
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | Ion Chef! [LightningDom][Raffle]
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Pyre scurried around the kitchen. This was her third time competing in something like this, and she'd like to keep her winning streak of not poisoning anyone.

She started with a large pumpkin pie, with wisp fruit mixed in. Baking just made sense to her now. She even sprinkled some burnt insects on top!(massive portions)

Then, she continued with some smaller things. Croissants and small salad wraps filled multiple plates, ready for dragons of all kinds to taste. (Finger food)

But she hadn't even made something for those dragons that could only eat meat! A big, steaming pot of pig head and salmon stew quickly filled bowls, A scent both tantalizing and worrying.

For her centerpiece, she ended up stealing a plastic lolipop stand and filling it with kebobs of all kinds instead. The food felt mishmashed, but in a way that fit her makeshift family. (Big centerpiece, at least 5 dishes)
Pyre scurried around the kitchen. This was her third time competing in something like this, and she'd like to keep her winning streak of not poisoning anyone.

She started with a large pumpkin pie, with wisp fruit mixed in. Baking just made sense to her now. She even sprinkled some burnt insects on top!(massive portions)

Then, she continued with some smaller things. Croissants and small salad wraps filled multiple plates, ready for dragons of all kinds to taste. (Finger food)

But she hadn't even made something for those dragons that could only eat meat! A big, steaming pot of pig head and salmon stew quickly filled bowls, A scent both tantalizing and worrying.

For her centerpiece, she ended up stealing a plastic lolipop stand and filling it with kebobs of all kinds instead. The food felt mishmashed, but in a way that fit her makeshift family. (Big centerpiece, at least 5 dishes)
f282e074cdf53330182445ba3db1235c26fc602a.gifGIF by @Anivia
[outfit=2537259] “Cooking. Cooking! And for a feast, at that!” The Mirror who’s made an appearance is certainly… passionate. Jovial, even. It’s difficult to tell through the thick welding helmet he’s wearing. “Of course there are celebrations we go all out for and my partners and I [i]personally[/i] handle the food for our clan.” “Now. When going hunting for a feast, I find that it helps immensely to bring a healer along. Anything worthy of being the main course has the ability to kill you just as fast as you do it.” His tail sweeps up to wave at the portable forge spewing fire and smoke that he has strapped to his back without a care. “That’s why you always bring cooking equipment along. You can handle most of the preparation on site. Once the worst of it is done, it’s fine to head to the site of the festival.” “The first dish is for the hatchlings.” Calianth checks to make sure the heavy iron gauntlets on his front paws are properly secured before getting to it. “Take a variety of jellyfish— we have [item=Sunshine Stinger][item=Bluewave Jellyfish][item=Sea Globe] today, and [item=Nebula Floaters] are always popular with the young— and cut the tendrils off. Put the discarded bits over in a pan of water on the stove so they can start cooking for later. Cut the meat into small chunks and start mashing it together in a pile. Beat the pile with whatever you have that’s heavy and on hand until the paste has a consistent texture. Be very careful with preparing [item=Tropical Seaslug], just toss the parts you need to discard into the pan with the jellyfish tendrils, and beat the rest into the paste we’ve got already. Shape it into cute fish shapes and toss it on the fire. [color=4B0082]Then you’ll have fishy nuggets— [item=Soylent Blue]— which make for a great finger food.[/color] It’ll keep the young ones from getting restless while you cook the rest.” (Bonus: finger food) “While that’s going, it’s time to make a nice salad. Salad isn’t hard. Chop up some lettuce and other plants— [item=Feisty Lettuce][item=Spicy Leaf Sheep][item=Iris][item=Incorporeal Substance][item=Cursed Garnish]— and toss them in a big bowl. Go beat a giant golem into submission for [item=Vegetable Oil] salad dressing. Season to taste.” “Now your glaze for the main dish should be ready. Take the pan you had boiling off the stove and dump a [item=Firecoiler] in. Shove that pan back right into the heart of the stove.” Calianth dumps a gigantic eel-thing into a pan as he’s talking and… stoves don’t normally have ‘hearts’. Or lava. That’s a forge he’s talking about. Well, the safety gloves and helmet are doing their job. “While waiting for that to cook, fry up a delicious casserole. You can use all kinds of things for this one, but today we’ll be chopping octopus [item=Blue Ring Octopus] into chunks, adding some vitamins [item=Steelhound Drone], and carefully rolling it into balls and breading it. [item=Ragesquid] Some squid ink makes for great colouring.” He appears to have absolutely no idea what a casserole actually is as he proceeds to make fried octopus balls and stick them festively on [item=Dire Porcupine] skewers… then drop the entire porcupine in what’s vaguely recognisable as a casserole dish. It’s a glass dish with the word ‘casserole’ scrawled on the side. Which is then set to cook on a portable forge. It’s a miracle he hasn’t broken anything. “Wash your hands very carefully,” he instructs, “before we get on to making dessert. For that, we’ll be making a popular snack. It’s easy. Take [item=Green Jelly] and add a whole load of sugar [item=Salt] to it. Then add in some of a different kind of sweet surprise ingredient [item=Mimic Powder]. Blend it all together really fast with your claws, then take it off the stove and lock it in an ice chest to cool. Cut into giant portions and serve once it’s ready.” “[color=4B0082]Once your main dish has gotten to cook as long as you deem enough, put it nice and festively in the middle of the table.[/color] (Bonus: festive main dish) Surround it with heaping portions of the [color=4B0082]other three dishes and remember to save the jelly for dessert.”[/color] (Bonus: five dishes) Going along with his words, he slams down a pan on the centre of a nice table and uses embers from the forge to light nice festive [item=Smoldering Sconce][item=Calculating Candelabra] candles he sets nearby. [item=Antique Chair] There are enough chairs to accommodate guests as well as [color=4B0082]massive amounts of food.[/color] (Bonus: portions!) “And you’re done! That’s how we get ready to welcome guests at the end of each and every year.” … … … wait, isn’t the end of the year when all kinds of lethal things disguise themselves as harmless ones in the Tangled Wood…? Maybe you should read the tooltips closely before eating anything…
Calianth (Food Pantry)

“Cooking. Cooking! And for a feast, at that!” The Mirror who’s made an appearance is certainly… passionate. Jovial, even. It’s difficult to tell through the thick welding helmet he’s wearing. “Of course there are celebrations we go all out for and my partners and I personally handle the food for our clan.”

“Now. When going hunting for a feast, I find that it helps immensely to bring a healer along. Anything worthy of being the main course has the ability to kill you just as fast as you do it.” His tail sweeps up to wave at the portable forge spewing fire and smoke that he has strapped to his back without a care. “That’s why you always bring cooking equipment along. You can handle most of the preparation on site. Once the worst of it is done, it’s fine to head to the site of the festival.”

“The first dish is for the hatchlings.” Calianth checks to make sure the heavy iron gauntlets on his front paws are properly secured before getting to it. “Take a variety of jellyfish— we have Sunshine Stinger Bluewave Jellyfish Sea Globe today, and Nebula Floaters are always popular with the young— and cut the tendrils off. Put the discarded bits over in a pan of water on the stove so they can start cooking for later. Cut the meat into small chunks and start mashing it together in a pile. Beat the pile with whatever you have that’s heavy and on hand until the paste has a consistent texture. Be very careful with preparing Tropical Seaslug , just toss the parts you need to discard into the pan with the jellyfish tendrils, and beat the rest into the paste we’ve got already. Shape it into cute fish shapes and toss it on the fire. Then you’ll have fishy nuggets— Soylent Blue — which make for a great finger food. It’ll keep the young ones from getting restless while you cook the rest.” (Bonus: finger food)

“While that’s going, it’s time to make a nice salad. Salad isn’t hard. Chop up some lettuce and other plants— Feisty Lettuce Spicy Leaf Sheep Iris Incorporeal Substance Cursed Garnish — and toss them in a big bowl. Go beat a giant golem into submission for Vegetable Oil salad dressing. Season to taste.”

“Now your glaze for the main dish should be ready. Take the pan you had boiling off the stove and dump a Firecoiler in. Shove that pan back right into the heart of the stove.” Calianth dumps a gigantic eel-thing into a pan as he’s talking and… stoves don’t normally have ‘hearts’. Or lava. That’s a forge he’s talking about. Well, the safety gloves and helmet are doing their job.

“While waiting for that to cook, fry up a delicious casserole. You can use all kinds of things for this one, but today we’ll be chopping octopus Blue Ring Octopus into chunks, adding some vitamins Steelhound Drone , and carefully rolling it into balls and breading it. Ragesquid Some squid ink makes for great colouring.” He appears to have absolutely no idea what a casserole actually is as he proceeds to make fried octopus balls and stick them festively on Dire Porcupine skewers… then drop the entire porcupine in what’s vaguely recognisable as a casserole dish. It’s a glass dish with the word ‘casserole’ scrawled on the side. Which is then set to cook on a portable forge. It’s a miracle he hasn’t broken anything.

“Wash your hands very carefully,” he instructs, “before we get on to making dessert. For that, we’ll be making a popular snack. It’s easy. Take Green Jelly and add a whole load of sugar Salt to it. Then add in some of a different kind of sweet surprise ingredient Mimic Powder . Blend it all together really fast with your claws, then take it off the stove and lock it in an ice chest to cool. Cut into giant portions and serve once it’s ready.”

Once your main dish has gotten to cook as long as you deem enough, put it nice and festively in the middle of the table. (Bonus: festive main dish) Surround it with heaping portions of the other three dishes and remember to save the jelly for dessert.” (Bonus: five dishes) Going along with his words, he slams down a pan on the centre of a nice table and uses embers from the forge to light nice festive Smoldering Sconce Calculating Candelabra candles he sets nearby. Antique Chair There are enough chairs to accommodate guests as well as massive amounts of food. (Bonus: portions!) “And you’re done! That’s how we get ready to welcome guests at the end of each and every year.”

… wait, isn’t the end of the year when all kinds of lethal things disguise themselves as harmless ones in the Tangled Wood…? Maybe you should read the tooltips closely before eating anything…
[columns][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][url=][img][/img] [/url][nextcol][b]DISH ONE: SWEET-BRAISED GOOSE GARNISHED WITH ROASTED NUTS[/b][/columns] "The best time for a feast? Obviously that has to be a winter festival, when everything is cold. That ensures the warm food tastes the best," says Snow as she mercilessly dispatches a squawking [url=]bar-headed goose[/url] and strips it of feathers, spearing it primly onto the rotisserie. "Chestnuts, open fires... ah, the [i]atmosphere[/i]." A [url=]stolen trailmix blend[/url] is upended in a pan for roasting as the goose is charred golden-brown. [url=][img][/img][/url] Beekeeper Tallia shows up to assist: she passes Snow fresh [url=]honeycomb[/url] to slather over the tender goose. Snow holds up her ultimate creation: [b]decadent roasted goose over a pan of warm nuts[/b] (bonus: big centerpiece dish). [columns][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][url=][img][/img] [/url][nextcol][b]DISH TWO: FRUIT SKEWER MEDLEY[/b][/columns] "It ain't practical to force a feast," Summer grumbles, grabbing a heaping armful of fruit from his basket and dumping it onto the chopping board. "Harvest festivals are the only ones that make any gosh-darned sense, you already have a bounty right there." The interviewer fails to get any further comments out of him as he chops his assortment of [url=]butcher's fig[/url], [url=]dragon fruit[/url], [url=]honeycrisp apple[/url], and [url=]sugarmelon[/url] into small cubes and starts the work of skewering them onto the collected quills of a [url=]crested porcupine[/url]. [url=][img][/img][/url] Beekeeper Tallia shows up to assist: she passes Summer a bowl of fresh [url=]honeycomb[/url] to dip the skewers into. Summer holds up his ultimate creation: [b]bite-sized mixed-fruit skewers with a honey dip[/b] (bonus: finger food). [columns][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][url=][img][/img] [/url][nextcol][b]DISH THREE: FISH. ALL OF THEM. BISQUE STYLE.[/b][/columns] "Oh, I love feasts, no matter the holiday," Juniper says with a smile. The barrel in her claws is dumped onto the prep table, and the smell of fish overpowers the kitchen in a horrible instant as her still-flopping catch of the day is piled in front of her. The pot already at a boil next to her suddenly makes a lot more sense- but the way she manages to maintain composure through a solid hour of fish-gutting is downright illogical. Juniper is barely even fazed by the time she finally gets to the real soup-making, tossing her [url=]golden rainbow trout[/url], [url=]hippocamp mackerel[/url], [url=]marsh stalker[/url], and [url=]deep sea lobster[/url] into the broth. [url=][img][/img][/url] Beekeeper Tallia shows up to assist: and her assistance is rejected because seafood and fresh [url=]honeycomb[/url] would make an unspeakable combination. A few hours later, Juniper holds up her ultimate creation (with the help of several assistants): [b]a HUGE cauldron of assorted-seafood soup[/b] (bonus: shareable sides/massive portions). [columns][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][url=][img][/img] [/url][nextcol][b]DISHES FOUR AND FIVE: FRESH SALAD AND CRISPY DINNER ROLLS[/b][/columns] Luxor has an expression of intense concentration as she kneads her [url=]acorn[/url]-flour dough. "I can't help but take cooking seriously, even on Sundays," she admits. "If anyone else goofs off, we still need at least two functional dishes." After tossing the biscuits in the oven, she skillfully begins dicing her clean, crisp [url=]water lettuce[/url]. Transferring it to the mixing bowl, she adds in a jar of [url=]strawberry[/url] vinaigrette. "Oh, right, you asked about the best feasting festival. Whenever we can get together a merry group of [i]functional[/i] dragons," she deadpans. "That's the best holiday." It's hard to disagree with anything she says as she pulls her biscuits from the oven and the fresh-baked smell of them wafts through the air. A mysterious blend of herbs from her [url=]pouch[/url] is sprinkled over the top- after a generous slather of [url=]butter[/url]. A sprinkling of [url=]cucumber[/url] slices finishes the salad. [url=][img][/img][/url] Beekeeper Tallia is getting a stern talking-to about promoting her honey business in the middle of a serious cooking show. A shame- fresh [url=]honeycomb[/url] would have paired wonderfully with the rolls. Luxor holds up her ultimate creations: [b]buttery herb-rolls and a refreshing salad[/b] (bonus: at least five dishes). ------- Snow, Summer, Juniper, and Luxor don't convene until they're all done with their dishes. Proudly, they observe the feast they've created: crispy, juicy goose in the center of the table, surrounded by bowls of salad and enormous tureens of seafood soup. Fruit skewers on the dessert table, sweet and fresh-looking. And rolls to go with every other course. Hm. Maybe there should've been some more coordination. Seafood with poultry? [i]Really, Juniper?[/i] And why is there SO MUCH HONEY?!

"The best time for a feast? Obviously that has to be a winter festival, when everything is cold. That ensures the warm food tastes the best," says Snow as she mercilessly dispatches a squawking bar-headed goose and strips it of feathers, spearing it primly onto the rotisserie. "Chestnuts, open fires... ah, the atmosphere." A stolen trailmix blend is upended in a pan for roasting as the goose is charred golden-brown.

93869590p.png Beekeeper Tallia shows up to assist: she passes Snow fresh honeycomb to slather over the tender goose.

Snow holds up her ultimate creation: decadent roasted goose over a pan of warm nuts (bonus: big centerpiece dish).


"It ain't practical to force a feast," Summer grumbles, grabbing a heaping armful of fruit from his basket and dumping it onto the chopping board. "Harvest festivals are the only ones that make any gosh-darned sense, you already have a bounty right there." The interviewer fails to get any further comments out of him as he chops his assortment of butcher's fig, dragon fruit, honeycrisp apple, and sugarmelon into small cubes and starts the work of skewering them onto the collected quills of a crested porcupine.

93869590p.png Beekeeper Tallia shows up to assist: she passes Summer a bowl of fresh honeycomb to dip the skewers into.

Summer holds up his ultimate creation: bite-sized mixed-fruit skewers with a honey dip (bonus: finger food).


"Oh, I love feasts, no matter the holiday," Juniper says with a smile. The barrel in her claws is dumped onto the prep table, and the smell of fish overpowers the kitchen in a horrible instant as her still-flopping catch of the day is piled in front of her. The pot already at a boil next to her suddenly makes a lot more sense- but the way she manages to maintain composure through a solid hour of fish-gutting is downright illogical. Juniper is barely even fazed by the time she finally gets to the real soup-making, tossing her golden rainbow trout, hippocamp mackerel, marsh stalker, and deep sea lobster into the broth.

93869590p.png Beekeeper Tallia shows up to assist: and her assistance is rejected because seafood and fresh honeycomb would make an unspeakable combination.

A few hours later, Juniper holds up her ultimate creation (with the help of several assistants): a HUGE cauldron of assorted-seafood soup (bonus: shareable sides/massive portions).


Luxor has an expression of intense concentration as she kneads her acorn-flour dough. "I can't help but take cooking seriously, even on Sundays," she admits. "If anyone else goofs off, we still need at least two functional dishes." After tossing the biscuits in the oven, she skillfully begins dicing her clean, crisp water lettuce. Transferring it to the mixing bowl, she adds in a jar of strawberry vinaigrette. "Oh, right, you asked about the best feasting festival. Whenever we can get together a merry group of functional dragons," she deadpans. "That's the best holiday."

It's hard to disagree with anything she says as she pulls her biscuits from the oven and the fresh-baked smell of them wafts through the air. A mysterious blend of herbs from her pouch is sprinkled over the top- after a generous slather of butter.

A sprinkling of cucumber slices finishes the salad.

93869590p.png Beekeeper Tallia is getting a stern talking-to about promoting her honey business in the middle of a serious cooking show. A shame- fresh honeycomb would have paired wonderfully with the rolls.

Luxor holds up her ultimate creations: buttery herb-rolls and a refreshing salad (bonus: at least five dishes).

Snow, Summer, Juniper, and Luxor don't convene until they're all done with their dishes. Proudly, they observe the feast they've created: crispy, juicy goose in the center of the table, surrounded by bowls of salad and enormous tureens of seafood soup. Fruit skewers on the dessert table, sweet and fresh-looking. And rolls to go with every other course.


Maybe there should've been some more coordination. Seafood with poultry? Really, Juniper?

And why is there SO MUCH HONEY?!
[center][b]Day 1: Sunday Holiday Meal[/b] [url=][img][/img][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] It has been a while since they cooked together in a competition, so Strohwein, Minju, and Nightingale (or as they like to call themselves [i]’Team Strinjale’[/i]) steeled themselves for the first day of Ion Chef. Best to stick with what they know for now. It was indeed a “smorgasbord of a challenge”; thankfully they are used to make holiday meals for their clan. They decided to celebrate the summer, specifically the upcoming Sunparched Prowl ([i]Bonus Meat Microholiday[/i]). [LIST] [*]Strohwein, being a Tundra and not a fan of meat, handled the [b]Shareable Sides/Massive Portions[/b]. He covered three of the five dishes, mashed potatoes and gravy, a summer pea salad, and the dessert, mincemeat pie. [*]Minju, as the smallest of the trio, focuses on bacon-wrapped appetizers/bite-sized [b]finger food[/b]. Anything that could be wrapped in bacon: scallops, sausages, shrimps, even cheese sticks. Due to the size and the fact they were all on one big plate, they counted it as the fourth dish. [*]Nighti took care of the [b]fifth[/b] and final dish, the [b]Big Centerpiece[/b] which was a Whole Roasted Salty Game of a Herdbeast. Having the biggest sweet tooth, he also helped Stroh with the dessert and prepared two different drinks, both in large pitchers. One of refreshing lemonade and another is crispy cranberry juice. [/LIST] [center]A perfect meal for the summer![/center]
Day 1: Sunday Holiday Meal

It has been a while since they cooked together in a competition, so Strohwein, Minju, and Nightingale (or as they like to call themselves ’Team Strinjale’) steeled themselves for the first day of Ion Chef. Best to stick with what they know for now. It was indeed a “smorgasbord of a challenge”; thankfully they are used to make holiday meals for their clan.

They decided to celebrate the summer, specifically the upcoming Sunparched Prowl
(Bonus Meat Microholiday).
  • Strohwein, being a Tundra and not a fan of meat, handled the Shareable Sides/Massive Portions. He covered three of the five dishes, mashed potatoes and gravy, a summer pea salad, and the dessert, mincemeat pie.
  • Minju, as the smallest of the trio, focuses on bacon-wrapped appetizers/bite-sized finger food. Anything that could be wrapped in bacon: scallops, sausages, shrimps, even cheese sticks. Due to the size and the fact they were all on one big plate, they counted it as the fourth dish.
  • Nighti took care of the fifth and final dish, the Big Centerpiece which was a Whole Roasted Salty Game of a Herdbeast. Having the biggest sweet tooth, he also helped Stroh with the dessert and prepared two different drinks, both in large pitchers. One of refreshing lemonade and another is crispy cranberry juice.
A perfect meal for the summer!

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A feast! Will do: -At least 5 dishes (ex: Turkey, Casserole, Salad, Pie, Finger sandwiches) -Finger Food (ex: Finger sandwiches) -Shareable Sides/Massive Portions (ex: Big Casserole, Pie) -Big Centerpiece Dish (ex: Turkey) ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] Mus Rattus is back for more cooking! Here's a menu for a Rockbreaker's Ceremony Feast! [b]Dishes: Oven-roasted kabocha, stuffed chicken, rocky stir-fried vegetables, peak potstickers, and mountain berry pie[/b] (5 dishes) [b]Stuffed Chicken[/b] (big centerpiece): A whole [item = Dusk Orpington] stuffed with Rockbreaker's classics like [item = Mycena Mushroom], [item = Amaranth] and [item = stonecorn]. [b]Oven-roasted kabocha[/b] (Shareable Sides/Massive Portions: A whole kabocha pumpkin sliced and roasted in the oven with rock salt, rosemary and olive oil. A delicious salty and sweet side! (I make this for my family lol) Rocky stir-fried vegetables: A vegetable medley including [item = stonespine] and [item = potato onion]. Soft and healthy! [b]Peak Potstickers[/b] (Finger Food): Triangle-shaped golden and crispy dumplings stuffed with [item = sheep] meat. They are made to look like little mountains. [b]Mountain Berry Pie[/b] (Shareable Sides/Massive Portions): A [item = raspberry] and [item = strawberry] pie with a hint of [item = peppermint] for spice. A local favorite! (All FR items listed can be gathered from Earth!)
A feast! Will do:

-At least 5 dishes (ex: Turkey, Casserole, Salad, Pie, Finger sandwiches)
-Finger Food (ex: Finger sandwiches)
-Shareable Sides/Massive Portions (ex: Big Casserole, Pie)
-Big Centerpiece Dish (ex: Turkey)


Mus Rattus is back for more cooking! Here's a menu for a Rockbreaker's Ceremony Feast!

Dishes: Oven-roasted kabocha, stuffed chicken, rocky stir-fried vegetables, peak potstickers, and mountain berry pie (5 dishes)

Stuffed Chicken (big centerpiece): A whole Dusk Orpington stuffed with Rockbreaker's classics like Mycena Mushroom , Amaranth and Stonecorn .

Oven-roasted kabocha (Shareable Sides/Massive Portions: A whole kabocha pumpkin sliced and roasted in the oven with rock salt, rosemary and olive oil. A delicious salty and sweet side! (I make this for my family lol)

Rocky stir-fried vegetables: A vegetable medley including Stonespine and Potato Onion . Soft and healthy!

Peak Potstickers (Finger Food): Triangle-shaped golden and crispy dumplings stuffed with Sheep meat. They are made to look like little mountains.

Mountain Berry Pie (Shareable Sides/Massive Portions): A Raspberry and Strawberry pie with a hint of Peppermint for spice. A local favorite!

(All FR items listed can be gathered from Earth!)
[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [font=book antiqua][size=4]When she heard of the cooking competition taking place in Lightning territory, Phoenicia was pleased. She had excitedly arrived at the scene an hour ago, carefully ensuring that all her ingredients were set. The holiday she had in mind for the theme was obvious of course - Valentine's Day! It wasn't a day traditionally celebrated by a big feast, but what better way for a matchmaker to win a dragon's heart through their stomach? When the judges signaled for them to start, the Auraboa got to work immediately, quickly grabbing the [gamedb item=3478] for her soon to be breathtaking centerpiece. The turkey itself wasn't all that unique - but the shimmering blue roast that she pulled out from the oven was sure to be a head turner! The marinade she chose was most certainly going to elevate the taste, alongside her meticulously placed garnishes of some fresh veggies (the tomatoes and [gamedb item=12941] she used just highlighted the love she put into the dish). [b][bonus: big centerpiece][/b] For some side dishes, Phoenicia chose one of her favorites - mozzarella sticks! Who doesn't love a big ol serving of cheese? Alongside that, she prepared some pepper popper skewers with freshly picked [gamedb item=16461]s - spicy but not so much that everyone could enjoy it. She placed the brightly colored items on a plate beside her main dish proudly. [b][bonus: finger food][/b] Of course, the judges would appreciate something light alongside all that meat - that's where her salad came in! It was comparatively simple, with some [gamedb item=3552], [gamedb item=63] and [gamedb item=174] as the main ingredients, but the [gamedb item=14444] eggs she added really served to really make the flavors sing. Eggs reminded her of another one of her favorite holidays and her own birthday - Easter, after all! Phoenicia didn't waste any time in preparing a dessert - how could a romantic meal be complete without one? Using [gamedb item=4324] as the base flavor and to give it that signature, natural pink color, the matchmaker whipped up a smooth, sweet-smelling batter, before popping it in the oven. While the baking took place, she prepared some [gamedb item=14] to decorate the cake together with her own buttercream icing. When it was finally complete, she marveled at how big the cake was - everyone was sure to get a slice, even the other competitors! Talk about sharing being caring. [b][bonus: big portion/sharable][/b] Finally, to wash everything down, the Auraboa made some fresh fruit juice with a tinge of acidity, using [gamedb item=2943] as the main flavoring, with a dose of [gamedb item=862] to add some sweetness, balancing it all out. She placed it into a large jug with some fancy glasses next to all her equally fancy dishes. Just like that, her Valentine's themed dinner was finished! Phoenicia stood beside her creations proudly, hoping hthe judges would taste the romance she had conveyed on the plates! [b][bonus: at least 5 dishes (salad, turkey, cheese sticks, cheesy pepper skewers, cake, juice][/b]

When she heard of the cooking competition taking place in Lightning territory, Phoenicia was pleased. She had excitedly arrived at the scene an hour ago, carefully ensuring that all her ingredients were set. The holiday she had in mind for the theme was obvious of course - Valentine's Day! It wasn't a day traditionally celebrated by a big feast, but what better way for a matchmaker to win a dragon's heart through their stomach?

When the judges signaled for them to start, the Auraboa got to work immediately, quickly grabbing the Incorporeal Dinner for her soon to be breathtaking centerpiece. The turkey itself wasn't all that unique - but the shimmering blue roast that she pulled out from the oven was sure to be a head turner! The marinade she chose was most certainly going to elevate the taste, alongside her meticulously placed garnishes of some fresh veggies (the tomatoes and Blood Spath she used just highlighted the love she put into the dish). [bonus: big centerpiece]

For some side dishes, Phoenicia chose one of her favorites - mozzarella sticks! Who doesn't love a big ol serving of cheese? Alongside that, she prepared some pepper popper skewers with freshly picked Golden Peppers - spicy but not so much that everyone could enjoy it. She placed the brightly colored items on a plate beside her main dish proudly. [bonus: finger food]

Of course, the judges would appreciate something light alongside all that meat - that's where her salad came in! It was comparatively simple, with some Stellaria Media, Light's Breath and Sweet Grass as the main ingredients, but the Grouse eggs she added really served to really make the flavors sing. Eggs reminded her of another one of her favorite holidays and her own birthday - Easter, after all!

Phoenicia didn't waste any time in preparing a dessert - how could a romantic meal be complete without one? Using Sugarmelon as the base flavor and to give it that signature, natural pink color, the matchmaker whipped up a smooth, sweet-smelling batter, before popping it in the oven. While the baking took place, she prepared some Aether Cherries to decorate the cake together with her own buttercream icing. When it was finally complete, she marveled at how big the cake was - everyone was sure to get a slice, even the other competitors! Talk about sharing being caring. [bonus: big portion/sharable]

Finally, to wash everything down, the Auraboa made some fresh fruit juice with a tinge of acidity, using Miniature Potash Peach as the main flavoring, with a dose of
Honeycrisp Apple to add some sweetness, balancing it all out. She placed it into a large jug with some fancy glasses next to all her equally fancy dishes.

Just like that, her Valentine's themed dinner was finished! Phoenicia stood beside her creations proudly, hoping hthe judges would taste the romance she had conveyed on the plates! [bonus: at least 5 dishes (salad, turkey, cheese sticks, cheesy pepper skewers, cake, juice]
my name is essence, your local gay unicorn!
[center][size=6][color=Teal][b]Sunday Challenge Winner![/b][/size] ----- [size=5][b]MNGWA[/b][/size] ----- [Columns][Img][/Img][nextcol]"The winning chef has been drawn! Congratulations @mngwa!"[/columns] ----- [b]Sunday Prize Pool:[/b] [b]Plus Reward[/b] [item=iron treasure chest] 11-20 Participants [size=4][b]Reward Tier Contents:[/b][/size] [quote=Celebrate Good Times] [item=Gilded decorative chest]x10 [item=iron treasure chest]x10 [emoji=gem size=1]x100 [emoji=treasure size=1]x100,000[/quote] A modest bundle of gifts to celebrate the occasion! Items will be sent momentarily. ----- [Columns]"Now that the rewards have been granted, it is time for the moment of truth!"[nextcol][left][Img][/img][/left][/columns] ----- [Columns][img][/img][nextcol]"It's time to taste this delicacy you have crafted!"[/columns] ----- [size=6][color=teal][b]The Judging[/b][/color][/size] ----- The Trio approached Zolin's area. Centauri felt the need to question if her apparel was up to code. [Img][/img] "That's quite a bit of jewelry you have on, I'm not sure how well such attire would fare under a proper inspection. Perhaps it would be better if in future-" Tempest shoved the banescale aside. [Img][/Img] "That's not important because we have special unions that have ensured that this entire event is sanctioned! WE ARE ABOVE THE LAW!" With that, the raging ridgeback scooped a large spoonful of casserole into his maw. Savoring the flavors as best he could, he was unable to pick up the many different cheeses used in the dish, but his taste buds recognized the distinct tartness of mustard. Eyes widened and a smile split across Tempest's face. [Img][/Img]"Now that's just the zing i'm looking for!" Centauri was immediately fascinated by the pie, and gleefully placed a slice on a plate for himself, taking a bite that he thoroughly indulged in. [Img][/img]"Oh what delightful sweetness!" The banescale became so thoroughly wrapped up in the pie, that he was unable to comment further. Finally, ForestMoon stepped fourth and placed a slice of ham, some meats and cheeses and fruits, and a bread roll on his platter. [img][/img]"I suppose it's up to me to finish what these two started, and i'm more than happy to! Let's see, I love how charcuterie boards allow for the guests to choose for themselves how to arrange their meal. Personally i enjoy a strawberry between two slices of cheese, and these bread rolls make a delightful vessel to hold them together." The imperial hollowed out a roll and tossed the dough into his mouth. "Buttery and delicious of course! Now, what would this delightful pocket of food be if it didn't include the centerpiece itself?" Claws deftly sliced a small bit of ham and pressed it into the roll with the berry and cheese, the imperial bit down on his little food mixture and chewed slowly. "i must say you did a brilliant job with this ham, it is so easy to accidentally dry out such a large dish!" Tempest, now having scarfed down the entire casserole, handed a paper to Zolin which entitled her to the reward. [Img][/Img]"CONGRATULATIONS ON SURVIVING THIS ROUND! [/center]
Sunday Challenge Winner!
48738011p.png "The winning chef has been drawn! Congratulations @mngwa!"

Sunday Prize Pool:
Plus Reward
Iron Treasure Chest
11-20 Participants
Reward Tier Contents:
Celebrate Good Times wrote:
Gilded Decorative Chest x10 Iron Treasure Chest x10

A modest bundle of gifts to celebrate the occasion! Items will be sent momentarily.

"Now that the rewards have been granted, it is time for the moment of truth!"

39432784p.png "It's time to taste this delicacy you have crafted!"

The Judging
The Trio approached Zolin's area. Centauri felt the need to question if her apparel was up to code.

82699392p.png "That's quite a bit of jewelry you have on, I'm not sure how well such attire would fare under a proper inspection. Perhaps it would be better if in future-"

Tempest shoved the banescale aside.

48738011p.png "That's not important because we have special unions that have ensured that this entire event is sanctioned! WE ARE ABOVE THE LAW!"

With that, the raging ridgeback scooped a large spoonful of casserole into his maw. Savoring the flavors as best he could, he was unable to pick up the many different cheeses used in the dish, but his taste buds recognized the distinct tartness of mustard. Eyes widened and a smile split across Tempest's face.

48738011p.png"Now that's just the zing i'm looking for!"

Centauri was immediately fascinated by the pie, and gleefully placed a slice on a plate for himself, taking a bite that he thoroughly indulged in.

82699392p.png"Oh what delightful sweetness!"

The banescale became so thoroughly wrapped up in the pie, that he was unable to comment further. Finally, ForestMoon stepped fourth and placed a slice of ham, some meats and cheeses and fruits, and a bread roll on his platter.

39432784p.png"I suppose it's up to me to finish what these two started, and i'm more than happy to! Let's see, I love how charcuterie boards allow for the guests to choose for themselves how to arrange their meal. Personally i enjoy a strawberry between two slices of cheese, and these bread rolls make a delightful vessel to hold them together."

The imperial hollowed out a roll and tossed the dough into his mouth.

"Buttery and delicious of course! Now, what would this delightful pocket of food be if it didn't include the centerpiece itself?"

Claws deftly sliced a small bit of ham and pressed it into the roll with the berry and cheese, the imperial bit down on his little food mixture and chewed slowly.

"i must say you did a brilliant job with this ham, it is so easy to accidentally dry out such a large dish!"

Tempest, now having scarfed down the entire casserole, handed a paper to Zolin which entitled her to the reward.

[center][url=] Daily Reward[/url] | [url=]Main Event[/url] | [url=]Meet The Judges[/url] [b]The Daily Themes![/b] [url=]Sunday Theme[/url] | [url=][b]Monday Theme[/b][/url] | [url=]Tuesday Theme[/url] | [url=]Wednesday Theme[/url] | [url=]Thursday Theme[/url] | [url=]Friday Theme[/url] | [url=]Saturday Theme[/url] ----- @pinglist-29154 [b][size=7][color=#3BA0A1]The Daily Theme![/color][/size][/b] [size=6][b]Monday Theme!... I Hate Mondays...[/size][/center] ----- [Columns][Img][/img][nextcol]"I can recall a certain orange cat who also hates Mondays..."[/columns] ----- [Columns]"Indeed! And if I can recall that cat is also quite a gourmet himself. One who's palette specializes in [b]Italian Food.[/b]"[nextcol][left][img][/img][/left][/columns] ----- [Columns][Img][/Img][nextcol]"It's settled then! [b]The chef's challenge is to whip up an Italian dish worthy of the finest feline himself![/b] Pastas, sauces, cheeses! Hold nothing back! KEEP YOUR DISHES FLAVORFUL AND YOUR UTENSILS STRONG! FOR ONLY THE STRONG WILL SURVIVE THIS KITCHEN!!"[/columns] ----- Bonus points for: -Making a sauce from scratch -Companion bread to the main dish -Talon-Pressed Wine -Olive oil ----- [Center][b]Don't forget to send in your 20kt enrollment fee to @Ozeatetsor before making your daily post![/b] ----- [url=][b]You may View The Spreadsheet here to ensure that your ticket count is correct![/b][/url] [/center]

39432784p.png "I can recall a certain orange cat who also hates Mondays..."

"Indeed! And if I can recall that cat is also quite a gourmet himself. One who's palette specializes in Italian Food."

48738011p.png "It's settled then! The chef's challenge is to whip up an Italian dish worthy of the finest feline himself! Pastas, sauces, cheeses! Hold nothing back! KEEP YOUR DISHES FLAVORFUL AND YOUR UTENSILS STRONG! FOR ONLY THE STRONG WILL SURVIVE THIS KITCHEN!!"

Bonus points for:
-Making a sauce from scratch
-Companion bread to the main dish
-Talon-Pressed Wine
-Olive oil
Don't forget to send in your 20kt enrollment fee to @Ozeatetsor before making your daily post!
You may View The Spreadsheet here to ensure that your ticket count is correct!
[url=][img][/img][/url] Impact sighed, Mondays were always hard to find motivation for especially after the merriment and mirth of the weekends. The Obe lumbered into the kitchen of the Tavern she owned and decided since her head was pounding and it was a Monday she would make an easy, simple pasta dish. The [item=Heavy Grainbasket] were kneaded into flour mixed with some salt and Eggs fresh from her chickens. Impact let her mind wander as her paws did the work on the dough The sauce was next which she preferred to make with [item=Vegetable Oil], [item=Wild Onion], [item=Wild Catsup], [item=Blacktongue Pepper], and [item=Cursed Garnish] to add a little spice. Impact also added [item=Wood Duck] to give it a nice gamey flavorful taste. Everything was layered carefully until being popped into the oven, a delightful lasagna aroma wafting around the room.

Impact sighed, Mondays were always hard to find motivation for especially after the merriment and mirth of the weekends.

The Obe lumbered into the kitchen of the Tavern she owned and decided since her head was pounding and it was a Monday she would make an easy, simple pasta dish.

The Heavy Grainbasket were kneaded into flour mixed with some salt and Eggs fresh from her chickens. Impact let her mind wander as her paws did the work on the dough

The sauce was next which she preferred to make with Vegetable Oil , Wild Onion , Wild Catsup , Blacktongue Pepper , and Cursed Garnish to add a little spice.

Impact also added Wood Duck to give it a nice gamey flavorful taste.

Everything was layered carefully until being popped into the oven, a delightful lasagna aroma wafting around the room.
[columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]MAGNOLIA [b]Making A Sauce From Scratch[/b][/columns] Well, a pasta dish would be reasonably simple enough. Hopefully. The Clan's Chef had appointed herself to be in charge of the sauce, since she had... reasonable faith that the pastry chef would at least know the basics of making pasta. (Well... at least she had assigned the job of picking out a suitable wine pairing to [i]her[/i]. Magnolia shuddered at the memory of that Skydancer standing near a pot of steamed rice and somehow turning it into [i]purple sludge[/i] by [b][i]standing near it.[/i][/b] Yikes. Why had [i]she[/i] even been chosen for the cooking competition, anyway?) Aaaanyway. She had with her a reasonably large wok, and started off by pouring normal [b]olive oil[/b] into it. Once it was sufficiently hot, she added the prepared onions and poked them a bit with her spatula until they were decently caramelised. She then added the shallots and garlic and started stirring more, since garlic had a tendency to stick to the surface of the wok when it was being cooked. When she was satisfied, she then added various herbs like parsley and a couple of other secret ingredients, then added in the fresh clams that she had made Yrene clean that morning (otherwise what was a sous chef for?). Once she was... reasonably satisfied, she added in an entire bottle's worth of [b]white wine[/b] (technically hand-pressed, but it had also been really cheap) and stirred it. While waiting for the alcohol to boil off, she quickly got ready with tongs and started fishing out the cooked clams and placed them into a separate box. When she was confident that the alcohol was gone and only the flavours of the wine was left, Magnolia strained the contents of the wok into her favourite strainer. Voila, sauce done, complete with intense flavours. Now... time to check on Yrene. ----- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]YRENE Pasta & [b]Bread[/b][/columns] Yrene could [i]feel[/i] Magnolia's slight condescension from where the Coatl was puttering around making the sauce, and held herself back from rolling her eyes. Seriously. She took her milled flour (made from the finest [gamedb item=31625], of course), and made a 'nest' on her clean marble countertop before cracking an egg and adding it to the centre. Then, she added [b]olive oil[/b] and a tiny bit of salt, before mixing it all together. Yrene then shaped it into a ball and let the dough rest for about half an hour. Magnolia was having great success over on that corner. During the half an hour, she started picking out the best [i]baguette[/i] on offer. Yes, it technically wasn't Italian, but hey, if it soaked up the sauce nicely, then if it worked, it worked. Right, right. Back to the dough. She used a rolling pin to flatten the dough and started running it through the pasta maker multiple times until she got her desired thickness, then laid the pieces out onto a lightly floured baking sheet. She sprinkled the dough with flour, folded it in half, and began cutting the pasta. Next up... she filled a pot with heavily salted water and then turned her own stove on. Once the water boiled, she started cooking the pasta. A minute later, she was done, and... oh, good, Magnolia was done too. Yrene took the pasta out of the boiling water and placed it onto a couple of serving plates, then headed over with it for her to pour the sauce on. ----- Magnolia eyed the test sample of linguine critically and poked it with a fork. Well, it looked decent enough. She and Yrene quickly worked to plate the pasta with the sauce, a couple of clams, and garnishing. "I feel like we're missing something," Yrene finally commented. "It's not the bread, is it?" "No," Magnolia shook her head as she grabbed extra virgin olive oil to decorate the plate. "Slice the baguette into thicker chunks - so it doesn't go stale - and fill a couple of sauceplates with balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil." Yrene once again held back the urge to roll her eyes. She [i]knew[/i] her stuff. Seriously. "Is it the wine pairing?" Yrene hazarded a guess, and for once, she got the vindication of seeing Magnolia stiffen completely as she turned pale. "...oh no." ----- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]AVA [s]Somehow Hasn't Been Banned From the Kitchen[/s] [b]Talon-Pressed Wine Pairing[/b][/columns] "I am well aware of my... [i]less than stellar[/i] reputation in the kitchen," Ava's voice carried the tiniest bit of annoyance as she glanced at the dragon selling the wines. "Rest assured that [i]I[/i] am not the one cooking; I am just providing the wine pairings. Now, where are your wine pairings for spaghetti alle vongole? Preferably a light-bodied white wine and it being talon-pressed." The irony of her being a mafia boss who moonlighted as a major food critic and occasional sommelier (under a pseudonym) and was able to tell a mystery wine' vintage and grape type almost instantly from tasting a sip, yet could not actually [i]use[/i] that wine in the kitchen in any way, shape, or form, was not lost on her. "Yes, yes," the dragon quickly hurried away to his cellar, and she found herself staring at the clock once again. The competition had probably already started, and here she was, stuck in a high-end wine shop trying to cheat the system (well, it technically wasn't cheating since the rules never specified that the [i]chefs[/i] had to had talon-pressed the wine, nor that the wines had to originate from the chefs themselves, but... whatever). Five minutes later (according to the clock; but it felt more like an eternity, during which she had perused the wines on display), the dragon hurried back out holding two white wines. Ava quickly scanned the vintages and labels, and... "The one on the left," she all but snapped, then internally winced. She normally had much better control over her emotions than [i]this[/i]. "Try not to burn down the kitchen, yes?" the dragon smirked as he started up the cashier machine. Ava merely took out the treasure from her purse and slammed it on the counter. "Keep the change," she snapped, before grabbing the wine, stepping out of the shop and taking off into the skies in one swift motion. ----- "Finally," Magnolia sighed upon seeing Ava rush into the competition area. "What took you so long?" Ava didn't deign to answer that; instead she just cautiously placed the wine bottle onto the table and grabbed the appropriate wine glasses. "Since you're here, and we're done, you could probably-" Yrene paused. "Sorry, I mean, you could go and see what the other contestants are doing." Translation: Please go sabotage the other contestants by standing near them so we can win, but try not to burn down the kitchen. "What happened to 'not trying to burn the kitchen down'?" Magnolia asked. Ava merely shrugged in her direction. "As long as the kitchen hasn't spontaneously erupted into rainbow flames by the end of the day, I... am not sure that the judges care."
69456680.png MAGNOLIA
Making A Sauce From Scratch
Well, a pasta dish would be reasonably simple enough. Hopefully. The Clan's Chef had appointed herself to be in charge of the sauce, since she had... reasonable faith that the pastry chef would at least know the basics of making pasta.

(Well... at least she had assigned the job of picking out a suitable wine pairing to her. Magnolia shuddered at the memory of that Skydancer standing near a pot of steamed rice and somehow turning it into purple sludge by standing near it. Yikes. Why had she even been chosen for the cooking competition, anyway?)

Aaaanyway. She had with her a reasonably large wok, and started off by pouring normal olive oil into it. Once it was sufficiently hot, she added the prepared onions and poked them a bit with her spatula until they were decently caramelised. She then added the shallots and garlic and started stirring more, since garlic had a tendency to stick to the surface of the wok when it was being cooked. When she was satisfied, she then added various herbs like parsley and a couple of other secret ingredients, then added in the fresh clams that she had made Yrene clean that morning (otherwise what was a sous chef for?). Once she was... reasonably satisfied, she added in an entire bottle's worth of white wine (technically hand-pressed, but it had also been really cheap) and stirred it. While waiting for the alcohol to boil off, she quickly got ready with tongs and started fishing out the cooked clams and placed them into a separate box.

When she was confident that the alcohol was gone and only the flavours of the wine was left, Magnolia strained the contents of the wok into her favourite strainer. Voila, sauce done, complete with intense flavours. Now... time to check on Yrene.

51575195.png YRENE
Pasta & Bread
Yrene could feel Magnolia's slight condescension from where the Coatl was puttering around making the sauce, and held herself back from rolling her eyes. Seriously.

She took her milled flour (made from the finest Heavy Grainbasket, of course), and made a 'nest' on her clean marble countertop before cracking an egg and adding it to the centre. Then, she added olive oil and a tiny bit of salt, before mixing it all together. Yrene then shaped it into a ball and let the dough rest for about half an hour. Magnolia was having great success over on that corner.

During the half an hour, she started picking out the best baguette on offer. Yes, it technically wasn't Italian, but hey, if it soaked up the sauce nicely, then if it worked, it worked.

Right, right. Back to the dough. She used a rolling pin to flatten the dough and started running it through the pasta maker multiple times until she got her desired thickness, then laid the pieces out onto a lightly floured baking sheet. She sprinkled the dough with flour, folded it in half, and began cutting the pasta.

Next up... she filled a pot with heavily salted water and then turned her own stove on. Once the water boiled, she started cooking the pasta. A minute later, she was done, and... oh, good, Magnolia was done too. Yrene took the pasta out of the boiling water and placed it onto a couple of serving plates, then headed over with it for her to pour the sauce on.

Magnolia eyed the test sample of linguine critically and poked it with a fork. Well, it looked decent enough. She and Yrene quickly worked to plate the pasta with the sauce, a couple of clams, and garnishing.

"I feel like we're missing something," Yrene finally commented. "It's not the bread, is it?"

"No," Magnolia shook her head as she grabbed extra virgin olive oil to decorate the plate. "Slice the baguette into thicker chunks - so it doesn't go stale - and fill a couple of sauceplates with balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil."

Yrene once again held back the urge to roll her eyes. She knew her stuff. Seriously.

"Is it the wine pairing?" Yrene hazarded a guess, and for once, she got the vindication of seeing Magnolia stiffen completely as she turned pale.

"...oh no."

65560190.png AVA
Somehow Hasn't Been Banned From the Kitchen
Talon-Pressed Wine Pairing

"I am well aware of my... less than stellar reputation in the kitchen," Ava's voice carried the tiniest bit of annoyance as she glanced at the dragon selling the wines. "Rest assured that I am not the one cooking; I am just providing the wine pairings. Now, where are your wine pairings for spaghetti alle vongole? Preferably a light-bodied white wine and it being talon-pressed."

The irony of her being a mafia boss who moonlighted as a major food critic and occasional sommelier (under a pseudonym) and was able to tell a mystery wine' vintage and grape type almost instantly from tasting a sip, yet could not actually use that wine in the kitchen in any way, shape, or form, was not lost on her.

"Yes, yes," the dragon quickly hurried away to his cellar, and she found herself staring at the clock once again. The competition had probably already started, and here she was, stuck in a high-end wine shop trying to cheat the system (well, it technically wasn't cheating since the rules never specified that the chefs had to had talon-pressed the wine, nor that the wines had to originate from the chefs themselves, but... whatever).

Five minutes later (according to the clock; but it felt more like an eternity, during which she had perused the wines on display), the dragon hurried back out holding two white wines. Ava quickly scanned the vintages and labels, and...

"The one on the left," she all but snapped, then internally winced. She normally had much better control over her emotions than this.

"Try not to burn down the kitchen, yes?" the dragon smirked as he started up the cashier machine. Ava merely took out the treasure from her purse and slammed it on the counter.

"Keep the change," she snapped, before grabbing the wine, stepping out of the shop and taking off into the skies in one swift motion.

"Finally," Magnolia sighed upon seeing Ava rush into the competition area. "What took you so long?"

Ava didn't deign to answer that; instead she just cautiously placed the wine bottle onto the table and grabbed the appropriate wine glasses.

"Since you're here, and we're done, you could probably-" Yrene paused. "Sorry, I mean, you could go and see what the other contestants are doing."

Translation: Please go sabotage the other contestants by standing near them so we can win, but try not to burn down the kitchen.

"What happened to 'not trying to burn the kitchen down'?" Magnolia asked. Ava merely shrugged in her direction.

"As long as the kitchen hasn't spontaneously erupted into rainbow flames by the end of the day, I... am not sure that the judges care."
mire hates me:(
FR +15, +16 during DST
Gray Aroace
English 1st Language
Mandarin Chinese 2nd Language
French 3rd Language
AR60, 100% all released regions
It's... quite a disproportionate number
zia my beloved
I spent 2.4mil t on her, I think she counts
it hasn't been updated in a while but STILL
sweet holds the clan directory
kobi holds the lore directory
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9