

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Rivalry (Matchmaking RP) (Apps Closed)
(( @Ragnaroc Yeah xD ))


The Mirror stood, her bloodied jaws curling into a smile. She loved to hear a compliment from another dragon, and Smite's compliment was taken to heart. And he was right - the caribou she had killed was at least half her size, and it would take at least a week to devour. Lumisade was a light eater as well, so it may have lasted even longer than she thought.

"Thank you," she said, her eyes drifting to Smite. She paused when she saw the bloodied Ridgeback - scales turned a shiny crimson, carcasses lying all around. She chuckled. He had a macabre appearance, but she knew he was satisfied with this hunt. "I see you've caught half a herd," she laughed.

Lucifer was walking along when he heard the telltale sounds of wings taking flight. Before he could even glance behind him, the Spiral was atop his head, tangled in his spikes. Lucifer sighed and continued walking along, his feet creating booming thuds with every step.
(( @Ragnaroc Yeah xD ))


The Mirror stood, her bloodied jaws curling into a smile. She loved to hear a compliment from another dragon, and Smite's compliment was taken to heart. And he was right - the caribou she had killed was at least half her size, and it would take at least a week to devour. Lumisade was a light eater as well, so it may have lasted even longer than she thought.

"Thank you," she said, her eyes drifting to Smite. She paused when she saw the bloodied Ridgeback - scales turned a shiny crimson, carcasses lying all around. She chuckled. He had a macabre appearance, but she knew he was satisfied with this hunt. "I see you've caught half a herd," she laughed.

Lucifer was walking along when he heard the telltale sounds of wings taking flight. Before he could even glance behind him, the Spiral was atop his head, tangled in his spikes. Lucifer sighed and continued walking along, his feet creating booming thuds with every step.
Maus - she/her
Roleplayer/Clan Lore Builder
((@Ragnaroc :3 Here is the little boy i am willing to give away. How much are you willing to pay for him? [url=] [img][/img] [/url] ))
((@Ragnaroc :3 Here is the little boy i am willing to give away. How much are you willing to pay for him?

Hmm.. It's 4 Am I better go to bed... But first... Let me breed my dragons.
@ZombieDreamer Actually I'm waiting on a couple clutches in other people's dens so if I could perhaps hold off on buying him or if you want to sell him. I'd just like to see is I can get a male spiral from any of the clutches I'm waiting for.

@Mauus Lilia's eyes go wide at the sight of the forest drawn in flaming hues, leaves dancing in playful swirls pulled by gentle caresses of wind. "Woooow It's so beautiful up here!"She bounces up and down.
@ZombieDreamer Actually I'm waiting on a couple clutches in other people's dens so if I could perhaps hold off on buying him or if you want to sell him. I'd just like to see is I can get a male spiral from any of the clutches I'm waiting for.

@Mauus Lilia's eyes go wide at the sight of the forest drawn in flaming hues, leaves dancing in playful swirls pulled by gentle caresses of wind. "Woooow It's so beautiful up here!"She bounces up and down.
@Maus Wow I'm really sorry this is so late. xD I was sick yesterday and have been really busy with college work!))


He glanced back at the kills he had acquired and nodded his head proudly, tongue darting out to go over his jaws from one of the kills he had grabbed with his teeth. "Heh, maybe not half of the herd, but a good amount. You give me a lot of credit though for thinking I could get half of the herd." Smite walked back over to his kills and turned his body to impale one of the kills on his spikes and another kill's throat in his jaws. "Where could I carry these kills so I could look at them better?"
@Maus Wow I'm really sorry this is so late. xD I was sick yesterday and have been really busy with college work!))


He glanced back at the kills he had acquired and nodded his head proudly, tongue darting out to go over his jaws from one of the kills he had grabbed with his teeth. "Heh, maybe not half of the herd, but a good amount. You give me a lot of credit though for thinking I could get half of the herd." Smite walked back over to his kills and turned his body to impale one of the kills on his spikes and another kill's throat in his jaws. "Where could I carry these kills so I could look at them better?"