
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Saronai's Star Themes: Hiatus

Alma is amazing! I love the autumnal look for them, and the use of the kelpie mane. What a lucky and lovely double. :D


Namasur is a great example of why stained is such a perfect gene, I love how meltingly warm the garnet stained makes them, and how well it matches the supplicant set!


Pwyll is a beeaaaautiful Nature dragon, I love how ethereal he is, and how well the maroon and olive work together. He matches his lore very well.


Arlathan is so gorgeous, I absolutely love the bright sanguine flair overlaid with that amazing skin, it was certainly made for them. If I was an artist, this is the kind of dragon I would be inspired on a whim to draw. xD


Wisteria is so stunning, and perfectly matches her name. Her art is adorable, and she just looks so lovely and remarkable. All the little bits in her bio give her so muhch life.


I originally gave Saro a like for how well that skin works on them, especially with the hood of the warden's garb. That tidbit of lore is such a draw in as well, and I would certainly be curious to know more!

Alma is amazing! I love the autumnal look for them, and the use of the kelpie mane. What a lucky and lovely double. :D


Namasur is a great example of why stained is such a perfect gene, I love how meltingly warm the garnet stained makes them, and how well it matches the supplicant set!


Pwyll is a beeaaaautiful Nature dragon, I love how ethereal he is, and how well the maroon and olive work together. He matches his lore very well.


Arlathan is so gorgeous, I absolutely love the bright sanguine flair overlaid with that amazing skin, it was certainly made for them. If I was an artist, this is the kind of dragon I would be inspired on a whim to draw. xD


Wisteria is so stunning, and perfectly matches her name. Her art is adorable, and she just looks so lovely and remarkable. All the little bits in her bio give her so muhch life.


I originally gave Saro a like for how well that skin works on them, especially with the hood of the warden's garb. That tidbit of lore is such a draw in as well, and I would certainly be curious to know more!
VvxoVdD.png iceshieldr.png
FR +0
@Mypilot @Lyko

Just an amusing aside. I am frequently called Saro by friends or just anyone looking to shorten my name. So it took several times of me looking up posts like what? before I remembered/reread Lyko's blurb on Saro the dragon and had my oooooh moment lol.
@Mypilot @Lyko

Just an amusing aside. I am frequently called Saro by friends or just anyone looking to shorten my name. So it took several times of me looking up posts like what? before I remembered/reread Lyko's blurb on Saro the dragon and had my oooooh moment lol.
pixie-pronouns-2-2.png* * *Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.* * * * * * * *Diem's Daily Dragons

What I wrote without the context of a dragon is quite eerie indeed! lol I would give you a like too if I was allowed. :D

What I wrote without the context of a dragon is quite eerie indeed! lol I would give you a like too if I was allowed. :D
VvxoVdD.png iceshieldr.png
FR +0
Y'know, I noticed that you shared your nickname with one of my dragons when I first found this thread! I had thought "man I hope there's a theme where I can share Saro - maybe they could be buddies!" So i'm glad I was able to post him for this week's contest c:

Oh boy I sure would love to have Saro's lore all written out in his bio. Unfortunately I only ever have the motivation to type up small blurbs about it on forums. The task of eloquently writing out all of my dragon's lore bios is daunting to say the I have been procrastinating it. Hopefully it'll end up on here! ...Eventually ^^'
Y'know, I noticed that you shared your nickname with one of my dragons when I first found this thread! I had thought "man I hope there's a theme where I can share Saro - maybe they could be buddies!" So i'm glad I was able to post him for this week's contest c:

Oh boy I sure would love to have Saro's lore all written out in his bio. Unfortunately I only ever have the motivation to type up small blurbs about it on forums. The task of eloquently writing out all of my dragon's lore bios is daunting to say the I have been procrastinating it. Hopefully it'll end up on here! ...Eventually ^^'
@Mypilot lol I just assumed you were saying Lyko's dragon was wearing the same skin as one of mine you liked previously, but now I'm reading the horror interpretation so...thanks for that lol [emoji=skydancer laughing size=1] @Lyko Saro and I are totally buddies now :D
@Mypilot lol I just assumed you were saying Lyko's dragon was wearing the same skin as one of mine you liked previously, but now I'm reading the horror interpretation so...thanks for that lol

@Lyko Saro and I are totally buddies now :D
pixie-pronouns-2-2.png* * *Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.* * * * * * * *Diem's Daily Dragons
[center][emoji=music notes size=1] Don't mind me just wranglin my mental horses. [emoji=music notes size=1] [url=][emoji=music note size=1] Distracted by a discord event involving skycats. [emoji=music note size=1][/url] [emoji=music notes size=1] Promise I'm actively working on winner selection now. [emoji=music note size=1][/center]
Don't mind me just wranglin my mental horses.

Distracted by a discord event involving skycats.

Promise I'm actively working on winner selection now.

pixie-pronouns-2-2.png* * *Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.* * * * * * * *Diem's Daily Dragons
[center][Color=316B68][b][size=3][url=]Rules[/url] | [url=]FAQ[/url] | [url=]Theme [/url]| [u]Winners[/u] | [url=]Showcase[/url] | Badges[/size][/b][/color][/center] -------- [center][size=7][b][font=Monotype Corsiva][color=053A32]Last Week’s Winners [/b][/size] [url=](Back to Nature)[/url][/font][/color] [/center] Once again everyone’s entries make it so difficult not to honorable mention EVERYONE and thus defeat the purpose lol. Great submissions, all! I enjoyed reading about your dragons and soaking in the gorgeous visuals. All stars were booped! If they were previously booped, I looked for someone else to boop in their stead :D I apologize for the late winner’s post. I got severely distracted by an [url=]FR adopt group[/url] running a skycat themed thing in [url=]their discord[/url]. Then the mental horse got all no write, no code, only appreciate. Today though, I’m ready to tackle the code and the compliments! I also intend to do the compliment for compliment, favourite named for favourite named thing this week after announcing the winners :D [b]Reminder: Some names may have been pinged twice in a split mention.[/b] [size=2][b]Honorable mentions this week:[/b] @Disillusionist for [url=][b]RedGarden[/b][/url], @FoggyDownpour for [url=][b]Namasur[/b][/url], [url=][b]Arbutus[/b][/url], and [url=][b]Hazel[/b][/url], @mynnthia for [url=][b]Eve[/b][/url] and [url=][b]Petra[/b][/url], @SequinRobeRaist for [url=][b]Neanrimni[/b][/url], @Icystorm for [url=][b]Asuka[/b][/url], @Mypilot for [url=][b]Clytemnestra[/b][/url], @Frionivalis for [url=][b]Faisoria[/b][/url]. Final round honorable mentions (the super toughies): @TheGoldDragon for [url=][b]Rhiannon[/b][/url], @Luunai for [url=][b]Nectar[/b][/url], @Vergil for [url=][b]Arlathan[/b][/url], and @Disillusionist for [url=][b]Ardest[/b][/url]. -------- ~ Drumroll ~ [center][size=5][b][font=Monotype Corsiva][color=053A32]Showcase Runners Up [/b][/size][/font][/color] [/center] [center][b][url=]Wisteria[/url] from the lair of @Tuberose[/b][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol]So lovely, so purple, a great combination of both soft and sharp textures and soft/bold colours. I am very much a sucker for the fey aesthetic (and wisteria!)...[size=2]oh hey Wisteria’s familiar shares your name :D[/size] I love the quotes and little tidbits in her bio. Also, what a perfect dragon to get primal nature eyes on! They really complete her current look. That accent is simply gorgeous and the chosen apparel goes so well together too. Your description along with her just made me love her even more. Definitely getting the sense of hidden magic and liminal spaces. She deserves every star she’s gotten and more! [/columns] -------- [center][b][url=]Siorynthal[/url] from the lair of @Frionivalis[/b][/center] [columns]This guy was [i]so close[/i] to showcase fame, nearly tied. My favourite colour won out in the end lol. That being said, this lovely imperial [i]also[/i] features shades of green that I love and the thorny nightmare theme is on point! [s](Sorry couldn’t help myself lol.)[/s] Love the name too and the roses and the accent. I just love everything about this guy. I mean…he can keep his nightmares though, already got plenty of those lol. Great scene to go with him too! If I tell him he deserves way more stars, will he give my nightmares to people who deserve them? lol. [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] -------- -------- -------- [center][size=5][b][font=Monotype Corsiva][color=053A32]Show Case Winner [/b][/size][/font][/color] [/center] [b][url=]Elune [/url]from the lair of @Mypilot[/b] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [br] What a perfect, gorgeous fandragon for Elune! Not just that though, she’s just plain gorgeous in general, no matter who she’s supposed to be. First: Favourite colour included. Second: Lighter shades of favourite colours that make my top 10 colours. Third: GLOW EFFECTS. Fourth: Sylvan apparel and sheer fabrics and moons and just [i]everything[/i] mmk? Fifth: Bee wings my love! I love this gorgeous lady, there’s just so much individual things I love all in one dragon <3 Elune definitely deserves more than 7 stars [emoji=star size=1]! -------- [center][size=7][b][font=Monotype Corsiva][color=053A32]Previous Winners [/b][/size][/font][/color][/center] [columns][url=]Week 1: Plants, Trees, & Flowers[/url][color=transparent]* * * * *[/color] [url=]Week 4: Gems & Jewels[/url] [url=]Week 7: Underrated Beauties[/url] [url=]Week 10: Comfort Dragons[/url] [nextcol][url=]Week 2: Sunshine[/url][color=transparent]* * * * *[/color] [url=]Week 5: Windy Spirits[/url] [url=]Week 8: Water Adjacent[/url] [url=]Week 11: Visibility & Catharsis[/url] [nextcol][url=]Week 3: Starry Skies[/url] [url=]Week 6: Trickster's & Fools[/url] [url=]Week 9: Water Droplets[/url] [color=transparent]* * * * *[/color] [/columns] -------- [size=2]Pinglist: @Disillusionist @cherryfleck @wildewinged @bxy26 @Kaimon @Deladria @FoggyDownpour @Teal0ctober @Potatoad @Shatapatrika @Luunai @EmeraldSands315 @dokidokibunni @cyclical @CatnipChaos @Foxil @Frionivalis @BirbDude @Deify @littleraddish128 @Skycloud @Thorne @avavictoria @Draconequis @cvthedral @cartographic @Lundlaeva @frysa @SequinRobeRaist @chewynoodles @Whisper22 @BirdWings @Tuberose @dustyfluorescent @TheGoldDragon @AMothWithAnxiety @TheRookGryphon @Lovelock @CosmicHurricane @cloudydusk @FossilDust @born2bwild [/size]
Rules | FAQ | Theme | Winners | Showcase | Badges

Last Week’s Winners

(Back to Nature)

Once again everyone’s entries make it so difficult not to honorable mention EVERYONE and thus defeat the purpose lol. Great submissions, all! I enjoyed reading about your dragons and soaking in the gorgeous visuals. All stars were booped! If they were previously booped, I looked for someone else to boop in their stead :D

I apologize for the late winner’s post. I got severely distracted by an FR adopt group running a skycat themed thing in their discord. Then the mental horse got all no write, no code, only appreciate.

Today though, I’m ready to tackle the code and the compliments!

I also intend to do the compliment for compliment, favourite named for favourite named thing this week after announcing the winners :D

Reminder: Some names may have been pinged twice in a split mention.

Honorable mentions this week:
@Disillusionist for RedGarden, @FoggyDownpour for Namasur, Arbutus, and Hazel, @mynnthia for Eve and Petra, @SequinRobeRaist for Neanrimni, @Icystorm for Asuka, @Mypilot for Clytemnestra, @Frionivalis for Faisoria.

Final round honorable mentions (the super toughies): @TheGoldDragon for Rhiannon, @Luunai for Nectar, @Vergil for Arlathan, and @Disillusionist for Ardest.

~ Drumroll ~
Showcase Runners Up
Wisteria from the lair of @Tuberose
57954321_350.png So lovely, so purple, a great combination of both soft and sharp textures and soft/bold colours. I am very much a sucker for the fey aesthetic (and wisteria!)...oh hey Wisteria’s familiar shares your name :D

I love the quotes and little tidbits in her bio. Also, what a perfect dragon to get primal nature eyes on! They really complete her current look. That accent is simply gorgeous and the chosen apparel goes so well together too. Your description along with her just made me love her even more. Definitely getting the sense of hidden magic and liminal spaces. She deserves every star she’s gotten and more!

Siorynthal from the lair of @Frionivalis
This guy was so close to showcase fame, nearly tied. My favourite colour won out in the end lol. That being said, this lovely imperial also features shades of green that I love and the thorny nightmare theme is on point! (Sorry couldn’t help myself lol.) Love the name too and the roses and the accent. I just love everything about this guy. I mean…he can keep his nightmares though, already got plenty of those lol. Great scene to go with him too!

If I tell him he deserves way more stars, will he give my nightmares to people who deserve them? lol.

Show Case Winner

Elune from the lair of @Mypilot

What a perfect, gorgeous fandragon for Elune! Not just that though, she’s just plain gorgeous in general, no matter who she’s supposed to be. First: Favourite colour included. Second: Lighter shades of favourite colours that make my top 10 colours. Third: GLOW EFFECTS. Fourth: Sylvan apparel and sheer fabrics and moons and just everything mmk? Fifth: Bee wings my love!

I love this gorgeous lady, there’s just so much individual things I love all in one dragon <3

Elune definitely deserves more than 7 stars !

Previous Winners
Week 1: Plants, Trees, & Flowers* * * * *

Week 4: Gems & Jewels

Week 7: Underrated Beauties

Week 10: Comfort Dragons
Week 2: Sunshine* * * * *

Week 5: Windy Spirits

Week 8: Water Adjacent

Week 11: Visibility & Catharsis
Week 3: Starry Skies

Week 6: Trickster's & Fools

Week 9: Water Droplets

* * * * *

Pinglist: @Disillusionist @cherryfleck @wildewinged @bxy26 @Kaimon @Deladria @FoggyDownpour @Teal0ctober @Potatoad @Shatapatrika @Luunai @EmeraldSands315 @dokidokibunni @cyclical @CatnipChaos @Foxil @Frionivalis @BirbDude @Deify @littleraddish128 @Skycloud @Thorne @avavictoria @Draconequis @cvthedral @cartographic @Lundlaeva @frysa @SequinRobeRaist @chewynoodles @Whisper22 @BirdWings @Tuberose @dustyfluorescent @TheGoldDragon @AMothWithAnxiety @TheRookGryphon @Lovelock @CosmicHurricane @cloudydusk @FossilDust @born2bwild
pixie-pronouns-2-2.png* * *Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.* * * * * * * *Diem's Daily Dragons
YIPPEE! [img][/img] sent likes to all of the winning dragons! so deserved, they're really pretty!!!
sent likes to all of the winning dragons! so deserved, they're really pretty!!!
Oh wow! Thank you for the honourable mention! Congratulations to all the winners, your dragons are gorgeous and I've given likes to all of the dragons I hadn't already seen.
Oh wow! Thank you for the honourable mention! Congratulations to all the winners, your dragons are gorgeous and I've given likes to all of the dragons I hadn't already seen.
Profile Dragon
Aww, thanks!! Elune was one of my favourite projects to complete, she's so relaxing to look at. Wisteria already had a star from me, and went ahead and gave one to the lovely Siorynthal <3
Aww, thanks!! Elune was one of my favourite projects to complete, she's so relaxing to look at. Wisteria already had a star from me, and went ahead and gave one to the lovely Siorynthal <3
VvxoVdD.png iceshieldr.png
FR +0