off! Carnival fair at it's finest! Roasted croaker leg on a stick! Fried nogglebane bites with sweet and spicy sauce! Oooo and fried Carnival Fish with tartar sauce!" Pix laid his attention on the cotton candy, "Hmm...normally we'd serve this straight but..."

84147458p.png "Every good carnival trip needs sweets! Let me see...I think I saw some carnaval tulips when I went to the pantry the other day! We can take the petals, reduce the cotton candy to a sugar again and cover them! Then we let them cool and they'll be petal bites! The extra petals in the cotton candy from the coneflower's will make a beautiful pop of excitement! I'll get start on that and the sauces if you want to get started on roasting and frying?" She picked up the cotton candy and a pot to begin the reduction. Pix nodded.

83988675p.png "On it, boss." He winked at her and she snorted, shaking her head and rolling her eyes but smiling all the same. Pix began with the frying, knowing he could work on roasting the croaker leg in between. This was his favorite part: Oil popping, smoke rising. He almost felt at home! He could practically imagine this was their own kitchen at home, pretend the people milling about were carnival goers just waiting to get their claws on he and Pez's delectable goods. It gave him a surge of confidence. They had this in the bag!

When all was said and done, the pair presented the items in a very traditional carnival way: Simple paper boats for the fried items with little cups of sauce tucked into the corner, the roasted croaker leg on a stick with a colorful striped napkin wrapped around the stick, and a colorful paper bag full of petal bites. It didn't get much better than this, the two thought. Only time would tell if the judges agreed!
If you hear the music....
It's already too late.
Looking for affiliates
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] Keilani watched the exchange with the young harpy, grinning. What a sweet encounter to have caught! She wandered closer to the excitement, surveying all the different meats being prepared. She took a few, giving each a try. It was only fair that way, though she knew in her heart which she'd be choosing. She flashed a smile at the Imperial before placing her token in the "grilled" jar. "Thank you for your expertise, chef." She bowed her head, "I hope you find fulfillment in your task!" [/center]

Keilani watched the exchange with the young harpy, grinning. What a sweet encounter to have caught! She wandered closer to the excitement, surveying all the different meats being prepared. She took a few, giving each a try. It was only fair that way, though she knew in her heart which she'd be choosing. She flashed a smile at the Imperial before placing her token in the "grilled" jar.

"Thank you for your expertise, chef." She bowed her head, "I hope you find fulfillment in your task!"
If you hear the music....
It's already too late.
Looking for affiliates
@ArithMedic @ReginaChaos @Kvon @MystaRias @tigressRising @Kothra @Doozie @Storygeek @PsydrateSky @JinxMoonstone @Hassaleh @cmf25 @Jeevas @UmbraGlide @Beatoriche @TrixnTreats @beargirl1393 @Acetheaxolotl @L1br4 @BoatBud @windymountaintop @Dessy @Deladria @Jeevas @sinstarinablak @AloVra

Hello! So this is not your typical update post since, as sure most if not all of you were aware, the Flight Rising site was down for a good chunk of yesterday and this morning. Once staff had posted their update on socials that they were giving themselves a chance to sleep and the site wouldn't be back up until this morning, I gave myself a much needed chance to sleep in (double edged sword there as I then proceeded to have a hella realistic dream that the site was gone forever ">>).

Anyways, I will be extending out the last two days of Mistral Meals to compensate for that, I just need to assess how much time the site was down, what the staff is officialy doing as compensation for the Jamboree, and how many of the cooking contest entries have been turned in thus far, since if those are all in I can go ahead and wrap that portion up and then just focus on the dailies.

You can expect another update from me within the next couple of hours, but for now you can proceed as if Round 3 and Day 6 are still the active rounds!
@ArithMedic @ReginaChaos @Kvon @MystaRias @tigressRising @Kothra @Doozie @Storygeek @PsydrateSky @JinxMoonstone @Hassaleh @cmf25 @Jeevas @UmbraGlide @Beatoriche @TrixnTreats @beargirl1393 @Acetheaxolotl @L1br4 @BoatBud @windymountaintop @Dessy @Deladria @Jeevas @sinstarinablak @AloVra

Hello! So this is not your typical update post since, as sure most if not all of you were aware, the Flight Rising site was down for a good chunk of yesterday and this morning. Once staff had posted their update on socials that they were giving themselves a chance to sleep and the site wouldn't be back up until this morning, I gave myself a much needed chance to sleep in (double edged sword there as I then proceeded to have a hella realistic dream that the site was gone forever ">>).

Anyways, I will be extending out the last two days of Mistral Meals to compensate for that, I just need to assess how much time the site was down, what the staff is officialy doing as compensation for the Jamboree, and how many of the cooking contest entries have been turned in thus far, since if those are all in I can go ahead and wrap that portion up and then just focus on the dailies.

You can expect another update from me within the next couple of hours, but for now you can proceed as if Round 3 and Day 6 are still the active rounds!
Ahhh, good news, I wasn't able to write my cooking entry after work yesterday as planned! Sorry if that holds you up. I hope to get it in today, but maybe not by 4:30 FRT.
Ahhh, good news, I wasn't able to write my cooking entry after work yesterday as planned! Sorry if that holds you up. I hope to get it in today, but maybe not by 4:30 FRT.
pSn2GKM.png If you like them, please Like them!
Thank you for the update! I logged in today worried about my entry because I hadn't got it posted before the site went offline. [quote]At your disposal are some of the brightest colored ingredients we were able to source for the competition. While admittedly some of them may not stay that way depending on how you prepare them, we hope that they provide some inspiration for some of your most festive fare! Use at least THREE of the following ingredients in your entry: [center][item=HeartRed Croaker Leg] [item=Coneflower Cotton Candy] [item=Nogglebane Leaf Beetle] [item=Carnival Angelfish][/center] HeartRed Croaker Leg / Coneflower Cotton Candy / Nogglebane Leaf Beetle / Carnival Angelfish [/quote] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][b]Round 3[/b][/center] Nobori breathed a sigh of relief that the ingredients seemed easier to work with for this round! Choosing the freshest Angelfish in the pile, he cleared his station and cleaned the scales off the fish in a skillful manner. Washing it under cold, running water, the obelisk readied his knife before delicately cutting the fish into thin slices of meat. Placing the prepared fish in the freezer to keep the meat fresh, Nobori dismembered the legs of the Leaf Beetle and ground the insect into very fine, colourful powder. Perhaps it is a result of the insect's bright coloration, but the powder seemed very iridescent and pretty! Nobori then cut the legs of the Heartred Croaker into small, red streaks, seasoning it with salt and pepper to bring out its taste. Some fish, he found, have a very flavorless taste to them, and Nobori wanted to emphasise the theme by creating a dish with both a colourful flavour and look! Carefully arranging all the ingredients together, Nobori started to decorate his plate with slices of Angelfish and Croaker meat, creating a sort of flowing flower pattern. ([url=]This but more colorful[/url]) Picking off the flower from the Coneflower Cotton candy, Nobori placed this flower in the middle of the flower sashimi frog dish, sprinkled some crushed Leaf Beetle powder for flavor and decoration, and presented to the judges his [b]Iridescent Angel's Flower[/b].
Thank you for the update! I logged in today worried about my entry because I hadn't got it posted before the site went offline.

At your disposal are some of the brightest colored ingredients we were able to source for the competition. While admittedly some of them may not stay that way depending on how you prepare them, we hope that they provide some inspiration for some of your most festive fare!

Use at least THREE of the following ingredients in your entry:
Heartred Croaker Leg Coneflower Cotton Candy Nogglebane Leaf Beetle Carnival Angelfish
HeartRed Croaker Leg / Coneflower Cotton Candy / Nogglebane Leaf Beetle / Carnival Angelfish
Round 3

Nobori breathed a sigh of relief that the ingredients seemed easier to work with for this round! Choosing the freshest Angelfish in the pile, he cleared his station and cleaned the scales off the fish in a skillful manner. Washing it under cold, running water, the obelisk readied his knife before delicately cutting the fish into thin slices of meat.

Placing the prepared fish in the freezer to keep the meat fresh, Nobori dismembered the legs of the Leaf Beetle and ground the insect into very fine, colourful powder. Perhaps it is a result of the insect's bright coloration, but the powder seemed very iridescent and pretty! Nobori then cut the legs of the Heartred Croaker into small, red streaks, seasoning it with salt and pepper to bring out its taste.

Some fish, he found, have a very flavorless taste to them, and Nobori wanted to emphasise the theme by creating a dish with both a colourful flavour and look! Carefully arranging all the ingredients together, Nobori started to decorate his plate with slices of Angelfish and Croaker meat, creating a sort of flowing flower pattern. (This but more colorful)

Picking off the flower from the Coneflower Cotton candy, Nobori placed this flower in the middle of the flower sashimi frog dish, sprinkled some crushed Leaf Beetle powder for flavor and decoration, and presented to the judges his Iridescent Angel's Flower.
@Deladria Don't worry about holding me up! The current plan is for any outstanding cooking contest entries to still have another 24 hours from the time I post the "official" daily update so that should give you some more time. I just can't put a time stamp on the deadline yet until I get things sorted through on my end.

Thankfully this all happened on Friday/Saturday. During the week would have been much more difficult for me to wrangle.
@Deladria Don't worry about holding me up! The current plan is for any outstanding cooking contest entries to still have another 24 hours from the time I post the "official" daily update so that should give you some more time. I just can't put a time stamp on the deadline yet until I get things sorted through on my end.

Thankfully this all happened on Friday/Saturday. During the week would have been much more difficult for me to wrangle.
[quote] Day 6 wrote: Much debated and highly divisive, Harpies take their cooking VERY seriously, and each one seems to have a different idea on the best way to prepare the meat they consume, assuming they even bother to cook it at all! So what style of cooking does your dragon vote for? If your dragon is a veggie or an insect eater don’t worry, you can still get a snack prepared by the volunteer chefs,, but you won’t get a voting token with the meal. This “research” is ~very~ scientific and they can’t have outside variables![/quote] [url=][img][/img][/url] Not that there's any doubt at all which way Chess would vote for preparing meat, but -- Chess is using his voting token on grilling!
Day 6 wrote:

Much debated and highly divisive, Harpies take their cooking VERY seriously, and each one seems to have a different idea on the best way to prepare the meat they consume, assuming they even bother to cook it at all!

So what style of cooking does your dragon vote for? If your dragon is a veggie or an insect eater don’t worry, you can still get a snack prepared by the volunteer chefs,, but you won’t get a voting token with the meal. This “research” is ~very~ scientific and they can’t have outside variables!


Not that there's any doubt at all which way Chess would vote for preparing meat, but -- Chess is using his voting token on grilling!

OOF HubOOF RaffleArt MarketplaceIn-flight Raffle
[url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] Daily...i dont know the grill one Doorsguy has admittedly, never tried grilled food before so he goes up to the imperial's bbq to try some. He decides it is the best thing he has ever eaten in his life and devours an entire steak in less then a minute. Thanks to his somewhat eldritch biochemistry he is unharmed. The imperial might be though..mentally.. "He...he..his face turned into slime and his jaw unhinged to reveal my deepest traumas...i will not serve him again." Imitator scoffs at Doorsguy ztuffing himself silly with grilled foods, and heads over to the raw table to enjoy some nice sushi, even offering some recipes! Micwizard is simple in his tastes and so enjoys a nice roasted chicken leg, observing the comings and goings of dragons at other events

Daily...i dont know the grill one

Doorsguy has admittedly, never tried grilled food before so he goes up to the imperial's bbq to try some. He decides it is the best thing he has ever eaten in his life and devours an entire steak in less then a minute. Thanks to his somewhat eldritch biochemistry he is unharmed. The imperial might be though..mentally..

"He...he..his face turned into slime and his jaw unhinged to reveal my deepest traumas...i will not serve him again."

Imitator scoffs at Doorsguy ztuffing himself silly with grilled foods, and heads over to the raw table to enjoy some nice sushi, even offering some recipes!

Micwizard is simple in his tastes and so enjoys a nice roasted chicken leg, observing the comings and goings of dragons at other events
beware of spelling errord, my keyboard is broken and my hands finemotor skills are too.
please click on my creatures, thanks
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