
Flight Rising Discussion

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TOPIC | Advertising Report Thread
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[quote name="Kaljaia" date=2016-08-15 07:44:04] [quote name="Amphax" date=2016-08-13 15:07:57] [quote name="chespin" date=2016-08-12 11:55:01] [img][/img] [color=#545b69] Getting these again. Couldn't grab the url because I could not interact with the page without clicking the OK button [/quote] Got this today. Had to Ctrl+Alt+Del and task manager manually shut off the browser to avoid the "Ok" button. I didn't click the ad, but it took over the tab I had opened to go to one of the forum threads in the Community Recap. It did not do it the second time I accessed the same thread. [/quote] Just got the same one, while editing a bio. I didn't see the sidebar it came from; I don't think the sidebar ad had loaded for me when the popup took over. ctrl-alt-del as well to get out of it. [/quote] Just got this one, for the second time.
Kaljaia wrote on 2016-08-15:
Amphax wrote on 2016-08-13:
chespin wrote on 2016-08-12:

Getting these again. Couldn't grab the url because I could not interact with the page without clicking the OK button

Got this today. Had to Ctrl+Alt+Del and task manager manually shut off the browser to avoid the "Ok" button.

I didn't click the ad, but it took over the tab I had opened to go to one of the forum threads in the Community Recap. It did not do it the second time I accessed the same thread.

Just got the same one, while editing a bio. I didn't see the sidebar it came from; I don't think the sidebar ad had loaded for me when the popup took over. ctrl-alt-del as well to get out of it.

Just got this one, for the second time.
We're looking into both reports.
We're looking into both reports.
[quote name="BlueAlphyn885" date=2016-07-26 17:58:38] [img][/img] Not sure if anyone has posted an image of the Adam and Eve ad in question, but I spotted it today. (Browser is Chrome btw if that's important) [/quote] After a while of being gone, I've started to see these same ads cropping up again.
BlueAlphyn885 wrote on 2016-07-26:

Not sure if anyone has posted an image of the Adam and Eve ad in question, but I spotted it today.

(Browser is Chrome btw if that's important)

After a while of being gone, I've started to see these same ads cropping up again.
download-3.png FR+3
Any pronouns
Sell me your frogs!
I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this, but I would be happy to click on more ads (especially since I see many that look interesting!) if they loaded more quickly. I notice this especially when clicking through my familiars, but I admit to being a 'quick clicker' generally.

Would it be possible to have the ads load first/near the top of the list?
I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this, but I would be happy to click on more ads (especially since I see many that look interesting!) if they loaded more quickly. I notice this especially when clicking through my familiars, but I admit to being a 'quick clicker' generally.

Would it be possible to have the ads load first/near the top of the list?
Uh there was an ad that showed a little too much boob than I think I okay. There was a blond woman wearing a dress and the add said "$35 party dress"

I think it might be a little too inappropriate but it may be just be me being too sensitive. The ad showed the bit between the breast and also a bit of it as well...
Uh there was an ad that showed a little too much boob than I think I okay. There was a blond woman wearing a dress and the add said "$35 party dress"

I think it might be a little too inappropriate but it may be just be me being too sensitive. The ad showed the bit between the breast and also a bit of it as well...
Looking for
- "runic prince" or "runic king" accent
- Sand/Oilslick/Obsidian Light Wildclaw - can you breed this?
| For sale |
| Fandergs |
Hi there.

Recently I started seeing ads that promote betting sites from my country.
And also a large supermarket network.
I use AdBlock everywhere else but not on FR, just because I understand it is helping out. And I do not mind seeing all those browser games. But these, no thank you.
unibet . ro
betfair . com
Lidl . ro

Thank you in advance for all the work you putting into this!

PS: Wasn't able to copy any links, my right click didn't give me any links to save.
Hi there.

Recently I started seeing ads that promote betting sites from my country.
And also a large supermarket network.
I use AdBlock everywhere else but not on FR, just because I understand it is helping out. And I do not mind seeing all those browser games. But these, no thank you.
unibet . ro
betfair . com
Lidl . ro

Thank you in advance for all the work you putting into this!

PS: Wasn't able to copy any links, my right click didn't give me any links to save.
My Dragons for Your Fodder
For dragon swaps, breeds I like: Coatls, Guardians, Imperials, Obelisks, Pearlcatchers, Skydancers. The rest I am most likely trading off.
Looking to join a hatchery
Okay, so I dunno what exactly caused it, since I freaked out an closed out of the tab almost immediately, but audio started playing when I entered the predict morphology. I think the audio was advertising White Castle? I dunno, I didn't catch much of it. I'm running a virus scan now to make sure it wasn't something on my computer, but I thought it might be worth mentioning.

EDIT: Virus scan came back clean.
Okay, so I dunno what exactly caused it, since I freaked out an closed out of the tab almost immediately, but audio started playing when I entered the predict morphology. I think the audio was advertising White Castle? I dunno, I didn't catch much of it. I'm running a virus scan now to make sure it wasn't something on my computer, but I thought it might be worth mentioning.

EDIT: Virus scan came back clean.
IMG_2906.png Art Search
Character Sales


+2 FR Time
'Adopt US Kids' took me out of the site at about 7:27 today. Said site would return in (countdown) of seconds but I didn't wait. Sorry I couldn't get a screen shot.
'Adopt US Kids' took me out of the site at about 7:27 today. Said site would return in (countdown) of seconds but I didn't wait. Sorry I couldn't get a screen shot.
[quote name="galvelociraptor" date=2016-08-16 15:03:33] I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this, but I would be happy to click on more ads (especially since I see many that look interesting!) if they loaded more quickly. I notice this especially when clicking through my familiars, but I admit to being a 'quick clicker' generally. Would it be possible to have the ads load first/near the top of the list? [/quote] Users would balk at having to wait for the ads to show before the page loads. The entire way it's setup is to load the ads AFTER the content has loaded. The ads load faster if there is an active forward bid, but online games are hard enough to get paying ads to begin with.
galvelociraptor wrote on 2016-08-16:
I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this, but I would be happy to click on more ads (especially since I see many that look interesting!) if they loaded more quickly. I notice this especially when clicking through my familiars, but I admit to being a 'quick clicker' generally.

Would it be possible to have the ads load first/near the top of the list?

Users would balk at having to wait for the ads to show before the page loads. The entire way it's setup is to load the ads AFTER the content has loaded. The ads load faster if there is an active forward bid, but online games are hard enough to get paying ads to begin with.
I actually saw this one a couple days ago and only got a picture of it because I found it mildly humorous and was going to show my friend, it didn't even cross my mind to report it (just now finding this place) I don't know how to scale it down so I'm sorry it's so big [img][/img]
I actually saw this one a couple days ago and only got a picture of it because I found it mildly humorous and was going to show my friend, it didn't even cross my mind to report it (just now finding this place)
I don't know how to scale it down so I'm sorry it's so big

G1 sales


art shop banner
old wc adopt gif

Lewis link and G1 sales

ghost hatchlings
TwEcIUG.png[/url] Ae0MsB2.png



Pixel Pearls


SCP hatchery
Click for Don't Starve/FR commissions! [TEMP CLOSED] (Casual collector of 6 digit dergs!)

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