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TOPIC | Mary Sue confession thread!
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I'll be honest, I think I've only ever made one Sue. I got my butt handed to me so hard for her, that it actually scared me away from RPing completely for about eight years. And once I began again, I was too scared to make an OC that was very noticeable in whatever RP I was in, making mostly semi-invisible background characters. (they didn't have invisibility powers.)

She was my first OC, a female saiyan in a DBZ/Inuyasha crossover RP who looked like a red-headed Inuyasha and had proclaimed Sesshomaru, Naraku, and Vegeta to either be her mate or to have been her boyfriend at one point. I don't remember if she had any super special powers, she couldn't turn Super Saiyan, but I do remember she could attract any male character and make them fall in love with her. Simply because she was so beautiful and powerful.
I accidentally butt into someone elses RP plot withing the group Rp and thats when I had my butt handed to me. Whoo. Still gives me shivers.
I'll be honest, I think I've only ever made one Sue. I got my butt handed to me so hard for her, that it actually scared me away from RPing completely for about eight years. And once I began again, I was too scared to make an OC that was very noticeable in whatever RP I was in, making mostly semi-invisible background characters. (they didn't have invisibility powers.)

She was my first OC, a female saiyan in a DBZ/Inuyasha crossover RP who looked like a red-headed Inuyasha and had proclaimed Sesshomaru, Naraku, and Vegeta to either be her mate or to have been her boyfriend at one point. I don't remember if she had any super special powers, she couldn't turn Super Saiyan, but I do remember she could attract any male character and make them fall in love with her. Simply because she was so beautiful and powerful.
I accidentally butt into someone elses RP plot withing the group Rp and thats when I had my butt handed to me. Whoo. Still gives me shivers.
Matt | He/Him/His | Single | So Very Gay
I have had many Mary Sues. All of them I regret, and all of them have been salvaged to become upstanding citizens of society. Which I am so glad about because now I can actually look at them without wanting to rip my hair out. But to name a few fandoms who suffered because of the dreaded Mary Sue phase...

Inuyasha, Harry Potter, Bleach, and of course Twilight.
I have had many Mary Sues. All of them I regret, and all of them have been salvaged to become upstanding citizens of society. Which I am so glad about because now I can actually look at them without wanting to rip my hair out. But to name a few fandoms who suffered because of the dreaded Mary Sue phase...

Inuyasha, Harry Potter, Bleach, and of course Twilight.
button_by_cas_a_fras-db1t2ap.png Accent: Starlit Psychic
“The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.”
- J.R.R. Tolkien
I once rewrote/copied the entire first book of Harry Potter... but I replaced Harry with myself ._. I'm not sure if that counts as a Mary Sue but omg, it's embarrassing to remember I actually did that.

I unfortunately haven't encountered many Sue's, but my friend made one a while ago. She's new to RP and really got into Assassin's Creed 3 a few years back, and I offered to RP Connor for her.

Now you should know that she is obsessed with Japan and butterflies, so naturally her character was a Japanese katana wielding martial using damsel in distress (yes, even with martial arts, and her name was Japanese for butterfly). I had Connor come to her rescue in the frontier and had him bring her to the Homestead so she could freshen up (because of course she also had amnesia), and she needed a change of clothes (because most of them had been ripped off because all templars are perverts and wanted a piece of her??).

But instead of staying accurate to the timeline she promptly turned the baggy cotton oversized man-shirt she'd been given (because it was one of Connor's) into a sort of weird sleeveless corset thing and turned the sleeves into actual shoulder-length gloves???


I cut the RP off there because it just... made me so angry and frustrated XD; I don't mind guiding someone who is new to RP, but this was just ridiculous.
I once rewrote/copied the entire first book of Harry Potter... but I replaced Harry with myself ._. I'm not sure if that counts as a Mary Sue but omg, it's embarrassing to remember I actually did that.

I unfortunately haven't encountered many Sue's, but my friend made one a while ago. She's new to RP and really got into Assassin's Creed 3 a few years back, and I offered to RP Connor for her.

Now you should know that she is obsessed with Japan and butterflies, so naturally her character was a Japanese katana wielding martial using damsel in distress (yes, even with martial arts, and her name was Japanese for butterfly). I had Connor come to her rescue in the frontier and had him bring her to the Homestead so she could freshen up (because of course she also had amnesia), and she needed a change of clothes (because most of them had been ripped off because all templars are perverts and wanted a piece of her??).

But instead of staying accurate to the timeline she promptly turned the baggy cotton oversized man-shirt she'd been given (because it was one of Connor's) into a sort of weird sleeveless corset thing and turned the sleeves into actual shoulder-length gloves???


I cut the RP off there because it just... made me so angry and frustrated XD; I don't mind guiding someone who is new to RP, but this was just ridiculous.
Wildwood Owlet 9 hours ahead of FR Sakura Owlet
okay here we go:

when I was six I did a self-insert mary sue fan fiction of the little women movie

it was awful
okay here we go:

when I was six I did a self-insert mary sue fan fiction of the little women movie

it was awful
Sadly, I never had a mary sue, but more something you'd laugh off that I treated like one.
See, my first character was a human that looked like she was the spawn of a person and a fish, and despite what you believed she looked anything but a mermaid.
Heck, I do not even think I ever had her in water.
However, (even as special as her looks was) everyone treated her specially, but more like ... she was that cool tall vampire? Idk. If I had met such a design I'd laugh in silence and feel really really bad.
But her fins were razor sharp and she could cut holes in rock or something with them.
No real skill, but a party trick, but it made everyone severely afraid of the fish mishap. .___.
Sadly, I never had a mary sue, but more something you'd laugh off that I treated like one.
See, my first character was a human that looked like she was the spawn of a person and a fish, and despite what you believed she looked anything but a mermaid.
Heck, I do not even think I ever had her in water.
However, (even as special as her looks was) everyone treated her specially, but more like ... she was that cool tall vampire? Idk. If I had met such a design I'd laugh in silence and feel really really bad.
But her fins were razor sharp and she could cut holes in rock or something with them.
No real skill, but a party trick, but it made everyone severely afraid of the fish mishap. .___.
Well, I actually never made any mary sues, but there was a time when I joined a horse roleplay. Bear in mind I was very young and I had never tried roleplaying as a horse before.

So I signed up to this roleplay, called my horse Shadow (creative, I know) and went on to write gender. Male. Fair enough.

Then we came to the part where you wrote breed of horse.

I wrote stallion.

I generally believed stallion to be a breed of horse.

I will say that I was about seven at the time, and English isn't my native language. I have an excuse for being so rubbish, but still. Looking back at myself that was so incredibly cringe-worthy I want to vomit.

Still, they let me join their roleplay.

Anyway, I have encountered a lot of sues in my years of roleplaying. My favourites are by far the ones that can just instantly kill you in a battle and never takes damage because they always dodge.
Well, I actually never made any mary sues, but there was a time when I joined a horse roleplay. Bear in mind I was very young and I had never tried roleplaying as a horse before.

So I signed up to this roleplay, called my horse Shadow (creative, I know) and went on to write gender. Male. Fair enough.

Then we came to the part where you wrote breed of horse.

I wrote stallion.

I generally believed stallion to be a breed of horse.

I will say that I was about seven at the time, and English isn't my native language. I have an excuse for being so rubbish, but still. Looking back at myself that was so incredibly cringe-worthy I want to vomit.

Still, they let me join their roleplay.

Anyway, I have encountered a lot of sues in my years of roleplaying. My favourites are by far the ones that can just instantly kill you in a battle and never takes damage because they always dodge.
> FR +9
> She/her
my first mry sues were were naurto oc's xD

one was a girl named Suzan, she was gaara's long lost twin and had a 3 tailed bat demon inside of her, and another girl who's name I forgot, she wasn't related to naruto but she did look a lot like him, and she had an 8 tailed wolf demon inside of her. Those two were the wors sues out of them all, it's that I really disliked sasuske else they would've been in love with him as well.

I also made a Juubi oc before it it had been announced in the manga, many of my sue's have been remodelled into proper oc's xD cept Suzan and that girl, they're burried away and by no means I'm going to revive them
my first mry sues were were naurto oc's xD

one was a girl named Suzan, she was gaara's long lost twin and had a 3 tailed bat demon inside of her, and another girl who's name I forgot, she wasn't related to naruto but she did look a lot like him, and she had an 8 tailed wolf demon inside of her. Those two were the wors sues out of them all, it's that I really disliked sasuske else they would've been in love with him as well.

I also made a Juubi oc before it it had been announced in the manga, many of my sue's have been remodelled into proper oc's xD cept Suzan and that girl, they're burried away and by no means I'm going to revive them
"my friend and I got super bored on gaia so we went around the forums to look for a roleplay to do collab. We stumbled upon this thread stating "NEED FEMALE RP PARTNERS FOR HETERO WOLF WITH WINGS AND POWERS RP" From the title alone we thought it was a troll so we looked inside and it was pretty trolly. So, we applied to rp with this person and made this beautiful character, Rain [img][/img] She is a wolf who is half-angel half demon so she can't fly because of her wings. She was tortured by humans and is super angsty. She has the power to have lots of sex but never get any of the consequences, and also has powers of ice, earth, invisibility and something else I can't remember."
"my friend and I got super bored on gaia so we went around the forums to look for a roleplay to do collab. We stumbled upon this thread stating "NEED FEMALE RP PARTNERS FOR HETERO WOLF WITH WINGS AND POWERS RP" From the title alone we thought it was a troll so we looked inside and it was pretty trolly. So, we applied to rp with this person and made this beautiful character, Rain Rainbowforbutt_zpsa13imbss.png She is a wolf who is half-angel half demon so she can't fly because of her wings. She was tortured by humans and is super angsty. She has the power to have lots of sex but never get any of the consequences, and also has powers of ice, earth, invisibility and something else I can't remember."
Wait... now I remember, I also once made up this weird bird-like race and dumped it in Middle-Earth, back when the first LotR movie was all the rage. I have no idea what I named the race, but they sort of looked like (sexy) harpies and were supposedly super rare and stuff, and my character was one of the last ones still alive, and of course captured by orcs and in need of heroic rescue by the other characters.

So much ugh. And all my knowledge was based on the first movie because I never read the books, and when the nazgul showed up I described them as feral wolf like things, because I didn't know any better. Strangely enough everyone went along with it and no one bothered to correct me. I guess I was just that bad lol.

I also once encountered someone who's character was a demon fox hybrid vampire phoenix. Like... how does that even work? You burn up in the sun because vampire but then you're instantly reborn from the ashes because phoenix, but are still somehow undead because again, vampire? Probably all possible because demon powers, and lets throw a bit of fox in there too because why not?
Wait... now I remember, I also once made up this weird bird-like race and dumped it in Middle-Earth, back when the first LotR movie was all the rage. I have no idea what I named the race, but they sort of looked like (sexy) harpies and were supposedly super rare and stuff, and my character was one of the last ones still alive, and of course captured by orcs and in need of heroic rescue by the other characters.

So much ugh. And all my knowledge was based on the first movie because I never read the books, and when the nazgul showed up I described them as feral wolf like things, because I didn't know any better. Strangely enough everyone went along with it and no one bothered to correct me. I guess I was just that bad lol.

I also once encountered someone who's character was a demon fox hybrid vampire phoenix. Like... how does that even work? You burn up in the sun because vampire but then you're instantly reborn from the ashes because phoenix, but are still somehow undead because again, vampire? Probably all possible because demon powers, and lets throw a bit of fox in there too because why not?
Wildwood Owlet 9 hours ahead of FR Sakura Owlet
I can honestly say I got very lucky and almost never had any real Sue's- I had it drummed into me from a very young age what they were and why rping them or writing them was bad, and was pretty good at self-regulating. Which isn't to say I NEVER had any. I was just good at avoiding them.

I think my two worst were:

a character idea I'd ripped off from some book called a Confessor; I don't even remember this kid's name, but I do remember he was probably the closest thing to a Sue/Stu I ever had. Gentle, kind, no real vices, absurdly attractive.

And then I had this girl- I don't remember her name whatsoever, but she was a normal human girl who got involved with a group of vampires. And even thought there was NOTHING special about her, every single one of them adored her and acted like she was the most specialist wonderful person ever. At least two of them were in love with her, and the villian wanted her especially for- some reason.

I can honestly say I got very lucky and almost never had any real Sue's- I had it drummed into me from a very young age what they were and why rping them or writing them was bad, and was pretty good at self-regulating. Which isn't to say I NEVER had any. I was just good at avoiding them.

I think my two worst were:

a character idea I'd ripped off from some book called a Confessor; I don't even remember this kid's name, but I do remember he was probably the closest thing to a Sue/Stu I ever had. Gentle, kind, no real vices, absurdly attractive.

And then I had this girl- I don't remember her name whatsoever, but she was a normal human girl who got involved with a group of vampires. And even thought there was NOTHING special about her, every single one of them adored her and acted like she was the most specialist wonderful person ever. At least two of them were in love with her, and the villian wanted her especially for- some reason.

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