
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [MJ23] Mistral Meals - Closed
[quote=Day 7] A geneology booth might be a bit of a stretch for a festival event, but I have been to some Ren Faire's that will do up family crests if you know yours, so I argue it's still in the realm of possibility! So time to do some research on your own dragons and I want you to tell me a fun fact about one of their relatives. It can be a detail about one of their parents or kids who still live in your clan, or you can have fun with it and try tracking back or forward to see how far their bloodline extends! Is your dragon a G1 with no kids? No problem! You can make the fun fact be about their adoptive family or how they came to your clan under ~mysterious circumstances~ As is Mistral Meals tradition, if you include a reference to this year's April Fools event in your response, you get two raffle tickets instead of one! (Please note this offer is ONLY for Day 7 entries; this will not impact Day 6 entries while it is still active).[/quote] Delta and Anaconda wandered towards another booth. This one sported a beautiful tree that stretched its branches all across the banner and a sign in the middle that read "Genealogy Records". Delta wondered why this would be amidst all of the activity booths, but she figured maybe it was just because the harpies were big on history as well as family lines. Anaconda spoke to one of the harpies running the booth, who pointed her towards a stack of large books. "There's about a dozen for each flight it looks like," Delta said, peering over her shoulder. "You're from the Viridian Labyrinth, right?" Anaconda nodded, disgruntledly shaking off a pile of gravel that was laying on top of it before cracking open one of the large volumes and flipping to the table of contents. "There always has to be a weird thing happening during Mistral Jamboree, huh..." she muttered absentmindedly as she trailed her claw over the page to where her clan name was. Another harpy fluttered over to Delta. "Do you need assistance finding your family tree as well?" she asked. Delta shook her head. She knew very well where she had come from; the matriarch of her Clan, Andromeda, as well as her mate, Atlantis, had told her from a young age that they had found her egg near their lair before they had even fully settled down. They had adopted her as their own, but there was no way to tell who Delta's egg had belonged to. Delta didn't really mind, though. She liked to believe that she had been an explorer even before she had hatched, destined to drift across the waves of Sornieth. "Oooh! Look here, Delta!" Anaconda called Delta back to the book she was looking at. "This big family tree here is mine." She pointed at one of the pages. "My furthest ancestor on my father's side is actually a snapper from Plague! I never knew that. I guess that's not far from home, really, since nature is sort of related. And past that, there's a lot of coatls and wildclaws from lairs all over Sornieth. And my mother's side has a similar story, but my furthest ancestor there is a spiral from the Southern Icefield." She grinned. "This is so cool! My family has basically travelled from everywhere. Just like you, I guess!" Anaconda swatted her teasingly with her wing and Delta smiled widely back.
Day 7 wrote:
A geneology booth might be a bit of a stretch for a festival event, but I have been to some Ren Faire's that will do up family crests if you know yours, so I argue it's still in the realm of possibility!

So time to do some research on your own dragons and I want you to tell me a fun fact about one of their relatives. It can be a detail about one of their parents or kids who still live in your clan, or you can have fun with it and try tracking back or forward to see how far their bloodline extends!

Is your dragon a G1 with no kids? No problem! You can make the fun fact be about their adoptive family or how they came to your clan under ~mysterious circumstances~

As is Mistral Meals tradition, if you include a reference to this year's April Fools event in your response, you get two raffle tickets instead of one!
(Please note this offer is ONLY for Day 7 entries; this will not impact Day 6 entries while it is still active).

Delta and Anaconda wandered towards another booth. This one sported a beautiful tree that stretched its branches all across the banner and a sign in the middle that read "Genealogy Records". Delta wondered why this would be amidst all of the activity booths, but she figured maybe it was just because the harpies were big on history as well as family lines. Anaconda spoke to one of the harpies running the booth, who pointed her towards a stack of large books. "There's about a dozen for each flight it looks like," Delta said, peering over her shoulder. "You're from the Viridian Labyrinth, right?" Anaconda nodded, disgruntledly shaking off a pile of gravel that was laying on top of it before cracking open one of the large volumes and flipping to the table of contents. "There always has to be a weird thing happening during Mistral Jamboree, huh..." she muttered absentmindedly as she trailed her claw over the page to where her clan name was.

Another harpy fluttered over to Delta. "Do you need assistance finding your family tree as well?" she asked. Delta shook her head. She knew very well where she had come from; the matriarch of her Clan, Andromeda, as well as her mate, Atlantis, had told her from a young age that they had found her egg near their lair before they had even fully settled down. They had adopted her as their own, but there was no way to tell who Delta's egg had belonged to. Delta didn't really mind, though. She liked to believe that she had been an explorer even before she had hatched, destined to drift across the waves of Sornieth.

"Oooh! Look here, Delta!" Anaconda called Delta back to the book she was looking at. "This big family tree here is mine." She pointed at one of the pages. "My furthest ancestor on my father's side is actually a snapper from Plague! I never knew that. I guess that's not far from home, really, since nature is sort of related. And past that, there's a lot of coatls and wildclaws from lairs all over Sornieth. And my mother's side has a similar story, but my furthest ancestor there is a spiral from the Southern Icefield." She grinned. "This is so cool! My family has basically travelled from everywhere. Just like you, I guess!" Anaconda swatted her teasingly with her wing and Delta smiled widely back.
Daily activities 6 and 7 [size=2]Finally had time to participate in these[/size] [columns] [color=transparent] __________________[/color][img][/img] [color=transparent] ______________________[/color]Cressida [nextcol] [img][/img] [color=transparent] _____[/color]Khern [nextcol] [img][/img] [color=transparent] _______[/color]Fei[/columns] After losing the second cooking battle, Cressida was disappointing in herself and has been moping around ever since. Fei and Khern decided to try to cheer her up and what better way, then going around the stalls. They saw a cooking themed one and dragged Cressida there. "Let's see what they have here!" Khern said chipperly. [quote=Day 6] Much debated and highly divisive, Harpies take their cooking VERY seriously, and each one seems to have a different idea on the best way to prepare the meat they consume, assuming they even bother to cook it at all! So what style of cooking does your dragon vote for? If your dragon is a veggie or an insect eater don’t worry, you can still get a snack prepared by the volunteer chefs,, but you won’t get a voting token with the meal. This “research” is ~very~ scientific and they can’t have outside variables! [/quote] Fei zipped to the stall and saw what was up. "oh they're doing a vote on what type of meat is best." She turned to Cressida. "You did so good on that one! Especially the jam. Oh and they can make you a veggy insect treat! Isn't that great?" Cressida looked away sheepishly at the reminder in the form of a compliment and walked closer. Khern flew with her. "Food is always great for feeling better. Just wish for any snack you want." Cressida sighed, but nodded. "Could I please have a cricket Onigiri?" Fei looked up. "I find ground meat super tasty. My favourite is when it's grilled on a bbq and put into a burger.Could I get a burger?" Khern thought about it. "I actually prefer slow cooked meat. If it's still a bit raw on the inside, the better." [quote=Day 7] A geneology booth might be a bit of a stretch for a festival event, but I have been to some Ren Faire's that will do up family crests if you know yours, so I argue it's still in the realm of possibility! So time to do some research on your own dragons and I want you to tell me a fun fact about one of their relatives. It can be a detail about one of their parents or kids who still live in your clan, or you can have fun with it and try tracking back or forward to see how far their bloodline extends! Is your dragon a G1 with no kids? No problem! You can make the fun fact be about their adoptive family or how they came to your clan under ~mysterious circumstances~ [b]As is Mistral Meals tradition, if you include a reference to this year's April Fools event in your response, you get two raffle tickets instead of one![/b] (Please note this offer is ONLY for Day 7 entries; this will not impact Day 6 entries while it is still active). [/quote] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [/center] [center]Chavi / Nainsi[/center] Chavi and Nainsi. The founders of the clan had decided to take a nice leisurely stroll amongst the stalls now that it was the last day and most dragons had already seen everything. Well Chavi strolled, Nainsi hopped around looking at every little thing. From the corner of her eye she spotted something... different. A genealogy booth? She drifted off for a minute, going down memory lane. It had been 7 years since they had made their home and so many years later she's had 69 children. She chuckled. Most of them had been exalted, though her first born son stayed with them the longest. A real firecracker that one. He even fathered many dragons, before he decided to go serve the Gladekeeper. He loved nature and spent most of his time in the Viridian Labyrinth. He didn't care if he needed to sleep in a gravel filled crater on the way in Dragonhome, if it meant he could stay in the jungle for longer. He even got freckles everywhere, from how much he spent his time there. She was happy that he pursued what he loved. Nainsi caught up with her as she had just been standing there thinking. "What are you thinking, my love?" She smiled reminiscing. "There's a genealogy booth there. I was just thinking of our children. Do you think we should see what it's about?" Before she even finished the sentence he had already sped off towards it. Chavi smiled, shook her head and followed after him. They asked the harpies about their ways of family tree designs and styles in which they make them.
Daily activities 6 and 7
Finally had time to participate in these







After losing the second cooking battle, Cressida was disappointing in herself and has been moping around ever since.

Fei and Khern decided to try to cheer her up and what better way, then going around the stalls. They saw a cooking themed one and dragged Cressida there. "Let's see what they have here!" Khern said chipperly.

Day 6 wrote:

Much debated and highly divisive, Harpies take their cooking VERY seriously, and each one seems to have a different idea on the best way to prepare the meat they consume, assuming they even bother to cook it at all!

So what style of cooking does your dragon vote for? If your dragon is a veggie or an insect eater don’t worry, you can still get a snack prepared by the volunteer chefs,, but you won’t get a voting token with the meal. This “research” is ~very~ scientific and they can’t have outside variables!

Fei zipped to the stall and saw what was up. "oh they're doing a vote on what type of meat is best." She turned to Cressida. "You did so good on that one! Especially the jam. Oh and they can make you a veggy insect treat! Isn't that great?"

Cressida looked away sheepishly at the reminder in the form of a compliment and walked closer.

Khern flew with her. "Food is always great for feeling better. Just wish for any snack you want."

Cressida sighed, but nodded. "Could I please have a cricket Onigiri?"

Fei looked up. "I find ground meat super tasty. My favourite is when it's grilled on a bbq and put into a burger.Could I get a burger?"

Khern thought about it. "I actually prefer slow cooked meat. If it's still a bit raw on the inside, the better."
Day 7 wrote:

A geneology booth might be a bit of a stretch for a festival event, but I have been to some Ren Faire's that will do up family crests if you know yours, so I argue it's still in the realm of possibility!

So time to do some research on your own dragons and I want you to tell me a fun fact about one of their relatives. It can be a detail about one of their parents or kids who still live in your clan, or you can have fun with it and try tracking back or forward to see how far their bloodline extends!

Is your dragon a G1 with no kids? No problem! You can make the fun fact be about their adoptive family or how they came to your clan under ~mysterious circumstances~

As is Mistral Meals tradition, if you include a reference to this year's April Fools event in your response, you get two raffle tickets instead of one!
(Please note this offer is ONLY for Day 7 entries; this will not impact Day 6 entries while it is still active).
Chavi / Nainsi

Chavi and Nainsi. The founders of the clan had decided to take a nice leisurely stroll amongst the stalls now that it was the last day and most dragons had already seen everything. Well Chavi strolled, Nainsi hopped around looking at every little thing.

From the corner of her eye she spotted something... different. A genealogy booth? She drifted off for a minute, going down memory lane. It had been 7 years since they had made their home and so many years later she's had 69 children. She chuckled. Most of them had been exalted, though her first born son stayed with them the longest. A real firecracker that one. He even fathered many dragons, before he decided to go serve the Gladekeeper. He loved nature and spent most of his time in the Viridian Labyrinth. He didn't care if he needed to sleep in a gravel filled crater on the way in Dragonhome, if it meant he could stay in the jungle for longer. He even got freckles everywhere, from how much he spent his time there. She was happy that he pursued what he loved.

Nainsi caught up with her as she had just been standing there thinking. "What are you thinking, my love?"

She smiled reminiscing. "There's a genealogy booth there. I was just thinking of our children. Do you think we should see what it's about?"

Before she even finished the sentence he had already sped off towards it. Chavi smiled, shook her head and followed after him.

They asked the harpies about their ways of family tree designs and styles in which they make them.

14571711.png : The friendly Courier nods at you and smiles as he passesgU2ykYl.png
[center][b]Daily Activity: Day 7 Saturday[/b][/center] [quote=Day 7 Activity]A geneology booth might be a bit of a stretch for a festival event, but I have been to some Ren Faire's that will do up family crests if you know yours, so I argue it's still in the realm of possibility! So time to do some research on your own dragons and I want you to tell me a fun fact about one of their relatives. It can be a detail about one of their parents or kids who still live in your clan, or you can have fun with it and try tracking back or forward to see how far their bloodline extends! Is your dragon a G1 with no kids? No problem! You can make the fun fact be about their adoptive family or how they came to your clan under ~mysterious circumstances~ [b]As is Mistral Meals tradition, if you include a reference to this year's April Fools event in your response, you get two raffle tickets instead of one![/b] (Please note this offer is ONLY for Day 7 entries; this will not impact Day 6 entries while it is still active).[/quote] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] "Did you know one of my grandparents is a [url=]chemist[/url]?" Potato said to Nissa. Who is now his mate, that's right, Potato's a dad now! He's still freaking out from the news. "He created a potion, but it came to life and now it's his familiar." "Oh, that's a good one!" Nissa smiled, but had a gleam in her eyes. "Now did you know, that one of my great great great great great," she paused to take a breath, "great great great great [url=]grandpas[/url] was so fascinated by junk, he wandered off from his old clan. His collection helped finance his new clan, kinda like what we've been doing recently, trading our junk. Also he met his partner because she stole a funny looking rock he had been interested in." "Wow. That must have took you a while to find that information." "Yep. I wonder if he collects Gravel?" Nissa mused. She, Potato and some of the other clan members had just finished dumping piles and piles of Gravel over at Marva's Marvelous Marvels. An interesting way to end the Mistral Jamboree. Nobody expects the Temporal Gravel Emporium. "I don't know what Marva's going to do with all that Gravel." Potato sighed. "I'm not buying what they are selling." "Well I do know Eis bought something from Marva, for one coin!" Eis is the Clan Leader. "Then they and Stroh went back to Harpy's Roost after leaving Mochi with us." Eis said it's good practice for parenting, and it wasn't fair to make Reishi look after her all the time. "I had no idea Mochi would try to hug a pile of Gravel. At least she's entertained." They had watched the [url=]little Aether[/url] build a Gravel castle which is starting to look like a space station. It is honestly impressive. There was a genealogy booth right next to where she was working so Potato and Nissa decided to do some research. While keeping an eye on Mochi of course, she should be right behind the Gravel structure... "Uh, Potato? Where's Mochi?" Nissa squeaked. "She's not buried in the pile is she? Mochi?" "Oh gosh, oh no, oh gosh!" Potato looked around wildly, then he heard laughter and turned to the source. An angry Nocturne flew off, nearby was [url=]a colorful Tundra[/url]. The Tundra had been standing still when Mochi went to him and pounced right onto his back. Then the Tundra, who Potato just recognized as Diego, flew off with Mochi on him! "Mochi!!" The Veilspuns yelled and chased after him.
Daily Activity: Day 7 Saturday
Day 7 Activity wrote:
A geneology booth might be a bit of a stretch for a festival event, but I have been to some Ren Faire's that will do up family crests if you know yours, so I argue it's still in the realm of possibility!

So time to do some research on your own dragons and I want you to tell me a fun fact about one of their relatives. It can be a detail about one of their parents or kids who still live in your clan, or you can have fun with it and try tracking back or forward to see how far their bloodline extends!

Is your dragon a G1 with no kids? No problem! You can make the fun fact be about their adoptive family or how they came to your clan under ~mysterious circumstances~

As is Mistral Meals tradition, if you include a reference to this year's April Fools event in your response, you get two raffle tickets instead of one!
(Please note this offer is ONLY for Day 7 entries; this will not impact Day 6 entries while it is still active).
"Did you know one of my grandparents is a chemist?" Potato said to Nissa. Who is now his mate, that's right, Potato's a dad now! He's still freaking out from the news. "He created a potion, but it came to life and now it's his familiar."

"Oh, that's a good one!" Nissa smiled, but had a gleam in her eyes. "Now did you know, that one of my great great great great great," she paused to take a breath, "great great great great grandpas was so fascinated by junk, he wandered off from his old clan. His collection helped finance his new clan, kinda like what we've been doing recently, trading our junk. Also he met his partner because she stole a funny looking rock he had been interested in."

"Wow. That must have took you a while to find that information."

"Yep. I wonder if he collects Gravel?" Nissa mused. She, Potato and some of the other clan members had just finished dumping piles and piles of Gravel over at Marva's Marvelous Marvels. An interesting way to end the Mistral Jamboree.

Nobody expects the Temporal Gravel Emporium.

"I don't know what Marva's going to do with all that Gravel." Potato sighed. "I'm not buying what they are selling."

"Well I do know Eis bought something from Marva, for one coin!" Eis is the Clan Leader.
"Then they and Stroh went back to Harpy's Roost after leaving Mochi with us."
Eis said it's good practice for parenting, and it wasn't fair to make Reishi look after her all the time.

"I had no idea Mochi would try to hug a pile of Gravel. At least she's entertained." They had watched the little Aether build a Gravel castle which is starting to look like a space station. It is honestly impressive. There was a genealogy booth right next to where she was working so Potato and Nissa decided to do some research. While keeping an eye on Mochi of course, she should be right behind the Gravel structure...

"Uh, Potato? Where's Mochi?" Nissa squeaked. "She's not buried in the pile is she? Mochi?"

"Oh gosh, oh no, oh gosh!" Potato looked around wildly, then he heard laughter and turned to the source.

An angry Nocturne flew off, nearby was a colorful Tundra. The Tundra had been standing still when Mochi went to him and pounced right onto his back. Then the Tundra, who Potato just recognized as Diego, flew off with Mochi on him!

"Mochi!!" The Veilspuns yelled and chased after him.

2634384.png LWTq9T9.png
[center]Day 6 [url=][img][/img][/url] Azalea likes to have her meat barely cooked, really just seared a little to keep the juices inside. [/center]
Day 6


Azalea likes to have her meat barely cooked, really just seared a little to keep the juices inside.
w8o0xW1.pngSaronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.WXOu4H0.pngt4yhov0.png1Up793k.pngSaronai's Free Star Lighting Raffle. Over 3kg in prizes. Ends February 1st. Click to learn more!
[center]Day 7 [url=][img][/img][/url] At first my surroundings were completely black! As I stumbled around I finally came into the light and FrostWarren and AquaFletcher adopted me. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Day 7


At first my surroundings were completely black! As I stumbled around I finally came into the light and FrostWarren and AquaFletcher adopted me.

69815826.png 69815827.png
w8o0xW1.pngSaronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.WXOu4H0.pngt4yhov0.png1Up793k.pngSaronai's Free Star Lighting Raffle. Over 3kg in prizes. Ends February 1st. Click to learn more!
@Eialyne Thank you so much for the extension!! My Round 3 post will be done shortly. [quote=Day 6]Much debated and highly divisive, Harpies take their cooking VERY seriously, and each one seems to have a different idea on the best way to prepare the meat they consume, assuming they even bother to cook it at all! So what style of cooking does your dragon vote for? If your dragon is a veggie or an insect eater don’t worry, you can still get a snack prepared by the volunteer chefs,, but you won’t get a voting token with the meal. This “research” is ~very~ scientific and they can’t have outside variables![/quote] Athena much prefers grilled fish to other method of preparation. She thinks that it brings out the flavor the best. She admits that baked fish is also good, if you season it right, but her vote goes to grilling. [quote=Day 7] A geneology booth might be a bit of a stretch for a festival event, but I have been to some Ren Faire's that will do up family crests if you know yours, so I argue it's still in the realm of possibility! So time to do some research on your own dragons and I want you to tell me a fun fact about one of their relatives. It can be a detail about one of their parents or kids who still live in your clan, or you can have fun with it and try tracking back or forward to see how far their bloodline extends! Is your dragon a G1 with no kids? No problem! You can make the fun fact be about their adoptive family or how they came to your clan under ~mysterious circumstances~ As is Mistral Meals tradition, if you include a reference to this year's April Fools event in your response, you get two raffle tickets instead of one! (Please note this offer is ONLY for Day 7 entries; this will not impact Day 6 entries while it is still active).[/quote] Athena trips over some [b]gravel[/b] on the ground. When she gets back up, she sees the Genealogy tent right next to her and decides to stop for a minute or two to check it out. Her visit ends up being much longer than she thought and she comes out with the knowledge that she comes from a [i]very[/i] long line of blue dragons on one side, and a very long line of orange dragons on the other. She and her siblings were the exception to this, as her parents broke the color tradition and mixed lines.
Thank you so much for the extension!! My Round 3 post will be done shortly.
Day 6 wrote:
Much debated and highly divisive, Harpies take their cooking VERY seriously, and each one seems to have a different idea on the best way to prepare the meat they consume, assuming they even bother to cook it at all!

So what style of cooking does your dragon vote for? If your dragon is a veggie or an insect eater don’t worry, you can still get a snack prepared by the volunteer chefs,, but you won’t get a voting token with the meal. This “research” is ~very~ scientific and they can’t have outside variables!

Athena much prefers grilled fish to other method of preparation. She thinks that it brings out the flavor the best. She admits that baked fish is also good, if you season it right, but her vote goes to grilling.
Day 7 wrote:
A geneology booth might be a bit of a stretch for a festival event, but I have been to some Ren Faire's that will do up family crests if you know yours, so I argue it's still in the realm of possibility!

So time to do some research on your own dragons and I want you to tell me a fun fact about one of their relatives. It can be a detail about one of their parents or kids who still live in your clan, or you can have fun with it and try tracking back or forward to see how far their bloodline extends!

Is your dragon a G1 with no kids? No problem! You can make the fun fact be about their adoptive family or how they came to your clan under ~mysterious circumstances~

As is Mistral Meals tradition, if you include a reference to this year's April Fools event in your response, you get two raffle tickets instead of one!
(Please note this offer is ONLY for Day 7 entries; this will not impact Day 6 entries while it is still active).

Athena trips over some gravel on the ground. When she gets back up, she sees the Genealogy tent right next to her and decides to stop for a minute or two to check it out. Her visit ends up being much longer than she thought and she comes out with the knowledge that she comes from a very long line of blue dragons on one side, and a very long line of orange dragons on the other. She and her siblings were the exception to this, as her parents broke the color tradition and mixed lines.
mvO7hvU.png 5kRkxhJ.png
[quote]A geneology booth might be a bit of a stretch for a festival event, but I have been to some Ren Faire's that will do up family crests if you know yours, so I argue it's still in the realm of possibility! So time to do some research on your own dragons and I want you to tell me a fun fact about one of their relatives. It can be a detail about one of their parents or kids who still live in your clan, or you can have fun with it and try tracking back or forward to see how far their bloodline extends! Is your dragon a G1 with no kids? No problem! You can make the fun fact be about their adoptive family or how they came to your clan under ~mysterious circumstances~ As is Mistral Meals tradition, if you include a reference to this year's April Fools event in your response, you get two raffle tickets instead of one! (Please note this offer is ONLY for Day 7 entries; this will not impact Day 6 entries while it is still active).[/quote] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] It was whispered that Nessus came from the shadows between shadows, from the unspoken things that hide at the edges of our consciousness. For her part, the queen of the carnival did nothing to dissuade these rumors. If anything she observed them in amusement, so many of them stacked upon each other precariously like a mound of gravel. If one were to remove a single pebble it would all come tumbling away. [i]Speaking of gravel...[/i] the Skydancer thought to herself as she saw another hoard of hatchlings bustling by with a wheelbarrow chock full of the stuff, headed for Marva's no doubt. Another woman shrouded in mystery, a quite amusing one at that. Nessus quietly admired her yearly antics, certainly one to enjoy some good mischief of her own. Of course if one bothered to dig they'd find that Nessus was far more mortal than any of them could cook up. She had a mother and a father, both hailing from the Starfall Isles. Neither were around anymore if she had any inclination to speak to them. Her father had pledged his service to the Flamecaller when she was a young girl, and her mother eventually went to serve the Shadowbinder some time after Nessus had left home and begun the Carnival of Woe with Asmodeus. She didn't miss them, didn't pine. She was quite happy to claim the shadows as her birth right. Kept people in line, kept them guessing. She was a riddle made flesh, and she was happy to keep it that way.[/center]
A geneology booth might be a bit of a stretch for a festival event, but I have been to some Ren Faire's that will do up family crests if you know yours, so I argue it's still in the realm of possibility!

So time to do some research on your own dragons and I want you to tell me a fun fact about one of their relatives. It can be a detail about one of their parents or kids who still live in your clan, or you can have fun with it and try tracking back or forward to see how far their bloodline extends!

Is your dragon a G1 with no kids? No problem! You can make the fun fact be about their adoptive family or how they came to your clan under ~mysterious circumstances~

As is Mistral Meals tradition, if you include a reference to this year's April Fools event in your response, you get two raffle tickets instead of one!
(Please note this offer is ONLY for Day 7 entries; this will not impact Day 6 entries while it is still active).

It was whispered that Nessus came from the shadows between shadows, from the unspoken things that hide at the edges of our consciousness. For her part, the queen of the carnival did nothing to dissuade these rumors. If anything she observed them in amusement, so many of them stacked upon each other precariously like a mound of gravel. If one were to remove a single pebble it would all come tumbling away. Speaking of gravel... the Skydancer thought to herself as she saw another hoard of hatchlings bustling by with a wheelbarrow chock full of the stuff, headed for Marva's no doubt. Another woman shrouded in mystery, a quite amusing one at that. Nessus quietly admired her yearly antics, certainly one to enjoy some good mischief of her own.

Of course if one bothered to dig they'd find that Nessus was far more mortal than any of them could cook up. She had a mother and a father, both hailing from the Starfall Isles. Neither were around anymore if she had any inclination to speak to them. Her father had pledged his service to the Flamecaller when she was a young girl, and her mother eventually went to serve the Shadowbinder some time after Nessus had left home and begun the Carnival of Woe with Asmodeus. She didn't miss them, didn't pine. She was quite happy to claim the shadows as her birth right. Kept people in line, kept them guessing. She was a riddle made flesh, and she was happy to keep it that way.
If you hear the music....
It's already too late.
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[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b][u]Day 6[/u][/b][/center] [quote]Much debated and highly divisive, Harpies take their cooking VERY seriously, and each one seems to have a different idea on the best way to prepare the meat they consume, assuming they even bother to cook it at all! So what style of cooking does your dragon vote for? If your dragon is a veggie or an insect eater don’t worry, you can still get a snack prepared by the volunteer chefs,, but you won’t get a voting token with the meal. This “research” is ~very~ scientific and they can’t have outside variables![/quote] As an obligate herbivore, Snickerdoodle wasn't allowed to cast a vote or give her opinion on met-cooking techniques (though she had heard plenty from her meat-loving clanmates). At least the grilled veggie snacks were a nice consolation. [center][u][b]Day 7[/b][/u][/center] [quote]A geneology booth might be a bit of a stretch for a festival event, but I have been to some Ren Faire's that will do up family crests if you know yours, so I argue it's still in the realm of possibility! So time to do some research on your own dragons and I want you to tell me a fun fact about one of their relatives. It can be a detail about one of their parents or kids who still live in your clan, or you can have fun with it and try tracking back or forward to see how far their bloodline extends! Is your dragon a G1 with no kids? No problem! You can make the fun fact be about their adoptive family or how they came to your clan under ~mysterious circumstances~ As is Mistral Meals tradition, if you include a reference to this year's April Fools event in your response, you get two raffle tickets instead of one! (Please note this offer is ONLY for Day 7 entries; this will not impact Day 6 entries while it is still active).[/quote] Fun fact, Snickerdoodle's kids are the great-grandchildren of my progens! (Her mate is my progens' grandson.) One of her daughters, Rosehip, is currently the leader of her own clan (in-lore).
Day 6
Much debated and highly divisive, Harpies take their cooking VERY seriously, and each one seems to have a different idea on the best way to prepare the meat they consume, assuming they even bother to cook it at all!

So what style of cooking does your dragon vote for? If your dragon is a veggie or an insect eater don’t worry, you can still get a snack prepared by the volunteer chefs,, but you won’t get a voting token with the meal. This “research” is ~very~ scientific and they can’t have outside variables!

As an obligate herbivore, Snickerdoodle wasn't allowed to cast a vote or give her opinion on met-cooking techniques (though she had heard plenty from her meat-loving clanmates). At least the grilled veggie snacks were a nice consolation.
Day 7
A geneology booth might be a bit of a stretch for a festival event, but I have been to some Ren Faire's that will do up family crests if you know yours, so I argue it's still in the realm of possibility!

So time to do some research on your own dragons and I want you to tell me a fun fact about one of their relatives. It can be a detail about one of their parents or kids who still live in your clan, or you can have fun with it and try tracking back or forward to see how far their bloodline extends!

Is your dragon a G1 with no kids? No problem! You can make the fun fact be about their adoptive family or how they came to your clan under ~mysterious circumstances~

As is Mistral Meals tradition, if you include a reference to this year's April Fools event in your response, you get two raffle tickets instead of one!
(Please note this offer is ONLY for Day 7 entries; this will not impact Day 6 entries while it is still active).

Fun fact, Snickerdoodle's kids are the great-grandchildren of my progens! (Her mate is my progens' grandson.) One of her daughters, Rosehip, is currently the leader of her own clan (in-lore).
[right][i]...daily activity: "friday"[/i][/right] [rule] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Kouyou and Volta were both buzzing with excitement as they entered the meat-tasting booth, the enticing smell of the mélange of freshly-cooked meats causing their stomachs to grumble in anticipation of the flavors they were about to experience. Volta scarfed down all the samples she was given in about 30 seconds, not doing a whole lot of tasting. She casually tossed her token into the jar corresponding to the broiled variety of meat, as that was the last sample she consumed, so the flavor was still fresh in her memory. After casting her vote, she set off to try to make friends with some of the dragons manning the stations in hopes of scoring a few extra samples to feed her already regenerating appetite. Kouyou, however, took a much more methodical approach, slowly tasting each sample, making mental notes about what she did and didn't like about each of them. Her final decision was not an easy one, as so many of the meats she had tasted were sublime. After staring at the line-up of jars, flipping her token around in her claw for what felt like hours, she finally decided that the deep fried option was her absolute favorite, and deposited her token in the corresponding jar before setting off to find where Volta had run off to. ((thanks so much for the extension on this one, i was just about to pull up the thread to check what the activity was yesterday when the maintenance started)) [rule] [rule] [right][i]...daily activity: saturday[/i][/right] [rule] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Kyle had decided that since he had spent most of the festival busy with his uncle focused on the cooking challenge, today was a good day for some quality father-son time. He and his father, Wilt, had spent the entire day enjoying the festival, just the two of them, and as they were walking by, the genealogy booth had caught both of their eyes, as clearly, family was something that was very important to the two of them. As they explored the impressive and thorough records that the harpies running the both had on display, Wilt couldn't help but reminisce about the beginnings of his own family. "I remember back when the entire clan was just me, your uncles, and your grandparents, just the six of us crammed into that tiny lair in Driftwood Drag," Wilt remarked wistfully. Kyle nodded contemplatively, thinking about how large the clan had been when he had been born. "Didn't it get lonely? I think I'd go crazy if the only people I had to talk to were my parents and siblings. Er, no offense." "None taken," Wilt chuckled, "It did for a while, but we grew pretty quickly since we welcomed any dragon we came across that was looking for a home. That's part of why my brothers and I didn't immediately start popping out hatchlings of our own. And that's also part of the reason I've kept such close tabs on my own growing lineage. I never want any of you kids to feel like you don't have a place to come back to." Wilt figured he could probably name every child, grandchild, great-grandchild, etc. that he had, all the way to the newest addition to his bloodline, [url=]Prism[/url], born barely a week prior to the start of the Jamboree. Between that and the fact that his parents were the progenitors of their clan (well, that and the fact that his brothers hadn't had any offspring), Wilt felt that he was in the fairly unique position to be able to chart every blood-relation he had, if given the chance, which was a particular point of pride for the guardian. Once the father and son were finished chatting and browsing the genealogy booth, they returned to strolling the festival grounds, a strange sign catching their attention. The sign appeared to be made out of cardboard and was crudely painted with a wonky purple arrow pointing towards a dark alleyway leading to an equally strange-looking booth. The two guardians decided to check the booth out, against their better judgement, but were puzzled to find more painted cardboard and piles and piles and [i]piles[/i] of gravel? Kyle and Wilt took one look at the inside of the booth, then back at each other, and swiftly exited, figuring it was probably best not to get swept into whatever was going on.
...daily activity: "friday"

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Kouyou and Volta were both buzzing with excitement as they entered the meat-tasting booth, the enticing smell of the mélange of freshly-cooked meats causing their stomachs to grumble in anticipation of the flavors they were about to experience. Volta scarfed down all the samples she was given in about 30 seconds, not doing a whole lot of tasting. She casually tossed her token into the jar corresponding to the broiled variety of meat, as that was the last sample she consumed, so the flavor was still fresh in her memory. After casting her vote, she set off to try to make friends with some of the dragons manning the stations in hopes of scoring a few extra samples to feed her already regenerating appetite.

Kouyou, however, took a much more methodical approach, slowly tasting each sample, making mental notes about what she did and didn't like about each of them. Her final decision was not an easy one, as so many of the meats she had tasted were sublime.
After staring at the line-up of jars, flipping her token around in her claw for what felt like hours, she finally decided that the deep fried option was her absolute favorite, and deposited her token in the corresponding jar before setting off to find where Volta had run off to.

((thanks so much for the extension on this one, i was just about to pull up the thread to check what the activity was yesterday when the maintenance started))

...daily activity: saturday

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Kyle had decided that since he had spent most of the festival busy with his uncle focused on the cooking challenge, today was a good day for some quality father-son time. He and his father, Wilt, had spent the entire day enjoying the festival, just the two of them, and as they were walking by, the genealogy booth had caught both of their eyes, as clearly, family was something that was very important to the two of them.

As they explored the impressive and thorough records that the harpies running the both had on display, Wilt couldn't help but reminisce about the beginnings of his own family.

"I remember back when the entire clan was just me, your uncles, and your grandparents, just the six of us crammed into that tiny lair in Driftwood Drag," Wilt remarked wistfully.

Kyle nodded contemplatively, thinking about how large the clan had been when he had been born. "Didn't it get lonely? I think I'd go crazy if the only people I had to talk to were my parents and siblings. Er, no offense."

"None taken," Wilt chuckled, "It did for a while, but we grew pretty quickly since we welcomed any dragon we came across that was looking for a home. That's part of why my brothers and I didn't immediately start popping out hatchlings of our own. And that's also part of the reason I've kept such close tabs on my own growing lineage. I never want any of you kids to feel like you don't have a place to come back to."

Wilt figured he could probably name every child, grandchild, great-grandchild, etc. that he had, all the way to the newest addition to his bloodline, Prism, born barely a week prior to the start of the Jamboree. Between that and the fact that his parents were the progenitors of their clan (well, that and the fact that his brothers hadn't had any offspring), Wilt felt that he was in the fairly unique position to be able to chart every blood-relation he had, if given the chance, which was a particular point of pride for the guardian.

Once the father and son were finished chatting and browsing the genealogy booth, they returned to strolling the festival grounds, a strange sign catching their attention. The sign appeared to be made out of cardboard and was crudely painted with a wonky purple arrow pointing towards a dark alleyway leading to an equally strange-looking booth. The two guardians decided to check the booth out, against their better judgement, but were puzzled to find more painted cardboard and piles and piles and piles of gravel? Kyle and Wilt took one look at the inside of the booth, then back at each other, and swiftly exited, figuring it was probably best not to get swept into whatever was going on.
four-eyed phylactery coliseum sprite (click for source)
_______ Enchanted Remains
| she/her | fr +3
breed out the bugly challenge
coliseum egg hunt

__________animated bone fiend sprite (click for source)
[quote=Round 3] At your disposal are some of the brightest colored ingredients we were able to source for the competition. While admittedly some of them may not stay that way depending on how you prepare them, we hope that they provide some inspiration for some of your most festive fare! Use at least THREE of the following ingredients in your entry: [item=HeartRed Croaker Leg][item=Coneflower Cotton Candy][item=Nogglebane Leaf Beetle][item=Carnival Angelfish] Heart Red Croaker Leg / Coneflower Cotton Candy / Nogglebane Leaf Beetle / Carnival Angelfish [/quote] It was Athena's turn to cook for the final round. She took a look at the ingredients and decided to make it a seafood dish. Well, amphibian and seafood? But it was close enough. She skinned a several frog legs and rubbed some Ashfall Prickler sauce into them, then she put them on to grill. While they were grilling, she filleted the angelfish and soaked them in the juice of sour underripe Miniature Potash Peach. Once the frog legs were done, she took them off the grill and set them next to it to keep them warm and she moved the angelfish onto it. She grabbed the cotton candy and pulled out the plants, setting them to the side, and reduced the cotton to a sweet liquid. Then she pulled out some plates, one for each judge, and made a beautiful swipe of the candy sauce on the side of each plate, then dropped some of the plants onto those swipes, for the garnish and for beautiful presentation. She set one frog leg on each plate and then took the fish that had just finished grilling and set one on each, slightly overlapping the frog leg. She finished the whole dish by topping it with a diluted drizzle of an Indigo Mimosa sauce, partly for the extra hit of sour and partly for the pop of color it added. [center] [i]No specific inspiration, just fun[/i] [item=HeartRed Croaker Leg][item=Coneflower Cotton Candy][item=Carnival Angelfish] [item=Ashfall Prickler][item=Miniature Potash Peach][item=Indigo Mimosa][/center]
Round 3 wrote:
At your disposal are some of the brightest colored ingredients we were able to source for the competition. While admittedly some of them may not stay that way depending on how you prepare them, we hope that they provide some inspiration for some of your most festive fare!

Use at least THREE of the following ingredients in your entry:

Heartred Croaker Leg Coneflower Cotton Candy Nogglebane Leaf Beetle Carnival Angelfish
Heart Red Croaker Leg / Coneflower Cotton Candy / Nogglebane Leaf Beetle / Carnival Angelfish

It was Athena's turn to cook for the final round. She took a look at the ingredients and decided to make it a seafood dish. Well, amphibian and seafood? But it was close enough. She skinned a several frog legs and rubbed some Ashfall Prickler sauce into them, then she put them on to grill. While they were grilling, she filleted the angelfish and soaked them in the juice of sour underripe Miniature Potash Peach. Once the frog legs were done, she took them off the grill and set them next to it to keep them warm and she moved the angelfish onto it. She grabbed the cotton candy and pulled out the plants, setting them to the side, and reduced the cotton to a sweet liquid.
Then she pulled out some plates, one for each judge, and made a beautiful swipe of the candy sauce on the side of each plate, then dropped some of the plants onto those swipes, for the garnish and for beautiful presentation. She set one frog leg on each plate and then took the fish that had just finished grilling and set one on each, slightly overlapping the frog leg. She finished the whole dish by topping it with a diluted drizzle of an Indigo Mimosa sauce, partly for the extra hit of sour and partly for the pop of color it added.
No specific inspiration, just fun
Heartred Croaker Leg Coneflower Cotton Candy Carnival Angelfish
Ashfall Prickler Miniature Potash Peach Indigo Mimosa
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