

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Adventures in Celumbra (Open to Anyone)
Jennifer took Sam's hand and pulled herself up. "Thanks." she said quickly, for she could hear sounds of war. She knew them all too well. Turning around, she looked toward the direction of the sounds. "Is that an attempt to break the barrier?" She readied a black metal arrow in the sleek bow that was crafted of the same metal.

SpiritChaser nodded at Anemi and positioned herself next to Saevio. "What kind of attacks do you specialize in?" She crouched as she heard sounds of soldiers. Scraping her claws in the dry earth she frowned; she was ready to kill if necessary.

Jennifer took Sam's hand and pulled herself up. "Thanks." she said quickly, for she could hear sounds of war. She knew them all too well. Turning around, she looked toward the direction of the sounds. "Is that an attempt to break the barrier?" She readied a black metal arrow in the sleek bow that was crafted of the same metal.

SpiritChaser nodded at Anemi and positioned herself next to Saevio. "What kind of attacks do you specialize in?" She crouched as she heard sounds of soldiers. Scraping her claws in the dry earth she frowned; she was ready to kill if necessary.

((Bumps! Come baaaack Raki wants to know what's gunna happen next! >8D ))

((Bumps! Come baaaack Raki wants to know what's gunna happen next! >8D ))

Sam took arrow next to Jennifer. Her and Anemi had a maneuver planned, and if nessecary, Sam would go down and fight hand to hand. Her sword quivered in its sheath. Sam almost had to focus to keep its magic power from igniting.

Anemi took to the air in on elegant leap up. She opened her wings and hovered there. She stretched her jade feather wings up above her head, and suddenly she surrounded every inch of her body in light blue fire.

"Everyone ready?" Sam shouted. "Anemi! Drop the shield!"

The enchantments surrounding the tree then fell.
Sam took arrow next to Jennifer. Her and Anemi had a maneuver planned, and if nessecary, Sam would go down and fight hand to hand. Her sword quivered in its sheath. Sam almost had to focus to keep its magic power from igniting.

Anemi took to the air in on elegant leap up. She opened her wings and hovered there. She stretched her jade feather wings up above her head, and suddenly she surrounded every inch of her body in light blue fire.

"Everyone ready?" Sam shouted. "Anemi! Drop the shield!"

The enchantments surrounding the tree then fell.
Saevio shrugged. "Ice attacks and basic attacks. I will show you."

David and Reigeel rushed forward. Both rider and dragon were ready to attack and they lunged at Spirit first. David slashed out with his sword while Reigeel slashed with his claws, cutting the air and snarling.

Several soldiers entered on their dragons and began to order their mounts to attack Anemi. A volley of fireballs and ice shards shot at Anemi.
Saevio shrugged. "Ice attacks and basic attacks. I will show you."

David and Reigeel rushed forward. Both rider and dragon were ready to attack and they lunged at Spirit first. David slashed out with his sword while Reigeel slashed with his claws, cutting the air and snarling.

Several soldiers entered on their dragons and began to order their mounts to attack Anemi. A volley of fireballs and ice shards shot at Anemi.
The mages chanting stopped and the sound of breaking glass erupted all around them. The barrier had fallen and there was nothing stopping them now. They began to march forward, bearing arms and shields when a light blue fizzle of flame twirled above them in the sky. The night was dark and the bright colors were displayed brilliantly against the night. The soldiers stood their ground. This group was more practiced than most. The Captain would have been a fool to send regular trainees off to track Dragons. He was not as much a fool as they thought.

The mage was the first to strike. He chanted a wild sentence, orange light surrounding one of the others bow and arrow. The first turned to arrowsman and yelled for him to FIRE. A soft whistle shot off, followed by another and another. The little flares of orange trying to strike at the blue whirl. One cut through the mist and others passed by harmlessly. While these two kept the heat on the dragon, two others moved forward towards the base of the tree, searching for an entrance in.

( Sorry, I get carried away. xD Just keep me reminded! ))

@Onyxgallant @GiftofArtemis @Raksha18
The mages chanting stopped and the sound of breaking glass erupted all around them. The barrier had fallen and there was nothing stopping them now. They began to march forward, bearing arms and shields when a light blue fizzle of flame twirled above them in the sky. The night was dark and the bright colors were displayed brilliantly against the night. The soldiers stood their ground. This group was more practiced than most. The Captain would have been a fool to send regular trainees off to track Dragons. He was not as much a fool as they thought.

The mage was the first to strike. He chanted a wild sentence, orange light surrounding one of the others bow and arrow. The first turned to arrowsman and yelled for him to FIRE. A soft whistle shot off, followed by another and another. The little flares of orange trying to strike at the blue whirl. One cut through the mist and others passed by harmlessly. While these two kept the heat on the dragon, two others moved forward towards the base of the tree, searching for an entrance in.

( Sorry, I get carried away. xD Just keep me reminded! ))

@Onyxgallant @GiftofArtemis @Raksha18
[ B][T] Male Maize/Gold/X
All attacks towards Anemi fizzled to a halt. Nothing could penetrate her malice flames. She flew down lower, behind her comrades in arms, and fired shots at enemies that got too close. She aimed a carful attack towards the pair attacking Spirit first.

Anemi, with her left hand, summoned thick vines from the ground that began to wrap around the feet of David and his dragon.

Her right hand kept her shield up, which extended around Spirit as well.

Sam shot arrows, and missed repeatedly. She was a lousy shot. "Sorry Jennifer, but I've got to get down there." She left her bow and quiver. "Here's extras if you need them. Enchanted too!"

Sam hurried carefully down the ladder, and unsheathed her sword. She concentrated, and it grew, long and sharp, with a pointed tip like a spear. A Calvary sword. She ran and leaped on the back of Pelagon.

"We're gonna make sure they don't find any way into our tree!"
All attacks towards Anemi fizzled to a halt. Nothing could penetrate her malice flames. She flew down lower, behind her comrades in arms, and fired shots at enemies that got too close. She aimed a carful attack towards the pair attacking Spirit first.

Anemi, with her left hand, summoned thick vines from the ground that began to wrap around the feet of David and his dragon.

Her right hand kept her shield up, which extended around Spirit as well.

Sam shot arrows, and missed repeatedly. She was a lousy shot. "Sorry Jennifer, but I've got to get down there." She left her bow and quiver. "Here's extras if you need them. Enchanted too!"

Sam hurried carefully down the ladder, and unsheathed her sword. She concentrated, and it grew, long and sharp, with a pointed tip like a spear. A Calvary sword. She ran and leaped on the back of Pelagon.

"We're gonna make sure they don't find any way into our tree!"
Jennifer was taking aim and firing quickly. She saw one arrow find the weak groove of an unlucky soldier's armor. However she had no time to watch if he'd survived, she turned her bow and attacked again. When the time came that Sam had to go she said, "It's no problem! Go get em! I'll cover you." she guarded Sam and Pelagon with her rain of arrows. She loved this bow.

SpiritChaser roared and attacked the dragon and it's rider, David, savagely. She took a few scrapes from David's dragon. Lunging for the dragon she caught it's side. Heaving with all her strength Spirit tried to down the dragon and throw David off his mount. Roaring angrily she ducked around his dragon's side and snapped at Davids face. That's when Anemi came to her aid. SpiritChaser felt the shield wrap around her; grinning savagely, she continued her savage attack on David and his dragon.

@common5 ((Haha, no worries! I will. C:))
Jennifer was taking aim and firing quickly. She saw one arrow find the weak groove of an unlucky soldier's armor. However she had no time to watch if he'd survived, she turned her bow and attacked again. When the time came that Sam had to go she said, "It's no problem! Go get em! I'll cover you." she guarded Sam and Pelagon with her rain of arrows. She loved this bow.

SpiritChaser roared and attacked the dragon and it's rider, David, savagely. She took a few scrapes from David's dragon. Lunging for the dragon she caught it's side. Heaving with all her strength Spirit tried to down the dragon and throw David off his mount. Roaring angrily she ducked around his dragon's side and snapped at Davids face. That's when Anemi came to her aid. SpiritChaser felt the shield wrap around her; grinning savagely, she continued her savage attack on David and his dragon.

@common5 ((Haha, no worries! I will. C:))
@GiftOfArtemis, @Raksha18, @common5

David slashed through the vines as best he could. He took the slashes as he focused on freeing them. Reigeel blasted at Spirit with a volley of fireballs. He roared in anger more than the pain as he was struck by their attacks. But Reigeel used his wings to soften the blows before blasting two shots at Anemi and slashing out with his talons at Spirit:

Pelagon bolted forward like a cannonball. He propelled Sam forward and slashed at the first dragon and rider, then executed head butt. The dragon staggered but struck back with a paw swipe.

Three dragons and their riders bolted towards Saevio. They readied their attacks, marking the former slave as an easy target, but he only grinned at them.
@GiftOfArtemis, @Raksha18, @common5

David slashed through the vines as best he could. He took the slashes as he focused on freeing them. Reigeel blasted at Spirit with a volley of fireballs. He roared in anger more than the pain as he was struck by their attacks. But Reigeel used his wings to soften the blows before blasting two shots at Anemi and slashing out with his talons at Spirit:

Pelagon bolted forward like a cannonball. He propelled Sam forward and slashed at the first dragon and rider, then executed head butt. The dragon staggered but struck back with a paw swipe.

Three dragons and their riders bolted towards Saevio. They readied their attacks, marking the former slave as an easy target, but he only grinned at them.