

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Adventures in Celumbra (Open to Anyone)
((@Raksha18 What? That wasn't long at all. I loved it! Sorry if there's a posting order or whatever, I just really wanted to post again :D))

Sam scoffed, and Anemi scowled to Pelagon. "You don't have to trust me, but I did just say I followed you here to SAVE you. Plus, do you think that I got on this dragon." She gestured down to her mount "by being like them!?" She pointed to the burnt soldier.

When Spiritchaser and Jennifer joined her, her face lost a bit of hardness. " at least you two have some sense." She turned back to the big stubborn grey dragon. "Listen, I don't want to see anything bad happen to you. My name is Sam."
((@Raksha18 What? That wasn't long at all. I loved it! Sorry if there's a posting order or whatever, I just really wanted to post again :D))

Sam scoffed, and Anemi scowled to Pelagon. "You don't have to trust me, but I did just say I followed you here to SAVE you. Plus, do you think that I got on this dragon." She gestured down to her mount "by being like them!?" She pointed to the burnt soldier.

When Spiritchaser and Jennifer joined her, her face lost a bit of hardness. " at least you two have some sense." She turned back to the big stubborn grey dragon. "Listen, I don't want to see anything bad happen to you. My name is Sam."

Pelagon sighed. "Alright, alright, I get the point. I'm gracious you were coming to save me and all. It's not easy for me to get used to being free. I trust you."

The dark grey dragon sighed and began to make his way towards Spirit Chaser, staying by the female's side. He looked Sam and Anemi. "Sorry...being a slave just makes you more wary of others. Lead the way when you are ready."

Pelagon sighed. "Alright, alright, I get the point. I'm gracious you were coming to save me and all. It's not easy for me to get used to being free. I trust you."

The dark grey dragon sighed and began to make his way towards Spirit Chaser, staying by the female's side. He looked Sam and Anemi. "Sorry...being a slave just makes you more wary of others. Lead the way when you are ready."
@GiftOfArtemis ((Awe, thanks! :D Actually I don't think there really is a posting order. lol))

As Pelagon walked up beside SpiritChaser her face saddened. "You'll be safe with us. You don't need to worry about trust here." She looked into the dragons face and smiled. "Don't be wary and trust your senses. You'll know if someone is a threat."

Jennifer looked at Sam, "Should we get going? I really don't want to meet any more soldiers today... And my name is Jennifer, by the way." She had her hand over where the man had kicked her. There would most likely be a nasty looking bruise there tomorrow.

@GiftOfArtemis ((Awe, thanks! :D Actually I don't think there really is a posting order. lol))

As Pelagon walked up beside SpiritChaser her face saddened. "You'll be safe with us. You don't need to worry about trust here." She looked into the dragons face and smiled. "Don't be wary and trust your senses. You'll know if someone is a threat."

Jennifer looked at Sam, "Should we get going? I really don't want to meet any more soldiers today... And my name is Jennifer, by the way." She had her hand over where the man had kicked her. There would most likely be a nasty looking bruise there tomorrow.


"I trust my senses and instincts," he muttered, licking her cheek and returning her smile. "But I am only staying on my toes as the human saying goes. Thanks again for saving my life."

"I trust my senses and instincts," he muttered, licking her cheek and returning her smile. "But I am only staying on my toes as the human saying goes. Thanks again for saving my life."

A sound rumbled deep in her throat that resembled a purr, then she returned his lick on the cheek. "That's understandable.. And you're welcome. I'm glad I could help," she said shyly. Looking down at her claws to avoid his gaze she waited for Jennifer and Sam to decide how to get where they were going.

A sound rumbled deep in her throat that resembled a purr, then she returned his lick on the cheek. "That's understandable.. And you're welcome. I'm glad I could help," she said shyly. Looking down at her claws to avoid his gaze she waited for Jennifer and Sam to decide how to get where they were going.

Pelagon nuzzled her back before he smiled and sat on his haunches beside her.

Pelagon nuzzled her back before he smiled and sat on his haunches beside her.
Sam nudged Anemi into motion. "Follow us then!" She shouted over her shoulder. "And try to stay quite. It's an invisibility spell, not a silent spell."
Sam and her mount walked at a leisurely speed, so not to outpace the group. They had just engaged in battle, and were more than likely tired.

They exited the town, and there was a small empty stretch of land before the cover of the forest. A few soldiers with dragons were visible. Anemi let out a low snarl. "Anemi, were in no condition to fight them. Our new friends need rest."

She hurried pace a bit, steering clear of the soldiers posted. She reached the line of trees, and picked up the pace even more. They were almost home free. She weaved in and out of trees, and stopped at a place where they got very dense. Anemi closed her eyes and focused. The trees bent to either side, just narrow enough for one person to enter at a time.

Sam dismounted , and entered first. Anemi followed. Once inside, she looked around. The thick forest enchantment circled around one very large tree in the center. The trees branches and boughs made a canopy that was large enough to provide a roof for the whole circle of surrounding trees. Holes in the foliage let in a pleasant amount of sunshine.

This was Sams home, and had been as long as long as she could remember. With Anemi's help, she had turned this forest into a safe place to live. Sam turned to explain to the rest of the group.

"The circumference of the grotto is protected with three spells. You saw the extra thick foliage, which is a nature spell. There is also a aversion spell, which makes anyone who comes to close uncomfortable and sick. It makes them want to stay far away from here, which is a dark magic spell. And last, as added precaution, if someone tries to get in even with the other two spells, the foliage will actually attacks he intruder. Like a guard dog." Sam looked at Anemi "But we've never actually seen it happen."

Walking closer into the center of the grotto, Sam saw the hole in the bottom of the large tree, big enough for a dragon to fit through. Upon firther investigation, it was actually a door. She walked in, taking in her home for the millionth time. It was still so simple, but beautiful. Shelves were carved into the walls of the tree holding dozens of books. One wall was strictly for weapons. In the center was a fire pit, with a make shift stove. Sam pointed to a handmade ladder. "That goes all the way up to the top of the tree, it's sort of a lookout post."

Something dawned on Sam. "Hey!" She said turning to Jennifer "that's where I've seen you! You hunt, don't you?"

((Just stop me if I'm getting carried away!))
Sam nudged Anemi into motion. "Follow us then!" She shouted over her shoulder. "And try to stay quite. It's an invisibility spell, not a silent spell."
Sam and her mount walked at a leisurely speed, so not to outpace the group. They had just engaged in battle, and were more than likely tired.

They exited the town, and there was a small empty stretch of land before the cover of the forest. A few soldiers with dragons were visible. Anemi let out a low snarl. "Anemi, were in no condition to fight them. Our new friends need rest."

She hurried pace a bit, steering clear of the soldiers posted. She reached the line of trees, and picked up the pace even more. They were almost home free. She weaved in and out of trees, and stopped at a place where they got very dense. Anemi closed her eyes and focused. The trees bent to either side, just narrow enough for one person to enter at a time.

Sam dismounted , and entered first. Anemi followed. Once inside, she looked around. The thick forest enchantment circled around one very large tree in the center. The trees branches and boughs made a canopy that was large enough to provide a roof for the whole circle of surrounding trees. Holes in the foliage let in a pleasant amount of sunshine.

This was Sams home, and had been as long as long as she could remember. With Anemi's help, she had turned this forest into a safe place to live. Sam turned to explain to the rest of the group.

"The circumference of the grotto is protected with three spells. You saw the extra thick foliage, which is a nature spell. There is also a aversion spell, which makes anyone who comes to close uncomfortable and sick. It makes them want to stay far away from here, which is a dark magic spell. And last, as added precaution, if someone tries to get in even with the other two spells, the foliage will actually attacks he intruder. Like a guard dog." Sam looked at Anemi "But we've never actually seen it happen."

Walking closer into the center of the grotto, Sam saw the hole in the bottom of the large tree, big enough for a dragon to fit through. Upon firther investigation, it was actually a door. She walked in, taking in her home for the millionth time. It was still so simple, but beautiful. Shelves were carved into the walls of the tree holding dozens of books. One wall was strictly for weapons. In the center was a fire pit, with a make shift stove. Sam pointed to a handmade ladder. "That goes all the way up to the top of the tree, it's sort of a lookout post."

Something dawned on Sam. "Hey!" She said turning to Jennifer "that's where I've seen you! You hunt, don't you?"

((Just stop me if I'm getting carried away!))

Pelagon stared at the two with a curious look. He found the spells intriguing and helpful. But he knew from the stories told that the Dark Spine Kingdom had its own mages, sorcerers, wizards, and priests.

Pelagon stared at the two with a curious look. He found the spells intriguing and helpful. But he knew from the stories told that the Dark Spine Kingdom had its own mages, sorcerers, wizards, and priests.
SpiritChaser followed Anemi's lead. As they traveled within the spell, they came across a few soldiers. SpiritChaser so badly wanted to attack them and release the dragons from their collars. Jennifer patted her shoulder and whispered softly, "Next time girl, we'll get em' next time."

With that they entered a forest. When they got through the barrier spells Sam explained them. They were quite interesting spells. It made both SpiritChaser and Jennifer look at each other in wonderment. How on earth did this dragon learn these spells?

As they walked further in they saw the inside of the tree. It was beautiful. "Wow, this is pretty amazing." said Jennifer. SpiritChaser nodded, there was so much space here!

Suddenly Sam seemed to remember something. "Yes, I hunt. Why?" She looked at Sam curiously. She'd never seen this girl before but Sam seems to have seen her.

SpiritChaser followed Anemi's lead. As they traveled within the spell, they came across a few soldiers. SpiritChaser so badly wanted to attack them and release the dragons from their collars. Jennifer patted her shoulder and whispered softly, "Next time girl, we'll get em' next time."

With that they entered a forest. When they got through the barrier spells Sam explained them. They were quite interesting spells. It made both SpiritChaser and Jennifer look at each other in wonderment. How on earth did this dragon learn these spells?

As they walked further in they saw the inside of the tree. It was beautiful. "Wow, this is pretty amazing." said Jennifer. SpiritChaser nodded, there was so much space here!

Suddenly Sam seemed to remember something. "Yes, I hunt. Why?" She looked at Sam curiously. She'd never seen this girl before but Sam seems to have seen her.

Sam gestured up the ladder. "Up there, in the crows nest, I can see almost the whole forest. I bet I've seen you before! And you too" she said to Spiritchaser.

Anemi nodded her head, jade feathers bouncing. Of course, she had known all along. Sam rolled her eyes and scratched her dragons head. She noticed the others interests in Anemis magic.

"Anemi and I have spent everyday of the last 14 years preparing. When Anemi found me, she told me she had foreseen a prophecy about the freedom of dragonkind. We've been training to help carry it out." Sam made a face like she had said too much.

"So anyways, Anemi is a magician, and I'm a weapons expert. Along with a few types of martial arts." Sam blushed. "We've robbed a few more libraries than were proud of" she gestured to the overflowing bookshelves.

"That reminds me!" Same turned to Jennifer. "I saw you with that bow. If there's any other weapons you'd like, I have more than enough. Anemi and I stole most of them from soldiers we've taken down as practice. And the armor, well, we have dragon and human armor. But there's really no need to get into that tonight. We should eat and get some rest."
Sam gestured up the ladder. "Up there, in the crows nest, I can see almost the whole forest. I bet I've seen you before! And you too" she said to Spiritchaser.

Anemi nodded her head, jade feathers bouncing. Of course, she had known all along. Sam rolled her eyes and scratched her dragons head. She noticed the others interests in Anemis magic.

"Anemi and I have spent everyday of the last 14 years preparing. When Anemi found me, she told me she had foreseen a prophecy about the freedom of dragonkind. We've been training to help carry it out." Sam made a face like she had said too much.

"So anyways, Anemi is a magician, and I'm a weapons expert. Along with a few types of martial arts." Sam blushed. "We've robbed a few more libraries than were proud of" she gestured to the overflowing bookshelves.

"That reminds me!" Same turned to Jennifer. "I saw you with that bow. If there's any other weapons you'd like, I have more than enough. Anemi and I stole most of them from soldiers we've taken down as practice. And the armor, well, we have dragon and human armor. But there's really no need to get into that tonight. We should eat and get some rest."