
Level 25 Imperial
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Energy: 50
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Plague icon
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Male Imperial
Male Imperial
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Personal Style


Daisy Flowerfall
Classy Top Hat
Luminous Halo
Eerie Cyan Forejewels
Eerie Cyan Grasp
Golden Seraph Hip Drape
Classy Tailcoat
Classy Waistcoat
Classy Dress Shirt
Eerie Cyan Clawrings
Classy Pants
Classy Spats
Well-to-do Sable Spats


Skin: vi. BLOSSOM


Scene: Pillow Palace


28.69 m
19.93 m
5866.95 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 31, 2021
(3 years)


Imperial icon

Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 25 Imperial
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  • none


Arcane header

SIDHA Special ID icon

Repeating Set - 69 69 69 65 / 696 9 696 5
Partial Palindrome - 6969696 5



Arcane divider

Young Aidou bust art by After.

- Eager, kind, patient, respectful, friendly, innocent. Loves stories and fantasy and soft things. Delights in finding hope and expression in his readings.

- "I don't know why the city seeks the boy; I was merely told to extend the invite. Byzmara can be a cruel and dangerous place... but perhaps therein lies the reason. His kindness may help fill the void in the city's heart." Something something Lore and Karura involvement, something something mysterious happenings in the city.

- Brought to Byzmara by [someone, probably Lore] on special request, but they leave him with [someone else]. Grows up under some sort of sponsor/mentor (Split? Kyrios???), special combat training that's not punching and pointy things. Not sure if he actually grows up in Byzmara or in an area adjacent? Might be in Sornieth nearby but make frequent visits. Keeps in touch with his family via letters.

- Experiences some of Byzmara's mysterious events and sees the effects they have on the residents. Despite fear and anxiety, he resolves to do what he can to help, because life's hard enough without lashing out and making things worse.

- Inverse and co. find out about him at some point? City also awakens special powers. The two might be related.

- Cake powers??? Can pull sweets and pastries out of thin air.

Arcane divider

Young adulthood:

- Noble, gentle, honorable, generous, accepting. Handsome, elegant, graceful. Chooses kindness where possible even though the world won't always do the same. Courteous for the most part, but does have his moments of snark among friends.

- Speaking of which: he's friends with so many people. He knows and is on relatively good terms with a majority of the city, which is an impressive feat since half of the residents are made of swords and spite.

- In combat, primarily utilizes magic for defense and disabling enemies without outright harming them but isn't so good with close quarters. Something something magic ribbons? Is proficient enough that some of the more aggressive residents will refrain from starting trouble.

- Likes "princely"-type clothes and demeanor; time spent around nobles has rubbed off on him a bit.
Aidou's old apparel and genes.
- Often travels between Byzmara and Sornieth, enjoys wandering and meeting other clans and soaking up local culture. Especially loves parties. Probably starts some kinda pride festival in Byzmara because good grief someone should!

- Weirdly immune to the city's effects. He never gets lost and never seems to suffer from special events, to the point of having an area-of-effect counter where those nearby are protected as well. The City Guard has taken note of this and will occasionally request his assistance when they feel it's especially merited.

Arcane divider

Adulthood / after Byzmara's fall (present day):

- Matured and confident, gallant and honorable as ever. Infinitely patient and, thanks to his travels and experience with Byzmara in general, downright impossible to surprise. He has seen and learned many things!

- Some regrets during Byzmara's fall, constantly feels like he could have done more despite having done his absolute best under the circumstances. He came away with only minor injuries, but probably has nightmares every so often.

- Still assists what's left of the City Guard on occasion, often by accompanying travelers to and from Byzmara since his very presence still serves to lessen the realm's effects. This has notably given him many opportunities to learn more about and (to no one's surprise) befriend Inkosi.

- Also still travels around Sornieth. Has made additional new friends in Bartos and Bulkkot. Time spent with them and the carnival troupe has given Aidou an increased flair for the dramatic, as well as a greater interest in performances and presentation.

- Has grown out of the "princely" idolization. Still prefers to dress nicely, but he's found his own vibe! he says, definitely not taking inspiration from Bartos

- Still keeps up his combat skills - you never know when you'll need them when wandering Sornieth! - but has also refined his magic into additional, more creative uses for visual appeal. again, definitely not taking inspiration from Bartos OR Bulkkot...

- His quirky ability of manifesting sweet treats also hasn't gone anywhere, which is great because it's still one of the most useful - and hilarious - abilities he has. Sometimes even more useful than his actual combat magic; few opponents expect a pie to the face!

- WIP WIP WIP omg there is so much to sort out

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