Most Recent Edits
August 19 2017: Blooming Grove added.
May 5 2017: Training Fields II, Arena didn't change I guess? Added the non-finishing battle bug, and updated the mage end-stat-total image.
February 5 2017: Volcanic Vents; Arena NOT fixed yet.
October 26 2016: Redrock Cove, Waterway boost, cat golems in Scorched Forest.
June 14 2016: Updated Cloud Dancer.
Skip to section: The Actual Guide and Farming the Golem Workshop
Skip to section: Making Money by Farming and Exalting, and Charts
Culex's simple damage calculator, based on Sylvandyr's work
Sylvandyr's enemy stats tool
Sylvandyr's dragon stat calculator
French translation by Edra

The coliseum is a dark, dirty place, and who wants to spend untold hours slaving away for nothing amazing? I'm here to teach you how to train your dragons!
This guide features, at its essence, a way to train your dragons with the least amount of fuss, in a very min-max way. This has nothing to do with role-playing, just getting the morass of leveling down to the fastest, simplest method. This boils down to “glass cannons.” While this guide does recommend three stat builds, you don't need to pick exactly what you want until nearly the end, so don't worry about it.
What's a glass cannon?
What's wrong with mages?
How about tanks?
The overall best build, for farming any zone for loot, is this:

![]() |
With this much STR, you can take out almost any enemy in two or fewer attacks, excepting boss enemies. Your high QCK gives your team of three dragons the advantage to get eight turns in before an enemy gets even one! (See what I mean about not taking damage?) The Rally isn't necessary, by the way, just helpful when fighting those bosses. (129 STR, 8 AGI, 13 VIT, 50 QCK, 5 INT, 5 DEF, 5 MND; Scratch, Eliminate, Rally, Berserker x3, Ambush x2, optional Shred) |
If you have a single level 25 dragon, and want to make mad exalt money or help out your flight in dominance, this is the primo build:

![]() | This is for a single dragon, training up two unleveled dragons in the Mire only! It has just enough STR to defeat any non-boss enemy in the Mire in 4 Scratches, or a Scratch+Eliminate, or a Rallied Eliminate, with plenty of QCK to get as many turns as possible. The stones are Rally, Eliminate, Sap, and Haste. How this build works is given in-depth later in the guide! |
(117 STR, 8 AGI, 25 VIT, 70 QCK, 5 INT, 5 DEF, 5 MND, Scratch, Rally, Eliminate, Berserker x3, Ambush x2, optional Haste and Sap)
Some people prefer this build:

![]() | Only a few enemies will require two Scratches and an Eliminate, and you have enough QCK to still get those eight turns. This is best used on two dragons, training a third unleveled dragon in the Kelp Beds. When you encounter a boss there, have your training dragons throw a Reflect on themselves, and they will take 0 damage from the bosses! Regardless, the Mire training build is faster, so I can't really recommend this build. |
(126 STR, 8 AGI, 6 VIT, 59 QCK, 5 INT, 5 DEF, 5 MND, Scratch, Shred, Eliminate, Reflect, Berserker x3, Ambush x2)
There's an extra potential useful build, albeit for only one dragon:

![]() | This is the mage/healer build. It's a total drag to use outside of the Golem Workshop, but if you put this dragon on your leftmost slot so it goes first, it can Rally one of your fighters. Here are some explicit details. Suffice to say, you can use any element, so Enamor could be Drown or Disorient or whatever. Aid is a must, Contuse is a must, and of course Meditate (apologies for my silver one). |
(5 STR, 8 AGI, 13 VIT, 50 QCK, 129 INT, 5 DEF, 5 MND, Meditate, Contuse, Aid, Rally, Scholar x3, Ambush x2, optional third tier magic attack)

It can be difficult to get started in the coliseum, with so many stats, so many stones, so many venues! If you know what you're doing, you certainly can skip ahead, though!
To start out, pick out three dragons you'd like to see get leveled up! They need to be fed, named, adults. It's easier if they're all starting out at the same level!
Go to the coliseum, and click Organize Party. Scroll through the list on the right and drag the three dragons you like over to the ovals on the left. The dragon in the oval to the far left will be on top, and go first! When you're done, hit Back.
Now, click on the Abilities & Stats button. You can scroll through your three dragons with the arrows near the top of the pane. Do any have Meditate (a blue Pearlcatcher icon) or Anticipate (a grey Guardian icon)? If so, you'll need to buy each of them an ability called Scratch, from the Auction House. It's quite cheap! You can see what these “battle stones” look like below!
Once you've bought any Scratch battle stones you might need, go back to the Abilities & Stats pane, to the appropriate dragon(s). See the Scratch stone you bought? Click and drag it into the top square on the left, then hit Lock Stones at the bottom and then click the checkmark. Now they're ready for battle!
What you've just done is vital to fighters, since when your fighters grow in level, they can sometimes equip new battle stones, and you'll have to go back to that pane and equip them in the same way, albeit into different squares that will open up over time, which will glow yellow while you're dragging the right stone.
Hit the button labeled Monster Battle, and pick the Training Fields. Click Abilities, then the Scratch icon, then an enemy. Scratch everything! You're now a successful fighter! When you level up, you can Fight On! if you're still healthy, or go back to the Main Menu if you want to level up your stats.
When in the Abilities & Stats pane, you may see a big yellow button over a dragon who has leveled up. This means that you can increase their stats by clicking the button. Each stat costs points, and you get only so many stat points per level, so they must be spent wisely -- the point of the guide!
You can bump up dragon stats without spending points by adding Might Fragments. What you can equip depends on the dragon's element -- their eye color. Hover your mouse over any of these elemental Might Fragments to see which element each takes, and buy the correct ones for your dragons! Do keep in mind, however, that “Might Fragment” does not boost your stats very much at all, and should be avoided.
At some point, a Tincture of Dissolution will be super handy to use on your dragons, plus they only cost 25,500 treasure after a dominance discount! It resets all of a dragon's stats to their base of 5, so you don't have points automatically wasted in stats like AGI, INT, DEF, or MND. You can then spend those points on important stats!

It costs a lot to get a dragon from a hatchling to a seasoned warrior, and most of us don't start off with everything we need to get going!
Every dragon will need to be equipped with Scratch, Eliminate, 3 elemental Might Fragments, 3 Berserkers, and 2 Ambushes, and most of these cost exorbitant amounts from the Auction House. One of the best ways to fund this addiction we have is to farm the coliseum. Even super low-leveled dragons can farm the coliseum, as Eliminate, Berserker, and Ambush all drop from very low-leveled areas, and while you try to get them as a lucky drop, you can still try daily to get one from Pinkerton, and selling your coliseum loot.
At the absolute minimum, you will need all your dragons with Scratch, and one with Eliminate, positioned in the final slot, to finish off enemies quickly. Once a dragon has Eliminate, your speed in the coliseum should be increased enough to let you properly farm for treasure. A second Eliminate (to another dragon) is the next-best stone to add, followed by the Ambushes, then the final Eliminate. Most elemental Might Fragments and Berserkers are quite cheap.
For your convenience, here is a simple chart of where the main stones are dropped, if you want to farm for the lucky drop. Keep in mind that they are quite rare to drop!
Training Fields Woodland Path Scorched Forest Sandswept Delta Blooming Grove Forgotten Cave Bamboo Falls Redrock Cove Waterway Arena Rainsong Jungle Boreal Wood Harpy's Roost Ghostlight Ruins Kelp Beds Golem Workshop | xxxxx |
Training Fields Forgotten Cave Bamboo Falls Rainsong Jungle Boreal Wood Harpy's Roost Mire Kelp Beds Golem Workshop | xxxxx |
Woodland Path Scorched Forest Sandswept Delta Forgotten Cave Bamboo Falls Waterway Arena Rainsong Jungle Boreal Wood Harpy's Roost Golem Workshop |

Hoping for some tips and tricks to get the most out of your coliseum experience? Here's some common tips for those new at battling.
- If one of your fighters has been defeated, but you can still win the fight, keep going. The defeated dragon will come back in the next match, with a moderate amount of health and their breath intact.
- If all of your fighters are on the brink of defeat, to avoid losing energy, try reloading the coliseum. If you can do it before all the enemies get their turns, generally you will not lose your energy.
- Did a dragon get Contused by an enemy? Don't let that dragon use Eliminate until the Contuse debuff wears off, which you can see when the white icon above their head leaves. Contused dragons deal only three quarters as much damage as they normally do, so don't count their Scratches as part of the Scratch+Eliminate combo.
- If one of your fighters misses an Eliminate and hasn't got enough breath for another, put them on Scratch duty, and the next dragon on Eliminate duty, until their breath is regained.
- Any enemy whose description in the zone guide says they require 2 Scratches only requires 1 Scratch if it's a crit, as crits do double damage.
- When starting a new team, elements can matter. If you want to farm in the Golem Workshop, or train dragons in the Kelp Beds, make your dragons Plague-element, as that will make them resist the most elemental attacks. If you want to train dragons in the Mire, use an Arcane-element dragon.

Seeing some weird behavior in the coliseum? Wondering if it's just you? Here's a list of the most common bugs with the coliseum, and how to work around them if possible.
I used Eliminate, and it defeated the enemy, but I didn't get my breath back!
I used Eliminate, and the battle ended, and now I have less breath!
I equipped an Ambush stone, but it's not doing anything!
I have the stats you want me to put, but I'm not able to two-shot these enemies!
Sometimes the coliseum kinda spins off and away into space???
I killed everything but the battle didn't end!