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TOPIC | Constant Cookie Permissions Popup
I have the same issue! Tried clearing cookies as that has usually been the solution but it still persists both on mobile and PC :(
I have the same issue! Tried clearing cookies as that has usually been the solution but it still persists both on mobile and PC :(
It's gotten bad enough that I've gone ahead and re-enabled my adblocker on my desktop and switched to mobile Firefox that allows adblockers on mobile. I haven't been on much since yesterday, as I was told to contact support as it's unrelated to the ad update, but it really doesn't look like it if it's affecting this many people!
It's gotten bad enough that I've gone ahead and re-enabled my adblocker on my desktop and switched to mobile Firefox that allows adblockers on mobile. I haven't been on much since yesterday, as I was told to contact support as it's unrelated to the ad update, but it really doesn't look like it if it's affecting this many people!
I'm having the same issue using Google Chrome
I'm having the same issue using Google Chrome
Ah, it's back. I remember this happening somewhere in 2019-20 as well...? Either way, extremely annoying.

Same things as with others; it appears randomly, and declining it doesn't make it disappear. Refreshing doesn't help. Sometime later after accepting it, it can reappear.

I had to move towards Brave browser on mobile. Would like to have all of my duties on one app (Google Chrome) but alas as of now... yeah.
Ah, it's back. I remember this happening somewhere in 2019-20 as well...? Either way, extremely annoying.

Same things as with others; it appears randomly, and declining it doesn't make it disappear. Refreshing doesn't help. Sometime later after accepting it, it can reappear.

I had to move towards Brave browser on mobile. Would like to have all of my duties on one app (Google Chrome) but alas as of now... yeah.
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@breakcore At least in this time these pop-ups doesn’t pop up every single time a new page is opened or got refreshed. [emoji=tundra deadpan size=2]

At least in this time these pop-ups doesn’t pop up every single time a new page is opened or got refreshed.
My username is MariLiLL | She/Her | FR +10
Was about to report I have this issue as well, using Chrome on Samsung mainly (so I can't use adblock) and it's pretty bad. I'd say it pops up 80% of the time whenever I go on a new page or preform an action.

I've had the issue of daily cookie accepting for a bit now but it didn't bother me (and I assumed it was mostly bc I used the site right after maintaince as I'm way ahead of FR time), but I really hope it gets fixed so I don't have to accept every day... I'll try to provide screenshots with the time of the site on it when I encounter it again. But it all looks similar to what's already been posted, just more so showing it happens often after 00:30-1:00 FR time
Was about to report I have this issue as well, using Chrome on Samsung mainly (so I can't use adblock) and it's pretty bad. I'd say it pops up 80% of the time whenever I go on a new page or preform an action.

I've had the issue of daily cookie accepting for a bit now but it didn't bother me (and I assumed it was mostly bc I used the site right after maintaince as I'm way ahead of FR time), but I really hope it gets fixed so I don't have to accept every day... I'll try to provide screenshots with the time of the site on it when I encounter it again. But it all looks similar to what's already been posted, just more so showing it happens often after 00:30-1:00 FR time
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[quote name="Hiddenite" date="2023-05-03 14:24:40" ] I'm having the same issue. Before, I used to get the pop-ups maybe once a week, so I figured that it was my browser being weird and clearing the data. But it's been [i]constantly[/i] popping up today, almost every time I refresh a page. I don't use (or want to use) adblock on the site, either. Small edit, although I don't know how much it matters; Before today, I've only ever gotten a pop-up with a [i]gray[/i] accent colour on the buttons. But today, I'm getting ones with a [i]blue[/i] accent colour, with buttons swapped around. [center][img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [right]-G[/right] [/quote] Quoting for the pics, I've started getting these two pop ups on almost every page on chrome mobile in the last week or so... This was a problem for a bit last year but then it was fixed so fingers crossed.
Hiddenite wrote on 2023-05-03 14:24:40:
I'm having the same issue. Before, I used to get the pop-ups maybe once a week, so I figured that it was my browser being weird and clearing the data. But it's been constantly popping up today, almost every time I refresh a page. I don't use (or want to use) adblock on the site, either.

Small edit, although I don't know how much it matters; Before today, I've only ever gotten a pop-up with a gray accent colour on the buttons. But today, I'm getting ones with a blue accent colour, with buttons swapped around.


Quoting for the pics, I've started getting these two pop ups on almost every page on chrome mobile in the last week or so... This was a problem for a bit last year but then it was fixed so fingers crossed.
@Yews they/them
My favourite dragon
Arcane Battlestone Bank
Arcane Food Bank
01110111 01101000 01111001 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110100 01110010 01100001 01101110 01110011 01101100 01100001 01110100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100100 01100001 01101101 01101110 00100000 01110111 01100001 01101100 01101110 01110101 01110100
ssecretssFRT +10
Actually, left this thread and got 4 pop ups in four minutes (and an another one when i came back now), screenshotted them. All 4 screenshots here:
Actually, left this thread and got 4 pop ups in four minutes (and an another one when i came back now), screenshotted them. All 4 screenshots here:
@Yews they/them
My favourite dragon
Arcane Battlestone Bank
Arcane Food Bank
01110111 01101000 01111001 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110100 01110010 01100001 01101110 01110011 01101100 01100001 01110100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100100 01100001 01101101 01101110 00100000 01110111 01100001 01101100 01101110 01110101 01110100
ssecretssFRT +10
[quote name="darkmoore" date="2023-05-03 12:13:16" ] I'm getting the same banners concerning my privacy. They will reappear after every action that makes the site reload and are blocking my view and all clickable space on the UI. I'm melting items at Baldwin and it is quite irritating to get the same prompt repeatedly. LouckyKoneko's solution does work. But I have deliberately deactivated my adblocker and build-in Tracking Protection (Firefox) on this site, so ads [i]will[/i] be shown and my visits will at least generate a little bit of ad revenue. I would hate it to cut out the only consistent support I'm able to give the side and the devs so I can have a manageable user experience. Maybe someone else has a solution that doesn't include getting rid of all other ads? I think it's fairly self-explanatory, but here are the two banners, who show up to calibrate my privacy on this site: [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] Edit: There is a [url=]Ad Network Update Reports[/url] thread. I'm not sure if this topic fits it, since it doesn't deal with bugs, but with contents of the ads itself. [/quote] Got the same issue on mobile using safari right now. I thought it was just me, but it seems to be a common problem apparently? I would like to avoid using Adblockers but if this persists I might have to resolve to it since this is rather disruptive.
darkmoore wrote on 2023-05-03 12:13:16:
I'm getting the same banners concerning my privacy. They will reappear after every action that makes the site reload and are blocking my view and all clickable space on the UI. I'm melting items at Baldwin and it is quite irritating to get the same prompt repeatedly.

LouckyKoneko's solution does work. But I have deliberately deactivated my adblocker and build-in Tracking Protection (Firefox) on this site, so ads will be shown and my visits will at least generate a little bit of ad revenue.

I would hate it to cut out the only consistent support I'm able to give the side and the devs so I can have a manageable user experience. Maybe someone else has a solution that doesn't include getting rid of all other ads?

I think it's fairly self-explanatory, but here are the two banners, who show up to calibrate my privacy on this site:


Edit: There is a Ad Network Update Reports thread. I'm not sure if this topic fits it, since it doesn't deal with bugs, but with contents of the ads itself.

Got the same issue on mobile using safari right now. I thought it was just me, but it seems to be a common problem apparently? I would like to avoid using Adblockers but if this persists I might have to resolve to it since this is rather disruptive.
I have the same issue. Using chrome. Neither accepting nor rejecting does anything. Clearing cookies didn't do it either. While I appreciate my privacy being valued, the constant random pop-ups are getting very annoying. If this persists, I'll have to reactivate my adblocker on this site which I'd rather not do. But now it's kinda unplayable [emoji=undertide sad size=1]
I have the same issue. Using chrome. Neither accepting nor rejecting does anything. Clearing cookies didn't do it either.
While I appreciate my privacy being valued, the constant random pop-ups are getting very annoying.

If this persists, I'll have to reactivate my adblocker on this site which I'd rather not do. But now it's kinda unplayable