
Creative Corner

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TOPIC | Dragon Writers of May
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Well, since you asked. XD I haven't been active on FR for months, really, except for feeding and gathering. It's rather lost its luster, and I got a little frustrated with my lore. I've bought some new dragons (and almost maxed out my lair space again ugh) but I don't know what to do with them anymore. So bluh.

In the real world, however, I've been in school (last day tomorrow woot!) and editing and proofing and beginning to study ancient languages--that count, right? lol. Writing hasn't been all that productive, unless you count the RPs I've kept up with, but nothing actually productive in that regard.

Well, since you asked. XD I haven't been active on FR for months, really, except for feeding and gathering. It's rather lost its luster, and I got a little frustrated with my lore. I've bought some new dragons (and almost maxed out my lair space again ugh) but I don't know what to do with them anymore. So bluh.

In the real world, however, I've been in school (last day tomorrow woot!) and editing and proofing and beginning to study ancient languages--that count, right? lol. Writing hasn't been all that productive, unless you count the RPs I've kept up with, but nothing actually productive in that regard.

What a cute little imp bubby. You pinged everyone when I was asleep and since I'm subscribed, I woke up to 24 notifications, heh. Thanks for making me feel loved~

I'm actually in a really good mood, and I've been making sure not to waste it. The night before last I was so very stressed, because I had a report due the next morning and I hadn't started it at all. I stayed up until 11:30 pm(extremely late for this early bird), and eventually gave up before I was satisfied. I just knew that when I handed it in the teacher would tell me I'd done it all wrong. So yes, very stressed, and I barely slept that night because of it.

Then I got to TAFE yesterday and handed it in. Do you know what the teacher said? She said that I had completed it at a diploma level (I'm studying certificate IV which is the level under it with a big learning gap in between), and she then proceeded to use my report as an example for the rest of the class.

My last minute scramble of a report was apparently that good.

So yeah, I filled myself up with smug, and then came home and used it. You'll never believe what on.


I finally started working on that final edit of my novel! :O such progress. And yeah, since that good mood has carried into today, I'm going to be continuing with that edit, and make myself do so every day from here on out until it's done, even when that happy mood goes again. :D


*tackles you*
You forgot about us?! How dare you. I miss you, you witch! Haha. You gotta drop in every so often and let us know what you've been up to~
Your noc girl is very pretty. She deserves all the art and adopts, yes yes yes! :D

What a cute little imp bubby. You pinged everyone when I was asleep and since I'm subscribed, I woke up to 24 notifications, heh. Thanks for making me feel loved~

I'm actually in a really good mood, and I've been making sure not to waste it. The night before last I was so very stressed, because I had a report due the next morning and I hadn't started it at all. I stayed up until 11:30 pm(extremely late for this early bird), and eventually gave up before I was satisfied. I just knew that when I handed it in the teacher would tell me I'd done it all wrong. So yes, very stressed, and I barely slept that night because of it.

Then I got to TAFE yesterday and handed it in. Do you know what the teacher said? She said that I had completed it at a diploma level (I'm studying certificate IV which is the level under it with a big learning gap in between), and she then proceeded to use my report as an example for the rest of the class.

My last minute scramble of a report was apparently that good.

So yeah, I filled myself up with smug, and then came home and used it. You'll never believe what on.


I finally started working on that final edit of my novel! :O such progress. And yeah, since that good mood has carried into today, I'm going to be continuing with that edit, and make myself do so every day from here on out until it's done, even when that happy mood goes again. :D


*tackles you*
You forgot about us?! How dare you. I miss you, you witch! Haha. You gotta drop in every so often and let us know what you've been up to~
Your noc girl is very pretty. She deserves all the art and adopts, yes yes yes! :D
@micahjaguar - I've spent this week working overnights with basically the energy to eat and nap left over. Writing has been limited to trying to give everyone in the lair a decent bio skeleton buuuuuut I'm gonna try and get some outlining done this weekend while I recover/switch back to day shifts. Raia's bab is super cute! I've always liked complimentary okapi. And on the subject of dragons we've all inexplicably spoiled I have Sterling. Dropped 1800 gems on his fancy new UM accent and paid an absurd markup for his Rose Thorn collar but it was all worth it: [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@micahjaguar - I've spent this week working overnights with basically the energy to eat and nap left over. Writing has been limited to trying to give everyone in the lair a decent bio skeleton buuuuuut I'm gonna try and get some outlining done this weekend while I recover/switch back to day shifts.

Raia's bab is super cute! I've always liked complimentary okapi.

And on the subject of dragons we've all inexplicably spoiled I have Sterling. Dropped 1800 gems on his fancy new UM accent and paid an absurd markup for his Rose Thorn collar but it was all worth it:


Heh, been at work and usually too tired to do anything except dailies afterwards. I did decide to divide that alien creature generator into two parts (A. Biology & B. Sociology), which has made thinking it out much easier, as well as constrain everything into Earth-type parameters (gravity/ air pressure/composition/ and so on,maybe with special notes for any extremes if I can work them out), and include references to information for anything outside of those parameters. I don't feel like working out how to develop life on a Jovian moon, too much new stuff I'd have to learn.

But anyways.... still playing with it, also working out stuff with the Phel for that story I'm messing with (now sort of a sci fi mystery). Lots of notes in lots of little notebooks....

Haven't read anything new lately, but I could use a dragon prompt!


Heh, been at work and usually too tired to do anything except dailies afterwards. I did decide to divide that alien creature generator into two parts (A. Biology & B. Sociology), which has made thinking it out much easier, as well as constrain everything into Earth-type parameters (gravity/ air pressure/composition/ and so on,maybe with special notes for any extremes if I can work them out), and include references to information for anything outside of those parameters. I don't feel like working out how to develop life on a Jovian moon, too much new stuff I'd have to learn.

But anyways.... still playing with it, also working out stuff with the Phel for that story I'm messing with (now sort of a sci fi mystery). Lots of notes in lots of little notebooks....

Haven't read anything new lately, but I could use a dragon prompt!

Long Patrol and Hibden
for forum games, please.
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I haven't written this month. Loads of excuses but it all boils down to my mind not even thinking about writing... I should get on that.
I haven't written this month. Loads of excuses but it all boils down to my mind not even thinking about writing... I should get on that.

The Good News:

School's out for summer! I have more time to work on things.

The Bad News:

I have no inspiration for writing! All my creativity is being channeled towards work and my convention business!
The Good News:

School's out for summer! I have more time to work on things.

The Bad News:

I have no inspiration for writing! All my creativity is being channeled towards work and my convention business!
Hey, friendly reminder to drink water, stretch, and take a short break if you can. Stay healthy! Also, don't forget about any chores or tasks you might be putting off.
Haven't been up to much in the writing sense. I've been thinking about reviving a couple of old fanfics I started a few years back, and my friend recently asked for original fic I'd started writing in HIGH SCHOOL!! So I've been thinking about picking that up again. But so far I've been focusing on writing bios/lore for my dragons. I've started 'rescuing' older dragons from the AU. There is something so heart-breaking about seeing a three year old dragon on the market for 6500k. So I scoop them up and start planning lore for them. Listed below are my recent rescues. Starless [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Moira [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Circumstances were a bit different for Moira. After I picked her up the original owner ended up messaging me to say thank you for taking her in. She's a gorgeous dragon and I'm planning to write some lore for her so she'll definitely end up one of my perma-dragons. I did tell the original owner to contact me later if she ends up having enough room in her lair, since that was originally why she let her go. I didn't promise to give her back....but I promised to think about it. ^_^ And then there is Dawn. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] She is the unofficial care-taker of the clan familiars. No one knows where she originally came from. She showed up when the Clan was overwhelmed with training young Exaltees, and never left.
Haven't been up to much in the writing sense. I've been thinking about reviving a couple of old fanfics I started a few years back, and my friend recently asked for original fic I'd started writing in HIGH SCHOOL!!

So I've been thinking about picking that up again.

But so far I've been focusing on writing bios/lore for my dragons. I've started 'rescuing' older dragons from the AU. There is something so heart-breaking about seeing a three year old dragon on the market for 6500k. So I scoop them up and start planning lore for them. Listed below are my recent rescues.





Circumstances were a bit different for Moira. After I picked her up the original owner ended up messaging me to say thank you for taking her in. She's a gorgeous dragon and I'm planning to write some lore for her so she'll definitely end up one of my perma-dragons. I did tell the original owner to contact me later if she ends up having enough room in her lair, since that was originally why she let her go. I didn't promise to give her back....but I promised to think about it. ^_^

And then there is Dawn.


She is the unofficial care-taker of the clan familiars. No one knows where she originally came from. She showed up when the Clan was overwhelmed with training young Exaltees, and never left.
You are
my child
...created when I
breathed life into
@micahjaguar: Sometime in June actually.

One of the units is wrapping up in May though, because it's a little shorter.
@micahjaguar: Sometime in June actually.

One of the units is wrapping up in May though, because it's a little shorter.
'Why are you frowning?' -Temeraire's first words.
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Well, first and foremost, I'm finally done with my exams and everything, so aside from my general goals of cleaning and whatnot I'm free for the summer! I hope this means that I can be a little more active around here ;u;

Unfortunately, I didn't get into the playwriting competition this year, but I didn't really expect to, so I'm not all that upset about it. In the meantime, I'll just keep working on other stuff :P I've got a lot of great new ideas for my main story stuff, so I'm probably going to try working on that and also finally finishing that fan fic I started last year because gosh I might as well at this point, I'd feel bad to let it die on the last chapter!.

Well, first and foremost, I'm finally done with my exams and everything, so aside from my general goals of cleaning and whatnot I'm free for the summer! I hope this means that I can be a little more active around here ;u;

Unfortunately, I didn't get into the playwriting competition this year, but I didn't really expect to, so I'm not all that upset about it. In the meantime, I'll just keep working on other stuff :P I've got a lot of great new ideas for my main story stuff, so I'm probably going to try working on that and also finally finishing that fan fic I started last year because gosh I might as well at this point, I'd feel bad to let it die on the last chapter!.
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She is expensive, but she's also very pretty and has been my dream self-dragon for almost a year! I love her


aaaaahhhh -is tackled-

I'm sorry, I've missed you guys too! I've just been super busy outside this game and I haven't had a lot of time to do more than quick glances at my pings since I was last here. I'll try to be around a little more? But no guarantees because I'm ramping up to finish a thing in time for the FR anniversary, and I have a few other things I'm roped into doing that need to get finished as well (one of which I hope I can finish today).

She does! <3 <3 <3

She is expensive, but she's also very pretty and has been my dream self-dragon for almost a year! I love her


aaaaahhhh -is tackled-

I'm sorry, I've missed you guys too! I've just been super busy outside this game and I haven't had a lot of time to do more than quick glances at my pings since I was last here. I'll try to be around a little more? But no guarantees because I'm ramping up to finish a thing in time for the FR anniversary, and I have a few other things I'm roped into doing that need to get finished as well (one of which I hope I can finish today).

She does! <3 <3 <3
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