[b]1. What is your favorite flight rising color?[/b]
I'm a big fan of most of the tropical blues - my favorite color IRL is Cerulean. Here on FR, though, I've REALLY become fond of Robin. It's a beautiful blue, and it mostly has soft purple or white accents. It's just a great color and I love working with it.
[b]2. What is your favorite dragon breed?[/b]
[emoji=coatl love size=1]
[b]3. Which pose do you prefer from your favorite breed?[/b]
I like the female pose a little better - they look so poised and dignified.
[b]4. What is your favorite primary, secondary, and tertiary gene?[/b]
Oof, uh, primary and secondary are hard.
I'd say probably Bee for secondary - it has some detail but it's a simple looking gene at the same time, so it isn't overwhelming. For primary I'd say I use Flaunt a lot.
Tert is easy. It's Soap.
[b]5. Do you have a dream dragon? Were you able to get them, or are you still looking?[/b]
No dream dragon - my play style is more 'hatch an egg and see what happens' so there really isn't much sense in my trying to pick specific colors I'd want to go for. There are plenty of lovely combos out there, but I'm really not attached to anything until it becomes a project.
[b]6. Favorite hatchling pose?[/b]
Coatl hatchies are great, but so are Aethers - I'd say it's a tossup between the two of them.
[b]7. Who is your avatar dragon?[/b]
Right now, it is Nenya - she was a lucky hatch from the Auraboa eggs we got from Galore.
[b]8. Why are they your avatar?[/b]
I like to change my avatar dragon around a lot - right now, she gets the honor because I wanted someone colorful to complement the new NotN vista.
[b]9. Do you change your avatar regularly, or do you keep them the same for a long period of time?[/b]
I like to change 'em! How often they get changed really just depends on my mood. I like to change into an avatar+vista combo that matches the elemental fest week, and I'll usually change at least once or twice between fests.
[b]10. Is your lair large, small, or somewhere in between?[/b]
I'd say it qualifies as large, but it is not at maximum capacity just yet.
[b]11. Are you happy with the size of your lair, or would you prefer if it was bigger or smaller?[/b]
Pretty happy with it - I'd love some more hibden space, though.
[b]12. Do you collect any specific type of dragon? (breeds, colors, g1s, permababies, etc.)[/b]
I collect G1s. I have more Coatls than I have of anything else, but I wouldn't necessarily say that I collect them.
[b]13. Do you exclude any specific type of dragon from your lair? (breeds, colors, g1s, permababies, etc.)[/b]
G1 lair, so I don't have Imps.
I wouldn't say that permababies are excluded, I just don't have any right now.
[b]14. Do you prefer XYZs, XXYs, XYXs, XYYs, or XXXs?[/b]
I LOVE a great matchy XYZ.
Doubles are OK - but I don't go out of my way to get fancy ones or anything. I'll keep them if I hatch them or I'll buy them if they come up as a match on one of my AH searches, but I'm not actively seeking them out.
Triples are too easy - there really isn't any challenge to make them look great when all of the colors are the same. I'd keep one if I hatched it and I'll probably keep the one I won from Roundsey, but I'm not going to seek them out or try to buy one.
[b]15. Do you personally value dragons more if they are older/have a lower ID?[/b]
Nope. ID and age mean nothing to me.
[b]16. Do you personally value dragons more if they are g1s?[/b]
Yes - I only keep G1s.
[b]17. Do you personally value dragons more if they were a breeding project?[/b]
I don't have breeding projects by virtue of being a G1 lair, but I respect the people who have gone through the process to get something that they love.
[b]18. Do you personally value dragons more if they have rare colors?[/b]
No. I just gravitate towards colors I like.
[b]19. What is your favorite familiar?[/b]
[item=Velvet Buttersnake]
[b]20. Do you like to name your familiars?[/b]
I would LOVE to name my familiars, but I don't want to have to pair them all to a dragon to do it. I'd probably get them all names if I could name them via the bestiary.
[b]21. Do dragons get a set familiar, or do you change them out regularly? (once they are awakened, for example)[/b]
Anything unawakened will be paired with a dragon in my main lair. Beyond that, I just try to pair familiars that at least kinda vaguely match the dragon. Most dragons don't have a great match, so I settle for having something at least in the ballpark.
[b]22. Do you enjoy coli grinding?[/b]
Eh. Sometimes? It depends on what I'm grinding for. If I can just 'brain off, kill things' I usually enjoy it more than I do if I have to watch for specific drops.
[b]23. How many projects do you currently have?[/b]
ACTIVE projects? There are 5 dragons in my lair right now waiting for genes or accents.
Unstarted projects?
Erm.... Several hundred, but lets not look at those tabs.
[b]24. Is your current project cost total a number that strikes fear into your heart? (Feel free to do the math for this one, if you dare)[/b]
My only pair waiting for genes right now are both waiting for Pharoah, which'll run me 3k gems. That's not awful and I'd have finished them a while ago if I wasn't sitting on my gems hoping to pick up some mates for other dragons.
I'm.... absolutely not going to try and calculate the cost of all of my unstarted projects. I haven't even definitively decided on gene plans for most of them.
[b]25. Do you like to design bios for your dragons?[/b]
I don't like futzing with BBC in general - so I made one template, translated it across to all 11 elements, and that'll be it. I'm not going to get super fancy with it or try to do something unique for every dragon. When I'm ready to deploy it, they're all just getting the variation of it that matches their element.
[b]26. Do you give your dragons lore?[/b]
Yes! A lot of it is still very unfinished, and it won't be in their bios until everyone is done. So, it's a work in progress but I've been chipping away at it when I have time.
[b]27. Do you have lore for your lair?[/b]
Sure do! It's the same as my dragon lore, though - not currently available because it isn't in a finished enough state.
[b]28. Do you collect fandragons?[/b]
Nope. I've taken names from things I enjoy before, but I don't have any actual fandragons.
[b]29. Who is your most expensive dragon? Are they still worth the cost to you?[/b]
Uhhhh.... The dragon I PAID the most for? I... honestly don't remember. I don't make notes of how much I pay for things and nothing is standing out in my memory as having been particularly expensive - the majority of my dragon purchases are ungened G1s.
As for who would be mot expensive if I sold them? Spriggan - hands down. She is a G1 triple I won from Roundsey, and Radioactive is a fairly popular color.
[b]30. Who is your cheapest dragon? Would you have paid more for them?[/b]
I'm going to trot this girl out, because she always comes to mind immediately when the topic of cheap dragons comes up. I don't remember exactly what I paid for her, but it was low double digits - barely above the fodder floor. Her colors are beautiful and I'm honestly just so happy to have her - took a while to find her a mate and get her gened up and such, but I absolutely would have paid more for her. She is probably not objectively my cheapest (I have definitely bought things on the fodder floor and have hatched plenty of free eggs I've looted or scavenged and we're ignoring the cost of genes here) but she is always [i]the one[/i] I remember when I think about things being criminally underpriced.
[b]31. What is your favorite flight rising holiday/festival, and why?[/b]
I enjoy NotN, because Eggsmas.
But also, I enjoy Wavecrest because that's my flight holiday and I can't help but get a little extra hyped for it every year.
[b]32. What in-game item(s) do you hoard or collect, if any, and why?[/b]
I don't really collect or hoard anything, but I will sometimes stash a single copy of something into my hoard if I just like the item icon.
I've kept a lot of pretty rocks.
EDITING because I remembered that I collect Marva containers and items - I've still got the depleted cycling chests that she used to let us keep and then some unopened chests from the years that we didn't get to keep anything. I also still have all of my Dustcarve caches.
[b]33. Do you tend to prefer site skins or umas, or do you like them both equally?[/b]
UMAs. I don't hate the fest skins or anything, they just tend to not be what I'm looking for.
[b]34. Do you prefer skins, skincents, or accents generally?[/b]
I like to be able to see the dragon underneath, so I almost always go for accents. The skins I do have are usually either very transparent or not covering too much more than an accent would.
[b]35. Do you prefer when your dragon is wearing a skin/skincent/accent or not?[/b]
I don't consider a dragon to be finished until it has a skin or accent, and (if not an Ancient breed) a completed outfit.
[b]36. Do you or have you ever run a hatchery?[/b]
I had one very briefly, but I really didn't like maintaining it like I thought I would.
So I abandoned it.
[b]37. Do you like to buy from hatcheries?[/b]
Nope - strictly G1 so no hatchery browsing for me.
[b]38. Does your lore tend to be more magical or mundane, if you have lore?[/b]
A mix of both - there are definitely groups and individuals in my lore that are magically focused, but I also have a lot of dragons that just have mundane jobs like tending to the local library or diving for salvage.
[b]39. What is your favorite flight, and is it the one you are currently in?[/b]
Water flight, and yes - I've been a droplet since joining and I have no plans to ever leave.
If I were FORCED to move, though, I'd move over to Shadow. Wouldn't even have to update my lore since my lair sits near the border.
[b]40. Does your flight influence your lore, if you have any?[/b]
Sure does, although, the lair its self is very much a melting pot and the element of a dragons bio is considered to be the one that they have in my lore. So, very diverse and even though it's a Water lair there is still representation from all of the other flights as well.
[b]41. Is your lore more canon, noncanon, or completely unrelated to canon flight rising lore?[/b]
I take canon into consideration, but the timeframe for when my lore is set is at a vague point in the future.
The BotE stories are considered to be things that happened in the past. Tidelord being missing is considered a thing that was in the past. There are dragons old enough to have lived through these things and have memories and trauma associated, but they're not so much current concerns. This way, it'll be easier to adjust my own lore to new developments without having to worry that I have to account for, say, my Fire dragons who fled during the rebellions worrying about the status of their friends or families if things escalate there.
[b]42. What is your favorite part of this game? (Community, dragons, features, devs, art, etc.)[/b]
The silly dragon pngs - I really like the art style of the site in general and just being able to work on projects keeps me pretty happy.
The community is a close second, I love seeing what's going on in the forums.
[b]43. When you scry, do you deliberately pick everything, or do you tend to hit the randomize buttons?[/b]
I usually jump to some of the genes that have obvious accent colors (Flaunt, Swirl, Boa, etc) and then also check a few of the 'flatter' genes that I enjoy, like Savanna. I'll skip over genes that I just don't like much or can't see working well on the scry I'm using.
[b]44. Which npc is your favorite?[/b]
Depends on the day you ask, but I'll always love Susie, Marva, Sage, and Fiona. Higgins is also pretty high on the list, I like Patches, Arlo is amazing, and Scribbles has great gremlin energy that I appreciate.
[b]45. Has your favorite breed changed with time? What was your previous favorite breed(s), and what changed?[/b]
I don't really remember what my favorite breed was before Coatls came out.
I DO distinctly remember that I didn't like Coatls much when they first released - I had to let them grow on me a little.
[b]46. Do you prefer when your dragons look similar or unified by something, or completely different?[/b]
My lair is an absolute disaster, nobody should ever go in there expecting any form of cohesion. I like the variety and having pairs that are distinct from one another. I have plenty that are similar, but I'd probably go nuts trying to do an aesthetic lair.
[b]47. Do you organize your lair by lore, color, order acquired, or something else?[/b]
Finished dragons are ordered by breed. I have a tab for Modern and Ancient, and then I have one breed per page.
Unfinished dragons are just.... kinda thrown in all together depending on what kind of unfinished I consider them to be.
[b]48. What is your favorite apparel item?[/b]
Uhhhh.... I don't really have any, most of my outfits are just sort of built up from things that I have on hand.
[b]49. Do you like to repeatedly use certain apparel items?[/b]
I'd say I get a lot of mileage out of both the Birdskull sets (except for the headpieces) and the Sylvan sets.
[b]50. Do you prefer busier or less busy outfits for your dragons? Or do you prefer no outfit at all?[/b]
Depends on the dragon and what skin/accent they're wearing. The outfit is built around the accent.
[b]51. What apparel item do you want added to the game?[/b]
I'd love to have more animal companions.
[b]52. What is your favorite skin/skincent/accent?[/b]
Uuuuuuuuuh I don't really have a favorite - there are a ton I like but I don't think I could point out one specifically and say 'yes, that is the best one.'
[b]53. Do you prefer moderns or ancients, or do you like them both equally?[/b]
I like both!
[b]54. Do you prefer having mostly adult poses or hatchling poses in your lair?[/b]
Adults. I like to pair and breed my dragons - though I definitely have some dragons I'll realistically never find mates for, so they may become permababy projects in the future.
[b]55. Do you participate in dom in any way?[/b]
Not often. I breed my own fodder and just kinda level them and send them off as they mature. The only time I ever really get involved is in the leadup to Wavecrest, and even then I don't bother every year. I'll just hop in if the mood strikes me.
Most of the time I don't even know when we're pushing.
[b]56. Do you tend to sell or hatch the eggs you get?[/b]
I've hatched most eggs I've found.
However, I'm selling most of my Noc eggs from this year - I don't have room to hatch that many eggs and keep a bunch of projects.
[b]57. Do you like to participate in challenges (no spendtember, fodderlocke, etc.)[/b]
Nope. They're just not for me.
[b]58. Do you level your dragons to a certain level? (for coli use, aesthetic, etc.)[/b]
I only level permas during holidays with EXP bonuses, but I take them all the way to 25 when I do. Most of them are still sitting with their useless HP sponge stats since I don't usually tincture them until I need them for something - but I like having them ready if I want to put a new coli team together.
[b]59. Do you plan on going for all achievements one day?[/b]
LOL no. I'm not interested in exalting a progen to get that one, and there are a few fairgrounds ones that I'll just never have.
I do chase the ones that are realistically possible (like the gene achievements) and I make slow progress on some of the longer ones (like the Crim one or the number of dragons hatched). But, having them all is definitely not something I care about.
[b]60. Do you still have 1 or both of your progens?[/b]
Still have them both! My custom has been scattered, though.
[b]61. Did you breed your progens?[/b]
Yup - I bred them to each other per the tutorial and they've both had different mates over the years that I still actively breed them with.
[b]62. Did you scatter 1 or both of your progens, or do you plan on scattering?[/b]
Oop, already answered this - my custom got a scatter and went through a complete overhaul not too long ago. My random was beautiful, so she still sports her original colors - but she did recently get a gene update.
[b]63. Have you ever done a non-progen scatter project, or are planning too?[/b]
A few! I've had a few sentimental permas that I wanted to update, but they just had unfortunate colors or terts and really couldn't be saved. So rather than exalting them or trying to sell, I sent a few of them through a scatter journey.
They were all mercifully short journeys, I think my longest one only took 8 scatters to hit somethin I liked.
I, uh, actually got lucky yesterday and started and finished two scatter projects with one scroll each.
I scattered one of my Fae boys from Ice / Navy / Chocolate to Blood / Rust / Ice (he really wanted to keep the Ice, bless him) and a Skydancer lady from Crimson / Rose / Emerald to Tan / Rust / Black. Really happy with both of those, they shook off their awful terts and landed somewhere that I can work with.
[b]64. Do you tend to get attached to and hold on to dragons forever, or is your lair always in rotation? Are there exceptions either way?[/b]
I have a very hard time parting with dragons. I have a few unstarted ones that I consider to be 'on the bubble,' which are low priority dragons that I'd consider sending away if I needed to make room. But once I've kinda decided on a scry and started working on something, it stays forever.
[b]65. Do you enjoy purging your lair and/or starting fresh?[/b]
No - I gene all of my dragons myself, that would be a financial disaster I'd never recover from.
That said, back before I was a G1 lair, I DID purge all of my G2+ dragons. I just... couldn't really get attached to them.
[b]66. Do you have fodder breeders? If yes, do you consider them permas/dress them up/give them lore/etc.? Or are they just there?[/b]
My permas are my fodder breeders.
I like to see their babies.
But then I also like to profit off of their babies, so they get leveled and shipped off to Tidepapa.
[b]67. Do you like to make your dragons into breeding pairs? (For lore or just to make cute babies)[/b]
Yes! Their lair mate and their canon lore mate are rarely the same, so I actually get to pair my dragons off twice. Once just for the pretty fodder babs, and then again with some freedom for things like same-sex/QPR/poly relationships.
[b]68. Do you prefer having bred or unbred dragons?[/b]
The vast majority of my dragons are bred, but either or is fine. If I don't have a suitable mate for a dragon that I still want to finish, they'll probably just stay in my hibden and never breed.
[b]69. Do you prefer long or short offspring lists, if any at all?[/b]
No preference.
[b]70. If you breed your dragons, do you have set pairs, or do you breed randomly for different results?[/b]
Set pairs, for the pretty babies.
[b]71. If you have ever done breeding projects, how long did the longest one take?[/b]
[b]72. If you have ever done breeding projects, what was the luckiest you've ever gotten with offspring?[/b]
[b]73. If you have ever done breeding projects, do you enjoy them, or find them more frustrating/tedious?[/b]
N/A but they look tedious as heck. I'd definitely much rather be in gene project purgatory rather than relying on RNG.
[b]74. Do you hope to complete your bestiary someday? Either through collecting all familiars or awakening them through Fiona.[/b]
Everything is awakened through Fiona, and I have all of the familiars I can realistically have. I could probably get an Akirbeak if I really wanted to, but I'd rather buy dragons and genes - and I don't think the KS familiars are worth chasing at all.
[b]75. Have you ever won anything from the raffle? If yes, what, and how many times?[/b]
I've won three times. Once was some Baldwin materials, once got some Prismatic Tokens, and the third time was Spriggan who I linked further up.
[b]76. Do you like to change up your dragons on occasion (breed, genes, outfit, etc.), or do they tend to look the same forever?[/b]
I've got a whole tab of dragons that I'm in the process of remodeling. I've updated old dragons here and there in the past, but this is the first time I've really done a major update like this. Some are getting breed changed but for the most part they're just getting cosmetic touch-ups. Most also got new mates - since these are mostly some of my oldest pairs, and when I started playing I didn't have much concept of the color wheel and some of these pairs ended up being pretty unfortunate.
[b]77. Do you feel like you could ever "complete" your lair, in whatever way that means to you, or is it an eternal project?[/b]
I don't think so, no. If I have no projects to work on, I'd probably get bored.
[b]78. What are your major flight rising goals? (Examples: Lair expansion, rare dragon collection, shiny forum star, full bestiary, etc.)[/b]
Finish a lot of projects. That's basically it.
Lair expansion will always be a goal, but I'm as expanded as the game will let me get right now.
[b]79. What was your biggest flight rising accomplishment?[/b]
Uhhhh.... Good question? I don't think I have anything that really qualifies unless you want to count 'got a lot of eggs during NotN.' I feel pretty jazzed when I finish an expensive or long project, though.
[b]80. Are you happy with your lair?[/b]
More or less - my project tabs are a disaster, but I'm happy with my finished things!
[b]81. Do you participate in forum activity frequently, or are you more of a lurker?[/b]
Little of both. I reply to things like this survey or threads where there won't be a lot of 1:1 discussion, but I don't often talk directly [i]to[/i] people here if that makes any sense.
[b]82. Do you like to participate in forum games? If so, which one is your favorite?[/b]
Sometimes, if the mood strikes me. I like the dragon share games like Uno or the variants of 'x in the lair above you.'
[b]83. Have you ever made or purchased art for your dragons? If yes, which piece is your favorite?[/b]
Nope! I plan to do some art for them in the future, but I haven't yet and I haven't bought any.
[b]84. How do you prefer acquiring new dragons, if you have a preference? (Auction house, hatchery, breeding projects, hatching eggs, etc.)[/b]
....Or consult the AH if looking for a mate for something I already have.
[b]85. Which of your dragons, if any, do you feel is underrated? (Fewer likes, doesn't get picked for forum games as often, etc.)[/b]
I haven't been in forum games much lately, and I don't pay TOO much attention to the like counters on my dragons. If I had to pick one that I'm sad doesn't have more, I'd say this guy - look at him, he's so dapper and not even at double digits.
[b]86. Do you care if a dragon's eyes match? Do you like when a dragon's eyes contrast their colors?[/b]
Nope, I've never paid much attention to eye color - I just consider it a nice bonus if it's matchy, but it won't be a thing that makes or breaks whether or not I keep/buy. Especially nowadays when we have all of the fancy eye vials and you can dial down some of the clashier things going on with large-eyed breeds like Aethers.
[b]87. What is your favorite eye color and type?[/b]
Favorite type is Faceted, easily.
Color? I'd say I like Ice eyes because they're very neutral, followed closely by Water, and then by Shadow.
[b]88. Do you generally use scenes for your dragons?[/b]
Yup, every dragon gets a scene. The scene doesn't always make a ton of sense, but y'know, there are only so many to choose from.
[b]89. Which scene is your favorite, and why?[/b]
I like Moonbeam Aqueduct and Winter Night. They're both dark, so they're easy on the eyes - and also they're just pretty.
[b]90. Do you collect dragons with special hatchdates? (Holidays, birthdays, etc.) If you have any, which is your favorite?[/b]
I've got a few I hatched on leapday, and one I hatched on 4/1 after I got lucky and looted it the night before. Otherwise, I don't really pay that much attention to hatchdates and I don't usually try to save eggs just for that purpose.
I have ~25 Noc eggs that I'm still planning to hatch this year, and I'll probably hatch them on my birthday just to hopefully have one dragon from that date.
[b]91. Do you collect dragons with specific measurements? (Very large, small, glitched, square, etc.)[/b]
I have 4 glitched Boggies, but I only realized that they were glitched recently - I rarely pay attention to measurements.
[b]92. Who is your clan leader, if any, and why did you pick that dragon?[/b]
Mhalla, my random progen:
I picked her because a Guardian seems suited to the job, I love her, and she has been in my lair for a very long time.
[b]93. Which flight rising deity is your favorite? Do they differ from your flight?[/b]
Nope! My favorite is Tidepapa. I feel like he'd still be my favorite even if I were in a different flight just because of the associated intrigue, and his design is nice.
[b]94. Are there any in-game food (or non-food) items that you want to eat?[/b]
The apples look delicious.
[b]95. Which forums do you frequent the most?[/b]
FRD. I very occasionally take a stroll down to GD, or over into Dragon Share - but not often.
[b]96. Have you ever made UMAs? If yes, which of your own is your favorite?[/b]
I made a few a long time ago, but none of them are good. They were done very quickly, partly just to see how the skin system worked. I'm only actually using one of them at this point and I've been thinking about updating it to a nicer version - though I'd also like to make a few more accents for some of the dragons I haven't had any luck finding accents for. Not a lot on the AH if you need something that doesn't cover a line breaking tert.
[b]97. Do you mostly play on computer, mobile, or both?[/b]
Computer. The mobile site infuriates me.
[b]98. How do you typically prefer naming your dragons? Do you have a certain style or theme you follow?[/b]
Sometimes I take names from books/shows/movies that I enjoy. Sometimes they're named after stars and planets. Sometimes they're named after ancient gods/angels/demons. Sometimes they're named by the RNG button.
And sometimes if they feel like silly little guys, they get silly little names like Trinket, Beefus, Porfo (and don't forget his mate Merobiba), Bean, and Cake.
Sometimes they get really long names like Parthenogenesis.
Really just depends on how I'm feeling [emoji=coatl tongue size=1]
[b]99. What is your favorite memory on flight rising?[/b]
Dustcarve Dig.
The forums were lit and the memes were flowing, unlike the oil.
The whole event was a riot from start to finish.
Unfathomable Odyssey was great, but it didn't hit the same levels of hype IMO.
[b]100. Feel free to ask me a question here, if you'd like! Thank you for participating![/b]
Do you like to watch or listen to anything while hanging out on FR? I usually have Youtube or Twitch open to the side, so I often wonder how often other people do the same.
1. What is your favorite flight rising color?
I'm a big fan of most of the tropical blues - my favorite color IRL is Cerulean. Here on FR, though, I've REALLY become fond of Robin. It's a beautiful blue, and it mostly has soft purple or white accents. It's just a great color and I love working with it.
2. What is your favorite dragon breed?
3. Which pose do you prefer from your favorite breed?
I like the female pose a little better - they look so poised and dignified.
4. What is your favorite primary, secondary, and tertiary gene?
Oof, uh, primary and secondary are hard.
I'd say probably Bee for secondary - it has some detail but it's a simple looking gene at the same time, so it isn't overwhelming. For primary I'd say I use Flaunt a lot.
Tert is easy. It's Soap.
5. Do you have a dream dragon? Were you able to get them, or are you still looking?
No dream dragon - my play style is more 'hatch an egg and see what happens' so there really isn't much sense in my trying to pick specific colors I'd want to go for. There are plenty of lovely combos out there, but I'm really not attached to anything until it becomes a project.
6. Favorite hatchling pose?
Coatl hatchies are great, but so are Aethers - I'd say it's a tossup between the two of them.
7. Who is your avatar dragon?
Right now, it is Nenya - she was a lucky hatch from the Auraboa eggs we got from Galore.
8. Why are they your avatar?
I like to change my avatar dragon around a lot - right now, she gets the honor because I wanted someone colorful to complement the new NotN vista.
9. Do you change your avatar regularly, or do you keep them the same for a long period of time?
I like to change 'em! How often they get changed really just depends on my mood. I like to change into an avatar+vista combo that matches the elemental fest week, and I'll usually change at least once or twice between fests.
10. Is your lair large, small, or somewhere in between?
I'd say it qualifies as large, but it is not at maximum capacity just yet.
11. Are you happy with the size of your lair, or would you prefer if it was bigger or smaller?
Pretty happy with it - I'd love some more hibden space, though.
12. Do you collect any specific type of dragon? (breeds, colors, g1s, permababies, etc.)
I collect G1s. I have more Coatls than I have of anything else, but I wouldn't necessarily say that I collect them.
13. Do you exclude any specific type of dragon from your lair? (breeds, colors, g1s, permababies, etc.)
G1 lair, so I don't have Imps.
I wouldn't say that permababies are excluded, I just don't have any right now.
14. Do you prefer XYZs, XXYs, XYXs, XYYs, or XXXs?
I LOVE a great matchy XYZ.
Doubles are OK - but I don't go out of my way to get fancy ones or anything. I'll keep them if I hatch them or I'll buy them if they come up as a match on one of my AH searches, but I'm not actively seeking them out.
Triples are too easy - there really isn't any challenge to make them look great when all of the colors are the same. I'd keep one if I hatched it and I'll probably keep the one I won from Roundsey, but I'm not going to seek them out or try to buy one.
15. Do you personally value dragons more if they are older/have a lower ID?
Nope. ID and age mean nothing to me.
16. Do you personally value dragons more if they are g1s?
Yes - I only keep G1s.
17. Do you personally value dragons more if they were a breeding project?
I don't have breeding projects by virtue of being a G1 lair, but I respect the people who have gone through the process to get something that they love.
18. Do you personally value dragons more if they have rare colors?
No. I just gravitate towards colors I like.
19. What is your favorite familiar?
Velvet Buttersnake
The vibrant hues against the black velvet of this Buttersnake are quite striking. Unfortunately, it has a bad taste.
20. Do you like to name your familiars?
I would LOVE to name my familiars, but I don't want to have to pair them all to a dragon to do it. I'd probably get them all names if I could name them via the bestiary.
21. Do dragons get a set familiar, or do you change them out regularly? (once they are awakened, for example)
Anything unawakened will be paired with a dragon in my main lair. Beyond that, I just try to pair familiars that at least kinda vaguely match the dragon. Most dragons don't have a great match, so I settle for having something at least in the ballpark.
22. Do you enjoy coli grinding?
Eh. Sometimes? It depends on what I'm grinding for. If I can just 'brain off, kill things' I usually enjoy it more than I do if I have to watch for specific drops.
23. How many projects do you currently have?
ACTIVE projects? There are 5 dragons in my lair right now waiting for genes or accents.
Unstarted projects?
Erm.... Several hundred, but lets not look at those tabs.
24. Is your current project cost total a number that strikes fear into your heart? (Feel free to do the math for this one, if you dare)
My only pair waiting for genes right now are both waiting for Pharoah, which'll run me 3k gems. That's not awful and I'd have finished them a while ago if I wasn't sitting on my gems hoping to pick up some mates for other dragons.
I'm.... absolutely not going to try and calculate the cost of all of my unstarted projects. I haven't even definitively decided on gene plans for most of them.
25. Do you like to design bios for your dragons?
I don't like futzing with BBC in general - so I made one template, translated it across to all 11 elements, and that'll be it. I'm not going to get super fancy with it or try to do something unique for every dragon. When I'm ready to deploy it, they're all just getting the variation of it that matches their element.
26. Do you give your dragons lore?
Yes! A lot of it is still very unfinished, and it won't be in their bios until everyone is done. So, it's a work in progress but I've been chipping away at it when I have time.
27. Do you have lore for your lair?
Sure do! It's the same as my dragon lore, though - not currently available because it isn't in a finished enough state.
28. Do you collect fandragons?
Nope. I've taken names from things I enjoy before, but I don't have any actual fandragons.
29. Who is your most expensive dragon? Are they still worth the cost to you?
Uhhhh.... The dragon I PAID the most for? I... honestly don't remember. I don't make notes of how much I pay for things and nothing is standing out in my memory as having been particularly expensive - the majority of my dragon purchases are ungened G1s.
As for who would be mot expensive if I sold them? Spriggan - hands down. She is a G1 triple I won from Roundsey, and Radioactive is a fairly popular color.
30. Who is your cheapest dragon? Would you have paid more for them?
I'm going to trot this girl out, because she always comes to mind immediately when the topic of cheap dragons comes up. I don't remember exactly what I paid for her, but it was low double digits - barely above the fodder floor. Her colors are beautiful and I'm honestly just so happy to have her - took a while to find her a mate and get her gened up and such, but I absolutely would have paid more for her. She is probably not objectively my cheapest (I have definitely bought things on the fodder floor and have hatched plenty of free eggs I've looted or scavenged and we're ignoring the cost of genes here) but she is always the one I remember when I think about things being criminally underpriced.
31. What is your favorite flight rising holiday/festival, and why?
I enjoy NotN, because Eggsmas.
But also, I enjoy Wavecrest because that's my flight holiday and I can't help but get a little extra hyped for it every year.
32. What in-game item(s) do you hoard or collect, if any, and why?
I don't really collect or hoard anything, but I will sometimes stash a single copy of something into my hoard if I just like the item icon.
I've kept a lot of pretty rocks.
EDITING because I remembered that I collect Marva containers and items - I've still got the depleted cycling chests that she used to let us keep and then some unopened chests from the years that we didn't get to keep anything. I also still have all of my Dustcarve caches.
33. Do you tend to prefer site skins or umas, or do you like them both equally?
UMAs. I don't hate the fest skins or anything, they just tend to not be what I'm looking for.
34. Do you prefer skins, skincents, or accents generally?
I like to be able to see the dragon underneath, so I almost always go for accents. The skins I do have are usually either very transparent or not covering too much more than an accent would.
35. Do you prefer when your dragon is wearing a skin/skincent/accent or not?
I don't consider a dragon to be finished until it has a skin or accent, and (if not an Ancient breed) a completed outfit.
36. Do you or have you ever run a hatchery?
I had one very briefly, but I really didn't like maintaining it like I thought I would.
So I abandoned it.
37. Do you like to buy from hatcheries?
Nope - strictly G1 so no hatchery browsing for me.
38. Does your lore tend to be more magical or mundane, if you have lore?
A mix of both - there are definitely groups and individuals in my lore that are magically focused, but I also have a lot of dragons that just have mundane jobs like tending to the local library or diving for salvage.
39. What is your favorite flight, and is it the one you are currently in?
Water flight, and yes - I've been a droplet since joining and I have no plans to ever leave.
If I were FORCED to move, though, I'd move over to Shadow. Wouldn't even have to update my lore since my lair sits near the border.
40. Does your flight influence your lore, if you have any?
Sure does, although, the lair its self is very much a melting pot and the element of a dragons bio is considered to be the one that they have in my lore. So, very diverse and even though it's a Water lair there is still representation from all of the other flights as well.
41. Is your lore more canon, noncanon, or completely unrelated to canon flight rising lore?
I take canon into consideration, but the timeframe for when my lore is set is at a vague point in the future.
The BotE stories are considered to be things that happened in the past. Tidelord being missing is considered a thing that was in the past. There are dragons old enough to have lived through these things and have memories and trauma associated, but they're not so much current concerns. This way, it'll be easier to adjust my own lore to new developments without having to worry that I have to account for, say, my Fire dragons who fled during the rebellions worrying about the status of their friends or families if things escalate there.
42. What is your favorite part of this game? (Community, dragons, features, devs, art, etc.)
The silly dragon pngs - I really like the art style of the site in general and just being able to work on projects keeps me pretty happy.
The community is a close second, I love seeing what's going on in the forums.
43. When you scry, do you deliberately pick everything, or do you tend to hit the randomize buttons?
I usually jump to some of the genes that have obvious accent colors (Flaunt, Swirl, Boa, etc) and then also check a few of the 'flatter' genes that I enjoy, like Savanna. I'll skip over genes that I just don't like much or can't see working well on the scry I'm using.
44. Which npc is your favorite?
Depends on the day you ask, but I'll always love Susie, Marva, Sage, and Fiona. Higgins is also pretty high on the list, I like Patches, Arlo is amazing, and Scribbles has great gremlin energy that I appreciate.
45. Has your favorite breed changed with time? What was your previous favorite breed(s), and what changed?
I don't really remember what my favorite breed was before Coatls came out.
I DO distinctly remember that I didn't like Coatls much when they first released - I had to let them grow on me a little.
46. Do you prefer when your dragons look similar or unified by something, or completely different?
My lair is an absolute disaster, nobody should ever go in there expecting any form of cohesion. I like the variety and having pairs that are distinct from one another. I have plenty that are similar, but I'd probably go nuts trying to do an aesthetic lair.
47. Do you organize your lair by lore, color, order acquired, or something else?
Finished dragons are ordered by breed. I have a tab for Modern and Ancient, and then I have one breed per page.
Unfinished dragons are just.... kinda thrown in all together depending on what kind of unfinished I consider them to be.
48. What is your favorite apparel item?
Uhhhh.... I don't really have any, most of my outfits are just sort of built up from things that I have on hand.
49. Do you like to repeatedly use certain apparel items?
I'd say I get a lot of mileage out of both the Birdskull sets (except for the headpieces) and the Sylvan sets.
50. Do you prefer busier or less busy outfits for your dragons? Or do you prefer no outfit at all?
Depends on the dragon and what skin/accent they're wearing. The outfit is built around the accent.
51. What apparel item do you want added to the game?
I'd love to have more animal companions.
52. What is your favorite skin/skincent/accent?
Uuuuuuuuuh I don't really have a favorite - there are a ton I like but I don't think I could point out one specifically and say 'yes, that is the best one.'
53. Do you prefer moderns or ancients, or do you like them both equally?
I like both!
54. Do you prefer having mostly adult poses or hatchling poses in your lair?
Adults. I like to pair and breed my dragons - though I definitely have some dragons I'll realistically never find mates for, so they may become permababy projects in the future.
55. Do you participate in dom in any way?
Not often. I breed my own fodder and just kinda level them and send them off as they mature. The only time I ever really get involved is in the leadup to Wavecrest, and even then I don't bother every year. I'll just hop in if the mood strikes me.
Most of the time I don't even know when we're pushing.
56. Do you tend to sell or hatch the eggs you get?
I've hatched most eggs I've found.
However, I'm selling most of my Noc eggs from this year - I don't have room to hatch that many eggs and keep a bunch of projects.
57. Do you like to participate in challenges (no spendtember, fodderlocke, etc.)
Nope. They're just not for me.
58. Do you level your dragons to a certain level? (for coli use, aesthetic, etc.)
I only level permas during holidays with EXP bonuses, but I take them all the way to 25 when I do. Most of them are still sitting with their useless HP sponge stats since I don't usually tincture them until I need them for something - but I like having them ready if I want to put a new coli team together.
59. Do you plan on going for all achievements one day?
LOL no. I'm not interested in exalting a progen to get that one, and there are a few fairgrounds ones that I'll just never have.
I do chase the ones that are realistically possible (like the gene achievements) and I make slow progress on some of the longer ones (like the Crim one or the number of dragons hatched). But, having them all is definitely not something I care about.
60. Do you still have 1 or both of your progens?
Still have them both! My custom has been scattered, though.
61. Did you breed your progens?
Yup - I bred them to each other per the tutorial and they've both had different mates over the years that I still actively breed them with.
62. Did you scatter 1 or both of your progens, or do you plan on scattering?
Oop, already answered this - my custom got a scatter and went through a complete overhaul not too long ago. My random was beautiful, so she still sports her original colors - but she did recently get a gene update.
63. Have you ever done a non-progen scatter project, or are planning too?
A few! I've had a few sentimental permas that I wanted to update, but they just had unfortunate colors or terts and really couldn't be saved. So rather than exalting them or trying to sell, I sent a few of them through a scatter journey.
They were all mercifully short journeys, I think my longest one only took 8 scatters to hit somethin I liked.
I, uh, actually got lucky yesterday and started and finished two scatter projects with one scroll each.
I scattered one of my Fae boys from Ice / Navy / Chocolate to Blood / Rust / Ice (he really wanted to keep the Ice, bless him) and a Skydancer lady from Crimson / Rose / Emerald to Tan / Rust / Black. Really happy with both of those, they shook off their awful terts and landed somewhere that I can work with.
64. Do you tend to get attached to and hold on to dragons forever, or is your lair always in rotation? Are there exceptions either way?
I have a very hard time parting with dragons. I have a few unstarted ones that I consider to be 'on the bubble,' which are low priority dragons that I'd consider sending away if I needed to make room. But once I've kinda decided on a scry and started working on something, it stays forever.
65. Do you enjoy purging your lair and/or starting fresh?
No - I gene all of my dragons myself, that would be a financial disaster I'd never recover from.
That said, back before I was a G1 lair, I DID purge all of my G2+ dragons. I just... couldn't really get attached to them.
66. Do you have fodder breeders? If yes, do you consider them permas/dress them up/give them lore/etc.? Or are they just there?
My permas are my fodder breeders.
I like to see their babies.
But then I also like to profit off of their babies, so they get leveled and shipped off to Tidepapa.
67. Do you like to make your dragons into breeding pairs? (For lore or just to make cute babies)
Yes! Their lair mate and their canon lore mate are rarely the same, so I actually get to pair my dragons off twice. Once just for the pretty fodder babs, and then again with some freedom for things like same-sex/QPR/poly relationships.
68. Do you prefer having bred or unbred dragons?
The vast majority of my dragons are bred, but either or is fine. If I don't have a suitable mate for a dragon that I still want to finish, they'll probably just stay in my hibden and never breed.
69. Do you prefer long or short offspring lists, if any at all?
No preference.
70. If you breed your dragons, do you have set pairs, or do you breed randomly for different results?
Set pairs, for the pretty babies.
71. If you have ever done breeding projects, how long did the longest one take?
72. If you have ever done breeding projects, what was the luckiest you've ever gotten with offspring?
73. If you have ever done breeding projects, do you enjoy them, or find them more frustrating/tedious?
N/A but they look tedious as heck. I'd definitely much rather be in gene project purgatory rather than relying on RNG.
74. Do you hope to complete your bestiary someday? Either through collecting all familiars or awakening them through Fiona.
Everything is awakened through Fiona, and I have all of the familiars I can realistically have. I could probably get an Akirbeak if I really wanted to, but I'd rather buy dragons and genes - and I don't think the KS familiars are worth chasing at all.
75. Have you ever won anything from the raffle? If yes, what, and how many times?
I've won three times. Once was some Baldwin materials, once got some Prismatic Tokens, and the third time was Spriggan who I linked further up.
76. Do you like to change up your dragons on occasion (breed, genes, outfit, etc.), or do they tend to look the same forever?
I've got a whole tab of dragons that I'm in the process of remodeling. I've updated old dragons here and there in the past, but this is the first time I've really done a major update like this. Some are getting breed changed but for the most part they're just getting cosmetic touch-ups. Most also got new mates - since these are mostly some of my oldest pairs, and when I started playing I didn't have much concept of the color wheel and some of these pairs ended up being pretty unfortunate.
77. Do you feel like you could ever "complete" your lair, in whatever way that means to you, or is it an eternal project?
I don't think so, no. If I have no projects to work on, I'd probably get bored.
78. What are your major flight rising goals? (Examples: Lair expansion, rare dragon collection, shiny forum star, full bestiary, etc.)
Finish a lot of projects. That's basically it.
Lair expansion will always be a goal, but I'm as expanded as the game will let me get right now.
79. What was your biggest flight rising accomplishment?
Uhhhh.... Good question? I don't think I have anything that really qualifies unless you want to count 'got a lot of eggs during NotN.' I feel pretty jazzed when I finish an expensive or long project, though.
80. Are you happy with your lair?
More or less - my project tabs are a disaster, but I'm happy with my finished things!
81. Do you participate in forum activity frequently, or are you more of a lurker?
Little of both. I reply to things like this survey or threads where there won't be a lot of 1:1 discussion, but I don't often talk directly to people here if that makes any sense.
82. Do you like to participate in forum games? If so, which one is your favorite?
Sometimes, if the mood strikes me. I like the dragon share games like Uno or the variants of 'x in the lair above you.'
83. Have you ever made or purchased art for your dragons? If yes, which piece is your favorite?
Nope! I plan to do some art for them in the future, but I haven't yet and I haven't bought any.
84. How do you prefer acquiring new dragons, if you have a preference? (Auction house, hatchery, breeding projects, hatching eggs, etc.)
....Or consult the AH if looking for a mate for something I already have.
85. Which of your dragons, if any, do you feel is underrated? (Fewer likes, doesn't get picked for forum games as often, etc.)
I haven't been in forum games much lately, and I don't pay TOO much attention to the like counters on my dragons. If I had to pick one that I'm sad doesn't have more, I'd say this guy - look at him, he's so dapper and not even at double digits.
86. Do you care if a dragon's eyes match? Do you like when a dragon's eyes contrast their colors?
Nope, I've never paid much attention to eye color - I just consider it a nice bonus if it's matchy, but it won't be a thing that makes or breaks whether or not I keep/buy. Especially nowadays when we have all of the fancy eye vials and you can dial down some of the clashier things going on with large-eyed breeds like Aethers.
87. What is your favorite eye color and type?
Favorite type is Faceted, easily.
Color? I'd say I like Ice eyes because they're very neutral, followed closely by Water, and then by Shadow.
88. Do you generally use scenes for your dragons?
Yup, every dragon gets a scene. The scene doesn't always make a ton of sense, but y'know, there are only so many to choose from.
89. Which scene is your favorite, and why?
I like Moonbeam Aqueduct and Winter Night. They're both dark, so they're easy on the eyes - and also they're just pretty.
90. Do you collect dragons with special hatchdates? (Holidays, birthdays, etc.) If you have any, which is your favorite?
I've got a few I hatched on leapday, and one I hatched on 4/1 after I got lucky and looted it the night before. Otherwise, I don't really pay that much attention to hatchdates and I don't usually try to save eggs just for that purpose.
I have ~25 Noc eggs that I'm still planning to hatch this year, and I'll probably hatch them on my birthday just to hopefully have one dragon from that date.
91. Do you collect dragons with specific measurements? (Very large, small, glitched, square, etc.)
I have 4 glitched Boggies, but I only realized that they were glitched recently - I rarely pay attention to measurements.
92. Who is your clan leader, if any, and why did you pick that dragon?
Mhalla, my random progen:
I picked her because a Guardian seems suited to the job, I love her, and she has been in my lair for a very long time.
93. Which flight rising deity is your favorite? Do they differ from your flight?
Nope! My favorite is Tidepapa. I feel like he'd still be my favorite even if I were in a different flight just because of the associated intrigue, and his design is nice.
94. Are there any in-game food (or non-food) items that you want to eat?
The apples look delicious.
95. Which forums do you frequent the most?
FRD. I very occasionally take a stroll down to GD, or over into Dragon Share - but not often.
96. Have you ever made UMAs? If yes, which of your own is your favorite?
I made a few a long time ago, but none of them are good. They were done very quickly, partly just to see how the skin system worked. I'm only actually using one of them at this point and I've been thinking about updating it to a nicer version - though I'd also like to make a few more accents for some of the dragons I haven't had any luck finding accents for. Not a lot on the AH if you need something that doesn't cover a line breaking tert.
97. Do you mostly play on computer, mobile, or both?
Computer. The mobile site infuriates me.
98. How do you typically prefer naming your dragons? Do you have a certain style or theme you follow?
Sometimes I take names from books/shows/movies that I enjoy. Sometimes they're named after stars and planets. Sometimes they're named after ancient gods/angels/demons. Sometimes they're named by the RNG button.
And sometimes if they feel like silly little guys, they get silly little names like Trinket, Beefus, Porfo (and don't forget his mate Merobiba), Bean, and Cake.
Sometimes they get really long names like Parthenogenesis.
Really just depends on how I'm feeling
99. What is your favorite memory on flight rising?
Dustcarve Dig.
The forums were lit and the memes were flowing, unlike the oil.
The whole event was a riot from start to finish.
Unfathomable Odyssey was great, but it didn't hit the same levels of hype IMO.
100. Feel free to ask me a question here, if you'd like! Thank you for participating!
Do you like to watch or listen to anything while hanging out on FR? I usually have Youtube or Twitch open to the side, so I often wonder how often other people do the same.
1. What is your favorite flight rising color? lavender, umber, or terracotta
2. What is your favorite dragon breed? spirals!
3. Which pose do you prefer from your favorite breed? male
4. What is your favorite primary, secondary, and tertiary gene? jaguar, bee, capsule
5. Do you have a dream dragon? Were you able to get them, or are you still looking? i do, and i'm still looking! a lavender/lavender/white gen 1... i'd cry
8. Why are they your avatar? mooshroom............ love those guys
9. Do you change your avatar regularly, or do you keep them the same for a long period of time? i tend to keep them for a while, i change maybe twice a year at most?
10. Is your lair large, small, or somewhere in between? i'm going to say large, mostly because of the reactions i get when i tell people how many dragons i have
11. Are you happy with the size of your lair, or would you prefer if it was bigger or smaller? bigger because i'm insane apparently
12. Do you collect any specific type of dragon? (breeds, colors, g1s, permababies, etc.) i have a little bot of everything tbh. i've made a point to have at least 1 of every breed!
13. Do you exclude any specific type of dragon from your lair? (breeds, colors, g1s, permababies, etc.) i'd never let a plague primal into my lair if that counts
14. Do you prefer XYZs, XXYs, XYXs, XYYs, or XXXs? xyz or xxy!
15. Do you personally value dragons more if they are older/have a lower ID? not really ^^;;
16. Do you personally value dragons more if they are g1s? yes!
17. Do you personally value dragons more if they were a breeding project? yes!
18. Do you personally value dragons more if they have rare colors? nope
19. What is your favorite familiar? bone fiend my beloved <3
20. Do you like to name your familiars? i try to!
21. Do dragons get a set familiar, or do you change them out regularly? (once they are awakened, for example) the dragons in my hibden have more permanent familiars (all awakened), the dragons in my lair get their switched out for bonding :3
22. Do you enjoy coli grinding? it comes and goes honestly, and it depends on the venue as well
23. How many projects do you currently have? ........................90+
24. Is your current project cost total a number that strikes fear into your heart? (Feel free to do the math for this one, if you dare) i've been deciding plans as i get to most of them, so i wouldn't be able to properly add it up anyway, but yeah i have many fears
25. Do you like to design bios for your dragons? i did for a while but it got overwhelming, so all of my dragons have simple, matching bios now
26. Do you give your dragons lore? absolutely
27. Do you have lore for your lair? yes, though it's fairly simple to give me room to focus on the dragons themselves!
28. Do you collect fandragons? yeah! not super actively, just some random characters here and there
29. Who is your most expensive dragon? Are they still worth the cost to you? probably 7 1 25? if we're including the outfit and skin at least. i would absolutely pay it all again if i had to.
30. Who is your cheapest dragon? Would you have paid more for them? not including anything i've hatched myself from like, eggs i found/was given, i paid like 3400t for Shrill?
31. What is your favorite flight rising holiday/festival, and why? night of the nocturne! free eg
32. What in-game item(s) do you hoard or collect, if any, and why? i hoard the rat tangles from the waterway bosses! i have so many. rat kings are one of my stranger special interests
33. Do you tend to prefer site skins or umas, or do you like them both equally? all of my dream skins are uma but i just go with what looks nice on the dragon!
34. Do you prefer skins, skincents, or accents generally? accents definitely
35. Do you prefer when your dragon is wearing a skin/skincent/accent or not? i don't have a preference! if i find a skin/accent that looks nice, awesome! if not, i don't go out of my way to find them one
36. Do you or have you ever run a hatchery? i've considered it a couple times but i prefer hoarding dragons and not having room for anything else askldjfh
37. Do you like to buy from hatcheries? yes! i'm on many pinglists
38. Does your lore tend to be more magical or mundane, if you have lore? i think i have a good mix of both! i have a lot of witches and the fae market is. very fae. but i have just as many artists and casual merchants and things!
39. What is your favorite flight, and is it the one you are currently in? it's a tie between nature and shadow! lore-wise, my clan is dual-flight and on an island in the water between the two <3
40. Does your flight influence your lore, if you have any? the fae market is on the shadow-side of my clan's island, but other than that, not really
41. Is your lore more canon, noncanon, or completely unrelated to canon flight rising lore? uuuuh, not sure? i do my own thing but like there's shrines to all of the deities on my clan's island and stuff
42. What is your favorite part of this game? (Community, dragons, features, devs, art, etc.) mmmmmmm dragons
43. When you scry, do you deliberately pick everything, or do you tend to hit the randomize buttons? a little of both! sometimes the randomize button'll give me a gene i would've never picked on purpose and it looks really nice
44. Which npc is your favorite? avery!
45. Has your favorite breed changed with time? What was your previous favorite breed(s), and what changed? my og favorites were coatls and wildclaws, but it's been spirals for yeeeeears
46. Do you prefer when your dragons look similar or unified by something, or completely different? nah my dudes are a mishmash that just make my brain happy
47. Do you organize your lair by lore, color, order acquired, or something else? lore/roles, mostly! at least in my hibden
48. What is your favorite apparel item? the blithe mushroom stuff <3
49. Do you like to repeatedly use certain apparel items? i'll slap silks and flowerfalls on everyone
50. Do you prefer busier or less busy outfits for your dragons? Or do you prefer no outfit at all? depends on the dragon! i like them to have at least a little apparel, but how much i want a dragon covered up varies
51. What apparel item do you want added to the game? more dresses that's aren't super puffy and frilly
52. What is your favorite skin/skincent/accent? Accent: Quiet Shepherd - i wanted it for years and a friend ended up buying it for me when i didn't even know a copy was in the ah, it's on my boy Noah! <33
53. Do you prefer moderns or ancients, or do you like them both equally? moderns, i enjoy dressing them up too much
54. Do you prefer having mostly adult poses or hatchling poses in your lair? mostly adults, and all of my eternal youths are nocs or spirals laskdfh
55. Do you participate in dom in any way? nooope
56. Do you tend to sell or hatch the eggs you get? hatch everything except the bog eggs i brew specifically to sell
57. Do you like to participate in challenges (no spendtember, fodderlocke, etc.) nope
58. Do you level your dragons to a certain level? (for coli use, aesthetic, etc.) i have a single coli team and pretty much everyone else has never touched the coli
59. Do you plan on going for all achievements one day? maybe? i'm not much of an achievement hunter but i think it'd be cool
60. Do you still have 1 or both of your progens? i've always had my custom, but my random was exalted for a while until we got the restore tool, so she lives once again
61. Did you breed your progens? i did, and i'm not bothered by it
62. Did you scatter 1 or both of your progens, or do you plan on scattering? i scattered my random! she was maize/leaf/fire originally and i hated her
63. Have you ever done a non-progen scatter project, or are planning too? i have this old guy that i'm planning to scatter eventually
64. Do you tend to get attached to and hold on to dragons forever, or is your lair always in rotation? Are there exceptions either way? i tend to hold onto dragons! i only get rid of them if i really can't find a place for them
65. Do you enjoy purging your lair and/or starting fresh? i don't see myself ever doing a lair purge
66. Do you have fodder breeders? If yes, do you consider them permas/dress them up/give them lore/etc.? Or are they just there? i don't, mostly because i don't have the space. i've dressed up fodder breeders in the past, though
67. Do you like to make your dragons into breeding pairs? (For lore or just to make cute babies) i rarely breed, but a lot of my dragons are in relationships!
68. Do you prefer having bred or unbred dragons? a bred g1 is a cheaper g1 ;)))) but seriously i do prefer unbred gen1s but it's not a dealbreaker
69. Do you prefer long or short offspring lists, if any at all? short? but again, not a dealbreaker either way
70. If you breed your dragons, do you have set pairs, or do you breed randomly for different results? i've never randomly bred tbh
71. If you have ever done breeding projects, how long did the longest one take? i've done a few, and the longest took a few months, i think? but one of the parents was a coatl, so it wasn't actually that many nests
72. If you have ever done breeding projects, what was the luckiest you've ever gotten with offspring? my first breeding project gave me the dragon i wanted on the first nest! even better, i was new and broke so i was breeding for a specific color combo with specific genes :D
73. If you have ever done breeding projects, do you enjoy them, or find them more frustrating/tedious? i do not like them at all, but i must suffer for the things i want, apparently
74. Do you hope to complete your bestiary someday? Either through collecting all familiars or awakening them through Fiona. i'd like to at least have them all awakened! i never intend to hunt down the kickstarter fams or sprites
75. Have you ever won anything from the raffle? If yes, what, and how many times? never u-u
76. Do you like to change up your dragons on occasion (breed, genes, outfit, etc.), or do they tend to look the same forever? i leave my dragons to live their lives once they're finished... sometimes i'll add a piece of apparel if something is released that i think will look nice
77. Do you feel like you could ever "complete" your lair, in whatever way that means to you, or is it an eternal project? i see it as an eternal project, and i love it that way
78. What are your major flight rising goals? (Examples: Lair expansion, rare dragon collection, shiny forum star, full bestiary, etc.) honestly, just my dream dragon would be amazing, i'm not after much else except just enjoying the game
79. What was your biggest flight rising accomplishment? eehhh dunno if i have one, i just kinda vibe and have fun
80. Are you happy with your lair? honestly? yeah. took a while, but i'm happy with how it's going
81. Do you participate in forum activity frequently, or are you more of a lurker? definitely a lurker
82. Do you like to participate in forum games? If so, which one is your favorite? i don't play any of the forum games ;w;
83. Have you ever made or purchased art for your dragons? If yes, which piece is your favorite? if a poem counts, the one SkyTreader197 did for Belinda
84. How do you prefer acquiring new dragons, if you have a preference? (Auction house, hatchery, breeding projects, hatching eggs, etc.) i don't have a preference!
85. Which of your dragons, if any, do you feel is underrated? (Fewer likes, doesn't get picked for forum games as often, etc.)Spitz, he's a strawberry!!!!
86. Do you care if a dragon's eyes match? Do you like when a dragon's eyes contrast their colors? i do like it when they match, but eyes have never been a dealbreaker for me!
87. What is your favorite eye color and type? ice in general, but all of the flights in rare are a+
88. Do you generally use scenes for your dragons? sometimes, if one matches nicely!
89. Which scene is your favorite, and why? foxfire grove! it looks so spooky cozy <3
90. Do you collect dragons with special hatchdates? (Holidays, birthdays, etc.) If you have any, which is your favorite? i have some for my own birthday, but generally i don't worry about dates
91. Do you collect dragons with specific measurements? (Very large, small, glitched, square, etc.) nope
92. Who is your clan leader, if any, and why did you pick that dragon? my custom progen Svarus and his mates run the market that makes up my clan!
93. Which flight rising deity is your favorite? Do they differ from your flight? lightweaver! i was in light once upon a time...
94. Are there any in-game food (or non-food) items that you want to eat? engineered superberry. what i wouldn't give for a purble strawberry
95. Which forums do you frequent the most? probably dragon show?
96. Have you ever made UMAs? If yes, which of your own is your favorite? i haven't
97. Do you mostly play on computer, mobile, or both? both!
98. How do you typically prefer naming your dragons? Do you have a certain style or theme you follow? no such thing as style or theme, a force whispers in my ear when i look at them and they are cursed that way forever
99. What is your favorite memory on flight rising? i met my current friend group because of this game, and that alone means the world to me. i don't know what i'd do without them
1. What is your favorite flight rising color? lavender, umber, or terracotta
2. What is your favorite dragon breed? spirals!
3. Which pose do you prefer from your favorite breed? male
4. What is your favorite primary, secondary, and tertiary gene? jaguar, bee, capsule
5. Do you have a dream dragon? Were you able to get them, or are you still looking? i do, and i'm still looking! a lavender/lavender/white gen 1... i'd cry
8. Why are they your avatar? mooshroom............ love those guys
9. Do you change your avatar regularly, or do you keep them the same for a long period of time? i tend to keep them for a while, i change maybe twice a year at most?
10. Is your lair large, small, or somewhere in between? i'm going to say large, mostly because of the reactions i get when i tell people how many dragons i have
11. Are you happy with the size of your lair, or would you prefer if it was bigger or smaller? bigger because i'm insane apparently
12. Do you collect any specific type of dragon? (breeds, colors, g1s, permababies, etc.) i have a little bot of everything tbh. i've made a point to have at least 1 of every breed!
13. Do you exclude any specific type of dragon from your lair? (breeds, colors, g1s, permababies, etc.) i'd never let a plague primal into my lair if that counts
14. Do you prefer XYZs, XXYs, XYXs, XYYs, or XXXs? xyz or xxy!
15. Do you personally value dragons more if they are older/have a lower ID? not really ^^;;
16. Do you personally value dragons more if they are g1s? yes!
17. Do you personally value dragons more if they were a breeding project? yes!
18. Do you personally value dragons more if they have rare colors? nope
19. What is your favorite familiar? bone fiend my beloved <3
20. Do you like to name your familiars? i try to!
21. Do dragons get a set familiar, or do you change them out regularly? (once they are awakened, for example) the dragons in my hibden have more permanent familiars (all awakened), the dragons in my lair get their switched out for bonding :3
22. Do you enjoy coli grinding? it comes and goes honestly, and it depends on the venue as well
23. How many projects do you currently have? ........................90+
24. Is your current project cost total a number that strikes fear into your heart? (Feel free to do the math for this one, if you dare) i've been deciding plans as i get to most of them, so i wouldn't be able to properly add it up anyway, but yeah i have many fears
25. Do you like to design bios for your dragons? i did for a while but it got overwhelming, so all of my dragons have simple, matching bios now
26. Do you give your dragons lore? absolutely
27. Do you have lore for your lair? yes, though it's fairly simple to give me room to focus on the dragons themselves!
28. Do you collect fandragons? yeah! not super actively, just some random characters here and there
29. Who is your most expensive dragon? Are they still worth the cost to you? probably 7 1 25? if we're including the outfit and skin at least. i would absolutely pay it all again if i had to.
30. Who is your cheapest dragon? Would you have paid more for them? not including anything i've hatched myself from like, eggs i found/was given, i paid like 3400t for Shrill?
31. What is your favorite flight rising holiday/festival, and why? night of the nocturne! free eg
32. What in-game item(s) do you hoard or collect, if any, and why? i hoard the rat tangles from the waterway bosses! i have so many. rat kings are one of my stranger special interests
33. Do you tend to prefer site skins or umas, or do you like them both equally? all of my dream skins are uma but i just go with what looks nice on the dragon!
34. Do you prefer skins, skincents, or accents generally? accents definitely
35. Do you prefer when your dragon is wearing a skin/skincent/accent or not? i don't have a preference! if i find a skin/accent that looks nice, awesome! if not, i don't go out of my way to find them one
36. Do you or have you ever run a hatchery? i've considered it a couple times but i prefer hoarding dragons and not having room for anything else askldjfh
37. Do you like to buy from hatcheries? yes! i'm on many pinglists
38. Does your lore tend to be more magical or mundane, if you have lore? i think i have a good mix of both! i have a lot of witches and the fae market is. very fae. but i have just as many artists and casual merchants and things!
39. What is your favorite flight, and is it the one you are currently in? it's a tie between nature and shadow! lore-wise, my clan is dual-flight and on an island in the water between the two <3
40. Does your flight influence your lore, if you have any? the fae market is on the shadow-side of my clan's island, but other than that, not really
41. Is your lore more canon, noncanon, or completely unrelated to canon flight rising lore? uuuuh, not sure? i do my own thing but like there's shrines to all of the deities on my clan's island and stuff
42. What is your favorite part of this game? (Community, dragons, features, devs, art, etc.) mmmmmmm dragons
43. When you scry, do you deliberately pick everything, or do you tend to hit the randomize buttons? a little of both! sometimes the randomize button'll give me a gene i would've never picked on purpose and it looks really nice
44. Which npc is your favorite? avery!
45. Has your favorite breed changed with time? What was your previous favorite breed(s), and what changed? my og favorites were coatls and wildclaws, but it's been spirals for yeeeeears
46. Do you prefer when your dragons look similar or unified by something, or completely different? nah my dudes are a mishmash that just make my brain happy
47. Do you organize your lair by lore, color, order acquired, or something else? lore/roles, mostly! at least in my hibden
48. What is your favorite apparel item? the blithe mushroom stuff <3
49. Do you like to repeatedly use certain apparel items? i'll slap silks and flowerfalls on everyone
50. Do you prefer busier or less busy outfits for your dragons? Or do you prefer no outfit at all? depends on the dragon! i like them to have at least a little apparel, but how much i want a dragon covered up varies
51. What apparel item do you want added to the game? more dresses that's aren't super puffy and frilly
52. What is your favorite skin/skincent/accent? Accent: Quiet Shepherd - i wanted it for years and a friend ended up buying it for me when i didn't even know a copy was in the ah, it's on my boy Noah! <33
53. Do you prefer moderns or ancients, or do you like them both equally? moderns, i enjoy dressing them up too much
54. Do you prefer having mostly adult poses or hatchling poses in your lair? mostly adults, and all of my eternal youths are nocs or spirals laskdfh
55. Do you participate in dom in any way? nooope
56. Do you tend to sell or hatch the eggs you get? hatch everything except the bog eggs i brew specifically to sell
57. Do you like to participate in challenges (no spendtember, fodderlocke, etc.) nope
58. Do you level your dragons to a certain level? (for coli use, aesthetic, etc.) i have a single coli team and pretty much everyone else has never touched the coli
59. Do you plan on going for all achievements one day? maybe? i'm not much of an achievement hunter but i think it'd be cool
60. Do you still have 1 or both of your progens? i've always had my custom, but my random was exalted for a while until we got the restore tool, so she lives once again
61. Did you breed your progens? i did, and i'm not bothered by it
62. Did you scatter 1 or both of your progens, or do you plan on scattering? i scattered my random! she was maize/leaf/fire originally and i hated her
63. Have you ever done a non-progen scatter project, or are planning too? i have this old guy that i'm planning to scatter eventually
64. Do you tend to get attached to and hold on to dragons forever, or is your lair always in rotation? Are there exceptions either way? i tend to hold onto dragons! i only get rid of them if i really can't find a place for them
65. Do you enjoy purging your lair and/or starting fresh? i don't see myself ever doing a lair purge
66. Do you have fodder breeders? If yes, do you consider them permas/dress them up/give them lore/etc.? Or are they just there? i don't, mostly because i don't have the space. i've dressed up fodder breeders in the past, though
67. Do you like to make your dragons into breeding pairs? (For lore or just to make cute babies) i rarely breed, but a lot of my dragons are in relationships!
68. Do you prefer having bred or unbred dragons? a bred g1 is a cheaper g1 ;)))) but seriously i do prefer unbred gen1s but it's not a dealbreaker
69. Do you prefer long or short offspring lists, if any at all? short? but again, not a dealbreaker either way
70. If you breed your dragons, do you have set pairs, or do you breed randomly for different results? i've never randomly bred tbh
71. If you have ever done breeding projects, how long did the longest one take? i've done a few, and the longest took a few months, i think? but one of the parents was a coatl, so it wasn't actually that many nests
72. If you have ever done breeding projects, what was the luckiest you've ever gotten with offspring? my first breeding project gave me the dragon i wanted on the first nest! even better, i was new and broke so i was breeding for a specific color combo with specific genes :D
73. If you have ever done breeding projects, do you enjoy them, or find them more frustrating/tedious? i do not like them at all, but i must suffer for the things i want, apparently
74. Do you hope to complete your bestiary someday? Either through collecting all familiars or awakening them through Fiona. i'd like to at least have them all awakened! i never intend to hunt down the kickstarter fams or sprites
75. Have you ever won anything from the raffle? If yes, what, and how many times? never u-u
76. Do you like to change up your dragons on occasion (breed, genes, outfit, etc.), or do they tend to look the same forever? i leave my dragons to live their lives once they're finished... sometimes i'll add a piece of apparel if something is released that i think will look nice
77. Do you feel like you could ever "complete" your lair, in whatever way that means to you, or is it an eternal project? i see it as an eternal project, and i love it that way
78. What are your major flight rising goals? (Examples: Lair expansion, rare dragon collection, shiny forum star, full bestiary, etc.) honestly, just my dream dragon would be amazing, i'm not after much else except just enjoying the game
79. What was your biggest flight rising accomplishment? eehhh dunno if i have one, i just kinda vibe and have fun
80. Are you happy with your lair? honestly? yeah. took a while, but i'm happy with how it's going
81. Do you participate in forum activity frequently, or are you more of a lurker? definitely a lurker
82. Do you like to participate in forum games? If so, which one is your favorite? i don't play any of the forum games ;w;
83. Have you ever made or purchased art for your dragons? If yes, which piece is your favorite? if a poem counts, the one SkyTreader197 did for Belinda
84. How do you prefer acquiring new dragons, if you have a preference? (Auction house, hatchery, breeding projects, hatching eggs, etc.) i don't have a preference!
85. Which of your dragons, if any, do you feel is underrated? (Fewer likes, doesn't get picked for forum games as often, etc.)Spitz, he's a strawberry!!!!
86. Do you care if a dragon's eyes match? Do you like when a dragon's eyes contrast their colors? i do like it when they match, but eyes have never been a dealbreaker for me!
87. What is your favorite eye color and type? ice in general, but all of the flights in rare are a+
88. Do you generally use scenes for your dragons? sometimes, if one matches nicely!
89. Which scene is your favorite, and why? foxfire grove! it looks so spooky cozy <3
90. Do you collect dragons with special hatchdates? (Holidays, birthdays, etc.) If you have any, which is your favorite? i have some for my own birthday, but generally i don't worry about dates
91. Do you collect dragons with specific measurements? (Very large, small, glitched, square, etc.) nope
92. Who is your clan leader, if any, and why did you pick that dragon? my custom progen Svarus and his mates run the market that makes up my clan!
93. Which flight rising deity is your favorite? Do they differ from your flight? lightweaver! i was in light once upon a time...
94. Are there any in-game food (or non-food) items that you want to eat? engineered superberry. what i wouldn't give for a purble strawberry
95. Which forums do you frequent the most? probably dragon show?
96. Have you ever made UMAs? If yes, which of your own is your favorite? i haven't
97. Do you mostly play on computer, mobile, or both? both!
98. How do you typically prefer naming your dragons? Do you have a certain style or theme you follow? no such thing as style or theme, a force whispers in my ear when i look at them and they are cursed that way forever
99. What is your favorite memory on flight rising? i met my current friend group because of this game, and that alone means the world to me. i don't know what i'd do without them
hi i'm smokey
they/she, gay, pagan, autistic
[b]1. What is your favorite flight rising color?[/b]
ngl my most-used one is probably white! or obsidian, although white is a more pure colour I think (as in obsidian often has weird blue shading, white is usually actually grayscale, so I like it more)
[b]2. What is your favorite dragon breed?[/b]
faes!! despite the f wing thing, which I will forever be disappointed about, fathoms are still in second place (both of these are certainly influenced by how affordable they are, but I also just genuinely like them!)
[b]3. Which pose do you prefer from your favorite breed?[/b]
f fae, but honestly both are pretty close! (not the hatchling pose though haha)
[b]4. What is your favorite primary, secondary, and tertiary gene?[/b]
tide, paisley, and uhhhh flecks??
that's just off the top of my head though. tide/foam and fern/paisley are definitely up there though, which is again INSANELY advantageous considering they're fairly affordable! (I say [i]fairly [/i]because tbh tide/foam are kind of a lot now lol, still cheaper than many though!)
flecks definitely doesn't work with anything, but by itself it's definitely one of my favourites! also veined and capsule, although on some breeds they don't look as good
[b]5. Do you have a dream dragon? Were you able to get them, or are you still looking?[/b]
not really - I've scried some in the past, but I'm too indecisive to have a decisive and enduring favourite. right now my "dream dragon" is any one of the fandragon scries that I need to now start breeding projects for because I was too specific when scrying them and now I can't bare not making them look exactly like their scries lmao
(if you want to see what I mean they're in the fandragon button in my signature!)
[b]6. Favorite hatchling pose?[/b]
tundra? maybe??
[b]7. Who is your avatar dragon?[/b]
Tevos, my random progen!!
[b]8. Why are they your avatar?[/b]
green and purple are my favourite colours AND match with my flight and this vista that I love, so he's the perfect match!! (I seriously got so beyond lucky with his colours)
[b]9. Do you change your avatar regularly, or do you keep them the same for a long period of time?[/b]
I used to change it every few months, I am pretty set on keeping it as Tevos indefinitely now though!!
[b]10. Is your lair large, small, or somewhere in between?[/b]
fairly large! I have 131 finished dragons, but also 86 planned dragons (yes I have a problem), and another 130 ones I'm not sure what to do with yet. and I'm never going to stop acquiring more haha :)
[b]11. Are you happy with the size of your lair, or would you prefer if it was bigger or smaller?[/b]
always bigger!! especially if that means I actually finish my projects dkghskdfh
[b]12. Do you collect any specific type of dragon? (breeds, colors, g1s, permababies, etc.)[/b]
not really! I have lots of certain categories, but not specifically for the sake of collecting them
[b]13. Do you exclude any specific type of dragon from your lair? (breeds, colors, g1s, permababies, etc.)[/b]
I almost entirely exclude non-XYZ dragons. I only have one XXX, which used to be a Stock The Pond dragon, and a few doubles, but almost all of my dragons are XYZs!!
[b]14. Do you prefer XYZs, XXYs, XYXs, XYYs, or XXXs?[/b]
[b]15. Do you personally value dragons more if they are older/have a lower ID?[/b]
yeah, they're a fun novelty! I have a few 6 and 7 digits because why not :D (although omg 6 digit prices have risen SO MUCH, I feel bad for new players tbh)
[b]16. Do you personally value dragons more if they are g1s?[/b]
yes, but not enough that it stops me from buying and geneing up non-g1s! looking good is always the priority over generation :)
[b]17. Do you personally value dragons more if they were a breeding project?[/b]
sort of? for fandragons, I value them more mostly because breeding them means their parents have custom names, rather than valuing them specifically because they're from a breeding project. otherwise, breeding projects are really more of a nuisance than anything and I'd gladly never do one ever again lmao
[b]18. Do you personally value dragons more if they have rare colors?[/b]
not really! I mean, it's kind of neat I guess, but it's so much effort to search for
[b]19. What is your favorite familiar?[/b]
one that always catches my eye is this one!
[item=Enchanted Libra]
and some of the slinks are very cute too!!
[b]20. Do you like to name your familiars?[/b]
rarely, if inspiration happens to strike!
[b]21. Do dragons get a set familiar, or do you change them out regularly? (once they are awakened, for example)[/b]
I have maybe 10 with set familiars, because they match well. otherwise, I don't really care!
[b]22. Do you enjoy coli grinding?[/b]
no lol, I trained and exalted maybe like 15 dragons all of last year? and most of that was during notn
[b]23. How many projects do you currently have?[/b]
I already said this but. 86 lol
[b]24. Is your current project cost total a number that strikes fear into your heart?[/b]
no need to do math, the answer is yes <3
[b]25. Do you like to design bios for your dragons?[/b]
I have a basic bio template I use for every dragon, and a different template for fandragons - so my bios are neat and organized! but not designed custom for them, or anything
[b]26. Do you give your dragons lore?[/b]
sometimes, but pretty rarely ngl. although I think most of them have pronouns based on vibes?
[b]27. Do you have lore for your lair?[/b]
as of last year, yes! it's basically canon but a bit to the left and a bit nicer :)
and with humanoids haha
it can be found here! ^^
[b]28. Do you collect fandragons?[/b]
ALSO as of last year yes!! and it's quickly become my newest addiction fdkjghsdkfhg
[b]29. Who is your most expensive dragon? Are they still worth the cost to you?[/b]
no clue atp lol
WAIT actually I think it's still my Tim Drake fandragon, going by gene costs anyways. and as he is still my favourite character of all time, the answer is yes <3
[b]30. Who is your cheapest dragon? Would you have paid more for them?[/b]
I have multiple fodder saves, and yes I absolutely would have paid much more!!
[b]31. What is your favorite flight rising holiday/festival, and why?[/b]
notn because easy cash and grasps :D
[b]32. What in-game item(s) do you hoard or collect, if any, and why?[/b]
none anymore, I kept flipflopping on what to hoard because I was too indecisive haha
[b]33. Do you tend to prefer site skins or umas, or do you like them both equally?[/b]
umas because there's so much more variety. but I do love when I find a perfectly matchy site skin too!!
[b]34. Do you prefer skins, skincents, or accents generally?[/b]
definitely accents!
[b]35. Do you prefer when your dragon is wearing a skin/skincent/accent or not?[/b]
I don't care, I think they can look just as good either way!
[b]36. Do you or have you ever run a hatchery?[/b]
I have not!
[b]37. Do you like to buy from hatcheries?[/b]
not specifically, but sometimes I have bought from them, and spent a substantial amount! (like, sometimes 350g on a single dragon haha). although I usually prefer to buy moderns since I can personalize them with apparel, buying a hatchery ancient is kind of boring since a bunch of people out there have basically the same dragon as me
[b]38. Does your lore tend to be more magical or mundane, if you have lore?[/b]
a mix tbh, it's kind of just a group of people living in a village together, but with fantastical elements for sure! (like a minor deity, dryads, and spirits around the village)
[b]39. What is your favorite flight, and is it the one you are currently in?[/b]
nature, and yes I'm in it! ^^
[b]40. Does your flight influence your lore, if you have any?[/b]
it's more like my lore influenced my flight, actually! even before I had actually written out lore, I always wanted my clan to live in a village in the woods, and no other flight has a nice atmosphere that I'd want my clan to live in
[b]41. Is your lore more canon, noncanon, or completely unrelated to canon flight rising lore?[/b]
I said earlier, but it's mostly canon-ish? except for BOTE, since it's humanoid/gijinka-based there's no dragon breeds. but like the world of Sornieth is generally the same
[b]42. What is your favorite part of this game? (Community, dragons, features, devs, art, etc.)[/b]
dragons, followed by community!!
[b]43. When you scry, do you deliberately pick everything, or do you tend to hit the randomize buttons?[/b]
I use to deliberately pick, but there are so many genes now that I use randomize a bit more because I honestly forget about a lot of genes haha
[b]44. Which npc is your favorite?[/b]
Roundsey, although idk why because it's not even because of lore, I just like her look I guess!
[b]45. Has your favorite breed changed with time? What was your previous favorite breed(s), and what changed?[/b]
not really, I think it's always been faes!!
[b]46. Do you prefer when your dragons look similar or unified by something, or completely different?[/b]
not 100% sure what this means but I think I enjoy both!
[b]47. Do you organize your lair by lore, color, order acquired, or something else?[/b]
tabs are moderns/ancients/fandragons/non-lore, and then each tab is organized in rainbow order!!
[b]48. What is your favorite apparel item?[/b]
ummmmm. possibly this lol
[item=unearthly onyx grasp]
I bought 35 during notn and I will probably use all of them over the next year.
[b]49. Do you like to repeatedly use certain apparel items?[/b]
as you can see, yes lol
[b]50. Do you prefer busier or less busy outfits for your dragons? Or do you prefer no outfit at all?[/b]
usually more busy!!
[b]51. What apparel item do you want added to the game?[/b]
- more wigs
- different flowerfall colours
hmm that's all I can think of right now actually haha
[b]52. What is your favorite skin/skincent/accent?[/b]
I couldn't possibly choose!
[b]53. Do you prefer moderns or ancients, or do you like them both equally?[/b]
DEFINITELY moderns!! dressing dragons is one of my favourite things. I have quite a number of ancients anyways, but honestly I've been getting less and less of them
[b]54. Do you prefer having mostly adult poses or hatchling poses in your lair?[/b]
more adults, again because you can dress them!
[b]55. Do you participate in dom in any way?[/b]
nope, not at all
[b]56. Do you tend to sell or hatch the eggs you get?[/b]
I hatch 1 each notn, and any clanbound eggs. everything else gets sold eventually! (I keep all of my eggs in my vault as an emergency cash supply)
[b]57. Do you like to participate in challenges (no spendtember, fodderlocke, etc.)[/b]
I have not, no!
[b]58. Do you level your dragons to a certain level? (for coli use, aesthetic, etc.)[/b]
no - I do have some level 25s, but I bought them levelled
[b]59. Do you plan on going for all achievements one day?[/b]
nah, it's not at all a priority for me
[b]60. Do you still have 1 or both of your progens?[/b]
I have both of them!! I already shared my random one above, but here's my custom one :D
[b]61. Did you breed your progens?[/b]
I have, yes! and I still have their first-born child too!!
I still breed them occasionally with each other and random dragons, their offspring lists are already so long that idc anymore
[b]62. Did you scatter 1 or both of your progens, or do you plan on scattering?[/b]
neither are scattered!! it took me six years to find a good scry for my custom, but I'm so glad I didn't scatter them, it wouldn't feel the same if I did
[b]63. Have you ever done a non-progen scatter project, or are planning too?[/b]
I have not, and probably never will. maybe if I got a 4/5 digit or g1 imp or something haha
[b]64. Do you tend to get attached to and hold on to dragons forever, or is your lair always in rotation? Are there exceptions either way?[/b]
I tend to get attached, but I've gotten better at letting go! (because I have a dragon where I catalogue old nostalgic dragons I've sold or exalted haha)
[b]65. Do you enjoy purging your lair and/or starting fresh?[/b]
I do sometimes go through my tentative project dragons and let go of some of them, and that's nice, but full lair purges no. sometimes I let go of a dragon or two, but wouldn't consider it a purge
[b]66. Do you have fodder breeders? If yes, do you consider them permas/dress them up/give them lore/etc.? Or are they just there?[/b]
yes! and it's a mix. the first tab of my lair is lore permadragons who also happen to be fodder breeders, but are actually mostly there to be a nice first page when you click into my clan. I also have some breeding-only xxx pairs though that I do not at all consider permas
[b]67. Do you like to make your dragons into breeding pairs? (For lore or just to make cute babies)[/b]
just the xxx non-perma pairs!
[b]68. Do you prefer having bred or unbred dragons?[/b]
unbred, but I don't care much as long as the kids have nice names. I care a bit more for g1s, but still not all that much tbh.
[b]69. Do you prefer long or short offspring lists, if any at all?[/b]
either short or REALLY long haha
[b]70. If you breed your dragons, do you have set pairs, or do you breed randomly for different results?[/b]
I think this is kind of just question 67 again haha
[b]71. If you have ever done breeding projects, how long did the longest one take?[/b]
I THINK my longest one is this current one for Damian Wayne? judging by when I bought his parents I've been going at it for 8 months lol. and that's with the dragons with the lowest possible breeding cooldown...
[b]72. If you have ever done breeding projects, what was the luckiest you've ever gotten with offspring?[/b]
once I got THREE successful hatches from one person on the same day. two were first-nesters. and TWO got TWO perfect hatchlings out of a nest of three, one with only 5.4% odds each
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/95399278][img]http://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/avatars/953993/95399278.png[/img][/url] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/95399273][img]http://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/avatars/953993/95399273.png[/img][/url] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/95405295][img]http://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/avatars/954053/95405295.png[/img][/url]
[b]73. If you have ever done breeding projects, do you enjoy them, or find them more frustrating/tedious?[/b]
I've done several, and have to do many more, and find them tedious </3 the worst part is nest rentals sjkgkdfh, especially because I need so many earth eyes... I may genuinely vacation to earth literally just for my fandragon breeding projects
[b]74. Do you hope to complete your bestiary someday? Either through collecting all familiars or awakening them through Fiona.[/b]
someday I'll awaken them through Fiona, but it's not a particular goal tbh
[b]75. Have you ever won anything from the raffle? If yes, what, and how many times?[/b]
yes! three times, I think? once was a pirate chest worth 650g or something, that was my most expensive one. I forget the others but they were cheap and not memorable iirc
[b]76. Do you like to change up your dragons on occasion (breed, genes, outfit, etc.), or do they tend to look the same forever?[/b]
sometimes, but rarely!
[b]77. Do you feel like you could ever "complete" your lair, in whatever way that means to you, or is it an eternal project?[/b]
absolutely an eternal project!
[b]78. What are your major flight rising goals? (Examples: Lair expansion, rare dragon collection, shiny forum star, full bestiary, etc.)[/b]
just getting as many pretty dragons as possible forever <3
[b]79. What was your biggest flight rising accomplishment?[/b]
ermmm idk actually. it may be that Tim Drake fandragon because getting my favourite character as a g1 AND looking that gorgeous is so beyond amazing actually
[b]80. Are you happy with your lair?[/b]
[b]81. Do you participate in forum activity frequently, or are you more of a lurker?[/b]
yep, every day!!
[b]82. Do you like to participate in forum games? If so, which one is your favorite?[/b]
when I'm in the mood! generally unos, or the google translate scrying game
[b]83. Have you ever made or purchased art for your dragons? If yes, which piece is your favorite?[/b]
yep, I've drawn lots of gijinkas! never purchased any though because I'm far too persnickety for that haha. but I have done art trades!
not sure what my favourite is, I have lots of pencil sketches that I adore. but although it's old so the proportions are weird, maybe this one of Iowes?
[b]84. How do you prefer acquiring new dragons, if you have a preference? (Auction house, hatchery, breeding projects, hatching eggs, etc.)[/b]
auction house!
[b]85. Which of your dragons, if any, do you feel is underrated? (Fewer likes, doesn't get picked for forum games as often, etc.)[/b]
I have a lot of dragons so it's hard to choose haha. maybe this fandragon of Michael Distortion, it's odd because his counterpart (Helen) has a lot but he just has one!
[b]86. Do you care if a dragon's eyes match? Do you like when a dragon's eyes contrast their colors?[/b]
YES I care. if they don't match, I either hide them or add apparel that matches
[b]87. What is your favorite eye color and type?[/b]
ice faded! followed by nature unusual
[b]88. Do you generally use scenes for your dragons?[/b]
pretty often, yeah!
[b]89. Which scene is your favorite, and why?[/b]
not sure! I like a lot of them though, I actually often use them as wallpapers for my laptop :D
[b]90. Do you collect dragons with special hatchdates? (Holidays, birthdays, etc.) If you have any, which is your favorite?[/b]
sometimes, but rarely! I like this birthday one I bought a few years ago :)
[b]91. Do you collect dragons with specific measurements? (Very large, small, glitched, square, etc.)[/b]
nope! like with rare colours, it's too much effort to pay attention to. I wouldn't say no to a tiny bog or whatever, but I'm not particularly looking for one haha
[b]92. Who is your clan leader, if any, and why did you pick that dragon?[/b]
Aoki, and mostly just because she was my prettiest dragon at the time lmao. and it just stuck!
[b]93. Which flight rising deity is your favorite? Do they differ from your flight?[/b]
umm no real favourite! I do like the Gladekeeper but not that much... maybe the Arcanist or Lightweaver too? but I'm not particularly invested in any of those choices
[b]94. Are there any in-game food (or non-food) items that you want to eat?[/b]
none I can think of!
[b]95. Which forums do you frequent the most?[/b]
FR discussion and dragon share, every day!! forum games sometimes, but usually through subscriptions rather than actually going to the forum directory. and sometimes general discussion, although a bit less often.
[b]96. Have you ever made UMAs? If yes, which of your own is your favorite?[/b]
I have! although I don't particularly love most of them anymore unfortunately... if I had to choose two they would be these ones though!
[skin=54173] [skin=47905]
[b]97. Do you mostly play on computer, mobile, or both?[/b]
almost entirely on my laptop, although sometimes I do some stuff on my phone like Baldwin!
[b]98. How do you typically prefer naming your dragons? Do you have a certain style or theme you follow?[/b]
I mostly use the random name generator, sometimes tweaking names. they need to just have a general fantasy feel to them, basically!
[b]99. What is your favorite memory on flight rising?[/b]
I have too many to count! every time I finish planning a dragon and find myself marvelling at what I've created is a fond one <3 I've also had some lovely conversations, like once I had a long conversation about one of the fandoms I am in which is certainly a highlight! also when I've found astonishingly fantastic dragons at a low price, that makes me very excited!!
[b]100. Feel free to ask me a question here, if you'd like! Thank you for participating![/b]
no questions, but just want to say this was without a doubt the best survey I've EVER taken on here, I usually skip so many questions but I actually didn't skip any this time??? it's actually kind of a miracle haha
1. What is your favorite flight rising color?
ngl my most-used one is probably white! or obsidian, although white is a more pure colour I think (as in obsidian often has weird blue shading, white is usually actually grayscale, so I like it more)
2. What is your favorite dragon breed?
faes!! despite the f wing thing, which I will forever be disappointed about, fathoms are still in second place (both of these are certainly influenced by how affordable they are, but I also just genuinely like them!)
3. Which pose do you prefer from your favorite breed?
f fae, but honestly both are pretty close! (not the hatchling pose though haha)
4. What is your favorite primary, secondary, and tertiary gene?
tide, paisley, and uhhhh flecks??
that's just off the top of my head though. tide/foam and fern/paisley are definitely up there though, which is again INSANELY advantageous considering they're fairly affordable! (I say fairly because tbh tide/foam are kind of a lot now lol, still cheaper than many though!)
flecks definitely doesn't work with anything, but by itself it's definitely one of my favourites! also veined and capsule, although on some breeds they don't look as good
5. Do you have a dream dragon? Were you able to get them, or are you still looking?
not really - I've scried some in the past, but I'm too indecisive to have a decisive and enduring favourite. right now my "dream dragon" is any one of the fandragon scries that I need to now start breeding projects for because I was too specific when scrying them and now I can't bare not making them look exactly like their scries lmao
(if you want to see what I mean they're in the fandragon button in my signature!)
6. Favorite hatchling pose?
tundra? maybe??
7. Who is your avatar dragon?
Tevos, my random progen!!
8. Why are they your avatar?
green and purple are my favourite colours AND match with my flight and this vista that I love, so he's the perfect match!! (I seriously got so beyond lucky with his colours)
9. Do you change your avatar regularly, or do you keep them the same for a long period of time?
I used to change it every few months, I am pretty set on keeping it as Tevos indefinitely now though!!
10. Is your lair large, small, or somewhere in between?
fairly large! I have 131 finished dragons, but also 86 planned dragons (yes I have a problem), and another 130 ones I'm not sure what to do with yet. and I'm never going to stop acquiring more haha :)
11. Are you happy with the size of your lair, or would you prefer if it was bigger or smaller?
always bigger!! especially if that means I actually finish my projects dkghskdfh
12. Do you collect any specific type of dragon? (breeds, colors, g1s, permababies, etc.)
not really! I have lots of certain categories, but not specifically for the sake of collecting them
13. Do you exclude any specific type of dragon from your lair? (breeds, colors, g1s, permababies, etc.)
I almost entirely exclude non-XYZ dragons. I only have one XXX, which used to be a Stock The Pond dragon, and a few doubles, but almost all of my dragons are XYZs!!
14. Do you prefer XYZs, XXYs, XYXs, XYYs, or XXXs?
15. Do you personally value dragons more if they are older/have a lower ID?
yeah, they're a fun novelty! I have a few 6 and 7 digits because why not :D (although omg 6 digit prices have risen SO MUCH, I feel bad for new players tbh)
16. Do you personally value dragons more if they are g1s?
yes, but not enough that it stops me from buying and geneing up non-g1s! looking good is always the priority over generation :)
17. Do you personally value dragons more if they were a breeding project?
sort of? for fandragons, I value them more mostly because breeding them means their parents have custom names, rather than valuing them specifically because they're from a breeding project. otherwise, breeding projects are really more of a nuisance than anything and I'd gladly never do one ever again lmao
18. Do you personally value dragons more if they have rare colors?
not really! I mean, it's kind of neat I guess, but it's so much effort to search for
19. What is your favorite familiar?
one that always catches my eye is this one!
Enchanted Libra
The stars align, showing a sign of acumen. (Starfall Celebration 2020 Holiday Item)
and some of the slinks are very cute too!!
20. Do you like to name your familiars?
rarely, if inspiration happens to strike!
21. Do dragons get a set familiar, or do you change them out regularly? (once they are awakened, for example)
I have maybe 10 with set familiars, because they match well. otherwise, I don't really care!
22. Do you enjoy coli grinding?
no lol, I trained and exalted maybe like 15 dragons all of last year? and most of that was during notn
23. How many projects do you currently have?
I already said this but. 86 lol
24. Is your current project cost total a number that strikes fear into your heart?
no need to do math, the answer is yes <3
25. Do you like to design bios for your dragons?
I have a basic bio template I use for every dragon, and a different template for fandragons - so my bios are neat and organized! but not designed custom for them, or anything
26. Do you give your dragons lore?
sometimes, but pretty rarely ngl. although I think most of them have pronouns based on vibes?
27. Do you have lore for your lair?
as of last year, yes! it's basically canon but a bit to the left and a bit nicer :)
and with humanoids haha
it can be found here! ^^
28. Do you collect fandragons?
ALSO as of last year yes!! and it's quickly become my newest addiction fdkjghsdkfhg
29. Who is your most expensive dragon? Are they still worth the cost to you?
no clue atp lol
WAIT actually I think it's still my Tim Drake fandragon, going by gene costs anyways. and as he is still my favourite character of all time, the answer is yes <3
30. Who is your cheapest dragon? Would you have paid more for them?
I have multiple fodder saves, and yes I absolutely would have paid much more!!
31. What is your favorite flight rising holiday/festival, and why?
notn because easy cash and grasps :D
32. What in-game item(s) do you hoard or collect, if any, and why?
none anymore, I kept flipflopping on what to hoard because I was too indecisive haha
33. Do you tend to prefer site skins or umas, or do you like them both equally?
umas because there's so much more variety. but I do love when I find a perfectly matchy site skin too!!
34. Do you prefer skins, skincents, or accents generally?
definitely accents!
35. Do you prefer when your dragon is wearing a skin/skincent/accent or not?
I don't care, I think they can look just as good either way!
36. Do you or have you ever run a hatchery?
I have not!
37. Do you like to buy from hatcheries?
not specifically, but sometimes I have bought from them, and spent a substantial amount! (like, sometimes 350g on a single dragon haha). although I usually prefer to buy moderns since I can personalize them with apparel, buying a hatchery ancient is kind of boring since a bunch of people out there have basically the same dragon as me
38. Does your lore tend to be more magical or mundane, if you have lore?
a mix tbh, it's kind of just a group of people living in a village together, but with fantastical elements for sure! (like a minor deity, dryads, and spirits around the village)
39. What is your favorite flight, and is it the one you are currently in?
nature, and yes I'm in it! ^^
40. Does your flight influence your lore, if you have any?
it's more like my lore influenced my flight, actually! even before I had actually written out lore, I always wanted my clan to live in a village in the woods, and no other flight has a nice atmosphere that I'd want my clan to live in
41. Is your lore more canon, noncanon, or completely unrelated to canon flight rising lore?
I said earlier, but it's mostly canon-ish? except for BOTE, since it's humanoid/gijinka-based there's no dragon breeds. but like the world of Sornieth is generally the same
42. What is your favorite part of this game? (Community, dragons, features, devs, art, etc.)
dragons, followed by community!!
43. When you scry, do you deliberately pick everything, or do you tend to hit the randomize buttons?
I use to deliberately pick, but there are so many genes now that I use randomize a bit more because I honestly forget about a lot of genes haha
44. Which npc is your favorite?
Roundsey, although idk why because it's not even because of lore, I just like her look I guess!
45. Has your favorite breed changed with time? What was your previous favorite breed(s), and what changed?
not really, I think it's always been faes!!
46. Do you prefer when your dragons look similar or unified by something, or completely different?
not 100% sure what this means but I think I enjoy both!
47. Do you organize your lair by lore, color, order acquired, or something else?
tabs are moderns/ancients/fandragons/non-lore, and then each tab is organized in rainbow order!!
48. What is your favorite apparel item?
ummmmm. possibly this lol
Unearthly Onyx Grasp
Ghastly hands of the coldest mist, reaching for the moonlight.
I bought 35 during notn and I will probably use all of them over the next year.
49. Do you like to repeatedly use certain apparel items?
as you can see, yes lol
50. Do you prefer busier or less busy outfits for your dragons? Or do you prefer no outfit at all?
usually more busy!!
51. What apparel item do you want added to the game?
- more wigs
- different flowerfall colours
hmm that's all I can think of right now actually haha
52. What is your favorite skin/skincent/accent?
I couldn't possibly choose!
53. Do you prefer moderns or ancients, or do you like them both equally?
DEFINITELY moderns!! dressing dragons is one of my favourite things. I have quite a number of ancients anyways, but honestly I've been getting less and less of them
54. Do you prefer having mostly adult poses or hatchling poses in your lair?
more adults, again because you can dress them!
55. Do you participate in dom in any way?
nope, not at all
56. Do you tend to sell or hatch the eggs you get?
I hatch 1 each notn, and any clanbound eggs. everything else gets sold eventually! (I keep all of my eggs in my vault as an emergency cash supply)
57. Do you like to participate in challenges (no spendtember, fodderlocke, etc.)
I have not, no!
58. Do you level your dragons to a certain level? (for coli use, aesthetic, etc.)
no - I do have some level 25s, but I bought them levelled
59. Do you plan on going for all achievements one day?
nah, it's not at all a priority for me
60. Do you still have 1 or both of your progens?
I have both of them!! I already shared my random one above, but here's my custom one :D
61. Did you breed your progens?
I have, yes! and I still have their first-born child too!!
I still breed them occasionally with each other and random dragons, their offspring lists are already so long that idc anymore
62. Did you scatter 1 or both of your progens, or do you plan on scattering?
neither are scattered!! it took me six years to find a good scry for my custom, but I'm so glad I didn't scatter them, it wouldn't feel the same if I did
63. Have you ever done a non-progen scatter project, or are planning too?
I have not, and probably never will. maybe if I got a 4/5 digit or g1 imp or something haha
64. Do you tend to get attached to and hold on to dragons forever, or is your lair always in rotation? Are there exceptions either way?
I tend to get attached, but I've gotten better at letting go! (because I have a dragon where I catalogue old nostalgic dragons I've sold or exalted haha)
65. Do you enjoy purging your lair and/or starting fresh?
I do sometimes go through my tentative project dragons and let go of some of them, and that's nice, but full lair purges no. sometimes I let go of a dragon or two, but wouldn't consider it a purge
66. Do you have fodder breeders? If yes, do you consider them permas/dress them up/give them lore/etc.? Or are they just there?
yes! and it's a mix. the first tab of my lair is lore permadragons who also happen to be fodder breeders, but are actually mostly there to be a nice first page when you click into my clan. I also have some breeding-only xxx pairs though that I do not at all consider permas
67. Do you like to make your dragons into breeding pairs? (For lore or just to make cute babies)
just the xxx non-perma pairs!
68. Do you prefer having bred or unbred dragons?
unbred, but I don't care much as long as the kids have nice names. I care a bit more for g1s, but still not all that much tbh.
69. Do you prefer long or short offspring lists, if any at all?
either short or REALLY long haha
70. If you breed your dragons, do you have set pairs, or do you breed randomly for different results?
I think this is kind of just question 67 again haha
71. If you have ever done breeding projects, how long did the longest one take?
I THINK my longest one is this current one for Damian Wayne? judging by when I bought his parents I've been going at it for 8 months lol. and that's with the dragons with the lowest possible breeding cooldown...
72. If you have ever done breeding projects, what was the luckiest you've ever gotten with offspring?
once I got THREE successful hatches from one person on the same day. two were first-nesters. and TWO got TWO perfect hatchlings out of a nest of three, one with only 5.4% odds each
73. If you have ever done breeding projects, do you enjoy them, or find them more frustrating/tedious?
I've done several, and have to do many more, and find them tedious </3 the worst part is nest rentals sjkgkdfh, especially because I need so many earth eyes... I may genuinely vacation to earth literally just for my fandragon breeding projects
74. Do you hope to complete your bestiary someday? Either through collecting all familiars or awakening them through Fiona.
someday I'll awaken them through Fiona, but it's not a particular goal tbh
75. Have you ever won anything from the raffle? If yes, what, and how many times?
yes! three times, I think? once was a pirate chest worth 650g or something, that was my most expensive one. I forget the others but they were cheap and not memorable iirc
76. Do you like to change up your dragons on occasion (breed, genes, outfit, etc.), or do they tend to look the same forever?
sometimes, but rarely!
77. Do you feel like you could ever "complete" your lair, in whatever way that means to you, or is it an eternal project?
absolutely an eternal project!
78. What are your major flight rising goals? (Examples: Lair expansion, rare dragon collection, shiny forum star, full bestiary, etc.)
just getting as many pretty dragons as possible forever <3
79. What was your biggest flight rising accomplishment?
ermmm idk actually. it may be that Tim Drake fandragon because getting my favourite character as a g1 AND looking that gorgeous is so beyond amazing actually
80. Are you happy with your lair?
81. Do you participate in forum activity frequently, or are you more of a lurker?
yep, every day!!
82. Do you like to participate in forum games? If so, which one is your favorite?
when I'm in the mood! generally unos, or the google translate scrying game
83. Have you ever made or purchased art for your dragons? If yes, which piece is your favorite?
yep, I've drawn lots of gijinkas! never purchased any though because I'm far too persnickety for that haha. but I have done art trades!
not sure what my favourite is, I have lots of pencil sketches that I adore. but although it's old so the proportions are weird, maybe this one of Iowes?
84. How do you prefer acquiring new dragons, if you have a preference? (Auction house, hatchery, breeding projects, hatching eggs, etc.)
auction house!
85. Which of your dragons, if any, do you feel is underrated? (Fewer likes, doesn't get picked for forum games as often, etc.)
I have a lot of dragons so it's hard to choose haha. maybe this fandragon of Michael Distortion, it's odd because his counterpart (Helen) has a lot but he just has one!
86. Do you care if a dragon's eyes match? Do you like when a dragon's eyes contrast their colors?
YES I care. if they don't match, I either hide them or add apparel that matches
87. What is your favorite eye color and type?
ice faded! followed by nature unusual
88. Do you generally use scenes for your dragons?
pretty often, yeah!
89. Which scene is your favorite, and why?
not sure! I like a lot of them though, I actually often use them as wallpapers for my laptop :D
90. Do you collect dragons with special hatchdates? (Holidays, birthdays, etc.) If you have any, which is your favorite?
sometimes, but rarely! I like this birthday one I bought a few years ago :)
91. Do you collect dragons with specific measurements? (Very large, small, glitched, square, etc.)
nope! like with rare colours, it's too much effort to pay attention to. I wouldn't say no to a tiny bog or whatever, but I'm not particularly looking for one haha
92. Who is your clan leader, if any, and why did you pick that dragon?
Aoki, and mostly just because she was my prettiest dragon at the time lmao. and it just stuck!
93. Which flight rising deity is your favorite? Do they differ from your flight?
umm no real favourite! I do like the Gladekeeper but not that much... maybe the Arcanist or Lightweaver too? but I'm not particularly invested in any of those choices
94. Are there any in-game food (or non-food) items that you want to eat?
none I can think of!
95. Which forums do you frequent the most?
FR discussion and dragon share, every day!! forum games sometimes, but usually through subscriptions rather than actually going to the forum directory. and sometimes general discussion, although a bit less often.
96. Have you ever made UMAs? If yes, which of your own is your favorite?
I have! although I don't particularly love most of them anymore unfortunately... if I had to choose two they would be these ones though!
Accent: petals of violet
Imperial Male Only
Accents are equippable items that can be worn like a coat of paint on top of the skin of your dragon. The look of the accent will not be passed onto offspring and may be unequipped at any time. (Designed by arawoods.)
Itemid #54173
Accent: sea green blossoms
Undertide Female Only
Accents are equippable items that can be worn like a coat of paint on top of the skin of your dragon. The look of the accent will not be passed onto offspring and may be unequipped at any time. (Designed by arawoods.)
Itemid #47905
97. Do you mostly play on computer, mobile, or both?
almost entirely on my laptop, although sometimes I do some stuff on my phone like Baldwin!
98. How do you typically prefer naming your dragons? Do you have a certain style or theme you follow?
I mostly use the random name generator, sometimes tweaking names. they need to just have a general fantasy feel to them, basically!
99. What is your favorite memory on flight rising?
I have too many to count! every time I finish planning a dragon and find myself marvelling at what I've created is a fond one <3 I've also had some lovely conversations, like once I had a long conversation about one of the fandoms I am in which is certainly a highlight! also when I've found astonishingly fantastic dragons at a low price, that makes me very excited!!
100. Feel free to ask me a question here, if you'd like! Thank you for participating!
no questions, but just want to say this was without a doubt the best survey I've EVER taken on here, I usually skip so many questions but I actually didn't skip any this time??? it's actually kind of a miracle haha
[b]1. What is your favorite flight rising color?[/b]
I don’t have a favorite but White is the most common in my lair.
[b]2. What is your favorite dragon breed?[/b]
I don’t have favorite breed either but Pearlcatcher seems to be the most common in my lair.
[b]3. Which pose do you prefer from your favorite breed?[/b]
In case of Pearlcatchers I prefer females.
[b]4. What is your favorite primary, secondary, and tertiary gene?[/b]
I still don’t have favorites but the most common in my lair are Iridescent, Shimmer and Spines.
[b]5. Do you have a dream dragon? Were you able to get them, or are you still looking?[/b]
On top of my head I can’t think of any dream dragons. When a new breed is released, I usually have an idea of what kind of dragon I want for permababy pose, and ancient if we didn’t get eggs, but I don’t consider them dream dragons.
[b]6. Favorite hatchling pose?[/b]
[b]7. Who is your avatar dragon?[/b]
[columns]Azul is my main avatar dragon.[nextcol] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/35820853][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/portraits/358209/35820853p.png[/img][/url] [/columns]
[b]8. Why are they your avatar?[/b]
I just think she looks pretty.
[b]9. Do you change your avatar regularly, or do you keep them the same for a long period of time?[/b]
It depends; sometimes I keep the same avatar for months and sometimes I change it weekly. I also tend to change avatar for in-site holidays.
[b]10. Is your lair large, small, or somewhere in between?[/b]
Somewhere in between, I think.
[b]11. Are you happy with the size of your lair, or would you prefer if it was bigger or smaller?[/b]
I am happy with the current size.
[b]12. Do you collect any specific type of dragon? (breeds, colors, g1s, permababies, etc.)[/b]
[b]13. Do you exclude any specific type of dragon from your lair? (breeds, colors, g1s, permababies, etc.)[/b]
Also no, everything is welcome to my lair.
[b]14. Do you prefer XYZs, XXYs, XYXs, XYYs, or XXXs?[/b]
If I don’t have a specific idea in mind I tend to prefer XYZs.
[b]15. Do you personally value dragons more if they are older/have a lower ID?[/b]
No, IDs and age have no impact on dragon value as far as I am concerned.
[b]16. Do you personally value dragons more if they are g1s?[/b]
No, G1s are nothing special to me.
[b]17. Do you personally value dragons more if they were a breeding project?[/b]
I mean if I bothered to do a breeding project, then I really wanted that dragon which means I value them highly so yes.
[b]18. Do you personally value dragons more if they have rare colors?[/b]
No but having rarer colors has a good chance of making the dragon more interesting.
[b]19. What is your favorite familiar?[/b]
I don’t have a favorite.
[b]20. Do you like to name your familiars?[/b]
Somewhat, I name some of them but leave others unnamed.
[b]21. Do dragons get a set familiar, or do you change them out regularly? (once they are awakened, for example)[/b]
Most dragons have a canon familiar but they are not actively paired with them. I keep my awakened familiars in vault while the familiars in lair are new familiars which I am trying to awake.
[b]22. Do you enjoy coli grinding?[/b]
Sometimes; at times it is fun to play music in the background and let thoughts wander while my dragons just beat up monsters.
[b]23. How many projects do you currently have?[/b]
I have 5 dragons who are missing lore and few dozen whose lore needs to be updated, and I have few dozen dragons who need UMAs and almost 200 dragons who need art. Do they count?
[b]24. Is your current project cost total a number that strikes fear into your heart? (Feel free to do the math for this one, if you dare)[/b]
I need a bit less than 4000 gems for accent blueprints, that is currently only thing on my shopping list.
[b]25. Do you like to design bios for your dragons?[/b]
What does it mean to “design bios”? I made templates years ago and I have been using them for all of my dragons ever since. That's it.
[b]26. Do you give your dragons lore?[/b]
[b]27. Do you have lore for your lair?[/b]
Yes, but it scattered all over the place.
[b]28. Do you collect fandragons?[/b]
I have few but I don’t actively collect them.
[b]29. Who is your most expensive dragon? Are they still worth the cost to you?[/b]
I think that might be one of my permababies but I don’t remember who or how much they costed. Either way they are still worth the cost.
[b]30. Who is your cheapest dragon? Would you have paid more for them?[/b]
[columns]I got Richard for free and considering how much lore he has gotten over the years (he has so much the bio has hit the character limit) I would have totally paid a lot for him.[nextcol] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/60798192][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/portraits/607982/60798192p.png[/img][/url] [/columns]
[b]31. What is your favorite flight rising holiday/festival, and why?[/b]
Starfall Celebration because I am very bias.
[b]32. What in-game item(s) do you hoard or collect, if any, and why?[/b]
Runestones because I just like them. Also, Baldwin materials because I can’t be bothered to use/sell them.
[b]33. Do you tend to prefer site skins or umas, or do you like them both equally?[/b]
I tend to prefer site skins because UMAs tend to be too glamorous/busy for my liking.
[b]34. Do you prefer skins, skincents, or accents generally?[/b]
I tend to prefer accents and skincents.
[b]35. Do you prefer when your dragon is wearing a skin/skincent/accent or not?[/b]
It depends; some dragons look good with skins or accents and others don’t.
[b]36. Do you or have you ever run a hatchery?[/b]
[b]37. Do you like to buy from hatcheries?[/b]
No, hatcheries tend to have very boring/samey dragons.
[b]38. Does your lore tend to be more magical or mundane, if you have lore?[/b]
…Yes. My clan lives in arcane domain so magic is almost unavoidable, some bios just have more magic and others have less.
[b]39. What is your favorite flight, and is it the one you are currently in?[/b]
Arcane has been my favorite since the very beginning and I have been in here since the very beginning.
[b]40. Does your flight influence your lore, if you have any?[/b]
[b]41. Is your lore more canon, noncanon, or completely unrelated to canon flight rising lore?[/b]
They are equally canon.
[b]42. What is your favorite part of this game? (Community, dragons, features, devs, art, etc.)[/b]
Mainly the community and designing interesting dragons.
[b]43. When you scry, do you deliberately pick everything, or do you tend to hit the randomize buttons?[/b]
It depends on why I am scrying; if I am scrying a dragon for myself I tend to focus on genes that are rarer in my lair while during Forum Games I tend to focus on genes with accent colors. Sometimes I push the randomize-button just for fun of it.
[b]44. Which npc is your favorite?[/b]
I think Galore is cool.
[b]45. Has your favorite breed changed with time? What was your previous favorite breed(s), and what changed?[/b]
I have never had favorite breed, I like almost all of them.
[b]46. Do you prefer when your dragons look similar or unified by something, or completely different?[/b]
I like variety, I have gotten rid of dragons because they were too similar to a dragon I already had.
[b]47. Do you organize your lair by lore, color, order acquired, or something else?[/b]
The main tab is organized by breed rarity and the age those dragons, ancient tab is organized by breed release order and everything else is organized by likelihood of meeting that dragon from lore perspective.
[b]48. What is your favorite apparel item?[/b]
I have no idea.
[b]49. Do you like to repeatedly use certain apparel items?[/b]
I have a rule that I do not use repeat apparels; if someone used that one apparel, no one else is allowed to use it. Recolors are counted as different pieces.
[b]50. Do you prefer busier or less busy outfits for your dragons? Or do you prefer no outfit at all?[/b]
It depends on a dragon, some look better with more apparels, others with less.
[b]51. What apparel item do you want added to the game?[/b]
Grey wooly set and a witch drum.
[b]52. What is your favorite skin/skincent/accent?[/b]
I don’t have a clear favorite, there are too many pretty/cool ones.
[b]53. Do you prefer moderns or ancients, or do you like them both equally?[/b]
I like both.
[b]54. Do you prefer having mostly adult poses or hatchling poses in your lair?[/b]
Mostly adults mainly because having too many hatchlings is expensive. Also, adults are easier to make more varied.
[b]55. Do you participate in dom in any way?[/b]
I exalt sometimes, currently mainly for the achievements, and I dorm dragons for others but that is about it.
[b]56. Do you tend to sell or hatch the eggs you get?[/b]
I tend to gift them to others.
[b]57. Do you like to participate in challenges (no spendtember, fodderlocke, etc.)[/b]
No, I don’t like challenges.
[b]58. Do you level your dragons to a certain level? (for coli use, aesthetic, etc.)[/b]
All of my dragons are at least at level 5 but my goal is eventually have most of them be on max level because I am a completionist.
[b]59. Do you plan on going for all achievements one day?[/b]
Yes, and I am currently missing 3 gene achievements and I am making slow progress towards [gamedb achievement=194], [gamedb achievement=176], [gamedb achievement=186] and [gamedb achievement=611]
[b]60. Do you still have 1 or both of your progens?[/b]
I still have both of them.
[b]61. Did you breed your progens?[/b]
[b]62. Did you scatter 1 or both of your progens, or do you plan on scattering?[/b]
I have never scattered either of them nor am I planning to.
[b]63. Have you ever done a non-progen scatter project, or are planning too?[/b]
No, I enjoy playing with colors I got and see if I could make them work together.
[b]64. Do you tend to get attached to and hold on to dragons forever, or is your lair always in rotation? Are there exceptions either way?[/b]
I get attached easily and dragons stay in my lair for very long time, most stay forever.
[b]65. Do you enjoy purging your lair and/or starting fresh?[/b]
No; I put a lot of effort into my dragons and their lore and I don’t want to throw that work away.
[b]66. Do you have fodder breeders? If yes, do you consider them permas/dress them up/give them lore/etc.? Or are they just there?[/b]
I have fodder breeders for the achievements. They wear skins so I don’t accidentally send them to trainers during dorming period but other than that they have no value to me. I will get rid of them once I get the achievements.
[b]67. Do you like to make your dragons into breeding pairs? (For lore or just to make cute babies)[/b]
I have few couples but that’s about it.
[b]68. Do you prefer having bred or unbred dragons?[/b]
No difference.
[b]69. Do you prefer long or short offspring lists, if any at all?[/b]
I tend to prefer shorter lists but I also don’t really care how long it is. Shorter one just is easier to scroll through if I want to do that for some reason.
[b]70. If you breed your dragons, do you have set pairs, or do you breed randomly for different results?[/b]
It depends, sometimes I breed actual pair and sometimes I breed dragons at random.
[b]71. If you have ever done breeding projects, how long did the longest one take?[/b]
I don’t remember, maybe month or few.
[b]72. If you have ever done breeding projects, what was the luckiest you've ever gotten with offspring?[/b]
Obviously it was to get the exact match.
[b]73. If you have ever done breeding projects, do you enjoy them, or find them more frustrating/tedious?[/b]
I found it stressful and don’t plan to do another one because of that.
[b]74. Do you hope to complete your bestiary someday? Either through collecting all familiars or awakening them through Fiona.[/b]
My bestiary is completed, my undiscovered tab is empty.
[b]75. Have you ever won anything from the raffle? If yes, what, and how many times?[/b]
I have won few times. I don’t remember how many times or what I have won.
[b]76. Do you like to change up your dragons on occasion (breed, genes, outfit, etc.), or do they tend to look the same forever?[/b]
Once I find a look I like the dragon probably stays like that forever, sometimes I might update them if staff releases a gene or apparel that fits the dragon but that happens quite rarely.
[b]77. Do you feel like you could ever "complete" your lair, in whatever way that means to you, or is it an eternal project?[/b]
No, my lore just keeps rolling forward even if I catch up with my current bios.
[b]78. What are your major flight rising goals? (Examples: Lair expansion, rare dragon collection, shiny forum star, full bestiary, etc.)[/b]
Max everything; all lair space, all dragons max level and so on.
[b]79. What was your biggest flight rising accomplishment?[/b]
I guess getting [gamedb achievement=390] before the goal score was lowered.
[b]80. Are you happy with your lair?[/b]
I am content with it.
[b]81. Do you participate in forum activity frequently, or are you more of a lurker?[/b]
When it comes to discussion forums I tend to be more of a lurker, I am more talky in In-Flight forums and Forum Games.
[b]82. Do you like to participate in forum games? If so, which one is your favorite?[/b]
Maybe a bit too much, my favorites are [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/3005125#post_3005125][color=black]fav. dragon in the lair above you, but[/color][/url], [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2925437#post_2925437][color=black]Scry a pal-ette![/color][/url] and [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/2158604#post_2158604][color=black]The 'have you played this game' game![/color][/url].
[b]83. Have you ever made or purchased art for your dragons? If yes, which piece is your favorite?[/b]
[columns]I have made art for some of my dragons and I think Blacksnake has my favorite pieces.[nextcol] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/46724040][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/portraits/467241/46724040p.png[/img][/url] [/columns]
[b]84. How do you prefer acquiring new dragons, if you have a preference? (Auction house, hatchery, breeding projects, hatching eggs, etc.)[/b]
Auction House is the most convenient for certain colors, if they are there that is, for nothing special breeding my own dragons and seeing what I get is the most fun.
[b]85. Which of your dragons, if any, do you feel is underrated? (Fewer likes, doesn't get picked for forum games as often, etc.)[/b]
[columns]Most of my favorites seem to be underrated, Vengel is the one who bothers me the most because I can’t remember if anyone has ever picked him and he is in my top 5 favorites.[nextcol] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/35820833][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/portraits/358209/35820833p.png[/img][/url] [/columns]
[b]86. Do you care if a dragon's eyes match? Do you like when a dragon's eyes contrast their colors?[/b]
I like it when I can see the eyes clearly so I usually don’t like if the eyes blend with the body. Other than that the eye color doesn’t really matter.
[b]87. What is your favorite eye color and type?[/b]
I guess water unusual.
[b]88. Do you generally use scenes for your dragons?[/b]
I try to use each scene once in my lair; no more, no less.
[b]89. Which scene is your favorite, and why?[/b]
[gamedb item=34839] because I find it pretty.
[b]90. Do you collect dragons with special hatchdates? (Holidays, birthdays, etc.) If you have any, which is your favorite?[/b]
No, I don’t care about hatchdates.
[b]91. Do you collect dragons with specific measurements? (Very large, small, glitched, square, etc.)[/b]
[b]92. Who is your clan leader, if any, and why did you pick that dragon?[/b]
[columns]I have two leaders; Alfa is the foreign political leader and Tinker is the domestic leader, in clan often secondary and primary leader respectively. Alfa got the leadership because he is my random progenitor and clan founder and Tinker became a leader because it fit her.[nextcol] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/31467718][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/portraits/314678/31467718p.png[/img][/url]
[b]93. Which flight rising deity is your favorite? Do they differ from your flight?[/b]
Arcanist is the best because I am bias.
[b]94. Are there any in-game food (or non-food) items that you want to eat?[/b]
[gamedb item=34758], it just looks so juicy.
[b]95. Which forums do you frequent the most?[/b]
Forum Games and In-Flight forums, I also lurk in Bug Report and Help Center.
[b]96. Have you ever made UMAs? If yes, which of your own is your favorite?[/b]
[columns]I think this one. I just like how it turned out.[nextcol][skin=60735][/columns]
[b]97. Do you mostly play on computer, mobile, or both?[/b]
Computer, I have refused to obtain a smart phone so I couldn’t even be able to play on mobile if I, for some reason, wanted.
[b]98. How do you typically prefer naming your dragons? Do you have a certain style or theme you follow?[/b]
The names are random; some are named after things they remind me of while others have names that combine parts of different words.
[b]99. What is your favorite memory on flight rising?[/b]
That one time a random person sent me wishlist items exactly eight months before my birthday as a very early birthday present.
[b]100. Feel free to ask me a question here, if you'd like! Thank you for participating![/b]
If you could obtain any item in the game, which one would you get?
1. What is your favorite flight rising color?
I don’t have a favorite but White is the most common in my lair.
2. What is your favorite dragon breed?
I don’t have favorite breed either but Pearlcatcher seems to be the most common in my lair.
3. Which pose do you prefer from your favorite breed?
In case of Pearlcatchers I prefer females.
4. What is your favorite primary, secondary, and tertiary gene?
I still don’t have favorites but the most common in my lair are Iridescent, Shimmer and Spines.
5. Do you have a dream dragon? Were you able to get them, or are you still looking?
On top of my head I can’t think of any dream dragons. When a new breed is released, I usually have an idea of what kind of dragon I want for permababy pose, and ancient if we didn’t get eggs, but I don’t consider them dream dragons.
6. Favorite hatchling pose?
7. Who is your avatar dragon?
Azul is my main avatar dragon.
8. Why are they your avatar?
I just think she looks pretty.
9. Do you change your avatar regularly, or do you keep them the same for a long period of time?
It depends; sometimes I keep the same avatar for months and sometimes I change it weekly. I also tend to change avatar for in-site holidays.
10. Is your lair large, small, or somewhere in between?
Somewhere in between, I think.
11. Are you happy with the size of your lair, or would you prefer if it was bigger or smaller?
I am happy with the current size.
12. Do you collect any specific type of dragon? (breeds, colors, g1s, permababies, etc.)
13. Do you exclude any specific type of dragon from your lair? (breeds, colors, g1s, permababies, etc.)
Also no, everything is welcome to my lair.
14. Do you prefer XYZs, XXYs, XYXs, XYYs, or XXXs?
If I don’t have a specific idea in mind I tend to prefer XYZs.
15. Do you personally value dragons more if they are older/have a lower ID?
No, IDs and age have no impact on dragon value as far as I am concerned.
16. Do you personally value dragons more if they are g1s?
No, G1s are nothing special to me.
17. Do you personally value dragons more if they were a breeding project?
I mean if I bothered to do a breeding project, then I really wanted that dragon which means I value them highly so yes.
18. Do you personally value dragons more if they have rare colors?
No but having rarer colors has a good chance of making the dragon more interesting.
19. What is your favorite familiar?
I don’t have a favorite.
20. Do you like to name your familiars?
Somewhat, I name some of them but leave others unnamed.
21. Do dragons get a set familiar, or do you change them out regularly? (once they are awakened, for example)
Most dragons have a canon familiar but they are not actively paired with them. I keep my awakened familiars in vault while the familiars in lair are new familiars which I am trying to awake.
22. Do you enjoy coli grinding?
Sometimes; at times it is fun to play music in the background and let thoughts wander while my dragons just beat up monsters.
23. How many projects do you currently have?
I have 5 dragons who are missing lore and few dozen whose lore needs to be updated, and I have few dozen dragons who need UMAs and almost 200 dragons who need art. Do they count?
24. Is your current project cost total a number that strikes fear into your heart? (Feel free to do the math for this one, if you dare)
I need a bit less than 4000 gems for accent blueprints, that is currently only thing on my shopping list.
25. Do you like to design bios for your dragons?
What does it mean to “design bios”? I made templates years ago and I have been using them for all of my dragons ever since. That's it.
26. Do you give your dragons lore?
27. Do you have lore for your lair?
Yes, but it scattered all over the place.
28. Do you collect fandragons?
I have few but I don’t actively collect them.
29. Who is your most expensive dragon? Are they still worth the cost to you?
I think that might be one of my permababies but I don’t remember who or how much they costed. Either way they are still worth the cost.
30. Who is your cheapest dragon? Would you have paid more for them?
I got Richard for free and considering how much lore he has gotten over the years (he has so much the bio has hit the character limit) I would have totally paid a lot for him.
31. What is your favorite flight rising holiday/festival, and why?
Starfall Celebration because I am very bias.
32. What in-game item(s) do you hoard or collect, if any, and why?
Runestones because I just like them. Also, Baldwin materials because I can’t be bothered to use/sell them.
33. Do you tend to prefer site skins or umas, or do you like them both equally?
I tend to prefer site skins because UMAs tend to be too glamorous/busy for my liking.
34. Do you prefer skins, skincents, or accents generally?
I tend to prefer accents and skincents.
35. Do you prefer when your dragon is wearing a skin/skincent/accent or not?
It depends; some dragons look good with skins or accents and others don’t.
36. Do you or have you ever run a hatchery?
37. Do you like to buy from hatcheries?
No, hatcheries tend to have very boring/samey dragons.
38. Does your lore tend to be more magical or mundane, if you have lore?
…Yes. My clan lives in arcane domain so magic is almost unavoidable, some bios just have more magic and others have less.
39. What is your favorite flight, and is it the one you are currently in?
Arcane has been my favorite since the very beginning and I have been in here since the very beginning.
40. Does your flight influence your lore, if you have any?
41. Is your lore more canon, noncanon, or completely unrelated to canon flight rising lore?
They are equally canon.
42. What is your favorite part of this game? (Community, dragons, features, devs, art, etc.)
Mainly the community and designing interesting dragons.
43. When you scry, do you deliberately pick everything, or do you tend to hit the randomize buttons?
It depends on why I am scrying; if I am scrying a dragon for myself I tend to focus on genes that are rarer in my lair while during Forum Games I tend to focus on genes with accent colors. Sometimes I push the randomize-button just for fun of it.
44. Which npc is your favorite?
I think Galore is cool.
45. Has your favorite breed changed with time? What was your previous favorite breed(s), and what changed?
I have never had favorite breed, I like almost all of them.
46. Do you prefer when your dragons look similar or unified by something, or completely different?
I like variety, I have gotten rid of dragons because they were too similar to a dragon I already had.
47. Do you organize your lair by lore, color, order acquired, or something else?
The main tab is organized by breed rarity and the age those dragons, ancient tab is organized by breed release order and everything else is organized by likelihood of meeting that dragon from lore perspective.
48. What is your favorite apparel item?
I have no idea.
49. Do you like to repeatedly use certain apparel items?
I have a rule that I do not use repeat apparels; if someone used that one apparel, no one else is allowed to use it. Recolors are counted as different pieces.
50. Do you prefer busier or less busy outfits for your dragons? Or do you prefer no outfit at all?
It depends on a dragon, some look better with more apparels, others with less.
51. What apparel item do you want added to the game?
Grey wooly set and a witch drum.
52. What is your favorite skin/skincent/accent?
I don’t have a clear favorite, there are too many pretty/cool ones.
53. Do you prefer moderns or ancients, or do you like them both equally?
I like both.
54. Do you prefer having mostly adult poses or hatchling poses in your lair?
Mostly adults mainly because having too many hatchlings is expensive. Also, adults are easier to make more varied.
55. Do you participate in dom in any way?
I exalt sometimes, currently mainly for the achievements, and I dorm dragons for others but that is about it.
56. Do you tend to sell or hatch the eggs you get?
I tend to gift them to others.
57. Do you like to participate in challenges (no spendtember, fodderlocke, etc.)
No, I don’t like challenges.
58. Do you level your dragons to a certain level? (for coli use, aesthetic, etc.)
All of my dragons are at least at level 5 but my goal is eventually have most of them be on max level because I am a completionist.
60. Do you still have 1 or both of your progens?
I still have both of them.
61. Did you breed your progens?
62. Did you scatter 1 or both of your progens, or do you plan on scattering?
I have never scattered either of them nor am I planning to.
63. Have you ever done a non-progen scatter project, or are planning too?
No, I enjoy playing with colors I got and see if I could make them work together.
64. Do you tend to get attached to and hold on to dragons forever, or is your lair always in rotation? Are there exceptions either way?
I get attached easily and dragons stay in my lair for very long time, most stay forever.
65. Do you enjoy purging your lair and/or starting fresh?
No; I put a lot of effort into my dragons and their lore and I don’t want to throw that work away.
66. Do you have fodder breeders? If yes, do you consider them permas/dress them up/give them lore/etc.? Or are they just there?
I have fodder breeders for the achievements. They wear skins so I don’t accidentally send them to trainers during dorming period but other than that they have no value to me. I will get rid of them once I get the achievements.
67. Do you like to make your dragons into breeding pairs? (For lore or just to make cute babies)
I have few couples but that’s about it.
68. Do you prefer having bred or unbred dragons?
No difference.
69. Do you prefer long or short offspring lists, if any at all?
I tend to prefer shorter lists but I also don’t really care how long it is. Shorter one just is easier to scroll through if I want to do that for some reason.
70. If you breed your dragons, do you have set pairs, or do you breed randomly for different results?
It depends, sometimes I breed actual pair and sometimes I breed dragons at random.
71. If you have ever done breeding projects, how long did the longest one take?
I don’t remember, maybe month or few.
72. If you have ever done breeding projects, what was the luckiest you've ever gotten with offspring?
Obviously it was to get the exact match.
73. If you have ever done breeding projects, do you enjoy them, or find them more frustrating/tedious?
I found it stressful and don’t plan to do another one because of that.
74. Do you hope to complete your bestiary someday? Either through collecting all familiars or awakening them through Fiona.
My bestiary is completed, my undiscovered tab is empty.
75. Have you ever won anything from the raffle? If yes, what, and how many times?
I have won few times. I don’t remember how many times or what I have won.
76. Do you like to change up your dragons on occasion (breed, genes, outfit, etc.), or do they tend to look the same forever?
Once I find a look I like the dragon probably stays like that forever, sometimes I might update them if staff releases a gene or apparel that fits the dragon but that happens quite rarely.
77. Do you feel like you could ever "complete" your lair, in whatever way that means to you, or is it an eternal project?
No, my lore just keeps rolling forward even if I catch up with my current bios.
78. What are your major flight rising goals? (Examples: Lair expansion, rare dragon collection, shiny forum star, full bestiary, etc.)
Max everything; all lair space, all dragons max level and so on.
79. What was your biggest flight rising accomplishment?
I guess getting Electrifying Result before the goal score was lowered.
80. Are you happy with your lair?
I am content with it.
81. Do you participate in forum activity frequently, or are you more of a lurker?
When it comes to discussion forums I tend to be more of a lurker, I am more talky in In-Flight forums and Forum Games.
83. Have you ever made or purchased art for your dragons? If yes, which piece is your favorite?
I have made art for some of my dragons and I think Blacksnake has my favorite pieces.
84. How do you prefer acquiring new dragons, if you have a preference? (Auction house, hatchery, breeding projects, hatching eggs, etc.)
Auction House is the most convenient for certain colors, if they are there that is, for nothing special breeding my own dragons and seeing what I get is the most fun.
85. Which of your dragons, if any, do you feel is underrated? (Fewer likes, doesn't get picked for forum games as often, etc.)
Most of my favorites seem to be underrated, Vengel is the one who bothers me the most because I can’t remember if anyone has ever picked him and he is in my top 5 favorites.
86. Do you care if a dragon's eyes match? Do you like when a dragon's eyes contrast their colors?
I like it when I can see the eyes clearly so I usually don’t like if the eyes blend with the body. Other than that the eye color doesn’t really matter.
87. What is your favorite eye color and type?
I guess water unusual.
88. Do you generally use scenes for your dragons?
I try to use each scene once in my lair; no more, no less.
89. Which scene is your favorite, and why? Scene: Frostbite Falls because I find it pretty.
90. Do you collect dragons with special hatchdates? (Holidays, birthdays, etc.) If you have any, which is your favorite?
No, I don’t care about hatchdates.
91. Do you collect dragons with specific measurements? (Very large, small, glitched, square, etc.)
92. Who is your clan leader, if any, and why did you pick that dragon?
I have two leaders; Alfa is the foreign political leader and Tinker is the domestic leader, in clan often secondary and primary leader respectively. Alfa got the leadership because he is my random progenitor and clan founder and Tinker became a leader because it fit her.
93. Which flight rising deity is your favorite? Do they differ from your flight?
Arcanist is the best because I am bias.
94. Are there any in-game food (or non-food) items that you want to eat? Vision Orb, it just looks so juicy.
95. Which forums do you frequent the most?
Forum Games and In-Flight forums, I also lurk in Bug Report and Help Center.
96. Have you ever made UMAs? If yes, which of your own is your favorite?
I think this one. I just like how it turned out.
Skin: Heir of Light
Gaoler Hatchling Only
Skins are equippable items that can be worn like a coat of paint on top of the skin of your dragon. The look of the skin will not be passed onto offspring and may be unequipped at any time. (Designed by Finlandia.)
Itemid #60735
97. Do you mostly play on computer, mobile, or both?
Computer, I have refused to obtain a smart phone so I couldn’t even be able to play on mobile if I, for some reason, wanted.
98. How do you typically prefer naming your dragons? Do you have a certain style or theme you follow?
The names are random; some are named after things they remind me of while others have names that combine parts of different words.
99. What is your favorite memory on flight rising?
That one time a random person sent me wishlist items exactly eight months before my birthday as a very early birthday present.
100. Feel free to ask me a question here, if you'd like! Thank you for participating!
If you could obtain any item in the game, which one would you get?
[b]1. What is your favorite flight rising color?[/b]
Tough call, really, but I'd say Abyss, Midnight, and Thistle are all pretty close to being my favorite.
[b]2. What is your favorite dragon breed?[/b]
*points at avatar*
[b]3. Which pose do you prefer from your favorite breed?[/b]
Male, but only by a smidge.
[b]4. What is your favorite primary, secondary, and tertiary gene?[/b]
Primary is either Flaunt, Varnish, or Fade. Secondary is Bee. Tertiary is probably Blossom.
[b]5. Do you have a dream dragon? Were you able to get them, or are you still looking?[/b]
I try not to set goals for dragons I don't already own. This guy is probably my closest to a dream dragon, though, because he's one of the few that I did go out of my way to hunt down specific colors for.
[b]6. Favorite hatchling pose?[/b]
Spirals, maybe? I love the giant eyes.
[b]7. Who is your avatar dragon?[/b]
Aine, here.
[b]8. Why are they your avatar?[/b]
Needed a change recently, and she was the color-scheme I wanted.
[b]9. Do you change your avatar regularly, or do you keep them the same for a long period of time?[/b]
Every few weeks/months. Whenever I get bored.
[b]10. Is your lair large, small, or somewhere in between?[/b]
Fairly small.
[b]11. Are you happy with the size of your lair, or would you prefer if it was bigger or smaller?[/b]
I'd like more space, but I'm not spending 350kt to expand five slots. That feels excessive.
[b]12. Do you collect any specific type of dragon? (breeds, colors, g1s, permababies, etc.)[/b]
G1s. It adds something of a challenge to the game.
[b]13. Do you exclude any specific type of dragon from your lair? (breeds, colors, g1s, permababies, etc.)[/b]
Not intentionally.
[b]14. Do you prefer XYZs, XXYs, XYXs, XYYs, or XXXs?[/b]
[b]15. Do you personally value dragons more if they are older/have a lower ID?[/b]
I suppose I expect to pay more/sell for more if that's the case, but I don't really feel like it adds much to my interest in a dragon.
[b]16. Do you personally value dragons more if they are g1s?[/b]
[b]17. Do you personally value dragons more if they were a breeding project?[/b]
[b]18. Do you personally value dragons more if they have rare colors?[/b]
Depends on the colors.
[b]19. What is your favorite familiar?[/b]
Maybe these: [img]https://www1.flightrising.com/static/cms/familiar/art/34794.png[/img]
[b]20. Do you like to name your familiars?[/b]
Usually once the become built into a particular dragon's lore.
[b]21. Do dragons get a set familiar, or do you change them out regularly? (once they are awakened, for example)[/b]
My lair gets changed out. My hibden often stays the same.
[b]22. Do you enjoy coli grinding?
Not really, but I do it anyway.
[b]23. How many projects do you currently have?[/b]
We don't talk about that.
[b]24. Is your current project cost total a number that strikes fear into your heart? (Feel free to do the math for this one, if you dare)[/b]
I refuse to add up that amount.
[b]25. Do you like to design bios for your dragons?[/b]
Once I start working on their lore, yes.
[b]26. Do you give your dragons lore?[/b]
I am super slow about writing it down, but all of my dragons in the lore-building tabs and a few others do have lore in my head.
[b]27. Do you have lore for your lair?[/b]
I need to build a lair-wide set of lore, but that's intimidating.
28. Do you collect fandragons?[/b]
29. Who is your most expensive dragon? Are they still worth the cost to you?[/b]
Probably this guy at 5540g: [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/82826210][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/828263/82826210_350.png[/img][/url]
And, yes, absolutely.
[b]30. Who is your cheapest dragon? Would you have paid more for them?[/b]
[b]31. What is your favorite flight rising holiday/festival, and why?[/b]
NotN, because I make most of my funds for the year during it.
[b]32. What in-game item(s) do you hoard or collect, if any, and why?[/b]
Sheep. I need them.
[b]33. Do you tend to prefer site skins or umas, or do you like them both equally?[/b]
[b]34. Do you prefer skins, skincents, or accents generally?[/b]
I'm relatively open, but nothing full-coverage/full-coverage of either primary or seconary.
[b]35. Do you prefer when your dragon is wearing a skin/skincent/accent or not?[/b]
Depends on the dragon.
[b]36. Do you or have you ever run a hatchery?[/b]
I used to.
37. Do you like to buy from hatcheries?[/b]
Not anymore, really.
[b]38. Does your lore tend to be more magical or mundane, if you have lore?[/b]
Leans more magical.
[b]39. What is your favorite flight, and is it the one you are currently in?[/b]
Light, and yes.
[b]40. Does your flight influence your lore, if you have any?[/b]
41. Is your lore more canon, noncanon, or completely unrelated to canon flight rising lore?[/b]
I'm working on making it more canon.
[b]42. What is your favorite part of this game? (Community, dragons, features, devs, art, etc.)[/b]
[b]43. When you scry, do you deliberately pick everything, or do you tend to hit the randomize buttons?[/b]
A mix of both.
[b]44. Which npc is your favorite?[/b]
[b]45. Has your favorite breed changed with time? What was your previous favorite breed(s), and what changed?[/b]
My initial favorite breed was Imps; now it's Veils. I like all of the Veil art, whereas I prefer male Imps. But what really changed was my interest in G1s.
[b]46. Do you prefer when your dragons look similar or unified by something, or completely different?[/b]
I love unified lairs and I know very well that I can't do that.
[b]47. Do you organize your lair by lore, color, order acquired, or something else?[/b]
By a certain sort of chaos.
[b]48. What is your favorite apparel item?[/b]
I like the surrounding apparels best, rather than clothing. So, flower falls, breezes, and the like.
49. Do you like to repeatedly use certain apparel items?
Guilty as charged.
[b]50. Do you prefer busier or less busy outfits for your dragons? Or do you prefer no outfit at all?[/b]
I've not yet figured out the art of creating busy outfits, but I like both.
[b]51. What apparel item do you want added to the game?[/b]
[b]52. What is your favorite skin/skincent/accent?[/b]
[b]53. Do you prefer moderns or ancients, or do you like them both equally?[/b]
Ancients, generally. I love moderns, too, but they're more expensive to gene and I can finish more projects faster if I make them ancients.
[b]54. Do you prefer having mostly adult poses or hatchling poses in your lair?[/b]
Generally adult poses.
[b]55. Do you participate in dom in any way?[/b]
[b]56. Do you tend to sell or hatch the eggs you get?[/b]
Usually I sell them.
[b]57. Do you like to participate in challenges (no spendtember, fodderlocke, etc.)[/b]
I haven't gotten into any, yet.
[b]58. Do you level your dragons to a certain level? (for coli use, aesthetic, etc.)[/b]
For exalting 7-9. For use in Coli, 25.
[b]59. Do you plan on going for all achievements one day?[/b]
[b]60. Do you still have 1 or both of your progens?[/b]
[b]61. Did you breed your progens?[/b]
Regrettably, yes.
[b]62. Did you scatter 1 or both of your progens, or do you plan on scattering?[/b]
[b]63. Have you ever done a non-progen scatter project, or are planning too?[/b]
I have not. May or may not do one someday.
[b]64. Do you tend to get attached to and hold on to dragons forever, or is your lair always in rotation? Are there exceptions either way?[/b]
I tend to realize I was attached after I already sold a dragon. XD
[b]65. Do you enjoy purging your lair and/or starting fresh?[/b]
Sometimes I want to, but I probably won't.
[b]66. Do you have fodder breeders? If yes, do you consider them permas/dress them up/give them lore/etc.? Or are they just there?
I do. I dressed up my main fodder pair. The others are a breeding project and only the desired result dragons will get lore/be dressed up.
[b]67. Do you like to make your dragons into breeding pairs? (For lore or just to make cute babies)[/b]
[b]68. Do you prefer having bred or unbred dragons?[/b]
Generally, unbred G1s.
[b]69. Do you prefer long or short offspring lists, if any at all?[/b]
Preferably none.
[b]70. If you breed your dragons, do you have set pairs, or do you breed randomly for different results?[/b]
Set pairs.
[b]71. If you have ever done breeding projects, how long did the longest one take?[/b]
It's still ongoing since I started it.
[b]72. If you have ever done breeding projects, what was the luckiest you've ever gotten with offspring?[/b]
I haven't gotten the desired result, yet, which means most of them have been exalted.
[b]73. If you have ever done breeding projects, do you enjoy them, or find them more frustrating/tedious?[/b]
It's getting tedious.
[b]74. Do you hope to complete your bestiary someday? Either through collecting all familiars or awakening them through Fiona.[/b]
Through Fiona, sure. Collecting them all, absolutely not. The prices on the Y1, retired fams are insane and the site has no interest in helping that, so I'm not touching those.
[b]75. Have you ever won anything from the raffle? If yes, what, and how many times?[/b]
I won a pair of eggs once! I play pretty much every week, but I only buy a few tickets.
[b]76. Do you like to change up your dragons on occasion (breed, genes, outfit, etc.), or do they tend to look the same forever?[/b]
Depends on the dragon.
[b]77. Do you feel like you could ever "complete" your lair, in whatever way that means to you, or is it an eternal project?[/b]
I hope not. I'd become immediately disinterested and probably leave.
[b]78. What are your major flight rising goals? (Examples: Lair expansion, rare dragon collection, shiny forum star, full bestiary, etc.)[/b]
Completing dragon projects in a satisfying way. Also collecting UMAs I like, even if I don't use them.
79. What was your biggest flight rising accomplishment?[/b]
Probably all of my completed Veilspun projects.
[b]80. Are you happy with your lair?[/b]
Not yet.
[b]81. Do you participate in forum activity frequently, or are you more of a lurker?[/b]
Bit of both!
82. Do you like to participate in forum games? If so, which one is your favorite?[/b]
I haven't gotten too into them, yet.
[b]83. Have you ever made or purchased art for your dragons? If yes, which piece is your favorite?[/b]
YES. I love supporting the artist community on this site. I don't have a favorite. I love all of the pieces I've purchased.
[b]84. How do you prefer acquiring new dragons, if you have a preference? (Auction house, hatchery, breeding projects, hatching eggs, etc.)[/b]
AH for sure.
85. Which of your dragons, if any, do you feel is underrated? (Fewer likes, doesn't get picked for forum games as often, etc.)[/b]
I don't often participate in anything that would get them attention, so I can't really say.
[b]86. Do you care if a dragon's eyes match? Do you like when a dragon's eyes contrast their colors?[/b]
I care if they stand out in a bad way. Usually I'm after a particular set of eye colors for each individual project.
87. What is your favorite eye color and type?[/b]
Nature Primal.
[b]88. Do you generally use scenes for your dragons?[/b]
If there's a scene that fits their lore, sure. I can't wait until we get a lot more scenes so I can be more creative with their use.
[b]89. Which scene is your favorite, and why?[/b]
Maybe Windsinger's Domain? I'm not sure.
[b]90. Do you collect dragons with special hatchdates? (Holidays, birthdays, etc.) If you have any, which is your favorite?[/b]
I collect certain hatchdates for certain project dragons, but I don't have a specific date that I favor overall.
[b]91. Do you collect dragons with specific measurements? (Very large, small, glitched, square, etc.)[/b]
Nope. Maybe someday.
[b]92. Who is your clan leader, if any, and why did you pick that dragon?[/b]
I don't have one.
93. Which flight rising deity is your favorite? Do they differ from your flight?[/b]
I'm not sure.
[b]94. Are there any in-game food (or non-food) items that you want to eat?[/b]
The Sunbeam Fig looks like it would be good!
[b]95. Which forums do you frequent the most?[/b]
This one, mostly.
[b]96. Have you ever made UMAs? If yes, which of your own is your favorite?[/b]
Not yet!
97. Do you mostly play on computer, mobile, or both?[/b]
Computer, but I'm one of those people who cannot fathom the idea of playing games like this on a phone. Can't imagine why I'd even try.
[b]98. How do you typically prefer naming your dragons? Do you have a certain style or theme you follow?[/b]
I name them for their lore. Choosing a theme amongst breeding projects has actually resulted in my eventual lack of interest in entire projects.
[b]99. What is your favorite memory on flight rising?[/b]
Probably acquiring and finishing her: [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/81776572][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/817766/81776572_350.png[/img][/url]
100. Feel free to ask me a question here, if you'd like! Thank you for participating! [/b]
Which of your finished dragon projects has become your favorite (or top three, if you can't choose) and why??
I hope you feel better soon!
Tough call, really, but I'd say Abyss, Midnight, and Thistle are all pretty close to being my favorite.
2. What is your favorite dragon breed?
*points at avatar*
3. Which pose do you prefer from your favorite breed?
Male, but only by a smidge.
4. What is your favorite primary, secondary, and tertiary gene?
Primary is either Flaunt, Varnish, or Fade. Secondary is Bee. Tertiary is probably Blossom.
5. Do you have a dream dragon? Were you able to get them, or are you still looking?
I try not to set goals for dragons I don't already own. This guy is probably my closest to a dream dragon, though, because he's one of the few that I did go out of my way to hunt down specific colors for.
6. Favorite hatchling pose?
Spirals, maybe? I love the giant eyes.
7. Who is your avatar dragon?
Aine, here.
8. Why are they your avatar?
Needed a change recently, and she was the color-scheme I wanted.
9. Do you change your avatar regularly, or do you keep them the same for a long period of time?
Every few weeks/months. Whenever I get bored.
10. Is your lair large, small, or somewhere in between?
Fairly small.
11. Are you happy with the size of your lair, or would you prefer if it was bigger or smaller?
I'd like more space, but I'm not spending 350kt to expand five slots. That feels excessive.
12. Do you collect any specific type of dragon? (breeds, colors, g1s, permababies, etc.)
G1s. It adds something of a challenge to the game.
13. Do you exclude any specific type of dragon from your lair? (breeds, colors, g1s, permababies, etc.)
Not intentionally.
14. Do you prefer XYZs, XXYs, XYXs, XYYs, or XXXs?
15. Do you personally value dragons more if they are older/have a lower ID?
I suppose I expect to pay more/sell for more if that's the case, but I don't really feel like it adds much to my interest in a dragon.
16. Do you personally value dragons more if they are g1s?
17. Do you personally value dragons more if they were a breeding project?
18. Do you personally value dragons more if they have rare colors?
Depends on the colors.
19. What is your favorite familiar?
Maybe these:
20. Do you like to name your familiars?
Usually once the become built into a particular dragon's lore.
21. Do dragons get a set familiar, or do you change them out regularly? (once they are awakened, for example)
My lair gets changed out. My hibden often stays the same.
22. Do you enjoy coli grinding?
Not really, but I do it anyway.
23. How many projects do you currently have?
We don't talk about that.
24. Is your current project cost total a number that strikes fear into your heart? (Feel free to do the math for this one, if you dare)
I refuse to add up that amount.
25. Do you like to design bios for your dragons?
Once I start working on their lore, yes.
26. Do you give your dragons lore?
I am super slow about writing it down, but all of my dragons in the lore-building tabs and a few others do have lore in my head.
27. Do you have lore for your lair?
I need to build a lair-wide set of lore, but that's intimidating.
28. Do you collect fandragons?
29. Who is your most expensive dragon? Are they still worth the cost to you?
Probably this guy at 5540g:
And, yes, absolutely.
30. Who is your cheapest dragon? Would you have paid more for them?
31. What is your favorite flight rising holiday/festival, and why?
NotN, because I make most of my funds for the year during it.
32. What in-game item(s) do you hoard or collect, if any, and why?
Sheep. I need them.
33. Do you tend to prefer site skins or umas, or do you like them both equally?
34. Do you prefer skins, skincents, or accents generally?
I'm relatively open, but nothing full-coverage/full-coverage of either primary or seconary.
35. Do you prefer when your dragon is wearing a skin/skincent/accent or not?
Depends on the dragon.
36. Do you or have you ever run a hatchery?
I used to.
37. Do you like to buy from hatcheries?
Not anymore, really.
38. Does your lore tend to be more magical or mundane, if you have lore?
Leans more magical.
39. What is your favorite flight, and is it the one you are currently in?
Light, and yes.
40. Does your flight influence your lore, if you have any?
41. Is your lore more canon, noncanon, or completely unrelated to canon flight rising lore?
I'm working on making it more canon.
42. What is your favorite part of this game? (Community, dragons, features, devs, art, etc.)
43. When you scry, do you deliberately pick everything, or do you tend to hit the randomize buttons?
A mix of both.
44. Which npc is your favorite?
45. Has your favorite breed changed with time? What was your previous favorite breed(s), and what changed?
My initial favorite breed was Imps; now it's Veils. I like all of the Veil art, whereas I prefer male Imps. But what really changed was my interest in G1s.
46. Do you prefer when your dragons look similar or unified by something, or completely different?
I love unified lairs and I know very well that I can't do that.
47. Do you organize your lair by lore, color, order acquired, or something else?
By a certain sort of chaos.
48. What is your favorite apparel item?
I like the surrounding apparels best, rather than clothing. So, flower falls, breezes, and the like.
49. Do you like to repeatedly use certain apparel items?
Guilty as charged.
50. Do you prefer busier or less busy outfits for your dragons? Or do you prefer no outfit at all?
I've not yet figured out the art of creating busy outfits, but I like both.
51. What apparel item do you want added to the game?
52. What is your favorite skin/skincent/accent?
53. Do you prefer moderns or ancients, or do you like them both equally?
Ancients, generally. I love moderns, too, but they're more expensive to gene and I can finish more projects faster if I make them ancients.
54. Do you prefer having mostly adult poses or hatchling poses in your lair?
Generally adult poses.
55. Do you participate in dom in any way?
56. Do you tend to sell or hatch the eggs you get?
Usually I sell them.
57. Do you like to participate in challenges (no spendtember, fodderlocke, etc.)
I haven't gotten into any, yet.
58. Do you level your dragons to a certain level? (for coli use, aesthetic, etc.)
For exalting 7-9. For use in Coli, 25.
59. Do you plan on going for all achievements one day?
60. Do you still have 1 or both of your progens?
61. Did you breed your progens?
Regrettably, yes.
62. Did you scatter 1 or both of your progens, or do you plan on scattering?
63. Have you ever done a non-progen scatter project, or are planning too?
I have not. May or may not do one someday.
64. Do you tend to get attached to and hold on to dragons forever, or is your lair always in rotation? Are there exceptions either way?
I tend to realize I was attached after I already sold a dragon. XD
65. Do you enjoy purging your lair and/or starting fresh?
Sometimes I want to, but I probably won't.
66. Do you have fodder breeders? If yes, do you consider them permas/dress them up/give them lore/etc.? Or are they just there?
I do. I dressed up my main fodder pair. The others are a breeding project and only the desired result dragons will get lore/be dressed up.
67. Do you like to make your dragons into breeding pairs? (For lore or just to make cute babies)
68. Do you prefer having bred or unbred dragons?
Generally, unbred G1s.
69. Do you prefer long or short offspring lists, if any at all?
Preferably none.
70. If you breed your dragons, do you have set pairs, or do you breed randomly for different results?
Set pairs.
71. If you have ever done breeding projects, how long did the longest one take?
It's still ongoing since I started it.
72. If you have ever done breeding projects, what was the luckiest you've ever gotten with offspring?
I haven't gotten the desired result, yet, which means most of them have been exalted.
73. If you have ever done breeding projects, do you enjoy them, or find them more frustrating/tedious?
It's getting tedious.
74. Do you hope to complete your bestiary someday? Either through collecting all familiars or awakening them through Fiona.
Through Fiona, sure. Collecting them all, absolutely not. The prices on the Y1, retired fams are insane and the site has no interest in helping that, so I'm not touching those.
75. Have you ever won anything from the raffle? If yes, what, and how many times?
I won a pair of eggs once! I play pretty much every week, but I only buy a few tickets.
76. Do you like to change up your dragons on occasion (breed, genes, outfit, etc.), or do they tend to look the same forever?
Depends on the dragon.
77. Do you feel like you could ever "complete" your lair, in whatever way that means to you, or is it an eternal project?
I hope not. I'd become immediately disinterested and probably leave.
78. What are your major flight rising goals? (Examples: Lair expansion, rare dragon collection, shiny forum star, full bestiary, etc.)
Completing dragon projects in a satisfying way. Also collecting UMAs I like, even if I don't use them.
79. What was your biggest flight rising accomplishment?
Probably all of my completed Veilspun projects.
80. Are you happy with your lair?
Not yet.
81. Do you participate in forum activity frequently, or are you more of a lurker?
Bit of both!
82. Do you like to participate in forum games? If so, which one is your favorite?
I haven't gotten too into them, yet.
83. Have you ever made or purchased art for your dragons? If yes, which piece is your favorite?
YES. I love supporting the artist community on this site. I don't have a favorite. I love all of the pieces I've purchased.
84. How do you prefer acquiring new dragons, if you have a preference? (Auction house, hatchery, breeding projects, hatching eggs, etc.)
AH for sure.
85. Which of your dragons, if any, do you feel is underrated? (Fewer likes, doesn't get picked for forum games as often, etc.)
I don't often participate in anything that would get them attention, so I can't really say.
86. Do you care if a dragon's eyes match? Do you like when a dragon's eyes contrast their colors?
I care if they stand out in a bad way. Usually I'm after a particular set of eye colors for each individual project.
87. What is your favorite eye color and type?
Nature Primal.
88. Do you generally use scenes for your dragons?
If there's a scene that fits their lore, sure. I can't wait until we get a lot more scenes so I can be more creative with their use.
89. Which scene is your favorite, and why?
Maybe Windsinger's Domain? I'm not sure.
90. Do you collect dragons with special hatchdates? (Holidays, birthdays, etc.) If you have any, which is your favorite?
I collect certain hatchdates for certain project dragons, but I don't have a specific date that I favor overall.
91. Do you collect dragons with specific measurements? (Very large, small, glitched, square, etc.)
Nope. Maybe someday.
92. Who is your clan leader, if any, and why did you pick that dragon?
I don't have one.
93. Which flight rising deity is your favorite? Do they differ from your flight?
I'm not sure.
94. Are there any in-game food (or non-food) items that you want to eat?
The Sunbeam Fig looks like it would be good!
95. Which forums do you frequent the most?
This one, mostly.
96. Have you ever made UMAs? If yes, which of your own is your favorite?
Not yet!
97. Do you mostly play on computer, mobile, or both?
Computer, but I'm one of those people who cannot fathom the idea of playing games like this on a phone. Can't imagine why I'd even try.
98. How do you typically prefer naming your dragons? Do you have a certain style or theme you follow?
I name them for their lore. Choosing a theme amongst breeding projects has actually resulted in my eventual lack of interest in entire projects.
99. What is your favorite memory on flight rising?
Probably acquiring and finishing her:
100. Feel free to ask me a question here, if you'd like! Thank you for participating!
Which of your finished dragon projects has become your favorite (or top three, if you can't choose) and why??
Skins are equippable items that can be worn like a coat of paint on top of the skin of your dragon. The look of the skin will not be passed onto offspring and may be unequipped at any time. (Designed by Yeechen.)
Itemid #39974
[b]1. What is your favorite flight rising color?[/b]
Weirdly depends on my mood I guess? Algae, swamp, driftwood, taupe are some all time favorites... I dunno! (Also a special shout out to caribbean though, which I used to collect triples of way back in the day.)
[b]2. What is your favorite dragon breed?[/b]
Modern: Obelisks and Wildclaw tied I think. It's hard to choose.
Ancient: Banescales.
[b]3. Which pose do you prefer from your favorite breed?[/b]
Female banes and Obby, male for WC
[b]4. What is your favorite primary, secondary, and tertiary gene?[/b]
Primary: Skink/tapir, but Soil might become my favorite.
Secondary: Spinner/striation/flair!
Tertiary: Stained. It can just make so many nice colours that we don't have!
[b]5. Do you have a dream dragon? Were you able to get them, or are you still looking?[/b]
Not really... Maybe a double/triple G1 of my favorite colours above. I think I'd really like a driftwood/algae/algae.
[b]6. Favorite hatchling pose?[/b]
[b]7. Who is your avatar dragon?[/b]
[b]8. Why are they your avatar?[/b]
I made him my avatar A Long Time Ago. Some time between 2019 and 2021. I don't remember why, but I just ended up never changing him from being my avatar.
[b]9. Do you change your avatar regularly, or do you keep them the same for a long period of time?[/b]
Keep it the same for long periods of time.
[b]10. Is your lair large, small, or somewhere in between?[/b]
I guess it'd be considered large??
[b]11. Are you happy with the size of your lair, or would you prefer if it was bigger or smaller?[/b]
Neutral about the whole thing. I want to max out hibden slots/lair space but that doesn't necessarily mean I want a ton more dragons for those slots either.
[b]12. Do you collect any specific type of dragon? (breeds, colors, g1s, permababies, etc.)[/b]
Oldies (8+ years)
[b]13. Do you exclude any specific type of dragon from your lair? (breeds, colors, g1s, permababies, etc.)[/b]
Spring. I do not like Spring. Maybe some day I'll find or have a dragon with it that I like, but every time I look at Spring, I just... Eugh. No thank you.
[b]14. Do you prefer XYZs, XXYs, XYXs, XYYs, or XXXs?[/b]
I think I have some preferences to XXYs, but I like them all.
[b]15. Do you personally value dragons more if they are older/have a lower ID?[/b]
[b]16. Do you personally value dragons more if they are g1s?[/b]
Most of the time.
[b]17. Do you personally value dragons more if they were a breeding project?[/b]
[b]18. Do you personally value dragons more if they have rare colors?[/b]
[b]19. What is your favorite familiar?[/b]
[item=shardback minmi][item=Lowjaw Minmi][item=Nature Sprite][item=Light Sprite]
I unfortunately do not own one of these four. I hope to one day have a proper ankylosaurine familiar (a little club tail friend)!!!!
[b]20. Do you like to name your familiars?[/b]
[b]21. Do dragons get a set familiar, or do you change them out regularly? (once they are awakened, for example)[/b]
Some have set familiars but most don't.
[b]22. Do you enjoy coli grinding?[/b]
[b]23. How many projects do you currently have?[/b]
10+... Not counting the leveling to 25 projects.
[b]24. Is your current project cost total a number that strikes fear into your heart? (Feel free to do the math for this one, if you dare)[/b]
I would say yes.
[b]25. Do you like to design bios for your dragons?[/b]
Sometimes. I need to do more of them.
[b]26. Do you give your dragons lore?[/b]
Yes, at least vague simple lore, but I don't write most of it down. (And then I promptly forget aspects of it...)
[b]27. Do you have lore for your lair?[/b]
Yes, but as above, I don't write it down/I forget! I really need to be better about that.
[b]28. Do you collect fandragons?[/b]
I have some fandragons/dragons vaguely inspired by games.
[b]29. Who is your most expensive dragon? Are they still worth the cost to you?[/b]
This is Aether! I purchased him before primal eye vials were available, so that definitely upped the price of him. I also had to purchase a wildclaw scroll, starmap, and bee for him. (I brewed the capsule myself but there's still a price hit there.)
He's still worth the cost to me!
[b]30. Who is your cheapest dragon? Would you have paid more for them?
This is hard to answer because I have several dragons I've received for free as gifts over the years!
[b]31. What is your favorite flight rising holiday/festival, and why?[/b]
Any holidays that boost exp in coli (eg. micro holidays), and Night of the Nocturne (chests are fun, way more drop chances for eliminate, earning money from chests, opening chests for eggies and fern/paisley which I really like, and cool new familiars!!)
[b]32. What in-game item(s) do you hoard or collect, if any, and why?[/b]
[img]https://www1.flightrising.com/static/layout/icon_gems.png[/img][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/static/layout/icon_treasure.png[/img][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/static/layout/icon_gems.png[/img][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/static/layout/icon_treasure.png[/img][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/static/layout/icon_gems.png[/img][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/static/layout/icon_treasure.png[/img][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/static/layout/icon_gems.png[/img][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/static/layout/icon_treasure.png[/img] /halfjoking
[item=Discarded Ribbon] I don't *actively* hoard them but I have 1718 of them and the description makes me laugh.
[b]33. Do you tend to prefer site skins or umas, or do you like them both equally?[/b]
I don't have a preference really.
[b]34. Do you prefer skins, skincents, or accents generally?[/b]
Accents/skincents > skins
[b]35. Do you prefer when your dragon is wearing a skin/skincent/accent or not?[/b]
I don't use a lot of skins/accents etc., but I don't really "prefer" with or without them.
[b]36. Do you or have you ever run a hatchery?[/b]
[b]37. Do you like to buy from hatcheries?[/b]
There's only a handful I follow.
[b]38. Does your lore tend to be more magical or mundane, if you have lore?[/b]
A fairly balanced mix of both at this time I think.
[b]39. What is your favorite flight, and is it the one you are currently in?[/b]
Light, and yes! My second choice is Nature (my original flight).
[b]40. Does your flight influence your lore, if you have any?[/b]
A little bit, but not a whole lot.
[b]41. Is your lore more canon, noncanon, or completely unrelated to canon flight rising lore?[/b]
At this time, it's leaning non-canon/very lightly canon influenced. I might branch out and do some unrelated lore, but unsure.
[b]42. What is your favorite part of this game? (Community, dragons, features, devs, art, etc.)[/b]
[b]43. When you scry, do you deliberately pick everything, or do you tend to hit the randomize buttons?[/b]
Depends - sometimes I do deliberately pick everything. Other times, I may for example deliberately pick primary and tert but randomize the secondary until I find one that "wows" me.
[b]44. Which npc is your favorite?[/b]
Avery, Susie, and Galore!!!!
[b]45. Has your favorite breed changed with time? What was your previous favorite breed(s), and what changed?[/b]
Previous favorites include coatl, wildclaw, imperial, spiral, pearlcatcher- I think I had a "phase" where near every breed was a favorite at one point.
[b]46. Do you prefer when your dragons look similar or unified by something, or completely different?[/b]
No preference!
[b]47. Do you organize your lair by lore, color, order acquired, or something else?[/b]
Started with colour and then I gave up and just started doing it loosely on order acquired (and a little bit by colour). However, breeding mate > any other organization order. I really need to redo my lair order.
[b]48. What is your favorite apparel item?[/b]
[item=Luminous Halo][item=Light Aura][item=Current Caller Raiment]
[b]49. Do you like to repeatedly use certain apparel items?[/b]
Sometimes I do, but it depends if I have multiple dragons fitting a certain theme or "vibe"
[b]50. Do you prefer busier or less busy outfits for your dragons? Or do you prefer no outfit at all?[/b]
For me it depends on the dragon itself, and it's genes.
[b]51. What apparel item do you want added to the game?[/b]
[b]52. What is your favorite skin/skincent/accent?[/b]
I don't have a favorite!
[b]53. Do you prefer moderns or ancients, or do you like them both equally?[/b]
I like them equally.
[b]54. Do you prefer having mostly adult poses or hatchling poses in your lair?[/b]
Adult poses
[b]55. Do you participate in dom in any way?[/b]
Yes, sometimes! I exalt dragons, but on occasions I have been a public buy attendant, assisted with a grab bag event, and donated time/funds/items to the dom bank/raffles/etc.
[b]56. Do you tend to sell or hatch the eggs you get?[/b]
I tend to sell them but I do end up hatching some on special occasions (like birthday etc)
[b]57. Do you like to participate in challenges (no spendtember, fodderlocke, etc.)[/b]
I haven't yet, but I think I might try one or something at some point! It seems like it could be fun.
[b]58. Do you level your dragons to a certain level? (for coli use, aesthetic, etc.)[/b]
I am trying to level all my permas to 25 (with some exceptions; for example, one of my original coli dragon from when I first started might stay at level 18 as that was the highest level I ever got her back in the day). Some may stay level 1 or lower levels for aesthetic/lore reasons. But I'd like most to be level 25.
[b]59. Do you plan on going for all achievements one day?[/b]
I would like to get them one day yes! The breeding ones and the runestone one are the hardest for me.
[b]60. Do you still have 1 or both of your progens?[/b]
I do not currently have them.
[b]61. Did you breed your progens?[/b]
[b]62. Did you scatter 1 or both of your progens, or do you plan on scattering?[/b]
I scattered my random progen. If I bring them back, I might scatter one or both, but I'm not sure.
[b]63. Have you ever done a non-progen scatter project, or are planning too?[/b]
Yes! I have this [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/1920906]11 year old dragon[/url] that I have as a sort of passive scatter project, and several 9-10 year olds that I [i]might[/i] also turn into projects as well.
[b]64. Do you tend to get attached to and hold on to dragons forever, or is your lair always in rotation? Are there exceptions either way?[/b]
I tend to hold onto dragons for a whole. Usually I will hold onto a dragon for at least a year, but it averages ~2-3 years. Many of my permas are dragons that I've had for 5-6 years. There are of course exceptions.
[b]65. Do you enjoy purging your lair and/or starting fresh?[/b]
Sometimes I like to do smaller mini purges to clear out dragons that I don't quite enjoy anymore. I've never done a true full purge.
[b]66. Do you have fodder breeders? If yes, do you consider them permas/dress them up/give them lore/etc.? Or are they just there?[/b]
Yes, and they're sort of permas. One pair has lore, but none of the others do at this point in time.
[b]67. Do you like to make your dragons into breeding pairs? (For lore or just to make cute babies)[/b]
I do like to make breeding pairs but no always. Even if they are breeding pairs, it's mostly lore and sometimes I don't breed them.
[b]68. Do you prefer having bred or unbred dragons?[/b]
It depends. Unbred in general, but I don't have strong feelings against bred dragons either. However, some cases I wouldn't want a dragon bred at all.
[b]69. Do you prefer long or short offspring lists, if any at all?[/b]
Short lists preferably.
[b]70. If you breed your dragons, do you have set pairs, or do you breed randomly for different results?[/b]
Set pairs.
[b]71. If you have ever done breeding projects, how long did the longest one take?[/b]
Yes, I did!
I did a breeding project for this dragon. It only took a few months maybe? I don't remember.
[b]72. If you have ever done breeding projects, what was the luckiest you've ever gotten with offspring?[/b]
Ehh... N/A I suppose.
[b]73. If you have ever done breeding projects, do you enjoy them, or find them more frustrating/tedious?[/b]
They're fine. It can be tedious but usually it's kind of whatever to me.
[b]74. Do you hope to complete your bestiary someday? Either through collecting all familiars or awakening them through Fiona.[/b]
Yes, I would like to some day.
[b]75. Have you ever won anything from the raffle? If yes, what, and how many times?[/b]
I've won Roundsey's 6 times. From most recent to oldest wins:
[item=Starwood Veil][item=Luminax Mascot][item=Mainecoon][item=Crystalhide Treads][item=Gilded Decorative Chest]x3[item=Solar Blades]
[b]76. Do you like to change up your dragons on occasion (breed, genes, outfit, etc.), or do they tend to look the same forever?[/b]
I mostly keep them the same for a very long time. Only when new genes/breeds come out do I consider changing them.
[b]77. Do you feel like you could ever "complete" your lair, in whatever way that means to you, or is it an eternal project?[/b]
It's an eternal project!
[b]78. What are your major flight rising goals? (Examples: Lair expansion, rare dragon collection, shiny forum star, full bestiary, etc.)[/b]
Maxing all the lair and hibden slots. Maybe some day getting lightie spritie, and the other sprites I'm missing.
[b]79. What was your biggest flight rising accomplishment?[/b]
I don't think I really have one? I'm not sure, I'm bad with acknowledging my own accomplishments and the like.
[b]80. Are you happy with your lair?[/b]
Yes and no. It's alright, but I still need to work on a lot of it and have many projects.
[b]81. Do you participate in forum activity frequently, or are you more of a lurker?[/b]
More of a lurker.
[b]82. Do you like to participate in forum games? If so, which one is your favorite?[/b]
No, I don't. I'd like to some day, maybe.
[b]83. Have you ever made or purchased art for your dragons? If yes, which piece is your favorite?[/b]
Yes, I've purchased some. My favorite pieces are in my signature right now!
[b]84. How do you prefer acquiring new dragons, if you have a preference? (Auction house, hatchery, breeding projects, hatching eggs, etc.)[/b]
No preference I guess!
[b]85. Which of your dragons, if any, do you feel is underrated? (Fewer likes, doesn't get picked for forum games as often, etc.)[/b]
[b]86. Do you care if a dragon's eyes match? Do you like when a dragon's eyes contrast their colors?[/b]
I like if they match. Contrasting can also be good. As long as they aren't super conflicting/jarring/etc.
[b]87. What is your favorite eye color and type?[/b]
I suppose Light eyes (part of the reason I joined Light to begin with). I like pastel and faded for most of the elements.
[b]88. Do you generally use scenes for your dragons?[/b]
I use scenes for a few of my permas or if it fits their aesthetics/lore.
[b]89. Which scene is your favorite, and why?[/b]
[item=Scene: Redrock Cove] I think... But it's a really hard choice.
[b]90. Do you collect dragons with special hatchdates? (Holidays, birthdays, etc.) If you have any, which is your favorite?[/b]
Not really no. Other than hatching a birthday dragon, but I don't go looking to get any dragons born on my birthday that other people have hatched.
[b]91. Do you collect dragons with specific measurements? (Very large, small, glitched, square, etc.)[/b]
[b]92. Who is your clan leader, if any, and why did you pick that dragon?[/b]
I don't remember the reason I picked her off the top of my head right now.
[b]93. Which flight rising deity is your favorite? Do they differ from your flight?[/b]
Lightweaver. I love her long ears and sorta goblin-y vibes.
[b]94. Are there any in-game food (or non-food) items that you want to eat?[/b]
No, I've never thought about it before
[b]95. Which forums do you frequent the most?[/b]
I look at FR Discussion and guides the most I think? I just read/lurk mostly though.
[b]96. Have you ever made UMAs? If yes, which of your own is your favorite?[/b]
No I haven't.
[b]97. Do you mostly play on computer, mobile, or both?[/b]
Mostly computer, but I play on mobile at times. I personally find doing glimmer and gloom muuuch easier on my phone (with stylus/pen) but other games can be a real hassle. Coliseum is fine on both but the coli is faster/easier for me on computer due to the keybinds.
[b]98. How do you typically prefer naming your dragons? Do you have a certain style or theme you follow?[/b]
I take a very long time to name my dragons, but I don't follow any specific theme or style usually.
[b]99. What is your favorite memory on flight rising?[/b]
Winning my plague sprite from a raffle, I think!
[b]100. Feel free to ask me a question here, if you'd like! Thank you for participating![/b]
What festival apparel would you like to be recoloured, and what would you like it to be recoloured to? (Eg. A light holiday apparel item recoloured like a nature item, etc.)
1. What is your favorite flight rising color?
Weirdly depends on my mood I guess? Algae, swamp, driftwood, taupe are some all time favorites... I dunno! (Also a special shout out to caribbean though, which I used to collect triples of way back in the day.)
2. What is your favorite dragon breed?
Modern: Obelisks and Wildclaw tied I think. It's hard to choose.
Ancient: Banescales.
3. Which pose do you prefer from your favorite breed?
Female banes and Obby, male for WC
4. What is your favorite primary, secondary, and tertiary gene?
Primary: Skink/tapir, but Soil might become my favorite.
Secondary: Spinner/striation/flair!
Tertiary: Stained. It can just make so many nice colours that we don't have!
5. Do you have a dream dragon? Were you able to get them, or are you still looking?
Not really... Maybe a double/triple G1 of my favorite colours above. I think I'd really like a driftwood/algae/algae.
6. Favorite hatchling pose?
7. Who is your avatar dragon?
8. Why are they your avatar?
I made him my avatar A Long Time Ago. Some time between 2019 and 2021. I don't remember why, but I just ended up never changing him from being my avatar.
9. Do you change your avatar regularly, or do you keep them the same for a long period of time?
Keep it the same for long periods of time.
10. Is your lair large, small, or somewhere in between?
I guess it'd be considered large??
11. Are you happy with the size of your lair, or would you prefer if it was bigger or smaller?
Neutral about the whole thing. I want to max out hibden slots/lair space but that doesn't necessarily mean I want a ton more dragons for those slots either.
12. Do you collect any specific type of dragon? (breeds, colors, g1s, permababies, etc.)
Oldies (8+ years)
13. Do you exclude any specific type of dragon from your lair? (breeds, colors, g1s, permababies, etc.)
Spring. I do not like Spring. Maybe some day I'll find or have a dragon with it that I like, but every time I look at Spring, I just... Eugh. No thank you.
14. Do you prefer XYZs, XXYs, XYXs, XYYs, or XXXs?
I think I have some preferences to XXYs, but I like them all.
15. Do you personally value dragons more if they are older/have a lower ID?
16. Do you personally value dragons more if they are g1s?
Most of the time.
17. Do you personally value dragons more if they were a breeding project?
18. Do you personally value dragons more if they have rare colors?
19. What is your favorite familiar?
Shardback Minmi
Hug with caution.
Lowjaw Minmi
The proclivity of Minmi to roll in the dirt has made them valuable aerators of soil.
Nature Sprite
Entourage of the Gladekeeper. (Greenskeeper Gathering Holiday Familiar 2014.)
Light Sprite
Entourage of the Lightweaver. (Brightshine Jubilee Holiday Familiar 2013.)
I unfortunately do not own one of these four. I hope to one day have a proper ankylosaurine familiar (a little club tail friend)!!!!
20. Do you like to name your familiars?
21. Do dragons get a set familiar, or do you change them out regularly? (once they are awakened, for example)
Some have set familiars but most don't.
22. Do you enjoy coli grinding?
23. How many projects do you currently have?
10+... Not counting the leveling to 25 projects.
24. Is your current project cost total a number that strikes fear into your heart? (Feel free to do the math for this one, if you dare)
I would say yes.
25. Do you like to design bios for your dragons?
Sometimes. I need to do more of them.
26. Do you give your dragons lore?
Yes, at least vague simple lore, but I don't write most of it down. (And then I promptly forget aspects of it...)
27. Do you have lore for your lair?
Yes, but as above, I don't write it down/I forget! I really need to be better about that.
28. Do you collect fandragons?
I have some fandragons/dragons vaguely inspired by games.
29. Who is your most expensive dragon? Are they still worth the cost to you?
This is Aether! I purchased him before primal eye vials were available, so that definitely upped the price of him. I also had to purchase a wildclaw scroll, starmap, and bee for him. (I brewed the capsule myself but there's still a price hit there.)
He's still worth the cost to me!
30. Who is your cheapest dragon? Would you have paid more for them?
This is hard to answer because I have several dragons I've received for free as gifts over the years!
31. What is your favorite flight rising holiday/festival, and why?
Any holidays that boost exp in coli (eg. micro holidays), and Night of the Nocturne (chests are fun, way more drop chances for eliminate, earning money from chests, opening chests for eggies and fern/paisley which I really like, and cool new familiars!!)
32. What in-game item(s) do you hoard or collect, if any, and why?
Discarded Ribbon
You did it. You won. You are the best scavenger. (Special thanks Cide.)
I don't *actively* hoard them but I have 1718 of them and the description makes me laugh.
33. Do you tend to prefer site skins or umas, or do you like them both equally?
I don't have a preference really.
34. Do you prefer skins, skincents, or accents generally?
Accents/skincents > skins
35. Do you prefer when your dragon is wearing a skin/skincent/accent or not?
I don't use a lot of skins/accents etc., but I don't really "prefer" with or without them.
36. Do you or have you ever run a hatchery?
37. Do you like to buy from hatcheries?
There's only a handful I follow.
38. Does your lore tend to be more magical or mundane, if you have lore?
A fairly balanced mix of both at this time I think.
39. What is your favorite flight, and is it the one you are currently in?
Light, and yes! My second choice is Nature (my original flight).
40. Does your flight influence your lore, if you have any?
A little bit, but not a whole lot.
41. Is your lore more canon, noncanon, or completely unrelated to canon flight rising lore?
At this time, it's leaning non-canon/very lightly canon influenced. I might branch out and do some unrelated lore, but unsure.
42. What is your favorite part of this game? (Community, dragons, features, devs, art, etc.)
43. When you scry, do you deliberately pick everything, or do you tend to hit the randomize buttons?
Depends - sometimes I do deliberately pick everything. Other times, I may for example deliberately pick primary and tert but randomize the secondary until I find one that "wows" me.
44. Which npc is your favorite?
Avery, Susie, and Galore!!!!
45. Has your favorite breed changed with time? What was your previous favorite breed(s), and what changed?
Previous favorites include coatl, wildclaw, imperial, spiral, pearlcatcher- I think I had a "phase" where near every breed was a favorite at one point.
46. Do you prefer when your dragons look similar or unified by something, or completely different?
No preference!
47. Do you organize your lair by lore, color, order acquired, or something else?
Started with colour and then I gave up and just started doing it loosely on order acquired (and a little bit by colour). However, breeding mate > any other organization order. I really need to redo my lair order.
48. What is your favorite apparel item?
Luminous Halo
Encircling the head, this halo of pure light is the magical sign of a powerful individual. (Brightshine Jubilee 2018 Holiday Item)
Light Aura
Brilliant particles of light dance around the wearer. (Brightshine Jubilee 2022 Holiday Item.)
Current Caller Raiment
A decorative cloth adornment used by high oracles and prophets of the Water flight. In certain light, the delicate weave of the fabric shimmers like fish scales. (Wavecrest Saturnalia 2020 Holiday Item)
49. Do you like to repeatedly use certain apparel items?
Sometimes I do, but it depends if I have multiple dragons fitting a certain theme or "vibe"
50. Do you prefer busier or less busy outfits for your dragons? Or do you prefer no outfit at all?
For me it depends on the dragon itself, and it's genes.
51. What apparel item do you want added to the game?
52. What is your favorite skin/skincent/accent?
I don't have a favorite!
53. Do you prefer moderns or ancients, or do you like them both equally?
I like them equally.
54. Do you prefer having mostly adult poses or hatchling poses in your lair?
Adult poses
55. Do you participate in dom in any way?
Yes, sometimes! I exalt dragons, but on occasions I have been a public buy attendant, assisted with a grab bag event, and donated time/funds/items to the dom bank/raffles/etc.
56. Do you tend to sell or hatch the eggs you get?
I tend to sell them but I do end up hatching some on special occasions (like birthday etc)
57. Do you like to participate in challenges (no spendtember, fodderlocke, etc.)
I haven't yet, but I think I might try one or something at some point! It seems like it could be fun.
58. Do you level your dragons to a certain level? (for coli use, aesthetic, etc.)
I am trying to level all my permas to 25 (with some exceptions; for example, one of my original coli dragon from when I first started might stay at level 18 as that was the highest level I ever got her back in the day). Some may stay level 1 or lower levels for aesthetic/lore reasons. But I'd like most to be level 25.
59. Do you plan on going for all achievements one day?
I would like to get them one day yes! The breeding ones and the runestone one are the hardest for me.
60. Do you still have 1 or both of your progens?
I do not currently have them.
61. Did you breed your progens?
62. Did you scatter 1 or both of your progens, or do you plan on scattering?
I scattered my random progen. If I bring them back, I might scatter one or both, but I'm not sure.
63. Have you ever done a non-progen scatter project, or are planning too?
Yes! I have this 11 year old dragon that I have as a sort of passive scatter project, and several 9-10 year olds that I might also turn into projects as well.
64. Do you tend to get attached to and hold on to dragons forever, or is your lair always in rotation? Are there exceptions either way?
I tend to hold onto dragons for a whole. Usually I will hold onto a dragon for at least a year, but it averages ~2-3 years. Many of my permas are dragons that I've had for 5-6 years. There are of course exceptions.
65. Do you enjoy purging your lair and/or starting fresh?
Sometimes I like to do smaller mini purges to clear out dragons that I don't quite enjoy anymore. I've never done a true full purge.
66. Do you have fodder breeders? If yes, do you consider them permas/dress them up/give them lore/etc.? Or are they just there?
Yes, and they're sort of permas. One pair has lore, but none of the others do at this point in time.
67. Do you like to make your dragons into breeding pairs? (For lore or just to make cute babies)
I do like to make breeding pairs but no always. Even if they are breeding pairs, it's mostly lore and sometimes I don't breed them.
68. Do you prefer having bred or unbred dragons?
It depends. Unbred in general, but I don't have strong feelings against bred dragons either. However, some cases I wouldn't want a dragon bred at all.
69. Do you prefer long or short offspring lists, if any at all?
Short lists preferably.
70. If you breed your dragons, do you have set pairs, or do you breed randomly for different results?
Set pairs.
71. If you have ever done breeding projects, how long did the longest one take?
Yes, I did!
I did a breeding project for this dragon. It only took a few months maybe? I don't remember.
72. If you have ever done breeding projects, what was the luckiest you've ever gotten with offspring?
Ehh... N/A I suppose.
73. If you have ever done breeding projects, do you enjoy them, or find them more frustrating/tedious?
They're fine. It can be tedious but usually it's kind of whatever to me.
74. Do you hope to complete your bestiary someday? Either through collecting all familiars or awakening them through Fiona.
Yes, I would like to some day.
75. Have you ever won anything from the raffle? If yes, what, and how many times?
I've won Roundsey's 6 times. From most recent to oldest wins:
Starwood Veil
A shawl made from fibers of Starwood Strand's namesake trees. Glows by night. (Starfall Celebration Holiday Item 2017.)
Luminax Mascot
Guaranteed to ruin any hatchling's birthday.
A lovable friend that will spend hours keeping your seat warm - what you wanted it back?
Crystalhide Treads
A calcifying layer of sandstone and granite makes the perfect pair of treads. (Rockbreaker's Ceremony 2014 Holiday Item)
Gilded Decorative Chest
What a prize! This golden chest gleams in the sunlight and is decorated with jewels and beautiful platinum designs. It's extremely heavy. Surely there is something valuable within.
Solar Blades
A pair of brilliant wing blades that glow with power when exposed to sunlight. (Brightshine Jubilee Holiday Item 2015.)
76. Do you like to change up your dragons on occasion (breed, genes, outfit, etc.), or do they tend to look the same forever?
I mostly keep them the same for a very long time. Only when new genes/breeds come out do I consider changing them.
77. Do you feel like you could ever "complete" your lair, in whatever way that means to you, or is it an eternal project?
It's an eternal project!
78. What are your major flight rising goals? (Examples: Lair expansion, rare dragon collection, shiny forum star, full bestiary, etc.)
Maxing all the lair and hibden slots. Maybe some day getting lightie spritie, and the other sprites I'm missing.
79. What was your biggest flight rising accomplishment?
I don't think I really have one? I'm not sure, I'm bad with acknowledging my own accomplishments and the like.
80. Are you happy with your lair?
Yes and no. It's alright, but I still need to work on a lot of it and have many projects.
81. Do you participate in forum activity frequently, or are you more of a lurker?
More of a lurker.
82. Do you like to participate in forum games? If so, which one is your favorite?
No, I don't. I'd like to some day, maybe.
83. Have you ever made or purchased art for your dragons? If yes, which piece is your favorite?
Yes, I've purchased some. My favorite pieces are in my signature right now!
84. How do you prefer acquiring new dragons, if you have a preference? (Auction house, hatchery, breeding projects, hatching eggs, etc.)
No preference I guess!
85. Which of your dragons, if any, do you feel is underrated? (Fewer likes, doesn't get picked for forum games as often, etc.)
86. Do you care if a dragon's eyes match? Do you like when a dragon's eyes contrast their colors?
I like if they match. Contrasting can also be good. As long as they aren't super conflicting/jarring/etc.
87. What is your favorite eye color and type?
I suppose Light eyes (part of the reason I joined Light to begin with). I like pastel and faded for most of the elements.
88. Do you generally use scenes for your dragons?
I use scenes for a few of my permas or if it fits their aesthetics/lore.
89. Which scene is your favorite, and why?
Scene: Redrock Cove
Scenes are colorful backdrops that can be equipped to a dragon to further customize their individual profile.
I think... But it's a really hard choice.
90. Do you collect dragons with special hatchdates? (Holidays, birthdays, etc.) If you have any, which is your favorite?
Not really no. Other than hatching a birthday dragon, but I don't go looking to get any dragons born on my birthday that other people have hatched.
91. Do you collect dragons with specific measurements? (Very large, small, glitched, square, etc.)
92. Who is your clan leader, if any, and why did you pick that dragon?
I don't remember the reason I picked her off the top of my head right now.
93. Which flight rising deity is your favorite? Do they differ from your flight?
Lightweaver. I love her long ears and sorta goblin-y vibes.
94. Are there any in-game food (or non-food) items that you want to eat?
No, I've never thought about it before
95. Which forums do you frequent the most?
I look at FR Discussion and guides the most I think? I just read/lurk mostly though.
96. Have you ever made UMAs? If yes, which of your own is your favorite?
No I haven't.
97. Do you mostly play on computer, mobile, or both?
Mostly computer, but I play on mobile at times. I personally find doing glimmer and gloom muuuch easier on my phone (with stylus/pen) but other games can be a real hassle. Coliseum is fine on both but the coli is faster/easier for me on computer due to the keybinds.
98. How do you typically prefer naming your dragons? Do you have a certain style or theme you follow?
I take a very long time to name my dragons, but I don't follow any specific theme or style usually.
99. What is your favorite memory on flight rising?
Winning my plague sprite from a raffle, I think!
100. Feel free to ask me a question here, if you'd like! Thank you for participating!
What festival apparel would you like to be recoloured, and what would you like it to be recoloured to? (Eg. A light holiday apparel item recoloured like a nature item, etc.)
PING ME if you need my attention!
It is without a doubt going to take me ages to catch up on all of this reading material, but its so fun seeing everyone's answers!
[quote]what is your favorite bird?[/quote]
I'm not sure if I've given this question much thought before, but I've always really loved blue jays!
[quote]what is your fave elemental egg?[/quote]
To hatch? I love ice, light, arcane, and shadow eyes, so definitely those! But just visually I love arcane eggs the most! Nature is a close second though
[quote]100 questions you madlad... Just writing 30 tends to take me like 20 minutes how the heck did you manage 100??[/quote]
Most of them were written sporadically over 2 days while I was lying in bed sick, and then on the 3rd day I finished up the last few! The first 70ish I was able to think of at a decent pace but the last batch took me a bit longer. I was sitting at 99 and had to ask my partner to come up with 1 final question for me because my brain was fried at that point, and he made the "do you play on computer or mobile" question haha
To hatch? I love ice, light, arcane, and shadow eyes, so definitely those! But just visually I love arcane eggs the most! Nature is a close second though
100 questions you madlad... Just writing 30 tends to take me like 20 minutes how the heck did you manage 100??
Most of them were written sporadically over 2 days while I was lying in bed sick, and then on the 3rd day I finished up the last few! The first 70ish I was able to think of at a decent pace but the last batch took me a bit longer. I was sitting at 99 and had to ask my partner to come up with 1 final question for me because my brain was fried at that point, and he made the "do you play on computer or mobile" question haha
1. What is your favorite flight rising color? - Pearl is a fun one
2. What is your favorite dragon breed? - Right now I have to say it's faes. It tends to change
3. Which pose do you prefer from your favorite breed? - females
4. What is your favorite primary, secondary, and tertiary gene? - Why are you going to make me search this? Tert will be either spines or glimmer
5. Do you have a dream dragon? Were you able to get them, or are you still looking?- I gave up on dream dragons. I go for projects now
6. Favorite hatchling pose? - Abberation. Derpy faces are adorable
7. Who is your avatar dragon? - Ankhora
8. Why are they your avatar? - Her apparel fills the white space
9. Do you change your avatar regularly, or do you keep them the same for a long period of time? - I tend to keep them for a while.
10. Is your lair large, small, or somewhere in between? - In between
11. Are you happy with the size of your lair, or would you prefer if it was bigger or smaller? - its going to get exponentially larger with my current project...
12. Do you collect any specific type of dragon? (breeds, colors, g1s, permababies, etc.) - My Hibden. enough said.. *rip my treasure and gems for that one*
13. Do you exclude any specific type of dragon from your lair? (breeds, colors, g1s, permababies, etc.) - I try NOT to, but right now I'm not a fan of dusthides. That might change.
14. Do you prefer XYZs, XXYs, XYXs, XYYs, or XXXs? - All are good
15. Do you personally value dragons more if they are older/have a lower ID? - I have a few that I will keep around due to Id.. yes
16. Do you personally value dragons more if they are g1s? - Gen ones are my fav
17. Do you personally value dragons more if they were a breeding project? - Look to my tabs, yes.
18. Do you personally value dragons more if they have rare colors? - indifferent here
19. What is your favorite familiar? - Phoenix
20. Do you like to name your familiars? - ... I just recently found out you can name them...
21. Do dragons get a set familiar, or do you change them out regularly? (once they are awakened, for example) - I used to do this. not so much anymore. Hibden will get awakened.
22. Do you enjoy coli grinding? - I once had all deity colored dragons to level 25 once. I sold them.
23. How many projects do you currently have? - Two. (see tabs)
24. Is your current project cost total a number that strikes fear into your heart? (Feel free to do the math for this one, if you dare) - Between breed changes and trying to find certain colors? My treasure / gems will be .... something. x.x
25. Do you like to design bios for your dragons? - not really.
26. Do you give your dragons lore? - Kinda. not really
27. Do you have lore for your lair? - I used to.
28. Do you collect fandragons? - No.
29. Who is your most expensive dragon? Are they still worth the cost to you? - See HIBDEN
30. Who is your cheapest dragon? Would you have paid more for them? - my cheapest dragon were Eval and Kineval. A friend gave those ones to me ala free
31. What is your favorite flight rising holiday/festival, and why? - NOTN because it gets me off my rear and checking the site nearly daily
32. What in-game item(s) do you hoard or collect, if any, and why? - I used to collect The colorful gems and rocks from the crystal venue..
33. Do you tend to prefer site skins or umas, or do you like them both equally? - no preference here
34. Do you prefer skins, skincents, or accents generally?
35. Do you prefer when your dragon is wearing a skin/skincent/accent or not? - no preference
36. Do you or have you ever run a hatchery? - nah
37. Do you like to buy from hatcheries? - no preference
38. Does your lore tend to be more magical or mundane, if you have lore? - N/a
39. What is your favorite flight, and is it the one you are currently in? - I went from shadow to Ice. I have stayed in Ice since
40. Does your flight influence your lore, if you have any? - nope
41. Is your lore more canon, noncanon, or completely unrelated to canon flight rising lore? - n/A
42. What is your favorite part of this game? (Community, dragons, features, devs, art, etc.) - Community. This is an awesome and friendly community.
43. When you scry, do you deliberately pick everything, or do you tend to hit the randomize buttons? - I pick everything
44. Which npc is your favorite? - scribbles
45. Has your favorite breed changed with time? What was your previous favorite breed(s), and what changed? - It used to be Pearlcatchers. it tends to change over time
46. Do you prefer when your dragons look similar or unified by something, or completely different? - depends on the colors
47. Do you organize your lair by lore, color, order acquired, or something else? - pairs
48. What is your favorite apparel item? - the eyes
49. Do you like to repeatedly use certain apparel items? - If I have multiples of something sometimes...
50. Do you prefer busier or less busy outfits for your dragons? Or do you prefer no outfit at all? - depends on the dragon
51. What apparel item do you want added to the game? - more eyes
52. What is your favorite skin/skincent/accent? - don't have one, aka.... I'm not searching through 4 pages of this. LOL
53. Do you prefer moderns or ancients, or do you like them both equally? - I like moderns more.
54. Do you prefer having mostly adult poses or hatchling poses in your lair? - adults
55. Do you participate in dom in any way? - if I remember
56. Do you tend to sell or hatch the eggs you get? - hatch
57. Do you like to participate in challenges (no spendtember, fodderlocke, etc.) - I occassionall do the ten gen Challenge or the Nuzlocke
58. Do you level your dragons to a certain level? (for coli use, aesthetic, etc.) - currently my goal is level 10
59. Do you plan on going for all achievements one day? - in due time...
60. Do you still have 1 or both of your progens? - Both, in the hibden
61. Did you breed your progens? - Bred them twice, then never again...
62. Did you scatter 1 or both of your progens, or do you plan on scattering? - nope they are as they were when I got them
63. Have you ever done a non-progen scatter project, or are planning too? - The outcome of this scares me not to try lol
64. Do you tend to get attached to and hold on to dragons forever, or is your lair always in rotation? Are there exceptions either way? - See the HIBDEN.... also my coli pair..
65. Do you enjoy purging your lair and/or starting fresh? - I have done this a few times! I'm going through a crisis of this now...
66. Do you have fodder breeders? If yes, do you consider them permas/dress them up/give them lore/etc.? Or are they just there? - yup. Gaolers, Sandsurges, and the obelisks
67. Do you like to make your dragons into breeding pairs? (For lore or just to make cute babies) - *stares at Lair / hibden* ... naaaah I don't do pairs.. nope.. >.>
68. Do you prefer having bred or unbred dragons? - Currently Unbred but they are mostly Gen ones
69. Do you prefer long or short offspring lists, if any at all? - no preference
70. If you breed your dragons, do you have set pairs, or do you breed randomly for different results? - some are set, some I don't care.
71. If you have ever done breeding projects, how long did the longest one take? - Ten gen challenge. Depending on the breeds? can take MOOONTHS
72. If you have ever done breeding projects, what was the luckiest you've ever gotten with offspring? - don't remember
73. If you have ever done breeding projects, do you enjoy them, or find them more frustrating/tedious? - depends on the project. Currently my encyclopedia challenge is proving getting me to cry into my pillow in angst. I jest. maybe
74. Do you hope to complete your bestiary someday? Either through collecting all familiars or awakening them through Fiona. - yes
75. Have you ever won anything from the raffle? If yes, what, and how many times? - HA. lol no.
76. Do you like to change up your dragons on occasion (breed, genes, outfit, etc.), or do they tend to look the same forever? - I have gene changed My level 25 seafoam imp three times..
77. Do you feel like you could ever "complete" your lair, in whatever way that means to you, or is it an eternal project? - Forever eternal.
78. What are your major flight rising goals? (Examples: Lair expansion, rare dragon collection, shiny forum star, full bestiary, etc.) - Lair expansion, nest expansion...
79. What was your biggest flight rising accomplishment? - I didn't have one I don't... think?
80. Are you happy with your lair? - YUP!
81. Do you participate in forum activity frequently, or are you more of a lurker? I tend to lurk
82. Do you like to participate in forum games? If so, which one is your favorite? - I like watching the colorwheel challenges
83. Have you ever made or purchased art for your dragons? If yes, which piece is your favorite? - nope. all the art either came with a dragon I was gifted or bought
84. How do you prefer acquiring new dragons, if you have a preference? (Auction house, hatchery, breeding projects, hatching eggs, etc.) - no preference
85. Which of your dragons, if any, do you feel is underrated? (Fewer likes, doesn't get picked for forum games as often, etc.) - I don't worry about likes or things like that.
86. Do you care if a dragon's eyes match? Do you like when a dragon's eyes contrast their colors? - I used to. Now? not so much
87. What is your favorite eye color and type? - Light primal
88. Do you generally use scenes for your dragons? - I do now.
89. Which scene is your favorite, and why? - no preference
90. Do you collect dragons with special hatchdates? (Holidays, birthdays, etc.) If you have any, which is your favorite? - no preference
91. Do you collect dragons with specific measurements? (Very large, small, glitched, square, etc.) - No preference
92. Who is your clan leader, if any, and why did you pick that dragon? - They're in the hibden. My progens
93. Which flight rising deity is your favorite? Do they differ from your flight? - Ice pops.
94. Are there any in-game food (or non-food) items that you want to eat? - nope
95. Which forums do you frequent the most? - Discussions
96. Have you ever made UMAs? If yes, which of your own is your favorite? - Nope
97. Do you mostly play on computer, mobile, or both? - Comp
98. How do you typically prefer naming your dragons? Do you have a certain style or theme you follow? - If I keep I name them relatively to match ( see: eval and Kineval) but fodder is randomized
99. What is your favorite memory on flight rising? - signing up :)
100. Feel free to ask me a question here, if you'd like! Thank you for participating! - For being sick this was insanely long! I hope you feel better though!
1. What is your favorite flight rising color? - Pearl is a fun one
2. What is your favorite dragon breed? - Right now I have to say it's faes. It tends to change
3. Which pose do you prefer from your favorite breed? - females
4. What is your favorite primary, secondary, and tertiary gene? - Why are you going to make me search this? Tert will be either spines or glimmer
5. Do you have a dream dragon? Were you able to get them, or are you still looking?- I gave up on dream dragons. I go for projects now
6. Favorite hatchling pose? - Abberation. Derpy faces are adorable
7. Who is your avatar dragon? - Ankhora
8. Why are they your avatar? - Her apparel fills the white space
9. Do you change your avatar regularly, or do you keep them the same for a long period of time? - I tend to keep them for a while.
10. Is your lair large, small, or somewhere in between? - In between
11. Are you happy with the size of your lair, or would you prefer if it was bigger or smaller? - its going to get exponentially larger with my current project...
12. Do you collect any specific type of dragon? (breeds, colors, g1s, permababies, etc.) - My Hibden. enough said.. *rip my treasure and gems for that one*
13. Do you exclude any specific type of dragon from your lair? (breeds, colors, g1s, permababies, etc.) - I try NOT to, but right now I'm not a fan of dusthides. That might change.
14. Do you prefer XYZs, XXYs, XYXs, XYYs, or XXXs? - All are good
15. Do you personally value dragons more if they are older/have a lower ID? - I have a few that I will keep around due to Id.. yes
16. Do you personally value dragons more if they are g1s? - Gen ones are my fav
17. Do you personally value dragons more if they were a breeding project? - Look to my tabs, yes.
18. Do you personally value dragons more if they have rare colors? - indifferent here
19. What is your favorite familiar? - Phoenix
20. Do you like to name your familiars? - ... I just recently found out you can name them...
21. Do dragons get a set familiar, or do you change them out regularly? (once they are awakened, for example) - I used to do this. not so much anymore. Hibden will get awakened.
22. Do you enjoy coli grinding? - I once had all deity colored dragons to level 25 once. I sold them.
23. How many projects do you currently have? - Two. (see tabs)
24. Is your current project cost total a number that strikes fear into your heart? (Feel free to do the math for this one, if you dare) - Between breed changes and trying to find certain colors? My treasure / gems will be .... something. x.x
25. Do you like to design bios for your dragons? - not really.
26. Do you give your dragons lore? - Kinda. not really
27. Do you have lore for your lair? - I used to.
28. Do you collect fandragons? - No.
29. Who is your most expensive dragon? Are they still worth the cost to you? - See HIBDEN
30. Who is your cheapest dragon? Would you have paid more for them? - my cheapest dragon were Eval and Kineval. A friend gave those ones to me ala free
31. What is your favorite flight rising holiday/festival, and why? - NOTN because it gets me off my rear and checking the site nearly daily
32. What in-game item(s) do you hoard or collect, if any, and why? - I used to collect The colorful gems and rocks from the crystal venue..
33. Do you tend to prefer site skins or umas, or do you like them both equally? - no preference here
34. Do you prefer skins, skincents, or accents generally?
35. Do you prefer when your dragon is wearing a skin/skincent/accent or not? - no preference
36. Do you or have you ever run a hatchery? - nah
37. Do you like to buy from hatcheries? - no preference
38. Does your lore tend to be more magical or mundane, if you have lore? - N/a
39. What is your favorite flight, and is it the one you are currently in? - I went from shadow to Ice. I have stayed in Ice since
40. Does your flight influence your lore, if you have any? - nope
41. Is your lore more canon, noncanon, or completely unrelated to canon flight rising lore? - n/A
42. What is your favorite part of this game? (Community, dragons, features, devs, art, etc.) - Community. This is an awesome and friendly community.
43. When you scry, do you deliberately pick everything, or do you tend to hit the randomize buttons? - I pick everything
44. Which npc is your favorite? - scribbles
45. Has your favorite breed changed with time? What was your previous favorite breed(s), and what changed? - It used to be Pearlcatchers. it tends to change over time
46. Do you prefer when your dragons look similar or unified by something, or completely different? - depends on the colors
47. Do you organize your lair by lore, color, order acquired, or something else? - pairs
48. What is your favorite apparel item? - the eyes
49. Do you like to repeatedly use certain apparel items? - If I have multiples of something sometimes...
50. Do you prefer busier or less busy outfits for your dragons? Or do you prefer no outfit at all? - depends on the dragon
51. What apparel item do you want added to the game? - more eyes
52. What is your favorite skin/skincent/accent? - don't have one, aka.... I'm not searching through 4 pages of this. LOL
53. Do you prefer moderns or ancients, or do you like them both equally? - I like moderns more.
54. Do you prefer having mostly adult poses or hatchling poses in your lair? - adults
55. Do you participate in dom in any way? - if I remember
56. Do you tend to sell or hatch the eggs you get? - hatch
57. Do you like to participate in challenges (no spendtember, fodderlocke, etc.) - I occassionall do the ten gen Challenge or the Nuzlocke
58. Do you level your dragons to a certain level? (for coli use, aesthetic, etc.) - currently my goal is level 10
59. Do you plan on going for all achievements one day? - in due time...
60. Do you still have 1 or both of your progens? - Both, in the hibden
61. Did you breed your progens? - Bred them twice, then never again...
62. Did you scatter 1 or both of your progens, or do you plan on scattering? - nope they are as they were when I got them
63. Have you ever done a non-progen scatter project, or are planning too? - The outcome of this scares me not to try lol
64. Do you tend to get attached to and hold on to dragons forever, or is your lair always in rotation? Are there exceptions either way? - See the HIBDEN.... also my coli pair..
65. Do you enjoy purging your lair and/or starting fresh? - I have done this a few times! I'm going through a crisis of this now...
66. Do you have fodder breeders? If yes, do you consider them permas/dress them up/give them lore/etc.? Or are they just there? - yup. Gaolers, Sandsurges, and the obelisks
67. Do you like to make your dragons into breeding pairs? (For lore or just to make cute babies) - *stares at Lair / hibden* ... naaaah I don't do pairs.. nope.. >.>
68. Do you prefer having bred or unbred dragons? - Currently Unbred but they are mostly Gen ones
69. Do you prefer long or short offspring lists, if any at all? - no preference
70. If you breed your dragons, do you have set pairs, or do you breed randomly for different results? - some are set, some I don't care.
71. If you have ever done breeding projects, how long did the longest one take? - Ten gen challenge. Depending on the breeds? can take MOOONTHS
72. If you have ever done breeding projects, what was the luckiest you've ever gotten with offspring? - don't remember
73. If you have ever done breeding projects, do you enjoy them, or find them more frustrating/tedious? - depends on the project. Currently my encyclopedia challenge is proving getting me to cry into my pillow in angst. I jest. maybe
74. Do you hope to complete your bestiary someday? Either through collecting all familiars or awakening them through Fiona. - yes
75. Have you ever won anything from the raffle? If yes, what, and how many times? - HA. lol no.
76. Do you like to change up your dragons on occasion (breed, genes, outfit, etc.), or do they tend to look the same forever? - I have gene changed My level 25 seafoam imp three times..
77. Do you feel like you could ever "complete" your lair, in whatever way that means to you, or is it an eternal project? - Forever eternal.
78. What are your major flight rising goals? (Examples: Lair expansion, rare dragon collection, shiny forum star, full bestiary, etc.) - Lair expansion, nest expansion...
79. What was your biggest flight rising accomplishment? - I didn't have one I don't... think?
80. Are you happy with your lair? - YUP!
81. Do you participate in forum activity frequently, or are you more of a lurker? I tend to lurk
82. Do you like to participate in forum games? If so, which one is your favorite? - I like watching the colorwheel challenges
83. Have you ever made or purchased art for your dragons? If yes, which piece is your favorite? - nope. all the art either came with a dragon I was gifted or bought
84. How do you prefer acquiring new dragons, if you have a preference? (Auction house, hatchery, breeding projects, hatching eggs, etc.) - no preference
85. Which of your dragons, if any, do you feel is underrated? (Fewer likes, doesn't get picked for forum games as often, etc.) - I don't worry about likes or things like that.
86. Do you care if a dragon's eyes match? Do you like when a dragon's eyes contrast their colors? - I used to. Now? not so much
87. What is your favorite eye color and type? - Light primal
88. Do you generally use scenes for your dragons? - I do now.
89. Which scene is your favorite, and why? - no preference
90. Do you collect dragons with special hatchdates? (Holidays, birthdays, etc.) If you have any, which is your favorite? - no preference
91. Do you collect dragons with specific measurements? (Very large, small, glitched, square, etc.) - No preference
92. Who is your clan leader, if any, and why did you pick that dragon? - They're in the hibden. My progens
93. Which flight rising deity is your favorite? Do they differ from your flight? - Ice pops.
94. Are there any in-game food (or non-food) items that you want to eat? - nope
95. Which forums do you frequent the most? - Discussions
96. Have you ever made UMAs? If yes, which of your own is your favorite? - Nope
97. Do you mostly play on computer, mobile, or both? - Comp
98. How do you typically prefer naming your dragons? Do you have a certain style or theme you follow? - If I keep I name them relatively to match ( see: eval and Kineval) but fodder is randomized
99. What is your favorite memory on flight rising? - signing up :)
100. Feel free to ask me a question here, if you'd like! Thank you for participating! - For being sick this was insanely long! I hope you feel better though!
Ah yes, something to do
[b]1. What is your favorite flight rising color?[/b]
Out of the gate, something that'll take me a bit of time to answer. I find anything in the pink range enjoyable, but collect mostly blue, yellow, brown and black coloured dragons.
So, to narrow it down. Probably Rose? I especially love the yellow accents it has (and (I chose it for my progen on my lost account).
[b]2. What is your favorite dragon breed?[/b] Ridgeback
[b]3. Which pose do you prefer from your favorite breed?[/b] Male. I love their snoots
[b]4. What is your favorite primary, secondary, and tertiary gene?[/b] Wrought / Pinstripe, Noxtide / Malachite, Flecks
[b]5. Do you have a dream dragon? Were you able to get them, or are you still looking?[/b] If you count fandragon projects, then yeah. Still working on the breeding projects.
[b]6. Favorite hatchling pose?[/b] Used to be Snapper, now I like Fathoms a tad bit more.
[b]7. Who is your avatar dragon?[/b]
This guy!
[b]8. Why are they your avatar?[/b] Ridgeback. And I felt like I needed an avatar
[b]9. Do you change your avatar regularly, or do you keep them the same for a long period of time?[/b]
Once I finish my elemental representatives, I'll try to be more festive and change avatars. For now, Blank is staying.
[b]10. Is your lair large, small, or somewhere in between?[/b] There are larger lairs out there, so I'd say somewhere in between.
[b]11. Are you happy with the size of your lair, or would you prefer if it was bigger or smaller?[/b] Bigger! More space for fodder = stonks = funds for projects
[b]12. Do you collect any specific type of dragon? (breeds, colors, g1s, permababies, etc.)[/b] I tried collecting only blue/yellow dragons in the inception of this account, but I failed rather quickly. So right now? It's not very cohesive
[b]13. Do you exclude any specific type of dragon from your lair? (breeds, colors, g1s, permababies, etc.)[/b] I do not want to be a mainly g1 lair (g1 projects cost a lot, learned from my lost account), so I don't actively collect them. Not interested in permababies, either (I like having the opportunity to create new dragons).
[b]14. Do you prefer XYZs, XXYs, XYXs, XYYs, or XXXs?[/b] XYZs
[b]15. Do you personally value dragons more if they are older/have a lower ID?[/b] Not really? If bought on fodder floor, I do try to rehome. Otherwise, they end up exalted like the rest if I don't have any story plans for them.
[b]16. Do you personally value dragons more if they are g1s?[/b] If I gene them by myself, then yeah.
[b]17. Do you personally value dragons more if they were a breeding project?[/b] YEAH, especially when I poured hours into obtaining the end result.
[b]18. Do you personally value dragons more if they have rare colors?[/b] Not really
[b]19. What is your favorite familiar?[/b]
This guy!!
[b]20. Do you like to name your familiars?[/b] Unless they're relevant to my stories, then I don't really name them. But it is nice to see something other than "Familiar" written above their head.
[b]21. Do dragons get a set familiar, or do you change them out regularly? (once they are awakened, for example)[/b] For now, I change them out once they are awakened. But IF the familiar is story-relevant, then they will remain attached to the dragon.
[b]22. Do you enjoy coli grinding?[/b] Eh, it's not really exciting. Though "free food" is nice. Bearable if I have sth running in the background.
[b]23. How many projects do you currently have?[/b] About ~30 projects (counting genes + breeding projects). I also have scried some I'm on the fence about, so the number may increase.
[b]24. Is your current project cost total a number that strikes fear into your heart? (Feel free to do the math for this one, if you dare)[/b] For the genes, it's just above 2.3 mln treasure right now. Mostly thanks to the habit of avoiding gem genes unless absolutely necessary. The more daunting thing is getting materials for all the baldwin genes.
[b]25. Do you like to design bios for your dragons?[/b] I try to, but I think I'll end up using somebody's template instead.
[s][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/67087480]UX desin is mi passion[/url][/s]
[b]26. Do you give your dragons lore?[/b] Yeah
[b]27. Do you have lore for your lair?[/b] I'm trying, but yeah
[b]28. Do you collect fandragons?[/b] You could say that, but I'm just starting to.
[b]29. Who is your most expensive dragon? Are they still worth the cost to you?[/b] Well, until I get to the Nature Ambassador (Wildclaw), then dross is probably the most expensive one (due to the breedscroll).
[b]30. Who is your cheapest dragon? Would you have paid more for them?[/b]
Got Titania for free in a adoption thread. Usually, a dragon like her would be 7kt on AH, so I would probably pay that.
[b]31. What is your favorite flight rising holiday/festival, and why?[/b] NotN is the best, good way to get funds for projects.
[b]32. What in-game item(s) do you hoard or collect, if any, and why?[/b] Not really intentional, but I've been hoarding transmutation reagents (slime, ooze, sludge etc.). You know, in case I need them.
[b]33. Do you tend to prefer site skins or umas, or do you like them both equally?[/b] Both is good
[b]34. Do you prefer skins, skincents, or accents generally?[/b] Accents that do not cover the genes I worked so hard to apply. But mostly depends on the dragon, really. Some skins are STUNNING.
[b]35. Do you prefer when your dragon is wearing a skin/skincent/accent or not?[/b] If they don't need it, they don't wear it.
[b]36. Do you or have you ever run a hatchery?[/b] A failed hatchery that I deleted shortly after establishing it. I like the idea of running one, but I can't really execute it properly ^^"
[b]37. Do you like to buy from hatcheries?[/b] I'm not opposed to it, but I'm on AH more frequently.
[b]38. Does your lore tend to be more magical or mundane, if you have lore?[/b] I think it's a bit more on the mundane side.
[b]39. What is your favorite flight, and is it the one you are currently in?[/b] Arcane & Plague are pretty neat. I do like Lightning, though.
[b]40. Does your flight influence your lore, if you have any?[/b] Yeah, most of the stories take place in Lightning.
[b]41. Is your lore more canon, noncanon, or completely unrelated to canon flight rising lore?[/b] I'm trying to be canon-compliant w/ a few headcanons sprinkled in.
[b]42. What is your favorite part of this game? (Community, dragons, features, devs, art, etc.)[/b] Customization and community.
[b]43. When you scry, do you deliberately pick everything, or do you tend to hit the randomize buttons?[/b] Very deliberate about the genes I pick.
[b]44. Which npc is your favorite?[/b]
Aesthetically: Arvelle and Roundsey
Personality-wise: Glass and Gloss, Tomo, Fiona
Based on mechanics: Pinkerton, Baldwin, Joxar
[b]45. Has your favorite breed changed with time? What was your previous favorite breed(s), and what changed?[/b] Guardian + Mirror -> Fae + Nocturne -> Ridgeback
The first few were the first dragons I ever adopted. Then, a certain game influenced my current like of Ridgebacks [emoji=ridgeback laughing size=1]
[b]46. Do you prefer when your dragons look similar or unified by something, or completely different?[/b] Everybody is different in their own unique way, I also like that for dragons.
[b]47. Do you organize your lair by lore, color, order acquired, or something else?[/b] By lore location and importance.
[b]48. What is your favorite apparel item?[/b]
[item=Classy Waistcoat]
And others of the same set / recolours.
[b]49. Do you like to repeatedly use certain apparel items?[/b] ...uh, waistcoats & tailcoats
[b]50. Do you prefer busier or less busy outfits for your dragons? Or do you prefer no outfit at all?[/b] Don't really like anything too busy, especially if I'm going to end up drawing that dragon later
[b]51. What apparel item do you want added to the game?[/b] BOWTIES, TIES, MORE CASUAL CLOTHES, MORE PANTS
[b]52. What is your favorite skin/skincent/accent?[/b] All are equal in my book (I don't have a favorite oops)
[b]53. Do you prefer moderns or ancients, or do you like them both equally?[/b] Both is good
[b]54. Do you prefer having mostly adult poses or hatchling poses in your lair?[/b] Adult poses
[b]55. Do you participate in dom in any way?[/b] Besides exalting on my own terms, not really. Not yet, anyway
[b]56. Do you tend to sell or hatch the eggs you get?[/b] Hatch elemental eggs for achievements, send them to the den for slots. If they don't have any more uses to me, then probably sell for project funds (what I did with my remaining nocturne eggs).
[b]57. Do you like to participate in challenges (no spendtember, fodderlocke, etc.)[/b] I participated in no spendtember, so yes! They're pretty fun :D I'm hoping to start a fodderlocke after expanding my lair some more
[b]58. Do you level your dragons to a certain level? (for coli use, aesthetic, etc.)[/b] I'd like for my permas to be all at 25lv for aesthetic purposes, but they'll likely remain at 1lv for the time being.
[b]59. Do you plan on going for all achievements one day?[/b] I'm hoping to get them on my own terms.
[b]60. Do you still have 1 or both of your progens?[/b] Both of them are still here!
[b]61. Did you breed your progens?[/b] With each other? Lore-wise, that wouldn't work out (they're not interested in each other). With some other dragon?? Maybe
[s]On my lost account I bred them a lot, so I'm trying a different approach[/s]
[s]62. Did you scatter 1 or both of your progens, or do you plan on scattering?[/s] No scattering, I'm happy with how they ended up
[b]63. Have you ever done a non-progen scatter project, or are planning too?[/b] I recently [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3370373/122#post_58215676]contributed to one[/url], but I'll never do one myself
[b]64. Do you tend to get attached to and hold on to dragons forever, or is your lair always in rotation? Are there exceptions either way?[/b] Yeah, which is why I have permas. The dragons I use for breeding projects are usually in rotation.
[b]65. Do you enjoy purging your lair and/or starting fresh?[/b] I get those thoughts when I'm at my lowest, so not particularily.
[b]66. Do you have fodder breeders? If yes, do you consider them permas/dress them up/give them lore/etc.? Or are they just there?[/b] One of my pairs has lore (I consider them permas + are dressed up). The others are just there for the time being.
[b]67. Do you like to make your dragons into breeding pairs? (For lore or just to make cute babies)[/b] If it's a perma, then I breed them for lore + I'm particular with who they are paired.
[b]68. Do you prefer having bred or unbred dragons?[/b] Unbred dragons are nice, but that doesn't mean I can't stand those with an offspring list.
[b]69. Do you prefer long or short offspring lists, if any at all?[/b] Named offspring, even if its just a joke name. Still, I have a slight preference for short offspring list. [s]Unless I'm going for a long offspring list due to a challenge or something of that sort[/s]
[b]70. If you breed your dragons, do you have set pairs, or do you breed randomly for different results?[/b] Set pairs if permanent dragons / breeding project dragons. Might breed randomly if both are fodder.
[b]71. If you have ever done breeding projects, how long did the longest one take?[/b] I still haven't finished a single breeding project, but the one I've been working on the longest will reach 1 year in May.
[b]72. If you have ever done breeding projects, what was the luckiest you've ever gotten with offspring?[/b] Passed a gem gene, when one of the parents had a really common gene.
[b]73. If you have ever done breeding projects, do you enjoy them, or find them more frustrating/tedious?[/b] The first breeding project I ever planned is getting pretty ridiculous with how long it's taking me. One of the parents is a ONE OFF from the coloration I'm looking for. But it's okay, since I can regain funds by selling cheap hatchlings. Overall, pretty enjoyable.
[b]74. Do you hope to complete your bestiary someday? Either through collecting all familiars or awakening them through Fiona.[/b] Hoping to awaken all familiars through Fiona. There's no way I'm getting even a fraction of a light sprite.
[b]75. Have you ever won anything from the raffle? If yes, what, and how many times?[/b] So far, I've won a "Gem Thief"... right after buying one from AH [emoji=ridgeback tongue size=1]
[b]76. Do you like to change up your dragons on occasion (breed, genes, outfit, etc.), or do they tend to look the same forever?[/b] I occasionally change their apparel. If I gened them to look a certain way, then they'll likely remain like that forever.
[b]77. Do you feel like you could ever "complete" your lair, in whatever way that means to you, or is it an eternal project?[/b] It may be a sisyphean task if I keep buying new permas... A complete lair for me would be: all permas have lore, all permas have art, have all elemental ambassadors, complete all chapters for my lair's lore. And I'll probably add even more criteria. So, probably not!
[b]78. What are your major flight rising goals? (Examples: Lair expansion, rare dragon collection, shiny forum star, full bestiary, etc.)[/b] Completely expanded lair and hibernation den, for all my dragon needs.
[b]79. What was your biggest flight rising accomplishment?[/b] Probably participating in the 100MLN ID milestone and [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/100001570]getting "relatively close"[/url]. I have a souvenir dragon, at least
[b]80. Are you happy with your lair?[/b] I like my dragons, they mean plenty to me. But I feel it lacks something. And I lack focus and energy to fix that. To put it on a scale from 1-10 (10 being very satisfied), I'd say 3.
[b]81. Do you participate in forum activity frequently, or are you more of a lurker?[/b] I do add my two cents sometimes, trying to stick to the topic at hand. With varying results ofc, since some things do get lost in translation. I prefer reading most posts to cluttering them with my awful responses [emoji=ridgeback laughing size=1]
[b]82. Do you like to participate in forum games? If so, which one is your favorite?[/b] I like "badly draw the dragon above you", mostly because the expectations are low and I still get to practice drawing.
[b]83. Have you ever made or purchased art for your dragons? If yes, which piece is your favorite?[/b] I have drawn some art and I have gotten art from practice threads. I'm not a fan of my own art, I value others' art way higher. That being said, this one of [url=https://i.imgur.com/RBzT6vP.png]Meurig[/url] by @DistressdDonut is my current fave ^^
[b]84. How do you prefer acquiring new dragons, if you have a preference? (Auction house, hatchery, breeding projects, hatching eggs, etc.)[/b]
Lore dragons: a variety of ways, but mostly through Auction House or Exalt Share
Dragons for future pairs: through breeding projects
Fandragons: Breeding projects (to distance them enough from an active player)
[b]85. Which of your dragons, if any, do you feel is underrated? (Fewer likes, doesn't get picked for forum games as often, etc.)[/b]
These guys, though I do understand my lair is NOWHERE completion.
[b]86. Do you care if a dragon's eyes match? Do you like when a dragon's eyes contrast their colors?[/b] Contrast is interesting when it works. And in a way, I do care if they match - they irk me if they're too bright or stand out too much.
[b]87. What is your favorite eye color and type?[/b] Earth Rare and Plague Unusual - the original Dark eyetypes.
[b]88. Do you generally use scenes for your dragons?[/b] Only if they fit into their lore.
[b]89. Which scene is your favorite, and why?[/b] Art Studio. Just the mention of art is enough.
[b]90. Do you collect dragons with special hatchdates? (Holidays, birthdays, etc.) If you have any, which is your favorite?[/b] Not really, but they're neat.
[b]91. Do you collect dragons with specific measurements? (Very large, small, glitched, square, etc.)[/b] Not really, but they're neat and I keep them in mind when writing lore. [s]I wish I had at least one glitched noc / bog, but alas, they're out of my budget.[/s]
[b]92. Who is your clan leader, if any, and why did you pick that dragon?[/b]
My lair is divided into a few separate clans / locations, so there isn't really one leader.
For the Midpoint Hospital, there's [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/94220302]Schell[/url]. He's my custom progenitor and main character for the first chapters of my lair's lore.
For ARGINE, there's [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/94056838]Kral[/url]. He's a Ridgeback (native breed) and fits his role perfectly as the antagonist for Schell.
For the Carrion Canyon gangs, the factions tend to change their leaders frequently. But there's [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/97038703]Kingpin[/url], whose gang is managing a tourist [s]trap[/s] retreat on the side. I wanted to play with the idea of a not so good Guardian.
There's also a desert town (currently unnamed), run by the [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/95533601]town-elected mayor[/url]. I liked Furcula for her colours, but didn't really know where to fit her in my lore. But then I saw that the town I was planning didn't have a leader and things just clicked.
Yet another location I'm planning is Turrets of Goldensparc's Kyanos District (or just Kyanos District), governed by [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/98106938]Coulomb[/url]. She's my Lightning Ambassador, and I've wanted the rest of the elemental representatives to fit into my lore.
The last one is a club & pub located in the same district from above, managed by [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/98540095]Nite[/url]. Originally, I wanted to breed him only once and then send him off as fodder. But I grew a tad attached and decided to put him in charge of the club.
[b]93. Which flight rising deity is your favorite? Do they differ from your flight? [/b]Stormcatcher peak design in my book. Normal limbs and then mantis arms.
[b]94. Are there any in-game food (or non-food) items that you want to eat?[/b] I'd be willing to try any kind of fruit. I don't trust the rest
[b]95. Which forums do you frequent the most?[/b] Flight Rising Discussion plus Quests and Challenges.
[b]96. Have you ever made UMAs? If yes, which of your own is your favorite?[/b] No. I have started making a custom one for Laub involving a "feather cap" and face mask based on the ones doctors have. I'm just not sure if to add the robe aswell, since drawing that over the hand-wings had proven to be... difficult. (For context: Laub is an Auraboa)
[b]97. Do you mostly play on computer, mobile, or both?[/b] I'm on computer, it's the most comfortable for me.
[b]98. How do you typically prefer naming your dragons? Do you have a certain style or theme you follow?[/b] Generally, I think of an adjective / object that describes them and search for its name in a different language. I'm also using numbers 1 through 11 + face card names to signify important dragons to lore.
[b]99. What is your favorite memory on flight rising?[/b] Participating in the 100MLN ID Milestone thread and seeing the page count rise by each second.
[b]100. Feel free to ask me a question here, if you'd like! Thank you for participating! [/b]
Thanks for giving me something to do for 2 hours (I'm such a slowpoke lol)
As for the question... I don't think I have anything to ask? By the 49. question I lost all my steam ha.
Oh, maybe I do: do you read through all of the posts on this thread? As in, do you take note of all of the answers? [s]sorry if this is weirdly worded[/s]
1. What is your favorite flight rising color?
Out of the gate, something that'll take me a bit of time to answer. I find anything in the pink range enjoyable, but collect mostly blue, yellow, brown and black coloured dragons.
So, to narrow it down. Probably Rose? I especially love the yellow accents it has (and (I chose it for my progen on my lost account).
2. What is your favorite dragon breed? Ridgeback
3. Which pose do you prefer from your favorite breed? Male. I love their snoots
4. What is your favorite primary, secondary, and tertiary gene? Wrought / Pinstripe, Noxtide / Malachite, Flecks
5. Do you have a dream dragon? Were you able to get them, or are you still looking? If you count fandragon projects, then yeah. Still working on the breeding projects.
6. Favorite hatchling pose? Used to be Snapper, now I like Fathoms a tad bit more.
7. Who is your avatar dragon?
This guy!
8. Why are they your avatar? Ridgeback. And I felt like I needed an avatar
9. Do you change your avatar regularly, or do you keep them the same for a long period of time?
Once I finish my elemental representatives, I'll try to be more festive and change avatars. For now, Blank is staying.
10. Is your lair large, small, or somewhere in between? There are larger lairs out there, so I'd say somewhere in between.
11. Are you happy with the size of your lair, or would you prefer if it was bigger or smaller? Bigger! More space for fodder = stonks = funds for projects
12. Do you collect any specific type of dragon? (breeds, colors, g1s, permababies, etc.) I tried collecting only blue/yellow dragons in the inception of this account, but I failed rather quickly. So right now? It's not very cohesive
13. Do you exclude any specific type of dragon from your lair? (breeds, colors, g1s, permababies, etc.) I do not want to be a mainly g1 lair (g1 projects cost a lot, learned from my lost account), so I don't actively collect them. Not interested in permababies, either (I like having the opportunity to create new dragons).
14. Do you prefer XYZs, XXYs, XYXs, XYYs, or XXXs? XYZs
15. Do you personally value dragons more if they are older/have a lower ID? Not really? If bought on fodder floor, I do try to rehome. Otherwise, they end up exalted like the rest if I don't have any story plans for them.
16. Do you personally value dragons more if they are g1s? If I gene them by myself, then yeah.
17. Do you personally value dragons more if they were a breeding project? YEAH, especially when I poured hours into obtaining the end result.
18. Do you personally value dragons more if they have rare colors? Not really
19. What is your favorite familiar?
Will you forget the head-slicing thing?!
This guy!!
20. Do you like to name your familiars? Unless they're relevant to my stories, then I don't really name them. But it is nice to see something other than "Familiar" written above their head.
21. Do dragons get a set familiar, or do you change them out regularly? (once they are awakened, for example) For now, I change them out once they are awakened. But IF the familiar is story-relevant, then they will remain attached to the dragon.
22. Do you enjoy coli grinding? Eh, it's not really exciting. Though "free food" is nice. Bearable if I have sth running in the background.
23. How many projects do you currently have? About ~30 projects (counting genes + breeding projects). I also have scried some I'm on the fence about, so the number may increase.
24. Is your current project cost total a number that strikes fear into your heart? (Feel free to do the math for this one, if you dare) For the genes, it's just above 2.3 mln treasure right now. Mostly thanks to the habit of avoiding gem genes unless absolutely necessary. The more daunting thing is getting materials for all the baldwin genes.
25. Do you like to design bios for your dragons? I try to, but I think I'll end up using somebody's template instead. UX desin is mi passion
26. Do you give your dragons lore? Yeah
27. Do you have lore for your lair? I'm trying, but yeah
28. Do you collect fandragons? You could say that, but I'm just starting to.
29. Who is your most expensive dragon? Are they still worth the cost to you? Well, until I get to the Nature Ambassador (Wildclaw), then dross is probably the most expensive one (due to the breedscroll).
30. Who is your cheapest dragon? Would you have paid more for them?
Got Titania for free in a adoption thread. Usually, a dragon like her would be 7kt on AH, so I would probably pay that.
31. What is your favorite flight rising holiday/festival, and why? NotN is the best, good way to get funds for projects.
32. What in-game item(s) do you hoard or collect, if any, and why? Not really intentional, but I've been hoarding transmutation reagents (slime, ooze, sludge etc.). You know, in case I need them.
33. Do you tend to prefer site skins or umas, or do you like them both equally? Both is good
34. Do you prefer skins, skincents, or accents generally? Accents that do not cover the genes I worked so hard to apply. But mostly depends on the dragon, really. Some skins are STUNNING.
35. Do you prefer when your dragon is wearing a skin/skincent/accent or not? If they don't need it, they don't wear it.
36. Do you or have you ever run a hatchery? A failed hatchery that I deleted shortly after establishing it. I like the idea of running one, but I can't really execute it properly ^^"
37. Do you like to buy from hatcheries? I'm not opposed to it, but I'm on AH more frequently.
38. Does your lore tend to be more magical or mundane, if you have lore? I think it's a bit more on the mundane side.
39. What is your favorite flight, and is it the one you are currently in? Arcane & Plague are pretty neat. I do like Lightning, though.
40. Does your flight influence your lore, if you have any? Yeah, most of the stories take place in Lightning.
41. Is your lore more canon, noncanon, or completely unrelated to canon flight rising lore? I'm trying to be canon-compliant w/ a few headcanons sprinkled in.
42. What is your favorite part of this game? (Community, dragons, features, devs, art, etc.) Customization and community.
43. When you scry, do you deliberately pick everything, or do you tend to hit the randomize buttons? Very deliberate about the genes I pick.
44. Which npc is your favorite?
Aesthetically: Arvelle and Roundsey
Personality-wise: Glass and Gloss, Tomo, Fiona
Based on mechanics: Pinkerton, Baldwin, Joxar
45. Has your favorite breed changed with time? What was your previous favorite breed(s), and what changed? Guardian + Mirror -> Fae + Nocturne -> Ridgeback
The first few were the first dragons I ever adopted. Then, a certain game influenced my current like of Ridgebacks
46. Do you prefer when your dragons look similar or unified by something, or completely different? Everybody is different in their own unique way, I also like that for dragons.
47. Do you organize your lair by lore, color, order acquired, or something else? By lore location and importance.
48. What is your favorite apparel item?
Classy Waistcoat
This waistcoat slims and shapes. You look rather fetching.
And others of the same set / recolours.
49. Do you like to repeatedly use certain apparel items? ...uh, waistcoats & tailcoats
50. Do you prefer busier or less busy outfits for your dragons? Or do you prefer no outfit at all? Don't really like anything too busy, especially if I'm going to end up drawing that dragon later
51. What apparel item do you want added to the game? BOWTIES, TIES, MORE CASUAL CLOTHES, MORE PANTS
52. What is your favorite skin/skincent/accent? All are equal in my book (I don't have a favorite oops)
53. Do you prefer moderns or ancients, or do you like them both equally? Both is good
54. Do you prefer having mostly adult poses or hatchling poses in your lair? Adult poses
55. Do you participate in dom in any way? Besides exalting on my own terms, not really. Not yet, anyway
56. Do you tend to sell or hatch the eggs you get? Hatch elemental eggs for achievements, send them to the den for slots. If they don't have any more uses to me, then probably sell for project funds (what I did with my remaining nocturne eggs).
57. Do you like to participate in challenges (no spendtember, fodderlocke, etc.) I participated in no spendtember, so yes! They're pretty fun :D I'm hoping to start a fodderlocke after expanding my lair some more
58. Do you level your dragons to a certain level? (for coli use, aesthetic, etc.) I'd like for my permas to be all at 25lv for aesthetic purposes, but they'll likely remain at 1lv for the time being.
59. Do you plan on going for all achievements one day? I'm hoping to get them on my own terms.
60. Do you still have 1 or both of your progens? Both of them are still here!
61. Did you breed your progens? With each other? Lore-wise, that wouldn't work out (they're not interested in each other). With some other dragon?? Maybe On my lost account I bred them a lot, so I'm trying a different approach
62. Did you scatter 1 or both of your progens, or do you plan on scattering? No scattering, I'm happy with how they ended up
63. Have you ever done a non-progen scatter project, or are planning too? I recently contributed to one, but I'll never do one myself
64. Do you tend to get attached to and hold on to dragons forever, or is your lair always in rotation? Are there exceptions either way? Yeah, which is why I have permas. The dragons I use for breeding projects are usually in rotation.
65. Do you enjoy purging your lair and/or starting fresh? I get those thoughts when I'm at my lowest, so not particularily.
66. Do you have fodder breeders? If yes, do you consider them permas/dress them up/give them lore/etc.? Or are they just there? One of my pairs has lore (I consider them permas + are dressed up). The others are just there for the time being.
67. Do you like to make your dragons into breeding pairs? (For lore or just to make cute babies) If it's a perma, then I breed them for lore + I'm particular with who they are paired.
68. Do you prefer having bred or unbred dragons? Unbred dragons are nice, but that doesn't mean I can't stand those with an offspring list.
69. Do you prefer long or short offspring lists, if any at all? Named offspring, even if its just a joke name. Still, I have a slight preference for short offspring list. Unless I'm going for a long offspring list due to a challenge or something of that sort
70. If you breed your dragons, do you have set pairs, or do you breed randomly for different results? Set pairs if permanent dragons / breeding project dragons. Might breed randomly if both are fodder.
71. If you have ever done breeding projects, how long did the longest one take? I still haven't finished a single breeding project, but the one I've been working on the longest will reach 1 year in May.
72. If you have ever done breeding projects, what was the luckiest you've ever gotten with offspring? Passed a gem gene, when one of the parents had a really common gene.
73. If you have ever done breeding projects, do you enjoy them, or find them more frustrating/tedious? The first breeding project I ever planned is getting pretty ridiculous with how long it's taking me. One of the parents is a ONE OFF from the coloration I'm looking for. But it's okay, since I can regain funds by selling cheap hatchlings. Overall, pretty enjoyable.
74. Do you hope to complete your bestiary someday? Either through collecting all familiars or awakening them through Fiona. Hoping to awaken all familiars through Fiona. There's no way I'm getting even a fraction of a light sprite.
75. Have you ever won anything from the raffle? If yes, what, and how many times? So far, I've won a "Gem Thief"... right after buying one from AH
76. Do you like to change up your dragons on occasion (breed, genes, outfit, etc.), or do they tend to look the same forever? I occasionally change their apparel. If I gened them to look a certain way, then they'll likely remain like that forever.
77. Do you feel like you could ever "complete" your lair, in whatever way that means to you, or is it an eternal project? It may be a sisyphean task if I keep buying new permas... A complete lair for me would be: all permas have lore, all permas have art, have all elemental ambassadors, complete all chapters for my lair's lore. And I'll probably add even more criteria. So, probably not!
78. What are your major flight rising goals? (Examples: Lair expansion, rare dragon collection, shiny forum star, full bestiary, etc.) Completely expanded lair and hibernation den, for all my dragon needs.
79. What was your biggest flight rising accomplishment? Probably participating in the 100MLN ID milestone and getting "relatively close". I have a souvenir dragon, at least
80. Are you happy with your lair? I like my dragons, they mean plenty to me. But I feel it lacks something. And I lack focus and energy to fix that. To put it on a scale from 1-10 (10 being very satisfied), I'd say 3.
81. Do you participate in forum activity frequently, or are you more of a lurker? I do add my two cents sometimes, trying to stick to the topic at hand. With varying results ofc, since some things do get lost in translation. I prefer reading most posts to cluttering them with my awful responses
82. Do you like to participate in forum games? If so, which one is your favorite? I like "badly draw the dragon above you", mostly because the expectations are low and I still get to practice drawing.
83. Have you ever made or purchased art for your dragons? If yes, which piece is your favorite? I have drawn some art and I have gotten art from practice threads. I'm not a fan of my own art, I value others' art way higher. That being said, this one of Meurig by @DistressdDonut is my current fave ^^
84. How do you prefer acquiring new dragons, if you have a preference? (Auction house, hatchery, breeding projects, hatching eggs, etc.)
Lore dragons: a variety of ways, but mostly through Auction House or Exalt Share
Dragons for future pairs: through breeding projects
Fandragons: Breeding projects (to distance them enough from an active player)
85. Which of your dragons, if any, do you feel is underrated? (Fewer likes, doesn't get picked for forum games as often, etc.)
These guys, though I do understand my lair is NOWHERE completion.
86. Do you care if a dragon's eyes match? Do you like when a dragon's eyes contrast their colors? Contrast is interesting when it works. And in a way, I do care if they match - they irk me if they're too bright or stand out too much.
87. What is your favorite eye color and type? Earth Rare and Plague Unusual - the original Dark eyetypes.
88. Do you generally use scenes for your dragons? Only if they fit into their lore.
89. Which scene is your favorite, and why? Art Studio. Just the mention of art is enough.
90. Do you collect dragons with special hatchdates? (Holidays, birthdays, etc.) If you have any, which is your favorite? Not really, but they're neat.
91. Do you collect dragons with specific measurements? (Very large, small, glitched, square, etc.) Not really, but they're neat and I keep them in mind when writing lore. I wish I had at least one glitched noc / bog, but alas, they're out of my budget.
92. Who is your clan leader, if any, and why did you pick that dragon?
My lair is divided into a few separate clans / locations, so there isn't really one leader.
For the Midpoint Hospital, there's Schell. He's my custom progenitor and main character for the first chapters of my lair's lore.
For ARGINE, there's Kral. He's a Ridgeback (native breed) and fits his role perfectly as the antagonist for Schell.
For the Carrion Canyon gangs, the factions tend to change their leaders frequently. But there's Kingpin, whose gang is managing a tourist trap retreat on the side. I wanted to play with the idea of a not so good Guardian.
There's also a desert town (currently unnamed), run by the town-elected mayor. I liked Furcula for her colours, but didn't really know where to fit her in my lore. But then I saw that the town I was planning didn't have a leader and things just clicked.
Yet another location I'm planning is Turrets of Goldensparc's Kyanos District (or just Kyanos District), governed by Coulomb. She's my Lightning Ambassador, and I've wanted the rest of the elemental representatives to fit into my lore.
The last one is a club & pub located in the same district from above, managed by Nite. Originally, I wanted to breed him only once and then send him off as fodder. But I grew a tad attached and decided to put him in charge of the club.
93. Which flight rising deity is your favorite? Do they differ from your flight? Stormcatcher peak design in my book. Normal limbs and then mantis arms.
94. Are there any in-game food (or non-food) items that you want to eat? I'd be willing to try any kind of fruit. I don't trust the rest
95. Which forums do you frequent the most? Flight Rising Discussion plus Quests and Challenges.
96. Have you ever made UMAs? If yes, which of your own is your favorite? No. I have started making a custom one for Laub involving a "feather cap" and face mask based on the ones doctors have. I'm just not sure if to add the robe aswell, since drawing that over the hand-wings had proven to be... difficult. (For context: Laub is an Auraboa)
97. Do you mostly play on computer, mobile, or both? I'm on computer, it's the most comfortable for me.
98. How do you typically prefer naming your dragons? Do you have a certain style or theme you follow? Generally, I think of an adjective / object that describes them and search for its name in a different language. I'm also using numbers 1 through 11 + face card names to signify important dragons to lore.
99. What is your favorite memory on flight rising? Participating in the 100MLN ID Milestone thread and seeing the page count rise by each second.
100. Feel free to ask me a question here, if you'd like! Thank you for participating!
Thanks for giving me something to do for 2 hours (I'm such a slowpoke lol)
As for the question... I don't think I have anything to ask? By the 49. question I lost all my steam ha.
Oh, maybe I do: do you read through all of the posts on this thread? As in, do you take note of all of the answers? sorry if this is weirdly worded
thank you for putting this together! now to go spend too much time browsing other's responses lmao
how long did it take you to think up and write all these questions? did you get inspiration from somewhere, or was it all just off the top of your head?
also, if you coli, what's your favorite venue? even if you don't, is there one you just think is pretty?
also, for fun, this took me 4 hours and 30 minutes to fill out all 100 questions! wow.. uh. so much more i could've done instead. enjoy me talking way too much i guess????
OVER 4 HOURS my goodness, thank you for taking the time! I just finished reading through yours and I really enjoyed your thorough responses!
To answer your first question, I wrote most of those over 2 days when they would pop into my head. The last 30 or so questions I needed to poke around the website looking for inspiration, like I was exploring my dragon's pages and I thought of the measurement question, for example. Most of them were a spontaneous thought though, I've been on this website for too long lol.
I do coli a ton, and my preferred venue is the mire for training, so that's where I've spent the most time. Unfortunately the mire is one of my least favorites aesthetically ;-; Visually I looove blooming grove and crystal pools
thank you for putting this together! now to go spend too much time browsing other's responses lmao
how long did it take you to think up and write all these questions? did you get inspiration from somewhere, or was it all just off the top of your head?
also, if you coli, what's your favorite venue? even if you don't, is there one you just think is pretty?
also, for fun, this took me 4 hours and 30 minutes to fill out all 100 questions! wow.. uh. so much more i could've done instead. enjoy me talking way too much i guess????
OVER 4 HOURS my goodness, thank you for taking the time! I just finished reading through yours and I really enjoyed your thorough responses!
To answer your first question, I wrote most of those over 2 days when they would pop into my head. The last 30 or so questions I needed to poke around the website looking for inspiration, like I was exploring my dragon's pages and I thought of the measurement question, for example. Most of them were a spontaneous thought though, I've been on this website for too long lol.
I do coli a ton, and my preferred venue is the mire for training, so that's where I've spent the most time. Unfortunately the mire is one of my least favorites aesthetically ;-; Visually I looove blooming grove and crystal pools