Random Gift Giving Game

Ragnaroc's Clan
Speak Your Heart, Even If Your Voice Shakes.
Clan Info

Hello everyone! Welcome to my profile! Thank you for checking out my Clan.
I'm a pretty chill person who loves meeting new people and is generally happy overall. I LOVE to rp so send me a ping or pm anytime if you want to learn about my clan or any of it's denizens. I'll be more then happy to chat. ^_^

My current wish-list is:

Deities Speak Here: https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/gde/1154710/40#post_44749588 <3
Dis dragon, tert does not matter
Shimmer Scroll
Glimmer scroll
or gems to get towards those goals.
Things that open
Blushing Pink Rose
Familiars I don't have
Dwarf Unicorn
Sky Cat
Any food, treasure or gems, art
yello goo
Graveyard Mage M Noc
Seller: Doomling
Lotus Lanterns Female Noc Accent
frostkingdemetri imp accent
Gilt Edged M SPiral
And MoonCatcher Accent M Peal
gilded snowflake F Imp drytil
Oil slick
Skin: Sea Creature
Ice rust shadow male dragon(to make)
Those last two, Never going to happen but~
Some of my top interests are dragons, rps, Fantasy novels, fantasy in general and anime. I love a lot of other things to but don't want to give you a ton to read through so those are the basics. Feel free too message if you want more.
Also it may seem odd but feel free to message me as your dragons I will gladly have one of mine talk back.
If you like folklore here is an awesome comic called Wilde life! Great art, witty plot fun and believable characters!

The tiny God in my signature is by Tigglespit, thanks a bunch you are awesome.
Thanks for taking a look and reading my page your time is appreciated feel free to comment with anything you might have to say.

I am here in manga:http://kissmanga.com/Manga/Vassalord/Vassalord-026---Vol-004-Operation-Break-Your-Leg--Part-002-?id=216193
Nicko, Jorah, Danna
read Magician Kim Sarae online free


Recent Comments


Lugh was on the front page! Very cute dragon : )

Malachite was featured on the front page!

Thank you! The design on his wings is from the accent Wispwillow Magician! It was a Trickmurk 2016 accent.

Melusine was on the front page!

Melusine made it to the front page! Quite wonderfully dressed for the holiday!

can i buy bear, your oilslick/hunter/moon skydancer?

All good I totally understand, take your time and I’m just appreciative of all the time and help you’ve given me this far. Hope all is well and thank you :)

I'm actually not sure if I'm allowed to say? I'm not too active when it comes to fire forums, but I am thinking of a new subspecies for myself and maybe introducing it to get it approved

Yeah, but i'm sure that you can read about them somewhere. There's gotta be an archive of all subspecies somewhere?

The blue tundras are a subspecies for the fire flight. They're so cute right :>

I don't own any of the apparel listed on the outfits. I usually take apparel pieces off when they are received/when I buy them.
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