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TOPIC | Dragon Writers of May
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So I've been desperately saving up for another lair expansion which I really need because I can't stop myself from breeding ugly hatchlings, and what do I go and do? Blow 200K on a new dragon. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] ...and yet I have no regrets. He's just so purdy. To me, at least. Guess it's nigh time to start exalting some uglies. @micahjaguar - the outline does seem to be the hardest part. It's like I have all these pieces of a story that I want to get to and I have such a hard time figuring out how they fit together. But I'm pretty excited that I managed to get an outline put together. Ugh, no, I don't really have any idea as to when I'll leave. I want to try and get out by the end of the year, or at least have some sort of plan. I'm just at a point were I have no idea what I am doing with my life...which is pretty much how I have been for the past few years. For as long as I can remember, really.
So I've been desperately saving up for another lair expansion which I really need because I can't stop myself from breeding ugly hatchlings, and what do I go and do? Blow 200K on a new dragon.


...and yet I have no regrets. He's just so purdy. To me, at least. Guess it's nigh time to start exalting some uglies.

@micahjaguar - the outline does seem to be the hardest part. It's like I have all these pieces of a story that I want to get to and I have such a hard time figuring out how they fit together. But I'm pretty excited that I managed to get an outline put together.

Ugh, no, I don't really have any idea as to when I'll leave. I want to try and get out by the end of the year, or at least have some sort of plan. I'm just at a point were I have no idea what I am doing with my life...which is pretty much how I have been for the past few years. For as long as I can remember, really.
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*quivers* My art show is in... 3 WEEKS >_< I have finished 2 paintings this week, but I need at least 3 more (ideally 10 more) before I'll be happy and I have 3 WEEKS *quivers more* But since @micahjaguar asked to see babies... Here are two eye-searers that hatched today. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I also have a handful that I'm loathe to get rid of for various reasons, and I keep hoping they'll find a home. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] *scurries away*
*quivers* My art show is in... 3 WEEKS >_<

I have finished 2 paintings this week, but I need at least 3 more (ideally 10 more) before I'll be happy and I have 3 WEEKS *quivers more*

But since @micahjaguar asked to see babies... Here are two eye-searers that hatched today.



I also have a handful that I'm loathe to get rid of for various reasons, and I keep hoping they'll find a home.






*scurries away*

I'm an artist! I paint canvases and draw coloring pages! See my gallery:

Subscribe to my Patreon for monthly/weekly coloring pages, or just visit for the occasional freebies and monthly e-postcards!

It's alright! ;-; I can ask her real quick for you. I hope things sort out alright... Please be safe, and if no one else will listen, then I'm willing to...


Kind of relaying a message here because I'm not sure what's going on, but I hope it all sorts out alright. ;-; This post is directed at you and it sounds serious:
Same offer I gave to them, if you need an ear to fill about what's going on, or if you don't really have anyone else to talk to, then my inbox is open... ;-;

I hope whatever's going on is going to be alright...

It's alright! ;-; I can ask her real quick for you. I hope things sort out alright... Please be safe, and if no one else will listen, then I'm willing to...


Kind of relaying a message here because I'm not sure what's going on, but I hope it all sorts out alright. ;-; This post is directed at you and it sounds serious:
Same offer I gave to them, if you need an ear to fill about what's going on, or if you don't really have anyone else to talk to, then my inbox is open... ;-;

I hope whatever's going on is going to be alright...
A gentle soul who likes to help new players. Also called Mawk.


The ping works! Direct messages would work good too, if you'd rather go there while we wait for Winter. Is that okay? ;-;

She might ignore me too, but we'll find out sooner or later. Until then, we can talk somewhere other than the Dragon Writers thread. On a separate note, I'm so sorry about what's going on, in every aspect... ;-; I hope you two can talk, because it sounds like you both need to...

The ping works! Direct messages would work good too, if you'd rather go there while we wait for Winter. Is that okay? ;-;

She might ignore me too, but we'll find out sooner or later. Until then, we can talk somewhere other than the Dragon Writers thread. On a separate note, I'm so sorry about what's going on, in every aspect... ;-; I hope you two can talk, because it sounds like you both need to...
A gentle soul who likes to help new players. Also called Mawk.


It's okay, I understand what you meant XD
I usually try and discuss bigger concept ideas with writer friends, which helps me better remember them, but otherwise I either note them down or generally stick with mental notes. Weirdly enough, I have a surprisingly good memory when it comes to characters and story beats, just not...much of anything else...

It's a blessing and a curse, obviously.

It's okay, I understand what you meant XD
I usually try and discuss bigger concept ideas with writer friends, which helps me better remember them, but otherwise I either note them down or generally stick with mental notes. Weirdly enough, I have a surprisingly good memory when it comes to characters and story beats, just not...much of anything else...

It's a blessing and a curse, obviously.
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@kayn I admire your dedication! I am lazy and just toss up a few center tags and think 'that's good' when I code bios. Lol. :)

@LadyRowyn Yeah, I do not love the new genes either. A couple of my dragons look good with it, so I might regene them during the Nature Festival. If I can successfully swipe a copy. At least they're cheap?

@LilacsandFreedom Wow, that's a really cool idea! I love historical fiction, and can never write it. I'm reading a novelization of Cicero's life right now and the author spent nine years researching it. She even translated his letters from Latin herself, and went to Greece and Rome to see all the places he'd lived and traveled. That's... more dedication than I've got. Lol. :)

@Hurricanesong Excellent! It's such a relief to have a project that was clogging your head out of it, so you can concentrate on different things.

@Lundlaeva Fun is important. *beams*

@CrypticGirl So in your headcanon, where do Gen1 eggs come from? Do they literally have no parents, or is it just a 'we found this egg in the wilderness and don't know who their parents were' sort of thing?

@MawkishMuse You have an adoptables shop! You have one? Or you're going to have one? *curious*

Also, writing a whole short story draft in a day! Go you! *high-fives*

@Sillywinter Lol, don't worry, I won't judge. I wrote an entire series full of dark, gory, angsty, sociopathic torturer dragons and the elves who redeem them. I got nothing but a glass house here, surrounded in stones. >.>

@Reltseo Oh my gosh, that Guardian is GORGEOUS. I want a copy. O_O

*ponders* Sounds like you are in the 'I don't know what kind of job I want' stage? FR has people from tweens to grandmas so it's sometimes hard to guess where people are in their lives when they're talking about their challenges.



I am gearing up for the Nature Festival! *does dance* Thanks to @LadyRowyn's help I have enough treasure put by to expand my lair. (She does math when math fails me.) So I am leveling and exalting babies and stuff. I even put an accent in the contest, but I doubt it will win. There were so many amazing entries!

I am almost done with prepping this book for market. It'll probably go up sometime between Wednesday and Friday. After which I will fall down and rest. -_-

@kayn I admire your dedication! I am lazy and just toss up a few center tags and think 'that's good' when I code bios. Lol. :)

@LadyRowyn Yeah, I do not love the new genes either. A couple of my dragons look good with it, so I might regene them during the Nature Festival. If I can successfully swipe a copy. At least they're cheap?

@LilacsandFreedom Wow, that's a really cool idea! I love historical fiction, and can never write it. I'm reading a novelization of Cicero's life right now and the author spent nine years researching it. She even translated his letters from Latin herself, and went to Greece and Rome to see all the places he'd lived and traveled. That's... more dedication than I've got. Lol. :)

@Hurricanesong Excellent! It's such a relief to have a project that was clogging your head out of it, so you can concentrate on different things.

@Lundlaeva Fun is important. *beams*

@CrypticGirl So in your headcanon, where do Gen1 eggs come from? Do they literally have no parents, or is it just a 'we found this egg in the wilderness and don't know who their parents were' sort of thing?

@MawkishMuse You have an adoptables shop! You have one? Or you're going to have one? *curious*

Also, writing a whole short story draft in a day! Go you! *high-fives*

@Sillywinter Lol, don't worry, I won't judge. I wrote an entire series full of dark, gory, angsty, sociopathic torturer dragons and the elves who redeem them. I got nothing but a glass house here, surrounded in stones. >.>

@Reltseo Oh my gosh, that Guardian is GORGEOUS. I want a copy. O_O

*ponders* Sounds like you are in the 'I don't know what kind of job I want' stage? FR has people from tweens to grandmas so it's sometimes hard to guess where people are in their lives when they're talking about their challenges.



I am gearing up for the Nature Festival! *does dance* Thanks to @LadyRowyn's help I have enough treasure put by to expand my lair. (She does math when math fails me.) So I am leveling and exalting babies and stuff. I even put an accent in the contest, but I doubt it will win. There were so many amazing entries!

I am almost done with prepping this book for market. It'll probably go up sometime between Wednesday and Friday. After which I will fall down and rest. -_-

Traveling Wind Clan! We have toured every Flight in Sornieth!
We completed our round-the-world tour on July 6th, 2020 and are once again home in Wind!

Previous Visits: Wind, Earth, Light, Shadow, Nature, Arcane, Ice, Fire, Water, Lightning, Plague
So true. It's really a weight off my shoulders. How's writing going for you? (:
So true. It's really a weight off my shoulders. How's writing going for you? (:
tumblr_oh6risLJAT1vfeckzo5_r3_250.png oh look
an art tumblr

There were some that the clan found in the wilderness. But lately, new dragons have joined the clan after hatching elsewhere.

There were some that the clan found in the wilderness. But lately, new dragons have joined the clan after hatching elsewhere.

*accepts high-five happily* ^-^

I'm going to have an adoptable shop if I can ever finish up the gene work ^-^' It's going to be entirely Wildclaws to start with, but it'll have almost every gene available when it opens (except no Cry/Face/Opal, because trying to make crystally textures make me weep).

Oooh, I will have to go inspect the accent you submitted >_> I'm sure it's of fair footing with the other contestants, but good luck in the contest all the same ;w;

Another new book already? O_O You definitely deserve a stop-drop-and-rest after this... *pat pat*


Okay, so I saw Micah-sensei asked this on small-scale, and it made me pretty curious. How does everyone write for Gen 1's?

How do they explain their origins in lore? Are they actually well and truly parentless, or just abandoned by parents unseen? Do your Progens have the same origin as Gen 1's that you've hatched from eggs? Is the lore uniform among your Gen 1's, or does each one have a different explanation for where they came from?

It got me wondering and wanting to hear what some other people are doing with their lore...

*accepts high-five happily* ^-^

I'm going to have an adoptable shop if I can ever finish up the gene work ^-^' It's going to be entirely Wildclaws to start with, but it'll have almost every gene available when it opens (except no Cry/Face/Opal, because trying to make crystally textures make me weep).

Oooh, I will have to go inspect the accent you submitted >_> I'm sure it's of fair footing with the other contestants, but good luck in the contest all the same ;w;

Another new book already? O_O You definitely deserve a stop-drop-and-rest after this... *pat pat*


Okay, so I saw Micah-sensei asked this on small-scale, and it made me pretty curious. How does everyone write for Gen 1's?

How do they explain their origins in lore? Are they actually well and truly parentless, or just abandoned by parents unseen? Do your Progens have the same origin as Gen 1's that you've hatched from eggs? Is the lore uniform among your Gen 1's, or does each one have a different explanation for where they came from?

It got me wondering and wanting to hear what some other people are doing with their lore...
A gentle soul who likes to help new players. Also called Mawk.


I've recently re-discovered Free Rice 2.0, and remembered how good of a writing vocabulary tool it is.

For anyone looking to exercise their vocabulary, remember some of their old favorite words they've forgotten, or learn some new ones to use in their next paragraph, then I recommend trying Free Rice.

It works by having you answer a series of vocabulary questions, each one harder if you get it right and easier if you get it wrong (my record is level 38 so far). The coolest part is, is that for every question you get right, they donate 10 grains of rice to families in poverty through the World Food Programme.

It's worth the try for fun, and for charity, and I think they've even got other quiz categories, too. I'll leave the link below.

I've recently re-discovered Free Rice 2.0, and remembered how good of a writing vocabulary tool it is.

For anyone looking to exercise their vocabulary, remember some of their old favorite words they've forgotten, or learn some new ones to use in their next paragraph, then I recommend trying Free Rice.

It works by having you answer a series of vocabulary questions, each one harder if you get it right and easier if you get it wrong (my record is level 38 so far). The coolest part is, is that for every question you get right, they donate 10 grains of rice to families in poverty through the World Food Programme.

It's worth the try for fun, and for charity, and I think they've even got other quiz categories, too. I'll leave the link below.
A gentle soul who likes to help new players. Also called Mawk.

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