
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | most and least favorite dragons?
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@MiddyLark oh hey, just letting you know - Nocs aren't actually tiny, it's a glitch! They're actually coatl-sized, I think.

This guy is normal sized for a noc. This guy is tiny because they shrink on breeding cooldown; that'll probably be fixed at some point.
@MiddyLark oh hey, just letting you know - Nocs aren't actually tiny, it's a glitch! They're actually coatl-sized, I think.

This guy is normal sized for a noc. This guy is tiny because they shrink on breeding cooldown; that'll probably be fixed at some point.
Spirals are my favourite, females look very pretty while the males have a cheeky and very cute grin! Least favourite: still the female tundras. Their fur distribution is odd and I don't really like their face or pose.
Spirals are my favourite, females look very pretty while the males have a cheeky and very cute grin! Least favourite: still the female tundras. Their fur distribution is odd and I don't really like their face or pose.
Does that Pokemon fandragon exist yet? Check out this thread, where you can find Pokemon fandragons in one place :)
Favorite dragon is hard. I go back and forth. I love both male and female Ridgebacks (so they probably win. I adore male coatls, male spirals, and male Imps too. I give Ridgebacks the win only because I really love both male and female designs equally.

Least favorite is easy. Tundras. I won't go into detail why I loathe them, because I respect those who do like them, but I really don't like their design at all.
Favorite dragon is hard. I go back and forth. I love both male and female Ridgebacks (so they probably win. I adore male coatls, male spirals, and male Imps too. I give Ridgebacks the win only because I really love both male and female designs equally.

Least favorite is easy. Tundras. I won't go into detail why I loathe them, because I respect those who do like them, but I really don't like their design at all.
@Nihilo I hope they never change it. I adore my tiny little nocts. I even worked it into this guy's lore. He can never grow, it'll be so sad. He can't be my tiny angry warrior if they take away the tiny glitch. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [i]Quark is about the size of a small, angry kitten. But he is tough and well-armored. Unlike TBN, he is actually quite cunning and is friends with Cas. In order to not be confused with TBN (who could almost be his brother), Quark dons a full set of armor. His wingspan is only 11 centimeters, so how he flies with all that armor on is kind of a mystery. Most of the other dragons of the Snow Crystal Clan suspect magic. One thing is for sure, if Quark walks around instead of flies, he clanks and clatters and makes a ruckus. But don't mess with him, he is a fierce little warrior. [/i]
@Nihilo I hope they never change it. I adore my tiny little nocts. I even worked it into this guy's lore. He can never grow, it'll be so sad. He can't be my tiny angry warrior if they take away the tiny glitch.


Quark is about the size of a small, angry kitten. But he is tough and well-armored. Unlike TBN, he is actually quite cunning and is friends with Cas.

In order to not be confused with TBN (who could almost be his brother), Quark dons a full set of armor. His wingspan is only 11 centimeters, so how he flies with all that armor on is kind of a mystery. Most of the other dragons of the Snow Crystal Clan suspect magic. One thing is for sure, if Quark walks around instead of flies, he clanks and clatters and makes a ruckus. But don't mess with him, he is a fierce little warrior.
@lemonsdrops oh wow HE IS SO TINY. I take it back. Tiny nocs are adorable. How does he even fight. H's like the size of a large dragonfly. xD
@lemonsdrops oh wow HE IS SO TINY. I take it back. Tiny nocs are adorable. How does he even fight. H's like the size of a large dragonfly. xD
@nihilo I have no idea. But he does. He probably doesn't even register on other dragon's radars, and then hits their defenses with ice magic or something, or pokes their eyes out with his tiny claws.

Also, his mate is a 21m Imp, so there is another hurdle for him. I'm not sure how he does that either, despite the number of offspring he's produced.
@nihilo I have no idea. But he does. He probably doesn't even register on other dragon's radars, and then hits their defenses with ice magic or something, or pokes their eyes out with his tiny claws.

Also, his mate is a 21m Imp, so there is another hurdle for him. I'm not sure how he does that either, despite the number of offspring he's produced.
Skydancers are easily my favorite breed. They're so beautiful and elegant-looking, and so fun to dress up! Especially the males. Plus, I love the combination bird/bat wings. When I was younger I had a wolf character with that wing style, so when SDs were released I instantly fell in love with them. :)

Least favorite are female tundras, hands down. Just the females. Their pose looks very awkward imo. If I had to pick between owning the ugliest dragon on the site or the most beautiful female tundra, I'd probably pick the ugly one.
Skydancers are easily my favorite breed. They're so beautiful and elegant-looking, and so fun to dress up! Especially the males. Plus, I love the combination bird/bat wings. When I was younger I had a wolf character with that wing style, so when SDs were released I instantly fell in love with them. :)

Least favorite are female tundras, hands down. Just the females. Their pose looks very awkward imo. If I had to pick between owning the ugliest dragon on the site or the most beautiful female tundra, I'd probably pick the ugly one.
WIldclaws are easily my favorite dragons. There's just something about their pose that intrigues me. If I had to completely start over on FR, I'd no doubt have a clan composed of nothing but wildclaws.

On the other hand, I really dislike Snappers. I have no idea why. They just seem so heavy and...chunky? xD
WIldclaws are easily my favorite dragons. There's just something about their pose that intrigues me. If I had to completely start over on FR, I'd no doubt have a clan composed of nothing but wildclaws.

On the other hand, I really dislike Snappers. I have no idea why. They just seem so heavy and...chunky? xD
Mirrors are my least favorites, which makes me sad cause I love their lore and the four eyes and such, but I just really dislike the way they're drawn. *shrug* It's hard for me to pick a favorite, because the two I'd say instinctively - I only like one gender. Like, I heavily prefer male coalts to the males, and female skydancers to the males. So maybe faes? Probably coatls, though. Fluffy snake butts, too cute. Edit to add - [quote]Least favorite are female tundras, hands down. Just the females. Their pose looks very awkward imo. If I had to pick between owning the ugliest dragon on the site or the most beautiful female tundra, I'd probably pick the ugly one.[/quote]
Mirrors are my least favorites, which makes me sad cause I love their lore and the four eyes and such, but I just really dislike the way they're drawn. *shrug*

It's hard for me to pick a favorite, because the two I'd say instinctively - I only like one gender. Like, I heavily prefer male coalts to the males, and female skydancers to the males. So maybe faes? Probably coatls, though. Fluffy snake butts, too cute.

Edit to add -
Least favorite are female tundras, hands down. Just the females. Their pose looks very awkward imo. If I had to pick between owning the ugliest dragon on the site or the most beautiful female tundra, I'd probably pick the ugly one.
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Willow | FR + 12 hours
Come away little light, come away to the darkness
In the shade of the night we’ll come looking for you

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My favorite dragons are Tundras and Imperials. Tundras look so big and soft and fluffy, and I'm a sucker for big, soft, fluffy things. Imperials are regal and look great with most genes.

Least favorite? Mirrors or Spirals. Mirrors look too alien for what I think is a dragon and looks like it belongs in a horror-sci fi movie. I'm not a fan of the Spiral's pose, and most patterned genes make it look like a blobby mess.
My favorite dragons are Tundras and Imperials. Tundras look so big and soft and fluffy, and I'm a sucker for big, soft, fluffy things. Imperials are regal and look great with most genes.

Least favorite? Mirrors or Spirals. Mirrors look too alien for what I think is a dragon and looks like it belongs in a horror-sci fi movie. I'm not a fan of the Spiral's pose, and most patterned genes make it look like a blobby mess.
Hey, friendly reminder to drink water, stretch, and take a short break if you can. Stay healthy! Also, don't forget about any chores or tasks you might be putting off.
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