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TOPIC | Dragon Writers of May
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@MawkishMuse In my clan lore, my progens came from somewhere else and settled a place together. My other gen1s are Found Eggs, raised by the whole clan.
@MawkishMuse In my clan lore, my progens came from somewhere else and settled a place together. My other gen1s are Found Eggs, raised by the whole clan.
I'm an artist! I paint canvases and draw coloring pages! See my gallery:

Subscribe to my Patreon for monthly/weekly coloring pages, or just visit for the occasional freebies and monthly e-postcards!
@MawkishMuse all my dragons are gen 1s -- they're treated the exact same as you would treat your non gen ones, i suppose. also, i'll check out freerice -- thanks! -------------------- also my first time on this thread, uhh. i did a novel for nanowrimo in november. it was graded "not good enough" by my teacher, while another who copied theirs off of a tv show was "good." so i've been so demotivated from writing another one, and it's not pleasant. the novel was ~20k words..? anyway, here's a sample of my writing: [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] i hope to maybe take classes in writing when i'm good enough.

all my dragons are gen 1s -- they're treated the exact same as you would treat your non gen ones, i suppose.

also, i'll check out freerice -- thanks!

also my first time on this thread, uhh. i did a novel for nanowrimo in november. it was graded "not good enough" by my teacher, while another who copied theirs off of a tv show was "good." so i've been so demotivated from writing another one, and it's not pleasant. the novel was ~20k words..?

anyway, here's a sample of my writing:

i hope to maybe take classes in writing when i'm good enough.

Many matchy g1s up for offer here! Send a PM!
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@micahjaguar - Yeah, that's kinda were I've been for the past 5 or so years. And being in my mid twenties I feel like it's past time I got out of that stage, but I just can't find any direction.

Not that I have it terribly hard. I do, after all, have parents who are willing to put up with me.
@micahjaguar - Yeah, that's kinda were I've been for the past 5 or so years. And being in my mid twenties I feel like it's past time I got out of that stage, but I just can't find any direction.

Not that I have it terribly hard. I do, after all, have parents who are willing to put up with me.
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@micahjaguar Most of the gardens were indoors. Around here we're just finishing up early spring flowers. I think my tulips only have a few more days left and my lilac has just bloomed.
@micahjaguar Most of the gardens were indoors. Around here we're just finishing up early spring flowers. I think my tulips only have a few more days left and my lilac has just bloomed.
@Hurricanesong This week my book is hitting retail, which means I can switch gears and start something new! I'm hunting through projects right to decide which one I want to tackle next. I can never decide if I like this stage or not. On one hand, that moment where the possibilities are limitless is exciting! On the other, I feel anxious if I'm not working on something, because some part of me wonders if I'll spend my life goofing off, reading books and playing games. >.> I'll probably have decided by this time next week, and then it'll be nose to the grindstone again. :) @puffbird @CrypticGirl Ah, so you all don't do the literal "no parents" thing for your Gen1s. Some people do, and it makes for interesting stories...! @MawkishMuse Another! I've only done two books this year! I still have two to go. At the end of the year, if I've done five or six, THEN you can tell me 'another??' and I will say 'ugh, yes, I am about to wither from overwork' >.> I wish to see this adoptable shop! You should finish it! *hint hint* @NightRising Why do you think your writing is bad? I think that's a very vivid bio. And waiting to take classes until you're good enough is backwards! You take classes to become good! *hugs* You are being too hard on yourself. And your teacher was maybe a little rough on you, too. Before artists can listen to constructive criticism, they have to believe they have some talent worth nurturing... that's the job of teachers in the beginning. Maybe she has skipped this step. :/ @Reltseo It's good to have parents who love you but that doesn't mean you should want to live with them all your life! (I have a cultural background that makes that more okay than it does for other cultures, from my observation, but even in my culture it's 'you live with your parents... and then your parents live with you.' Not 'you never become an adult in your own eyes.') As for figuring out your life... I don't think anyone ever does. My sister was a history major, got a job as a bank teller to pay bills, and then ended up a banker because she kept getting promoted. I was an art major, started working in IT in order to make my money, and then ended up in telecom! Sometimes it's not about figuring out what you want, as much as being okay with the choices you have. If you'd told Young Me I was going to be content with the life I have now, she would have been shocked...! @SadariEvenstar Tulips that grow in the ground! This is dreadfully exotic. :D *** As I mentioned above, my book's at retail finally! It had a soft launch today; full launch will go out when it finishes propagating to all the retailers. (Barnes & Noble and Apple are always the slowest to put something new up. Amazon's the quickest!) I am a happy, tired camper, and will probably take a few days this weekend to goof off. I also bought this dragon who finally grew up and he is adorable. It's the eye. He needed the eye. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I can't wait for the festival. BRING ALL THE LAIR EXPANSIONS.
@Hurricanesong This week my book is hitting retail, which means I can switch gears and start something new! I'm hunting through projects right to decide which one I want to tackle next.

I can never decide if I like this stage or not. On one hand, that moment where the possibilities are limitless is exciting! On the other, I feel anxious if I'm not working on something, because some part of me wonders if I'll spend my life goofing off, reading books and playing games. >.>

I'll probably have decided by this time next week, and then it'll be nose to the grindstone again. :)

@puffbird @CrypticGirl Ah, so you all don't do the literal "no parents" thing for your Gen1s. Some people do, and it makes for interesting stories...!

@MawkishMuse Another! I've only done two books this year! I still have two to go. At the end of the year, if I've done five or six, THEN you can tell me 'another??' and I will say 'ugh, yes, I am about to wither from overwork' >.>

I wish to see this adoptable shop! You should finish it! *hint hint*

@NightRising Why do you think your writing is bad? I think that's a very vivid bio. And waiting to take classes until you're good enough is backwards! You take classes to become good! *hugs* You are being too hard on yourself. And your teacher was maybe a little rough on you, too. Before artists can listen to constructive criticism, they have to believe they have some talent worth nurturing... that's the job of teachers in the beginning. Maybe she has skipped this step. :/

@Reltseo It's good to have parents who love you but that doesn't mean you should want to live with them all your life! (I have a cultural background that makes that more okay than it does for other cultures, from my observation, but even in my culture it's 'you live with your parents... and then your parents live with you.' Not 'you never become an adult in your own eyes.')

As for figuring out your life... I don't think anyone ever does. My sister was a history major, got a job as a bank teller to pay bills, and then ended up a banker because she kept getting promoted. I was an art major, started working in IT in order to make my money, and then ended up in telecom! Sometimes it's not about figuring out what you want, as much as being okay with the choices you have.

If you'd told Young Me I was going to be content with the life I have now, she would have been shocked...!

@SadariEvenstar Tulips that grow in the ground! This is dreadfully exotic. :D


As I mentioned above, my book's at retail finally! It had a soft launch today; full launch will go out when it finishes propagating to all the retailers. (Barnes & Noble and Apple are always the slowest to put something new up. Amazon's the quickest!) I am a happy, tired camper, and will probably take a few days this weekend to goof off.

I also bought this dragon who finally grew up and he is adorable. It's the eye. He needed the eye.


I can't wait for the festival. BRING ALL THE LAIR EXPANSIONS.

Traveling Wind Clan! We have toured every Flight in Sornieth!
We completed our round-the-world tour on July 6th, 2020 and are once again home in Wind!

Previous Visits: Wind, Earth, Light, Shadow, Nature, Arcane, Ice, Fire, Water, Lightning, Plague

thank you; the teacher simply discouraged me :< i'm trying to continue onwards but it's a bit tough when they're a teacher that's supposed to have taken years of classes themselves and that's what they had to say, yanno?

do you think i should try to write another novel?

thank you; the teacher simply discouraged me :< i'm trying to continue onwards but it's a bit tough when they're a teacher that's supposed to have taken years of classes themselves and that's what they had to say, yanno?

do you think i should try to write another novel?

Many matchy g1s up for offer here! Send a PM!
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Mostly I don't, but Liora is a special case. There's a reason why she doesn't have parents. Although to say why would be spoiling a big part of the story. XD

Mostly I don't, but Liora is a special case. There's a reason why she doesn't have parents. Although to say why would be spoiling a big part of the story. XD
@NightRising She's just one teacher, though. One person's opinion isn't all that much. (And why doesn't yours count?)

Do you like the idea of writing novels? Do you enjoy writing? Do you think the stories in your heart are important? Then absolutely, you should write them down. Maybe your first few won't be so great. I know most of mine weren't. But the only way to become good at writing is to write! You're still in school, so you probably haven't had a lot of practice yet, particularly at writing fiction. Don't let this teacher convince you that you'll never be good at something you have hardly had any practice at. What was she expecting??

Seriously. I am miffed. If I'd had a teacher in high school who told me that I shouldn't bother, I would have believed her, too, and been discouraged. I couldn't really handle 'this is how you get better' at stuff until I was in late college.

*pushes pen and keyboard at you* If your stories matter, then you should write them.

@CrypticGirl Ooooh! *popcorns* 8D
@NightRising She's just one teacher, though. One person's opinion isn't all that much. (And why doesn't yours count?)

Do you like the idea of writing novels? Do you enjoy writing? Do you think the stories in your heart are important? Then absolutely, you should write them down. Maybe your first few won't be so great. I know most of mine weren't. But the only way to become good at writing is to write! You're still in school, so you probably haven't had a lot of practice yet, particularly at writing fiction. Don't let this teacher convince you that you'll never be good at something you have hardly had any practice at. What was she expecting??

Seriously. I am miffed. If I'd had a teacher in high school who told me that I shouldn't bother, I would have believed her, too, and been discouraged. I couldn't really handle 'this is how you get better' at stuff until I was in late college.

*pushes pen and keyboard at you* If your stories matter, then you should write them.

@CrypticGirl Ooooh! *popcorns* 8D
Traveling Wind Clan! We have toured every Flight in Sornieth!
We completed our round-the-world tour on July 6th, 2020 and are once again home in Wind!

Previous Visits: Wind, Earth, Light, Shadow, Nature, Arcane, Ice, Fire, Water, Lightning, Plague

awwe, thanks. i do want to write a novel, i just wasn't sure if i could. i should believe that i could, and i'll do that. i'll try to write a novel :>

awwe, thanks. i do want to write a novel, i just wasn't sure if i could. i should believe that i could, and i'll do that. i'll try to write a novel :>

Many matchy g1s up for offer here! Send a PM!
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@micahjaguar Not much is moving house-wise--had a couple of showings over the weekend, went to see a few houses on Friday and again today. I think I need a little break from looking at houses; I'm getting a bit burned out, lol. Omigosh, Dream is completely adorable. ^_^ I finally got around to writing some new lore. Yay! I was flipping through my lair bonding familiars, and suddenly it was time for Miera to get a mate, and he needed to be a bogsneak for some reason. (I guess that's her type?) So here they are! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] (entirely accurate picture of their first meeting) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Scries show lovely babies, although they'll have to wait until he's RTB (and slightly less traumatized).


Not much is moving house-wise--had a couple of showings over the weekend, went to see a few houses on Friday and again today. I think I need a little break from looking at houses; I'm getting a bit burned out, lol.

Omigosh, Dream is completely adorable. ^_^

I finally got around to writing some new lore. Yay! I was flipping through my lair bonding familiars, and suddenly it was time for Miera to get a mate, and he needed to be a bogsneak for some reason. (I guess that's her type?) So here they are!



(entirely accurate picture of their first meeting) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Scries show lovely babies, although they'll have to wait until he's RTB (and slightly less traumatized).
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