Some people missed tundras and pearlcatchers having white sclera, when eye types first rolled out and the default ("common") eyes were standardized. However, the ship has long since sailed in terms of reversing the eye update.
(linked pages are courtesy of of Jemadar. Thank you!)
So why not... everyone gets to have white sclera? As a treat. It won't be exactly the same as the original pearlcatcher/tundra eyes, but...
This eye type would give dragons white sclera (even if they normally don't have sclera), and round pupils (even if they normally don't have pupils, or have pupils of a different shape). The sclera would probably take up around the same amount of space on the eye as it does on the Dark Sclera eye type.
You could think of this as a "cute" counterpart to Dark Sclera's "edgy" look, or alternatively as the "western cartoon" counterpart to Innocent's "shoujo anime" look. Hence the two names I've proposed for this eye type:
White Sclera, or "Friendly."
What do you think?
EDIT: I'm proposing that White Sclera would change pupil shape because Dark Sclera already does, as you can see on round-eyed breeds like Gaolers and Tundras. Also, Innocent eyes tend to have small or nonexistent Sclera, and their pupils are oval-shaped, not circular.

EDIT: Other people's mockups below!
Stormdragon wrote on 2020-06-24 19:31:21:
I had to, and I love it

anyway, support ^u^
only the sclera changes

xtra cuteness

anyway, support ^u^
only the sclera changes

xtra cuteness

mothmoth wrote on 2020-07-04 16:13:14:

support! That is a cool idea
SyconSenti wrote on 2021-05-29 12:40:32:

I really like the idea :)
> White Sclera Eye Type
> Let Level 25 Dragons Equip Two Energy Stones
> Area-of-Effect Spell for Mages
> Black Blood variants of Scratch, Shred, and Eliminate
> NPC Abilities (Pollen!Meditate and Bite!Scratch) for Dragons
> Elemental Curses (guaranteed debuff, no damage) for Coli
> Add The Unused Upgrades for Scratch and Meditate
> Let Level 25 Dragons Equip Two Energy Stones
> Area-of-Effect Spell for Mages
> Black Blood variants of Scratch, Shred, and Eliminate
> NPC Abilities (Pollen!Meditate and Bite!Scratch) for Dragons
> Elemental Curses (guaranteed debuff, no damage) for Coli
> Add The Unused Upgrades for Scratch and Meditate