[b][center][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/frd/3025798/1]BSJ Hub[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_3020423][u][b]Event Info[/u][/b][/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916135]Judges[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916267]Today’s Theme[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916140]Prizes[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916139]Badges[/url]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922073]Bonus Rounds[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922074]Raffle[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916174]Pinglist[/url]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916272]Past Themes[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916188]Avatar Wall[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916190]MAG Fandragons[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916143]Winners[/url][/center]
[size=2][b]CW:[/b] This is primarily a creative writing event where light, supernatural horror is the focus, but all genres are welcome. It deals with both The Shade in Sornieth as various slivers of manifesting fears that pay homage to a horror podcast called [url=https://rustyquill.com/the-magnus-archives/]The Magnus Archives by Rusty Quill[/url]. You are not required to know this podcast to participate, but beware this event does contain a few spoilers if you plan to give it a listen. Either way, please take care if you are sensitive to specific fears/phobias in a horror setting.[/size]
[b]Daily participation not required - miss as many days as you like![/b]
[size=4]A bespectacled pearlcatcher sits at a desk outside a dusty stone doorway. Inside, stairs lead deeper into the building. The doorway is blocked off with a makeshift barrier.
The pearlcatcher shuffles through a pile of papers before they notice you. “Another statement?”
They set aside the papers covered in tiny, dense writing. “You’ve noticed it too, then? Ever since that hidden chamber opened up, things have been getting stranger and stranger. Everyone is on edge. Anything you can tell us will help.” They look you in the eye.
“Please.” They add, like an afterthought. “Come with me.”
Down the dimly lit stairs is a crumbling wall. Beyond, the light of your lantern reveals a metal plaque that reads: “Property of Jurgen Lightner”. The pearlcatcher explains what they know of Lightner.
“He gathered these tomes and documents from the ruins of the Hewn City, from what we can tell. But they’re… strange. Unreadable, and not in the quality sense.” As you two walk through the shelves, an oppressive feeling creeps up your spine. “The more superstitious scholars think they’re cursed. But they’re fascinating, aren’t they?”
The pearlcatcher stares at the rows of spines, entranced. “Fascinating. Ahem.” They shake free of whatever came over them. “What we need from you is a record of whatever strange happenings you come across or hear of. Anything at all that might help disprove -- or, er, prove -- the rumours that this collection is supernatural. I’ll be waiting to hear from you.”
When you leave, they seem relieved to be back in the sunlight.[/size]
[center][color=0B5A13][size=7][b]Rules & General Info[/b][/size][/color][/center]
This is a short story writing event, themed after [url=https://rustyquill.com/the-magnus-archives/]The Magnus Archives[/url]. [b]There is no need to be familiar with the podcast to participate, but you should at least prepare for a few spoilers within the event and from your fellow participants.[/b]
Each day brings a new theme -- and a new fear. Help our skeptic archivist catalogue the effects of the supernatural Lightner archives by writing in-character reports or short story encounters with the unknown. The characters in your entries need not be dragons or part of your clan, though they should be a species that exists within Sornieth.
Stories may be scary, funny, or anything in between. Keep it Flight Rising friendly.
1. Every post entered for a prize should begin with the day’s badge at the very top of your post:
[code][center][img]DAY’S BADGE URL[/img][/center][/code]
Where you replace “DAY’S BADGE URL” with the actual url of the day’s badge.
We will try to keep up what that code is each day right below this paragraph to copy and paste. However, it is ultimately up to you to make sure the correct daily badge is in place if your post comes before our update.
[b]Today’s Header Code:[/b]
This is primarily to make it easier to find posts amidst other event-relevant exchanges in the thread.
2. Under that, please list and fill in the following:
[quote=Entry Form]
*User ID#:
Daily Theme:
Applicable CW & Additional Notes:
(Check the [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423#post_47916135]Judges post[/url] out for things we’d like to be warned of). You may leave the CW & Notes field blank otherwise, unless you go really heavy on common triggers not contained in the theme for your fellow participants.
[u][b]*Please Note:[/b][/u] We want your User ID # [b]not[/b] your Username. Your entries will all be copy pasted with just your ID numbers into a judging doc. Our judges all intend to be impartial regardless, but we still want to take user names out of the equation until after we pick the winners.
[b]Additionally: Please do not ask questions or make requests in your entry posts.[/b] You may double post freely if you’re uncertain about something or want to make a request before or after submitting your entry. Each entry goes in its own separate post (this includes not doubling up your daily and bonus rounds in the same post).
3. Each day’s post must wait until after FR’s daily reset to that day (after FR midnight on their respective days). This is to keep a clear start and stop for each day.
4. You have the whole day until just before the next daily reset to write and edit that day’s post. Ex: Day 1 begins after daily reset to Sunday of the push week (June 20th) and ends the same day at 11:59pm (FR time); Day 14 begins on BSJ Saturday (July 3rd) after the daily reset and ends the same day at 11:59pm (FR time).
Please note, you don’t need to factor in the separate festival start times. Day 8 (first day of the festival) still begins at rollover, you don’t have to wait until FR 6:00.
All deadlines are at FR midnight (rollover).
5. Entries edited or posted after reset on the next day or later will not be considered for a prize.
They’re all rough drafts made on a short time limit. We understand what that means for writers and quality. Have fun with it!
6. Entries are limited to the length of one post per entry, but feel free to make it as short as you like!
7. If you missed a day and would like to claim the badge, you can write a late entry. However, please save these participation posts for [b]after[/b] the festival has concluded (July 5th) while everyone waits on the winner announcements. We’d love to read them when we’re done handing out prizes!
There will be no time limit on this! Found this thread years later attached to a cool badge? Go ahead and add a post!
8. If you wish to be added to the [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916174]pinglist[/url] for daily updates, announcements, and the like, please ping @gay4dragonz with your request. If you do not ping, you may get missed. [b]Please note that is with a Z at the end, not an S.[/b]
9. If you wish to add your avatar to the [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916188]avatar wall[/url], or a Magnus Archives fandragon for the [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916190]fandragon wall[/url] (the ~other~ Avatar wall, if you will), please ping @Saronai in your request. They are subbed to the thread but could use the extra flag for attention regardless.
10. Finally, please be patient. No winners will be announced or prizes awarded until after BSJ 2021 has concluded. Depending on the number of participants it may take us a few weeks or more to read through everything. This probably includes the raffle ([url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922074]detailed in this post[/url]) and bonus prize entries as well ([url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922073]detailed in this post[/url]). Again, dependent on participation numbers.
For double checking we got your entry
Note: There’s a tab for each week and one for the bonus rounds.
A winner will be chosen for each day with preference given to unique IDs. If the same ID ranks top vote on more than one day, we will choose which of their stories we liked best and that will be their win day.
These daily winners will then be ranked 1-14 by your highly subjective judges’ votes once more to determine who gets first pick from the prize pool, all the way down to day 14.
If the same ID gets multiple top picks, this will influence their final placement for prize selection.
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922074]The Raffle[/url] and [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922073]Bonus Rounds[/url] are separate from this prize pool and thus primarily sectioned off into their own posts.
[center][b][size=4]For other BSJ festivities, please check out the BSJ Hub by clicking on the banner below![/b][/size]
CW: This is primarily a creative writing event where light, supernatural horror is the focus, but all genres are welcome. It deals with both The Shade in Sornieth as various slivers of manifesting fears that pay homage to a horror podcast called The Magnus Archives by Rusty Quill. You are not required to know this podcast to participate, but beware this event does contain a few spoilers if you plan to give it a listen. Either way, please take care if you are sensitive to specific fears/phobias in a horror setting.
Daily participation not required - miss as many days as you like!
A bespectacled pearlcatcher sits at a desk outside a dusty stone doorway. Inside, stairs lead deeper into the building. The doorway is blocked off with a makeshift barrier.
The pearlcatcher shuffles through a pile of papers before they notice you. “Another statement?”
They set aside the papers covered in tiny, dense writing. “You’ve noticed it too, then? Ever since that hidden chamber opened up, things have been getting stranger and stranger. Everyone is on edge. Anything you can tell us will help.” They look you in the eye.
“Please.” They add, like an afterthought. “Come with me.”
Down the dimly lit stairs is a crumbling wall. Beyond, the light of your lantern reveals a metal plaque that reads: “Property of Jurgen Lightner”. The pearlcatcher explains what they know of Lightner.
“He gathered these tomes and documents from the ruins of the Hewn City, from what we can tell. But they’re… strange. Unreadable, and not in the quality sense.” As you two walk through the shelves, an oppressive feeling creeps up your spine. “The more superstitious scholars think they’re cursed. But they’re fascinating, aren’t they?”
The pearlcatcher stares at the rows of spines, entranced. “Fascinating. Ahem.” They shake free of whatever came over them. “What we need from you is a record of whatever strange happenings you come across or hear of. Anything at all that might help disprove -- or, er, prove -- the rumours that this collection is supernatural. I’ll be waiting to hear from you.”
When you leave, they seem relieved to be back in the sunlight.
Rules & General Info
This is a short story writing event, themed after
The Magnus Archives.
There is no need to be familiar with the podcast to participate, but you should at least prepare for a few spoilers within the event and from your fellow participants.
Each day brings a new theme -- and a new fear. Help our skeptic archivist catalogue the effects of the supernatural Lightner archives by writing in-character reports or short story encounters with the unknown. The characters in your entries need not be dragons or part of your clan, though they should be a species that exists within Sornieth.
Stories may be scary, funny, or anything in between. Keep it Flight Rising friendly.
1. Every post entered for a prize should begin with the day’s badge at the very top of your post:
[center][img]DAY’S BADGE URL[/img][/center]
Where you replace “DAY’S BADGE URL” with the actual url of the day’s badge.
We will try to keep up what that code is each day right below this paragraph to copy and paste. However, it is ultimately up to you to make sure the correct daily badge is in place if your post comes before our update.
Today’s Header Code:
This is primarily to make it easier to find posts amidst other event-relevant exchanges in the thread.
2. Under that, please list and fill in the following:
Entry Form wrote:
*User ID#:
Daily Theme:
Applicable CW & Additional Notes:
(Check the
Judges post out for things we’d like to be warned of). You may leave the CW & Notes field blank otherwise, unless you go really heavy on common triggers not contained in the theme for your fellow participants.
*Please Note: We want your User ID #
not your Username. Your entries will all be copy pasted with just your ID numbers into a judging doc. Our judges all intend to be impartial regardless, but we still want to take user names out of the equation until after we pick the winners.
Additionally: Please do not ask questions or make requests in your entry posts. You may double post freely if you’re uncertain about something or want to make a request before or after submitting your entry. Each entry goes in its own separate post (this includes not doubling up your daily and bonus rounds in the same post).
3. Each day’s post must wait until after FR’s daily reset to that day (after FR midnight on their respective days). This is to keep a clear start and stop for each day.
4. You have the whole day until just before the next daily reset to write and edit that day’s post. Ex: Day 1 begins after daily reset to Sunday of the push week (June 20th) and ends the same day at 11:59pm (FR time); Day 14 begins on BSJ Saturday (July 3rd) after the daily reset and ends the same day at 11:59pm (FR time).
Please note, you don’t need to factor in the separate festival start times. Day 8 (first day of the festival) still begins at rollover, you don’t have to wait until FR 6:00.
All deadlines are at FR midnight (rollover).
5. Entries edited or posted after reset on the next day or later will not be considered for a prize.
They’re all rough drafts made on a short time limit. We understand what that means for writers and quality. Have fun with it!
6. Entries are limited to the length of one post per entry, but feel free to make it as short as you like!
7. If you missed a day and would like to claim the badge, you can write a late entry. However, please save these participation posts for
after the festival has concluded (July 5th) while everyone waits on the winner announcements. We’d love to read them when we’re done handing out prizes!
There will be no time limit on this! Found this thread years later attached to a cool badge? Go ahead and add a post!
8. If you wish to be added to the
pinglist for daily updates, announcements, and the like, please ping @
gay4dragonz with your request. If you do not ping, you may get missed.
Please note that is with a Z at the end, not an S.
9. If you wish to add your avatar to the
avatar wall, or a Magnus Archives fandragon for the
fandragon wall (the ~other~ Avatar wall, if you will), please ping @
Saronai in your request. They are subbed to the thread but could use the extra flag for attention regardless.
10. Finally, please be patient. No winners will be announced or prizes awarded until after BSJ 2021 has concluded. Depending on the number of participants it may take us a few weeks or more to read through everything. This probably includes the raffle (
detailed in this post) and bonus prize entries as well (
detailed in this post). Again, dependent on participation numbers.
A winner will be chosen for each day with preference given to unique IDs. If the same ID ranks top vote on more than one day, we will choose which of their stories we liked best and that will be their win day.
These daily winners will then be ranked 1-14 by your highly subjective judges’ votes once more to determine who gets first pick from the prize pool, all the way down to day 14.
If the same ID gets multiple top picks, this will influence their final placement for prize selection.
The Raffle and
Bonus Rounds are separate from this prize pool and thus primarily sectioned off into their own posts.
For other BSJ festivities, please check out the BSJ Hub by clicking on the banner below!
call me bug, ghost, or phantom! fr +4

[b][center][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/frd/3025798/1]BSJ Hub[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_3020423]Event Info[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916135][u][b]Judges[/u][/b][/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916267]Today’s Theme[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916140]Prizes[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916139]Badges[/url]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922073]Bonus Rounds[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922074]Raffle[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916174]Pinglist[/url]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916272]Past Themes[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916188]Avatar Wall[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916190]MAG Fandragons[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916143]Winners[/url][/center]
[center][color=0B5A13][size=7][b]The Judges[/b][/size][/color]
Want some insight on your judges? Look no further! The Eye has peered closely and ferreted out a few potentially relevant facts:[/center]
[nextcol][size=5]@nbdy (they/them)[/size]
[size=4]I’m bug/ghost! Please note that I am extremely squeamish about eye horror and eye trauma, please warn for such if you include it.
I’m steadily making my way through season 2 of the Magnus Archives, but I’ve managed to accidentally spoil myself a bit already. If you reference anything past that it will likely go over my head. I’m a giant baby when it comes to playing horror games myself, but watching people play is just fine.
My introduction to horror was Junji Ito’s works, of which Tomie is one of the most memorable for me. My current favourite is, of course, the Magnus Archives. [/size][/columns]
[nextcol][size=5]@Saronai (they/them)[/size]
[size=4]Most disliked fear: Corruption (gross out material is just not my thing). Also, warn for ear horror/trauma. I very much dislike it.
Most effective fear: The Desolation
Related: I don’t particularly like the [i]extra[/i] bleak and hopeless endings.
(Fantasy is actually my preferred genre lol)
Marked by: The Spiral
Related: Don’t worry, all my triggers are things not really allowed on Flight Rising anyway. Spiral stories tend to be my favourites.
If I ended up an avatar (very unlikely), it would probably be for The Eye. I’m not particularly nosey, but I do love books and hearing about strange and supernatural experiences. However, it’s more likely the Spiral finishes addling my brains enough to “join” it first.
I’ve listened to the entire series, you won’t spoil anything for me if you make any references. I am, however, extremely forgetful and neurodivergent. They might soar over my head lol.
Currently my favourite horror work is [i]also[/i] The Magnus Archives. Though it’s [i]so[/i] hard to make Tremors and Tremors II give up that spot. [i]So hard[/i] you guys. Maybe if one of the main characters (or everyone?) in those movies was canon queer lol.[/size]
[nextcol][size=5]@gay4dragonz (she/her)[/size]
[size=4]Most disliked fear: I have a love-hate relationship with Corruption, it's gross but captivating. That being said, probably Web? I don't know, I like them all more or less the same.
Any triggers: Nope! Not that I know of, at least. Graphic descriptions are what I appreciate most, just please keep them under site guidelines.
Most effective fear: The Vast. Absolutely terrified of that, but in a good way.
Related: Hopeless endings are my thing, absolutely! As long as it's not bleak and it's enough of an implication for my pea brain to understand what goes on.
Marked by: The Stranger
Related: Change? Uncanny? I'll be fifty miles away by the time you finish your sentence. I tend to get overwhelmed by change a lot irl, but if it's fiction and you give similar feelings to a character, I wouldn't mind reading it.
If I ended up an avatar (very unlikely), it would probably be for Vast, since my opinion on it changed from "Oh my god this is terrifying" to "Huh I'd like to be in big open spaces" over time. Also, I don't know, maybe it's the fact that it's my favourite fear... Hmm....
I've listened to only several episodes in the first few seasons as background music for studying or doing other things, so... no references please. I don't mind getting spoiled (curse my friends), so if there's something I don't understand I will probably search it up.
Currently my favourite horror work is Blood on the Trail, a psychological horror manga. I don't know, having the mind messed with is just... somewhat pleasing for me? I also read more psychological horror Original Fictions, some of which even get turned into manhwa like Killing Stalking. The Magnus Archives is more like a side hobby of mine, but I still know enough about it to judge, y'know?[/size][/columns]
[nextcol][size=5]@/Mystery Judge (???/???)[/size]
[size=4]We have a new judge who has elected to remain super sekrit and mysterious. This person volunteered belatedly as a peer for those participants who are new or uninitiated to The Magnus Archives and wanted to play anyway.
You are now repped in the Judges Panel by the unknown, marked by The Stranger, if you will...an aspect of all this that will be a relevant reference eventually (insert spooky sounds and ambience).[/size][/columns]
The Judges
Want some insight on your judges? Look no further! The Eye has peered closely and ferreted out a few potentially relevant facts:
@nbdy (they/them)
I’m bug/ghost! Please note that I am extremely squeamish about eye horror and eye trauma, please warn for such if you include it.
I’m steadily making my way through season 2 of the Magnus Archives, but I’ve managed to accidentally spoil myself a bit already. If you reference anything past that it will likely go over my head. I’m a giant baby when it comes to playing horror games myself, but watching people play is just fine.
My introduction to horror was Junji Ito’s works, of which Tomie is one of the most memorable for me. My current favourite is, of course, the Magnus Archives.
@Saronai (they/them)
Most disliked fear: Corruption (gross out material is just not my thing). Also, warn for ear horror/trauma. I very much dislike it.
Most effective fear: The Desolation
Related: I don’t particularly like the extra bleak and hopeless endings.
(Fantasy is actually my preferred genre lol)
Marked by: The Spiral
Related: Don’t worry, all my triggers are things not really allowed on Flight Rising anyway. Spiral stories tend to be my favourites.
If I ended up an avatar (very unlikely), it would probably be for The Eye. I’m not particularly nosey, but I do love books and hearing about strange and supernatural experiences. However, it’s more likely the Spiral finishes addling my brains enough to “join” it first.
I’ve listened to the entire series, you won’t spoil anything for me if you make any references. I am, however, extremely forgetful and neurodivergent. They might soar over my head lol.
Currently my favourite horror work is also The Magnus Archives. Though it’s so hard to make Tremors and Tremors II give up that spot. So hard you guys. Maybe if one of the main characters (or everyone?) in those movies was canon queer lol.
@gay4dragonz (she/her)
Most disliked fear: I have a love-hate relationship with Corruption, it's gross but captivating. That being said, probably Web? I don't know, I like them all more or less the same.
Any triggers: Nope! Not that I know of, at least. Graphic descriptions are what I appreciate most, just please keep them under site guidelines.
Most effective fear: The Vast. Absolutely terrified of that, but in a good way.
Related: Hopeless endings are my thing, absolutely! As long as it's not bleak and it's enough of an implication for my pea brain to understand what goes on.
Marked by: The Stranger
Related: Change? Uncanny? I'll be fifty miles away by the time you finish your sentence. I tend to get overwhelmed by change a lot irl, but if it's fiction and you give similar feelings to a character, I wouldn't mind reading it.
If I ended up an avatar (very unlikely), it would probably be for Vast, since my opinion on it changed from "Oh my god this is terrifying" to "Huh I'd like to be in big open spaces" over time. Also, I don't know, maybe it's the fact that it's my favourite fear... Hmm....
I've listened to only several episodes in the first few seasons as background music for studying or doing other things, so... no references please. I don't mind getting spoiled (curse my friends), so if there's something I don't understand I will probably search it up.
Currently my favourite horror work is Blood on the Trail, a psychological horror manga. I don't know, having the mind messed with is just... somewhat pleasing for me? I also read more psychological horror Original Fictions, some of which even get turned into manhwa like Killing Stalking. The Magnus Archives is more like a side hobby of mine, but I still know enough about it to judge, y'know?
@/Mystery Judge (???/???)
We have a new judge who has elected to remain super sekrit and mysterious. This person volunteered belatedly as a peer for those participants who are new or uninitiated to The Magnus Archives and wanted to play anyway.
You are now repped in the Judges Panel by the unknown, marked by The Stranger, if you will...an aspect of all this that will be a relevant reference eventually (insert spooky sounds and ambience).
[b][center][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/frd/3025798/1]BSJ Hub[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_3020423]Event Info[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916135]Judges[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916267]Today’s Theme[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916140]Prizes[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916139][u][b]Badges[/u][/b][/url]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922073]Bonus Rounds[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922074]Raffle[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916174]Pinglist[/url]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916272]Past Themes[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916188]Avatar Wall[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916190]MAG Fandragons[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916143]Winners[/url][/center]
[center][size=4]All participants can grab this badge by @EclipsedArtisan:[/size]
There is also a large size graphic if you’d prefer:
[center][color=0B5A13][size=6][b]~ Daily Participation Badges ~[/size][/color][/b]
[Size=4]by @Saronai[/size]
[size=4][u]Day 1: The Buried (Sunday, June 20th)[/u][/size]
[size=4][u]Day 2: The Corruption (Monday, June 21st)[/u][/size]
[size=2]Special thanks to the random wasp and nest stock photo I can no longer locate.
I’m glad you didn’t require a reference link lol.
Colored to match FR's Sparkling Wasp food item.[/size]
[size=4][u]Day 3: The Flesh (Tuesday, June 22nd)[/u][/size]
[size=2]Special thanks to [url=https://www.deviantart.com/italianpitbull-stock/art/Juicy-Bacon-Stock-416546065]Northland Stock[/url] for their bacon references[/size]
[size=4][u]Day 4: The Desolation (Wednesday, June 23rd)[/u][/size]
[size=2]Special thanks to Flight Rising for the female tundra dummy used as stock.[/size]
[size=4][u]Day 5: The Hunt (Thursday, June 24th)[/u][/size]
[size=2]Special thanks to Flight Rising for the wildclaw dummy used as stock.[/size]
[size=4][u]Day 6: The Slaughter (Friday, June 25th)[/u][/size]
[size=2]Special thanks to Flight Rising for the Ravenskull Broadsword apparel used as stock.[/size]
[size=4][u]Day 7: The End (Saturday, June 26th)[/u][/size]
[size=2]Special thanks to Flight Rising for the Death Seeker familiar used as stock.[/size]
And a variant:
[size=4][u]Day 8: The Lonely (Sunday, June 27th)[/u][/size]
[size=2]Special thanks to Flight Rising for the mirror dummy and map-based palm tree used as stock.[/size]
[size=4][u]Day 9: The Spiral (Monday, June 28th)[/u][/size]
[size=4][u]Day 10: The Stranger (Tuesday, June 29th)[/u][/size]
[size=2]Special thanks to Flight Rising for the apparel masks combined and manipulated for this badge.[/size]
[size=4][u]Day 11: The Dark (Wednesday, June 30th)[/u][/size]
[size=4][u]Day 12: The Vast (Thursday, July 1st)[/u][/size]
[size=2]Special thanks to Flight Rising for the Nocturne dummy and [url=https://unsplash.com/s/photos/clouds]Unsplash[/url] for the cloud pictures used as stock.[/size]
[size=4][u]Day 13: The Web (Friday, July 2nd)[/u][/size]
[size=2]Special thanks to [url=https://unsplash.com/diesektion]Robert Anasch on Unsplash[/url] for the spider web stock.[/size]
[size=4][u]Day 14: The Eye (Saturday, July 3rd)[/u][/size]
[size=2]Special thanks to [url=https://unsplash.com/pheiskan]Petri Heiskanen on Unsplash[/url] for the eye-shaped architecture stock.[/size]
[color=0B5A13][size=5][u]Code for All Badges So Far[/u][/size][/color]
[color=0B5A13][size=6][b]Missed a day? Want the badge?
Here’s how:[/b][/size][/color][/center]
[b]After[/b] BSJ ends, while we’re busy judging the entries, post your entry for that day’s theme and collect. Just because the event is over, doesn’t mean the stories have to end!
[b]Again, please wait until after the event has ended to post stories for your missed badges.[/b]
Please note: Late entries are not eligible for prizes.
[center][color=0B5A13][size=6][b]~ Raffle Participation Badge ~[/size][/b][/color]
[Size=2]by @Saronai[/size]
Did you buy at least one [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922074][b]raffle ticket[/b][/url]? If so, you can also claim this badge:
[center][color=0B5A13][size=7][b]Signature Ad[/b][/size][/color][/center]
[center][size=6]Claim [b]three free raffle tickets[/b][/size]
[size=5]When you add our event to your sigline![/size]
You must ping @Saronai afterward to let me know you've done it.[/center]
All participants can grab this badge by @EclipsedArtisan:
There is also a large size graphic if you’d prefer:
~ Daily Participation Badges ~
by @Saronai
Day 1: The Buried (Sunday, June 20th)
Day 2: The Corruption (Monday, June 21st)
Special thanks to the random wasp and nest stock photo I can no longer locate.
I’m glad you didn’t require a reference link lol.
Colored to match FR's Sparkling Wasp food item.
Day 3: The Flesh (Tuesday, June 22nd)
Special thanks to Northland Stock for their bacon references
Day 4: The Desolation (Wednesday, June 23rd)
Special thanks to Flight Rising for the female tundra dummy used as stock.
Day 5: The Hunt (Thursday, June 24th)
Special thanks to Flight Rising for the wildclaw dummy used as stock.
Day 6: The Slaughter (Friday, June 25th)
Special thanks to Flight Rising for the Ravenskull Broadsword apparel used as stock.
Day 7: The End (Saturday, June 26th)
Special thanks to Flight Rising for the Death Seeker familiar used as stock.
And a variant:
Day 8: The Lonely (Sunday, June 27th)
Special thanks to Flight Rising for the mirror dummy and map-based palm tree used as stock.
Day 9: The Spiral (Monday, June 28th)
Day 10: The Stranger (Tuesday, June 29th)
Special thanks to Flight Rising for the apparel masks combined and manipulated for this badge.
Day 11: The Dark (Wednesday, June 30th)
Day 12: The Vast (Thursday, July 1st)
Special thanks to Flight Rising for the Nocturne dummy and Unsplash for the cloud pictures used as stock.
Day 13: The Web (Friday, July 2nd)
Special thanks to Robert Anasch on Unsplash for the spider web stock.
Day 14: The Eye (Saturday, July 3rd)
Special thanks to Petri Heiskanen on Unsplash for the eye-shaped architecture stock.
Code for All Badges So Far
Missed a day? Want the badge?
Here’s how:
After BSJ ends, while we’re busy judging the entries, post your entry for that day’s theme and collect. Just because the event is over, doesn’t mean the stories have to end!
Again, please wait until after the event has ended to post stories for your missed badges.
Please note: Late entries are not eligible for prizes.
~ Raffle Participation Badge ~
by @Saronai
Did you buy at least one
raffle ticket? If so, you can also claim this badge:
Signature Ad
Claim three free raffle tickets
When you add our event to your sigline!
You must ping @
Saronai afterward to let me know you've done it.
[b][center][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/frd/3025798/1]BSJ Hub[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_3020423]Event Info[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916135]Judges[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916267]Today’s Theme[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916140][u][b]Prizes[/u][/b][/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916139]Badges[/url]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922073]Bonus Rounds[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922074]Raffle[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916174]Pinglist[/url]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916272]Past Themes[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916188]Avatar Wall[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916190]MAG Fandragons[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916143]Winners[/url][/center]
[center][color=0B5A13][size=7][b]Main Event Prizes[/b][/size][/color]
A unique, best entry winner for each day will be chosen after the event has concluded.[/center]
[b]Note:[/b] When selecting a dragon for your prize, please list it by the dragon ID number.
[quote=Prize List 1: A Shadeborn Event Dragon][center](CW: Subspecies lore contains mention of suicide)
[size=5][b]An event-hatched [url=https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1Y_IKyKMN-iHECcmhkj3LdL-Ah1kK_OmcYSR0ztVLNYU/edit]Shadeborn[/url] dragon of your choice (granted by prize order).[/size][/b][/center]
[center][b]Event Dragon 1: Hatched during this event on the first day of BSJ 2021[/b]
(Parents: Dread & Terror)[/center]
[nextcol]ID: 70471765
Eyes: Unusual
Will have: Lore/Bio
Claimed by JayKatt ([url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/19#post_48175210]winning entry[/url])[/columns]
[center][b]Event Dragon 2: Hatched during this event on the first day of BSJ 2021[/b]
(Parents: Dread & Terror)[/center]
[nextcol]ID: 70471766
Eyes: Common
Will have: Lore/Bio
Claimed by SheridanCharon([url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/24#post_48236900]winning entry[/url])[/columns]
[center][b]Event Dragon 3: Hatched during this event on the first day of BSJ 2021[/b]
(Parents: Dread & Terror)[/center]
[nextcol]ID: 70471767
Eyes: Uncommon
Will have: Lore/Bio
Claimed by Alliram([url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/8#post_48063594]winning entry[/url])[/columns]
[center][b]Event Dragon 4: Hatched during this event on the first day of BSJ 2021[/b]
(Parents: Dread & Terror)[/center]
[nextcol]ID: 70471771
Eyes: Uncommon
Will have: Lore/Bio
Claimed by CultOfTheSky([url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/12#post_48105422]winning entry[/url])[/columns]
[center][b]Event Dragon 5: Hatched during this event on the first day of BSJ 2021[/b]
(Parents: Dread & Terror)[/center]
[nextcol]ID: 70471773
Eyes: Common
Will have: Lore/Bio
Claimed by nbdy (staff commemoration)[/columns]
[center][b]Event Dragon 6: Hatched during this event on the first day of BSJ 2021[/b]
(Parents: Dread & Terror)[/center]
[nextcol]ID: 70471777
Eyes: Rare
Will have: Lore/Bio[/columns]
[center][b]Event Dragon 7: Hatched during this event on the first day of BSJ 2021[/b]
(Parents: Dread & Terror)[/center]
[nextcol]ID: 70471778
Eyes: Pastel
Will have: Lore/Bio
Claimed by Scatterspark ([url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/17#post_48147185]winning entry[/url])[/columns]
[center][b]Event Dragon 8: Hatched during this event on the first day of BSJ 2021[/b]
(Parents: Dread & Terror)[/center]
[nextcol]ID: 70471779
Eyes: Common
Will have: Lore/Bio
Claimed by sockmonkeygerald
([url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/20#post_48190471]winning entry[/url])[/columns]
[center][b]Event Dragon 9: Hatched during this event on the first day of BSJ 2021[/b]
(Parents: Dread & Terror)[/center]
[nextcol]ID: 70469423
Eyes: Common
Will have: Lore/Bio[/columns]
[center][b]Event Dragon 10: Hatched during this event on the first day of BSJ 2021[/b]
(Parents: Dread & Terror)[/center]
[nextcol]ID: 70469424
Eyes: Uncommon
Will have: Lore/Bio[/columns]
[center][b]Event Dragon 11: Hatched during this event on the first day of BSJ 2021[/b]
(Parents: Dread & Terror)[/center]
[nextcol]ID: 70469425
Eyes: Pastel
Will have: Lore/Bio
Claimed by LaDjanny
([url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/11#post_48093705]winning entry[/url])[/columns]
[center][b]Event Dragon 12: Hatched during this event on the first day of BSJ 2021[/b]
(Parents: Dread & Terror)[/center]
[nextcol]ID: 70469426
Eyes: Uncommon
Will have: Lore/Bio[/columns]
[center][b]Event Dragon 13: Hatched during this event, but the day before BSJ 2021 started[/b]
(Parents: Dread & Terror)[/center]
[nextcol]ID: 70456895
Eyes: Common
Will have: Lore/Bio[/columns]
[center][b]Event Dragon 14: Hatched during this event, but the day before BSJ 2021 started[/b]
(Parents: Dread & Terror)[/center]
[nextcol]ID: 70456896
Eyes: Common
Will have: Lore/Bio[/columns]
[center][b]Event Dragon 15: Hatched during this event, but the day before BSJ 2021 started[/b]
(Parents: Dread & Terror)[/center]
[nextcol]ID: 70456897
Eyes: Common
Will have: Lore/Bio[/columns][/quote]
[size=4]Lore (Day 1, after part of the Great Library first collapsed into ruin): As you look around, you notice the few closest nests to Lightner’s newly exposed archives have been sectioned off. A gaoler stops anyone who gets close while several other dragons appear to be studying the eggs and setting up solar-powered incubators.
Whether by eavesdropping or directly asking questions, you gather this area is under investigation for possible Shade activity. The eggs have all been abandoned with no sign of who their parents were or what became of them.
There are whispers of [i]Shadeborn.[/i]
“An awful, cursed fate if they are,” says one of the dragons gathered - the gaoler.
It seems the mere possibility of this fate has even the dragon daycares refusing to take on these eggs, say nothing of whether anyone will adopt them.[/size]
[center]* * *[/center]
[size=2]Details: With 3 exceptions, these dragons hatched on the first day of BSJ 2021 (After FR 6:00). The three who hatched early are still event-hatched. They must’ve had the best spots under the incubation machines. Winners may select a single dragon from one of the nests or pick something else from the remaining prize packs. The parents are named Dread and Terror in every case as a nod to the event and unknown nature of the parents. All parents have been exalted.
Their bios will be crafted around your winning entry after selection (bio basics still under construction). However, winners can write whatever lore and bio they wish, entirely replacing the hatchling’s bio, genes, species (including a “cure” of the subspecies by way of gene/species changes not on the list or a color scatterscroll), etc. at their own expense, if they so desire. All we ask is that you keep relevant credits and links intact.
Unless you pass on a bio update, I may need a week after prize selection to finish formatting all of the bios before handing out your prize.[/size]
[quote=Prize List 2](CW: Subspecies lore contains mention of suicide)
[b]A [url=https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1Y_IKyKMN-iHECcmhkj3LdL-Ah1kK_OmcYSR0ztVLNYU/edit]Shadeborn[/url] hatchling with additional, more hopeful lore
(granted by prize order).[/b]
[center][b]Fostered Event Dragon 1: Hatched during this event on the first day of BSJ 2021[/b]
(Foster Parents: @Saronai keepers [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/47792483]Caesalpinia[/url] & [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/52120108]Lehua[/url])[/center]
[nextcol]ID: 70471755
Eyes: Unusual
Will have: Lore/Bio
Claimed by hartbleat ([url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/15#post_48136791]winning entry[/url])[/columns][/quote]
[size=4]Lore (Day 1, after part of the Great Library first collapsed into ruin): As the investigation around the nests continues to unfold, a new trio of dragons approach with more purpose. The gaoler doesn’t bar their entry. In fact, the whispers about what to do abruptly cut off as the other dragons go out of their way to [i]avoid[/i] the group. Two pure obsidian dragons in fiery apparel, a coatl and imperial, seem to be the main focus of this new wariness.[/size]
[nextcol][size=5]The coatl hisses, obviously irritated. “Even if the hatchlings must share our fate, it doesn’t have to be a doomed one. Our clan will take what few we can foster until new homes can be located, [i]and[/i] we will teach their new families how to best care for them.”[/size][/columns]
[columns][size=5]The imperial to her left, more than twice her size, nuzzles her with a soothing murmur before she also addresses the crowd of researchers. “We’d adopt them ourselves, but we’ve already drawn in so many other Shadeborn to our clan. It would be best if we could teach others how to care for our kind, but we can at least take in some of the eggs. Tend the new hatchlings until a home is found for them. Perhaps longer if they are spared our curse.”
[size=4]Both now look at the metallic orange pearlcatcher who arrived with them. Half again the size of the coatl and obviously not cursed, she’d gone overlooked for the most part til now. She’s so busy studying the nests that she almost doesn’t realize she has attention now. Perhaps it is the coatl’s hum that clues her in?[/size]
[nextcol][size=5]”Oh! Right. Hey. Yavie - unofficial Shadeborn therapist. My runes help me convert sunlight into energy. Found out that's pretty useful for them and we’ve had wild successes with the few in our clan using certain Light therapy techniques. The Shadeborn are responding beautifully to it paired with some more traditional therapeutic techniques such as encouraging their various creative interests - a little art therapy, [i]and social acceptance[/i], that’s a big one - they’re not contagious, you know? The Shade within eats magic to grow stronger, but it's completely locked up in their genes. You’d literally have to be one of their kids for even a chance at infection.”
“Where was I? Right, our therapeutic approach has so far proven wildly successful. It’s really too bad we can’t adopt the whole lot, but our resources are tapped. It’s better we spread awareness now anyway. Give me a moment to finish looking them over and we’ll foster a few of them. Should anyone come looking to adopt [i]any[/i] of these eggs, you can send them my way in clan Delari Sylvae’s territory. In fact, I’ll probably return when they start hatching.”[/size][/columns]
[size=4]It turns out that the coatl and imperial couple take two eggs with them, hand-selected by Yavie. Before the sunny pearlcatcher follows them out, she lets those gathered know that another couple in clan Delari Sylvae might temporarily take on a few more.
Almost a week later, as the hatchlings begin to break out of their eggs, all Shadeborn as expected, a letter arrives for the gaoler with a few extra helpers for all the new babies. Clan Delari Sylvae are keeping just one of the hatchlings after all, an extra frail imperial who almost didn’t make it. The others, including the two in the next prize pack are still available for adoption.[/size]
[center]* * *[/center]
[size=2]Details: This dragon hatched on the first day of BSJ 2021 (After FR 6:00). The discrepancy in the lore between reward and number of eggs taken is not an accident. I’ve decided to be a little selfish and keep an imperial from this pair for myself.
The dragon from this nest will come with a bio template and lore. It will include your winning entry and as such I may need a week to update all the bios after prize selection. You may delete or edit this bio as you desire, just please keep relevant credits and links intact. You may also scatter the colors, change the eyes, genes, etc. at your own expense, as desired.
The parents will be listed as [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/47792483]Caesalpinia[/url] and [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/52120108]Lehua[/url], but if you stick to event-created lore, these two “parents” merely tended the nest and new hatchlings, as opposed to laying the eggs themselves (lore-wise both parents are female). You may write whatever lore you wish about these hatchlings in place of what we provide in the bio, so long as you don’t alter the lore behind my dragons or their personalities.
All of the hatchlings from all prizes are encouraged to see [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/33423794]Yavie[/url] or another suitable therapist on a regular basis (no actual interaction required by any means).[/size]
[quote=Prize List 3](CW: Subspecies lore contains mention of suicide)
[b][center]A [url=https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1Y_IKyKMN-iHECcmhkj3LdL-Ah1kK_OmcYSR0ztVLNYU/edit]Shadeborn[/url] hatchling of your choice with additional, hopeful lore.
(granted by prize order).[/b]
(Foster Parents: @Saronai keepers [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/53121246]Auroras[/url] & [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/53121241]Zylaris[/url])[/center]
[center][b]Fostered Event Dragon 2: Hatched during this event on the first day of BSJ 2021[/b]
[nextcol]ID: 70471758
Eyes: Faceted
Will have: Lore/Bio
Claimed by DoomedIdeas ([url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/18#post_48163452]winning entry[/url])[/columns]
[center][b]Fostered Event Dragon 3: Hatched during this event on the first day of BSJ 2021[/b]
[nextcol]ID: 70471759
Eyes: Common
Will have: Lore/Bio
Claimed by TinkaDreamChaser([url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/8#post_48073217]winning entry[/url])[/columns][/quote]
[size=4]Lore (Day 1, after part of the Great Library first collapsed into ruin): It seems the saga with the abandoned nests and visiting shadeborn is not over [s](because Saronai forgot this next keeper pair were also Shadeborn)[/s]. This time an imperial with viney-brambled accents woven with eerie-blue lights wings in, blithely unaware of the dramatic response to her presence. A more vibrant skydancer lands shortly after, approaching just behind her.[/size]
[nextcol][size=5]As it turns out, both of these new arrivals are also from clan Delari Sylvae. Another pair of Shadeborn. The imperial’s way of speaking is odd and frequently cryptic while the skydancer [i]almost[/i] passes for normal. They’ve volunteered to caretake some eggs as well until a new family can be found for each hatchling.[/size]
[center]* * *[/center]
[size=2]Details: As with the others, these dragons hatched on the first day of BSJ 2021 (After FR 6:00). Winners may select a single dragon from this nest or pick from one of the other remaining prize packs instead. They will come with a bio template and lore. This will be formatted around your winning entry, so please allow a week after prize selection for dragon delivery. You may delete or edit this as you desire, just please keep appropriate credits intact.
The parents will be listed as [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/53121246]Auroras[/url] and [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/53121241]Zylaris[/url], but if you stick to event-created lore, they merely tended the eggs and new hatchlings, as opposed to laying the eggs themselves. You may write whatever lore you wish about these hatchlings in place of Saronai’s, so long as you don’t alter the lore of the foster parent dragons and their personalities.
All of the hatchlings from both prizes are encouraged to come see [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/33423794]Yavie[/url] or another suitable therapist on a regular basis (no actual interaction required by any means).[/size]
[quote=Prize Pack 4]
[b][size=5]Human/Gijinka art piece by [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=userpage&id=297823]Aurax[/url].[/b][/size]
Claimed by HenryJekyll ([url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/22#post_48215665]winning post[/url])
[quote=Prize Pack 5]
[center][b]The Shade Watcher: Hatched on the first day of BSJ 2021[/b][/center]
[item=Scroll of Renaming]
ID: 70471772
Parents: Dread & Terror
Eyes: Rare
Level 25
Fully Stoned w/Eliminate
Mire hunter stats
Will have: Lore/Bio
Claimed by Raskies ([url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/21#post_48205339]winning entry[/url])[/columns]
This dragon, lore, apparel, and accent will be yours to do with as you choose. We’d love to know if The Shade Watcher accent infects a different pearlcatcher in your lair.
[center][size=7][color=0B5A13][b]Bonus Round Prizes[/b][/size][/color][/center]
[b]Read more about how to obtain one of these prizes at the [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922073]Bonus Rounds Post[/url].[/b]
Note: Only The Eye's adopt can still be entered for until the end of July 3rd FRT.
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/1840461/1#post_1840461][center][quote=Bonus Prize List]
[center][b]A Lightner Book Adopt from [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/1840461/1#post_1840461]The Library[/url][/b][/center]
[b]The Desolation[/b][color=transparent]Mm lost potential tastes sweet[/color]
[b]The Spiral[/b][color=transparent]Take my door, it will set you free[/color]
[b]The Eye[/b][/columns][/quote]
[center][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922073][color=0B5A13][size=7][b]Raffle Prizes[/b][/size][/url][/color][/center]
Prizes will be funded by the raffle. For details, see the [b][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922074]raffle post[/url][/b].
[b][size=5]Prizes unlocked:[/size][/b][/center]
[*]A BSJ 2021 hatched [url=https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1Y_IKyKMN-iHECcmhkj3LdL-Ah1kK_OmcYSR0ztVLNYU/edit]Shadeborn[/url] dragon. There will be at least one left over from the main event prize list.
[*][quote=Michael Fandragon + UMA accent & Bio art]
The Michael fandragon pictured below with UMA Spiral accent and bio art, donated by @/HenryJekyll
The accent copies have yet to pay for themselves. In the unlikely event they do, 75% of the excess will be given out as an extra prize (25% of the excess will be donated to Light Flight vault).
The raffle may run until judging and prize-hand-outs have concluded if enough people are interested.
Main Event Prizes
A unique, best entry winner for each day will be chosen after the event has concluded.
Note: When selecting a dragon for your prize, please list it by the dragon ID number.
Prize List 1: A Shadeborn Event Dragon wrote:
(CW: Subspecies lore contains mention of suicide)
An event-hatched Shadeborn dragon of your choice (granted by prize order).
Event Dragon 1: Hatched during this event on the first day of BSJ 2021
(Parents: Dread & Terror)
ID: 70471765
Eyes: Unusual
Will have: Lore/Bio
Claimed by JayKatt (winning entry)
Event Dragon 2: Hatched during this event on the first day of BSJ 2021
(Parents: Dread & Terror)
ID: 70471766
Eyes: Common
Will have: Lore/Bio
Claimed by SheridanCharon(winning entry)
Event Dragon 3: Hatched during this event on the first day of BSJ 2021
(Parents: Dread & Terror)
ID: 70471767
Eyes: Uncommon
Will have: Lore/Bio
Claimed by Alliram(winning entry)
Event Dragon 4: Hatched during this event on the first day of BSJ 2021
(Parents: Dread & Terror)
ID: 70471771
Eyes: Uncommon
Will have: Lore/Bio
Claimed by CultOfTheSky(winning entry)
Event Dragon 5: Hatched during this event on the first day of BSJ 2021
(Parents: Dread & Terror)
ID: 70471773
Eyes: Common
Will have: Lore/Bio
Claimed by nbdy (staff commemoration)
Event Dragon 6: Hatched during this event on the first day of BSJ 2021
(Parents: Dread & Terror)
ID: 70471777
Eyes: Rare
Will have: Lore/Bio
Event Dragon 7: Hatched during this event on the first day of BSJ 2021
(Parents: Dread & Terror)
ID: 70471778
Eyes: Pastel
Will have: Lore/Bio
Claimed by Scatterspark (winning entry)
Event Dragon 8: Hatched during this event on the first day of BSJ 2021
(Parents: Dread & Terror)
ID: 70471779
Eyes: Common
Will have: Lore/Bio
Claimed by sockmonkeygerald
(winning entry)
Event Dragon 9: Hatched during this event on the first day of BSJ 2021
(Parents: Dread & Terror)
ID: 70469423
Eyes: Common
Will have: Lore/Bio
Event Dragon 10: Hatched during this event on the first day of BSJ 2021
(Parents: Dread & Terror)
ID: 70469424
Eyes: Uncommon
Will have: Lore/Bio
Event Dragon 11: Hatched during this event on the first day of BSJ 2021
(Parents: Dread & Terror)
ID: 70469425
Eyes: Pastel
Will have: Lore/Bio
Claimed by LaDjanny
(winning entry)
Event Dragon 12: Hatched during this event on the first day of BSJ 2021
(Parents: Dread & Terror)
ID: 70469426
Eyes: Uncommon
Will have: Lore/Bio
Event Dragon 13: Hatched during this event, but the day before BSJ 2021 started
(Parents: Dread & Terror)
ID: 70456895
Eyes: Common
Will have: Lore/Bio
Event Dragon 14: Hatched during this event, but the day before BSJ 2021 started
(Parents: Dread & Terror)
ID: 70456896
Eyes: Common
Will have: Lore/Bio
Event Dragon 15: Hatched during this event, but the day before BSJ 2021 started
(Parents: Dread & Terror)
ID: 70456897
Eyes: Common
Will have: Lore/Bio
Lore (Day 1, after part of the Great Library first collapsed into ruin): As you look around, you notice the few closest nests to Lightner’s newly exposed archives have been sectioned off. A gaoler stops anyone who gets close while several other dragons appear to be studying the eggs and setting up solar-powered incubators.
Whether by eavesdropping or directly asking questions, you gather this area is under investigation for possible Shade activity. The eggs have all been abandoned with no sign of who their parents were or what became of them.
There are whispers of Shadeborn.
“An awful, cursed fate if they are,” says one of the dragons gathered - the gaoler.
It seems the mere possibility of this fate has even the dragon daycares refusing to take on these eggs, say nothing of whether anyone will adopt them.
* * *
Details: With 3 exceptions, these dragons hatched on the first day of BSJ 2021 (After FR 6:00). The three who hatched early are still event-hatched. They must’ve had the best spots under the incubation machines. Winners may select a single dragon from one of the nests or pick something else from the remaining prize packs. The parents are named Dread and Terror in every case as a nod to the event and unknown nature of the parents. All parents have been exalted.
Their bios will be crafted around your winning entry after selection (bio basics still under construction). However, winners can write whatever lore and bio they wish, entirely replacing the hatchling’s bio, genes, species (including a “cure” of the subspecies by way of gene/species changes not on the list or a color scatterscroll), etc. at their own expense, if they so desire. All we ask is that you keep relevant credits and links intact.
Unless you pass on a bio update, I may need a week after prize selection to finish formatting all of the bios before handing out your prize.
Prize List 2 wrote:
(CW: Subspecies lore contains mention of suicide)
A Shadeborn hatchling with additional, more hopeful lore
(granted by prize order).
Fostered Event Dragon 1: Hatched during this event on the first day of BSJ 2021
(Foster Parents: @
Saronai keepers
Caesalpinia &
ID: 70471755
Eyes: Unusual
Will have: Lore/Bio
Claimed by hartbleat (winning entry)
Lore (Day 1, after part of the Great Library first collapsed into ruin): As the investigation around the nests continues to unfold, a new trio of dragons approach with more purpose. The gaoler doesn’t bar their entry. In fact, the whispers about what to do abruptly cut off as the other dragons go out of their way to avoid the group. Two pure obsidian dragons in fiery apparel, a coatl and imperial, seem to be the main focus of this new wariness.
The coatl hisses, obviously irritated. “Even if the hatchlings must share our fate, it doesn’t have to be a doomed one. Our clan will take what few we can foster until new homes can be located, and we will teach their new families how to best care for them.”
The imperial to her left, more than twice her size, nuzzles her with a soothing murmur before she also addresses the crowd of researchers. “We’d adopt them ourselves, but we’ve already drawn in so many other Shadeborn to our clan. It would be best if we could teach others how to care for our kind, but we can at least take in some of the eggs. Tend the new hatchlings until a home is found for them. Perhaps longer if they are spared our curse.”
Both now look at the metallic orange pearlcatcher who arrived with them. Half again the size of the coatl and obviously not cursed, she’d gone overlooked for the most part til now. She’s so busy studying the nests that she almost doesn’t realize she has attention now. Perhaps it is the coatl’s hum that clues her in?
”Oh! Right. Hey. Yavie - unofficial Shadeborn therapist. My runes help me convert sunlight into energy. Found out that's pretty useful for them and we’ve had wild successes with the few in our clan using certain Light therapy techniques. The Shadeborn are responding beautifully to it paired with some more traditional therapeutic techniques such as encouraging their various creative interests - a little art therapy, and social acceptance, that’s a big one - they’re not contagious, you know? The Shade within eats magic to grow stronger, but it's completely locked up in their genes. You’d literally have to be one of their kids for even a chance at infection.”
“Where was I? Right, our therapeutic approach has so far proven wildly successful. It’s really too bad we can’t adopt the whole lot, but our resources are tapped. It’s better we spread awareness now anyway. Give me a moment to finish looking them over and we’ll foster a few of them. Should anyone come looking to adopt any of these eggs, you can send them my way in clan Delari Sylvae’s territory. In fact, I’ll probably return when they start hatching.”
It turns out that the coatl and imperial couple take two eggs with them, hand-selected by Yavie. Before the sunny pearlcatcher follows them out, she lets those gathered know that another couple in clan Delari Sylvae might temporarily take on a few more.
Almost a week later, as the hatchlings begin to break out of their eggs, all Shadeborn as expected, a letter arrives for the gaoler with a few extra helpers for all the new babies. Clan Delari Sylvae are keeping just one of the hatchlings after all, an extra frail imperial who almost didn’t make it. The others, including the two in the next prize pack are still available for adoption.
* * *
Details: This dragon hatched on the first day of BSJ 2021 (After FR 6:00). The discrepancy in the lore between reward and number of eggs taken is not an accident. I’ve decided to be a little selfish and keep an imperial from this pair for myself.
The dragon from this nest will come with a bio template and lore. It will include your winning entry and as such I may need a week to update all the bios after prize selection. You may delete or edit this bio as you desire, just please keep relevant credits and links intact. You may also scatter the colors, change the eyes, genes, etc. at your own expense, as desired.
The parents will be listed as Caesalpinia and Lehua, but if you stick to event-created lore, these two “parents” merely tended the nest and new hatchlings, as opposed to laying the eggs themselves (lore-wise both parents are female). You may write whatever lore you wish about these hatchlings in place of what we provide in the bio, so long as you don’t alter the lore behind my dragons or their personalities.
All of the hatchlings from all prizes are encouraged to see Yavie or another suitable therapist on a regular basis (no actual interaction required by any means).
Prize List 3 wrote:
(CW: Subspecies lore contains mention of suicide)
Fostered Event Dragon 2: Hatched during this event on the first day of BSJ 2021
ID: 70471758
Eyes: Faceted
Will have: Lore/Bio
Claimed by DoomedIdeas (winning entry)
Fostered Event Dragon 3: Hatched during this event on the first day of BSJ 2021
ID: 70471759
Eyes: Common
Will have: Lore/Bio
Claimed by TinkaDreamChaser(winning entry)
Lore (Day 1, after part of the Great Library first collapsed into ruin): It seems the saga with the abandoned nests and visiting shadeborn is not over (because Saronai forgot this next keeper pair were also Shadeborn). This time an imperial with viney-brambled accents woven with eerie-blue lights wings in, blithely unaware of the dramatic response to her presence. A more vibrant skydancer lands shortly after, approaching just behind her.
As it turns out, both of these new arrivals are also from clan Delari Sylvae. Another pair of Shadeborn. The imperial’s way of speaking is odd and frequently cryptic while the skydancer almost passes for normal. They’ve volunteered to caretake some eggs as well until a new family can be found for each hatchling.
* * *
Details: As with the others, these dragons hatched on the first day of BSJ 2021 (After FR 6:00). Winners may select a single dragon from this nest or pick from one of the other remaining prize packs instead. They will come with a bio template and lore. This will be formatted around your winning entry, so please allow a week after prize selection for dragon delivery. You may delete or edit this as you desire, just please keep appropriate credits intact.
The parents will be listed as Auroras and Zylaris, but if you stick to event-created lore, they merely tended the eggs and new hatchlings, as opposed to laying the eggs themselves. You may write whatever lore you wish about these hatchlings in place of Saronai’s, so long as you don’t alter the lore of the foster parent dragons and their personalities.
All of the hatchlings from both prizes are encouraged to come see Yavie or another suitable therapist on a regular basis (no actual interaction required by any means).
Prize Pack 4 wrote:
Human/Gijinka art piece by Aurax.

Claimed by HenryJekyll (
winning post)
Prize Pack 5 wrote:
The Shade Watcher: Hatched on the first day of BSJ 2021
This dragon, lore, apparel, and accent will be yours to do with as you choose. We’d love to know if The Shade Watcher accent infects a different pearlcatcher in your lair.
Bonus Round Prizes
Read more about how to obtain one of these prizes at the Bonus Rounds Post.
Note: Only The Eye's adopt can still be entered for until the end of July 3rd FRT.
Prizes will be funded by the raffle. For details, see the
raffle post.
Prizes unlocked:
- A BSJ 2021 hatched Shadeborn dragon. There will be at least one left over from the main event prize list.
Michael Fandragon + UMA accent & Bio art wrote:
The Michael fandragon pictured below with UMA Spiral accent and bio art, donated by @/HenryJekyll
The accent copies have yet to pay for themselves. In the unlikely event they do, 75% of the excess will be given out as an extra prize (25% of the excess will be donated to Light Flight vault).
The raffle may run until judging and prize-hand-outs have concluded if enough people are interested.
[b][center][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/frd/3025798/1]BSJ Hub[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_3020423]Event Info[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916135]Judges[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916267]Today’s Theme[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916140]Prizes[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916139]Badges[/url]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922073]Bonus Rounds[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922074]Raffle[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916174]Pinglist[/url]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916272]Past Themes[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916188]Avatar Wall[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916190]MAG Fandragons[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916143][u][b]Winners[/u][/b][/url][/center]
[center][color=0B5A13][size=7][b]Main Event Winners[/b][/size][/color]
(Daily themes)[/center]
So much excite!!!
A winner has been chosen for each day with preference given to unique IDs. Three IDs won first place on multiple days. For those people we held a secondary vote to decide which of their 1st place stories were our favourite and declared that your win day. Four additional people won first place uniquely and were given that day.
From there, the other winners-by-runner-up actually had to slide into place in specific ways to allow for a unique daily winner on all days. That being said, please take pride in your win because ALL of the stories were excellent and almost everything was down to a close contest! I really wish I had prizes to give to all the participants, every entry deserved one.
From there we used both voting results and average scores from the days you participated to inform prize placement. The original repeat winners for first were given the top 3 spots in the final ranking.
[b]Regarding the Winner’s List below:[/b] Please note placement is by your overall rank for prize selection, rather than in order of daily theme. This is to streamline prize selection. If you find your name on this list, take note of your placement number (NOT your day won) and select that amount of prizes from the [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916140]Main Event Prizes list linked here[/url], in order of preference. You may select 1 from any of the 18 level 1 event subspecies dragons listed, the art prize, or the Shade Watcher prize pack (level 25, stoned subspecies/event dragon with accent and outfit, etc).
14th place should pick 14 prizes in order of preference 1-14 (one denoting the most desired prize). 1st place picks only one prize, the one they want and are guaranteed to receive, etc.
[b]Also of note: [/b]For those selecting a dragon from the multi-dragon prize lists, please list the ID number of the dragons preferred from those lists. You'll find that number right next to each dragon labeled "ID: dragonsnumber" where dragonsnumber is the dragon's number ;D.
Also of note for those selecting dragons as their prize, I intend to personalize your prize’s bio around badges earned during the event and your winning entry. Feel free to note in your post whether or not you’d prefer your dragon without these edits (for those of you who might just delete the bio anyway or want to do your own thing with it).
Everyone else with a dragon prize please give me a week after prize selection finalizes to work in all the edits to their bios (I will be working in prize order 1st-14th).
[b]Note:[/b] While the Shade Watcher prize pack is intended to be the grand prize, the top winners are free to pick something else if they’d prefer. I know art, for starters, is a very popular choice that might be preferred. As such, no one should shy away from putting the Shade Watcher pack on their list in whatever order they might prefer it.
Also, unless otherwise noted, comments are my own (Saronai). Please don’t take the word count of my comments as an indication of how much I liked your entry.
Left over event hatchlings will be given to staff as thank yous. Any excess prizes after that may be added to the [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922074]raffle[/url].
[center]On to the winners![/center]
[center][color=0B5A13][b][size=7]Fourteenth Place[/b][/size][/color][/center]
[nextcol][b]252830 @Kaimon for Day 5: The Hunt[/b]
Comment: Short enough I would’ve enjoyed more, especially since your dialogue and its delivery in particular were really good and engaging. Congratulations![/columns]
Kaimon’s winning entry can be read at [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/13#post_48117893]this post[/url].
[center][color=0B5A13][b][size=7]Thirteenth Place[/b][/size][/color][/center]
[nextcol][b]434197 @cartographic for Day 13: The Web[/b]
Comment: *Shivers* From eating spiders to getting covered in them this was one for the shivers lol - I do really like the way it ended in particular though, a little bit of lore for a smirch change and the nervous question about the quill. Congratulations![/columns]
cartographic’s winning entry can be read at [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/23#post_48224375]this post[/url].
[center][color=0B5A13][b][size=7]Twelfth Place[/b][/size][/color][/center]
[nextcol][b]266129 @sockmonkeygerald for Day 10: The Stranger[/b]
Comment: Niiiiiibs!!!! Not gonna lie, my brain’s recognition sensors light up on this guy. I love him so much. The character was very entertaining to me and I really hope he got his books (If you pick a dragon prize, you can consider the book graphics I made for the bios his final haul? Really don’t mind if you put them in his bio even lol). “Please don’t bite me.” lol Congratulations![/columns]
sockmonkeygerald’s winning entry can be read at [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/20#post_48190471]this post[/url].
[center][color=0B5A13][b][size=7]Eleventh Place[/b][/size][/color][/center]
[nextcol][b]556462 @TinkaDreamChaser for Day 2: The Corruption[/b]
Comment: Gonna be honest, corruption day was not my forté but for someone who professed not knowing how to write horror, you certainly did an excellent job with this variety of it. It was gross, but effective and shiver-worthy. As this variety of horror goes, it struck a really good balance between the gross of corruption without being just about that factor and having an interesting character and intriguing details involved. Congratulations![/columns]
TinkaDreamChaser’s winning entry can be read at [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/8#post_48073217]this post[/url].
[center][color=0B5A13][b][size=7]Tenth Place[/b][/size][/color][/center]
[nextcol][b]459002 @Alliram for Day 1: The Buried[/b]
Comment: This entry had excellent pacing and tension with a dash of intrigue to keep me reading on through to the end along with Lenny. I think I sympathetically held my breath with him at the end! Don’t blame him for leaving and never looking back! Congratulations![/columns]
Alliram’s winning entry can be read at [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/8#post_48063594]this post[/url].
[center][color=0B5A13][b][size=7]Ninth Place[/b][/size][/color][/center]
[nextcol][b]20921 @LaDjanny for Day 3: The Flesh[/b]
Comment: As you can see, your entry was not too much ;) I loved how you tied the day’s theme in so perfectly with existing lore and items from Flight Rising. My personal favourite Flesh entry for sure! Congratulations![/columns]
LaDjanny’s winning entry can be read at [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/11#post_48093705]this post[/url].
[center][color=0B5A13][b][size=7]Eighth Place[/b][/size][/color][/center]
[nextcol][b]331900 @SheridanCharon for Day 14: The Eye[/b]
Comment: This. Story. Was. Awesome. It nearly tied for first on Eye day for me and had major, powerful avatar visit vibes. Also found Morrigan in your lair and she looks as awesome as her story! The ideas presented in this are so intriguing toward your clan/lair too. Congratulations! [/columns]
SheridanCharon’s winning entry can be read at [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/24#post_48236900]this post[/url].
[center][color=0B5A13][b][size=7]Seventh Place[/b][/size][/color][/center]
[nextcol][b]565863 @CultOfTheSky for Day 4: The Desolation[/b]
Comment: As you can see, not too long, followed guidelines ;) It was as long as it needed to be for setting up the tale, putting in context at a good pace that served the spectacular climax. The descriptions of Tempest turned firedancer in particular were so vivid and well written. I had no trouble imagining it as a life-changing, terrifying thing for Trophonius to have witnessed while still being impressed at the word-weaving. Congratulations![/columns]
CultOfTheSky’s winning entry can be read at [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/12#post_48105422]this post[/url].
[center][color=0B5A13][b][size=7]Sixth Place[/b][/size][/color][/center]
[nextcol][b]272749 @JayKatt for Day 9: The Spiral[/b]
Comment: This was an awesome continuation of the prompts presented by nbdy, and I really enjoyed seeing it through Nephele’s eyes. A dragon self-proclaimed to be a firm believer in logic, shaken to her core by what had consumed the Guardian’s mind. Wonderful story for my favourite of the fears :D Congratulations![/columns]
JayKatt’s winning entry can be read at [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/19#post_48175210]this post[/url].
[center][color=0B5A13][b][size=7]Fifth Place[/b][/size][/color][/center]
[nextcol][b]571926 @DoomedIdeas for Day 8: The Lonely[/b]
This was [i]such[/i] an intriguing entry to read through. This [i]whole entry[/i] is just absolutely a fascinating read, presented in a fashion that’s almost formulaic (not in a bad way) and yet fractured into something more unique by the word choices, key repetitions, and turns of phrase that really serve the overall lonely and ill-fitted ambience of the piece.
I’m honestly impressed and love how you used The Lonely and this story, which on its own is interesting enough, to present the familiar (in a formulaic-style approach) and render it strange, but with more lonely/isolated vibes than uncanny valley stranger ones.
I hope that makes sense? I found it challenging to articulate how this story impressed me. Then the tale itself, not even considering the meta is interesting too. I love it! Congratulations![/columns]
DoomedIdeas’ winning entry can be read at [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/18#post_48163452]this post[/url].
[center][color=0B5A13][b][size=7]Fourth Place[/b][/size][/color][/center]
[nextcol][b]158524 @Scatterspark for Day 7: The End[/b]
Comment: This entry earned first place by unanimous vote on End day (unanimous firsts only happened three times total)! This story properly deserves it too; excellent pacing and intrigue, creepy, mysterious events. And that final paragraph is a super haunting, effective end note. Congratulations![/columns]
Scatterspark’s winning entry can be read at [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/17#post_48147185]this post[/url].
[center][color=0B5A13][b][size=7]Third Place[/b][/size][/color][/center]
[nextcol][b]536027 @hartbleat for Day 6: The Slaughter[/b]
Comment: You technically got the 1st place score on [i]two[/i] days, but your Slaughter entry was our favourite of the two after a secondary vote (unanimously so). As a person with high empathy and a love for imperials, I was myself sympathetically [i]crushed[/i] when Glittermom expressed regret for the whole species.
Tackling that along with the definitely-suited-for-slaughter themes that are Emperor dragons was brilliant and made for a powerful opening line to kick start a well written story that continued delivering good stuff.
As sad as Glittermom’s announcement made me for all imperials, and your pov character, I also [i]really[/i] enjoyed how, by the end, they ultimately agreed in a way that followed naturally from the story. Great stuff! Congratulations![/columns]
Hartbleat’s winning entry can be read at [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/15#post_48136791]this post[/url].
[center][color=0B5A13][b][size=7]Second Place[/b][/size][/color][/center]
[nextcol][b]148765 @Raskies for Day 11: The Dark[/b]
Comment: This was one of two days you won first place by unanimous vote on - but you also pulled first place on a [i]third[/i] day as well! Out of all three wins, this was voted our favourite of your three wins in a secondary vote.
The story was intriguing with good pacing and I particularly loved how you delivered the ominous conclusion. Congratulations![/columns]
Raskies’ winning entry can be read at [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/21#post_48205339]this post[/url].
[center]FANFARE & DRUMROLL[/center]
[center][color=0B5A13][b][size=7]First Place[/b][/size][/color][/center]
[nextcol][b]98625 @HenryJekyll for Day 12: The Vast[/b]
Comment: This one was one of my absolute, personal favourites out of the whole event and I’m so glad it won :D In addition to that, you technically won first on [i]FIVE DAYS[/i] that we had to turn over to a secondary vote. This entry was the winner of your winners!
The build up and pacing is great, just super well written, and by the end it’s just peak ominous and [i]insidious,[/i] and yet at the same time, intriguing. I love the ending signature “One which you would call a parasite” as a sum-up to what came before. I think that line really seals in the insidious nature of what we’re dealing with.
You did an excellent job with delivering their perspective on an actual, [i]believably[/i] kind and welcoming rescue to the point it’s at times easy to forget the horror in how they invaded and control her now. That final line in their letter just brings it all home to sink in.
HenryJekyll’s winning entry can be read at [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/22#post_48215665]this post[/url].
Really awesome job, [i]everyone[/i]! I mean that sincerely, from those who placed to those who did not. I genuinely enjoyed reading every single one of these [s](well…for the sake of [i]complete[/i] honesty, I noped out of only one - good writing, we’re cool, but nope lol - so glad I thought to request warnings for my ear thing [i]and[/i] that you complied [emoji=spiral winking size=1]).[/s]
Over the next few days you might receive tagged comments from the other judges if they also wish to extend their own off the official winner’s post.
[center][color=0B5A13][size=7][b][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922073]Bonus Round Winners[/url][/b][/size][/color][/center]
Best entry for each round’s theme wins the book adopt!
To ensure your book’s permanence, [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/1840461/1#post_1840461]The Library[/url] encourages you to save it to your own computer. Remember, each one is only for its respective winner to use. You may give it to someone else, but only if you do not keep a copy in your own lair. For other Library rules, see [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/1840461/1#post_19608383]The Library’s official thread.[/url]
[nextcol]Bonus Round 1: A Desolation Lightner
It’s a good thing you requested this book special in case of a “rare chance” of tiebreakers because you technically won first place on [i]all[/i] of the bonus rounds before the close contest point system resulted in different winners. Then again, we probably would have given you this book anyway since it was the one bonus round where you won first place unanimously. Really nice job! Also, now that I can look at the post “live” I have to say that dragon in it is [i]gorgeous[/i] too, and I gave him a star. Congratulations!
Raskies' winning post located [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/12#post_48106611]here[/url].
Your winner’s book code (linked to your winning post):[/columns]
[nextcol]Bonus Round 2: A Spiral Lightner
While this one may have been a close contest, you still pulled away with two/four votes of first place with your interesting piece! That poor fae! Did she make it out of all that alright? Yeah, probably not huh? Good thing we walked away when we did ;D
Kaimon’s winning post located [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/19#post_48172988]here[/url].
Your winner’s book code (linked to your winning post):[/columns]
[nextcol]Bonus Round 1: A Ceaseless Watcher Lightner
Your part two was in another close contest amongst so many good entries that left us pretty divided on our rankings. You received 1 out of 4 votes for first place and honestly, considering your final score, might’ve gotten more if it wasn’t a part 2 of another entry. That being said, I very much enjoyed the continuity of it from one entry to the next and found this particular entry of yours and the lore of the book provided super interesting with some awesome dialogue. I also loved the title given the Lightner.
CultOfTheSky’s winning post located [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/23#post_48233683]here[/url].
Your winner’s book code (linked to your winning post):[/columns]
[b]A note to the other participants for the bonus rounds:[/b] Voting on these was a difficult task for sure! There wasn’t a single entry I didn’t enjoy reading immensely. Thank you for participating in our bonus rounds! That being said, please remember, as per the Official Library’s rules, only the winners get to claim the above book adopts.
Main Event Winners
(Daily themes)
So much excite!!!
A winner has been chosen for each day with preference given to unique IDs. Three IDs won first place on multiple days. For those people we held a secondary vote to decide which of their 1st place stories were our favourite and declared that your win day. Four additional people won first place uniquely and were given that day.
From there, the other winners-by-runner-up actually had to slide into place in specific ways to allow for a unique daily winner on all days. That being said, please take pride in your win because ALL of the stories were excellent and almost everything was down to a close contest! I really wish I had prizes to give to all the participants, every entry deserved one.
From there we used both voting results and average scores from the days you participated to inform prize placement. The original repeat winners for first were given the top 3 spots in the final ranking.
Regarding the Winner’s List below: Please note placement is by your overall rank for prize selection, rather than in order of daily theme. This is to streamline prize selection. If you find your name on this list, take note of your placement number (NOT your day won) and select that amount of prizes from the
Main Event Prizes list linked here, in order of preference. You may select 1 from any of the 18 level 1 event subspecies dragons listed, the art prize, or the Shade Watcher prize pack (level 25, stoned subspecies/event dragon with accent and outfit, etc).
14th place should pick 14 prizes in order of preference 1-14 (one denoting the most desired prize). 1st place picks only one prize, the one they want and are guaranteed to receive, etc.
Also of note: For those selecting a dragon from the multi-dragon prize lists, please list the ID number of the dragons preferred from those lists. You'll find that number right next to each dragon labeled "ID: dragonsnumber" where dragonsnumber is the dragon's number ;D.
Also of note for those selecting dragons as their prize, I intend to personalize your prize’s bio around badges earned during the event and your winning entry. Feel free to note in your post whether or not you’d prefer your dragon without these edits (for those of you who might just delete the bio anyway or want to do your own thing with it).
Everyone else with a dragon prize please give me a week after prize selection finalizes to work in all the edits to their bios (I will be working in prize order 1st-14th).
Note: While the Shade Watcher prize pack is intended to be the grand prize, the top winners are free to pick something else if they’d prefer. I know art, for starters, is a very popular choice that might be preferred. As such, no one should shy away from putting the Shade Watcher pack on their list in whatever order they might prefer it.
Also, unless otherwise noted, comments are my own (Saronai). Please don’t take the word count of my comments as an indication of how much I liked your entry.
Left over event hatchlings will be given to staff as thank yous. Any excess prizes after that may be added to the
On to the winners!
Fourteenth Place
252830 @Kaimon for Day 5: The Hunt
Comment: Short enough I would’ve enjoyed more, especially since your dialogue and its delivery in particular were really good and engaging. Congratulations!
Kaimon’s winning entry can be read at
this post.
Thirteenth Place
434197 @cartographic for Day 13: The Web
Comment: *Shivers* From eating spiders to getting covered in them this was one for the shivers lol - I do really like the way it ended in particular though, a little bit of lore for a smirch change and the nervous question about the quill. Congratulations!
cartographic’s winning entry can be read at
this post.
Twelfth Place
266129 @sockmonkeygerald for Day 10: The Stranger
Comment: Niiiiiibs!!!! Not gonna lie, my brain’s recognition sensors light up on this guy. I love him so much. The character was very entertaining to me and I really hope he got his books (If you pick a dragon prize, you can consider the book graphics I made for the bios his final haul? Really don’t mind if you put them in his bio even lol). “Please don’t bite me.” lol Congratulations!
sockmonkeygerald’s winning entry can be read at
this post.
Eleventh Place
556462 @TinkaDreamChaser for Day 2: The Corruption
Comment: Gonna be honest, corruption day was not my forté but for someone who professed not knowing how to write horror, you certainly did an excellent job with this variety of it. It was gross, but effective and shiver-worthy. As this variety of horror goes, it struck a really good balance between the gross of corruption without being just about that factor and having an interesting character and intriguing details involved. Congratulations!
TinkaDreamChaser’s winning entry can be read at
this post.
Tenth Place
459002 @Alliram for Day 1: The Buried
Comment: This entry had excellent pacing and tension with a dash of intrigue to keep me reading on through to the end along with Lenny. I think I sympathetically held my breath with him at the end! Don’t blame him for leaving and never looking back! Congratulations!
Alliram’s winning entry can be read at
this post.
Ninth Place
20921 @LaDjanny for Day 3: The Flesh
Comment: As you can see, your entry was not too much ;) I loved how you tied the day’s theme in so perfectly with existing lore and items from Flight Rising. My personal favourite Flesh entry for sure! Congratulations!
LaDjanny’s winning entry can be read at
this post.
Eighth Place
331900 @SheridanCharon for Day 14: The Eye
Comment: This. Story. Was. Awesome. It nearly tied for first on Eye day for me and had major, powerful avatar visit vibes. Also found Morrigan in your lair and she looks as awesome as her story! The ideas presented in this are so intriguing toward your clan/lair too. Congratulations!
SheridanCharon’s winning entry can be read at
this post.
Seventh Place
565863 @CultOfTheSky for Day 4: The Desolation
Comment: As you can see, not too long, followed guidelines ;) It was as long as it needed to be for setting up the tale, putting in context at a good pace that served the spectacular climax. The descriptions of Tempest turned firedancer in particular were so vivid and well written. I had no trouble imagining it as a life-changing, terrifying thing for Trophonius to have witnessed while still being impressed at the word-weaving. Congratulations!
CultOfTheSky’s winning entry can be read at
this post.
Sixth Place
272749 @JayKatt for Day 9: The Spiral
Comment: This was an awesome continuation of the prompts presented by nbdy, and I really enjoyed seeing it through Nephele’s eyes. A dragon self-proclaimed to be a firm believer in logic, shaken to her core by what had consumed the Guardian’s mind. Wonderful story for my favourite of the fears :D Congratulations!
JayKatt’s winning entry can be read at
this post.
Fifth Place
571926 @DoomedIdeas for Day 8: The Lonely
This was such an intriguing entry to read through. This whole entry is just absolutely a fascinating read, presented in a fashion that’s almost formulaic (not in a bad way) and yet fractured into something more unique by the word choices, key repetitions, and turns of phrase that really serve the overall lonely and ill-fitted ambience of the piece.
I’m honestly impressed and love how you used The Lonely and this story, which on its own is interesting enough, to present the familiar (in a formulaic-style approach) and render it strange, but with more lonely/isolated vibes than uncanny valley stranger ones.
I hope that makes sense? I found it challenging to articulate how this story impressed me. Then the tale itself, not even considering the meta is interesting too. I love it! Congratulations!
DoomedIdeas’ winning entry can be read at
this post.
Fourth Place
158524 @Scatterspark for Day 7: The End
Comment: This entry earned first place by unanimous vote on End day (unanimous firsts only happened three times total)! This story properly deserves it too; excellent pacing and intrigue, creepy, mysterious events. And that final paragraph is a super haunting, effective end note. Congratulations!
Scatterspark’s winning entry can be read at
this post.
Third Place
536027 @hartbleat for Day 6: The Slaughter
Comment: You technically got the 1st place score on two days, but your Slaughter entry was our favourite of the two after a secondary vote (unanimously so). As a person with high empathy and a love for imperials, I was myself sympathetically crushed when Glittermom expressed regret for the whole species.
Tackling that along with the definitely-suited-for-slaughter themes that are Emperor dragons was brilliant and made for a powerful opening line to kick start a well written story that continued delivering good stuff.
As sad as Glittermom’s announcement made me for all imperials, and your pov character, I also really enjoyed how, by the end, they ultimately agreed in a way that followed naturally from the story. Great stuff! Congratulations!
Hartbleat’s winning entry can be read at
this post.
Second Place
148765 @Raskies for Day 11: The Dark
Comment: This was one of two days you won first place by unanimous vote on - but you also pulled first place on a third day as well! Out of all three wins, this was voted our favourite of your three wins in a secondary vote.
The story was intriguing with good pacing and I particularly loved how you delivered the ominous conclusion. Congratulations!
Raskies’ winning entry can be read at
this post.
First Place
98625 @HenryJekyll for Day 12: The Vast
Comment: This one was one of my absolute, personal favourites out of the whole event and I’m so glad it won :D In addition to that, you technically won first on FIVE DAYS that we had to turn over to a secondary vote. This entry was the winner of your winners!
The build up and pacing is great, just super well written, and by the end it’s just peak ominous and insidious, and yet at the same time, intriguing. I love the ending signature “One which you would call a parasite” as a sum-up to what came before. I think that line really seals in the insidious nature of what we’re dealing with.
You did an excellent job with delivering their perspective on an actual, believably kind and welcoming rescue to the point it’s at times easy to forget the horror in how they invaded and control her now. That final line in their letter just brings it all home to sink in.
HenryJekyll’s winning entry can be read at
this post.
Really awesome job,
everyone! I mean that sincerely, from those who placed to those who did not. I genuinely enjoyed reading every single one of these
(well…for the sake of complete honesty, I noped out of only one - good writing, we’re cool, but nope lol - so glad I thought to request warnings for my ear thing and that you complied
Over the next few days you might receive tagged comments from the other judges if they also wish to extend their own off the official winner’s post.
Best entry for each round’s theme wins the book adopt!
To ensure your book’s permanence,
The Library encourages you to save it to your own computer. Remember, each one is only for its respective winner to use. You may give it to someone else, but only if you do not keep a copy in your own lair. For other Library rules, see
The Library’s official thread.
Bonus Round 1: A Desolation Lightner
It’s a good thing you requested this book special in case of a “rare chance” of tiebreakers because you technically won first place on all of the bonus rounds before the close contest point system resulted in different winners. Then again, we probably would have given you this book anyway since it was the one bonus round where you won first place unanimously. Really nice job! Also, now that I can look at the post “live” I have to say that dragon in it is gorgeous too, and I gave him a star. Congratulations!
Raskies' winning post located here.
Your winner’s book code (linked to your winning post):
Bonus Round 2: A Spiral Lightner
While this one may have been a close contest, you still pulled away with two/four votes of first place with your interesting piece! That poor fae! Did she make it out of all that alright? Yeah, probably not huh? Good thing we walked away when we did ;D
Kaimon’s winning post located here.
Your winner’s book code (linked to your winning post):
Bonus Round 1: A Ceaseless Watcher Lightner
Your part two was in another close contest amongst so many good entries that left us pretty divided on our rankings. You received 1 out of 4 votes for first place and honestly, considering your final score, might’ve gotten more if it wasn’t a part 2 of another entry. That being said, I very much enjoyed the continuity of it from one entry to the next and found this particular entry of yours and the lore of the book provided super interesting with some awesome dialogue. I also loved the title given the Lightner.
CultOfTheSky’s winning post located here.
Your winner’s book code (linked to your winning post):
A note to the other participants for the bonus rounds: Voting on these was a difficult task for sure! There wasn’t a single entry I didn’t enjoy reading immensely. Thank you for participating in our bonus rounds! That being said, please remember, as per the Official Library’s rules, only the winners get to claim the above book adopts.
[b][center][url=BSJ HUB URL]BSJ Hub[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_3020423]Event Info[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916135]Judges[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916267]Today’s Theme[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916140]Prizes[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916139]Badges[/url]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922073]Bonus Rounds[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922074]Raffle[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916174][u][b]Pinglist[/u][/b][/url]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916272]Past Themes[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916188]Avatar Wall[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916190]MAG Fandragons[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916143]Winners[/url][/center]
[center][color=0B5A13][size=7][b]Ping List[/b][/size][/color][/center]
[center]Hey, I'm gay4dragonz and also in charge of the pinglist! Please ping me (@gay4dragonz) if you want to be added to a pinglist. I'm subbed to the thread, just super forgetful. Please also specify what pinglist(s) you want to be added to!
[b]Also, many people get that wrong, but I have a "z" at the end of my username, so be careful when pinging![/b][/center]
[center][color=0B5A13][size=5][b]General Ping List[/b][/size][/color][/center]
@/Raskies @/magiritsa @/Narrow @/HenryJekyll @/cartographic @/changelingpunk @/Azurepocalypse @/DoomedIdeas @/Kaimon @/CitrusSeeds @/Scatterspark @/Wildclaw101 @/TinkaDreamChaser @/JayKatt @/LaDjanny @/hartbleat @/CultOfTheSky @/GrimdarkRoxy @/sockmonkeygerald @/Crystalitar @/Telurin
[center][color=0B5A13][size=5][b]Winners Ping List[/b][/size][/color][/center]
@/Flaxen @/Raskies @/Scatterspark @/Wildclaw101 @/hartbleat @/Crystalitar @/Kaimon @/magiritsa @/sockmonkeygerald @/Scatterspark @/Raskies @/DoomedIdeas @/CultOfTheSky
Ping List
Hey, I'm gay4dragonz and also in charge of the pinglist! Please ping me (@
gay4dragonz) if you want to be added to a pinglist. I'm subbed to the thread, just super forgetful. Please also specify what pinglist(s) you want to be added to!
Also, many people get that wrong, but I have a "z" at the end of my username, so be careful when pinging!
General Ping List
@/Raskies @/magiritsa @/Narrow @/HenryJekyll @/cartographic @/changelingpunk @/Azurepocalypse @/DoomedIdeas @/Kaimon @/CitrusSeeds @/Scatterspark @/Wildclaw101 @/TinkaDreamChaser @/JayKatt @/LaDjanny @/hartbleat @/CultOfTheSky @/GrimdarkRoxy @/sockmonkeygerald @/Crystalitar @/Telurin
Winners Ping List
@/Flaxen @/Raskies @/Scatterspark @/Wildclaw101 @/hartbleat @/Crystalitar @/Kaimon @/magiritsa @/sockmonkeygerald @/Scatterspark @/Raskies @/DoomedIdeas @/CultOfTheSky
[b][center][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/frd/3025798/1]BSJ Hub[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_3020423]Event Info[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916135]Judges[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916267]Today’s Theme[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916140]Prizes[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916139]Badges[/url]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922073]Bonus Rounds[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922074]Raffle[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916174]Pinglist[/url]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916272]Past Themes[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916188][u][b]Avatar Wall[/u][/b][/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916190]MAG Fandragons[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916143]Winners[/url][/center]
[center][color=0B5A13][size=7][b]Avatar Wall[/b][/size][/color][/center]
Got a dragon all dressed up for this event? Or maybe you just want to have your favourite, spookiest dragon on our avatar wall as a participant? Either way, ping @Saronai with “Avatar Wall” at the top of your post and share what dragon you want on our wall of fame!
Just in case other events are also doing an avatar wall, rest assured the dragon you link in your request does not have to be your actual avatar on your Flight Rising profile. They also do not have to count as a fan dragon for The Magnus Archives (MAG).
In the event your chosen avatar dragon also qualifies for the [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916190]MAG fandragon wall[/url], please clarify a request for both walls. Otherwise your dragon will likely only end up on one wall or the other.
Each participant should please only request [b]one[/b] dragon as an avatar for this wall (the fandragon wall in the next post allows for as many MAG fandragons as you care to share).
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/68890290][img]https://flightrising.com/rendern/portraits/688903/68890290p.png[/img][/url] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/36946793][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/portraits/369468/36946793p.png[/img][/url] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/65698096][img]https://flightrising.com/rendern/portraits/656981/65698096p.png[/img][/url] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/69349271][img]https://flightrising.com/rendern/portraits/693493/69349271p.png[/img][/url] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/32828978][img]https://flightrising.com/rendern/portraits/328290/32828978p.png[/img][/url][/center]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/53943106][img]https://flightrising.com/rendern/portraits/539432/53943106p.png[/img][/url][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/44111769][img]https://flightrising.com/rendern/portraits/441118/44111769p.png[/img][/url] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/63455379][img]https://flightrising.com/rendern/portraits/634554/63455379p.png[/img][/url][/center]
Avatar Wall
Got a dragon all dressed up for this event? Or maybe you just want to have your favourite, spookiest dragon on our avatar wall as a participant? Either way, ping @
Saronai with “Avatar Wall” at the top of your post and share what dragon you want on our wall of fame!
Just in case other events are also doing an avatar wall, rest assured the dragon you link in your request does not have to be your actual avatar on your Flight Rising profile. They also do not have to count as a fan dragon for The Magnus Archives (MAG).
In the event your chosen avatar dragon also qualifies for the
MAG fandragon wall, please clarify a request for both walls. Otherwise your dragon will likely only end up on one wall or the other.
Each participant should please only request
one dragon as an avatar for this wall (the fandragon wall in the next post allows for as many MAG fandragons as you care to share).
[b][center][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/frd/3025798/1]BSJ Hub[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_3020423]Event Info[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916135]Judges[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916267]Today’s Theme[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916140]Prizes[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916139]Badges[/url]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922073]Bonus Rounds[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922074]Raffle[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916174]Pinglist[/url]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916272]Past Themes[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916188]Avatar Wall[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916190][u][b]MAG Fandragons[/u][/b][/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916143]Winners[/url][/center]
[center][color=0B5A13][size=7][b]The Magnus Archives Fandragon Wall[/b][/size][/color][/center]
We would love to see [i]all[/i] of your Magnus Archives fandragons! To make it up on the wall, please ping @Saronai and make sure “Fandragon wall” is at the top of your post. If one of these dragons doubles as your [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916188]avatar wall[/url] dragon, please make sure to request [i]both[/i] walls for that dragon, otherwise it will likely only end up on one wall or the other.
While the avatar wall is restricted to only one portrait per participant, for this wall, you may request wall space for as many MAG fandragons as you’re willing to share. They will all end up on this wall.
Large single-lair groups are now grouped separately to add some visual breaks as well as easier, in-lair navigation for those who would like to see whole collections without losing their place or bouncing between this post and the dragons on it. Me. It me.
I was doing everyone's separately but now the list is getting long with only one or two dragons per line, so I'm grouping all of us with only a few together again lol. If anyone gets at least 5 through the course of the event, they'll get their own section again.
[b]CW: The dragons in this post are themed after a horror podcast that itself is focused on the fear of eyes/being watched/being known with all your secrets exposed, etc. As such, it is reasonable to expect several of these dragons might qualify as "gross" and/or are likely to include many with extra eyes. Please be cautious or zoom-scroll past this post if you are sensitive to visual representation of the relevant horrors.[/b]
@/Miscellaneous Lairs
The Magnus Archives Fandragon Wall
We would love to see
all of your Magnus Archives fandragons! To make it up on the wall, please ping @
Saronai and make sure “Fandragon wall” is at the top of your post. If one of these dragons doubles as your
avatar wall dragon, please make sure to request
both walls for that dragon, otherwise it will likely only end up on one wall or the other.
While the avatar wall is restricted to only one portrait per participant, for this wall, you may request wall space for as many MAG fandragons as you’re willing to share. They will all end up on this wall.
Large single-lair groups are now grouped separately to add some visual breaks as well as easier, in-lair navigation for those who would like to see whole collections without losing their place or bouncing between this post and the dragons on it. Me. It me.
I was doing everyone's separately but now the list is getting long with only one or two dragons per line, so I'm grouping all of us with only a few together again lol. If anyone gets at least 5 through the course of the event, they'll get their own section again.
CW: The dragons in this post are themed after a horror podcast that itself is focused on the fear of eyes/being watched/being known with all your secrets exposed, etc. As such, it is reasonable to expect several of these dragons might qualify as "gross" and/or are likely to include many with extra eyes. Please be cautious or zoom-scroll past this post if you are sensitive to visual representation of the relevant horrors.
[b][center][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/frd/3025798/1]BSJ Hub[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_3020423]Event Info[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916135]Judges[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916267][u][b]Today’s Theme[/u][/b][/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916140]Prizes[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916139]Badges[/url]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922073]Bonus Rounds[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922074]Raffle[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916174]Pinglist[/url]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916272]Past Themes[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916188]Avatar Wall[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916190]MAG Fandragons[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916143]Winners[/url][/center]
[center][color=0B5A13][size=7][b]Day Fourteen: The Eye[/b][/size][/color][/center]
[size=4]The archivist’s notes are strewn everywhere, weighted down with rocks and whatever other objects they could find. They’ve marked passages here and there. The archivist themself is scratching notes on a long scroll, glancing between papers.
“I can see it.” They mutter. “All of it, this entire time. It was faint at first, but now -- they’re watching us. They have been the whole time. I won’t let them play with us like toys. I’ll watch them back. I’ll keep us safe. The Lightners. Strange things. It all traces back to them.”
They jerk up and stare at you, into you. “I’ll know. I won’t rest until I do.”[/size]
[quote=Day 14]Our final theme is [url=https://the-magnus-archives.fandom.com/wiki/The_Eye]The Eye[/url]; the fear of being watched, exposed, and having your secrets discovered, but also manifests as the drive to know and understand, even things that should remain hidden. Be cautious of spoilers on the wiki pages, and please be mindful if you are easily scared, disturbed, or otherwise sensitive to descriptions of horror.
As with every day some direct prompts have been provided for those who would like to use them. However, you are free to write whatever you like with your entry, just so long as you stick to the daily theme and follow the directions for each daily post found in the Rules & Guidelines section of [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_3020423]our main event post[/url].
The deadline for today’s entry is just before rollover tonight - 11:59pm (FR time)
[center][size=4][b]Day 14 Participation Badge[/size][/b]
[center][size=2](Stock photo from [url=https://unsplash.com/pheiskan]Petri Heiskanen on Unsplash[/url] used)[/size][/center]
[size=4][b]Bonus Content:[/b]
Behind the archivist and their wild, piercing gaze, stands the ghostly pearlcatcher. He meets your eyes, and nods.
Then he disappears into a mass of Shade-touched smoke.
Elsewhere, in the recovered nests of tainted shadeborn eggs, smoke wreathes a single one, and sinks into it.
It will wait, and it will watch, for the next archivist.
[quote=Bonus Round 3][columns][img]https://i.postimg.cc/mDr4BHQM/s037-d01-Saronai.png[/img]
[nextcol][size=4]Today is the final day for the event and thus bonus round 3 as well! If you’d like a chance at winning the Lightner [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/1840461/1#post_1840461]Library[/url] adopt on the left, please see the [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922073]Bonus Rounds[/url] post for more info.
Remember: Those who post their bonus round entries today can claim the daily participation badge. However, your bonus round entry is only eligible to win the featured book adopt. To increase your chances at a main event prize, you will still have to write a daily entry on the theme as well and submit it before midnight FR-time. That being said, participants who win a book adopt can still win a main event prize and vice-versa. The prize pools are separate to allow for this.[/columns][/quote]
For double checking we got your entry
Note: There’s a tab for each week and one for the bonus rounds.
Day Fourteen: The Eye
The archivist’s notes are strewn everywhere, weighted down with rocks and whatever other objects they could find. They’ve marked passages here and there. The archivist themself is scratching notes on a long scroll, glancing between papers.
“I can see it.” They mutter. “All of it, this entire time. It was faint at first, but now -- they’re watching us. They have been the whole time. I won’t let them play with us like toys. I’ll watch them back. I’ll keep us safe. The Lightners. Strange things. It all traces back to them.”
They jerk up and stare at you, into you. “I’ll know. I won’t rest until I do.”
Day 14 wrote:
Our final theme is
The Eye; the fear of being watched, exposed, and having your secrets discovered, but also manifests as the drive to know and understand, even things that should remain hidden. Be cautious of spoilers on the wiki pages, and please be mindful if you are easily scared, disturbed, or otherwise sensitive to descriptions of horror.
As with every day some direct prompts have been provided for those who would like to use them. However, you are free to write whatever you like with your entry, just so long as you stick to the daily theme and follow the directions for each daily post found in the Rules & Guidelines section of
our main event post.
The deadline for today’s entry is just before rollover tonight - 11:59pm (FR time)
Day 14 Participation Badge
Bonus Content:
Behind the archivist and their wild, piercing gaze, stands the ghostly pearlcatcher. He meets your eyes, and nods.
Then he disappears into a mass of Shade-touched smoke.
Elsewhere, in the recovered nests of tainted shadeborn eggs, smoke wreathes a single one, and sinks into it.
It will wait, and it will watch, for the next archivist.
Bonus Round 3 wrote:
Today is the final day for the event and thus bonus round 3 as well! If you’d like a chance at winning the Lightner Library adopt on the left, please see the Bonus Rounds post for more info.
Remember: Those who post their bonus round entries today can claim the daily participation badge. However, your bonus round entry is only eligible to win the featured book adopt. To increase your chances at a main event prize, you will still have to write a daily entry on the theme as well and submit it before midnight FR-time. That being said, participants who win a book adopt can still win a main event prize and vice-versa. The prize pools are separate to allow for this.
call me bug, ghost, or phantom! fr +4

[b][center][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/frd/3025798/1]BSJ Hub[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_3020423]Event Info[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916135]Judges[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916267]Today’s Theme[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916140]Prizes[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916139]Badges[/url]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922073]Bonus Rounds[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922074]Raffle[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916174]Pinglist[/url]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916272][u]Past Themes[/u][/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916188]Avatar Wall[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916190]MAG Fandragons[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_47916143]Winners[/url][/center]
[center][color=0B5A13][size=7][b]Past Themes & Intro[/b][/size][/color][/center]
[size=4]A bespectacled pearlcatcher sits at a desk outside a dusty stone doorway. Inside, stairs lead deeper into the building. The doorway is blocked off with a makeshift barrier.
The pearlcatcher shuffles through a pile of papers before they notice you. “Another statement?”
They set aside the papers covered in tiny, dense writing. “You’ve noticed it too, then? Ever since that hidden chamber opened up, things have been getting stranger and stranger. Everyone is on edge. Anything you can tell us will help.” They look you in the eye.
“Please.” They add, like an afterthought. “Come with me.”
Down the dimly lit stairs is a crumbling wall. Beyond, the light of your lantern reveals a metal plaque that reads: “Property of Jurgen Lightner”. The pearlcatcher explains what they know of Lightner.
“He gathered these tomes and documents from the ruins of the Hewn City, from what we can tell. But they’re… strange. Unreadable, and not in the quality sense.” As you two walk through the shelves, an oppressive feeling creeps up your spine. “The more superstitious scholars think they’re cursed. But they’re fascinating, aren’t they?”
The pearlcatcher stares at the rows of spines, entranced. “Fascinating. Ahem.” They shake free of whatever came over them. “What we need from you is a record of whatever strange happenings you come across or hear of. Anything at all that might help disprove -- or, er, prove -- the rumours that this collection is supernatural. I’ll be waiting to hear from you.”
When you leave, they seem relieved to be back in the sunlight.[/size]
[center][color=0B5A13][size=7][i][b]Day One: The Buried[/b][/i][/size][/color][/center]
[size=4]A creeping fear has been stalking the construction workers in the basements. Walls close in on them; the Light is far out of reach no matter how far they run towards it; rubble crumbles around them, trapping them beneath the earth. Workers burst from the cellars out of breath and exhausted, terrified until they see the sky above them.
The pearlcatcher archivist looks pleased to see you, even as a tundra in construction gear rushes out of the stairwell behind them. “You’re here! I’m glad to see you’re eager to get started. Something is frightening the workers inside the building, particularly underground. They claim sudden claustrophobia, shortness of breath, and unbearable pressure.
“I’m sure there are many things you could do to find the root of this mess. Explore the basements of the library, interview the workers -- perhaps convince some to go [i]back[/i] to work -- and search for some books that have, ahem, gone missing from the Lightner collection. Something which has many of the scholars on edge. Can’t imagine why.”
They turn back to their reports, muttering to themselves.[/size]
[quote]Today’s theme is [b]The Buried[/b], a manifestation of fears that deal with being trapped without enough space: Claustrophobia, small spaces, being unable to breathe, the underground and dust, being at the centre of everything and it is all pushing down.
While some direct prompts have been provided for those who would like to use them, you are free to write whatever you like with your entry, just so long as you stick to the daily theme and follow the directions for each daily post found in the Rules & Guidelines section of [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_3020423]our main event post[/url].
The deadline for today’s entry is just before rollover tonight - 11:59pm (FR time)
Finally, don’t forget to pick up the day’s badge once you’ve finished your entry!
[center][b][size=4]Day 1 Participation Badge[/size][/b]
[left][size=2]For more detailed information on The Buried, check [url=https://the-magnus-archives.fandom.com/wiki/The_Buried]The Magnus Archives wiki![/url] Be cautious of spoilers on the wiki pages, and please be mindful if you are easily scared, disturbed, or otherwise sensitive to descriptions of horror.[/size][/left][/quote]
[size=4][b]Bonus Content:[/b]
One of the workers, the tundra who sprinted past you, has noticed something strange. Other than the whole walls-closing-in-on-people, anyway. She pulls you aside when you finish speaking with the archivist. Her chest fluff smells singed.
“Things are bursting into flames left, right, and centre. Even after we put it out, it’s still burning hot. We can’t get close, even those from the Fire Flight! We’re losing good materials. Something has to be done about it. I know, you’ve got your ‘official instructions’ from our most honourable archivist, but this could get bad. Really bad.”[/size]
[quote=Bonus Round 1][columns][img]https://i.postimg.cc/6q2NGxbp/s037-d02-Saronai.png[/img]
[nextcol][size=4]This is a little build up for bonus round 1, available for entry over the next 4 days! Best bonus entry wins this pre-made Lightner adopt from the official [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/1840461/1#post_1840461]Library[/url]. See the [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922073]Bonus Rounds[/url] post for full details and rules.
Happy hunting![/size][/columns][/quote]
[center][color=0B5A13][size=7][b]Day Two: The Corruption[/b][/size][/color][/center]
[size=4]Today, the archivist looks disgusted, though they school their face into a pleasant smile when they spot you. They step pointedly on a stream of ants marching into the building, and shudder when the rest of the ants change course to walk over their foot, shaking it off and stepping away.
“There are bugs. Everywhere. Not even the other insectivores will eat these things, they say they taste [i]sick[/i]. I, for one, am not going to try them. My lunch spoiled before my eyes when I opened it. None of the consultants from Plague know what’s going on with this. The walls around the library aren’t closing around people anymore, but now they’re oily. Oily! It’s so gross! I touched one by accident and had to bathe three times to get the feeling off!”
They give their wings a shake, as if to brush the memory off. “We’ve been keeping anyone injured away from whatever it is, in case whatever’s causing it is contagious. It’s like being in the Scarred Wasteland, but it shouldn’t be here in the Sunbeam Ruins, much less in the great library.”[/size]
[quote]Today’s theme is [url=https://the-magnus-archives.fandom.com/wiki/The_Corruption]The Corruption[/url], the entity associated with feelings of revulsion, and the fears of corruption, disease, and filth. Please be aware that, along with spoilers, the wiki page contains body horror and themes of rot, sickness, and infestation of both insects and disease, including in the human body. Please take care if you’re squeamish.
Once again, story prompts have been provided for those who would like to use them. However, you are free to write whatever you like with your entry, just so long as you stick to the daily theme.
Also, be sure you follow the directions for each daily post found in the Rules & Guidelines section of [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_3020423]our main event post[/url].
The deadline for today’s entry is just before rollover tonight - 11:59pm (FR time)
[center][b]Day 2 Participation Badge[/b]
[size=4][b]Bonus Content:[/b]
The tundra you spoke to yesterday is standing a distance away, and rolls her eyes. The pearlcatcher’s voice carried all the way over to her. When you approach, she flashes you a smile.
“I don’t know what they’re talking about. The bugs have left me alone entirely. What they forgot to mention is, you know the spots that caught fire? None of this stuff is getting anywhere near them. I say we find whatever’s still hot and use it to clear out whatever this is, or try, at least. No one else agrees with me, but I think it could work.”
There’s something distant in her eyes. Standing beside her, she’s warmer than you’d expect, even from a tundra in the sun. You catch the faint scent of burning hair.
[quote=Bonus Round 1][columns][img]https://i.postimg.cc/6q2NGxbp/s037-d02-Saronai.png[/img]
[nextcol][size=4]3 days left before your bonus round entry is due. If you’d like a chance at winning this Lightner edition [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/1840461/1#post_1840461]Library[/url] adopt, please see the [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922073]Bonus Rounds[/url] post for more info.[/size][/columns][/quote]
[center][color=0B5A13][size=7][b]Day Three: The Flesh[/b][/size][/color][/center]
[size=4]The archivist is relieved today, but they’re still wearing gloves and boots and scrutinizing where they step. “Thank the Eleven that mess is cleaned up. It took all night.”
They check their paperwork for insects, then flip through it. “I keep thinking -- what if those things were some sort of disease, and what if it would make me -- I don’t know. Mutate. Grow another arm. Some of the other scholars are reporting similar thoughts, though never outright. Just in whispers around the break spots and such. They’ve been having nightmares about their muscles and flesh twisting into new shapes, or their skin splitting apart like --” they shudder, “-- like overripe [i]fruit[/i]. I’m starting to think something really is wrong, if this isn’t some sort of mass delusion.”
They fall quiet for a moment. “I’m glad I don’t eat meat. Carnivores seem to be getting the worst nightmares.”[/size]
[quote]Today’s theme is [url=https://the-magnus-archives.fandom.com/wiki/The_Flesh]The Flesh[/url], the fear of mutilation and of having your body destroyed or changed, as well as insecurity and self-hatred regarding one’s body image, and the fear of being slaughtered for meat. Along with some spoilers, the wiki page contains mentions of body horror and cannibalism.
As before, you may feel free to write your entries in line with the provided lore, or take a different angle and approach to your short stories or reports, just so long as you stick to the daily theme and follow the directions for each daily post found in the Rules & Guidelines section of [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_3020423]our main event post[/url].
The deadline for today’s entry is just before rollover tonight - 11:59pm (FR time)
[center][b]Day 3 Participation Badge[/b]
[center][size=2](Bacon stock by [url=https://www.deviantart.com/italianpitbull-stock/art/Juicy-Bacon-Stock-416546065]Northland Stock[/url])[/size][/center]
[size=4][b]Bonus Content:[/b]
A librarian is here today, arguing with the tundra worker. When you get close enough to hear them speaking, which isn’t very far, considering how angry the larger guardian is, you can see the tundra merely looks irritated.
“This is a [i]library[/i]! You can’t set fires anywhere near it!”
“It got rid of that insect problem, right?”
“And took most of the day to get the fires put out before they spread to anything valuable! We could have lost so much knowledge, so much history.”
“You’re just cranky because you dreamed you were just meat.”
The guardian snarls. “Get out. You’re fired.”
The tundra huffs, and stalks off. The guardian finally notices you and sighs. “Sorry you had to see that. Library staff business. Please, carry on.”
[quote=Bonus Round 1][columns][img]https://i.postimg.cc/6q2NGxbp/s037-d02-Saronai.png[/img]
[nextcol][size=4]2 days left before your bonus round entry is due. If you’d like a chance at winning the Lightner [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/1840461/1#post_1840461]Library[/url] adopt on the left, please see the [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922073]Bonus Rounds[/url] post for more info.[/size][/columns][/quote]
[center][color=0B5A13][size=7][b]Day Four: The Desolation[/b][/size][/color][/center]
[size=4]The next day brings more shouting -- the Guardian librarian and the Tundra construction worker, but the Pearlcatcher archivist has also joined in.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about!” The tundra yells. “The fire is necessary, the fire -- the… fire…?”
There are flames coming from the stairwell, but as you and the trio watch, they dissipate to nothingness. The archivist and librarian rush down the stairs past the tundra, who stands, stunned into silence.
Down the stairs, the Lightner collection is unscathed, to everyone’s relief. Workers are hurrying to extinguish small embers left in the corners.
“How…?” Breathes the librarian. The archivist seems to share his amazement. Something stopped the blaze before it consumed the entire basement, and the workers inside.
But what?[/size]
[quote=Day 4]Today’s theme is [url=https://the-magnus-archives.fandom.com/wiki/The_Desolation]The Desolation[/url], the manifestation of pain, loss, and unthinking or cruel destruction. Be cautious of spoilers on the wiki pages, and please be mindful if you are easily scared, disturbed, or otherwise sensitive to descriptions of horror.
Again, the story thus far provides prompts should you wish to use them for your entries. However, it isn’t necessary so long as you stick to the daily theme and follow the directions for each daily post found in the Rules & Guidelines section of [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_3020423]our main event post[/url].
The deadline for today’s entry is just before rollover tonight - 11:59pm (FR time)
[center][size=4][b]Day 4 Participation Badge[/size][/b]
[center][size=2](Official tundra dummy used as stock)[/size][/center]
[quote=Bonus Content - Last Day of Round 1]
[nextcol][size=4]Part one of the bonus content story has come to a close today in the main arc. That means your bonus round entries for the Lightner adopt on the left are due before today’s daily reset at FR midnight. Please see the [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922073]Bonus Rounds[/url] post for additional details and rules about these special entries.
Remember: Those who post their bonus round entries today can claim the daily participation badge. However, your bonus round entry is only eligible to win the featured book adopt. To increase your chances at a main event prize, you will still have to write a daily entry on the theme as well and submit it before midnight FR-time. That being said, participants who win a book adopt can still win a main event prize and vice-versa. The prize pools are separate to allow for this.[/size][/columns]
Look for bonus round 2 starting tomorrow![/quote]
[center][color=0B5A13][size=7][b]Day Five: The Hunt[/b][/size][/color][/center]
[size=4]The archivist looks exhausted today. They brighten when they see you. “Are you well? I spent most of yesterday checking the books for damage. Thankfully they’re unharmed.”
They sigh. “We didn’t manage to catch the tundra who set the fires -- if she even did. With all the strange things that have been happening this week, I’m beginning to have my doubts. Anyway. We’re back to business as usual, as far as that can get.
“Us dragons don’t seem to be as affected by this newest development, but familiars and prey are running panicked. Even familiars who have been bonded with their dragons for years and should know well they have nothing to fear. It’s causing chaos outside the library, and those working inside are too worried about their familiars to focus. Some are even leaving to chase those fleeing. Same drill as the other days, please find out whatever you can about what’s going on.”[/size]
[quote=Day 5]Today’s theme is [url=https://the-magnus-archives.fandom.com/wiki/The_Hunt]The Hunt[/url], the primal fear of being hunted as prey. Be cautious of spoilers on the wiki pages, and please be mindful if you are easily scared, disturbed, or otherwise sensitive to descriptions of horror.
Our dragons are the top of the food chain, but they can still be affected and spurred to the hunt themselves!
Again, some direct prompts have been provided for those who would like to use them. However, you are also free to write whatever you like with your entry, just so long as you stick to the daily theme and follow the directions for each daily post found in the Rules & Guidelines section of [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_3020423]our main event post[/url].
The deadline for today’s entry is just before rollover tonight - 11:59pm (FR time)
[center][size=4][b]Day 5 Participation Badge[/size][/b][/center]
[center][size=2](Official wildclaw dummy used as stock)[/size][/center]
[size=4][b]Bonus Content:[/b]
In the library itself, the guardian you met the other day is reorganizing books. “Everything’s a mess… What are they doing?! Rearranging these in patterns on the floors and going on about doors that shouldn’t be there. I swear, if they found another ‘secret’ collection...”
He notices you, and pauses. “Good afternoon. I hope helping with the repairs hasn’t been too much of a burden. Especially with how erratic so many people have been. Disappearing doors, hah!”
[quote=Bonus Round 2][columns][img]https://i.postimg.cc/26XD6Swt/s037-d03-Saronai.png[/img]
[nextcol][size=4]The next Lightner book bonus round revolves around [url=https://the-magnus-archives.fandom.com/wiki/The_Spiral]The Spiral[/url], the fear of madness and deception, that manifests as fractals, patterns, and mazes, among other things. If you’d like a chance at winning the related Lightner [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/1840461/1#post_1840461]Library[/url] adopt, please see the [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922073]Bonus Rounds[/url] post for more info.[/size][/columns][/quote]
[center][color=0B5A13][size=7][b]Day Six: The Slaughter[/b][/size][/color][/center]
[size=4]The archivist has their ears covered today, and takes a moment to notice you. “Can you stop that music?” they say, louder than they probably intended. “It’s driving me mad.”
Behind them, you see a smaller dragon dart away from a wildclaw’s kick. Those with better control of their faculties separate pairs close to bursting into violence, while weaker dragons and familiars peer from around their hiding places, praying they will be overlooked and unharmed.
A sort of droning song thrums through the air and earth. Even the archivist looks angry. “This is [i]madness[/i], the entire week! Just -- stop that! You! Unhand those!”
They hurry off to deal with someone trying to shred their papers.[/size]
[quote=Day 6]Today’s theme is [url=https://the-magnus-archives.fandom.com/wiki/The_Slaughter]The Slaughter[/url], the fear of unpredictable, unmotivated violence, and not knowing where, or how pain will come, but that it will. It is associated with war imagery, weapons, and music, particularly instruments such as percussion and bagpipes. Be cautious of spoilers on the wiki pages, and please be mindful if you are easily scared, disturbed, or otherwise sensitive to descriptions of horror.
While some direct prompts have been provided for those who would like to use them, you are free to write whatever you like with your entry, just so long as you stick to the daily theme.
Also, be sure you follow the directions for each daily post found in the Rules & Guidelines section of [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_3020423]our main event post[/url].
The deadline for today’s entry is just before rollover tonight - 11:59pm (FR time)
[center][size=4][b]Day 6 Participation Badge[/size][/b]
[center][size=2](Official Ravenskull Broadsword used as stock)[/size][/center]
[size=4][b]Bonus Content:[/b]
The librarian is behind a barricade of empty shelves. “Stay away from my books! Don’t you dare touch them!”
You try to speak to him, but he doesn’t seem to hear your words.
“I see you,” he shouts. “I won’t let you destroy any of these!”
There is no one in the direction he’s yelling in, and one of his makeshift barricades is against an empty wall -- though when you unfocus your eyes, you can faintly make out a doorway. Just a trick of your imagination.
[quote=Bonus Round 2][columns][img]https://i.postimg.cc/26XD6Swt/s037-d03-Saronai.png[/img]
[nextcol][size=4]4 days left before your bonus round entry is due. If you’d like a chance at winning the related Lightner [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/1840461/1#post_1840461]Library[/url] adopt, please see the [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922073]Bonus Rounds[/url] post for more info.[/columns][/quote]
[center][color=0B5A13][size=7][b]Day Seven: The End[/b][/size][/color][/center]
[size=4]Workers are busily cleaning up after yesterday’s frenzy. The librarian is leading the efforts to fix his bookshelf fort, looking somewhat sheepish. The archivist looks exhausted.
“Hello.” It takes them a moment to notice you standing before them. “Nightmares, again. More than just the carnivores this time.” They rub their face with one hand. “It’s difficult to describe. Everyone is scared of getting seriously hurt, despite all our precautions to keep the renovation areas safe. Some dream of lost loved ones, or dying themselves. It’s causing quite a bit of grief. No one has been hurt yet, no more than any other day, but it’s worrying people.” They sigh.
“Thank you for anything you can do to help.”[/size]
[quote=Day 7]Today’s theme is [url=https://the-magnus-archives.fandom.com/wiki/The_End]The End[/url], the fear of death, and the inevitable end of things, that manifests in dreams and the dead. Be cautious of spoilers on the wiki pages, and please be mindful if you are easily scared, disturbed, or otherwise sensitive to descriptions of horror.
While some direct prompts have been provided for those who would like to use them, you are free to write whatever you like with your entry, just so long as you stick to the daily theme.
Also, be sure you follow the directions for each daily post found in the Rules & Guidelines section of [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/1#post_3020423]our main event post[/url].
The deadline for today’s entry is just before rollover tonight - 11:59pm (FR time)
[center][size=4][b]Day 7 Participation Badge[/size][/b]
[center][size=2](Inspired by the Death Seeker familiar)[/size][/center]
[size=4][b]Bonus Content:[/b]
When you approach the librarian, it’s clear he’s frazzled. “They keep putting the shelves in spirals, and telling me I’m the one who told them to. I’ve never said such a thing. It’s ridiculous to have a spiral library.”
He pauses to correct a worker placing a desk at an odd angle.
“Sorry. This is demanding all my attention. Can you return later?”
You can. He works until nightfall.
[quote=Bonus Round 2][columns][img]https://i.postimg.cc/26XD6Swt/s037-d03-Saronai.png[/img]
[nextcol][size=4]3 days left before your second bonus round entry is due. If you’d like a chance at winning the related Lightner [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/1840461/1#post_1840461]Library[/url] adopt, please see the [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47922073]Bonus Rounds[/url] post for more info.[/columns][/quote]
[center][color=0B5A13][size=7][b]Week Two[/b][/size][/color][/center]
[b]Week two past themes follow in the next post, you can [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3020423/2#post_47916275]click here to skip to it[/url].[/b]
For double checking we got your entry
Note: There’s a tab for each week and one for the bonus rounds.
Past Themes & Intro
A bespectacled pearlcatcher sits at a desk outside a dusty stone doorway. Inside, stairs lead deeper into the building. The doorway is blocked off with a makeshift barrier.
The pearlcatcher shuffles through a pile of papers before they notice you. “Another statement?”
They set aside the papers covered in tiny, dense writing. “You’ve noticed it too, then? Ever since that hidden chamber opened up, things have been getting stranger and stranger. Everyone is on edge. Anything you can tell us will help.” They look you in the eye.
“Please.” They add, like an afterthought. “Come with me.”
Down the dimly lit stairs is a crumbling wall. Beyond, the light of your lantern reveals a metal plaque that reads: “Property of Jurgen Lightner”. The pearlcatcher explains what they know of Lightner.
“He gathered these tomes and documents from the ruins of the Hewn City, from what we can tell. But they’re… strange. Unreadable, and not in the quality sense.” As you two walk through the shelves, an oppressive feeling creeps up your spine. “The more superstitious scholars think they’re cursed. But they’re fascinating, aren’t they?”
The pearlcatcher stares at the rows of spines, entranced. “Fascinating. Ahem.” They shake free of whatever came over them. “What we need from you is a record of whatever strange happenings you come across or hear of. Anything at all that might help disprove -- or, er, prove -- the rumours that this collection is supernatural. I’ll be waiting to hear from you.”
When you leave, they seem relieved to be back in the sunlight.
Day One: The Buried
A creeping fear has been stalking the construction workers in the basements. Walls close in on them; the Light is far out of reach no matter how far they run towards it; rubble crumbles around them, trapping them beneath the earth. Workers burst from the cellars out of breath and exhausted, terrified until they see the sky above them.
The pearlcatcher archivist looks pleased to see you, even as a tundra in construction gear rushes out of the stairwell behind them. “You’re here! I’m glad to see you’re eager to get started. Something is frightening the workers inside the building, particularly underground. They claim sudden claustrophobia, shortness of breath, and unbearable pressure.
“I’m sure there are many things you could do to find the root of this mess. Explore the basements of the library, interview the workers -- perhaps convince some to go back to work -- and search for some books that have, ahem, gone missing from the Lightner collection. Something which has many of the scholars on edge. Can’t imagine why.”
They turn back to their reports, muttering to themselves.
Today’s theme is
The Buried, a manifestation of fears that deal with being trapped without enough space: Claustrophobia, small spaces, being unable to breathe, the underground and dust, being at the centre of everything and it is all pushing down.
While some direct prompts have been provided for those who would like to use them, you are free to write whatever you like with your entry, just so long as you stick to the daily theme and follow the directions for each daily post found in the Rules & Guidelines section of
our main event post.
The deadline for today’s entry is just before rollover tonight - 11:59pm (FR time)
Finally, don’t forget to pick up the day’s badge once you’ve finished your entry!
Day 1 Participation Badge
For more detailed information on The Buried, check The Magnus Archives wiki! Be cautious of spoilers on the wiki pages, and please be mindful if you are easily scared, disturbed, or otherwise sensitive to descriptions of horror.
Bonus Content:
One of the workers, the tundra who sprinted past you, has noticed something strange. Other than the whole walls-closing-in-on-people, anyway. She pulls you aside when you finish speaking with the archivist. Her chest fluff smells singed.
“Things are bursting into flames left, right, and centre. Even after we put it out, it’s still burning hot. We can’t get close, even those from the Fire Flight! We’re losing good materials. Something has to be done about it. I know, you’ve got your ‘official instructions’ from our most honourable archivist, but this could get bad. Really bad.”
Bonus Round 1 wrote:
This is a little build up for bonus round 1, available for entry over the next 4 days! Best bonus entry wins this pre-made Lightner adopt from the official Library. See the Bonus Rounds post for full details and rules.
Happy hunting!
Day Two: The Corruption
Today, the archivist looks disgusted, though they school their face into a pleasant smile when they spot you. They step pointedly on a stream of ants marching into the building, and shudder when the rest of the ants change course to walk over their foot, shaking it off and stepping away.
“There are bugs. Everywhere. Not even the other insectivores will eat these things, they say they taste sick. I, for one, am not going to try them. My lunch spoiled before my eyes when I opened it. None of the consultants from Plague know what’s going on with this. The walls around the library aren’t closing around people anymore, but now they’re oily. Oily! It’s so gross! I touched one by accident and had to bathe three times to get the feeling off!”
They give their wings a shake, as if to brush the memory off. “We’ve been keeping anyone injured away from whatever it is, in case whatever’s causing it is contagious. It’s like being in the Scarred Wasteland, but it shouldn’t be here in the Sunbeam Ruins, much less in the great library.”
Today’s theme is
The Corruption, the entity associated with feelings of revulsion, and the fears of corruption, disease, and filth. Please be aware that, along with spoilers, the wiki page contains body horror and themes of rot, sickness, and infestation of both insects and disease, including in the human body. Please take care if you’re squeamish.
Once again, story prompts have been provided for those who would like to use them. However, you are free to write whatever you like with your entry, just so long as you stick to the daily theme.
Also, be sure you follow the directions for each daily post found in the Rules & Guidelines section of
our main event post.
The deadline for today’s entry is just before rollover tonight - 11:59pm (FR time)
Day 2 Participation Badge
Bonus Content:
The tundra you spoke to yesterday is standing a distance away, and rolls her eyes. The pearlcatcher’s voice carried all the way over to her. When you approach, she flashes you a smile.
“I don’t know what they’re talking about. The bugs have left me alone entirely. What they forgot to mention is, you know the spots that caught fire? None of this stuff is getting anywhere near them. I say we find whatever’s still hot and use it to clear out whatever this is, or try, at least. No one else agrees with me, but I think it could work.”
There’s something distant in her eyes. Standing beside her, she’s warmer than you’d expect, even from a tundra in the sun. You catch the faint scent of burning hair.
Bonus Round 1 wrote:
3 days left before your bonus round entry is due. If you’d like a chance at winning this Lightner edition Library adopt, please see the Bonus Rounds post for more info.
Day Three: The Flesh
The archivist is relieved today, but they’re still wearing gloves and boots and scrutinizing where they step. “Thank the Eleven that mess is cleaned up. It took all night.”
They check their paperwork for insects, then flip through it. “I keep thinking -- what if those things were some sort of disease, and what if it would make me -- I don’t know. Mutate. Grow another arm. Some of the other scholars are reporting similar thoughts, though never outright. Just in whispers around the break spots and such. They’ve been having nightmares about their muscles and flesh twisting into new shapes, or their skin splitting apart like --” they shudder, “-- like overripe fruit. I’m starting to think something really is wrong, if this isn’t some sort of mass delusion.”
They fall quiet for a moment. “I’m glad I don’t eat meat. Carnivores seem to be getting the worst nightmares.”
Today’s theme is
The Flesh, the fear of mutilation and of having your body destroyed or changed, as well as insecurity and self-hatred regarding one’s body image, and the fear of being slaughtered for meat. Along with some spoilers, the wiki page contains mentions of body horror and cannibalism.
As before, you may feel free to write your entries in line with the provided lore, or take a different angle and approach to your short stories or reports, just so long as you stick to the daily theme and follow the directions for each daily post found in the Rules & Guidelines section of
our main event post.
The deadline for today’s entry is just before rollover tonight - 11:59pm (FR time)
Day 3 Participation Badge
Bonus Content:
A librarian is here today, arguing with the tundra worker. When you get close enough to hear them speaking, which isn’t very far, considering how angry the larger guardian is, you can see the tundra merely looks irritated.
“This is a library! You can’t set fires anywhere near it!”
“It got rid of that insect problem, right?”
“And took most of the day to get the fires put out before they spread to anything valuable! We could have lost so much knowledge, so much history.”
“You’re just cranky because you dreamed you were just meat.”
The guardian snarls. “Get out. You’re fired.”
The tundra huffs, and stalks off. The guardian finally notices you and sighs. “Sorry you had to see that. Library staff business. Please, carry on.”
Bonus Round 1 wrote:
2 days left before your bonus round entry is due. If you’d like a chance at winning the Lightner Library adopt on the left, please see the Bonus Rounds post for more info.
Day Four: The Desolation
The next day brings more shouting -- the Guardian librarian and the Tundra construction worker, but the Pearlcatcher archivist has also joined in.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about!” The tundra yells. “The fire is necessary, the fire -- the… fire…?”
There are flames coming from the stairwell, but as you and the trio watch, they dissipate to nothingness. The archivist and librarian rush down the stairs past the tundra, who stands, stunned into silence.
Down the stairs, the Lightner collection is unscathed, to everyone’s relief. Workers are hurrying to extinguish small embers left in the corners.
“How…?” Breathes the librarian. The archivist seems to share his amazement. Something stopped the blaze before it consumed the entire basement, and the workers inside.
But what?
Day 4 wrote:
Today’s theme is
The Desolation, the manifestation of pain, loss, and unthinking or cruel destruction. Be cautious of spoilers on the wiki pages, and please be mindful if you are easily scared, disturbed, or otherwise sensitive to descriptions of horror.
Again, the story thus far provides prompts should you wish to use them for your entries. However, it isn’t necessary so long as you stick to the daily theme and follow the directions for each daily post found in the Rules & Guidelines section of
our main event post.
The deadline for today’s entry is just before rollover tonight - 11:59pm (FR time)
Day 4 Participation Badge
(Official tundra dummy used as stock)
Bonus Content - Last Day of Round 1 wrote:

Part one of the bonus content story has come to a close today in the main arc. That means your bonus round entries for the Lightner adopt on the left are due before today’s daily reset at FR midnight. Please see the Bonus Rounds post for additional details and rules about these special entries.
Remember: Those who post their bonus round entries today can claim the daily participation badge. However, your bonus round entry is only eligible to win the featured book adopt. To increase your chances at a main event prize, you will still have to write a daily entry on the theme as well and submit it before midnight FR-time. That being said, participants who win a book adopt can still win a main event prize and vice-versa. The prize pools are separate to allow for this.
Look for bonus round 2 starting tomorrow!
Day Five: The Hunt
The archivist looks exhausted today. They brighten when they see you. “Are you well? I spent most of yesterday checking the books for damage. Thankfully they’re unharmed.”
They sigh. “We didn’t manage to catch the tundra who set the fires -- if she even did. With all the strange things that have been happening this week, I’m beginning to have my doubts. Anyway. We’re back to business as usual, as far as that can get.
“Us dragons don’t seem to be as affected by this newest development, but familiars and prey are running panicked. Even familiars who have been bonded with their dragons for years and should know well they have nothing to fear. It’s causing chaos outside the library, and those working inside are too worried about their familiars to focus. Some are even leaving to chase those fleeing. Same drill as the other days, please find out whatever you can about what’s going on.”
Day 5 wrote:
Today’s theme is
The Hunt, the primal fear of being hunted as prey. Be cautious of spoilers on the wiki pages, and please be mindful if you are easily scared, disturbed, or otherwise sensitive to descriptions of horror.
Our dragons are the top of the food chain, but they can still be affected and spurred to the hunt themselves!
Again, some direct prompts have been provided for those who would like to use them. However, you are also free to write whatever you like with your entry, just so long as you stick to the daily theme and follow the directions for each daily post found in the Rules & Guidelines section of
our main event post.
The deadline for today’s entry is just before rollover tonight - 11:59pm (FR time)
Day 5 Participation Badge
(Official wildclaw dummy used as stock)
Bonus Content:
In the library itself, the guardian you met the other day is reorganizing books. “Everything’s a mess… What are they doing?! Rearranging these in patterns on the floors and going on about doors that shouldn’t be there. I swear, if they found another ‘secret’ collection...”
He notices you, and pauses. “Good afternoon. I hope helping with the repairs hasn’t been too much of a burden. Especially with how erratic so many people have been. Disappearing doors, hah!”
Bonus Round 2 wrote:
The next Lightner book bonus round revolves around The Spiral, the fear of madness and deception, that manifests as fractals, patterns, and mazes, among other things. If you’d like a chance at winning the related Lightner Library adopt, please see the Bonus Rounds post for more info.
Day Six: The Slaughter
The archivist has their ears covered today, and takes a moment to notice you. “Can you stop that music?” they say, louder than they probably intended. “It’s driving me mad.”
Behind them, you see a smaller dragon dart away from a wildclaw’s kick. Those with better control of their faculties separate pairs close to bursting into violence, while weaker dragons and familiars peer from around their hiding places, praying they will be overlooked and unharmed.
A sort of droning song thrums through the air and earth. Even the archivist looks angry. “This is madness, the entire week! Just -- stop that! You! Unhand those!”
They hurry off to deal with someone trying to shred their papers.
Day 6 wrote:
Today’s theme is
The Slaughter, the fear of unpredictable, unmotivated violence, and not knowing where, or how pain will come, but that it will. It is associated with war imagery, weapons, and music, particularly instruments such as percussion and bagpipes. Be cautious of spoilers on the wiki pages, and please be mindful if you are easily scared, disturbed, or otherwise sensitive to descriptions of horror.
While some direct prompts have been provided for those who would like to use them, you are free to write whatever you like with your entry, just so long as you stick to the daily theme.
Also, be sure you follow the directions for each daily post found in the Rules & Guidelines section of
our main event post.
The deadline for today’s entry is just before rollover tonight - 11:59pm (FR time)
Day 6 Participation Badge
(Official Ravenskull Broadsword used as stock)
Bonus Content:
The librarian is behind a barricade of empty shelves. “Stay away from my books! Don’t you dare touch them!”
You try to speak to him, but he doesn’t seem to hear your words.
“I see you,” he shouts. “I won’t let you destroy any of these!”
There is no one in the direction he’s yelling in, and one of his makeshift barricades is against an empty wall -- though when you unfocus your eyes, you can faintly make out a doorway. Just a trick of your imagination.
Bonus Round 2 wrote:
4 days left before your bonus round entry is due. If you’d like a chance at winning the related Lightner Library adopt, please see the Bonus Rounds post for more info.
Day Seven: The End
Workers are busily cleaning up after yesterday’s frenzy. The librarian is leading the efforts to fix his bookshelf fort, looking somewhat sheepish. The archivist looks exhausted.
“Hello.” It takes them a moment to notice you standing before them. “Nightmares, again. More than just the carnivores this time.” They rub their face with one hand. “It’s difficult to describe. Everyone is scared of getting seriously hurt, despite all our precautions to keep the renovation areas safe. Some dream of lost loved ones, or dying themselves. It’s causing quite a bit of grief. No one has been hurt yet, no more than any other day, but it’s worrying people.” They sigh.
“Thank you for anything you can do to help.”
Day 7 wrote:
Today’s theme is
The End, the fear of death, and the inevitable end of things, that manifests in dreams and the dead. Be cautious of spoilers on the wiki pages, and please be mindful if you are easily scared, disturbed, or otherwise sensitive to descriptions of horror.
While some direct prompts have been provided for those who would like to use them, you are free to write whatever you like with your entry, just so long as you stick to the daily theme.
Also, be sure you follow the directions for each daily post found in the Rules & Guidelines section of
our main event post.
The deadline for today’s entry is just before rollover tonight - 11:59pm (FR time)
Day 7 Participation Badge

(Inspired by the Death Seeker familiar)
Bonus Content:
When you approach the librarian, it’s clear he’s frazzled. “They keep putting the shelves in spirals, and telling me I’m the one who told them to. I’ve never said such a thing. It’s ridiculous to have a spiral library.”
He pauses to correct a worker placing a desk at an odd angle.
“Sorry. This is demanding all my attention. Can you return later?”
You can. He works until nightfall.
Bonus Round 2 wrote:
3 days left before your second bonus round entry is due. If you’d like a chance at winning the related Lightner Library adopt, please see the Bonus Rounds post for more info.
Week Two
Week two past themes follow in the next post, you can click here to skip to it.