

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Adventures in Celumbra (Open to Anyone)
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Pelagon remained quiet as he glanced back at the outskirts.

Pelagon remained quiet as he glanced back at the outskirts.
Anemi stepped away from Sam as she went to discuss weaponry with Jennifer. She walked over to the grey dragon. "What is your name, large one?" She said
Anemi stepped away from Sam as she went to discuss weaponry with Jennifer. She walked over to the grey dragon. "What is your name, large one?" She said
"It is Pelagon," he replied, turning his gaze back to Anemi. He glanced back at the entrance to the secret haven before looking at the female dragon with a relaxed expression. "Excuse my wariness. I've just had to look behind me often out of force of habit being a slave or used to be one."
"It is Pelagon," he replied, turning his gaze back to Anemi. He glanced back at the entrance to the secret haven before looking at the female dragon with a relaxed expression. "Excuse my wariness. I've just had to look behind me often out of force of habit being a slave or used to be one."
Jennifer chuckled slightly, "Ah! I understand. Yeah you probably have seen us. It's kind of hard to hide SpiritChaser."

As Sam talked about how it took 14 years to set this up and about the vision to free dragon kind Jennifer perked up. "I'd like to help. SpiritChaser and I aren't trained in combat, but we're good hunting. That should help, right?" She nodded when Sam mentioned steeling, "It's been hard times. I don't think you could have came across this many books and weapons by begging."

Sam took interest in her bow. "Oh! Yeah, I really love this thing but maybe I could wield a small knife or something so I'll have a close range weapon on me." She remembered her bow had been slightly damaged in the battle. "Do you have other bows around here? I'd love to test them sometime."

SpiritChaser was looking around the safe haven that Sam and Anemi had made. It was almost unbelievable to her.

Jennifer chuckled slightly, "Ah! I understand. Yeah you probably have seen us. It's kind of hard to hide SpiritChaser."

As Sam talked about how it took 14 years to set this up and about the vision to free dragon kind Jennifer perked up. "I'd like to help. SpiritChaser and I aren't trained in combat, but we're good hunting. That should help, right?" She nodded when Sam mentioned steeling, "It's been hard times. I don't think you could have came across this many books and weapons by begging."

Sam took interest in her bow. "Oh! Yeah, I really love this thing but maybe I could wield a small knife or something so I'll have a close range weapon on me." She remembered her bow had been slightly damaged in the battle. "Do you have other bows around here? I'd love to test them sometime."

SpiritChaser was looking around the safe haven that Sam and Anemi had made. It was almost unbelievable to her.

"There's a ton of bows, swords, staffs and even knives. There's even some targets set up out back. Be careful. A few of the weapons might have spells on them. Sometimes I think Anemi would cast enchantments on the sink if I wasn't there to stop her. Just a fair warning if one of the bows shoot fire arrows or something." Sam almost laughed. "Go ahead and look around."

To Pelagon, Anemi gave a curt nod. "Understandable. But we are safe."
"There's a ton of bows, swords, staffs and even knives. There's even some targets set up out back. Be careful. A few of the weapons might have spells on them. Sometimes I think Anemi would cast enchantments on the sink if I wasn't there to stop her. Just a fair warning if one of the bows shoot fire arrows or something." Sam almost laughed. "Go ahead and look around."

To Pelagon, Anemi gave a curt nod. "Understandable. But we are safe."

"Not for long," Pelagon murmured. "It will be found out and attacked."

"Not for long," Pelagon murmured. "It will be found out and attacked."
Jennifer's eyes lit up, "I think I may just have to check them out soon." She gestured to her stomach were the soldier had kicked her. "I think I'll wait til tomorrow though. That soldier's boot hurt." She laughed when Sam told her about Anemi's enchantments, "That makes the weapon all the more interesting!" She smiled. "So is there anything I can help with while we're here?"

SpiritChaser over heard Pelagon's rather pessimistic view on the 'safe house'. She walked beside Anemi and tilted her head at the grey male. "Why so edgy? Just relax for a bit. We aren't in danger for now."

((I seriously almost had SpiritChaser say "Why so serious?" XD))
Jennifer's eyes lit up, "I think I may just have to check them out soon." She gestured to her stomach were the soldier had kicked her. "I think I'll wait til tomorrow though. That soldier's boot hurt." She laughed when Sam told her about Anemi's enchantments, "That makes the weapon all the more interesting!" She smiled. "So is there anything I can help with while we're here?"

SpiritChaser over heard Pelagon's rather pessimistic view on the 'safe house'. She walked beside Anemi and tilted her head at the grey male. "Why so edgy? Just relax for a bit. We aren't in danger for now."

((I seriously almost had SpiritChaser say "Why so serious?" XD))
Human OC Sheet

Name: Alexander Olin
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Allegiance: Dark Spine
Job: Jack of Trades; Skilled Polearm Combatant
Physical Appearance: Alexander stands proud at 5'11 with a medium and lean body build. His face is docile in nature, bordered by a stubbled chin and brownish-red short hair. He has a habit of wearing fingerless gloves and long sleeves, while his lower attire will change from time to time. Always he wears a matching bracelet to his dragon companions rings.
Personality: Lighthearted, quirky and comical by nature he always tries to make a situation right before bearing down to the nitty-grit of physical behaviors. He is protective of those that he comes to know and grow to love. Almost like a father-figure head. From his time traveling between the two kingdoms he nearly knows how to fix or build anything from scratch. Or that is what he would like to think. Extremely curious about all things and will put himself in the way of danger to risk the chance of a discovery.
Other: As of current his travels have brought him along the borders of the Dark-spine kingdom of a search and scout.
Dragon OC Sheet

Name: Knol
Age: 58 (23 human years)
Gender: Female
Element: Wind
Physical Appearance: [Figuring out how to link dragons image] She is of the Guardian Breed. A massive dragon by many standards but for her younger age she has not reached full maturity and size. Her scales are an iridescent green, complimented by an obsidian black leather. It is not uncommon that she may be found wearing apparel now and again.
Personality: She is quick-tonged and feels uneasy about many people and other dragons. She will always speak her mind and what seems to be the truth of a matter. Despite her aggressive tounge she is usually passive to most matters and won't intervene. Like her human traveling companion though her curiosity gets the better of her. She does not know what personal space means and finds it to be a strange concept.
Other: Knol has taken to learning trades. She has not found her calling just yet but eventually she will. She travels as an apprentice to Alexander.


(( I will make a post if you give me the thumbs up to make an interaction.))
Human OC Sheet

Name: Alexander Olin
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Allegiance: Dark Spine
Job: Jack of Trades; Skilled Polearm Combatant
Physical Appearance: Alexander stands proud at 5'11 with a medium and lean body build. His face is docile in nature, bordered by a stubbled chin and brownish-red short hair. He has a habit of wearing fingerless gloves and long sleeves, while his lower attire will change from time to time. Always he wears a matching bracelet to his dragon companions rings.
Personality: Lighthearted, quirky and comical by nature he always tries to make a situation right before bearing down to the nitty-grit of physical behaviors. He is protective of those that he comes to know and grow to love. Almost like a father-figure head. From his time traveling between the two kingdoms he nearly knows how to fix or build anything from scratch. Or that is what he would like to think. Extremely curious about all things and will put himself in the way of danger to risk the chance of a discovery.
Other: As of current his travels have brought him along the borders of the Dark-spine kingdom of a search and scout.
Dragon OC Sheet

Name: Knol
Age: 58 (23 human years)
Gender: Female
Element: Wind
Physical Appearance: [Figuring out how to link dragons image] She is of the Guardian Breed. A massive dragon by many standards but for her younger age she has not reached full maturity and size. Her scales are an iridescent green, complimented by an obsidian black leather. It is not uncommon that she may be found wearing apparel now and again.
Personality: She is quick-tonged and feels uneasy about many people and other dragons. She will always speak her mind and what seems to be the truth of a matter. Despite her aggressive tounge she is usually passive to most matters and won't intervene. Like her human traveling companion though her curiosity gets the better of her. She does not know what personal space means and finds it to be a strange concept.
Other: Knol has taken to learning trades. She has not found her calling just yet but eventually she will. She travels as an apprentice to Alexander.


(( I will make a post if you give me the thumbs up to make an interaction.))
[ B][T] Male Maize/Gold/X

((If no one minds, in the mean time I will make an entrance post. Also, if you need someone to be the Dark Spine king, I can take that role or something close to it.))

The sky was starting to darken over the forests tree line, the light slowly seeping away under the verdant foliage. The forests day time chirps and churls died out, being replaced by the mixed music of insects and nocturnal animals. Down in a small clearing, in the middle of the forest, stood Alexander and his green 'Guardian' Knol. The large dragon snaked her head around Alex's body to inspect a contraption he was tweaking. It seemed like a giant mess of twigs, leaves, cloths and some metal holdings. She tilted it side to side, examining each part with her large orbs. "I don't understand what you are making here. You have spent nearly half the day making this... contraption. Will it even work?" While her words were a bit harsh, her expression showed the opposite. She really did want to see this..thing work.

Alexander gave a hearty laugh and patted Knols muscular right leg. Her scales were cool to the touch and he let his hand wander for a moment more over the scaled surface. These beasts always amazed him, ever since he was a small child. Back than he wanted one as a pet, before he knew their level of intelligence. His gaze, and mind, turned back to the lump of curiosity. "My dear girl. This is our holdings for the night! You see this little outlet down here? After I light this lever with a little flame, BAM, we will have an instant pop-up hut!" He threw his arms into the air with excitement. He bent down and tapped the little piece he mentioned and motioned for Knol to hand him her heavy paws. She cocked her head slightly but lifted her foot, holding it out to him. Using a small rock in one hand and holding one her talons tight, he struck the rock against the obsidian nails to make sparks. After a few tries he got the piece to start smoldering and soon burning. He stood back with a satisfied look on his face, arms held on his hips awaiting results.

Knol watched the flame dance along the wood line and disappear under the cloth hood. They both stood there for a moment waiting....and waiting. Nothing. Alex grumbled and kicked the contraption. Knol shook her head and leaned it forward where the burned stem remained. " That was a failure." She said matter-of-factly, turning her gaze up to Alex with a slight, smug grin. He started to walk away grumbling when the sound of a soft click and rumble stopped him. Knol blinked and began to turn her head but it happened far too fast. The lump erupted in a blaze, shooting debris everywhere and catching the burning cloth on Knols face and horns. She reared back throwing her head around fiercely, blinded and burning. She let loose a shrieking roar that filled the forest, "FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRE"

((If no one minds, in the mean time I will make an entrance post. Also, if you need someone to be the Dark Spine king, I can take that role or something close to it.))

The sky was starting to darken over the forests tree line, the light slowly seeping away under the verdant foliage. The forests day time chirps and churls died out, being replaced by the mixed music of insects and nocturnal animals. Down in a small clearing, in the middle of the forest, stood Alexander and his green 'Guardian' Knol. The large dragon snaked her head around Alex's body to inspect a contraption he was tweaking. It seemed like a giant mess of twigs, leaves, cloths and some metal holdings. She tilted it side to side, examining each part with her large orbs. "I don't understand what you are making here. You have spent nearly half the day making this... contraption. Will it even work?" While her words were a bit harsh, her expression showed the opposite. She really did want to see this..thing work.

Alexander gave a hearty laugh and patted Knols muscular right leg. Her scales were cool to the touch and he let his hand wander for a moment more over the scaled surface. These beasts always amazed him, ever since he was a small child. Back than he wanted one as a pet, before he knew their level of intelligence. His gaze, and mind, turned back to the lump of curiosity. "My dear girl. This is our holdings for the night! You see this little outlet down here? After I light this lever with a little flame, BAM, we will have an instant pop-up hut!" He threw his arms into the air with excitement. He bent down and tapped the little piece he mentioned and motioned for Knol to hand him her heavy paws. She cocked her head slightly but lifted her foot, holding it out to him. Using a small rock in one hand and holding one her talons tight, he struck the rock against the obsidian nails to make sparks. After a few tries he got the piece to start smoldering and soon burning. He stood back with a satisfied look on his face, arms held on his hips awaiting results.

Knol watched the flame dance along the wood line and disappear under the cloth hood. They both stood there for a moment waiting....and waiting. Nothing. Alex grumbled and kicked the contraption. Knol shook her head and leaned it forward where the burned stem remained. " That was a failure." She said matter-of-factly, turning her gaze up to Alex with a slight, smug grin. He started to walk away grumbling when the sound of a soft click and rumble stopped him. Knol blinked and began to turn her head but it happened far too fast. The lump erupted in a blaze, shooting debris everywhere and catching the burning cloth on Knols face and horns. She reared back throwing her head around fiercely, blinded and burning. She let loose a shrieking roar that filled the forest, "FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRE"
[ B][T] Male Maize/Gold/X

You can have the Dark Spine King. Keep in mind that he is at war with King Fergus of Fire Mint Kingdom and wants to use dragons to create a new empire. Your OCs are good. I can make a character or two to interact with.

You can have the Dark Spine King. Keep in mind that he is at war with King Fergus of Fire Mint Kingdom and wants to use dragons to create a new empire. Your OCs are good. I can make a character or two to interact with.
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