

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Adventures in Celumbra (Open to Anyone)
David climbed onto Reigeel's back. He urged his friend and mount up the hill towards the forest barrier where the rogue dragon was presumed to be. He smiled at how perceptive and cunning Reigeel's senses were. Few dragons could match his senses and his strength.
David climbed onto Reigeel's back. He urged his friend and mount up the hill towards the forest barrier where the rogue dragon was presumed to be. He smiled at how perceptive and cunning Reigeel's senses were. Few dragons could match his senses and his strength.
"Oh, stop." Anemi sighed. "Sam is more than happy to have you here. Whatever makes her happy makes me happy." Her face lost its queenly composure, just for a second.

"Plus, I would have LOVED to see the look on that pond-scums face when he saw you loose!" Anemi made a sound similar to a laugh, before composing herself again.

"We need strong, brave dragons to wipe all of the off of the face of Celumbra."
"Oh, stop." Anemi sighed. "Sam is more than happy to have you here. Whatever makes her happy makes me happy." Her face lost its queenly composure, just for a second.

"Plus, I would have LOVED to see the look on that pond-scums face when he saw you loose!" Anemi made a sound similar to a laugh, before composing herself again.

"We need strong, brave dragons to wipe all of the off of the face of Celumbra."

Pelagon looked back at Anemi with a sigh and nodded at her words. He then softened his look and approached Anemi and nuzzled her cheek. "My apologies for snapping at you then." He then looked back to the barrier and sighed. "How strong is that barrier against a group of humans and a dragon."

Pelagon looked back at Anemi with a sigh and nodded at her words. He then softened his look and approached Anemi and nuzzled her cheek. "My apologies for snapping at you then." He then looked back to the barrier and sighed. "How strong is that barrier against a group of humans and a dragon."
Knol snorted with amusement at the little spiral. "Betrayer? What makes you think that?" She snapped her jaws at him, gliding to the left of him to keep a distance. He might be young but she realized he wasn't all there in the head. It would be too brash to make a move. Instead she directed another question to him while keeping herself lifted on the warm night drafts. "It is rather strange to see a Spiral out here. What takes you so far from your clan?"

Alex rolled his shoulders, turning face front to the white mirror. "I could ask you the same thing. Rather bold to come near a slave camp. " He motioned his hand back, showing the camp in the sweep of his arm. The captain was still standing near him but too preoccupied with helping the injured soldiers from the crazy little spiral. Alex shrugged his shoulders starting to advance towards the mirror. He rummaged around in his right pocket looking for something. "If you don't mind I have something you might want."

In the forest the small group of soldiers were making their way through thick forest looking for signs of the rouge drakes. They followed behind Pelagon, trying to keep pace with no real luck. He was riding a dragon after all and they were on foot. But they kept in tote and earshot to rush to help.

Knol snorted with amusement at the little spiral. "Betrayer? What makes you think that?" She snapped her jaws at him, gliding to the left of him to keep a distance. He might be young but she realized he wasn't all there in the head. It would be too brash to make a move. Instead she directed another question to him while keeping herself lifted on the warm night drafts. "It is rather strange to see a Spiral out here. What takes you so far from your clan?"

Alex rolled his shoulders, turning face front to the white mirror. "I could ask you the same thing. Rather bold to come near a slave camp. " He motioned his hand back, showing the camp in the sweep of his arm. The captain was still standing near him but too preoccupied with helping the injured soldiers from the crazy little spiral. Alex shrugged his shoulders starting to advance towards the mirror. He rummaged around in his right pocket looking for something. "If you don't mind I have something you might want."

In the forest the small group of soldiers were making their way through thick forest looking for signs of the rouge drakes. They followed behind Pelagon, trying to keep pace with no real luck. He was riding a dragon after all and they were on foot. But they kept in tote and earshot to rush to help.

[ B][T] Male Maize/Gold/X
"Should hold against pretty much anything they can throw against it" Anemi said, still a bit in shock from the surprise affection. "They shouldn't be able to stand being near it long enough to attack it. The Aversion spell is the strongest one I put on. It's enough so that no one will want to be near here."

Anemi started to snicker. "And if they go get close, well, the barrier is enchanted to fight back."
"Should hold against pretty much anything they can throw against it" Anemi said, still a bit in shock from the surprise affection. "They shouldn't be able to stand being near it long enough to attack it. The Aversion spell is the strongest one I put on. It's enough so that no one will want to be near here."

Anemi started to snicker. "And if they go get close, well, the barrier is enchanted to fight back."

Pelagon nodded but was still staring at the entrance. He was still worried about the intruders. He didn't want to go back to being a slave again. He wouldn't let that happen again.


David stopped before the barrier, becoming very nauseous. Reigeel felt the same sensation as they stopped near the barrier. Magic seemed to ooze from the barrier in powerful waves.

Pelagon nodded but was still staring at the entrance. He was still worried about the intruders. He didn't want to go back to being a slave again. He wouldn't let that happen again.


David stopped before the barrier, becoming very nauseous. Reigeel felt the same sensation as they stopped near the barrier. Magic seemed to ooze from the barrier in powerful waves.
"Uh, Anemi, we've got troubled. We need to wake Jennifer and Spirit. There's soldiers at our door!" Sam said, pulling the telescope away from her eye.

Down on the ground, Anemi flinched having heard Sam telepathically, and took off into the base. "Pelagon, come on. Time to activate second line of defense. Just in case..."

Once inside, Anemi waited for Pelagon, before activating the trees camouflage. This way, even if they did get in, all they would see was a particularly large tree, and no dragons.

Sam was climbing down the ladder as Anemi was coming in. "I'll get Jennifer and take up arrow in the loft. If they get in, we need Pelagon on defense of the base, since he's the biggest and strongest. SpiritChaser can have his back, on offense, since she is the fastest, and not a bad fighter either. Anemi, magic attacks from the air. Don't get in there yourself, we need you for long range. Does that sound like a good plan?" Sam said, blushing a bit at her bossiness, but kept her tone happy. She wasn't giving orders, only suggestions.

"No matter what, no one move unless they find us. Okay? I don't want to put any of you guys in danger if we don't have too."

"Uh, Anemi, we've got troubled. We need to wake Jennifer and Spirit. There's soldiers at our door!" Sam said, pulling the telescope away from her eye.

Down on the ground, Anemi flinched having heard Sam telepathically, and took off into the base. "Pelagon, come on. Time to activate second line of defense. Just in case..."

Once inside, Anemi waited for Pelagon, before activating the trees camouflage. This way, even if they did get in, all they would see was a particularly large tree, and no dragons.

Sam was climbing down the ladder as Anemi was coming in. "I'll get Jennifer and take up arrow in the loft. If they get in, we need Pelagon on defense of the base, since he's the biggest and strongest. SpiritChaser can have his back, on offense, since she is the fastest, and not a bad fighter either. Anemi, magic attacks from the air. Don't get in there yourself, we need you for long range. Does that sound like a good plan?" Sam said, blushing a bit at her bossiness, but kept her tone happy. She wasn't giving orders, only suggestions.

"No matter what, no one move unless they find us. Okay? I don't want to put any of you guys in danger if we don't have too."

The red Spiral snickered. "You attack other dragons and enslave them." Dodging her jaws, but staying as close to her as possible and hissed, "And you don't care, do you?" He noticed she was trying to distance herself and he sped up his erratic flight pattern to get closer. This was just to pester her of coarse. She then fired another question at him. Sneering he got close enough to her ear to whisper, "You talk too much, Guardian. As for my clan.... Your precious humans killed them." His eyes were glowing with rage as he said this, then he zipped away from the Guardian's face. "You should keep your jaws shut and stay out dragons' personal lives. You'll be killed if you don't." Akuma said this as a fair warning. He would not hesitate to injure the Guardian if she pressed other questions on him.

SkullCrusher snorted. "I am not worried. It's not like your stupid collars can contain me."As the human began to approach him, he spread his wings revealing their eyespot pattern. "I have no interest in what you filthy humans have." He snarled and threatened, "I admire your guts, but if you come closer I will not hesitate to kill you."

SpiritChaser was the first to wake. She could hear a commotion outside. What is going on? she thought. Raising her head she nudged Jennifer roughly. "Wake up. I think something is wrong."

Jennifer's eyes snapped open. She recognized the roughness of Spirit's touch and sat upright. Spirit's words only confirmed her assumption. "Got it. Let's find the others." She stood and grabbed a bow off the weapons rack. The bow was a sleek black metal with a dragon design etched in it. She also snagged the canister of arrows next to it which matched the bow. After she gathered these SpiritChaser and Jennifer ran to find the others.

The red Spiral snickered. "You attack other dragons and enslave them." Dodging her jaws, but staying as close to her as possible and hissed, "And you don't care, do you?" He noticed she was trying to distance herself and he sped up his erratic flight pattern to get closer. This was just to pester her of coarse. She then fired another question at him. Sneering he got close enough to her ear to whisper, "You talk too much, Guardian. As for my clan.... Your precious humans killed them." His eyes were glowing with rage as he said this, then he zipped away from the Guardian's face. "You should keep your jaws shut and stay out dragons' personal lives. You'll be killed if you don't." Akuma said this as a fair warning. He would not hesitate to injure the Guardian if she pressed other questions on him.

SkullCrusher snorted. "I am not worried. It's not like your stupid collars can contain me."As the human began to approach him, he spread his wings revealing their eyespot pattern. "I have no interest in what you filthy humans have." He snarled and threatened, "I admire your guts, but if you come closer I will not hesitate to kill you."

SpiritChaser was the first to wake. She could hear a commotion outside. What is going on? she thought. Raising her head she nudged Jennifer roughly. "Wake up. I think something is wrong."

Jennifer's eyes snapped open. She recognized the roughness of Spirit's touch and sat upright. Spirit's words only confirmed her assumption. "Got it. Let's find the others." She stood and grabbed a bow off the weapons rack. The bow was a sleek black metal with a dragon design etched in it. She also snagged the canister of arrows next to it which matched the bow. After she gathered these SpiritChaser and Jennifer ran to find the others.

Name: Saevio Age: 21 Gender: Male Element: Shadow Physical Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Outgoing, kind, and protective. Other: A slave dragon that freed himself by breaking his collar. @GiftOfArtemis @Raksha18 @common5 ////////// A low rumbling erupted from the ground beneath Anemi and Pelagon. Cracks spidered along the ground. Pieces fell away, and within minutes, a grinning dragon with a handsome face climbed up from the hole in the ground. The dragon leaped up and onto the ground, bearing a burn mark around his neck, where a collar used to be. "Glad to be free of those crazy humans," Saevio chuckled. Pelagon looked at the new dragon and blinked. He didn't know how to respond to this.
Name: Saevio
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Element: Shadow
Physical Appearance: [img][/img]
Personality: Outgoing, kind, and protective.
Other: A slave dragon that freed himself by breaking his collar.



A low rumbling erupted from the ground beneath Anemi and Pelagon. Cracks spidered along the ground. Pieces fell away, and within minutes, a grinning dragon with a handsome face climbed up from the hole in the ground. The dragon leaped up and onto the ground, bearing a burn mark around his neck, where a collar used to be.

"Glad to be free of those crazy humans," Saevio chuckled.

Pelagon looked at the new dragon and blinked. He didn't know how to respond to this.
Sam rushed out to where the new dragon had gotten in. She pulled out her sword, conveniently hidden in a sheath that sat on her back under her armor.

Anemi was the first to speak, in the air, she launched a warning shot of blue fire, hitting beside the intruder. "How did you get in?"

Sam stood near Pelagon, sword held high. Behind them, the tree was still fully camouflaged. "I don't believe this is an enemy. However, I request you state your business." She said.

Look at the burn mark on his neck. That's from a collar. Anemi sent to sam, telepathically.

Yeah. Maybe we can recruit him to help fight for our cause. If you stop shooting at him! Sam rebutted.

Enya walked into the Dark Spire castle, completely invisible. One of the two spells her precious dragon knew. Not that she blamed him. He was more of a defense than an offense.

Apolodor slithered around her shoulders, as she sidestepped some castle guards. He snickered.

"Oh, keep quiet Apolo." Enya sighed, scratching his chin right under his parasite gem collar. Where he liked it.

"Whatever you sssssay bosssssssss" he hissed.

Enya continued to sulk though the castle till she got to the door to the throne room. Too bad the door was locked.

She used her telepathic control to make herself visible, but keep her dragon hidden.

"I wish to see the king." She asked the guards in front of the door. He request was made with skeptical looks. "Oh, come on. Do you think I would have made it this far into the castle uninvited?"
Sam rushed out to where the new dragon had gotten in. She pulled out her sword, conveniently hidden in a sheath that sat on her back under her armor.

Anemi was the first to speak, in the air, she launched a warning shot of blue fire, hitting beside the intruder. "How did you get in?"

Sam stood near Pelagon, sword held high. Behind them, the tree was still fully camouflaged. "I don't believe this is an enemy. However, I request you state your business." She said.

Look at the burn mark on his neck. That's from a collar. Anemi sent to sam, telepathically.

Yeah. Maybe we can recruit him to help fight for our cause. If you stop shooting at him! Sam rebutted.

Enya walked into the Dark Spire castle, completely invisible. One of the two spells her precious dragon knew. Not that she blamed him. He was more of a defense than an offense.

Apolodor slithered around her shoulders, as she sidestepped some castle guards. He snickered.

"Oh, keep quiet Apolo." Enya sighed, scratching his chin right under his parasite gem collar. Where he liked it.

"Whatever you sssssay bosssssssss" he hissed.

Enya continued to sulk though the castle till she got to the door to the throne room. Too bad the door was locked.

She used her telepathic control to make herself visible, but keep her dragon hidden.

"I wish to see the king." She asked the guards in front of the door. He request was made with skeptical looks. "Oh, come on. Do you think I would have made it this far into the castle uninvited?"