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TOPIC | Mary Sue confession thread!
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My first character... was probably the god of sues.
I made a special race for her called Jumpers, people who could jump to different universes, so I had an excuse to insert the same character into every single show or book or whatever I came across. And it was terrible in each. In Naruto, she was the secret holder of the ten tails who Gaara was in love with and the Akatsuki was after, and was an Uchiha. In Death Note, she was Mello's long lost sister who was blinded and randomly showed up at Whammys (I don't remember how to spell it). Because of her special powers, she could save people from deaths by death note. In Bleach, she was at one point the youngest captain in history, but was erased from history after something happened (I don't remember) and she became a whateverthoseskullthingyswerecalled (I CANT REMEMBER) It goes on and on. She was the White Light and had special powers because of this and had a fated rival who I also made up named James.

I actually still have them both and write with them often. They still don't have a set story. I just like stories with light vs. dark where there's this hidden grey area and yeah.
My first character... was probably the god of sues.
I made a special race for her called Jumpers, people who could jump to different universes, so I had an excuse to insert the same character into every single show or book or whatever I came across. And it was terrible in each. In Naruto, she was the secret holder of the ten tails who Gaara was in love with and the Akatsuki was after, and was an Uchiha. In Death Note, she was Mello's long lost sister who was blinded and randomly showed up at Whammys (I don't remember how to spell it). Because of her special powers, she could save people from deaths by death note. In Bleach, she was at one point the youngest captain in history, but was erased from history after something happened (I don't remember) and she became a whateverthoseskullthingyswerecalled (I CANT REMEMBER) It goes on and on. She was the White Light and had special powers because of this and had a fated rival who I also made up named James.

I actually still have them both and write with them often. They still don't have a set story. I just like stories with light vs. dark where there's this hidden grey area and yeah.
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Are you the same Ness from WolfSoul, by any chance?

And a lot of people had sonic OCs, wow.

I mainly had/have non-fandom ocs, and my mary sue ones were a variety of different colored wolves that I animated on flipnote (that old DSi program).

Are you the same Ness from WolfSoul, by any chance?

And a lot of people had sonic OCs, wow.

I mainly had/have non-fandom ocs, and my mary sue ones were a variety of different colored wolves that I animated on flipnote (that old DSi program).
Oh Mary Sues. I had a lot of them in my younger years, because at least one of them was a wish fufillment self insert (I know, right?)

My first Mary Sue is probably the Inuyasha OC. She was a cat demon, if I remember correctly, and had black hair and tail. She was really childish and cried a lot, I think, and needed a lot of saving from different situations by various characters who would always regard her fondly for some reason despite her inability to do anything really useful?

The worst has to be an OC I made when I was in grade 7. It was a world where Heaven, Earth, and the Underworld were all connected by these "Gates" and each one had a Gatekeeper... and the main character was this redheaded girl of ALL THE ETHNICITIES who had a MAGICAL GUN THAT COULD SHOOT ATTACKS OF ALL ELEMENTS with a hairpin that could SUMMON A MINOR DEMON TO PROTECT HER. All the guys liked her, but she wasn't interested (ofc) except in the TOTES MYSTERIOUS GUY that she's known since childhood who EVERYONE HAS A CRUSH ON

and oh look at that he developed feelings for her

One of my first OCs was a Gary Stu--the aforementioned TOTES MYSTERIOUS GUY. He was just UBER COOL and HAWT and MYSTERIOUS swooooon. And was cold to everyone except the Mary Sue.

I've rewritten his character and redeveloped him into something I actually like, now. But he was a mess when he first started out omg
Oh Mary Sues. I had a lot of them in my younger years, because at least one of them was a wish fufillment self insert (I know, right?)

My first Mary Sue is probably the Inuyasha OC. She was a cat demon, if I remember correctly, and had black hair and tail. She was really childish and cried a lot, I think, and needed a lot of saving from different situations by various characters who would always regard her fondly for some reason despite her inability to do anything really useful?

The worst has to be an OC I made when I was in grade 7. It was a world where Heaven, Earth, and the Underworld were all connected by these "Gates" and each one had a Gatekeeper... and the main character was this redheaded girl of ALL THE ETHNICITIES who had a MAGICAL GUN THAT COULD SHOOT ATTACKS OF ALL ELEMENTS with a hairpin that could SUMMON A MINOR DEMON TO PROTECT HER. All the guys liked her, but she wasn't interested (ofc) except in the TOTES MYSTERIOUS GUY that she's known since childhood who EVERYONE HAS A CRUSH ON

and oh look at that he developed feelings for her

One of my first OCs was a Gary Stu--the aforementioned TOTES MYSTERIOUS GUY. He was just UBER COOL and HAWT and MYSTERIOUS swooooon. And was cold to everyone except the Mary Sue.

I've rewritten his character and redeveloped him into something I actually like, now. But he was a mess when he first started out omg
Be it a breeze, gust, or typhoon.


Prized Banana

Made by Deino909


Take joy in the Windy things.
I also remember I used to have a Yugioh oc, who was supposedly involved with the phero, but she was white as mayonnaise. I never wrote anything down about her, so I shall attempt to write from memory.


I don't remember her name, it might've been Kiri, though. I wanted a Japanese name, so I decided Kiri would do, even though it's not really a name??? Anyways, she had long, green hair and she wore lipstick and hung out with Mai Valentine because OF COURSE they'd be bffs they both wear makeup. Her ''past self'' was basically the same, but she wore really fancy linen clothes, and she was Atem's lover because why not. I don't think I ever shipped her ''future'' self with anyone, but she DID have heavy subtext with Mai for whatever reason. She was technically my first oc who WASN'T cishet.

...huhm. I regret not doing more with her, now.
I also remember I used to have a Yugioh oc, who was supposedly involved with the phero, but she was white as mayonnaise. I never wrote anything down about her, so I shall attempt to write from memory.


I don't remember her name, it might've been Kiri, though. I wanted a Japanese name, so I decided Kiri would do, even though it's not really a name??? Anyways, she had long, green hair and she wore lipstick and hung out with Mai Valentine because OF COURSE they'd be bffs they both wear makeup. Her ''past self'' was basically the same, but she wore really fancy linen clothes, and she was Atem's lover because why not. I don't think I ever shipped her ''future'' self with anyone, but she DID have heavy subtext with Mai for whatever reason. She was technically my first oc who WASN'T cishet.

...huhm. I regret not doing more with her, now.
Funky moves, grandma
Let's dig this thread back up. I have a Mary Sue to add to this wonderful list!

Does anyone remember Spyro? Spyro is where my dragon obsession began!
I'll talk about my amazing Mary Sue, Cathlyne (heck, I can barely spell her name now. HOW did I come up with it back when I was twelve? I'm 21 now)

Link to her first design here

I created her after finishing Spyro: A Hero's Tail. Some old notes I took of her were saying that she used to be an all gold dragoness that even controlled some element named 'Gold' (is that possible?). When The Legend Of Spyro began, I re-designed her into the green/brown dragon in the link above. This 'new and improved' Cathlyne got a backstory. This is the worst part.

Shortly after she hatched, Cathlyne got hit by a star and so, she got the power to control this weird 'Gold' element. She was raised by...hold on...WOLVES. Her parents had died in the first war caused by Cynder (the one that happened before the story of A New Beginning started). She had a brother (but I can't remember anything about him). She was a mix between a Fire and Earth dragon. She was about 17 years old. Her element, Gold, was changed into 'Golden Fire'. She was almost as strong as The Purple Dragon (HAHAHA, RIGHT). Oh...and...SPYRO WAS HER MATE. I'd created some random Lightning dragon for Cynder. HAHA.

She got captured by those pirates that appeared in Eternal Night to fight for other's entertainment in some arena on a flying ship (just like what happened to Cynder in Eternal Night) because she was so strong and controlled a rare element. Spyro saved her.

This happened before I knew that Spyro and Cynder were going to be canon in the third game, Dawn Of The Dragon. Cathlyne was no longer a horrible Mary Sue. She was no longer Spyro's mate. She was no longer overpowered. In this link, you can see her newest look.
I never drew her after that. This was YEARS ago.
Let's dig this thread back up. I have a Mary Sue to add to this wonderful list!

Does anyone remember Spyro? Spyro is where my dragon obsession began!
I'll talk about my amazing Mary Sue, Cathlyne (heck, I can barely spell her name now. HOW did I come up with it back when I was twelve? I'm 21 now)

Link to her first design here

I created her after finishing Spyro: A Hero's Tail. Some old notes I took of her were saying that she used to be an all gold dragoness that even controlled some element named 'Gold' (is that possible?). When The Legend Of Spyro began, I re-designed her into the green/brown dragon in the link above. This 'new and improved' Cathlyne got a backstory. This is the worst part.

Shortly after she hatched, Cathlyne got hit by a star and so, she got the power to control this weird 'Gold' element. She was raised by...hold on...WOLVES. Her parents had died in the first war caused by Cynder (the one that happened before the story of A New Beginning started). She had a brother (but I can't remember anything about him). She was a mix between a Fire and Earth dragon. She was about 17 years old. Her element, Gold, was changed into 'Golden Fire'. She was almost as strong as The Purple Dragon (HAHAHA, RIGHT). Oh...and...SPYRO WAS HER MATE. I'd created some random Lightning dragon for Cynder. HAHA.

She got captured by those pirates that appeared in Eternal Night to fight for other's entertainment in some arena on a flying ship (just like what happened to Cynder in Eternal Night) because she was so strong and controlled a rare element. Spyro saved her.

This happened before I knew that Spyro and Cynder were going to be canon in the third game, Dawn Of The Dragon. Cathlyne was no longer a horrible Mary Sue. She was no longer Spyro's mate. She was no longer overpowered. In this link, you can see her newest look.
I never drew her after that. This was YEARS ago.
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So many Sonic OCs oh booy

I myself pretty much never created an actual OC since I enjoy reading about other's OCs more, but when my two best friends and I were so bored as school that we started a roleplay and passed the sheets around, I was bound to make a stupid character. Let's say, that was in my Naruto phase, her name's Hotaru and she was a freaking Uchiha, I think that says everything already. I think I watched out to give her flaws though, but the roleplay was pretty much a bunch of 'lOL RANDOM!!' stuff thrown together.
So many Sonic OCs oh booy

I myself pretty much never created an actual OC since I enjoy reading about other's OCs more, but when my two best friends and I were so bored as school that we started a roleplay and passed the sheets around, I was bound to make a stupid character. Let's say, that was in my Naruto phase, her name's Hotaru and she was a freaking Uchiha, I think that says everything already. I think I watched out to give her flaws though, but the roleplay was pretty much a bunch of 'lOL RANDOM!!' stuff thrown together.

Ohhhhhhhh god. That phase. It lasted for a few months for me in my preteen stage, and I can only cringe and laugh uncomfortably when I remember it.

Ohhhhhhhh god. That phase. It lasted for a few months for me in my preteen stage, and I can only cringe and laugh uncomfortably when I remember it.


FR +9
Well, for a while I had a character that was a Sue. I cleaned her up quickly, though. I've always held a strong dislike for the OP or overly-perfect.

Basically, she was an espeon that was abandoned, then adopted by a royal lucario couple. She had amnesia, and learned how to control auras... Eventually, her parents gave her a ribbon and she evolved from happiness, but swiftly was possessed and destroyed her parents. She lived in a castle alone, and knew a move she couldn't possibly know, as well as have an ability that was rare.

I like her so much now that I've changed her, she's in my signature. I am not super into pokemon anymore, so she's changed species.... but I love her!
Well, for a while I had a character that was a Sue. I cleaned her up quickly, though. I've always held a strong dislike for the OP or overly-perfect.

Basically, she was an espeon that was abandoned, then adopted by a royal lucario couple. She had amnesia, and learned how to control auras... Eventually, her parents gave her a ribbon and she evolved from happiness, but swiftly was possessed and destroyed her parents. She lived in a castle alone, and knew a move she couldn't possibly know, as well as have an ability that was rare.

I like her so much now that I've changed her, she's in my signature. I am not super into pokemon anymore, so she's changed species.... but I love her!
Don't forget to take a break!
This is how most of my characters start out, actually, but then most of them are quickly retooled into non-sues, and the ones that aren't are scrapped.

Now, let's see... My worst Sue had to have been this red and black dragon I made way back in elementary school. I forgot his name, but basically he was this super mysterious loner with no friends, his family was dead, and he lived in the forbidden woods and was a part of some prophecy, taught the protagonists literally everything, and was basically a self-insert. Also I'm about 90% certain he was an exiled king of a fallen kingdom of a super rare dragon species. There was likely more, but this was a long time ago.
He's being somewhat retooled into DoOD(Dragon of Obvious/Ominous Doom) in one of my stories. He exchanges his man bits for lady parts and loses a majority of his backstory, but he is essentially the same character.

I was fairly self-regulating, apparently. There's not many sues I can remember...
This is how most of my characters start out, actually, but then most of them are quickly retooled into non-sues, and the ones that aren't are scrapped.

Now, let's see... My worst Sue had to have been this red and black dragon I made way back in elementary school. I forgot his name, but basically he was this super mysterious loner with no friends, his family was dead, and he lived in the forbidden woods and was a part of some prophecy, taught the protagonists literally everything, and was basically a self-insert. Also I'm about 90% certain he was an exiled king of a fallen kingdom of a super rare dragon species. There was likely more, but this was a long time ago.
He's being somewhat retooled into DoOD(Dragon of Obvious/Ominous Doom) in one of my stories. He exchanges his man bits for lady parts and loses a majority of his backstory, but he is essentially the same character.

I was fairly self-regulating, apparently. There's not many sues I can remember...
LOL. My first serious roleplaying experience was in a Dragonriders of Pern setting in some neopets guild message boards. My mary sue OC was named Amara, and she rode THE gold dragon. Aw yeah.
LOL. My first serious roleplaying experience was in a Dragonriders of Pern setting in some neopets guild message boards. My mary sue OC was named Amara, and she rode THE gold dragon. Aw yeah.
fire_rune_50x50.png _ Voslen | she/her | FR+3
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