
Creative Corner

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TOPIC | Dragon Writers of May
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@micahjaguar okay well maybe 89 is a bit of an exaggeration, a good chunk of my dragons already have bios written, they just need some beautification, coding + images, but yeah it is a lot... ^^:
@micahjaguar okay well maybe 89 is a bit of an exaggeration, a good chunk of my dragons already have bios written, they just need some beautification, coding + images, but yeah it is a lot... ^^:
@micahjaguar I am so meh on the new genes. "Oh look, more stripes. Like the other 5 stripey genes already. OK, have fun, everyone."


So jaded.

@CrypticGirl I am weirdly somewhat jealous of your ability to enjoy video games. :) I wanted to have fun playing a video game on Saturday night but somehow I seem to have forgotten how. o.O

@LilacsandFreedom are you self-pubbing your short story collection? I will buy 'em. :)


*drags into chat*

I'm not gonna try to catch up on the rest of the thread because that way lies getting nothing done.

I've been editing Birthright, which will never be done, or possibly ready for first readers at the end of June. One of those. Also livewriting my PollRPG story, which is in short fluffy installments. It is weird keeping track of the same story unfolding in two different ways. "Wait, does Dream!Smoke know this? No, that was Twitter!Smoke." I've not been doing much on FR apart from the dailies, though I leveled up some hunsold kids last night. I think Light is pushing next week, maybe, and also my lair is out of space. So.

I got sick last Tuesday and am still waiting for the "get better" part. So tired. x_x
@micahjaguar I am so meh on the new genes. "Oh look, more stripes. Like the other 5 stripey genes already. OK, have fun, everyone."


So jaded.

@CrypticGirl I am weirdly somewhat jealous of your ability to enjoy video games. :) I wanted to have fun playing a video game on Saturday night but somehow I seem to have forgotten how. o.O

@LilacsandFreedom are you self-pubbing your short story collection? I will buy 'em. :)


*drags into chat*

I'm not gonna try to catch up on the rest of the thread because that way lies getting nothing done.

I've been editing Birthright, which will never be done, or possibly ready for first readers at the end of June. One of those. Also livewriting my PollRPG story, which is in short fluffy installments. It is weird keeping track of the same story unfolding in two different ways. "Wait, does Dream!Smoke know this? No, that was Twitter!Smoke." I've not been doing much on FR apart from the dailies, though I leveled up some hunsold kids last night. I think Light is pushing next week, maybe, and also my lair is out of space. So.

I got sick last Tuesday and am still waiting for the "get better" part. So tired. x_x
Author Website:

Well, it's not a totally bad problem to have...'course, that's just my thoughts on the matter :P


Well, I'm kicking around an idea for a full play inspired by Western Union telegram deliverers in WWII (proof that inspiration can literally come from anywhere), but mainly I'm just trying to get this collection of short stories off the ground while also fiddling with extra story stuff for future "installments" I guess you could call 'em.
As for the fan fic, there's nothing mysterious about it, I just feel bad for taking so long to finish it XD That should be one of my summer goals, just "finish the darn thing already!" XP


Ah, they're nowhere near publishing readiness yet XD Looking that far ahead though, I might try and get a publisher on board for it rather than self-publishing, but that's a little ambitious and honestly I'll just have to write the darn thing first before I can even think about that XP I appreciate the thought though c:
I hope you feel better soon, it stinks getting sick D: Oh well, at least you're making progress with editing, that's good!

Well, it's not a totally bad problem to have...'course, that's just my thoughts on the matter :P


Well, I'm kicking around an idea for a full play inspired by Western Union telegram deliverers in WWII (proof that inspiration can literally come from anywhere), but mainly I'm just trying to get this collection of short stories off the ground while also fiddling with extra story stuff for future "installments" I guess you could call 'em.
As for the fan fic, there's nothing mysterious about it, I just feel bad for taking so long to finish it XD That should be one of my summer goals, just "finish the darn thing already!" XP


Ah, they're nowhere near publishing readiness yet XD Looking that far ahead though, I might try and get a publisher on board for it rather than self-publishing, but that's a little ambitious and honestly I'll just have to write the darn thing first before I can even think about that XP I appreciate the thought though c:
I hope you feel better soon, it stinks getting sick D: Oh well, at least you're making progress with editing, that's good!
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*gratefully accepts hot chocolate* I think I'm going to make non-internet hot chocolate later, too. I finally finished my first draft on Thursday, so now it's a lot easier. Hopefully nothing else like that will spring up, because I seem to have actual inspiration now - I've written several pages for various things since finishing the paper.
*gratefully accepts hot chocolate* I think I'm going to make non-internet hot chocolate later, too. I finally finished my first draft on Thursday, so now it's a lot easier. Hopefully nothing else like that will spring up, because I seem to have actual inspiration now - I've written several pages for various things since finishing the paper.
tumblr_oh6risLJAT1vfeckzo5_r3_250.png oh look
an art tumblr
@micahjaguar Hahaha, thank you for the encouragement! XD I may have started writing A Thing during a break at work the other day ... I don't know how this Fantasy/Dystopia is going to turn out, but given that it's inspired by Eurovision? Weird is probably how! But I'll have fun with it, I'm sure.

(Azerbaijan's entry Skeletons is still feeding my imagination with its weird staging, and the not-actually-bad(?) song.)
@micahjaguar Hahaha, thank you for the encouragement! XD I may have started writing A Thing during a break at work the other day ... I don't know how this Fantasy/Dystopia is going to turn out, but given that it's inspired by Eurovision? Weird is probably how! But I'll have fun with it, I'm sure.

(Azerbaijan's entry Skeletons is still feeding my imagination with its weird staging, and the not-actually-bad(?) song.)
A two-toned pink eight-pointed compass rose with the Arcane symbol at the centre, with the word 'adept' hand-written in front of the downwards point
The Spire, home of the Lundlaevungar: a crystal island shaped like an inverted mountain floating above the sea in a yellow sky
The Pirate Trials button, linking to the thread: a pink pearl with subtle gold sparkles, with 'The Pirate Trials' handwritten in front; the P is an eye patch with a skull on it Arcane Badge depicting the Oculus of the Eleven
Clan Lore

Exalted Dragons



Well, the particular dragons I'm really stuck for ideas on were either found G1 eggs, or were bred within the lair.

I've organized my lore somewhat, and the link can be found in my signature. =D

Well, the particular dragons I'm really stuck for ideas on were either found G1 eggs, or were bred within the lair.

I've organized my lore somewhat, and the link can be found in my signature. =D
@micahjaguar *rolls out of bed and falls onto forum* ...Oh. I forgot this was a thing, again @_@ I haven't thought of a name for him yet, but I probably should get one soon! If I'm selling dragons, I tend to leave them nameless until they grow up, but he's a big boy now... I'm 30% mad about the new genes, because I'm lazy about working on my adoptable shop, and now there's more genes I need to make bases for (FR's way of poking at me and saying I'm being lazy, and I need to make bases quicker), but I'm 70% possibly very happy, because this is the first time I may have found a secondary gene I like for my Progen...? O_o [img][/img] I thought he'd have a basic Secondary and Tert forever, but I'm second-guessing myself now O_o As for writing? I wrote a whole short story in one day...and I'm sort of really kind of proud of it... The inception of the idea for the story, the planning of plot and characters, and writing the 2,000 words of the story, took about 12 hours total. I plan on going back and touching it up a bit sometime, but for now, it's done. I think this is a good thing for my "writing consistently and good" campaign... *cheers quietly* ----- Sounds like you guys have been pretty productive! I hear a lot of bios getting made, and a lot more on the way as dragon prompts are getting tossed around ^-^ It makes me happy to see people getting out of school, and getting a hand up back into writing! Keep the chat alive, guys!

*rolls out of bed and falls onto forum*

...Oh. I forgot this was a thing, again @_@

I haven't thought of a name for him yet, but I probably should get one soon! If I'm selling dragons, I tend to leave them nameless until they grow up, but he's a big boy now...

I'm 30% mad about the new genes, because I'm lazy about working on my adoptable shop, and now there's more genes I need to make bases for (FR's way of poking at me and saying I'm being lazy, and I need to make bases quicker), but I'm 70% possibly very happy, because this is the first time I may have found a secondary gene I like for my Progen...? O_o
I thought he'd have a basic Secondary and Tert forever, but I'm second-guessing myself now O_o

As for writing? I wrote a whole short story in one day...and I'm sort of really kind of proud of it... The inception of the idea for the story, the planning of plot and characters, and writing the 2,000 words of the story, took about 12 hours total.

I plan on going back and touching it up a bit sometime, but for now, it's done. I think this is a good thing for my "writing consistently and good" campaign... *cheers quietly*

Sounds like you guys have been pretty productive! I hear a lot of bios getting made, and a lot more on the way as dragon prompts are getting tossed around ^-^ It makes me happy to see people getting out of school, and getting a hand up back into writing! Keep the chat alive, guys!
A gentle soul who likes to help new players. Also called Mawk.


Ah, merci!

For me, I just write my ideas down in a note-like form. Just enough for me to remember what it was about. But you can do it! Just focus on one project, jot down some notes about others if you need to, and you will accomplish what you out your mind to! Of course, needless to say, there will always be times where there will be more inspirations, so in the end, you might never finish what you want to- *laughs nervously* thiswassupposedtobeinspiring


Honestly, I think that fur ball just wants to hand out food. Maybe he's keeping the best goodies for himself '>.>


hahahahhahaha- *chokes on gum* I mean, it's not like all my dragons have really dark, angsty pasts filled with death and gore. *sweats nervously*

Ah, merci!

For me, I just write my ideas down in a note-like form. Just enough for me to remember what it was about. But you can do it! Just focus on one project, jot down some notes about others if you need to, and you will accomplish what you out your mind to! Of course, needless to say, there will always be times where there will be more inspirations, so in the end, you might never finish what you want to- *laughs nervously* thiswassupposedtobeinspiring


Honestly, I think that fur ball just wants to hand out food. Maybe he's keeping the best goodies for himself '>.>


hahahahhahaha- *chokes on gum* I mean, it's not like all my dragons have really dark, angsty pasts filled with death and gore. *sweats nervously*

*suspiciously squints at innocent looking pile*

What are you hiding from us, Pinkerton?

*suspiciously squints at innocent looking pile*

What are you hiding from us, Pinkerton?
Well well, look at me redoing my lore again, and not that long after the first time I reworked it. I can't seem to settle on one idea and the introduction of some very specific dragons threw everything off so I had to redo it.
Well well, look at me redoing my lore again, and not that long after the first time I reworked it. I can't seem to settle on one idea and the introduction of some very specific dragons threw everything off so I had to redo it.
knowledge of comprehension, benevolence, and aesthetics | active | slowly revamping
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