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TOPIC | That’s Just Nasty
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rainbow trout temptation (kirjolohikiusaus)... it's the most terrible thing I have ever tasted/smelled...
rainbow trout temptation (kirjolohikiusaus)... it's the most terrible thing I have ever tasted/smelled...
18 she/they/him
can't do sasuage biscuits anymore like smell or sight or anything cuz i got food poisoning from it not to long ago
can't do sasuage biscuits anymore like smell or sight or anything cuz i got food poisoning from it not to long ago


Today i saw chocolate flavoured cream cheese. Now it doesn’t seem too bad but I thought it was nasty at first at least..
Today i saw chocolate flavoured cream cheese. Now it doesn’t seem too bad but I thought it was nasty at first at least..
I can’t stand the texture of tomatoes. I love tomato sauce, soup, etc but I can’t eat just straight up chunks of tomatoes
I can’t stand the texture of tomatoes. I love tomato sauce, soup, etc but I can’t eat just straight up chunks of tomatoes
[quote name="LaikaFlash" date="2023-06-08 17:55:52" ] A shorter list would be foods I can stand, TBH. I'll spare everyone. I'm in a weird spot where I like (it seems) the idea of dogs, but not the sounds they make. Barking wears at my already frayed nerves. Misophonia's fun. [/quote] @LaikaFlash I completely understand. My misophonia is mainly triggered by metal/glass scraping sounds, but dog noises reallyyy test me. Especially dog licking noises, eugh.
LaikaFlash wrote on 2023-06-08 17:55:52:
A shorter list would be foods I can stand, TBH. I'll spare everyone.

I'm in a weird spot where I like (it seems) the idea of dogs, but not the sounds they make. Barking wears at my already frayed nerves. Misophonia's fun.

@LaikaFlash I completely understand. My misophonia is mainly triggered by metal/glass scraping sounds, but dog noises reallyyy test me. Especially dog licking noises, eugh.
The sensation of forks scraping against teeth, plates, and knives.
The sound of forks scraping against teeth, plates, and knives.
The sensation of forks scraping against teeth, plates, and knives.
The sound of forks scraping against teeth, plates, and knives.
jGVQbew.png Glimmer
Previously QuirkyJunimo
FR +3
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Taste wise, bell peppers, mint and coffee are the main ones. Any dish uses them, I can instantly taste it and it's ruined...

Smell wise, honestly anything "flowery" immediately makes me recoil. Especially lavender.

Sound, anything "wet" sounding. Rain and running water, I'm fine with (I honestly love the sound of rain). It's just....wet sounds. If you know what I mean? It's hard to describe...?

Sensation wise? Anything to do with eyes or getting something in your eyes. Or the feeling of jelly substances, like in food.
Taste wise, bell peppers, mint and coffee are the main ones. Any dish uses them, I can instantly taste it and it's ruined...

Smell wise, honestly anything "flowery" immediately makes me recoil. Especially lavender.

Sound, anything "wet" sounding. Rain and running water, I'm fine with (I honestly love the sound of rain). It's just....wet sounds. If you know what I mean? It's hard to describe...?

Sensation wise? Anything to do with eyes or getting something in your eyes. Or the feeling of jelly substances, like in food.
*Looks at lair* Ah yes. Organised chaos.
Eggs in any form (as food). They are gross and slimy. Banana in smoothies is also gross to me. The flavor just overtakes everything else in the smoothie (and, once again, it's slimy).
Eggs in any form (as food). They are gross and slimy. Banana in smoothies is also gross to me. The flavor just overtakes everything else in the smoothie (and, once again, it's slimy).
I absolutely hate the smell of ketchup and mac n' cheese together. They're not so bad apart but for some reason when they touch its like a nuclear fision of ICK. Worst part is my sister absolutely loves it.

I don't like fried eggs much either. Boiled theyre just fine. But fried? They seem to get a weird...bumpy(?) texture. Idk any better way to describe it but it just feels weird on my teeth.
I absolutely hate the smell of ketchup and mac n' cheese together. They're not so bad apart but for some reason when they touch its like a nuclear fision of ICK. Worst part is my sister absolutely loves it.

I don't like fried eggs much either. Boiled theyre just fine. But fried? They seem to get a weird...bumpy(?) texture. Idk any better way to describe it but it just feels weird on my teeth.
FR +2
[quote name="Azurain" date="2023-06-08 19:05:18" ] Meatloaf. There is something horrific about beef cake with ketchup icing. -shudders- [/quote] People have always thought I was insane because I never liked meatloaf. That texture haunts me.
Azurain wrote on 2023-06-08 19:05:18:
Meatloaf. There is something horrific about beef cake with ketchup icing. -shudders-
People have always thought I was insane because I never liked meatloaf. That texture haunts me.
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