I know that reference!
Iokharic's Clan
Sometimes I feel I got to *DUN DUN* run away I got to
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Recent Comments
Your Kazul fanderg is amazing!
Oh my goodness, Alanna, Kel and Beka are perfect! When I saw who Kel's familiar was I almost cried. Your other fandragons are fantastic, but those ones jumped out at me.
Nekhbet was on front page! Such a cool dragon!
I never expected any of those three to be recognized! Aw, that made me happy, thank you. c:
Oh, and I should probably mention that seeing Kubo fandragons gave me delight.
Love Mars, and listening to the piece he's based on made me realize just how influential that song has been. Listening to it, multiple sections of the song were things I'd heard before in video games, Final Fantasy and Monster Hunter (especially World) being two examples. I should really listen to more compositions like this.
Endymion was on front page
Your quote and clan info are both amazing lmao
Your dragons are gorgeous!
You have such beautiful babs!
OMG ISAO TOMITA......i didnt even realize he did the planets!!!! BRB going to listen to ALL OF IT. His rendition of claire de lune is top of the line
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