
Level 25 Coatl
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Energy: 50
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Ice icon
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Male Coatl
Male Coatl
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Personal Style


Daisy Flowerfall
Sky Blue Fillet
Luminous Sundrapes
Eerie Cyan Pendants
Golden Silk Scarf
Luminous Halo
Mage's Sapphire Overcoat
Larkspur Flowerfall
Golden Rays
Resplendent Waistcoat
Mage's Sapphire Tunic
Mage's Sapphire Socks
Blue Breeches




Scene: Lightweaver's Domain


7.85 m
9.87 m
1107.97 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 15, 2014
(10 years)


Coatl icon

Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 25 Coatl
Max Level




  • none


Lord of the House of Delights

small Light divider


Light header



Chaotic Neutral



Sevetrin is best known as the current head of the House of Delights, one of the thirteen high-ranking Houses - noble families - in Byzmara. A subject of many monikers, he is most commonly referred to as the Gilded King and the King of Fortune. He has the curious ability to give and take luck - both good and bad - and use it however he pleases. To the general public, he's very liberal with his power, magnanimously bestowing various boons at a whim. Dragons from Byzmara and even beyond strive for just a moment of his attention, hoping that a brush with fortune - figurative or literal - will change their lives for the better. He's a celebrity, an idol - loved and respected but a distant star, untouchable outside of his own will.

As with many of Byzmara's residents, however, Sevetrin's secrets run deep. Generosity, kindness, attention, even a bit of flirtation... All of these and more are simply masks in his arsenal, deceptions donned whenever he deems it most beneficial to his goals - or his own amusement. Beneath them lays a cunning mind, dagger-sharp wit, and a deep vindictive streak, not to mention a particular lack of regard for others in a personal sense. Those around him are seen more as playthings than people, and he often takes great pleasure in verbal poking and prodding at others' weak points. Unlike his public persona as a noble, these are the aspects that shine through most frequently for his duties as a caplin: one of Byzmara's underground gang leaders. (Though one could never consider Sevetrin's cohort a mere gang; those under his employ are viciously organized and work toward far greater goals than mere thugs on the streets.)

As a result, catching Sevetrin's eye can be a more dangerous matter than the public would expect. Thanks to his luck magic and noble status, he's accustomed to getting his way. Where his own silver tongue may fall short, the physical threat presented by his closest guards can serve to change more... hesitant minds in his favor. If one is - ironically - fortunate, Sevetrin will simply grant a boon and move along. The less fortunate will find themselves dogged by the worst luck imaginable, frequently without even knowing why. And for the truly unfortunate - or truly foolish... Sevetrin's devious smile may well be the last thing they ever see.

However, there are the rare few, through whatever happenstance, that hold his attention in deeper ways, far beyond a passing whim. For these individuals, he will endeavor to forge true connections - even at the cost of revealing facets of his nature long-buried. Despite everything, Sevetrin does understand loyalty and knows that relationships can't fall on one person alone, and so, tentatively, he trusts. Not fast, and certainly not easily, but as intelligent, observant, and two-faced as he is, he's able to recognize a fellow deceiver at work, leading him to avoid opening up to riskier individuals. Thus far, he has yet to be truly betrayed. On some level, he expects to be burned eventually - even has grown to fear it - but for now, his current bonds are keeping his spark of optimism alive.



Luminous Halo Vista: Treasure Hoarder
Gilded Decorative Chest Golden Reefprince
Treasure Plant White King
Nudibranch Ruffled Extract
Unlucky Vial Unlucky Presence
Ferberus Swashbuckler's Cutlass
Lucky Star Venomblade Assassin
Gilded Crown Golden Hoard

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Close friend, confidante, and one of the very few to whom Sevetrin himself is truly loyal - a feat that only very few can claim to hold. As it turns out, it's well-deserved. Adaptable and optimistic without naivete, Valencia has swiftly made herself an irreplaceable part of the House staff, as well as a trusted secret-keeper when the burdens of Sevetrin's noble and caplin duties weigh more heavily on his shoulders. There's not much that brings her down, and her presence helps remind Sevetrin of his old innocence and buried softer heart. They're genuine friends, and though there are occasional sparks of something more romantic, there's an unspoken agreement that it can't be pursued. Status, employment, caplin dealings, and even the whims of the city itself... It would risk too much. So they simply treasure their connection where they can, as friendship is far better than nothing at all.

Post-Fall, their bond has only deepened, taking comfort in each other's familiar presence in the wake of disaster. The seeds of what was impossible before now have the chance to grow and bloom, and the two are taking tentative steps to uncovering further aspects of their relationship. It's slow going, by mutual decision, but Sevetrin is hopeful. (Even if he won't admit it - even if Valencia knows.)
[ TBA ]

Sevetrin relies on him even more post-Fall, trusting him to ward away unwanted visitors as well as offer practical advice. Baine's position as bodyguard remains unchanged - a decision that Baine made on his own, ever loyal - but he approaches Sevetrin with greater candor and practical advice. The latter, in particular, is openly appreciated. Though Sevetrin has his pride, he knows his own strengths, and physical labor and "commoner" problems aren't things he's had to deal with before. Baine, with a life experience that contrasts so much with Sevetrin's own, is far more prepared to tackle these issues. He remains supportive and patient as he helps Sevetrin find new footing after such a significant change.

A passing curiosity turned political "playmate." Hitsugaya's status as Captain of the Guard gives him plenty of opportunities to intervene in Sevetrin's affairs. Despite frequently butting heads - both refuse to be pawns of the other - they're fairly cordial. Sevetrin recognizes something of himself and Valencia in Hitsugaya's relationship with Matsumoto and thus holds it to some level of respect, although Sevetrin still delights in verbal sparring whenever Hitsugaya stops by the manor.

Post-Fall, they're at a tentative alliance. Both of them simply want to protect their own, and they have more important things to worry about in the wake of the city's destruction than past grievances.
A quandary and mild annoyance due to their tendency to pop in and out of Sevetrin's spaces at random. Though a frequent guest to the House itself, they're rarely seen indulging in the delights for which the house is named, seemingly content to just "hang out." They also know far too much about Sevetrin and his activities, yet remain bizarrely casual and unbothered when interacting with him. Refreshing at times, if disconcerting. He's not able to get a read on their goals or reasons for their visits. However, since Lore has yet to properly meddle in his affairs, he's content to let their presence slide for the time being - but he won't be caught with his guard down should disruption ever arise.

Their dynamic hasn't changed much post-Fall, though he does see a bit more of them now that the main group of Byzmaran survivors are recovering in closer quarters.

[ TBA ]

Directly responsible for saving Sevetrin's life when the Fall was in progress, yet their relationship is strained in the aftermath. Inverse refused to let Sevetrin look for his parents before the escape, stating they were already dead and that searching for them would only result in Sevetrin's own demise. While Sevetrin is grateful to be alive, he can't help the suspicion that Inverse had not been entirely truthful. For now, Sevetrin keeps his distance, reflecting on their situation and struggling to decide on a course of action.
Sevetrin's relationship with Koroz is... complicated. Both House Heads, both caplins, both formidable forces in their own right - and yet they have almost nothing else in common. Where Sevetrin is a subtle dagger, Koroz is a sledgehammer, and Sevetrin firmly believes that there are more methods of going about their work than simply breaking things. On the whole, he finds Koroz's personality and mannerisms distasteful, too reckless and arrogant. Though often forced into the same space due to their respective duties, they endeavor to know as little about each other personally as possible. As long as they each keep their noses out of the other's business, these brief interactions are a tolerable price to pay.

Post-Fall, the two have little to do with each other. Sevetrin keeps to himself and his own in the wake of his loss. Koroz, callous and ambitious as ever, aims to recreate the Blades in Sornieth, attempting to regain whatever scrap of power and control that he can. No longer bound by council or caplin circles, there's not much forcing their paths to cross, and Sevetrin is more than content to keep it that way.

Light divider


Nobles and associates:


City Guard and allies:


Special ID Crew:




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Sleepy Space adopt by @Lawless

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Story by @Caelyn, edits by @After


How is it that I have parents, but feel like an orphan? That I have every comfort, but still feel poor and destitute?

Sevetrin looked up from his book with a sigh.

His home's courtyard was paradisiacal. Palm fronds swayed beneath Byzmara’s inscrutable white sun. Branches of begonia and hibiscus intertwined, a riot of red, white and pink. Thick black-green foliage bordered pools of deep, clean water.

Beauty. Desert beauty. In a harsh land, tropical elegance carved free from the earth.

I should feel something... but I don't.

If anything, Sevetrin felt like part of the scenery. Another mute flower that would bloom for a season, then fade away...

His family comprised part of the Thirteen. Intellectually, he knew that they held great wealth and power, and that being head of anything in wealthy Byzmara was an accomplishment.

And yet...

His father Polanthus appeared at the mansion's back door. Sunlight danced along his scales, dotting the grass with shining faerie lights. Sevetrin hurriedly buried his nose back in his book.

He didn't get to see his father much. Seeing him felt awkward. Especially because Sevetrin didn't know how much his father knew about him, and his clandestine nighttime activities.

Sevetrin tried to picture himself as the studious, serious head of the family and failed. Even as the only main heir, it was hard to imagine.

Lost in fruitless daydreams, he didn't notice his father squatting beside him, a smile crinkling the corners of his eyes.

"You are bored," his father rumbled. Before Sevetrin could deny it, his father leaned forward. "You're bored, and it's dangerous. Your mother's court mystics sense some kind of power hidden inside of you, but none of us know not what. Especially because we don't see you much — and some of that is my fault."

Sevetrin's eyes fell on a passage in his book, The History of Fortune:

You have given yourself over to Fortune's rule, and you must bow yourself to your mistress's ways. Are you trying to stay the force of her turning wheel? Ah! dull-witted mortal, if Fortune begins to stay still, she is no longer Fortune.

A tiny bead of sweat gathered at the corner of Sevetrin's eye. "I'm... sorry."

"For what?"

"I do not know." When Sevetrin looked askance at his father, he saw a shrewd, calculating look on his father's face.

So: his father knew more than he was letting on. That made sense — one didn't rule a house in Byzmara without being aware of everything within one's scope, and many things outside of it.

Sevetrin sweated harder. "I — I —"

"Though we don't grow older here necessarily, I can feel myself growing less sharp. And in Byzmara, that's a dangerous thing. You might find yourself on the other side of the wall at nightfall, in the worst case."

Sevetrin’s heart quickened. "What do you mean?" Is he going to throw me out?

His father closed one eye in a long, long wink. "I think it's time you made this House something to be reckoned with."


As with all internal powers, Sevetrin discovered his slowly, from a combination of his own observations and those around him.

Before becoming a melancholy youth, he was a happy, active child. When he was a hatchling capering about the mansion, a priceless black obelisk toppled over toward him — and missed him by a thread. He pranced over it, declaring that he had defeated evil. But a housemaid who had seen the event fainted dead away.

A few months later, while chasing imaginary phantoms across the mansion's roof, he fell onto one small bush from a great height — cushioning his fall.

His mother grew weary of worrying about him and began constraining him to one part of the mansion. And some believe this is what made him turn toward melancholy, then rebellion.

Once he became studious, he began finding things. A cache of long-forgotten golden lorum someone had hidden, a servant-girl's long-lost handkerchief. Whenever a servant had lost something, they came to him, and he sniffed it out.

He took to investing his small allowance and quickly made handsome profits from it. On the rare occasions they met, his father asked Sevetrin for business advice.

Still, no matter what, there was a small, cold empty space above his heart that nothing could fill.

And that's why he turned his attention toward one of Byzmara's greatest scenes: gambling.

One of the servants, more shrewd than the others, snuck Sevetrin from his house late one night and escorted him to a fine casino. The gambling joint was happy to have anyone related to the Thirteen. Sevetrin enjoyed being catered to by handsome young men and women.

And women and men alike crowded around his table, watching his gold pieces grow to monumental stacks. They whispered about cheating. The gambling house grew concerned. But without proof, there was nothing they could do to trouble the Son of a House.

It was while gambling that night that Sevetrin finally noticed the full extent of his power.

If he gazed intently enough at a person, object or group, small filaments appeared behind them. Clear, glossy. Thin. Like a spider's web.

He instinctively knew what effect pulling on one or the other could create.

So: this is what he had been doing. Tugging the strings of fate.

Having no word for it, and no close friend, he never told.

He simply plucked the threads that spun the wheel a little longer, and waited just as breathlessly as the other casino-goers for it to land on his color, and cheered just as hard as they did when he won.


"A house," he said to the architects. "I want a house."

Behind him, his father stirred. "You've already got a house."

"Not this house," Sevetrin said, quaking lightly. He began to describe it to the builders, praying that they see his vision. Something to end the loneliness and fill the space above his heart.

It must have a dome — a crystal dome — for a roof. Couches of finest red velvet. Paintings, murals, of the deities looking away.

A pool as if from Olympia, with ever-blue waters. A tile mosaic beneath it of the Tidelord. A gambling den. A concert hall. A massage parlor with furnishings of ebony and leather.

And the only repeating theme would be golden slabs inlaid in the very walls, with ancient runes carved on each of them: The House of Delights.

His father listened to him, astonished. He had never seen his shy, bookish son so emphatic. So fiery, so motivated.

As the architects unpacked extra abacuses to calculate the endless cost of such a project, his father breathed slowly out.

He noticed an unfamiliar look on Sevetrin's face. A kind of animal cunning. Avarice.

Yes, he was glad his son would have his own house.


It is said that the House of Delights is the crowning jewel of Byzmara, and that the Gilded King holds sway over the crown.

The Palace — for that is what it is — crawls day and night with Byzmara's elites.

The Desert Star's ascetics send their young monks there to try and resist the perils of the flesh. The younglings leave terrified of the flesh’s excesses. Some have even gone mad.

As for Sevetrin, the Gilded King, he presents himself as the most unlikely caplin, and perhaps the greatest.

His shining golden scales cut an impressive figure wherever he roams, from pool to balcony to casino.

He is most visible during sunset, when he ushers out the daytime guests, and ushers in the night.

Light divider

Story by @Disillusionist, edits by @After

.... With his ability to manipulate luck, it soon became easy for Sevetrin to get whatever he wanted. There had at first been a wild thrill to it, the knowledge that he no longer needed to ask for whatever he desired—he could acquire it himself.

While the House of Delights was being constructed, there had been plenty of obstacles, other caplins who had wanted the land for themselves or who had attempted to seize the project when it was halfway through. The young Coatl had taken care of them on his own. It had been frightening at first—after all, he'd never gone up against a single caplin, let alone several at once—and then it had become incredibly exciting. He'd felt like a hero of old, up against impossible odds, guaranteed safety by sorcery and the gods.

And then, inevitably, it had turned monotonous. The House of Delights was completed in peace, and Sevetrin sulked, torpid and despondent. His house was indeed a place of wonder, but excess of any sort gets boring after a while. He needed something new. On a whim, he threw his cloak around his shoulders and fluttered out into the sunshine.

Most dragons knew of him, the reclusive, bookish son of one of the noble families. They looked at him with new eyes now, taking in the proud tilt of his head, the confidence with which he strode past. Sevetrin could feel their gazes, and inwardly he smiled. Perhaps they were hoping he would notice some of them and grant them his favor.

"And indeed," he thought, "I can grant them favor, of a sort..." He saw the threads of luck that bound each dragon, some of them shining strong, others as faint as sighs. It would be so easy to tug those strings and lead them to prosperity...

But things had been easy for too long. Sevetrin didn't like "easy". Furthermore, who were these dragons to demand his favor? They had to prove that they'd earned it first. And what better way to do so than to please him?

Sevetrin craved excitement, and he would get it—a whisper here, a message there, and he selected visitors from among the dragons he'd passed that day. They stared in awe at the invitations they'd received, at the gold-stamped profile of the sender: Lord Sevetrin had invited them to his House of Delights.

Some of them tossed their heads, believing that their greatness had finally been recognized. Others wept with relief, convinced that their luck had changed. All of them arrived at the House that night, expecting to be showered with delights.

The young Lord welcomed them, smiling genially. In a way, the visitors' expectations were realized. Their greatness had been recognized; their luck had changed—but not the way they had imagined. For indeed, they had come to the House of Delights... but the house was Sevetrin's house. And they were the delights, there for him alone to enjoy—and dispose of—as he pleased.

Light divider

Chibi by @Lestyn

Art by @HumBug

Adopt by @tysm

Adopt by @tysm

Old Dragon Collectors icon SIDHA Special ID icon rip old Ice eyes

Common -> Pastel 5/3/2021, 15:33 FRT (ty Pi!)
Facet -> Alloy 8/2/2024, 12:23 FRT
Smoke -> Contour 8/2/2024, 12:23 FRT

Hit Lv 25 9/22/2021, 22:57 FRT w/ Baine
Coding by @After

Light frames by @XJSX

Light divider by @osiem

Paladin divider by @Paladingineer
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