

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Adventures in Celumbra (Open to Anyone)
Knol hovered, turning her gaze on Akuma. Her voice was flat and cold, and stated a hard fact, "Keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer." It was a large sacrifice on her part to put herself in a dangerous position but there was no other way. Her heart ached for all the drakes that were imprisoned by the selfishness of one man. She snorted hearing a roar from the camp where Alex remained. Her time grew short and needed to move on.

Alex stumbled back, hitting the ground and taking in the drakes soft words. He smiled and saluted the drake from his ground position, playing back at his theatrics to avoid suspicion, "There will be no 'try'!" He staggered back to his feet as the guard captain ran over to his aid, sword in hand. The captain checked over Alex and spit at the ground, disgusted by the drake. "Those beasts think they own the world." Alex shrugged and went to turn away to arrange new travel means. While Knol didn't mind it, he preferred to ride by horse than on her back if he didn't need too. Not to mention If he required to enter a town he didn't want to draw suspicion of his 'speedy' traveling means.
Knol hovered, turning her gaze on Akuma. Her voice was flat and cold, and stated a hard fact, "Keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer." It was a large sacrifice on her part to put herself in a dangerous position but there was no other way. Her heart ached for all the drakes that were imprisoned by the selfishness of one man. She snorted hearing a roar from the camp where Alex remained. Her time grew short and needed to move on.

Alex stumbled back, hitting the ground and taking in the drakes soft words. He smiled and saluted the drake from his ground position, playing back at his theatrics to avoid suspicion, "There will be no 'try'!" He staggered back to his feet as the guard captain ran over to his aid, sword in hand. The captain checked over Alex and spit at the ground, disgusted by the drake. "Those beasts think they own the world." Alex shrugged and went to turn away to arrange new travel means. While Knol didn't mind it, he preferred to ride by horse than on her back if he didn't need too. Not to mention If he required to enter a town he didn't want to draw suspicion of his 'speedy' traveling means.
[ B][T] Male Maize/Gold/X
Name: Luca Age: 21 Gender: Male Element: Lightning Physical Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Kind, honest, and loyal Other: @common5 Luca looked at Knol softly and with worry. The dragon wore a parasite collar as he stood with his rider and the other Dark Spine soldiers. He wanted to intervene and come to her aid, but it wasn't his place.
Name: Luca
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Element: Lightning
Physical Appearance: 486924_350.png
Personality: Kind, honest, and loyal


Luca looked at Knol softly and with worry. The dragon wore a parasite collar as he stood with his rider and the other Dark Spine soldiers. He wanted to intervene and come to her aid, but it wasn't his place.
Jennifer followed Sam into the tree. When Sam had picked her weapon Jennifer stated, "Lead the way."

She nodded at Saervio. Clearly taken by surprise at Pelagon's purr, SpiritChaser smiled cheekily, "Oh stop it. You'll make it hard for me to focus on fighting if you aren't careful." She winked playfully but shied slightly. She didn't quite know how to act around males. Pelagon was the first male dragon she'd ever met.

Akuma let a sinister looking smile cross his muzzle. She'd answered the way he wanted her too. "In that case, you wouldn't mind a Spiral tagging along would you?" He flapped his wings a little to stay airborne. "After all, you believe me to be an enemy." His blood red eyes glinted in the low light as he said this. "What do you choose?"

SkullCrusher landed in the trees a distance away. He'd seen the human's salute and couldn't help but remember his younger years when he was at the top of the human army. He had been so brutally tricked into serving them. Shaking the memories away he looked to the task at hand. When he'd had a clan to belong to peace offerings were supposed to be worn. The peace offering would not be removed until the task was completed. He observed the small, carved egg and noticed a small hole that went through it. Good, this makes my task easier.. he thought to himself. SkullCrusher took so string he had found earlier and threaded it through the small hole. He then took the newly fashioned necklace and put it around his neck. Now all he had to do was wait for the call.

Jennifer followed Sam into the tree. When Sam had picked her weapon Jennifer stated, "Lead the way."

She nodded at Saervio. Clearly taken by surprise at Pelagon's purr, SpiritChaser smiled cheekily, "Oh stop it. You'll make it hard for me to focus on fighting if you aren't careful." She winked playfully but shied slightly. She didn't quite know how to act around males. Pelagon was the first male dragon she'd ever met.

Akuma let a sinister looking smile cross his muzzle. She'd answered the way he wanted her too. "In that case, you wouldn't mind a Spiral tagging along would you?" He flapped his wings a little to stay airborne. "After all, you believe me to be an enemy." His blood red eyes glinted in the low light as he said this. "What do you choose?"

SkullCrusher landed in the trees a distance away. He'd seen the human's salute and couldn't help but remember his younger years when he was at the top of the human army. He had been so brutally tricked into serving them. Shaking the memories away he looked to the task at hand. When he'd had a clan to belong to peace offerings were supposed to be worn. The peace offering would not be removed until the task was completed. He observed the small, carved egg and noticed a small hole that went through it. Good, this makes my task easier.. he thought to himself. SkullCrusher took so string he had found earlier and threaded it through the small hole. He then took the newly fashioned necklace and put it around his neck. Now all he had to do was wait for the call.


Pelagon smiled at her. "I can't help it. You are just pretty and kind to me."

Pelagon smiled at her. "I can't help it. You are just pretty and kind to me."
Anemi made a choking noise behind Pelagon.

Sam gave a look to Anemi before speaking. "Eveyone just say focus. If anyone on the ground sees something, give word to Anemi, and she will give word to me."

Sam turned and headed for the ladder, motioning for Jennifer to follow. "You can borrow any of my bows and as many arrows as you need" Sam pointed. "Join me up here if you find one you like!" sh called, as she began climbing.

Enya was walking out of the castle, invisible and unbeknownst to the guards when she spotted a short, aged man with thickly callosed hands. His eyes were milky, but his voice made him seem much younger. "I'm here to see the king! Just go tell him that Alexander is here! It's urgent!"

"Sir, we've told you," answered a random guard. He dropped his voice low. "He's with a lady!"

Apolodor snickered. Enya elbowed him. Remaining invisible, she walked up to the old man and ran her hand along his shoulders.

"The king has requested I deliver this letter to you." she purred, quietly into his ear.

The old man looked around, shaking his head side to side. Enya tucked the letter into his shirt, and walked out of the castle, quiet as the dead.
Anemi made a choking noise behind Pelagon.

Sam gave a look to Anemi before speaking. "Eveyone just say focus. If anyone on the ground sees something, give word to Anemi, and she will give word to me."

Sam turned and headed for the ladder, motioning for Jennifer to follow. "You can borrow any of my bows and as many arrows as you need" Sam pointed. "Join me up here if you find one you like!" sh called, as she began climbing.

Enya was walking out of the castle, invisible and unbeknownst to the guards when she spotted a short, aged man with thickly callosed hands. His eyes were milky, but his voice made him seem much younger. "I'm here to see the king! Just go tell him that Alexander is here! It's urgent!"

"Sir, we've told you," answered a random guard. He dropped his voice low. "He's with a lady!"

Apolodor snickered. Enya elbowed him. Remaining invisible, she walked up to the old man and ran her hand along his shoulders.

"The king has requested I deliver this letter to you." she purred, quietly into his ear.

The old man looked around, shaking his head side to side. Enya tucked the letter into his shirt, and walked out of the castle, quiet as the dead.
Knol hovered, nodding in agreement. The spiral could tag along with her. He was strange and a little bit off the wall but Knol would appreciate another dragons company. She didn't know how Alex would feel about it but it was another step towards their success. "Lets get moving."

(( Inserting kings reply. Long post ahead. BEEPBEEP ))
Knol hovered, nodding in agreement. The spiral could tag along with her. He was strange and a little bit off the wall but Knol would appreciate another dragons company. She didn't know how Alex would feel about it but it was another step towards their success. "Lets get moving."

(( Inserting kings reply. Long post ahead. BEEPBEEP ))
[ B][T] Male Maize/Gold/X
Jennifer looked at SpiritChaser and snickered. When Sam left she nodded to her dragon and followed Sam. She still had the beautiful black bow and arrows that she'd found earlier. "Coming!" she called as she ran to catch up with Sam. She climbed the latter quickly.

SpiritChaser gave a playful hiss toward's Jennifer and smiled. When she and Sam had left Spirit turned back to Pelagon. "You're too kind," she said softly. "Anemi, what's the plan?"

Akuma smiled his crooked smile and nodded. "Lead the way.." he said quietly.

Jennifer looked at SpiritChaser and snickered. When Sam left she nodded to her dragon and followed Sam. She still had the beautiful black bow and arrows that she'd found earlier. "Coming!" she called as she ran to catch up with Sam. She climbed the latter quickly.

SpiritChaser gave a playful hiss toward's Jennifer and smiled. When she and Sam had left Spirit turned back to Pelagon. "You're too kind," she said softly. "Anemi, what's the plan?"

Akuma smiled his crooked smile and nodded. "Lead the way.." he said quietly.

"I'll take post in the air. I'm rubbish on the ground. Ill attack with magic from the air. Pelagon is huge and with that fire breathing, he should be on defense. Spirit, you're fast, so you are on offense. You" she looked at Saevio "offense with Spirit."

Sam offered a hand to Jennifer who was coming up the last few rungs of the ladder.
"I'll take post in the air. I'm rubbish on the ground. Ill attack with magic from the air. Pelagon is huge and with that fire breathing, he should be on defense. Spirit, you're fast, so you are on offense. You" she looked at Saevio "offense with Spirit."

Sam offered a hand to Jennifer who was coming up the last few rungs of the ladder.
"Fine...offense it is." Saevio sighed, looking to Spirit.

Pelagon growled at Saevio and smiled at Spirit. He then went to take his position near the barrier.

@GiftOfArtemis, @Raksha18, @common5
"Fine...offense it is." Saevio sighed, looking to Spirit.

Pelagon growled at Saevio and smiled at Spirit. He then went to take his position near the barrier.

@GiftOfArtemis, @Raksha18, @common5
Down at the base of the tree's barrier stood the army of men once they caught up to the rider and his drake. They stopped behind the man, observing him as he scouted the area that seemed to stop his advance. The captain of the group stood firm, the whole regiment readying their weapons. They could feel the air of battle sting at them. One struck at the invisible barrier with his sword. The sound reverberated through the forest like tinkling glass. It was strong. Another solider stepped forward, a spell weaver. He placed a hand upon the barrier and began to chant, bringing a pointed hand to his hip. His tounge weaved wild sentences and poured magics. He was trying to break the barrier, but it was a strong one. He would need a little more time or more pressure on the wall to weaken the force that held it. The others took note and began beating their shields and sword handles against it. The sounds chimed through the air as their violent attacks started to wear it down.

Belfor watched as the old man entered the throne room. He quickly made his way over, not wasting another precious moment on waiting for him. He took the mans arm abruptly, shoving him against the door. "I have waited long enough old man. You have tested my patients and it is gone. WHERE IS THE NEW COLLARS." his voiced boomed in the empty corners of the room.

The old man winced as his voice pierced his inner eardrums, but he remained calm throughout the rough attack. He cleared his throat, rummaging around in a deep pocket. His hand slid back out grasping a black coated ring. A new collar. The plague gems decorated the entire surface. It shimmered magnificently, hiding the true nature of its purpose. The king smiled, taking the collar from the man. It was beautiful. "Does it work?" his gaze shifted back on the man. The elder gentleman nodded.

"Try it on your drake sir. I made it large enough to fit his neck. If it controls him, it should work well on the rest of the drakes we encounter" he bowed and pulled away from his grasp. The king had a mad grin on his face. One that could burn down a city with its passion. It was as if he found his missing piece. There was something more he wanted out of this whole war. Something more he expected the dragons to obtain rather than gain more of them.

Belfore turned and stormed out of the room, heading to his dragons chamber. Yes, chamber. He had a special wing of the castle made for this drake. Snapping his fingers towards his gaurds, they took action and made sure to drag along the elder man. He peeked over his shoulder with a sinister smirk, "Incase it doesn't work... I would like to bring a snack along incase he gets cranky." his words streamed off into wicked laughter as the old mans face turned pale. They would soon see if the collar works and than there was much planning ahead for the months festivities.
Down at the base of the tree's barrier stood the army of men once they caught up to the rider and his drake. They stopped behind the man, observing him as he scouted the area that seemed to stop his advance. The captain of the group stood firm, the whole regiment readying their weapons. They could feel the air of battle sting at them. One struck at the invisible barrier with his sword. The sound reverberated through the forest like tinkling glass. It was strong. Another solider stepped forward, a spell weaver. He placed a hand upon the barrier and began to chant, bringing a pointed hand to his hip. His tounge weaved wild sentences and poured magics. He was trying to break the barrier, but it was a strong one. He would need a little more time or more pressure on the wall to weaken the force that held it. The others took note and began beating their shields and sword handles against it. The sounds chimed through the air as their violent attacks started to wear it down.

Belfor watched as the old man entered the throne room. He quickly made his way over, not wasting another precious moment on waiting for him. He took the mans arm abruptly, shoving him against the door. "I have waited long enough old man. You have tested my patients and it is gone. WHERE IS THE NEW COLLARS." his voiced boomed in the empty corners of the room.

The old man winced as his voice pierced his inner eardrums, but he remained calm throughout the rough attack. He cleared his throat, rummaging around in a deep pocket. His hand slid back out grasping a black coated ring. A new collar. The plague gems decorated the entire surface. It shimmered magnificently, hiding the true nature of its purpose. The king smiled, taking the collar from the man. It was beautiful. "Does it work?" his gaze shifted back on the man. The elder gentleman nodded.

"Try it on your drake sir. I made it large enough to fit his neck. If it controls him, it should work well on the rest of the drakes we encounter" he bowed and pulled away from his grasp. The king had a mad grin on his face. One that could burn down a city with its passion. It was as if he found his missing piece. There was something more he wanted out of this whole war. Something more he expected the dragons to obtain rather than gain more of them.

Belfore turned and stormed out of the room, heading to his dragons chamber. Yes, chamber. He had a special wing of the castle made for this drake. Snapping his fingers towards his gaurds, they took action and made sure to drag along the elder man. He peeked over his shoulder with a sinister smirk, "Incase it doesn't work... I would like to bring a snack along incase he gets cranky." his words streamed off into wicked laughter as the old mans face turned pale. They would soon see if the collar works and than there was much planning ahead for the months festivities.
[ B][T] Male Maize/Gold/X