
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [MJ23] Mistral Meals - Closed
[quote=Unofficial Round 3] At your disposal are some of the brightest colored ingredients we were able to source for the competition. While admittedly some of them may not stay that way depending on how you prepare them, we hope that they provide some inspiration for some of your most festive fare! Use at least THREE of the following ingredients in your entry: HeartRed Croaker Leg / Coneflower Cotton Candy / Nogglebane Leaf Beetle / Carnival Angelfish [/quote] By the time Team Doubles got to their officially-unused-workstation, Skidatel snacking on her seasoned stuffed applecone, they found Casban already there. Surrounded by ingredients being levitated around, she was melting down existing chocolate and making new chocolate and setting up moulds. Cake batters of several different kinds were in the oven baking in wide tins and on the bench in bowls, and there was already a long sheet of chocolate laid out. Shrugging, the team decided to just go with it. The coneflower cotton candy was split into two different preparations: one had the fairy floss turned into a caramel, and the other was used to make a sweet coneflower extract. These were used to fill some of the colourful chocolates Casban was making. Some Nogglebanes were ground up to form a colourful paste with some honeybees and used as more chocolate filling; others were coated with chocolate whole, or used as a topping on small chocolates with the shells exposed, and others still were broken up and scattered through some chocolate to give it a good insecty crunch. Casban's various carved fruits were also coated in chocolate, and then she turned to making a sort of bowls-on-silts sculpture out of chocolate. Skidatel continued making insect-containing chocolates of various flavours: plain honeybee, fire ant, fruit-and-cricket, leftover stinglashes chopped in with apple, caramel and insect-flour-crunch. Angmar started making a spicy bittersweet chocolate sauce, and Yuch handled gutting some of the fish and preparing some croaker legs, as well as getting some more meats and fishes of differing colours to add some variety to the dish. The meats and fish were baked with the sauce and chilled to be placed in some of the bowls, alongside an array of chopped fruit and nuts. Another of the bowls was filled with the insect chocolates - some of which had food colouring added and others of which had been painted with edible sweet paint. After some thought, they decided to add some more meaty chocolates: chocolate-coated bacon, hummingbird paste with added honey used as a chocolate filling, croaker-and-coffee, leftover meaty cotton candy chopped fine and mixed through chocolate, and bone-marrow-chocolate. They also did some citrus lionfish chocolates, cinnamon loach chocolates, and spicy feisty-lettuce and molten goby chocolates. The ensuring branching tower topped with bowls, each filled with a different combination of chocolate-involving food, was on a flat 'table' made of more chocolate and filled with a multi-flavour cake filling, with the chocolate-coated carved fruits attached to it in a diorama (many were, after Casban's chocolate shaping, shaped like harpies). Rows of white chocolate 'rocks' marked where each flavour of cake in the 'table' began and ended. Some of the 'rooms' of the tower were filled with various fillings also used in the small chocolates filling the bowls, leaning towards the herbivorous side. The savoury dish - bright red croaker legs, colourful carnival fish, toasted nuts, baked fruit, pink salmon, some white fish from some fishy cotton candy, brown seared steak strips, and pale chicken, all with a spicy bittersweet chocolate sauce - was in a large middle bowl surrounded on three sides by the bases of the towers. The bowl was itself made of chocolate, painted with edible food colouring with Wind flight decals. Each of the bowls and tower-segments were colour-coded with which food groups they contained. Yeah there's no way they won't be spotted by the organizers. They're technically not supposed to be doing this. EDIT: changed a bit of what Casban had done with the cake and made it clear that the cake is 100% Casban's fault
Unofficial Round 3 wrote:
At your disposal are some of the brightest colored ingredients we were able to source for the competition. While admittedly some of them may not stay that way depending on how you prepare them, we hope that they provide some inspiration for some of your most festive fare!

Use at least THREE of the following ingredients in your entry:

HeartRed Croaker Leg / Coneflower Cotton Candy / Nogglebane Leaf Beetle / Carnival Angelfish

By the time Team Doubles got to their officially-unused-workstation, Skidatel snacking on her seasoned stuffed applecone, they found Casban already there. Surrounded by ingredients being levitated around, she was melting down existing chocolate and making new chocolate and setting up moulds. Cake batters of several different kinds were in the oven baking in wide tins and on the bench in bowls, and there was already a long sheet of chocolate laid out.

Shrugging, the team decided to just go with it.

The coneflower cotton candy was split into two different preparations: one had the fairy floss turned into a caramel, and the other was used to make a sweet coneflower extract.

These were used to fill some of the colourful chocolates Casban was making.

Some Nogglebanes were ground up to form a colourful paste with some honeybees and used as more chocolate filling; others were coated with chocolate whole, or used as a topping on small chocolates with the shells exposed, and others still were broken up and scattered through some chocolate to give it a good insecty crunch.

Casban's various carved fruits were also coated in chocolate, and then she turned to making a sort of bowls-on-silts sculpture out of chocolate.

Skidatel continued making insect-containing chocolates of various flavours: plain honeybee, fire ant, fruit-and-cricket, leftover stinglashes chopped in with apple, caramel and insect-flour-crunch.

Angmar started making a spicy bittersweet chocolate sauce, and Yuch handled gutting some of the fish and preparing some croaker legs, as well as getting some more meats and fishes of differing colours to add some variety to the dish. The meats and fish were baked with the sauce and chilled to be placed in some of the bowls, alongside an array of chopped fruit and nuts.

Another of the bowls was filled with the insect chocolates - some of which had food colouring added and others of which had been painted with edible sweet paint.

After some thought, they decided to add some more meaty chocolates: chocolate-coated bacon, hummingbird paste with added honey used as a chocolate filling, croaker-and-coffee, leftover meaty cotton candy chopped fine and mixed through chocolate, and bone-marrow-chocolate.

They also did some citrus lionfish chocolates, cinnamon loach chocolates, and spicy feisty-lettuce and molten goby chocolates.

The ensuring branching tower topped with bowls, each filled with a different combination of chocolate-involving food, was on a flat 'table' made of more chocolate and filled with a multi-flavour cake filling, with the chocolate-coated carved fruits attached to it in a diorama (many were, after Casban's chocolate shaping, shaped like harpies).
Rows of white chocolate 'rocks' marked where each flavour of cake in the 'table' began and ended.

Some of the 'rooms' of the tower were filled with various fillings also used in the small chocolates filling the bowls, leaning towards the herbivorous side.

The savoury dish - bright red croaker legs, colourful carnival fish, toasted nuts, baked fruit, pink salmon, some white fish from some fishy cotton candy, brown seared steak strips, and pale chicken, all with a spicy bittersweet chocolate sauce - was in a large middle bowl surrounded on three sides by the bases of the towers. The bowl was itself made of chocolate, painted with edible food colouring with Wind flight decals.

Each of the bowls and tower-segments were colour-coded with which food groups they contained.

Yeah there's no way they won't be spotted by the organizers. They're technically not supposed to be doing this.

EDIT: changed a bit of what Casban had done with the cake and made it clear that the cake is 100% Casban's fault
[center] [url=][img][/img][/url] Scorpion flashed a grin at the gourd in front of him. An orange and green pumpkin, twisted and gnarly and covered in bumps. He flipped a knife in his grip as he circled it, humming to himself in thought. [i] What to carve, what to carve... [/i] He tapped the tip twice on top of the gourd, taking in the satisfying hollow note that rang back. He was good with his knife, might as well show off. He began to carve and slice, letting the shape slowly come through as he worked, always careful to never cut too deep. By the time he was finished, a Coatl was the result--his mate, Marinette. Simple, elegant, and hopefully one heck of a show.

Scorpion flashed a grin at the gourd in front of him. An orange and green pumpkin, twisted and gnarly and covered in bumps. He flipped a knife in his grip as he circled it, humming to himself in thought. What to carve, what to carve... He tapped the tip twice on top of the gourd, taking in the satisfying hollow note that rang back. He was good with his knife, might as well show off.

He began to carve and slice, letting the shape slowly come through as he worked, always careful to never cut too deep. By the time he was finished, a Coatl was the result--his mate, Marinette. Simple, elegant, and hopefully one heck of a show.
If you hear the music....
It's already too late.
Looking for affiliates
Not up to do round 3 atm so I'll do it tomorrow. [quote=Day 5]Harpies have an interesting relationship with vegetables. Except for the odd meal or dish that requires it, they typically leave them to use as incredibly ornate garnishes, that are then NOT to be actually eaten. This prompt is a bit of a two parter, as I’m interested in what vegetable/root/fruit your dragon attempts to carve, and what sort of look they’re going for (whether it actually ends up looking like it or not).[/quote] Athena has a turnip and a knife. She's not sure where the knife is from and don't ask her where she got the turnip. She notices that the others around her are carving various vegetables into shapes and decides to copy them. Very thematically, she attempts to carve a harpy. It's a wide, squat-looking harpy, but the wings, mask, and other key features are all... discernible. Ouranos gives her an A for effort. Erebus gives it a D for discernibility. Athena gives herself an A+ because she deserves one.
Not up to do round 3 atm so I'll do it tomorrow.
Day 5 wrote:
Harpies have an interesting relationship with vegetables. Except for the odd meal or dish that requires it, they typically leave them to use as incredibly ornate garnishes, that are then NOT to be actually eaten.

This prompt is a bit of a two parter, as I’m interested in what vegetable/root/fruit your dragon attempts to carve, and what sort of look they’re going for (whether it actually ends up looking like it or not).

Athena has a turnip and a knife. She's not sure where the knife is from and don't ask her where she got the turnip. She notices that the others around her are carving various vegetables into shapes and decides to copy them. Very thematically, she attempts to carve a harpy. It's a wide, squat-looking harpy, but the wings, mask, and other key features are all... discernible. Ouranos gives her an A for effort. Erebus gives it a D for discernibility. Athena gives herself an A+ because she deserves one.
mvO7hvU.png 5kRkxhJ.png
[quote=Day 5] Harpies have an interesting relationship with vegetables. Except for the odd meal or dish that requires it, they typically leave them to use as incredibly ornate garnishes, that are then NOT to be actually eaten. This prompt is a bit of a two parter, as I’m interested in what vegetable/root/fruit your dragon attempts to carve, and what sort of look they’re going for (whether it actually ends up looking like it or not).[/quote] Delta and Anaconda walked over to a table that had a big banner above it that read, [i]"Vegetable Carving"[/i]. Anaconda flapped her wings excitedly. "I've always wanted to try this!" she exclaimed as she picked up a Watermelon. She plopped it down in front of her and grabbed some of the tools that the harpies had set up. Delta, meanwhile, grabbed a Merry Melon. It looked very festive. She started to dig into it with just her claws, in spite of Anaconda's disgruntled expression. When they were finally done, the two of them stepped back to admire their creations. Delta had carved a compass into her melon, which had turned out relatively alright. The circle was not completely accurate and the lines were a bit wonky, but it was still recognizable. Anaconda had carved a flower into her Watermelon, and the lines were more straight (maybe because she had used the special tools). "Well, I think those turned out pretty well!" Delta declared happily.
Day 5 wrote:
Harpies have an interesting relationship with vegetables. Except for the odd meal or dish that requires it, they typically leave them to use as incredibly ornate garnishes, that are then NOT to be actually eaten.

This prompt is a bit of a two parter, as I’m interested in what vegetable/root/fruit your dragon attempts to carve, and what sort of look they’re going for (whether it actually ends up looking like it or not).

Delta and Anaconda walked over to a table that had a big banner above it that read, "Vegetable Carving". Anaconda flapped her wings excitedly. "I've always wanted to try this!" she exclaimed as she picked up a Watermelon. She plopped it down in front of her and grabbed some of the tools that the harpies had set up. Delta, meanwhile, grabbed a Merry Melon. It looked very festive. She started to dig into it with just her claws, in spite of Anaconda's disgruntled expression.

When they were finally done, the two of them stepped back to admire their creations. Delta had carved a compass into her melon, which had turned out relatively alright. The circle was not completely accurate and the lines were a bit wonky, but it was still recognizable. Anaconda had carved a flower into her Watermelon, and the lines were more straight (maybe because she had used the special tools). "Well, I think those turned out pretty well!" Delta declared happily.
[center]Daily Activity: Thursday [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] WindingWood looks at the coatl and the knife. He looks at the vegetables. He looks at his claws. He looks at Twiggy, his familiar and bosom buddy. There's only one thing for it. "Ground apples!" he cries, latching onto the sack of potatoes and shoving a fist in to rummage in search of the largest, the roundest, the most russet of taters. He cradles his prize and smiles lovingly as he uses his claws to inscribe questionable runes across its surface. The exposed white flesh slowly turns murky as it is exposed to oxygen, but WW keeps turning the tuber as he goes, unaware. Finally he jams a twig in the top and presents it proudly. "The apple of my eye! This will definitely be the one that summons the Shadowbinder!"
Daily Activity: Thursday


WindingWood looks at the coatl and the knife. He looks at the vegetables. He looks at his claws. He looks at Twiggy, his familiar and bosom buddy. There's only one thing for it.

"Ground apples!" he cries, latching onto the sack of potatoes and shoving a fist in to rummage in search of the largest, the roundest, the most russet of taters. He cradles his prize and smiles lovingly as he uses his claws to inscribe questionable runes across its surface. The exposed white flesh slowly turns murky as it is exposed to oxygen, but WW keeps turning the tuber as he goes, unaware.

Finally he jams a twig in the top and presents it proudly. "The apple of my eye! This will definitely be the one that summons the Shadowbinder!"
[right][i]...daily activity: thursday[/i][/right] [rule] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Though Kyle had pretended to shrug off the team's loss in the second round of the cooking challenge, Tamago could tell his young companion was bothered by the defeat. "Making it past the first round is still a huge accomplishment," Tamago told Kyle reassuringly. "I made it to the same spot my first time around, and then I won a Grand Prize the second! Maybe the same will happen to you." Kyle didn't seem convinced. "And plus, I was only up against one other team when I lost," Tamago continued, "And both of the entries we were up against this time were really great! The judges liked our dish, they just liked another one better." "I know all of that," Kyle assured, "I'm happy with what we made, I was just looking forward to testing my skills some more. Being around a bunch of chefs from other clans is way more fun than cooking alone." "Well, we've got time to enjoy the rest of the festival now. I'm sure we can find something to do around here that will be just as enjoyable! I heard Melo and Oxylus found some kind of arena yesterday and won a bunch of sparring matches." "I prefer to express myself through my culinary creations rather than with my fists, but yeah, I guess we could try looking around." [rule] Tamago and Kyle knew they found a winner as soon as they saw the garnish-carving tent, as improving their knife skills is something that could definitely come in handy when cooking. Tamago looked over the selection of objects available to be carved and selected a bright yellow starfruit. He heard Kyle mutter "Oh yes, perfect!" to himself and turned to see him holding a bumpy, misshapen green squash that faded to a dark reddish color toward one end. He didn't even bother asking what was "perfect" about it, settling in to one of the workstations and begun to carve his starfruit, the younger dragon following suit in the space beside him. Tamago worked delicately and intently, focusing on making even the most intricate details of his creation perfect. When he was finished, he sat back and took a moment to admire what he had made. He had transformed the fruit into a golden flower, with several layers of perfectly scalloped petals. Each petal had been additionally carved with a swirling pattern, giving the flower the appearance it was constantly shimmering from the way the graceful carvings caught the light. "Wow, pretty. What do you think of mine?" Kyle asked from over Tamago's shoulder. Tamago turned to see Kyle proudly holding up the peculiar squash, which now had an additional bumpy bit tacked on to each side and a jagged line carved through one end. The stem of the squash had been removed, split in half, and the two pieces attached to the end opposite the spiky carved opening. It seems as though Kyle had also scooped out some of the squiggly guts of the squash and attached them to the bottom of his construction. "Uh.. What exactly... is it?" "It's me! Duh. We look identical, see?" Kyle held the mangled thing up next to his own face and made a strange contorted expression. Suddenly, Tamago could see it. The split pieces of the stem were his horns, the additional lumpy pieces his fins, the crooked line his smile, and, of course, the scraggly squash guts were meant to be the young guardian's beard. "It actually... does kinda look like you," Tamago remarked incredulously. "I know! Hey, I saw a weird pale squash over there, I could totally make one of you too!" "I think I'll pass on that for now. There are probably plenty of other things around here to do for fun that don't involve... this." [rule] ((how do these keep ending up so long??? i swear i keep trying to do something more simple lol))
...daily activity: thursday

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Though Kyle had pretended to shrug off the team's loss in the second round of the cooking challenge, Tamago could tell his young companion was bothered by the defeat.

"Making it past the first round is still a huge accomplishment," Tamago told Kyle reassuringly. "I made it to the same spot my first time around, and then I won a Grand Prize the second! Maybe the same will happen to you."

Kyle didn't seem convinced.

"And plus, I was only up against one other team when I lost," Tamago continued, "And both of the entries we were up against this time were really great! The judges liked our dish, they just liked another one better."

"I know all of that," Kyle assured, "I'm happy with what we made, I was just looking forward to testing my skills some more. Being around a bunch of chefs from other clans is way more fun than cooking alone."

"Well, we've got time to enjoy the rest of the festival now. I'm sure we can find something to do around here that will be just as enjoyable! I heard Melo and Oxylus found some kind of arena yesterday and won a bunch of sparring matches."

"I prefer to express myself through my culinary creations rather than with my fists, but yeah, I guess we could try looking around."

Tamago and Kyle knew they found a winner as soon as they saw the garnish-carving tent, as improving their knife skills is something that could definitely come in handy when cooking. Tamago looked over the selection of objects available to be carved and selected a bright yellow starfruit. He heard Kyle mutter "Oh yes, perfect!" to himself and turned to see him holding a bumpy, misshapen green squash that faded to a dark reddish color toward one end. He didn't even bother asking what was "perfect" about it, settling in to one of the workstations and begun to carve his starfruit, the younger dragon following suit in the space beside him.

Tamago worked delicately and intently, focusing on making even the most intricate details of his creation perfect. When he was finished, he sat back and took a moment to admire what he had made. He had transformed the fruit into a golden flower, with several layers of perfectly scalloped petals. Each petal had been additionally carved with a swirling pattern, giving the flower the appearance it was constantly shimmering from the way the graceful carvings caught the light.

"Wow, pretty. What do you think of mine?" Kyle asked from over Tamago's shoulder.

Tamago turned to see Kyle proudly holding up the peculiar squash, which now had an additional bumpy bit tacked on to each side and a jagged line carved through one end. The stem of the squash had been removed, split in half, and the two pieces attached to the end opposite the spiky carved opening. It seems as though Kyle had also scooped out some of the squiggly guts of the squash and attached them to the bottom of his construction.

"Uh.. What exactly... is it?"

"It's me! Duh. We look identical, see?"

Kyle held the mangled thing up next to his own face and made a strange contorted expression. Suddenly, Tamago could see it. The split pieces of the stem were his horns, the additional lumpy pieces his fins, the crooked line his smile, and, of course, the scraggly squash guts were meant to be the young guardian's beard.

"It actually... does kinda look like you," Tamago remarked incredulously.

"I know! Hey, I saw a weird pale squash over there, I could totally make one of you too!"

"I think I'll pass on that for now. There are probably plenty of other things around here to do for fun that don't involve... this."

((how do these keep ending up so long??? i swear i keep trying to do something more simple lol))
four-eyed phylactery coliseum sprite (click for source)
_______ Enchanted Remains
| she/her | fr +3
breed out the bugly challenge
coliseum egg hunt

__________animated bone fiend sprite (click for source)
[center]Day 5 [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [item=red delicious apple][item=Blacktongue Pepper] Azalea and Wisteria love to play with their food. Azalea chooses a red delicious apple and Wisteria chooses a Blacktongue Pepper. The goal is to crate a flower! They have a grand time, but in the end neither really end up with anything that resembles a flower.
Day 5

Red Delicious Apple Blacktongue Pepper

Azalea and Wisteria love to play with their food. Azalea chooses a red delicious apple and Wisteria chooses a Blacktongue Pepper. The goal is to crate a flower! They have a grand time, but in the end neither really end up with anything that resembles a flower.
w8o0xW1.pngSaronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.WXOu4H0.pngt4yhov0.png1Up793k.pngSaronai's Free Star Lighting Raffle. Over 3kg in prizes. Ends February 1st. Click to learn more!
[b]Day 5 Garnish[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] Rokoshi was taking advantage of the cooking demo and the relative quiet from being away from his clanmates. Lorelei was still nursing the wound on her side from the battle yesterday and Solaris was with her. While he did feel bad that she was hurt it was a foolish thing. [B]" Stupid hatchling"[/b] he muttered to himself and not at anyone in particular. He heard it had been an exciting battle at least. He didn't have the patience for fighting at least not physically, not in that way. This was more his battle arena and unfortunately this time what rotten luck. Well there was always next year. The midnight colored male kept widdling away at his potato, carefully peeling the skin so that he could shape it into various flowers. Roses were easy but he wanted to try something a bit more feathery with all it's petals like a sunflower. He finished peeling the potato and set it aside. He now had several skins and set to work carefully trimming petals out of the delicate skin. If he broke it he tried to use a tooth pick to hold it in place while another was fetched. There was a lot of breakages and sometimes it was not salvageable. For the center of the sunflower he bunched up some purple potato skins and used a tooth pick to hold it. He took his tray of assorted flowers (mostly roses, lotus blossoms, and magnolias) to the fryer to quickly fry then and set the shape. It would be a crime to serve an inedible garnish. Raw potato was not pleasant to the tongue, dry and gritty, making the tongue feel swollen and stick to the roof and lips. Yuck. No food was meant to be eaten and enjoyed. He gently fished his flowers out and set them aside to dry.
Day 5 Garnish


Rokoshi was taking advantage of the cooking demo and the relative quiet from being away from his clanmates. Lorelei was still nursing the wound on her side from the battle yesterday and Solaris was with her. While he did feel bad that she was hurt it was a foolish thing. " Stupid hatchling" he muttered to himself and not at anyone in particular. He heard it had been an exciting battle at least. He didn't have the patience for fighting at least not physically, not in that way. This was more his battle arena and unfortunately this time what rotten luck. Well there was always next year.

The midnight colored male kept widdling away at his potato, carefully peeling the skin so that he could shape it into various flowers. Roses were easy but he wanted to try something a bit more feathery with all it's petals like a sunflower. He finished peeling the potato and set it aside. He now had several skins and set to work carefully trimming petals out of the delicate skin. If he broke it he tried to use a tooth pick to hold it in place while another was fetched. There was a lot of breakages and sometimes it was not salvageable. For the center of the sunflower he bunched up some purple potato skins and used a tooth pick to hold it.

He took his tray of assorted flowers (mostly roses, lotus blossoms, and magnolias) to the fryer to quickly fry then and set the shape. It would be a crime to serve an inedible garnish. Raw potato was not pleasant to the tongue, dry and gritty, making the tongue feel swollen and stick to the roof and lips. Yuck. No food was meant to be eaten and enjoyed. He gently fished his flowers out and set them aside to dry.
@ArithMedic @ReginaChaos @Kvon @MystaRias @tigressRising @Kothra @Doozie @Storygeek @PsydrateSky @JinxMoonstone @Hassaleh @cmf25 @Jeevas @UmbraGlide @Beatoriche @TrixnTreats @beargirl1393 @Acetheaxolotl @L1br4 @BoatBud @windymountaintop @Dessy

Day Six activity has been posted!

And just wanted to give everyone a heads up that I'm going to be a bit more behind than usual with the daily prizes yesterday and today due to some things coming up. Nothing major thankfully, but will just be easier to catch up on those on Saturday!
@ArithMedic @ReginaChaos @Kvon @MystaRias @tigressRising @Kothra @Doozie @Storygeek @PsydrateSky @JinxMoonstone @Hassaleh @cmf25 @Jeevas @UmbraGlide @Beatoriche @TrixnTreats @beargirl1393 @Acetheaxolotl @L1br4 @BoatBud @windymountaintop @Dessy

Day Six activity has been posted!

And just wanted to give everyone a heads up that I'm going to be a bit more behind than usual with the daily prizes yesterday and today due to some things coming up. Nothing major thankfully, but will just be easier to catch up on those on Saturday!
[quote=Day 6 Activity] Much debated and highly divisive, Harpies take their cooking VERY seriously, and each one seems to have a different idea on the best way to prepare the meat they consume, assuming they even bother to cook it at all! So what style of cooking does your dragon vote for? If your dragon is a veggie or an insect eater don’t worry, you can still get a snack prepared by the volunteer chefs,, but you won’t get a voting token with the meal. This “research” is ~very~ scientific and they can’t have outside variables! [/quote] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [emoji=torch size=1][emoji=torch size=1][emoji=torch size=1][emoji=torch size=1][emoji=torch size=1][emoji=torch size=1][emoji=torch size=1][emoji=torch size=1][emoji=torch size=1][emoji=torch size=1][emoji=torch size=1][emoji=torch size=1][emoji=torch size=1][emoji=torch size=1][emoji=torch size=1][emoji=torch size=1][emoji=torch size=1][emoji=torch size=1][emoji=torch size=1][emoji=torch size=1][emoji=torch size=1][emoji=torch size=1][emoji=torch size=1][emoji=torch size=1][emoji=torch size=1][emoji=torch size=1] [columns] [LIST] [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*][b]Grilled[/b] [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [/list] [nextcol] [LIST] [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*][b]Grilled[/b] [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [/list] [nextcol] [LIST] [*]Grilled [*][b]Grilled[/b] [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*][b]Grilled[/b] [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [/list] [nextcol] [LIST] [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [/list] [nextcol] [LIST] [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*][b]Grilled[/b] [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [/list] [nextcol] [LIST] [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*][b]Grilled[/b] [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [/list] [nextcol] [LIST] [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*][b]Grilled[/b] [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*][b]Grilled[/b] [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [/list] [nextcol] [LIST] [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [*]Grilled [/list] [/columns] (If Jwaila found this tent, she'd find a way to swipe any extra tokens she found and dump them into the "grilled" jar. Though she'd definitely also legitimately sample the cook's work.) [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Diego actually doesn't mind grilled fruits and veggies. He has an open mind when it comes to food (that he can eat, anyway), and is usually open to trying anything at least once!
Day 6 Activity wrote:

Much debated and highly divisive, Harpies take their cooking VERY seriously, and each one seems to have a different idea on the best way to prepare the meat they consume, assuming they even bother to cook it at all!

So what style of cooking does your dragon vote for? If your dragon is a veggie or an insect eater don’t worry, you can still get a snack prepared by the volunteer chefs,, but you won’t get a voting token with the meal. This “research” is ~very~ scientific and they can’t have outside variables!


  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled
  • Grilled

(If Jwaila found this tent, she'd find a way to swipe any extra tokens she found and dump them into the "grilled" jar. Though she'd definitely also legitimately sample the cook's work.)


Diego actually doesn't mind grilled fruits and veggies. He has an open mind when it comes to food (that he can eat, anyway), and is usually open to trying anything at least once!